MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TEST: Encuentro de movilidad al CEPA Río Tajo abril 2015
La inteligencia emocional mejora las posibilidades de éxito académico y profesional
Madrid Castilla-La Mancha Islas Baleares
Date: ___________
How does our intelligence work?
1 Agrupación de Centros nº MAA14/00090 Programa PROMECE del INTEF- MECD
HAN COLABORADO EN SU REDACCIÓN: - Elvira Carballido López - Remedios Roldán Lozano - Mª Cruz Crespo Martínez - Elena Calafat Polo
ESPABILA-T (coordinadores del proyecto -2015) CEPA Joan Mir i Mir: Elena Calafat Polo CEPA Río Tajo: Mª Cruz Crespo Martínez CEPA Villaverde: Mª Luisa Sánchez Almagro
Folleto nº 1-b -inglés
2 Agrupación de Centros nº MAA14/00090 Programa PROMECE del INTEF- MECD
Our intelligence or ability to understand the world around us is complex. Some people are better at understanding some things than others. On the other hand, for some of us it is relatively easy to understand how a flower grows but it is immensely difficult for us to understand and use a musical instrument. For others music might be easy but playing football is difficult. To sum up, instead of having one intelligence it is claimed that we have several different intelligences.
3 Agrupaci贸n de Centros n潞 MAA14/00090 Programa PROMECE del INTEF- MECD
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TEST: WHAT TYPE OF INTELLIGENCE ARE YOU? Read each statement. Write True (T) or False (F). If the sentence is sometimes True and sometimes False leave it blank.
_____ I prefer to draw a map than giving directions. 2. _____ I can play (or used to play) a musical instrument. 3. _____ I can associate music with my feelings. 4. _____ I can make calculations in my head. 5. _____ I like to work with calculators and computers. 6. _____ I am very good at dancing. 7. _____ I like to discuss things. 8. _____ I enjoy listening to people. 9. _____ I always know where I am. 10. _____ I can´t live without music. 11. _____ I always understand instructions of use. 12. _____ I like puzzles and play games. 13. _____ It is easy to ride a bike (or skates). 14. _____ I hate illogical things. 15. _____ My sense of balance and coordination is good. 16. _____ I see the relationships between numbers very fast. 17. _____ I enjoy building models (or sculpting). 18. _____ I'm good at understanding the meaning of words. I don´t have to ask my teacher. 19. _____ I can look at an object one way and see it sideways or backwards just as easily. 20. _____ I often connect songs with my life. 21. _____ I like to work with numbers and figures. 22. _____ I love looking at shapes of buildings and structures. 23. _____ I like to sing in the shower. 24. _____ I'm good at athletics. 25. _____ I'd like to study languages. 26. _____ I know the expressions on my face: happy, sad, etc. 27. _____ I understand the expressions of other people's faces. 28. _____ I know my feelings at any time. 29. _____ I think I understand y friend’s feelings. 30 _______I know what others think of me. 1.
A Linguistic 7 ___ 8 ___ 14___ 18 ___ 25 ___ Totals
B LogicalMathematical 4 ___ 5 ___ 12 ___ 16 ___ 21 ___
C Musical 2 ___ 3 ___ 10 ___ 20 ___ 23 ___
D Visual Spatial 1 ___ 9 ___ 11___ 19___ 22___
E BodilyKinesthetic 6 ___ 13 ___ 15 ___ 17 ___ 24 ___
F Intrapersonal 26 ___ 28 ___
G Interpersonal 27 ___ 29 ___ 30 ___
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ There are different abilities that are supposed to hold the different criteria involved in multiple intelligences people use to have.
4 Agrupación de Centros nº MAA14/00090 Programa PROMECE del INTEF- MECD
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TEST: As you can see in the chart below, these are the areas which are involved in each behavior. They are usually considered as part of our intelligences. My multiple intelligence strength is (are) in the area(s) of: ____________________________
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND PEOPLE People who are strongly: Linguistic
Need… in words
reading, writing, telling stories, playing word games, etc.
Books, dictionaries, tapes, writing tools paper diaries, dialogues, discussion, debate stories. Make your own notes!
by reasoning
experimenting, questioning, guessing puzzles, calculating, etc.
Summarize and number the points you have to study. Use diagrams and arrows.
in images and pictures
designing, drawing, visualizing, etc.
Videos, youtube, movies, mazes, puzzles, pictures and photographs. Study using colors and drawings!
Through sensations
dancing, running, jumping, building, touching, gesturing, etc.
Acting dialogues, physical games and activities, Learn from your experience in class!
rhythms and melodies
singing, whistling, clapping and tapping feet and hands, listening, etc..
Songs, study with music! Listen to music in English!
Talking to others
leading, organizing, relating, manipulating, mediating, partying, etc.
Team work, helping others. Study with friends!
planning, meditating, dreaming, being quiet,
Individual activities, Silence Study at home or in the library!
Material adaptado a la programación y nivel de los alumnos a partir de un test de la página, por María de los Remedios Roldán Lozano y Elvira Carballido López (CEPA Villaverde) Puedes contestar por internet el cuestionario de inteligencias múltiple que te dará el resultado en función de la edad.
While in class, It has to be considered that among the strategies we can carry out, there are different techniques that can be very helpful. At the same time some everyday materials can be used to help us to realize which of the branches of intelligence are supporting our findings. - The following chart can illustrate the daily teaching techniques. All of them are examples of the class work we do in class at any time and all around the different subjects. - They are all gather around according the previous classification.
5 Agrupación de Centros nº MAA14/00090 Programa PROMECE del INTEF- MECD
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: STRATEGIES IN THE CLASSROOM The following list provides a survey of the techniques and materials that can be employed in teaching through the multiple intelligences. Linguistic Intelligence lectures, debates brainstorming large- and small-group discussions books, worksheets, manuals writing activities word games sharing time journal keeping storytelling, speeches, reading to class talking books and cassettes extemporaneous speaking choral reading individualized reading memorizing linguistic facts using word processors tape recording one's words publishing (e.g., creating class newspapers) Musical Intelligence musical concepts playing recorded music singing, humming, whistling playing live music on piano, guitar, or other instruments group singing music appreciation mood music playing percussion instruments rhythms, songs, raps, chants using background music linking old tunes with concepts discographies music software creating new melodies for concepts listening to inner musical imagery supermemory music Interpersonal Intelligence cooperative groups conflict mediation interpersonal interaction peer teaching board games cross-age tutoring group brainstorming sessions peer sharing community involvement apprenticeships simulations academic clubs interactive software people sculpting parties / social gatherings as context for learning
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence mathematical problems on the board Socratic questioning scientific demonstrations logical problem-solving exercises creating codes Heuristic logic puzzles and games classifications and categorizations quantifications and calculations computer programming languages science thinking logical-sequential presentation of subject matter Piagetian cognitive stretching exercises Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence creative movement, mime hands-on thinking field trips the classroom teacher crafts competitive and cooperative games physical awareness and relaxation exercises all hands-on activities body maps use of kinesthetic imagery manipulatives cooking, gardening, and other "messy" activities virtual reality software kinesthetic concepts physical education activities body answers communicating with body language/ hand signals tactile materials and experiences
Spatial Intelligence charts, graphs, diagrams, and maps visualization 3-D construction kits photography art appreciation videos, slides, and movies idea sketching visual puzzles and mazes picture metaphors imaginative storytelling graphic symbols creative daydreaming optical illusions painting, collage, visual arts visual thinking exercises color cues using mind-maps and other visual organizers computer graphics software/ * picture literacy experiences / *visual awareness activities telescopes, microscopes, and binoculars visual awareness activities draw-and-paint/computer- assisted-design software
Naturalistic - Nature Smart You may be nature smart. You will like the world of plants and animals and enjoy learning about them. This is sometimes called being Naturalistic smart. Extraído de
Intrapersonal Intelligence independent study feeling-toned moments self-paced instruction interest centers individualized projects and games private spaces for study choice time one-minute reflection periods personal connections options for homework self-esteem activities self-teaching programmed instruction exposure to inspirational/ motivational curricula journal keeping goal setting sessions
Armstrong, Thomas.Inteligencias Múltiples en el aula,Alexandria, Virginia, Asociación para el Desarrollo de Supervisión y Currículo (1994). [excepto inteligencia naturalista]
Ilustrador: Gustavo Otero
6 Agrupación de Centros nº MAA14/00090 Programa PROMECE del INTEF- MECD