Tidbits of Linn County

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Enjoy Labor Day 9/6/2010

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Week of September 6th, 2010

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Vol. 5 Issue #37

Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitpapers.com For Advertising Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or janfrapp@msn.com Call (319) 360-3936 Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitsof linncounty.com For email: tidbitsof linncounty@mchsi.com or Call (319) 360-3936 Distributed by Rapp Publishing For Advertising Call (303) 916-6162

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5,000 copies are distributed

HOLIDAYS AROUND weekly-throughout the countyTHEpeople WORLD -wherever sit and wait.

by Rick Dandes As the fall and winter holiday season rapidly approaches, takes look at holidays both 150 +Tidbits points of adistribution locally familiar and little known around the world, from the America and Canada to China, Africa and YOUR AD wonʼt get lost on Australia. • Immigrants from Great D. Britain Ireland page 4-Section It isand right brought Halloween (October 31) customs to the alongside trivia,did making United States, butthe the festival not become popular until the latter to partmiss of the YOUR 19th century. it impossible This may have been because it had long been ad. with Tidbits is a who break fromhere thein popular the Irish, migrated largenews numbers ofafter the1840. regular media. • Groundhog evolved Candlemas No badDay news, just from fun facts. Day, observed for centuries in parts of Europe Our readers the paper on February 2, wheretake the custom was to have the home clergy bless candles to be used for church to share with family and functions and distribute them to the people. friends. The price is right to By the 1840s the idea caught on in the United get particularly your ad in of the whose right States, in front Pennsylvania, earliest settlers were German immigrants. people-OFTEN! • Today, Groundhog Day “predicts” the weather. If the groundhog sees its shadow, six more weeks of Distributed in restaurants, fastwinter are ahead. Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, is the headquarters of the celebration where the food restaurants, coffee shops, groundhog “Punxsutawney Phil” looks for his offices, banks, hair salons, shadow at Gobbler’s Knob, a wooded knoll just outside of the town. shops, tire stores, auto repair turn page for more! motels, medical &thedental

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We have desi meet a archite

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Week of September 6th, 2010

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If your non-profit organization has a fundraising event you would like to have published in the Tidbits® paper, please contact us. Space is limited but we will make every effort to list special events such as fund-raisers for your organization.

St. John's Parish Festival

Hosted at Mount Vernon High School

Sunday September 12th Dinner served from 11:30am - 2:30pm (take-out Available) Serving Swiss Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Salads, & Homemade Desserts. Adults- $8 , Seniors(65&over) $7, Children(4-10) $5. Bingo, Food, Raffle, Silent Auction, Prizes, Children's Games, Country Store, and Social Time. 319-895-6246 www.stjohnmv.org

Pancake and Sausage Breakfast Kenwood Park United Methodist Church, 175 34th Street, NE. September 18 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM Adults $5.00 and children (ages 6 to 12) $2.00. The Cedar Rapids Noon Lions Club is hosting this event. Proceeds go to sight preservation and hearing assistance. Donations of used eye glasses and hearing aids will be accepted

Our First Lutheran Church,

Fund-raiser to help Handicap the church. Conroy, Iowa city park Saturday September 18th Music and Craft vendors starting at 10 am and running through the evening. Bring Lawn Chairs and a non perishable food item. Silent Auction Food for sale on the grounds . Admission Is free will offering. Thanks Darlene Morrison 319 936-5016

Bratfest 2010 Dinner and Polka Dance

HOLIDAYS (continued) • The origin of Thanksgiving Day has been attributed to a harvest feast held by the Plymouth, Massachusetts, colonists, although such celebrations date from ancient times. In 1621, Governor William Bradford of the Plymouth Colony proclaimed a day of “thanksgiving” and prayer to celebrate the Pilgrims’ first harvest in America. • President George Washington in 1789 issued the first presidential thanksgiving proclamation in honor of the new constitution. • On October 3, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued a presidential proclamation naming the last Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day. • The official national day of Australia is Australia Day, also known as Anniversary Day and Foundation Day. Celebrated annually on January 26, it commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788, the unfurling of the British flag, and the proclamation of British sovereignty over the eastern seaboard of Australia. • Canada Day, formerly known as Dominion Day, is Canada’s national day, a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the enactment of the British North America Act, which united Canada as a single country on July 1, 1867. • Most communities across Canada host organized celebrations for Canada Day, usually outdoor public events such as parades, carnivals, festivals, barbecues, air and maritime shows, fireworks and musical concerts. • Those in the United States tend to think of Christopher Columbus’ discovery of America as their own special event, but in fact, many countries in the New World and elsewhere celebrate the anniversary of Columbus’ arrival in the Americas.

Faith Lutheran Church 155 Boyson Road, Marion Saturday, Sept. 18th,


September 22nd, @ the Crowne Plaza Reservations are required by Sept. 15th. For more information call 319-360-1060 www.abwacr.org

Czech Goulash Day St. Wenceslaus Church

Sunday September 26th Noon till 5pm 1224 5th St. SE, Cedar Rapids Czech Plus Band, Mike Lasack & His Rhythm - Aires Iowa Accordian Club Food, Games Bingo!! and much more...

Classes for Trophies

1 / 2 / 3 place st



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Sunday Evening 6:00 pm

Wednesday Evening


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"If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end, it would probably be Labor Day Weekend." BERTRAM HOMECOMING DAY

Sept. 18th 11am - 5 pm The Bertram United Methodist Church and Bertram City Council will hold a Homecoming Day community party. Events will be held at the Bertram City Park, just off Highway 13 in Bertram. The event has a family-friendly theme, with a free lunch served beginning at noon. Maid-rite sandwiches, chips, baked beans and drinks will be served. Children’s entertainment will include a “bounce house” and kids music performance karaoke time. Musical entertainment for all ages will include a traditional/bluegrass band and a group from the local Sweet Adelines. Event organizers encourage all Bertram residents to attend, as well as people who grew up or formerly lived in the Bertram area. The Bertram Homecoming Day is free and open to all.

What do you usually do on Labour Day? As little as possible, just like every day!




UNITED WAY Saturday, September 18th


Of East Central Iowa Lot K-Mart West Parking


16th Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA

Auto Bikes Pine Box Derby


Best of Show ► Car ► Bike


Registration: 9:30 AM POKER RUN Registration Cutoff



United Way Pick First: $300.00 ► Car ► Bike Kid’s Games

Of Linn County

SERVICE TIMES: Sunday School 9:45 am

WHEELS UNITED Benefiting UNITED WAY WHEELS UNITED Of East Central Iowa Benefiting

ABW Day, Clebration for all Women

Rummage & Bake Sale Thursday Sept. 23 8:00-5:00 & Fri Sept. 24 8-12 350 27th Ave. S.W. Cedar Rapids Additional information at www.tidbitspapers.com

A FULL FAMILY ORIENTED MINISTRY * Nursery care at all services * Sunday School classes for all ages * Ladies Bible Study * Senior Citizen activities * Jr. & Sr. High Youth Ministry * Christ honoring music * Down to Earth Preaching and Teaching * Bus service available


Proceeds to benefit the Marion Food Pantry Phone: 319-377-9700 Gate Tickets: $5 ages 16 and older, 15 and younger free Dinner: 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. $5/person Dance 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Featuring music by Barefoot Becky Gate tickets available at Faith Lutheran Church or online at www.f a i t h l u t h e r a n .org

Asbury United Methodist Church

Good News Baptist Church

1203 3rd Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Second: $200.00 First:Third: $300.00 $100.00 Bike 2:00 PM

TH POKER RUN Sept Sept. 26 , 2009 CASH PAYOUT FOR POKER RUN Kid’s Games


Music Pine Wood DerbyFood by Tom’s $200 / $150 / $100 / / $50 / $50Tender Turkey Kid’s Games KMART West$50Race KM Parkin Food by Parking lot - 16th Ave. S.W.

Pine Wood Derby Race

Tom’s Turkey Tenders

Cedar Rapids, Iowa www.uweci.org

Registration: 9:30 AM



Week of September 6th, 2010

Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.

Tidbits® - It is OK to take this paper home with you to share with others when there are plenty available-

KenYa See MY Future in Your Eyes Banquet

Saturday, Sept. 18th, 6 PM - 8:30 PM

Crowne Plaza Hotel 350 1st Ave East, Cedar Rapids, IA Sponsored by Spanda Inc. (A Non-Profit Org.) All Proceeds go to suppot the Dental Program in KipKaren, Kenya.

Visit:www.spandainc.com/fundraising.html Questions, please call (319) 364-2311 Please Check this out!

EAGLES CLUB 1735 11TH St. NW Cedar Rapids 319-3 6 3 - 5 5 7 1



Join us on Sunday’s to watch your favorite teams! Food and Drink specials during the games.


We are “People Helping People” Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?

B St. Ludmila Bingo I 215 21st Ave SW, Cedar Rapids 319-363-9372 N Doors open - 3:30 PM SUNDAYS - 5:30 PM G Doors open - 5:30 PM O TUESDAYS - 6:30 PM New Bingo players are welcome. We have great food and refreshments!

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HOLIDAYS (continued) • Columbus Day has many names: Columbus Day in the United States, Día de la Raza (Day of the Race) in many Latin American countries, Día de las Culturas (Day of the Cultures) in Costa Rica, Discovery Day in The Bahamas, Día de la Hispanidad (Spanish Day) in Spain, Día de las Américas (Day of the Americas) in Uruguay, and Día de la Resistencia Indígena (Day of Indigenous Resistance) in Venezuela. These holidays all have been celebrated unofficially since the 18th century and officially in various countries since the early 20th century. • Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is the longest and the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. It is often called the Lunar New Year, especially by people in mainland China and Taiwan. The festival begins on the first day of the first month in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th; this day is called the Lantern Festival.

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• The origin of Chinese New Year is centuries old and legends relate its annual observance to a beast known as Nian. The beast came out to eat people on the eve of each New Year, until an old man found a way to conquer it. In celebration, people began to observe Chinese New Year. • Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of Chinese New Year vary widely. People will pour out their money to buy presents, decorations, food and clothing. It is also tradition throughout the country for every family to thoroughly clean their house to sweep away any ill fortune and make way for incoming good luck. • Fiji Week is seven days of festivities culminating in Fiji Day on October 10, the anniversary of Fiji’s independence from British colonial rule in 1970. A different theme is chosen every year, but common elements include religious ceremonies and cultural performances. • Gandhi Jayanti is a national holiday celebrated in India to mark the occasion of the birthday of pacifist Mahatma Gandhi, the “Father of the Nation.” Celebrated on October 2 every year, this is one of only three officially declared National Holidays in India and is observed in all its states and union territories.

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Look for puzzle answers on page 16.

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- Please give thanks to the businesses in which you have found this paper available for your enjoyment.-

Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.


Week of September 6th, 2010

www.tidbitpapers.com For Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or Call (319) 360-3936 HOLIDAYS (continued)

Digital Design


Computer Service Most Problems Repaired within 24 Hours

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w w w. A L B E E D I G I TA L . c o m Rockwell Collins Retirees and Spouses

Monthly Pot Luck

Every Third Tuesday, next is Sept. 21st @ Noon

Kenwood Methodist Church 175 34th St. NE, Cedar Rapids

Please bring your own table ware and one covered dish. For more information, contact: Joyce Smith 319-377-3143

• The holiday recently went worldwide. The United Nations General Assembly announced on June 15, 2007, that it adopted a resolution that declared October 2 the International Day of Non-Violence to celebrate the life of Gandhi. • The last Monday of October, or the Halloween Holiday, is a time of celebration in Ireland. Many cultural and sporting events are held during the holiday weekend. Some of these include: the Dublin marathon, arts and fashion festivals and music performances by Irish musicians or inspired by Ireland’s history. • Shortly after the 2008 U.S. presidential election result was announced, Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki declared November 6 as Obama Day in his country because Obama’s father, Barack Obama, Sr., was Kenyan. • Sinterklaas, also called Sint-Nicolaas or De Goedheiligman in Dutch and Saint Nicolas in French, is a traditional winter holiday figure in the Netherlands, Aruba, Netherlands Antilles and Belgium. He is celebrated every year on Saint Nicholas’ eve, December 5, or in Belgium, on the morning of December 6. • Sinterklaas is the basis for the North American figure of Santa Claus. • Christmas Day is celebrated as a major festival and public holiday in most countries of the world, even in many whose populations are not majority Christian. Major exceptions, where Christmas is not a formal public holiday, include People’s Republic of China, (except Hong Kong and Macao), Japan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Thailand, Nepal, Iran, Turkey and North Korea.

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Answers on pg. 16

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Do not be confused about "Buy Local". Buy Local means to purchase material or services from those businesses owned by people who live in the Cedar Rapids area. These owners are your family, friends and neighbours that could use your help. Some of them have been through the 2008 flood and others are battling the economy. Let us support these businesses by shopping at their establishments and in turn revitalize the great city of Cedar Rapids. We encourage customers to UTILIZE this free website for supporting local business owners and for the betterment of the Cedar Rapids community.


Studies have shown that $45 of every $100 spent at locally owned stores stays in the community, whereas only about $13 of every $100 spent in chain (big box) stores remains in the local economy.

Week of September 6th, 2010


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Answers on page 16


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Father: Do you know, most people don’t have to work today, because it’s Labor Day. Son: If people are not working, shouldn’t we call today ‘No-Labor Day?’


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Gramas have a very big lap It’s a nice place to take a nap She will tell me funny tales About puppy dogs and whales She will hold me tight if I cry Bakes me yummy apple pie She always likes how I look Reads to me from our book I love our secret little snack Mom when can we go back Copyright ® 2009 Robert A. Swart

Page 6

Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.

See what we can do for you at w w w. t i d b i t papers. c o m

Week of September 6th, 2010

www.tidbitpapers.com For Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or Call (319) 360-3936

MAP DIRECTORY #1 Advanced Hair Technologies Page 3 1202 Dina Court www.advancedhairtechnologies.net Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-364-4220 #2 Pita’z Page 6 1057 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-395-7482 #3 Habitat for Humanity ReStore Page 6 725 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-294-1500 #4 Diamond Vogel Page 6 725 North Center Point Road www.diamondvogel.com Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-365-6901 #5 Dairy Queen 100 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-393-0944 #6 The Spring House www.springhouserestaurant .net 3980 Center Point Road NE Coupons online Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-393-4995 #7 The Floor Shop Page 6 3909 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-832-1937 #8 O’Donnell Ace Hardeware Page 6 3825 Center Point Road NE www.odonnellhardware.com Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-395-7770 #9 Hansen Hearing Center Page 16 3525 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-393-5646 #10 Cassill Motors Page 7 32nd & Center Point Road NE www.cassillmotors.com Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-363-3353 #11 Century Cab Page 16 1100 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-365-0505 #12 Balloons, Etc. 720 Center Point Road NE www.crballoonsetc.com Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-298-9999 #13 Treasures / A Quality Resale Shop 701 Center Point Road NE www.aidtowomenministry.com Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-364-1988 #14 Metro Appliance Page 6 620 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-366-7281

Businesses Located Along Center Point Road I N EXIT 25 T E R S T A T 5 E 3 Hiawatha 8 EXIT 24 B 0 Cedar Rapids


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319-395-7770 Answers on pg. 16

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What is a ReStore? A ReStore is a retail facility that recycles overstocked, discontinued, new and used building materials donated by manufacturers, businesses, contractors and individuals. These materials are then incorporated in the construction of Habitat homes or are sold to the general public at a discounted rate.

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MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel

~ On Sept. 15, 1858, the new Overland Mail Company sends out its first two stagecoaches, inaugurating government mail service between the eastern and western regions of the nation. Overland later competed with the Pony Express until May 10, 1869, the day the first transcontinental railroad was completed. On that day, the U.S. Government cancelled its last overland mail contract. ~ On Sept. 17, 1884, Judge Allen disposes of the 13 criminal cases on his Oakland, Calif., docket in only six minutes. Although he apparently set a new record for speed, defendants in Oakland’s criminal court did not stand much of a chance of gaining an acquittal. In a 40-year period at the turn of the century, only 1 defendant in 100 was acquitted. ~ On Sept. 19, 1959, in one of the more surreal moments in the history of the Cold War, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev explodes with anger when he learns that he cannot visit Disneyland. Government authorities feared that the crowds would pose a safety hazard for the premier. (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

Week of September 6th, 2010

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West Post Rd.

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Center Point Rd.




16th Ave. SW

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Page 8

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Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.

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3223 1st Ave SE HOME HEALTHCARE Home A-1 Equipment & Supplies319-362-1084 Healthcare

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Week of September 6th, 2010 www.k y l e s f r a m i n g g a l l e r y .com


A-1 Home Healthcare Proudly Presents

December 22– January 19

Your Name Here

Forget about it, Capricorn. You are much too busy to commit to another thing. Refuse the request and get back to the matters at hand.

Senior News Line by Matilda Charles

Making a Will Your age, health status and list of assets don’t matter -- we all need to have an upto-date will. We never know what tomorrow will bring. Writing a will is one of those projects that you don’t want to do yourself. One of those do-it-yourself legal packages might be a place to start, but only to use as a reference. Make notes, look at a copy of any previous will you’ve written and pencil in any changes you’d like. Create a list of your assets: real estate, antiques, family heirlooms and anything else of value. Decide how your belongings and money are to be divided up. Are there children and grandchildren? Have they expressed a desire to have particular items? Do you have favorite causes? Your safest course is to find an attorney to draft up the final version. An attorney can advise you on the tax implications of any steps you want to take, as well as your state laws. For example, in many states the law outlines how much of the estate must be left to a spouse, or perhaps you need to create a trust. Find an executor. Be sure to ask if that person is willing to handle the details. Settling an estate can be time consuming (depending on how many debts you leave and how many property assets you own). You may need to find an attorney to act as executor. Granted, an attorney will have to be paid out of the estate, but in most situations that might be your best route. An adult child is often asked to handle estates, but that can cause ill feelings if there are siblings. No matter which route you take to produce your will, remember that you need witnesses to your signature, and they can’t be anyone who benefits from your will.

June 22– July 22 A project is in dire straights. Give it your all, Cancer, and you will save it in the nick of time. A loved one is feeling neglected. Make it up to them with a night out.

Any Given Saturday - Iowa Hawkeyes by Greg Bordignon signed/numbered

601 7th Ave. Marion • (319) 377-5739 Between Country Kitchen & Sunbeam Ninety-six percent of the executives surveyed by Accountemps believed That people with a sense of humor do better at their jobs than those who have little or no sense of humor. Studies have also shown that people who enjoy their work are more productive and creative, in addition to experiencing greater job satisfaction. I had a sense of humor once, then my dad made me get a job when I turned 27!

Free Colorectal Cancer Screening If you are between the ages of 50 and 64, are without insurance or are underinsured, and meet established income guidelines, you may qualify for a free colorectal cancer screening. For more information or to see if you qualify contact us at 319/558-4867. St. Luke’s Colorectal Cancer Awareness and Screening Project is made possible through a grant awarded to St. Luke’s Cancer Care by the Iowa Department of Public Health.

Cancer Care

Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail.com.

• Ready to feel

January 20– February 18 Some people are too set in their ways to change. Accept that, Aquarius, and focus on the things you can change. A little saving now pays off big later.

July 23– August 22 You have what it takes to move up, Leo, but you lack the confidence and the initiative. Look to a mentor to point you in the right direction. Consider a Capricorn.

February 19– March 20 You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? Sure you can, Pisces, and it’s time you showed everyone you can. A new fact surfaces in an intriguing case.

August 23– September 22 Take it easy, Virgo. You have accomplished a lot and deserve some time off. A furry friend comes into your life bearing a sweet gift.

March 21– April 19 Fun is on tap this week, and it would do you good to participate, Aries. You have been burning the candle at both ends for far too long and deserve a break.

September 23– October 22 In the mood for some fun, Libra? Make sure the people around you are too and invite them on a little road trip. A deadline is moved up.

April 20– May 20 The odds may be stacked against you, but that doesn’t give you the right to walk away. Keep pushing, Taurus, and you will move forward. A rumor turns truth.

October 23– November 21 Something is up at home, but you can’t put your finger on it. Leave it be, Scorpio. You don’t want to ruin the surprise. A mystery at work is cleared up.


(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.


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May 21– June 21 No one is as dependable as you, Gemini, so stop expecting them to be. A relative bails on you yet again. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

November 22– December 21 Check yourself, Sagittarius, before you confront a coworker. You don’t want to say something you’ll regret. A major snafu at home breaks the tension.


Week of September 6th, 2010

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ue hA ven


220th Trail


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5 6 7 8

Thomas P. Johnson & Meg Merckens


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(Friday-Sunday performances)

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Comedy with Music!



hA ven



2 Old Creamery Theatre Company


Live Professional Theatre

220th Trail


Amana Business Directory

Ronneburg Restaurant On the main street of Historic Amana

9 10

48th Avenue

H Street



Amana Artisans Studio Tour. Hours vary. Admission is free.



46th Avenue

4 5 6

220th Trail

Hwy 151 /4

September 17th - 17th: 45th Avenue

44th Avenue

43rd Avenue

2nd Aven

← to Middle Amana

Barn Tour given by the Amana Heritage Museum. 1 pm. $25 per person.

F Street



38th Avenue


September 19th:


11 39 38th Ave. 1-800-35-amana See page 8 www.oldcramery.com THE The Ronneburg Restaurant See this page 4408 220th Trail 319-622-3641 www.ronneburgrestaurant.com Little Red Wagon See this page 4417 220th Trail 319-622-3822 Amana General Store See this page www.amanageneralstore.com Serving fine food family style 4423 220th Trail 319-622-7650 for over 75 years! Amana Coffee & Tea Co. See this page 4423 220th Trail 622-6598 Ox Yoke Inn www.oxyokeinn.com 4420 220th Trail 622-3441 See this page Lehm Books & Gifts See this page www.lehmbooksandgifts.com 319-622-6447 Open seven days a week, 4536 220th Trail • 800-840-2387 Iowa Theatre Artists Company 7:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. www.iowatheatreartists.org See this page Banquets • Meetings • Special Occasions 4709 220th Trail 319-622-3222 20 Minutes From Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Collectively Iowa facebook.com/ciwines 4709 220th Trail Lower Level 319-622-3698 Colony Inn Restaurant See this page Tidbits is available at many of 741 47th Avenue 319-622-3030


747 47th Ave. Amana (319) 622-3030


these fine Amana businesses. You can read tidbits online at: www.tidbitpapers.com

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Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.

Week of September 6th, 2010

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Music Legend: Cedar Rapids An Original Iowa Tradition Since 1927

11 AM - 2 AM EVERYDAY 1140 Blairs Ferry Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 319-378-6447 HAWKEYE TERRITORY Enjoy all your Hawkeye sports here! ● Family Friendly Atmosphere ● 44 High Definition TVS ● NE Longest HAPPY HOUR 11am - 7 pm ● Sunday - Thursday, Kids eat free* * One kids meal per one adult meal

By Samantha Weaver

● The record for the longest space flight in history is held by Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov. In 1995 he completed a 438-day stay aboard the Mir space station. ● It’s commonly believed that Eskimos have 50 or more words for different types of snow but no word for just plain snow. In point of fact, that statement is misleading, as the Eskimo language is composed largely of roots and suffixes that can be combined in virtually unlimited ways. ● A traditional groom in Norway wears short pants, knee socks, and a silk shirt along with a vest and topcoat. ● Everyone knows that China is the most populous country on Earth today, with nearly 20 percent of the world’s population. But you might not realize that there are now more people living in China than lived on the entire planet 150 years ago. ● A recent item in this column stated that Henry Heimlich believed peanut butter to be the food upon which people most commonly choke. As it turns out, that quotation did not come from Dr. Heimlich. Don’t be mistaken, though -according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, peanut butter is a high-risk food. ● The IRS reportedly spends $2.45 for every $100 in taxes it collects. *** Thought for the Day: “I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I’ll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be.” -- Isaac Asimov (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

Country singing sensation Faith Hill was born Audrey Faith Perry on September 21, 1967, in Jackson, Mississippi, and began singing at a young age. Her successes have brought her fame and fortune. Her career also brought her a family, when she married fellow country music star Tim McGraw. • Faith Hill was adopted by Ted and Edna Perry. She only met her biological mother in the early 1990s. She has two siblings: Wesley and Steve Perry. • Hill attended McLaurin High School in Mississippi, where she was a cheerleader and the prom queen. • The first album Hill owned was Elvis Presley’s “A Legendary Performer, Vol. 1.” Her favorite movies are “The Color Purple,” “My Fair Lady” and “Roman Holiday.” • Hill dropped out of Hinds Community College in Raymond, Mississippi, to try her luck at music in Nashville. Life wasn’t easy in the Music City, and she worked as an office clerk while at the same time singing with a Southern Gospel Group, The Steeles. • In fact, Hill had several jobs before becoming famous: selling t-shirts, working as a receptionist at a music publishing company and packaging merchandise for Reba McEntire. • Hill released her debut album, “Take Me As I Am” in 1993. Sales were strong, led by the chart success of “Wild One” and a version of Janis Joplin’s “Piece of My Heart.” • She sang the National Anthem at Super Bowl XXXIV in 2000. • Hill almost considered quitting her music career after all the drama surrounding the Country Music Association’s 2006 Female Vocalist of the Year Award. Television cameras caught her shocked and angry reaction when the honor went to Carrie Underwood instead of her. She claimed that she was only joking when she made that face, but it was widely believed that she was serious. • She and her husband Tim McGraw often collaborate and have had hit duets together including “It’s Your Love” (1997), “Let’s Make Love” (2000) and “Like We Never Loved At All” (2005). When McGraw proposed to her in a trailer before a concert, he had to go perform before she answered, so Hill wrote her response on the mirror. • On September 16, 2008, Hill released her first Christmas album entitled “Joy to the World.” Included on the album along with newly arranged classic Christmas tunes was the new song “A Baby Changes Everything.” Among the guest artists on the recording are the Nashville Orchestra, Metro Voices and the London Oratory School Boys Choir. • Hill serves on the celebrity committee of the Afghanistan World Foundation, an organization dedicated to the restoration and development of Afghanistan. She is also affiliated with the charitable 4-H Club. • Hill is a big fan of the group Coldplay. She listens to their music just before she goes on stage. She also loves music by Elton John and Queen. • One of Hill’s favorite junk food snacks is a pack of barbecue chips with homemade ranch dip. She can eat a whole bag in one sitting.

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Week of September 6th, 2010




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Friday’s Pool Tournament 6pm sign up 7 pm start

By Monte Dutton

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La Donna Welcome’s you!


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Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.

Johnny B Friday Jan. 23rd 8 pm A man and his music!

Kyle Busch Is “The Man” BRISTOL, Tenn. -- Just winning the Irwin Tools Night Race wasn’t enough for Kyle Busch. Bristol Motor Speedway hosted races in the Camping World Truck, Nationwide and Sprint Cup series. Busch won them all, and it’s the first time anyone ever did that since NASCAR began sponsoring three national touring series with the advent of truck racing in 1995. “I’ve been trying to do this since I got to NASCAR,” he said after the Cup victory. “This is history, and I’m proud to make it.” Two others, Brad Keselowski and Elliott Sadler, competed in all three races. Busch won them. This year Busch has won a total of 16 races in the three series: 10 in Nationwide, three in Cup and three in Truck. The Cup victory was Kyle Busch’s fourth at Bristol; his older brother Kurt has won five Cup races at the half-mile oval. “I love Bristol, and I love winning,” said Kyle. “And to do it for the first time ever in NASCAR, to sweep the weekend, man, that’s pretty awesome. “I don’t know what to think. Fortunately, I was able to get it done, be the first one to do it. I’m the first in a lot of things.” Perhaps Bristol’s huge crowds have grown weary of victories by the Busch brothers. Kyle faced thunderous boos during driver introductions and the celebration following the Cup victory. It didn’t appear to faze him in the least. In fact, it looked as if he enjoyed it. “I just come out here to do my job,” he said. “I do what I’m supposed to do, and to win races is my job and what that entails. ... The fans drive this sport. They’re what makes us go ‘round and get us here every week. ... They’re passionate about who they like and who they don’t like. “I’ve been in this position since the start of my career, since I was 16, and it hasn’t changed, and I don’t foresee it changing anytime soon. We’ve asked this question about 50 million times, and I’ll probably get it 25 million more times. You know, you just deal with it, man. You just go out there and do what you can.”


Monte Dutton has covered motorsports for The Gaston (N.C.) Gazette since 1993. He was named writer of the year by the National Motorsports Press Association in 2008. His blog NASCAR This Week (http:// nascar.rbma.com) features all of his reporting on racing, roots music and life on the road. E-mail Monte at nascar_thisweek@yahoo.com.

Kyle Busch is the first driver ever to win races in three NASCAR divisions in the same weekend. (John Clark/NASCAR This Week photo)

(c) 2009 King Features Synd., Inc.

2nd Saturday

of each month, Dart Tournament 4pm

NOW SERVING PIZZA Sunday - Wednesday Late night H/H 10PM -Close Thursdays $3.50 Bombs Saturda y’s Saturdays Cup night Karaok e $3 cup, $1 refills 8pm - close $1 Apple Pie Sunday’s all day Bloody Mary’s $1.50 Follow us on Facebook

Benefit concert with Steve Green

Both the HD Youth Center and the Free Medical Clinic will receive the proceeds. September 26th, 6 PM (Doors open at 5) Concert is at: Crown Plaza 5 Seasons Hotel (Ball Room)

Cedar Rapids

$15 - Gold circle $12 - General Admission

Puchase tickets at: Lemstone’s Family Christians Book Stores Online: www.itickets.com or: 1-800-965-9324

H.D. Youth Center


The Final Payment

Martin, a businessman, is on his deathbed so he calls his friend and says, 'Jim, I want you to promise me that when I die you will have my remains cremated.' 'And what,' Jim asks, 'do you want me to do with your ashes?' Martin replies, 'Just put them in an envelope and mail them to the Internal Revenue Service and write on the envelope, 'Now you have everything.'

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Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.

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Week of September 6th, 2010

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MAID-RITE WEST has been in the same location since 1932. It is part of the MAID-RITE Franchise started in Muscatine, Iowa in 1926.

In addition to the famous Iowa sandwich MAID-RITE (a seasoned loose meat sandwich), we also serve several other sandwiches including the biggest and best tenderloin in town. It is hand cut, hand breaded, and weighs ½ lb. We serve hand-dipped malts as well as root beer floats. We have fries, onion rings, mozzarella sticks, cheddar cheese cubes, breaded mushrooms and cauliflower as well as other sides. In the fall, winter, and spring, we offer at least three homemade soups each day. In addition, we serve dinners featuring Swiss Steak, Ham, Stuffed Pepper Stew, Turkey and Roast Pork which include mashed potatoes and gravy with a vegetable all for $5.99. On Sundays from 9am to 12pm we serve “All You Can Eat” waffles along with an order of scrambled eggs and sausage for $4.99. For Kids 4-12, it's $2.99

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ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN 2 Show tickets for an upcoming event! For Non Special Events only Penguins Comedy Club 319-362-8133 Clarion Hotel 525 33rd Ave SW Cedar Rapids

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It's Time

By Tresa Erickson


This beautiful home sits on 1.5 quiet wooded acres only 25 minutes from downtown CR, or Iowa City. Great room design with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths. Finished walkout lower level with fireplace and bar. $287,500 Kathy 319-560-4253 Luke 319-329-4032 Investor Alert! This Home Has Been A Good Rental But Owner Needs To Sell. Updated Galley Kitchen, Patio Area, Extra Parking & Garage $38,500 K a t h y (319)560-4253

e Pric




Great lot off of HWY 94. Perfect for a Enjoy small town living! 2 bedroom. Large lot walk-out lower level, and great country views. with 12x20 screen porch. Detached Garage. Use your own builder. Luke 319-329-4032 $84,900 Jack 319-389-3827




eI Pric

Well Maintained 4 BD, 3 Bath Home With Charming 3 bedroom ranch with bright and Family Room, Updated Kitchen, 2 Fireplaces. airy kitchen. Just your for the taking Home Set High On Hill In Great Se Location. $109,900 Jack 319-389-3827 $169,950 Marian 319-362-9111

Immaculate Brick Ranch with Newer 5 bedrooms, 1 ½ Baths, Screen Porch And Kitchen and Hardwood Floors. 3 Bedroom, Large Patio with Privacy Fence. 1st Floor 1.5 Baths, Huge Rec Rm and large Workshop Utility. The Home Of Your Dreams. $129,950 Marian 319-362-9111 $118,500 Julie 319-651-8433 Newer town home in great private wooded setting yet quick and easy access to First Ave. Cozy fireplace, nine foot ceilings and full basement. ing! end 2 bedrooms, P E 1.5 baths. SAL Attached garage. NEW $99,000 Well cared for ranch which is handicap accessible. Hardwood floors 3 Bdr 1.5 bath, June Bajet nice sized level fenced yard. Newer furnace 319-361-3176 and AC. $115,000 Kathy 319-560-4253

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RealtorTM 341 8th Ave. Marion, IA 52302 (319) 373-1323 Business (319) 573-7498 Cell j.spratte@att.net New construction 3 bedroom, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, nice older 2 story with hardwood floors, newer 2 bath ranch with main floor laundry Obviously, you want a table that will fit your space and provide kitchen and 2 car plenty of room for guests to sit down and eat. Measure the space plus many garage. where you plan to put the table first, taking into account that you other $204,950. will need ample room for guests to move around it. Then count the updates. number of people who will be using the table regularly. You will need $102,000 approximately 24 to 30 inches of room per person. Both of these figSpacious 3 BR, 3 BA ranch, formal Quiet Location 3 bedroom, 2 bath ures should give you some idea of the size of table you should buy. dining, living room, 1st floor family with many updates. High Efficiency room , Furnace, Depending upon the parameters of the space, you may want a finished Water round, square, rectangular or oblong table. You will find various lower Heater and sizes of these. Again, make sure whatever shape you select will fit in level, 2 Dryer 2 car garage. the space and give guests ample elbowroom. Car Garage. $159,900 $121,900 As you look at tables, take note of their construction. Some tables are built with a leg in each corner, while others have a center By the time you pay off a house in the suburbs, it isn't. pedestal. The placement of the legs should not interfere with seating. Sit down at the tables that interest you and make sure you are comfortable. Check that the table is sturdy and strong. Lean on it at $85,000 various angles. If you detect any sign of weakness in the table, pass NO STEPS on this First Floor condo. on it and continue shopping. You've wanted to buy a new dining room table and chairs for years, but for one reason or another, you never got around to it. Well, the time has finally come. You've already promised your old table and chairs to friends, so you have no choice but to go out and purchase new ones. Here are some tips.

Consider the material and finish of the table as well. Tables can be made of any number of materials from metal and glass to wood. Wooden tables can be bleached, painted, lacquered, stained, waxed or finished in any number of ways. Find out how well the material and finish will stand up to everyday wear and tear. Some materials and finishes are hardier than others. Teak is harder than pine, for example. Shellac finishes are not as durable as paint finishes. If you plan to use your table frequently and have young kids, you may want to avoid selecting a table made of fragile material with a delicate finish.

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Well kept 2 Bed 2 Bath Condo on NE side of town. 1 stall detached garage

Some dining room tables come with chairs. Some do not. If you have selected a table without chairs, then you will need to shop for chairs. You will find many types of chairs to go with your dining room table. Common styles include Parsons, Queen Anne, Windsor, Regency, Empire, Chippendale and Ladderback. Depending upon your design preferences and the table style you have selected, one chair style may appeal more to you than others. Whatever style you choose, make sure the chairs have fairly upright backs with strong, sturdy legs, which will allow guests plenty of support as they eat. Note the position of the chair arms as well. They should be low enough that guests can slide the chairs under the table easily.

David Duggan 319-533-0087


5408 Blairs Forest Way NE CEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52402 Office: 319-378-8760

This paper is available to you thanks to our advertisers. Business owners always want to know if their advertising budget is being spent wisely, therefore if you would like this paper to continue, These are just some of the areas you should concentrate on in it is very important that you thank them for your search for a dining room table and chairs. You may have other concerns as well depending upon your situation and preferences. If their support. you plan to use the table just for special occasions, for example, you Also it would be great if you would thank the may be able to focus on a completely different range of styles than business that has this paper available for you. you would if you plan to use the table everyday. Good luck in your shopping.

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Week of September 6th, 2010

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David Pitts Broker/Owner

319-981-DAVE (3283)


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Fall Foliage

Autumn brings with it a bounty of new sights. Once-green leaves blaze with new hues: bright yellows, brilliant reds and fiery oranges.

• Did you know that leaves that change color in fall actually have those same beautiful colors all year round? The green pigment chlorophyll is so concentrated in the spring and summer that it masks the other colors that are already there. • Changes in day length and temperature trigger ! plants’ seasonal changes. ced edu R e • Premature colors can be an indication that a Pric Large Shaded Yard For $52,990 3 Apartments, Building & Bar tree isn’t vigorous enough to withstand insects Sharp 2 BR, 1 BA, Ranch, attached $109,990. Turn key business, rents garage, quiet dead end street, and disease organisms that may attack it, not to cover payment, bar & food are 100% 9k under assessed for quick sale. profit. Reduced 30K for Quick Sale! mention the usual changes that occur when the weather turns cold. H U G E new Margie • Jack Frost usually gets all the credit for the garage, hardwd, Jenkins $2K flooring allow., beautiful colors, but, in reality, fall color is newer HVAC, 3 bed, controlled by both the plant’s genetic factors 1.5 bath $115,000 319-389-0723 and the environment. Carotene and xanthophyll mjenkins @ skogman.com are yellow pigments produced in foliage all year S h a r p g r o u n d f l o o r u n i t , 2 bedroom, Gorgeous NE 2 sty, quality & luxury, 4 bed, fireplace, 2.5 bath, along with chlorophyll. patio, granite, • A succession of warm, sunny days and cool, all appliances jetted tub crisp--but not freezing--nights seems to bring $76,000 $279,990 Darling bungalow, new siding, windows, roof, about the most spectacular color displays. Starter home or kitchen, During the days, lots of sugars are produced investors, new siding, carpet, windows, kitchen, in the leaf, but the cool nights and the gradual 3 bed bath $81,990 closing of veins going into the leaf prevent these $120,000 sugars from moving out. These conditions, lots Q: How close was the house for sale to water? of sugar and lots of light, best spur production A: In the basement. of the brilliant pigments. Climate controlled and • Autumn color is not very predictable, especially traditional self-storage units www.greenacresstorage.net in the long term. Half of the fun is trying to Cedar Rapids 364-7400 • Resident manager outguess Mother Nature. But it generally starts Cedar Rapids 364-7400 5315 J Street SW, • Residential and commercial in late September in New England and moves 5315 J Street SW Just off I-380 &•Hwy 30 will sign for deliveries Office southward, reaching the Smoky Mountains by Just off I-380 and Hwy 30 • Fenced facility with computermonitored entrance gate early November. It also appears about this time NEW • Video monitoring LOCATION in the high-elevation mountains of the West. Marion 377-8000 • Individual unit alarms 550 Lindale Drive Remember that cooler, high elevations will • On-site Penske truck rental and packing supplies TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED AND Just off Blairs Ferry Road color up before the valleys. Frost and freezing • Month-to-month or TRADITIONAL SELF-STORAGE UNITS long-term rentals temperatures stop the coloration process and blacken the leaves. 2 LOCATIONS • Michigan has more than 100 different species www.greenacresstorage.net • Resident manager • On-site Penske truck rental & packing supplies of trees, such as oak, ash, birch, maple and • Individual unit alarms • Fenced facility with computer-monitored sycamore. Leaves turn from mid- to late• Month-to-month or entrance gate September and into October. You can find many long-term rentals Marion 377-8000 scenic biking and hiking trails in the state’s 550 Lindale Drive Just off Blairs Ferry Road Upper Peninsula on state and national forest and parklands, along former railroad beds and also in cities. • New England is rightly famous for the spectacular autumn colors painted on the INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS trees of its mountains and countryside, but the It’s Simple Adirondack, Appalachian, Smoky and Rocky Ad Space Available Mountains are also clad with colorful displays. All Major Credit Cards Accepted In the East, see the reds, oranges, golds and E-mail: sales russ@tidbitpapers.com bronzes of the mixed deciduous woodlands; in or Call (319)360-3936 294-0077 the West, see the bright yellows of aspen stands and larches contrasting with the dark greens of the evergreen conifers. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read • Fall color in Southeastern trees can range from bright yellow to vivid scarlet to deep red. • Evergreen trees do not actually stay evergreen. They do lose their old leaves, usually in springtime, but they never lose all of their leaves General contractor at the same time. For all phases of construction.

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Dennis Petersen 319-560-2564


CLASSIC ENGLISH TUDOR Exterior painted 6/10. 3BR/2BA, hardwood flooring. Kitchen remodeled in ‘05, new appliances. Deck/patio.SE CR $129,900

59 ACRES MORE OR LESS Wooded acreage. 2 BR/possibly 3. Machine shed/barn great for horses. Central City $399,900

GREAT HOME/POPULAR AREA 1 ½ Story home with 3BR/ 2.5 BA. Built in fireplace/great room. Eat-kitchen/breakfast bar. Main floor laundry. Marion-$166,000

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Week of September 6th, 2010

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These tiny spaniels are easy to Most AARP members qualify for• anMaltese: immediate phone quote. identify thanks to their long, silky coats. The Please have your policy handy.Kennel Club groups American them with other “Toy The clown was spending his first Thanksgiving dinner apart Dogs” like Pugs and from his family. Trying to make the most of the holiday, he Yorkshire Terriers. prepared a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for himself. By Feline aficionados himself. Alone. The next day, his mother called to see how also use the term everything went. Maltese to describe FREE Calculator/Clock! “Oh, hi mom! I made a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, cats See thathow havemuch a si- we can save dressing, mashed potatoes, cranberry dressing, the whole Take our savings challenge! milarly silky, grayworks! But I had trouble trying to eat the turkey.” you over your current auto insurance, and you’ll receive this “Did it taste okay?” his mother asked. “I don’t know; it won’t blue coat. ®

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• Colombian: This term means different things to different people, depending on how you The AARP Automobile and Homeowners Insurance Program is underwritten by Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates, get your “jones.” Narcotics dealers may refer Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. CA License # 5152. In Washington, the Program is underwritten by Hartford Casualty to County their products as Colombian, although the Insurance Company. In Texas, The Program is underwritten by Southern Mutual Insurance Company through Hartford Fire General Agency. Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its affiliatesactual are notsource financially responsible for insurance products is often unknown. Luckily, the underwritten and issued by Southern County Mutual Insurance Company. AARP and AARP Financial Inc. receive from The Hartford majority of us prefer a bit of legal Colompayments for AARP’s license of its intellectual property for use by The Hartford and for services rendered in connection with the bian, aspurposes in the ofcoffee grown and in its themembers. South Program. Amounts paid by The Hartford for this license are used for the general the Association AARP membership is required for Program eligibility in most states. Applicants are individually underwritten and some not American nation. The prevalence of may coffee qualify. Specific features, credits and discounts may vary and may not beshops availablethroughout in all states in America accordance is withproof state filings and enough applicable law. The Program is currently unavailable in Massachusetts, Canada and U.S. Territories or Possessions. All first time that ofis us can’t get along in the responders receive the free gift. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. The freemany gift offer not just available in Georgia, but residents may still request a quote. Homeowners product is not available in all areas, including the stateaofhot Florida. morning without cup of Colombian.

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The Tidbits® Paper is a division of Tidbits Media, Inc. · Montgomery, AL 36106

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