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Week of November 8th, 2010
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The Neatest LittleLittle PaperPaper EverEver Read The Neatest Read
Vol. 5 Issue #46
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weekly-throughout the county-wherever people sit and wait.
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M a ke i t a c o m b o t o complete your meal by adding fries and a drink
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Ever since the dawn of man, there has been a fascination with AD the stars. But itget wasn’t YOUR wonʼt lostuntil onthe invention of the telescope that a true mapping page 4-Section D. It is right of the sky began. Of course now, with spacealongside the trivia, making age telescopes mounted on deep-space probes, we know a lot more about the universe. Take a it impossible to miss YOUR journey into space with Tidbits, as we explore the ad.ofTidbits is asystem. break from the wonders our own solar news media. • How old is of our the solarregular system? About 4.6 billion years old, give or take a few million years. No bad news, just fun facts. Since the Earth is constantly resurfacing itself, take the we Our can’t readers determine exactly howpaper old it is by examining there’s anotherand way homethetosurface, sharebut with family to find out. Meteorites, which date back to the friends. right to formation of theThe solar price system, is have been raining down on your Earth for of years. Scientists get admillions in front of the right have sampled meteorites and learned that they’re people-OFTEN! all about 4.6 billion years old. That means that everything in the solar system formed around the same time. Distributed in restaurants, fast• Until the telescope was invented around 1608, food restaurants, coffee shops, sky watchers used their naked eyes, careful offices, salons,to help record keepingbanks, and basichair mathematics themauto understand the heavens. repair shops, tire stores, turn the page for more!
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multi function wall stations, battery back up (DC motor and jackshaft) and garage door reminder to let you know if the door is closed among others.
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We have desi meet a archite
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H.D.Youth Center’s Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
Saturday, November 20th 11:00 am until 2:00 pm Former Ace Hardware store Next to Sav-A-Lot ChaDnoor Prizes ce to 1625 J Street SW Ham or Turwkineya Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
This annual event is for the homeless and those who cannot afford a good holiday dinner. We provide a free Turkey dinner with all the trimmings including desert. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be sent to: H.D. Youth Center P.O. Box 74273 Cedar Rapids, IA 52407 For more information about the youth Center, call: Henry Davison 319-329-8841
We have FREE tickets available for
Walt Disney World
For more information go to:
If your non-profit organization has a fundraising event you would like to have published in the Tidbits® paper, please contact us. Space is limited but we will make every effort to list special events such as fund-raisers for your organization.
St Ludmila Fall Bazaar
2nd St and 21st Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids IA November 13th, 9 am - 6 pm November 14th, 9 am - 12:30 pm
More than 20 vendors for everyday needs and gift giving. Visit Cafe St. Ludmila, or "Santa Claus". Pre-order your favorite Kolachs any day by Tuesday, 11/9, by calling 364-0897, 390-1277, or 533-3072 between 9 am and 7 pm. Say you saw it in Tidbits.
w w w. s t l u d m i l a . o r g
SOLAR SYSTEM (continued):
• Our solar system only has eight planets. Not the nine planets you grew up with. That’s because the International Astronomical Union reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet in 2006. • To qualify as a planet, an object needs to orbit the sun, have enough mass to pull itself into a spherical shape, and have cleared out its orbit of other material. It’s this third requirement that Pluto hasn’t fulfilled. Pluto is a fraction of the mass in its orbit, while the other planets are millions of times more massive than everything else in their orbits. • Pluto may have been downgraded from planet to dwarf planet, but guess what? It’s not the only dwarf planet found in our solar system. Three others have been discovered: Ceres, Eris and Makemake. Dwarf planets are objects that orbit the sun and have enough mass to form a sphere, but they share their orbit with other objects. As telescopes improve, more dwarf planets will probably be discovered. There might eventually be more dwarf planets than planets. • Unlike Earth, Saturn is made mostly of hydrogen and helium, so its density is only 0.13 that of Earth. While it has heavier materials in the core, it is the only planet in the solar system that is less dense than water. • Titan is the largest of Saturn’s moons. It is the second largest moon in the solar system. In fact, it is larger than both Mercury and Pluto. • Scientists are particularly interested in Titan because it’s one of the few known moons with its own dense atmosphere. Titan’s atmosphere is also thought to be very similar to what Earth’s atmosphere was a long time ago. By learning about Titan, we’ll learn about our own planet. Johnson County American Legions will be holding their 2010 Veterans Day Observance at Anderson Cemetery which is just east of Swisher.
Toddville Legion Hall, Toddville IA Saturday November 13th 4 pm - 7 pm Adults $6.00, 12 & under $3.00, 5 & Under free We accept used eyeglasses and hearing aids
Grace Baptist 4th Annual Holiday Bazaar
Friday November 19th 9 am - 7 pm Saturday November 20th 9 am - 2 pm Located in gym behind the church building. Crafts, food for eat in or boxed to go, much more.
• Examples of ancient Rome’s contribution to space science are the names of the planets. The association of certain planets with certain attributes of gods or goddesses harkens back to the Sumerians, but Roman names were directly appropriated. Examples are Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn.
Otter Creeks Lions Chili and Soup Supper
Sunday November 7th at 2:00 PM Guest Speaker Chuck Geetz, president of English River Outfitters. In case of inclement weather, the event will be at post 671 in Swisher. Public is welcome.
1735 11TH St. NW Cedar Rapids 319-3 6 3 - 5 5 7 1
Breakfast Buffet A l l Yo u C a n E a t ! Sunday, November 7th & 14th 9:00 am to 11 am
Open to the public. All are welcome!
We are “People Helping People” B St. Ludmila Bingo I 215 21st Ave SW, Cedar Rapids 319-363-9372 N Doors open - 3:30 PM SUNDAYS - 5:30 PM G Doors open - 5:30 PM O TUESDAYS - 6:30 PM New Bingo players are welcome. We have great food and refreshments! You Know You’re In Alaska When…
. . . you have to put your sun visor down at 3:00 a.m
Good News Baptist Church
1203 3rd Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Bringing the Good News of The Gospel to the City of Five Seasons
AWANA CLUB FOR KIDS Each Wed. evening at 6:30 join us for stories, games and prizes. Ages 3yrs to 12 grade.
Bus Transportation always available. SERVICE TIMES: Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning 11:00 AM Sunday Evening 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM
“All I want for Christmas is some pretty lights” (and no hassles)
No contracts or commitments-just smiles. We can customize wreaths & bows.
Most books now say our sun is a star. But it still knows how to change back into a sun in the daytime.
Of Linn County
Week of November 8th, 2010
At Shellsburg Legion Hall
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Week of November 8th, 2010
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
Tidbits® - It is OK to take this paper home with you to share with others when there are plenty available-
Ebony Beauty Supply
Wigs, Human Extensions, Braid Hair... and more!
NEW LOCATION 1901 Mt. Vernon Rd. SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Betty McArtor Owner (319) 261-0447
SOLAR SYSTEM (continued): •
Hours Tuesday - Friday 10am - 6pm Saturday 10am - 5pm Closed Sunday & Monday
Q: What kind of astronaut can jump higher than a house? A: Any kind, a house can't jump.
• •
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Q: I work only when I'm fired, What am I? A: A rocket.
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Saturn’s moon Hyperion is shaped sort of like a hamburger patty and rotates chaotically, probably due to a recent collision. The asteroid belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Sometimes called minor planets, asteroids are rocky objects that are the remnants of the solar system when it formed. Over 90,000 asteroids of various sizes have been found by scientists. Often referred to as the “final frontier” of the solar system, the Kuiper Belt, which is a discshaped area made up of icy debris, is located at a distance of 7.5- 9.3 billion miles (12 -15 billion kilometers) from the sun. Ancient astronomers used to think the Earth was the center of the universe. It wasn’t until the 16th century that Nicolaus Copernicus first presented the idea that the sun was at the center, not the Earth. All the objects in the solar system orbit the sun in a counter-clockwise direction. This matches the theory that the solar system formed all at once from a cool cloud of hydrogen. As the gas came together, it began to spin, so that the sun collected in the middle, surrounded by an accretion disk of gas and dust. All the planets and other material in the solar system formed within this rotating disk. Our sun is a typical star, middling in size, but big enough to burn steadily for 10 billion years. How big is our sun? It has a diameter of 864,000 miles (1,391,000 kilometers), and more than one million Earths could fit into the sun. It is located 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) from Earth.
Maggie harTogh-Maurer, L.M.T Advanced Hair Technologies Phone 319.364.4220 $10 off “Put your care in my hands.”
1202 A Dina Ct., Hiawatha 319-364-4220
Mention this ad in the Tidbits and receive $2 off of any product (minimum $5 cost) with the purchase of a haircut. Not valid with any other offers or coupons. Expires 11-30-10.
Hours: M-F 9-9, Sat 8-6, Sun 10-5
Three Convenient Locations:
5458 Blairs Forest Way NE (Near Subway By Sams Club) Cedar Rapids • 319-294-2317
2040 Edgewood Rd. SW (Westwood, Near Gander Mnt.) Cedar Rapids • 319-654-8446 1460 Twixt Town Road (Near Michaels & Collins Rd. Theatres) Marion • 319-373-0038 Q: Why did the Astronaut bang his head against the wall? A: So he could see stars.
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Kristiansen Chiropractic Office 4005 Wilson Ave SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
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Visit our unique gift store full of hand crafted treasures including Oil Paintings, Walking Sticks, Quilts, Wooden Bowls, Purses, Crocheted Towels, Cross Stitch, Polymer Clay Jewelry, Greeting Cards, Bra Bags, Saw Blades, and .... and .... and MORE!!!
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Look for puzzle answers on page 16.
OPEN: Noon-6 Wednesday thru Friday and 10-4 Saturday Call 319-540-6243 for more info. or check
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Week of November 8th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
sales and service 2100 16th Ave. SW Cedar Rapids IA 52404 319-362-0558
Pre-Owned Foreign and Domestic Cars and Trucks
All vehicles fully inspected.
Warranty on all vehicles Extended warranty available on all vehicles
Check us out online or in person Q: Which planet is like a circus? A: Saturn, it has three rings.
By Samantha Weaver
• It was American author, producer, screenwriter and director Michael Crichton who made the following sage observation: “Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.” • Statistics show that more babies are born in September than in any other month of the year. • Talk about bad luck: In May of 2009, two thieves broke into a jewelry store in Milwaukee, bagged up their loot and tried to make their getaway. On the way out of the looted store, they were confronted by two more thieves, who took the ill-gotten gains. No one ended up profiting from the crime, however; all four were arrested.
SOLAR SYSTEM (continued): The sun contains 99.8 percent of the mass in the solar system. And the sun is approximately 72 percent hydrogen, so most of the matter in the solar system is hydrogen, with the remaining amount being mostly helium, oxygen and carbon. Everything else, like metals and rocks, is just a tiny fraction of a fraction of the solar system’s mass. The heat the sun gives us derives from nuclear fusion at its core. There are only a few stars within 10 light-years of our sun. The closest Proxima Centauri, 4.2 light-years away. Barnard’s Star is 5.9 lightyears away; Wolf 359 is 7.8 light-years away; Lalande 21185 is 8.3 light-years away; Sirius is 8.6 light-years away; Luyten 726-8 is 8.7 lightyears away; and finally Ross 154 is 9.7 lightyears away. The sun is just one star in 200 billion in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Doesn’t that give you perspective? Our world is just one planet orbiting one star in a galaxy of 200 billion stars. So, are we alone? Astronomers now estimate that the universe contains roughly trillions of stars organized into billions of galaxies. Spacecraft from Earth have visited or orbited every planet in the solar system, and more are on their way to visit some of the dwarf planets. Man has explored the sun, the moon and many asteroids. And now some of the oldest spacecraft still active — NASA’s Voyager spacecrafts — have almost reached the sun’s heliosphere.
Adaptive Hands Massage Therapy Therapy and Relaxation Combined
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Mention this ad and receive Licensed Massage Therapist 208 Collins Rd. NE Ste. 107 $10.00 OFF Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 your first 60 Cell 319-540-3133 Minutes.
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Now is the PERFECT time to schedule us to come to your home for a Holiday portrait!
Answers on pg. 16
• According to an estimate by the United Nations, there are more than 3 million shipwrecks on the ocean floor. • You may have heard of the turducken -- a chicken stuffed into a duck stuffed into a turkey -- but you probably didn’t know that a chef in the United Kingdom took the idea of nested fowl several steps further. Hugh FearnleyWhittingstall stuffed a woodcock inside a pigeon, inside a partridge, inside a pheasant, inside a chicken, inside a guineafowl, inside a mallard, inside a duck, inside a goose, inside a turkey. No word on how the 10-layer dish was carved for serving. • If you’re not the sort of person who makes the bed every day, here’s some good news for you: Researchers in the United Kingdom have found that unmade beds are less likely to harbor dust mites, a common cause of asthma and allergic symptoms. *** Thought for the Day: “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” -Rene Descartes (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Your Name Here
Any Given Saturday - Iowa Hawkeyes by Greg Bordignon signed/numbered
601 7th Ave. Marion • (319) 377-5739 Between Country Kitchen & Sunbeam
Week of November 8th, 2010
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MAP DIRECTORY #1 Advanced Hair Technologies Page 3 1202 Dina Court Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-364-4220 #2 Pita’z Page 6 1057 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-395-7482 #3 Diamond Vogel Page 6 725 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-365-6901 #4 Dairy Queen 100 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-393-0944 #5 The Spring House www.springhouserestaurant .net 3980 Center Point Road NE Coupons online Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-393-4995 #6 The Floor Shop Page 6 3909 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-832-1937 #7 O’Donnell Ace Hardeware Page 6 3825 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-395-7770 #8 Hansen Hearing Center Page 16 3525 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-393-5646 #9 Cassill Motors Page 7 32nd & Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-363-3353 #10 Century Cab Page 16 1100 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-365-0505 #11 Balloons, Etc. 720 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-298-9999 #12 Treasures / A Quality Resale Shop 701 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-364-1988 #13 Metro Appliance Page 6 620 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-366-7281
Businesses Located Along Center Point Road ↑ N.
I N EXIT 25 T E R S T A T 4 E 3 Hiawatha 8 EXIT 24 B 0 Cedar Rapids
P O I N T R D ↓
6 7
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O Donnell Ace Hardware 3825 Center Pt. Rd. NE Cedar Rapids, IA
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A Season Too Long
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Copyright ® 2010 Robert A. Swart
Week of November 8th, 2010
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Week of November 8th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
HOME HEALTHCARE Home Equipment & Supplies319-362-1084 Healthcare
3223 1st Ave SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402
A-1 Home Healthcare Proudly Presents
Senior News Line
Computers are like air-conditioners: both stop working, if you open windows.
Computers are unreliable, but humans are even more unreliable.
GOT MEDICARE? You May Qualify For A
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by Matilda Charles
Vitamin D Is Vital for Bone Health Nearly half of patients who go in for orthopedic surgery are seriously deficient in vitamin D, according to a recent study. Being deficient in that vitamin compromised healing. Maybe if the patients had enough vitamin D to begin with, they wouldn’t have needed surgery in the first place. The D vitamin is essential for bone health and muscle function. It helps the body absorb calcium and can help ward off osteoporosis. There are three ways we can get enough vitamin D: exposure to the sun, eating certain foods and taking supplements. Most foods don’t have a lot of the vitamin, but these do in varying amounts: fortified orange juice, many types of fish, eggs and dairy products, and some cereals. Sunlight is tricky, especially in the winter. According to a fact sheet by the National Institutes of Health, those of us living above the 42nd parallel (approximately above a straight line from Boston to Northern California) likely don’t get enough sunlight from November to February to produce synthesis. Additionally, we seniors can’t synthesize sun-induced vitamin D as well as we once could. Supplements are tricky, too. The amount of vitamin D needed on a daily basis is apparently up for debate. Different sources quote different amounts needed for bone strength. Too much is as bad as too little. Best bet: Write down everything you eat for a week, including drinks, and take it to your doctor. Ask if you’re getting enough vitamin D in your diet alone, or if you need a supplement or a diet addition. If you’re scheduled for surgery, ask your doctor for a vitamin D test first to make sure your levels are in the right range. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 328536475, or send e-mail to (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
Information in this issue of Tidbits could win you a prize on “Remember When” on KMRY 1450, Saturday night between 7pm & 10pm
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Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
9/28/2010 10:41:02 PM
Tannenbaum Forest at Festhalle Barn. Daily schejule varies. Fundraiser for Make-A-Wish Foundation
7 220th Trail
Amana Business Directory
Ronneburg Restaurant On the main street of Historic Amana T H E
4408 220th Trail Amana, IA 52203 319-622-3641
For Coupons A Great neighbourhood restaurant for 60 years.
1 2
w w w. r o n n e b u rg r e s t a u r a n t . c o m
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6 Custom Cutlery & Ironworks Hand Crafted Products Free Lifetime Sharpening with our knives. Quality ironwork handforged on-site. Home accessories. Handcrafted knives for kitchen and sport.
w w w. c u s t o m c u t l e r y. c o m • 319-622-3482 • Amana, IA
Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents. At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers when the youngest one began praying at the top of his lungs. "I PRAY FOR A BICYCLE...I PRAY FOR A NEW NINTENDO...I PRAY FOR A NEW VCR..." His older brother leaned over and nudged the younger brother and said, "Why are you shouting your prayers? God isn't deaf." To which the little brother replied, "No, but Gramma is!"
7 8 9 10
46th Avenue
3 4 5
45th Avenue
220th Trail
44th Avenue
November 26th - December 19th 43rd Avenue
← to Middle Amana
id To Cedar Rap
Amana Colonies
Hwy 151 / 42nd Avenue
38th Avenue
Untitled-2 1
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8 220th Trail
48th Avenue
Week of November 8th, 2010
hA ven Old Creamery Theatre Company ue 39 38th Ave. 1-800-35-amana See page 12 10 9 The Ronneburg Restaurant See this page 10 4408 220th Trail 319-622-3641 Little Red Wagon See this page 4417 220th Trail 319-622-3822 THE Amana General Store See this page 4423 220th Trail 319-622-7650 Amana Coffee & Tea Co. See this page 4423 220th Trail 622-6598 Lehm Books & Gifts See this page Serving fine food family style 319-622-6447 4536 220th Trail • 800-840-2387 for over 75 years! Java Junction “Amana Colonies Original Kaffeehaus!” 319-622-4100 619 46th Ave. Drinks, Sandwiches & Pastries Collectively Iowa 4709 220th Trail Lower Level 319-622-3698 Open seven days a week, Colony Inn Restaurant See this page 741 47th Avenue 319-622-3030 7:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. Custom Cutlery & Ironworks 822 48th Ave. (Behind the Amana Woolen Mill) Banquets • Meetings • Special Occasions 319-622-3482 20 Minutes From Cedar Rapids and Iowa City
747 47th Ave. Amana (319) 622-3030
The Judge fined a motorist $25 for speeding, and gave him a receipt. "What am I supposed to do with this, frame it?" snapped the driver. "No, save it," replied the Judge. "When you have three, you get a bicycle."
Tidbits is available at all of these fine Amana businesses.
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Iowa City Coralville Cedar Rapids West (next to Toys R Us) (behind Taco Bell) (across from Wal-Mart) 2818 Commerce Dr. 252 Blairs Ferry Rd NE 3750 Williams Blvd. SW 1027 Hwy 6 East 319-338-9909 319-545-8408 319-373-2380 319-396-6663 Cedar Rapids East
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Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
Week of November 8th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936 Music Legend:
Tina Turner Cedar Rapids An Original Iowa Tradition Since 1927
11 AM - 2 AM EVERYDAY 1140 Blairs Ferry Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 319-378-6447 HAWKEYE TERRITORY Enjoy all your Hawkeye sports here! ● Family Friendly Atmosphere ● 44 High Definition TVS ● NE Longest HAPPY HOUR 11am - 7 pm ● Sunday - Thursday, Kids eat free* * One kids meal per one adult meal Middle age: I met a couple at a local restaurant last
week who mentioned they were celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. I congratulated them and said that they looked great and hope I could look as good as they do when I get to their age which was 80. It made me feel great that day since I still have another 30 years to get there. That evening, several police cars where on our block, when I walked to the end of the driveway, one pulled up and asked if I had seen anyone running through the yards from across the street? He then gave the description of the person who was an older man in his mid forties. I went to bed that night not feeling as young as I did just a few hours earlier. Why did it have to be the rookie cop who stopped??? Mt. Vernon Ace Hardware 222 1st. Ave. S. Mt. Vernon, IA Weekday 7:30-8:00 Sat. 7:30- 5:00 Sun. 10:00-5:00
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Tina Turner (born Anna Mae Bullock on November 26, 1939) is an American singer and actress whose career has spanned more than 50 years. She has won numerous awards, and her achievements in the rock music genre have earned her the title “The Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll.” • Born to a share-cropping family in the segregated South, Anna Mae Bullock and her elder sister were raised by their grandparents. Anna Mae eventually moved to St. Louis to reunite with her mother. • In St. Louis, Bullock attended Sumner High School. At this time, Bullock’s sister was taking her to several nightclubs in the city. One night, Bullock met Mississippi-born rhythm and blues musician Ike Turner and later asked him if she could sing for him. Ike was initially skeptical, but after much persistence on Bullock’s part, he decided to let her sing. And the rest is history. • Going by the name “Little Ann,” Bullock was soon the lead singer in a soul revue led by Ike Turner and his Kings of Rhythm band. • When the singer that was to record “A Fool In Love” failed to turn up for the session, Ike Turner drafted Bullock to provide the vocal with the intention of removing it later. However, once he heard her spine-tingling performance of the song, he changed his plans. He changed her name to Tina Turner, and when the record became a hit, Tina became a permanent fixture in Ike’s band and his quest for international stardom. • After they married, Ike and Tina Turner recorded a string of hits in the 1960s, including “A Fool in Love,” “It’s Gonna Work Out Fine,” “I Idolize You” and the groundbreaking “River Deep, Mountain High” with producer Phil Spector. • By the end of the decade, Ike and Tina incorporated modern rock styles into their act and began including their interpretations of “Come Together,” “Honky Tonk Woman” and “I Want to Take You Higher” in their stage show. • “Proud Mary,” the duo’s interpretation of the Credence Clearwater Revival hit, was the duo’s greatest commercial success, peaking at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 in March 1971. The single eventually won a Grammy for Best R&B Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group. • Many believed that after Turner broke with Ike, she would not return to the music scene. Tina proved otherwise, when she, with the help of Roger Davies, her Australian manager, released her multi-platinum and Grammy-winning album in 1984, “Private Dancer,” with her biggest hits “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” and “Better Be Good to Me.” • Turner in the movies: Following Turner’s success in 1984, she starred in the film, “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome,” and recorded the film’s soundtrack as well, which produced the international hit, “We Don’t Need Another Hero.” • Turner was listed on Rolling Stone’s list “The Immortals — The Greatest Artists of All Time.” She is a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, and two of her recordings, “River Deep - Mountain High” (1999) and “Proud Mary” (2003), are in the Grammy Hall of Fame. Turner has won eight Grammy Awards • Tina Turner is one of the top-selling music artists of all time, with record sales estimated at around 200 million copies.
Downtown An Original Iowa Tradition Since 1927
11 AM - 2 AM Mon. - Sat. 411 1st Street SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 319-362-0310 erly DC’s River Walk Pub & Eatery
Kids Eat Free Monday - Saturday One Kids free meal per adult meal. 21“NATIONAL” Pitchers ForWORDS $25.00, (continued): For Your Birthday. Day Of The Week During The itWeek Of Your •Any French: Chefs know what means to Birthday. Limititem. 1 Special Birthday “french” a food It’s aPer verb that means cut1into thin strips, like, well, fries. 2to For Thursday - Saturday 10french pm - Close (And yes, that’s how the finger-friendly poThursday Nights! tato $6 dishFish tookBowl its name.) Green beans are another item commonly prepared in this manner.
• Maltese: These tiny spaniels are easy to identify thanks to their long, silky coats. The American Kennel Club groups them1455 withMount other Vernon “Toy Road SE Dogs” like Pugs and Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Yorkshire Terriers. Feline aficionados also use the term Maltese to describe cats that have a similarly silky, grayblue coat.
For Carry Out Orders Call (319) 364-1959
• Colombian: This term means different things to different people, depending on how you get your “jones.” Narcotics dealers may refer to their products as Colombian, although the actual source is often unknown. Luckily, the majority of us prefer a bit of legal Colombian, as in the coffee grown in the South American nation. The prevalence of coffee shops throughout America is proof enough that many of us just can’t get along in the morning without a hot cup of Colombian. • Chinese: The generic term “chinese” now represents types of food that are very different from the meals that are (or ever were) served in China. That said, the same argument could be made about what we consider “American” food. Hamburgers? Ice cream? Hot dogs? Pizza? Our national favorites seem to have originated everywhere except in the United States! Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.
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Studies have shown that $45 of every $100 spent at locally owned stores stays in the community, whereas only about $13 of every $100 spent in chain (big box) stores remains in the local economy.
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Week of November 8th, 2010
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
COOTER’S The New Owner Welcome’s you! 729 1st Ave. SW Cedar Rapids 319-261-0983
Watch Iowa Football Here! Potluck and win Hawkeye Gear when Iowa Scores. $2.25 Tall boys Wednesday, Come on in for Drinks and Prizes!
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Television Quiz Shows
Television quiz shows have been around as long as television itself. Actually, quiz shows pre-date TV and were a popular form of entertainment on radio. • “Major Bowes’ Original Amateur Hour” was one of the first national radio programs to feature contestants competing for prizes. Other early radio quiz shows included “Professor Quiz” (CBS 1936), which awarded $25 cash prizes to anyone who could stump the professor. A large number of quiz shows appeared on radio in 1937 and 1938. “Pot ‘O Gold” (NBC 1939) gave $1,000 to anyone who answered a telephone call during the show. • The 1954 Supreme Court ruling in Federal Communications Commission vs. American Broadcasting Co., Inc. 347 U.S. 284, said that quiz shows were not a form of gambling. This paved the way for their introduction to television. • On June 7, 1955. CBS TV premiered “The $64,000 Question,” the biggest jackpot program in radio-TV history up to that time. With host Hal March, the Tuesday night program drew an amazing 84.8 percent share of the TV audience, a feat unheard of these days. Marine Captain Richard S. McCutchen became a national celebrity as an expert on cooking. Joyce Brothers would star as an expert on boxing. • Herb Stempel’s scripted loss on “TwentyOne” to the more-popular Charles Van Doren occurred on December 5, 1956, and involved his deliberately getting the answer to a question about an Academy Award-winning movie wrong. (The correct answer was “Marty,” one of Stempel’s favorite movies.) • After his loss, Stempel blew the whistle on the operation. Initially, he was dismissed as a sore loser. More evidence of the fix came from “Twenty-One” contestant James Snodgrass, who had sent registered letters to himself containing the advance answers. Such evidence was irrefutable. • Quiz shows all but disappeared from prime time American television for decades. Those that continued to air had substantially reduced prizes, and many shows adopted limits on the number of games a player could win (usually five). Quiz shows became game shows, shifting focus from knowledge to puzzles and word games. A quiz for big money would not return until ABC premiered “100 Grand” in 1963; it went off the air after just three weeks. • Today, “Jeopardy!” is a popular international television game show, originally devised by Merv Griffin, who also created “Wheel of Fortune.” • Merv Griffin’s first idea for “Jeopardy!” used a board comprising 10 categories with 10 clues each, but after finding that this board could not be filmed easily, he reduced it to two rounds of 30 clues, with five clues each in six categories. Early on, Griffin discarded his original name for the show, “What’s the Question?” after a network executive suggested that the game “needed more jeopardies.” • “Jeopardy!” first aired on NBC from 1964 to 1975 and again from 1978 to 1979. Its most successful incarnation is the current Alex Trebek-hosted syndicated version, which has aired continuously since September 1984. • “Wheel of Fortune” first aired in 1975 on daytime network television. The current version has been syndicated in prime time since September 19, 1983. Its 28th season premiered in 2010. It is the longest-running syndicated game show in American television history.
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Week of November 8th, 2010
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Week of November 8th, 2010
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W a n t t h i s p a p e r e v e r y w e e k ? C h e c k o n - l i n e f o r t h e e x a c t s a m e p a p e r i s a v a i l a b l e o n l i n e . Week of November 8th, 2010
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
Investor Alert! This Home Has Been A Good Rental But Owner Needs To Sell. Updated Galley Kitchen, Patio Area, Extra Parking & Garage $36,500 Kathy 560-4253
Price Improved
Newer home with 3/4 BD and 3 BA. Cathedral ceilings, new carpet, honey oak kitchen. Lower level family room with fireplace. $177,000 Jack 319-389-3827
Wonderful 3 bedroom ranch home on double in lot in College Community Schools New windows, roof, kitchen, bath, walls, trim, flooring. Large great room. Main Immaculate Brick Ranch with Newer floor utility. Kitchen and Hardwood Floors. 3 Bedroom, $124,900 1.5 Baths, Huge Rec Rm and large Workshop Julie 651-8433 $124,950 Marian 319-362-9111 One of the largest homes in the area. Over 2,800 sf of living space. 4 Bedrooms, 3 full baths. Vaulted great room with fireplace. Family room in LL with daylight windows. Large deck and stamp patio. In great ne location. $224,950 Bob 319-573-7489
Nice ranch in highly desirable Cedar Hills location. 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath. Large eatin kitchen, 12 x 16 three seasons room. Spacious fenced rear yard on a corner lot. New windows. $125,000 Doug 319-329-4032
w w w. m a r i a n a r e n s . c o m Read Tidbits in print or online at
For Sale By Owner
618 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Contact Paul at 319-431-4387
Fabulous 1950's California style rambling ranch in one of Cedar Rapids' most desired neighborhoods. 2,250 sqft of bright, open spaces, with many updates and modern conveniences! Updated kitchen & bathrooms offer elegance while maintaining the charm of the 50's era! Fantastic yard with great entertaining areas and luscious gardens! Move in ready with motivated sellers! $229,500. First Ave. to Cottage Grove Ave. SE to private cul-de-sac between Country Club Pkwy & Lincolnshire.
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How To Select The Right Real Estate Agent By Doris Black When selling your home, you need to give careful consideration to choosing the right real estate agent. You need a real estate agent who will actively pursue getting your house as much exposure as possible. What’s the best way to do that? Through communication.
Putting your best interests first!
Margie Jenkins
Experience • Integrity • Results
Golf course view, 3 bed, 2 bath, new roof, SALE PENDING updated flooring, kitchen, baths, deck, fence. $149,900 Bowman Woods, 4 bed, 2.5 bath, gas fireplace, screened porch, deck, fencing. $175,000
Spectacular: 4 bed, 3 bath, 3 car, new carpet, hardwood, appliances, vaulted, gas fireplace, whirlpool, tile, central vac. $229,000 Huge new garage, $2K flooring allow., hardwd. floors, newer HVAC, 3 bed, 1.5 bath. $112,500
Cambridge Exposure is the name of the game 365 when it comes to selling a home. A good agent knows and uses every means of communiStarter home or Pottery Barn Cute! investor alert! 3 bed, pillars, new cation to get the word out about your prop$1,500 flooring bamboo floor, ac, allow., new windows, paint, erty. They will spread the word to every siding, windows, carpet, deck, more kitchen, bath. other agent in town that your property is $99,995 $75,000 now on the market, they will send faxes and e-mails and make phone calls, they will anA lawyer charged a client $500.00 for legal services. The client paid him with crisp new $100.00 bills. After the nounce your hot property at weekly meetclient left, the lawyer discovered that two of the bills had ings and they will hold an open house for stuck together -- he'd been overpaid by $100.00. The ethiagents only. The best agent will continue cal dilemma for the lawyer: Should he tell his partner? to “talk up” your property to everyone they know for the most exposure until it is sold.
Brod’s Firewood & Construction 319-270-4770 $100.00* off TANDEM DUMP TRUCKING recylced asphalt BOBCAT GRADING driveway or parking lot
Interview several agents before signing a contract. When searching for the best person to represent you, ask point blank what they will do to sell your home. LisSNOW REMOVAL exp 11/30/10 w/ this ad ten to their presentations and make note of those who are willing to go that extra mile. Some agents will tell you exactly what you want to hear in order to get your listing. For example, they may quickly agree to whatever listing price you suggest just to get the contract. Don’t fall into that trap because later on you may have to reduce the price. A good agent will know your neighborhood and the recent selling prices of similar homes in your neighborhood. Listen to their advice—that’s why you’re hiring them. Don’t choose an agent who tells you they’ll hold an open house every weekend until it’s sold. Studies have shown that most homes are not sold through open houses to the general public. In reality, open houses offer the agent an opportunity to make further contacts and to find out who else may be getting ready to put their home on the market, thus giving them access to possible listings. Don’t fall prey to the agent who brags that they sell more properties than any other agent in their company. This sounds good on the surface, but the person you’re looking for is the agent who sold the most homes from the ones they had listed. The person who sold 20 out of 20 homes in three months is the agent you want, not the one who sold 25 out of 40. Even if you have a friend or relative who is a real estate agent, it may not be the wisest course of action to let them handle your house. Remember the old saying about not working with your family?
8.5 Foot Setting
Every agent will tell you that they’ll put a sign in your yard, hold open houses and list your home in the MLS® (Multiple Listing Service), but you want more than that. Agent only open houses will expose your property to the key people at all the local realty companies. They may ask your permission to offer the buyer’s agent an extra bonus, like an extra 1/2 percent commission. This is a great way to get the attention of every agent in town focused on your property. As a savvy seller, you should be quick to agree. The successful agent who uses this exposure method can also assist you through the entire selling process: preparing your home for sale, negotiating price and closing the deal.
ReachMaster FS95 Atrium Lift Technical Features • Maximum basket load 440 lbs • 45+ foot Outreach • Outrigger setting can be as narrow as 8’ 6” • Two 10 foot jibs - increases reaching over obstacles • Electrically powered - allows work in any environment
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Remember, the goal when selling is to get as many people talking about your property as possible. Hot properties, priced right, sell quickly, never making it to the MLS. That’s what you want and will get by choosing the right agent. Once you’ve found the right agent, ask for at least three references whom you can call. Selling your home is a big step and you don’t want to entrust that to just anyone. After you have found an agent you like, sign the contract, get the boxes ready and start the packing.
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Week of November 8th, 2010
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Jaclyn Neyens
David Pitts Broker/Owner
319-981-DAVE (3283)
Week of November 8th, 2010
4 BR on 1.2 Acres Just $119.990 Complete Overhaul But SAVE! 3BR, 2BA, New Listing! All new New Listing! paint, All new carpet, paint, deck flooring 24x26, throughout! in town $179,990 acreage. Rare 1.83 In Town Acreage! Beautiful Wood Floors/Hiawatha! 4 BR, 2BA, 3BR, 2.5BA 4.5 stall 2700sf, garage, fencing, w/o LL, move-in w/wet bar, ready deck, $194,990 New Listing! $144,990. Unequalled Value / Quality! Awesome Updates Throughout! 4BR, 2 BA, 3BR, 1 BA, huge deck, 1152sf privacy finished LL, fence, pool updates. $129,900 $79,990
June 22– July 22 Advice is not in short supply. Some is better Clear your conscience, than others, so take Capricorn. Let others know of your mistake and the time to sort it out, Cancer. Your love life express your regrets. If you don’t, it will eat away perks up with a longawaited gift. at you bit by bit.
GREAT VIEW OF LAKE MCBRIDE Split level home with 4 large bedrooms and 2 baths. Brand new roof. Double lot with many shade trees. Solon-$180,000
GREAT HOME/POPULAR AREA 1 ½ Story home with 3BR/ 2.5 BA. Built in fireplace/great room. Eat-kitchen/breakfast bar. Main floor laundry. Marion-$166,000
December 22– January 19
CHARMING HOME GREAT CONDO Brand new kitchen with new cabinets, Ranch style condo with 2BR/2BA. Eat in countertops and flooring. 3BR/1BA. Plus kitchen, all appliances stay. Patio. Close to new flooring in living room. Screened porch schools and shopping. Marion - $79,900 and fenced back-yard. CR-NW—$115,000
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February 19– March 20 You have moved into new territory, and it will pay for you to watch and learn, Pisces. An old friend drops by and whisks you away to a winter wonderland.
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July 23– August 22 Not happy with the way a project is going at home? Speak up now, Leo, or forever hold your peace. Change cannot be implemented later.
August 23– September 22 An addition to the family gives everyone a reason to smile, including you, Virgo. Chaos ensues at work with a phone call. Try not to get drawn into the fire.
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March 21– April 19 The time has come for you to make your big move, Aries. Cast aside all self-doubts and take the plunge. New digs call for new designs. Make wise purchases.
September 23– October 22 You may be quick, but that doesn’t mean everyone else is. Make your intentions clear, Libra, and leave no room for error. A change of venue calls for different activities.
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April 20– May 20 Nonsense, Taurus. What is good for the goose is not good for the gander. Concentrate on your self and let others make their own decisions.
October 23– November 21 Experience matters, Scorpio, so don’t overlook it in favor of skill. You are given a pivotal role in a charity function. Perform with gusto. A friend shares good news. I 800-HRBLOCK
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May 21– June 21 Your financial outlook has improved more than you realize, Gemini. Take the time to find out why. A gargantuan task requires a gargantuan effort.
November 22– December 21 Back off, Sagittarius. You have interfered too much already. Fitness goals are within reach. Keep at it. A young friend sends you a puzzling note.
Jeff Bessert Paul Bessert Cell: (319) 981-4457 Cell: (319) 981-4456 Phone: (319) 223-7460 Fax: (319) 223-7461
Week of November 8th, 2010
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
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-Tidbits® The paper that readers of all ages can enjoy- For Advertising E-mail: or Call (319) 294-0077 MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
demoted 06.
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• On Nov. 12, 1799, Andrew Ellicott Douglass, an early American astronomer born in Vermont, witnesses the Leonids meteor shower from a ship off the Florida Keys. Douglass’ journal entry is the first known record of a meteor shower in North America.
Jupiter came down to Earth one day and decided to help two criminals rob a bank. Bad luck for them: They got caught, and the three found themselves in court. The judge sentenced the two earthlings to 15 years, and Jupiter was a bit shocked when he was sentenced to ten years.
• On Nov. 11, 1885, George Smith Patton, one of the great American generals of World War II, is born in San Gabriel, Calif. Patton was one of the most controversial of the U.S. commanders, known to make eccentric claims that he was a direct descendant of great military leaders of the past through reincarnation.
“But your honor,” said Jupiter, “I didn’t even take part in the robbery.” “Yes,” said the judge. “But you helped them ... planet!”
wling is ball.” –
• On Nov. 8, 1895, physicist Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen becomes the first person to observe X-rays. Rontgen’s discovery occurred accidentally in his Wurzburg, Germany, lab, where he was testing whether cathode rays could pass through glass. • On Nov. 10, 1932, Roy Scheider, the actor best known for his role as the police chief of a beach community terrorized by a killer shark in the 1975 movie “Jaws,” is born in Orange, N.J. “Jaws,” directed by Steven Spielberg, became the first movie in history to gross more than $100 million.
• On Nov. 14, 1941, “Suspicion,” a romantic thriller starring Cary Grant and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, makes its debut. The film marked the first time that Grant and Hitchcock worked together. The two would later collaborate on “Notorious,” “To Catch a Thief” and “North by Northwest.”
This word means: A ringed planet, one of the two gas giants
n astronaut like a football player?
/7/1918 hey both want touchdowns. 31 4 483 1. Pluto 1/11/1974 2. Jupiter 45 n 3. Mars
1. This planet was found in 1930 and demoted from planet status to “icy dwarf” in 2006. Name it. 2. This planet has over 60 moons; four are the size of small planets. 3. This planet is our closest neighbor, next to Venus and is very similar to Earth. For ex4. Neptune ample, it rotates on its axis every 24.6 hours. Name this neighboring planet. 4. Discovered in 1781 by British astronomer William Herschel, this world is now known as one of the ice giant planets because it contains large amounts of icy methane and water.
miles in diameter, this is the anet in our solar system. It’s ger than Earth’s moon.
Jupiter came down to Earth one day and decided to help two criminals rob a bank. Bad luck for them: They got caught, and the three found themselves in court. The judge sentenced the two earthlings to 15 years, and Jupiter was a bit shocked when he was sentenced to ten years. “But your honor,” said Jupiter, “I didn’t even take part in the robbery.” “Yes,” said the judge. “But you helped them ... planet!”
• On Nov. 13, 1974, 28-year-old Karen Silkwood, a technician at a plutonium plant operated by the Kerr-McGee Corporation, is killed in a suspicious car accident near Crescent, Okla. She was on her way to a meeting with a reporter for The New York Times, reportedly with a folder full of documents that proved that Kerr-McGee was acting negligently when it came to worker safety at the plant. • On Nov. 9, 1989, East German officials open the Berlin Wall, allowing travel from East to West Berlin. The following day, celebrating Germans began to tear down the wall, reducing it to rubble that was quickly snatched up by souvenir hunters.
t is one of the two brightest he sky. It’s one of the two gas actions ts. Name it. 9 Hansen Hearing Center
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birthstone: Yellow Topaz
s Uranus and Neptune MAGIC MAZE most distant planets in confirms that you accept responsibility for any claims or damages arising out Rev. Billy Graham 11/7/1918 mary solar family, and the Morley Safer 11/8/1931 hed on your advertisement, including but not limited to claims for trademark jor planets discovered 1. Mercury Carl Sagan 11/9/1934 rn times. Both are or claims vertising, upon Martin Luther 11/10/1483 the Lanham Act. The Lanham Act is a law 2. Jupiter based red giant planets, but they 1.infringement. Pluto Leonardo DiCaprio 11/11/1974 designed to prevent trademark h smaller than Jupiter 2. Jupiter Neil Young 11/12/1945 urn. Uranus has about 63 HOCUS-FOCUS Robert Louis Stevenson 3. Mars e volume of Earth and 11/13/1850 4. Neptune ee in 58.their That’slong big, but journeys into deep space, the life form compared to Jupiter,sounds from Earth. ges and recorded ould hold 1,300
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