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He’s alright now!
HOSPITAL TRIPS by Janet Spencer
67% of the sickness treated are preventable. According to the National Institute of Medicine, 50% of the deaths today from the 10 leading causes of death can be traced to lifestyle. Come along with Tidbits as we visit the hospital. Antics & Anecdotes • On Nov. 9, 1965, a backup relay on one of the five main transmission lines failed at a station near Toronto. The electrical load shifted to the other four lines, which then became overloaded and shut down. Within minutes, power plants in Canada, New York, and most of New England were out of service, putting 30 million people in the dark. In some areas, power was not restored for more than 12 hours. Nine months later, hospitals in the area noted a distinct increase in the number of babies born. • Janos Pek of Hungary had been confined to a hospital bed for 11 years after an accident left him paralyzed and mute. In 1975, he was listening to the opening game of the soccer season on the radio. When the announcer described the tripping of a player of Pek’s favorite team, Pek shouted, “Penalty!” It was the first word he had spoken in over a decade. Though he remained paralyzed, he spoke normally afterwards. Incidentally, Pek’s team won the game. turn the page for more!
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• Owen Rutherford was an attendant at the Lincoln Park Zoo. One day he drove to the airport to pick up some snakes being shipped in. It seemed to him that the deadly black mamba snake was dead. So he poked it with his finger. The snake was not dead. Rutherford recovered in a nearby hospital. • Abie Goldberry was goalie on a Canadian junior ice hockey team in 1930. In the back pocket of his hockey shorts he kept a book of matches and a plastic comb. When a puck from a hard shot struck his back pocket, the friction caused the matches to ignite, melting the comb and setting his pants on fire. He was rushed to the hospital, and his team lost 2 - 0. • A 1961 game between the San Francisco Giants and the Philadelphia Phillies did not go well for the Giants, who lost 1-0. The Giant’s manager, Alvin Dark, was so angry at the team’s poor performance that he stormed into the clubhouse, grabbed a metal stool, and threw it across the room. Unfortunately, his pinky finger got caught on a rough edge of the metal and the tip of it tore off. He was rushed to the hospital and stitched up, minus the missing tip. His players felt bad, so to make their peace with him they found the tip of his finger, pickled it in alcohol, and presented the jar to him as a gift. • George Watts of England liked being in the hospital. He liked the free room and board, and he especially liked being cared for by sympathetic nurses. So he made a habit of swallowing coins, then admitting himself to various hospitals across the country. He would complain of chest pains, doctors would remove the coins, nurses would care for him, and the government would pick up the tab. When the government figured out his scheme, he was sentenced to a year in jail for obtaining hospital care by deception. How many graduate students does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but it may take him/her more than five years to do it.
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STRANGE BUT TRUE by Samantha Weaver ● In 1977, Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Company, made the following regrettable statement: “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” ● Gross fact of the day: Half of the bacteria in the human mouth haven’t even been identified yet by science. ● The drug Ivermectin is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic, used mainly to treat infestations of worms. The people who have been helped by this medication might be surprised to learn that the drug was developed through research spurred by a fungus found growing on the golf shoe of a botanist. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
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WEIRD REASONS FOR HOSPITAL TRIPS • Donald Wright was installing a door in Toronto when he fell off the ladder, knocking himself out. When he came to, he found that he had fallen on his electric drill— which was on at the time. The drill was imbedded three inches deep in his skull. He pulled on it but it wouldn’t come out. So he restarted it, reversed the direction, and pulled it out. At the hospital they removed a bone fragment from his brain. Afterwards he was fine. • Police officer Timothy Day of Indianapolis made a trip to the hospital after picking up a bag of cocaine to seize it as evidence, and a gust of wind blew the contents into his face. MALPRACTICE
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• In 1984 a 305-pound man in Virginia underwent a stomach-stapling operation to lose weight. He was still in the hospital two days later when he spied a refrigerator. He ate so much he popped the staples and required emergency surgery. He later tried to sue the hospital, saying they were negligent in allowing him near the fridge.
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Post 721
• A psychic suffering from persistent headaches had a CT-scan. The dye they used, she said, made her feel like her head was going to explode. Afterwards she found her psychic powers had evaporated. She sued the hospital. Although the jury awarded her nearly $1 million, the judge threw out the verdict.
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• In 1970 in Indiana the parents of 15-monthold Rodney Brown were informed the child suffered from cystic fibrosis and would not live past his mid-teens. For the next decade, Rodney was subjected to all manner of medical procedures. In 1975 Rodney was chosen as Indiana’s cystic fibrosis poster child, and in 1976 he became the national poster child. He even met Pres. Ford. In 1980 the family moved to Maryland and took Rodney to see a new doctor. The new doctor found that Rodney did not have cystic fibrosis after all. He merely suffered from asthma.
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• Nathaniel Lee was an author who suffered from bouts of insanity and was confined to Bedlam Hospital. A friend once visited him there. Lee showed him around, giving him a tour of the hospital. His conversation was so rational that the friend hoped that Lee might have recovered his sanity. His hopes were dashed, however, when they reached the roof of the building. “Let us achieve immortality by leaping down off this roof!” exclaimed Lee. Coolly, the friend replied, “Any man can leap DOWN off a building and there is no immortality in that. True immortality would be achieved by going to the pavement below and leaping UP!” Lee rushed quickly down the stairs to see if he could indeed achieve immortality this way.
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• Catherine Yasinchuk came to the U.S. before World War I at the age of 15. She spoke only her native Ukrainian. She married, had a child— and was devastated when they both died. She wandered the streets weeping. The police found her, but she only babbled incoherently. The police sent her to a mental hospital. She was 23 at the time. She lived there for the next 48 years, where everyone assumed she was insane because she was unable to communicate. In 1968 a new director reviewed her case. An employee who spoke Ukrainian discovered she could communicate after all. She was released from the institute and went to live with the daughter of the woman in the personnel department. She died in 1983, having spent half her life in an institute because she spoke a different language. THE FINAL FACT At the prison in McAlester, Oklahoma, death row inmate Robert Brecheen overdosed the day before he was to be executed. He was rushed to the hospital where his stomach was pumped. Then he was taken back to the prison and promptly executed.
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I see you're late for work.
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Tools 4 life By DR. Jim coyle Get Rid of the Rooster Every morning of his young life, Booker T Washington and his fellow slaves were awakened by the unwelcomed noise of a rooster. Long before the sun rose the loud crow would fill the shanties reminding the slaves to crawl out of bed and leave for the cotton fields. That rooster’s crow came to symbolize a life of long backbreaking days of labor. When Abraham Lincoln pronounced freedom with the Emancipation Proclamation, Booker was awakened again for the last time by a hysterical cry. This time Bookers mom was chasing the rooster with an ax. That day the Washington family fried and ate their haunting alarm clock for lunch. Their first act of freedom was to end the reminder that held them hostage. Are any “roosters” holding you hostage? You might need to sharpen the blade. In the words of Paul, “forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Philippians 3:13
Women in History
• Dorothea Dix was born in Maine in 1802 and moved to Boston as a child. As a young woman, she opened a school for girls and found that she loved teaching. • Her appetite for knowledge was insatiable. She attended lectures and read widely. She studied literature, history and the natural sciences with a special emphasis on botany and astronomy. She had an aptitude for writing and produced a number of successful books. • In 1841 she began teaching Sunday school at a women’s prison in Massachusetts, where she was horrified by the appalling treatment the prisoners were subjected to – especially the inmates who suffered from mental illnesses. It upset her that the mentally ill were housed alongside felons, which she felt was unfair. The prison had no heat and she immediately went to court in order to secure heat for the prison. This kicked off a life-long devotion to social reform. • Following this experience, she set about to conduct a statewide examination of how the state of Massachusetts cared for poor people who were also insane. Most towns simply hired local individuals to care for people with mental disorders. Because the system was unregulated and underfunded, there was widespread abuse. Dorothea presented a scathing report to the state legislature, pointing to numerous instances where people had been chained, beaten, and starved. As a result of her lobbying, the mental hospital in Worcester, MA was expanded. • Next Dorothea traveled to other states, working tirelessly to instigate social reform for the mentally ill. She documented conditions, published papers, met with politicians, and worked with committees to draft new laws. • Illinois opened their first mental asylum as a direct result of her efforts. The institute that was built in Raleigh, North Carolina was named in her honor. Pennsylvania followed suit shortly afterwards and opened an asylum in Harrisburg. • In 1854 she guided the Bill for the Benefit of the Indigent Insane through the United States Congress, which provided funds to build more asylums across the country. Although it was passed with broad support from both houses of Congress, the bill was vetoed by President Franklin Pierce, who felt that the federal government should not be involved in social welfare, which was the responsibility of the states. • Angry over the rejection of the bill, Dorothea traveled to Scotland and then to Nova Scotia where she continued her work. She mercilessly exposed the enormous disparity between public and private hospitals. After visiting with Pope Pius IX, he was moved to order the construction of a new hospital for the mentally ill. • Dix returned to the United States in 1856. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, she volunteered her services and was named superintendent of nurses. She was responsible for setting up field hospitals and first-aid stations, recruiting nurses, managing supplies, and setting up training programs. • In 1881, Dix moved into the New Jersey State Hospital, which she had founded 40 years earlier. The state legislature designated a suite for her private use as long as she lived. She died on July 17, 1887. • All in all, her tireless efforts over the course of 40 years directly led to the construction of 32 institutions for the care of the mentally ill in the U.S. and resulted in a major change in the way the mentally ill are treated.
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There’s a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can’t get away.
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Windmill Manor Proudly Presents Senior News Line by Matilda Charles
Choosing the Right Medicare Drug Plan
Choosing a drug plan through Medicare (called Part D) can be something of a guessing game. If you want to change plans or are just about to sign up, the choices can be confusing. Here are a few things to know: Your regular pharmacy might not be in a “network” that your plan covers. You’ll have to go to another pharmacy for your drugs to be covered, a “preferred” pharmacy that has agreed to charge less, per your plan. Even if your drug is on your plan’s list, it might not be in the future. Plan providers have 60 days to notify you that it won’t be available. You’ll need to have your doctor ask for an exception, or you’ll need to change drugs, or you’ll need to pay more to keep taking them. The drug plans are broken into four categories, or tiers: Lowest co-pay: generic drugs Medium co-pay: preferred brand-name prescription drugs (Preferred means that it’s what Medicare prefers you take.) Higher co-pay: non-preferred, brandname drugs Specialty tier: highest co-pay, unique, high-cost drugs Before you sign up for any drug plan, get all your information. Go online to medicare.gov, click on Forms, then Publications, then type 11136 in the search box for the drug plan fact sheet. Then do another search for “Part D” for a long list of publications. Best bet: If you can afford a plan that lets you use your regular neighborhood pharmacy, do so. If it has a pharmacist that you trust, he or she can keep an eye on all the drugs you are taking, to make sure there are no interactions. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail.com. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
“Just relax”, the hospital staff kept telling Jim, but it was to no avail. Jim’s wife was in labor and Jim was a nervous wreck. After what seemed like a week, to both Jim and the hospital staff, a nurse came out with the happy news, “it’s a girl”, she cried. “Thank Goodness, a girl”, said Jim, “at least she won’t have to go through what I just went through!”
• In 496 B.C.E. there was a terrible drought in Rome. The priests thought if they adopted a new goddess, perhaps she would help. So they started worshipping Ceres. She became the protector of crops, and the caretakers of her temple became grain dealers, since she was responsible for the growth of grain. A new Latin word was coined meaning “of Ceres”: cerealis. That’s where we get our cereal. • Oatmeal has more protein than whole wheat. Samuel Johnson said oats are “a grain which is generally given to horses but in Scotland supports it the people.” A Scot replied, “That is why in England you have such fine horses and in Scotland we have such fine men.” • Grape Nuts is one of the few cereals with no added sugar. It has nothing to do with grapes or nuts, being made out of wheat and barley. Charles Post named it Grape-Nuts because it tasted nutty and he thought its taste came from dextrose, called grape sugar at the time. • Charles Post cashed in on the success of the cereal business when he came out with a cereal he called Elijah’s Manna. He tried to export it to Britain but they refused to register it, feeling giving such a religious name to a food item was sacrilegious. Post changed the name to Post Toasties. • If all the shredded wheat biscuits consumed by Americans in a single year were placed end-to-end, they would circle the globe twice. • After winning the Olympic decathlon in 1976, Bruce Jenner was signed up to sell Wheaties. On the air, “NATIONAL” Jenner claimed he WORDS had eaten(continued): Wheaties all his life. •The French: Chefs know what init San means to assistant district attorney Francisco “french” a food item. General It’s a verbMills, that means brought suit against claiming to cut into thinThey strips, french fries. consumer fraud. feltlike, thatwell, Jenner hadn’t really (And yes, that’s how the finger-friendly poeaten Wheaties all his life. Jenner challenged the dish its name.) beans are DAtato to ask histook mother. The suitGreen was dropped.
another item commonly prepared in this
• The Trix rabbit is always trying to sneak a bowl of manner. Trix cereal, but the kids constantly take it away • Maltese: These tiny spaniels are easy to from him, saying “Trix is for kids!” During the 1976 identify thanks to their long, silky coats. The presidential elections, General Mills worried that American Kennel Club groups this might be teaching kids a bad thing: try as you them with other “Toy might, you’ll reach your goal. So they put it Dogs” like never Pugs and to the vote. ByTerriers. sending in box-top ballots, kids were Yorkshire asked to vote on whether or not the rabbit would Feline aficionados getalso his Trix. 99% voted yes. Amidst great fanfare, use the term theMaltese rabbit to gotdescribe to eat a whole bowl on the next commercial. Then,alike cats that have si- Oliver Twist, he held out his milarly gray- for more— only to be told he empty bowlsilky, and asked blue coat.for the next election. had to wait
This termand means things • •In Colombian: 1964 both Kelloggs Postdifferent introduced cereal to different people, depending on how you that had freeze-dried fruit in it. They thought the getwould your “jones.” Narcoticsfrom dealers fruit absorb moisture themay milkrefer and be to their products as Colombian, although the so reconstituted in the bowl. Unfortunately it took actual source unknown. thewas long for the fruitistooften rehydrate thatLuckily, the cereal majority of us prefer a bit of legal Colomhopelessly soggy by the time the fruit was edible. bian, as in the coffee grown in the South
• Indians brought popcorn the first Thanksgiving American nation. The to prevalence of coffee dinner the Pilgrims, and the Pilgrims liked it shopswith throughout America is proof enough so that muchmany they of later milkget on along it and in atethe it like us poured just can’t morning without a hot cup of Colombian. cereal.
Chinese: Themore generic term “chinese” now • • Cheerios spend on advertising than any other represents types of food that are very differsingle food product. ent from the meals that are (or ever were)
• High sugar cereals are stored at the kid’s eye level served in China. That said, the same arguwhereas nutritious brands are placed at the adult ment could be made about what we consider eye“American” level. Children’s have an Ice average of 44% food.cereals Hamburgers? cream? sugar but adults have 10% sugar. An ice cream Hot dogs? Pizza? Our national favorites bar is 20% but originated Sugar Smack cereal is 61% sugar. seemsugar, to have everywhere except
in of theFrosted UnitedFlakes States!are consumed by adults. • 46%
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7/21/52 Flexible financing available /22/47 40 1. Over 35 million people are admitted to the hospital each 7/24/70 year. 2. Hospitals deliver over 4 million babies each year. 25/24 MOMENTS IN TIME 3. Hospitals employ more than 5 million people. /26/59 The History Channel 4. Restaurants are sector industry that tops Q: How many doctors does it take to change athe only private 7/27/42 light bulb? health care in terms of the number of people employed.
● On July 28, 1929, President John F. Jacqueline Bouvier Lincoln informs his2. Howchief advisers and “You have to help me,” she cried. “I many babies are delivered in hospi- of pain. Kennedy, is born into a prominent New cabinet that he will issue to hurt all over!” The woman touched her right tals in the a U.S.proclamation annually? knee with her index fi nger and yelled, “Ow, that family. In 1951, she began her first Approximately how many people are emfree slaves, but that3.ployed he will wait until the hurts.”York Then she touched her left cheek and in American hospitals? job as the Washington Times-Herald’s Union Army has achieved a private substantial 4. There is only one sector industry again yelled, “Ouch! That hurts too.” Then she touched her right earlobe, “Ow, Camera even THAT Girl,” roaming the employs more people than the health military victory. that The Emancipation hurts,”“Inquiring she bellowed, bursting into tears. The care industry. Name it. streets of Washington, D.C., and asking doctor checked her thoroughly and announced Proclamation had less to do ending 5. Ben Franklin was awith founding member of his diagnosis: “You have a broken fi nger.” “man on the street” questions. first hospital, formed union. in 1751 in slavery than saving America’s the crumbling
1. How many people are admitted to hospiOnPhiladelphia. President Abraham A: ● That depends onJuly whether the 22, light bulb 1862, has A young woman went to her doctor complaining Kennedy’s wife, health insurance! tals in the U.S. in an average year? 5. Pennsylvania Hospital was formed in 1751 in
1. What is the most common type of infection
this city. Name it.
used forfor infants and children? ans throw ● On July 23, 1918, Della Sorenson kills ● On July 26, 1943, Rolling Stones 2. What country spends the most on health 1st Quarter 2013 ome every the first of her seven victims in Nebraska. frontman Mick Jagger is born in Dartford, care? of energy Over the next Week 30 years, friends, Kent, England. Michael Philip Jagger seven sand, but relatives and acquaintances of Sorenson attended the London School of Economics, d glass. A by the help of too many physicians” In but left without graduating in order to died under mysterious“I diecircumstances. years. In -Alexander the Great pursue a career in music. when “When a patient is at death’s door, it is she le recycle 1925, Sorenson was arrested duty of a doctor to pullat him through.” killingThis word means: The name of a . Support made an unsuccessful theattempt physician in ancient Greece whose legacy
-Laurence Peter two children with poisoned cookies.
Poet Edna St. Vincent Millay was named for a hospital. Seems before she Robin Williams 7/21/52 was born, her uncle was accidentally 1. Ear infection is the mostDanny common Glover 7/22/47 locked in the hold of a ship andinfection spent for infants andDon children Imus 7/23/40 to a recent World Health nine days there with no food2.orAccording water. Lopez 7/24/70 report, theJennifer United After being found, he was rushedOrganization to St. States spends more money, a 7/25/24 EstelleasGetty Vincent’s Hospital in New Yorkratio City, of GNP, on health care than Kevin Spacey 7/26/59 where he recovered against allany odds.country, followed closely by and Zimbabwe.Bobbie Gentry 7/27/42 His sister was so grateful thatLebanon she decided to name her new daughter in honor of the hospital.
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