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Of Linn ������������������� ofCounty Linn County
The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read
Week of December 20th, 2010
Vol. 5 Issue #52
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936 Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitsof For Advertising email: tidbitsof or Call (319) 360-3936 Distributed by Rapp Publishing For Advertising Call (303) 916-6162
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A D V E RT I S E TO D AY ! weekly-throughout the county-wherever sit and wait. TIDBITS® people CELEBRATES
Christmas Around the World 150 +points of distribution locally
• Firsts lasts: In 1836, was the first it and impossible toAlabama miss YOUR state in the United States to declare Christmas a ad. Tidbits is a break from the legal holiday. U.S. President Franklin Pierce, in news of the regular media. 1856, decorated the first White House Christmas tree.No Andbad in 1907, Oklahoma last state news, just was funthe facts. to declare Christmas a legal holiday.
Our readers take the paper
• The idea for using electric Christmas lights home share named with Ralph family and came from anto American E. Morris in 1895. The new proved safer than friends. Thelights price is right to the more traditional candles.
get your ad in front of the right • The first Christmas card was created in England people-OFTEN! in 1843. Hallmark introduced its first Christmas
From the Owners & Employees of Linn County Dairy Queen Stores
5,000 copies are distributed
by Rick Dandes Christmas means laughing and spending time with family and friends, but most importantly, it honors YOUR AD wonʼt get lost on the birth of Jesus. Join Tidbits on a journey around pageas4-Section D. Itvarious is right the world we explore how cultures celebrate this holiday. alongside the trivia, making
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cards in 1915, five years after the founding of the company. An average household in America Distributed in restaurants, fastwill mail out 28 Christmas cards each year and coffee shops, see food 28 cardsrestaurants, return in their place.
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Q. What is the purpose of reindeer? A.It makes the grass grow, sweet.
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Front Page Advertising Front page not possible in most publications. It is also very difficult to get in this paper because of high demand and because our advertisers very seldom want to give up their
Thank You For Your Business in 2010! Wishing You A Wonderful Christmas Season & all that the New Year will bring! 319-365-7894 4601 6th St Cedar Rapids IA 52404
position of prominence. Note that all ads on front page are in FULL COLOR!
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Read this entire paper online when you do not have access to it during the week:
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
Week of December 20th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936 EAGLES CLUB
If your non-profit organization has a fundraising event you would like to have published in the Tidbits® paper, please contact us. Space is limited but we will make every effort to list special events such as fund-raisers for your organization.
Of Linn County
Christmas: The time of year when everyone gets Santamental. American Legion Post 5
Hall Rental Available Open to the Public
Weddings, Anniversaries, Graduations, Birthdays, Funerals, Reunions. Call 364-6146 for reservations
Auxiliary Cookbook available. Post 5 non-profit organization Volunteers needed during bingo, Caller position available.
Come out and support our Veterans programs. Nightly door prizes Food / Snack bar Handicap accessible.
Super Jackpot 12/17/10 51# $1,000 Regular Blackout 12/17/10 54# $400 $6.00 buy in Open Friday New Years Eve
Sunday’s 12:30 pm Monday’s 6:30 pm Friday’s 6:30 pm 4719 J St. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Doctors tell us there are over seven million people who are overweight. These, of course, are only round figures.
The H.D. Youth Center is a nonprofit organization in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. It was created to get kids off the street, promote a positive attitude, academic progress, and a drug-free environment. A secondary purpose is to provide a FREE hot breakfast to the homeless and those in need.
• In Italy, a dinner of several kinds of seafood, sometimes called the “Feast of the Seven Fishes,” is popular for the Christmas Eve meal. • A Christmas tradition in Estonia takes place on Christmas Eve, when the whole family goes to the sauna together. • He is known throughout the world by various names: Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, St. Nick and Pere Noel. On Christmas Eve, children all over the world lie in their beds while “visions of sugarplums dance in their heads.” When they awake, they will excitedly check to see if Santa Claus visited and left them gifts. • On the west coast of Africa, in Liberia, most homes have an oil palm for a Christmas tree, which is decorated with bells. On Christmas morning, presents such as cotton cloth, soap, sweets, pencils and books are exchanged. Also on Christmas morning, a church service is held in which the Christmas scene is enacted and hymns and carols are sung. • In Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela, it is customary for the streets to be blocked off around Christmas so that people can roller-skate to church. • In Bangladesh at Christmas time, Christian men in each village plant full-sized banana trees along the paths to churches. They plant them in two rows, and then bend them over to form an arch. They make oil lanterns out of bamboo poles and tie them on the arches, lighting the way to church. • There is a sweet Christmas tradition in Scandinavia. A little gnome called Julenisse puts the presents under the Christmas tree at night. The children leave a bowl of porridge out for him.
B St. Ludmila Bingo I 215 21st Ave SW, Cedar Rapids 319-363-9372 N Doors open - 3:30 PM G SUNDAYS - 5:30 PM Doors open - 5:30 PM O TUESDAYS - 6:30 PM
like to thank everyone involved with the construction phase of this project. We look forward to helping children in the area.
No cash contributions were used for this ad space!
New Years Eve Party
Prime Rib Dinner 5:00 - 8:00 Only $15.00 Skeeter Lewis and the all stars Show starts at 8pm $10
We are “People Helping People”
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post 788 3240 Southgate Place SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
New Years Eve Steak Dinner & Dance Dinner 5pm-7pm * Dance 8pm-12pm
Dinner and Dance $25 * Diner $20 * Dance $10
Drink Specials all night. Entertainment by Mixed Nutz
RSVP: 319-364-7752 This event is open to the public. Call for Details: 319-364-7752
Johnny remembers accompanying his father out shopping in the toy department of Toys R Us one Christmas Eve. Dad said, 'What a marvellous train set. I'll buy it.' The girl behind the counter looked pleased and murmured, 'Great, I'm sure your son will really love it.' Dad replied with a glint in his eye, 'Maybe you're right. In that case I'll take two.'
Good News Baptist Church
1203 3rd Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Bus Transportation always available. December 18th, 6 p.m. Christmas Program by S.S. Children December 21st, 11 a.m. Caleb Club Christmas Luncheon 50 & older December 24th, 6 p.m. Christmas Eve. Service Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning 11:00 AM Sunday Evening 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM
Q: What's red and white and red, red and white, and red? A: Santa Claus rolling down a hill!
Future Home of the th Cente u o Y . .D WE NEED YOUR
he H.D. Youth Center Board Members would
December 19th Blackout will be 56 numbers for a $600.00 Jackpot!
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We also have five Five annual events we hold which are: Easter Egg Hunt, Adventureland Trip, Back to School, Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Dinner and toy giveaway. For more information:
• Pudding is important in the Christmas traditions of Great Britain. While making the pudding, the British have a traditional practice of making a wish while mixing the ingredients in a clockwise direction.
The H.D. Youth Center Needs More Funds To Pay For The Completion Of The Building At 1445, Mt. Vernon Road Se. Also Need 2 To 3 More Board Members. Our Next Meeting Date Will Be January 17, 2011 At 5:30 PM At Hy-Vee On Wison Ave. Sw Cedar Rapids, Ia. For More Information Please Call, Henry Davison 319-329-8841.
Financial Contributions can be sent to: H.D. Youth Center P.O.Box 74273 Cedar Rapids, IA 52407
Tidbits® - It is OK to take this paper home with you to share with others when there are plenty available-
Week of December 20th, 2010
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Advertising E-mail: or Call (319) 294-0077 601 7th Ave. Marion (319) 377-5739
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Iowa Hawkeye prints, signed and framed
ROAD RUNNER AUTO sales and service 2100 16th Ave. SW Cedar Rapids IA 52404 319-362-0558
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Check us out online or in person Q: What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? A: Claustrophobic
amia m a
Open Very Late
• In Ethiopia, Christmas is called Ganna and is observed on January 7. People gather in both ancient churches carved from solid volcanic rock and more modern churches that contain three concentric circles. Exchanging presents is a small part of their Christmas celebration. Children usually only receive necessary items like clothing. • In the Netherlands, the Dutch eagerly await December 6, for it is on this day that they celebrate St. Nicholas Day, the coming of Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas sails from Spain every winter, and Dutch children fill their shoes with hay and sugar for his horse on St. Nicholas eve and awake to find them filled with gifts such as nuts and candy. On St. Nicholas Day, they celebrate with family get-togethers and feasting, after which everyone settles down to prepare for Christmas Day on December 25. • Christians of most denominations in Hong Kong celebrate Christmas with hundreds of church services spoken in Chinese. There are also services held in English for the Europeans who live there. They also send exquisitely decorated Christmas cards, and these cards often show the Holy Family in a Chinese setting. Santa Claus is known as Sing Daan Lou Yan (Christmas Old Man) in Cantonese or Sheng Dan Lo Ren in Mandarin. • It is from Scandinavia that most of our Yule log traditions derive. The dark cold winters inspired the development of traditions concerned with warmth and light. Yuletide, meaning “the turning of the sun” or the winter solstice, has traditionally been a time of extreme importance in Scandinavia.
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Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? A: Frostbite
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Look for puzzle answers on page 16.
Our low vision store carries a full line of products including: • Magnifiers • Closed Circuit TV Reading Machines • Lamps • Talking Clocks/Watches • Glare Filtering Glasses • Large Print Items • and much more
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- Please give thanks to the businesses in which you have found this paper available for your enjoyment.-
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
Week of December 20th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936 • For a long time, it was considered dangerous to sleep alone on Christmas Eve. The extended family, master and servant alike, would sleep together on a freshly spread bed of straw. • The Yule log was originally an entire tree, carefully chosen and brought into the house with great ceremony. The butt end would be placed into the hearth while the rest of the tree stuck out into the room. The tree would be fed into the fire and the entire process was carefully timed to last the entire Yule season. • The Chlausjagen Festival or Feast of St. Nicholas is celebrated in Switzerland at dusk on December 6. The week before Christmas, children dress up and visit homes with gifts. Ringing church bells to call people to midnight mass has become a tradition, and each village competes with the next for the “best” bell ringing. After the service, families gather to share homemade doughnuts called ringli and hot chocolate.
SALES • SERVICE RENTALS • LEASE Meeting the Copying Needs of the Business Community Serving Iowa For Over 40 Years 3050 6th St. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 w ww.crp
• A Maltese Christmas traditionally is centered on the Christ’s crib or presepju. The child’s version of the church crib is called grolta. The crib figures are called pasturi and represent Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, angels, villagers and animals such as cows and sheep. • Wreaths have a long history that can be traced back to the ancient Druids. They believed that holly, an evergreen with bright red berries, had magical properties. Wreaths were first created when holly and other evergreens were arranged in a circular shape.
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Samantha Weaver
YOUR Family Portraits in YOUR home
● It was French playwright Albert Guinon who made the following sage observation: “There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves.” ● Most people at all familiar with the name Max Schmeling know him as the Great Nazi Hope, the boxer produced by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s to defeat Joe Louis, supposedly proving Aryan superiority. (He did defeat Louis in a match in 1936, though he lost a rematch in 1938.) What most people don’t realize, though, is that Schmeling did not subscribe to Hitler’s beliefs -- he wasn’t even a member of the Nazi party. In fact, during World War II, Schmeling risked his life to save two Jewish children. ● For reasons that are unclear now, the Supreme Court in 1893 declared that a plant eaten during a main course was a vegetable and one eaten afterward was a fruit.
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Answers on pg. 16
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Q: What is the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet? A: The Christmas alphabet has NO EL
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CastlebrookStudio Proudly presents
Sudoku by Linda Thistle
● What do King Henry VIII, science-fiction author H.G. Wells, English naturalist Charles Darwin, American author Edgar Allan Poe and composer Sergey Rachmaninoff have in common? They all married their cousins. ● The 1958 film “Gigi,” starring Leslie Caron and Maurice Chevalier, has the distinction of having the shortest title of any film to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. ● The home of sitting U.S. presidents, the White House, didn’t become widely known as the White House until 1902, during Theodore Roosevelt’s term in office. The building was originally called the President’s Palace, but the word “palace” was deemed to be too royal-sounding, so the name was changed to the Executive Mansion. *** Thought for the Day: “We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.” -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
Q: Mum, can I please have a cat for Christmas: A: No. You'll have turkey the same us the rest of us
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Week of December 20th, 2010
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Answers on page 16
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Q: What do snowmen eat for breakfast? A: Snowflakes
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Q: What reindeer has the cleanest antlers? A: Comet
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Businesses Located Along Center Point Road
MAP DIRECTORY WEEK 1 #1 Advanced Hair Technologies Page 3 1202 Dina Court DEC 30 - JAN 5 Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-364-4220 #2 Pita’z Page 6 1057 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-395-7482 ↑ #3 Diamond Vogel Page 6 N. 725 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-365-6901 1 C #4 Dairy Queen 2 by Kara Kovalchik & Sandy Wood E 100 North Center Point Road I N 1. Who portrayed the truancy officer in the Olsen Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-393-0944 N EXIT 25 T Boyson Road #5 The Spring House www.springhouserestaurant .net screen debut, twins’ big T New York EMinute? 3980 Center Point Road NE Coupons online R E Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-393-4995 2. Which member of rock group KISS had3a solo hit R P #6 The Floor Shop Page 6 & 15 S Groove”?O single called “New York 3909 Center Point Road NE T I Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-832-1937 3. Who wrote Tom Jones’ hit single “What’s New, N A #7 Cassill Motors Page 7 T T 32nd & Center Point Road NE Pussycat”? 4 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-363-3353 E #8Century Cab Page 16 4. Before they changed their name toRDNew Kids on Hiawatha 1100 Center Point Road NE 3 did ↓ the Block, what name the boy band go by? Blairs Ferry Rd Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-365-0505 8 EXIT 24 B Cedar #9 Balloons, Etc. 5. Who wrote the classic0 children’s story “The Rapids 720 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-298-9999 Emperor’s New Clothes”? #10 Treasures / A Quality Resale Shop 701 Center Point Road NE Collins Road EXIT 24 A Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-364-1988 C #11 Metro Appliance Page 6 620 Center Point Road NE NUMBEREPUZZLE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-366-7281
6 The Floor Shop
Week of December 20th, 2010
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Patch Repair Service New Year’s Eve 2007 is the second time that the nice folks at Charmin will provide 20 public Free Estimates • Quality Construction restrooms Complete Dr ywall Construction P.O. Box 184 Atkins, Iowa 52206
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How would you like to promote your business to over 25,000 weekly readers? Call us, we can h e l p !
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. 7 Cassill Motors
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Week of December 20th, 2010
32nd St.
SOUTH 396-2698
South Lot Vehicle Sales, RVs, Rentals, 16th Ave. SW Full Service Department, Auto Body And Corporate Office 5415 16th Ave SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52042 Family owned since 1972
Page 8
E n t e r t h e w e e k l y d r a w i n g s a t w w w . t i d b i t p a p e r s . c o m f o r a c h a n c e t o w i n f r e e g i f t c e r t i f i c a t e s ! Week of December 20th, 2010
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
New Year A-1 Home Healthcare Proudly Presents
Senior News Line by Matilda Charles
Memory Lane Have you made a memory book for those who come after you? This is a project that’s better done sooner rather than later, and the quiet week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is perfect for getting started. Consider it a gift to future generations of your whole life in pictures and words. Things to include: Written text -- Whether you use typed and printed pages or write in longhand, it’s your words that have the most value. Photos -- Pick out some photos to include in your book and write about each one. Start at the beginning with your earliest photographs, which might include your parents. Include school photos through the years. Add in teenage heartthrobs, your wedding and pictures of your own children as they came along. Music of the times -- If you can’t remember the names of favorite songs or the year they came out, look online or even in your own record collection. News of the day -- Look online at to refresh your memory of specific dates and how events affected you. Memorabilia -- Was your spouse or a parent in the military? Do you still have all the letters sent home? Consider adding some of them to the collection, or at least some selected quotes. NOTE: Are your photographs all in boxes? Your first step in preparing a memory book might well be to pick up a few of those special markers to write on the back of unidentified photographs. Then categorize them into subjects or time periods, and spring for a few photo boxes to put them in, or use 9 by 12-inch envelopes instead.
Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
Information in this issue of Tidbits could win you a prize on “Remember When” on KMRY 1450, Saturday night between 7pm & 10pm
Merry Christm & Happy New Y
*I would like to thank readers support for you are the reason we can continue this pu
* Many thanks go out to all our clients over these past five years who greatly support
* Our first issue was delivered to 150 businesses and now we currently deliver to ove throughout Linn County.
* There have been some learning curves and I have more to overcome as I continue p paper. My prior occupation was focused on painting water towers and bridges. I did publishing a paper when I was a child but have found a new passion. I have many de every week and often find myself completing the paper only hours before it begins to presses. I do appreciate each and every phone call, e-mail and personal comments on paper celebrates a new milestone, I plan to continue to help my customers market th enhance the services and quality of this paper!
I have been able to find a printer out of state who is able to provide a better quality o many of you have commented on.
I will strive to bring you a great publication ev Russ Swart,President / Publisher
Hawkeye Publishing L.L.C.
Week of December 20th, 2010
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Week of December 20th, 2010
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nue publishing this did not dream of y deadlines to meet ns to roll off the printing ts on this paper. As the et their businesses and
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Celebrating 6 Years
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
December 22– January 19
Pay attention, Capricorn, and try to learn from others’ mistakes rather than make your own. A financial glitch is cleared up easily in your favor.
June 22– July 22 You could travel alone, but why bother? Invite a buddy, and you’ll have more fun than you imagined, Cancer. A meeting of the minds raises expectations of a project.
January 20– February 18 You’re in a rut, Aquarius, and you need to break out of it. Look to a new friend to help. Fitness goals are reached, and pounds are lost. Way to go!
July 23– August 22 A health issue persists. It may be time to seek a new source of treatment, Leo. You’ve got the goods, so feel free to rock the boat at work.
February 19– March 20 Excitement is in the air. Can’t you feel it, Pisces? Use the fervor to work up support for an idea. Guests arrive bearing gifts. Cut loose and have fun.
August 23– September 22 A friend makes a serious mistake, and you call them on it. Good for you, Virgo. You owe it to yourself and others to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
March 21– April 19 An injustice takes place at work. Speak up, Aries, and stand firm. Financial concerns ease with a monetary gift. A cooking strategy works.
September 23– October 22 This week is all about paying it forward, Libra. Start with a friend who is down on their luck. Small miracles make for a joyous time at work.
April 20– May 20 A family feud erupts. Step in and play mediator, Taurus. A promise from long ago is kept, and you are bowled over with joy. Travel plans are in the works.
October 23– November 21 You have worked yourself into a frenzy, and it’s time you took a break, Scorpio. Your finances improve with some serious belt tightening.
May 21– June 21 You keep a low profile amidst the hustle and bustle, and it works to your advantage, Gemini. Sweet treats lift everyone’s spirits at home.
November 22– December 21 Commit to a cause, Sagittarius, only if you know you can do so. You hit the jackpot on a short trip and manage to get most of your shopping done.
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Page 10
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
Week of December 20th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936 Music Legend:
The Doors
Cedar Rapids
The Doors were an American rock band formed in 1965 in Los Angeles, California, consisting of vocalist Jim Morrison, keyboardist, Ray Manzarek, drummer John Densmore and guitarist Robby Krieger. The Doors were among the 1960’s most controversial rock acts, due mostly to Morrison’s wild, poetic lyrics and charismatic, but unpredictable, stage personality.
An Original Iowa Tradition Since 1927
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• The Doors’ last two concerts with the original four members were in Dallas and New Orleans on December 11 and 12, 1970. No complete recording or even set list is known to exist from the New Orleans concert.
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• The Doors’ self-titled debut LP was released in the first week of January 1967. It featured most of the major songs from their set list, including the nearly 12-minute song, “The End.” The band recorded the album at L.A.’s Sunset Sound Recording Studios, from August 24 to 31, 1966, almost entirely live in the studio. • The Doors appeared on TV’s “American Bandstand” on July 22, 1967, lip-synching “Crystal Ship” and “Light My Fire.” Their Ed Sullivan appearance was September 17 of that year. Their first television appearance ever was in Los Angeles on KTLA’s “Shebang” show on January 1, 1967, but that was not a national broadcast.
Cedar Rapids
• The origins of The Doors lie in a chance meeting between fellow UCLA film school alumni Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek on Venice Beach in California in July 1965. Morrison told Manzarek he had been writing songs, and, with Manzarek’s encouragement, Morrison sang “Moonlight Drive.” Impressed by his lyrics, Manzarek suggested they form a band. The rest is history.
• The most commonly agreed-on facts of the show are that the band quit early because Morrison wasn’t feeling well, and that they played “Soul Kitchen,” “Break On Through” and “Light My Fire.” • The Doors reclaimed their status as a premier act with “L.A. Woman” in 1971. It contained two top-20 hits and has gone on to be their second best-selling studio album, surpassed in sales only by their first record. The singles “L.A. Woman,” “Love Her Madly” (the Doors last top ten hit) and “Riders On The Storm” remain mainstays of rock radio programming, and the latter was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2009 for its special significance to recorded music. • On March 13, 1971, following the recording of “L.A. Woman,” Morrison left the Doors and moved to Paris. On June 16, Morrison’s last known recording was made when he befriended two street musicians at a bar and invited them to a studio. This recording was finally released in 1994 on an album entitled “The Lost Paris Tapes.” • Morrison died on July 3, 1971. According to the official account of his death, he was found in a Paris apartment bathtub by his girlfriend. Pursuant to French law, no autopsy was performed because the medical examiner claimed to have found no evidence of foul play. • The Doors released two albums after Morrison’s death. The first was “Other Voices,” released in 1971; they had already started recording while Morrison was in Paris. The other was “Full Circle,” released in 1972. • How popular were The Doors? Well, they sold 32 million albums in the United States alone, but their worldwide sales number is unknown.
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HAWKEYE TERRITORY Enjoy all your Hawkeye sports here! Kids Eat Free Monday - Saturday One Kids free meal per adult meal. 21“NATIONAL” Pitchers ForWORDS $25.00, (continued): For Your Birthday. Day Of The Week During The itWeek Of Your •Any French: Chefs know what means to Birthday. Limititem. 1 Special Birthday “french” a food It’s aPer verb that means cut1into thin strips, like, well, fries. 2to For Thursday - Saturday 10french pm - Close (And yes, that’s how the finger-friendly poThursday Nights! tato $6 dishFish tookBowl its name.) Green beans are another item commonly prepared in this manner.
• Maltese: These tiny spaniels are easy to identify thanks to their long, silky coats. The American Kennel Club groups them1455 withMount other Vernon “Toy Road SE Dogs” like Pugs and Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Yorkshire Terriers. Feline aficionados also use the term Maltese to describe cats that have a similarly silky, grayblue coat.
For Carry Out Orders Call (319) 364-1959
• Colombian: This term means different things to different people, depending on how you get your “jones.” Narcotics dealers may refer to their products as Colombian, although the actual source is often unknown. Luckily, the majority of us prefer a bit of legal Colombian, as in the coffee grown in the South American nation. The prevalence of coffee shops throughout America is proof enough that many of us just can’t get along in the morning without a hot cup of Colombian. • Chinese: The generic term “chinese” now represents types of food that are very different from the meals that are (or ever were) served in China. That said, the same argument could be made about what we consider “American” food. Hamburgers? Ice cream? Hot dogs? Pizza? Our national favorites seem to have originated everywhere except in the United States! Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.
Can’t Get Enough
Send $24.95 (plus $5 S&H) by Check or Money Order to: Tidbits Media, Inc. 1430 I-85 Parkway, Suite 301 Montgomery AL 36106
(Alabama residents LIMITED EDITION BOOK SET please add $1 sales tax.) Reprints of Books I, II & III WHILE THEY LAST!
The Tidbits® Paper is a division of Tidbits Media, Inc. · Montgomery, AL 36106
1Q2009 :: Wk 03 :: Jan 11 - Jan 17 :: Pg. 8 All Rights Reserved · Copyright © 2009 Tidbits Media, Inc. Do not be confused about "Buy Local". Buy Local means to purchase material or services from those businesses owned by people who live in the Cedar Rapids area. These owners are your family, friends and neighbours that could use your help. Some of them have been through the 2008 flood and others are battling the economy. Let us support these businesses by shopping at their establishments and in turn revitalize the great city of Cedar Rapids. We encourage customers to UTILIZE this free website for supporting local business owners and for the betterment of the Cedar Rapids community.
Studies have shown that $45 of every $100 spent at locally owned stores stays in the community, whereas only about $13 of every $100 spent in chain (big box) stores remains in the local economy.
Week of December 20th, 2010
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
Wa n t t h i s p a p e r e v e r y w e e k ? C h e c k o n - l i n e f o r o t h e r g re a t d i s t r i b u t i o n l o c a t i o n s .
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COOTER’S Your neighborhood hot spot! 729 1st Ave. SW Cedar Rapids
Open 7am -2am 319-261-0983
Join us December 28th for the
Insight Bowl
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Pre-game specials start at 6:00 pm Bowl game starts at 10 pm
Boxing Day Boxing Day is a holiday in the United Kingdom, Canada and many other Commonwealth nations. It is spent with family and friends at open gatherings with lots of food, fun and fellowship. And it has nothing to do with pugilism. • How did the name “Boxing Day” come into existence? Some think the name derives from an old English tradition: In exchange for ensuring that wealthy landowners’ Christmases ran smoothly, their servants were allowed to take the 26th off to visit their families. The employers gave each servant a box containing gifts and bonuses (and sometimes leftover food).
Isn't the term "criminal lawyer" redundant?
• In those countries that observe Boxing Day, December 26 is commonly referred to both as Boxing Day and as St. Stephen’s Day. Wednesday, Come on in for Drinks and Prizes!
Card Drawing at 6:30 pm
Christmas Day
White elephant gift exchange Large Pot Luck begins at noon MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
● On Dec. 26, 1606, William Shakespeare’s play “King Lear” is performed at the court of King James I of England. Shakespeare’s plays were not published during his lifetime. After his death, two members of his troupe collected copies of his plays and printed what is now called the First Folio (1623). ● On Dec. 24, 1809, Christopher Houston “Kit” Carson, celebrated hero of the American West, is born in Richmond, Ky. Although he spent much of his life fighting Indians, Carson apparently had great sympathy and respect for them -- in 1867 he became the Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Colorado Territory. ● On Dec. 25, 1914, just after midnight on Christmas morning, the majority of German troops engaged in World War I cease fire and commence to sing Christmas carols. The soldiers of Germany, Russia, France and Britain exchanged presents of cigarettes and plum puddings and even played a good-natured game of soccer. ● On Dec. 21, 1945, Gen. George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. 3rd Army, dies from injuries suffered not in battle, but in a freak car accident in Germany. Never diplomatic, Patton once berated and slapped a hospitalized soldier diagnosed with “shell shock,” whom Patton accused of “malingering.” ● On Dec. 22, 1956, a baby gorilla named Colo enters the world at the Columbus Zoo in Ohio, becoming the first-ever gorilla born in captivity. Her parents had never learned parenting skills, so she was reared by zookeepers. Colo, the oldest living gorilla in captivity, went on to become a mother, a grandmother and a great-grandmother. ● On Dec. 20, 1963, more than two years after the Berlin Wall was constructed by East Germany to prevent its citizens from fleeing its communist regime, nearly 4,000 West Berliners are allowed to cross into East Berlin to visit relatives. ● On Dec. 23, 1982, the Missouri Department of Health and the federal Centers for Disease Control inform residents of Times Beach, Mo., that their town was contaminated when the chemical dioxin was sprayed on its unpaved roads. The whole town was evacuated and demolished. (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
• If Boxing Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the next weekday is declared a bank or public holiday. In the United Kingdom and some other countries, this is accomplished by Royal Proclamation. • In some Canadian provinces, Boxing Day is a statutory holiday that is always celebrated on December 26. • In Canadian provinces where Boxing Day is a statutory holiday, and it falls on a Saturday or Sunday, compensation days are given in the following week. If Boxing Day falls on a Sunday, Christmas Day would be on a Saturday, so in countries where these are both bank or public holidays, the statutory holiday for Christmas is moved to Monday, December 27, and the statutory holiday for Boxing Day is moved to Tuesday, December 28. • Canadian shops open their doors as early as 6 a.m. on Boxing Day to let in people, who often line up in front of shops during the night. They also refer to this post-Christmas clearance sale week as the “13th month.” • Many stores have major sales on Boxing Day, and the online version of these deals is sometimes known as Cyber Boxing Day. In the UK in 2008, Boxing Day was the busiest online shopping day of the year. In 2009, many retailers with both online and London’s High Street store locations launched their High Street sales on Boxing Day.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink all day.
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• A particularly whimsical Boxing Day tradition has many people in Britain gathering along the coasts attired in clownish or weird dresses. They’re all there to indulge in a tradition called Boxing Day Dip (or at least watch), where they dance in shallow waters to entertain the observers while assembling money for charity. • The Day of Goodwill is a South African public holiday celebrated annually on December 26. Prior to 1980, the day was celebrated as Boxing Day.
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• Boxing Day was recognized as a bank holiday in the UK and Wales through the Bank Holidays Act of 1871. • According to folk culture, on Boxing Day the wren, the king of the birds, was captured in a “box” and taken to each and every house in the village where he was asked for a good year and successful harvest.
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r eve
ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A $10.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE. 115 Main St. -- Shellsburg, IA (Across from the Library)
Cedar Rapids, IA
Week of December 20th, 2010
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MyTyme Creations
was opened with the idea that there are crafters looking for an outlet to display their talents and to sell their creations. After years of sewing themselves Elayne and Valerie found the opportunity to offer such a place; they have taken a house at 115 Main St in Shellsburg and transformed it into a collage of sewing and beautiful craft creations. Each room is decorated to display the talents of over 31 consigners. The rooms are constantly changing as crafters bring in new creations. The “baby” room has over 30 quilts in it alone, and the kitchen is so full the appliances were removed and the cupboard fronts were taken off just to give everything display space. Every person that comes into the store is exposed to a wide variety of items; quilts, needlework, greeting cards, jewelry, floral arrangements, and so much more. If you see something that you like but perhaps would like it in a different color or size, all of the crafters can be reached and would be happy to customize your order-at no extra cost! MyTyme Creations now has a room that contains “Crafter’s Surplus”. This room gives crafters a chance to sell their overflow of supplies. Many of us buy with intent, but reality is that it ends up taking up space. Customers as well as other crafters can benefit from our “intents”. MyTyme Creations has been open for two years now, and is becoming a popular place for group outings. The store is open Wednesday thru Friday 12:00 to 6:00pm and on Saturday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. They would be glad to open the store for any group by appointment. Several Red Hat groups have already enjoyed that opportunity! Shellsburg is just a short drive from Cedar Rapids, Marion, or Hiawatha. Be sure to stop into this gift shop to make your outing complete. MyTyme Creations and its crafters will be thankful for your visit and you will wonder why you didn’t come sooner. Remember, the store is ever changing as crafters create, so don’t miss out.
To enter, simply go to the web site On the home page, click on the starburst link as shown above. There are 12 winners each week.
1705 Boyson Road NE, Hiawatha, IA 52233
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ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A Pork Loin Basket meal. Value up to $769
319-364-4415 621 1st Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA
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$10.00 Gift Certificate
Enter for a chance to WIN Good At Either A $10.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE Location!
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$10.00 Gift Certificate
Enter for a chance to WIN a $10.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE 393-4161
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2 show tickets for an upcoming event. 800-35-AMANA 2 6 2 6 2 Value up to $53 39 38th Ave. Amana, IA 52203
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Wolman certified contractor
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Week of December 20th, 2010
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220th Trail
Amana Business Directory
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Tidbits is available at all of these fine Amana businesses. 4
Sale is 8AM to 5 PM All Locations Select Furniture Pieces Excluded
8 9 10
Old Creamery Theatre Company 39 38th Ave. 1-800-35-amana See page 12 The Ronneburg Restaurant See this page 4408 220th Trail 319-622-3641 Little Red Wagon See this page 4417 220th Trail 319-622-3822 Amana General Store See this page 4423 220th Trail 319-622-7650 Amana Coffee & Tea Co. See this page 4423 220th Trail 622-6598 Lehm Books & Gifts See this page 319-622-6447 4536 220th Trail • 800-840-2387 Java Junction “Amana Colonies Original Kaffeehaus!” 319-622-4100 619 46th Ave. Drinks, Sandwiches & Pastries Collectively Iowa 4709 220th Trail Lower Level 319-622-3698 Colony Inn Restaurant See this page 741 47th Avenue 319-622-3030 Custom Cutlery & Ironworks 822 48th Ave. (Behind the Amana Woolen Mill) 319-622-3482
January 8th
Iowa City (behind Taco Bell) 1027 Hwy 6 East 319-338-9909
January 15th
Cedar Rapids East
January 22nd Coralville
(across from Bowling center) (across from Wal-Mart)
252 Blairs Ferry Rd NE 319-373-2380
2818 Commerce Dr. 319-545-8408
Shop before the public @ 7am Early Bird Tickets - $10
January 30th
Cedar Rapids West (next to Toys R Us) 3750 Williams Blvd. SW 319-396-6663
DO NOT clip these out to take advantage of these awesome offers:
Bring this paper along and receive 10% off all clearance items, not to be combined with ANY other offer expires 2/28/11
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So much to see, shop, eat, and enjoy in Amana. Shop locally includes the Amana’s and all they have to offer!
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Page 14
W a n t t h i s p a p e r e v e r y w e e k ? C h e c k o n - l i n e f o r t h e e x a c t s a m e p a p e r i s a v a i l a b l e o n l i n e . Week of December 20th, 2010
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
Nice ranch with over 1700 finished Sq Ft. French doors lead from dining area to screened porch and good sized patio. Finished lower level adds tons of good living space plus bath. Updated kitchen and flooring throughout. Quick possession. $127,000
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REALTOR® One of the largest homes in the area. Over 2,800 sf of living space. 4 Bedrooms, 3 full baths. Vaulted great room with fireplace. Family room in LL with daylight windows. Large deck and stamp patio. In great ne location. $224,950 Bob 319-573-7489
Large Ranch Home High In The Trees With Great Views. 4 Bedrooms 2.5 Baths. $149,950 Marian 319-362-9111
Aah, Fresh Flowers By Tresa Erickson
Nothing brightens up a room like a vase of fresh-cut flowers. Many people use fresh blooms throughout their homes to give rooms a punch of color and scent. Unfortunately, the life of fresh-cut flowers is short, and without the proper care, many will wilt within a few days. Still fresh-cut flowers can do wonders for your décor and there are ways to keep them beautiful longer.
Putting your best interests first!
Margie Jenkins
Experience • Integrity • Results Huge new garage, $1,500 flooring allow., hardwd. floors, newer HVAC, 3 bed, 1.5 bath. $110,000 Pottery Barn Cute! 3 bed, pillars, new bamboo floor, ac, windows, paint, carpet, deck, more $99,950
Gorgeous NE 2 sty, quality & luxury, 4 bed, 2.5 bath, SOLD granite, pillars, arches, jetted tub $279,990
Starter home or investor alert! $1,500 flooring allow., new siding, windows, kitchen, bath. $75,000 Spectacular: 4 bed, 3 bath, 3 car, new carpet, hardwood, appliances, vaulted, gas fireplace, whirlpool, tile, central vac. $219,900 Golf course view, 3 bed, 2 bath, new roof, SALE PENDING updated flooring, kitchen, baths, deck, fence. $149,900
If you are planning to use fresh-cut flowers to spruce up some of your rooms this year, follow these steps to extend their life and keep them looking good: Nice sized ranch in great Cedar Hill location. Why do you have your front door leading right 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, Finished LL with craft 1. Choose flowers that are not quite fully deand work room. 2 stall attached garage. into the dining room? So my relatives won't have Large veloped, free of bruises and firm to the touch. fenced Stunning 2003 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch. to waste any time. rear yard. If taking them from a garden, cut stems with $129,950 441 sq ft on main level. Great room with gas Doug fireplace and cathedral ceilings. New oak a sharp knife rather than a pair of scissors. kitchen with all appliances, sliders to deck 319David Pitts 329-4032 overlooking the country side. Broker/Owner Scissors will not produce as clean of a cut as $174,950 Jack Dunkin 319-389-3827 319-981-DAVE (3283) a knife and could bruise the stems and damCAN SELL w w w. m a r i a n a r e n s . c o m YOUR HOME age their delicate vascular systems, hindering The best part of a real estate bargain is the neighbor. Beautiful Wood Floors/Hiawatha! Rare 1 Floor Senior Condo water and nutrient uptake. If you are going 3BR, 2.5BA $134,950, New Listing! 2700sf, Amazing after woody-stemmed flowers, use heavy-duty fencing, kitchen, move-in elevator, clippers. ready 70 Sturgis Corner Drive 2 BR/2BA $194,990 2. Place flowers in a sink of tepid water and a New Listing! 1695 SF Iowa City, Iowa 52246 Unequalled Value / Quality! REALTOR® (319) 321-6550 Mobile floral preservative for 30 minutes to hydrate 4 BR on 1.2 Acres Just $119,990!!! 3BR, 1 BA, Condos, single family, acreages, land, New Listing! All new the leaves, stems and blossoms. While some paint, 1152sf etc. – ready to move when you are!! carpet, finished LL, people prefer to use a commercial preservadeck 24x26, updates. tive, others like to make their own. Whichever in town $79,990 acreage. you choose, make sure you apply the right Rare 1.83 In Town Acreage! Awesome Updates Throughout! 4 BR, 2BA, 4BR, 2 BA, amount. Too little may feed bacteria; too much 4.5 stall huge deck, garage, privacy may burn petals. If you are working with deliw/o LL, fence, pool w/wet bar, cate flowers like pansies, skip to step 3. $124,990 deck, Reduced $144,990. 3. Strip stems of everything but the upper leaves. Anything left below the waterline in a Realtor sign--We have "lots" to be thankful for. vase will rot quickly. 4. Cut one to two inches off the stems at an anHWY 1 next to D.Q. gle with a sharp knife to provide more surface Solon • 624-3121 area for the flowers to drink. 5. Get rid of any dead or tightly closed buds. Mention this Tidbits ad to receive Only per driveway, These will leach nutrients from healthier flowincludes sidewalk with contract ers. Christmas items. Salt and sand extra 6. Fill a vase with water, add a floral preservaExcluding plants & Isabel Blooms tive to it and arrange the flowers carefully 319-270-4770 into the vase. Do not drop them in. Again, Fresh arrangements, Gourmet Baskets, Home Interiors, Brod’s Firewood & Construction this could bruise the stems and damage their Isabel Blooms, Webkinz, Balloons, Plants, Cards. delicate vascular systems, hindering water and nutrient uptake. 7. Place the vase in an area away from direct sunlight, heat and drafts. Move the vase to the refrigerator at night unless the flowers are tropical. In that case, leave the vase out and keep the flowers above 55 degrees. 8. Mist the flowers with plain water several times a day to help the petals retain moisture. 9. Check the water in the vase every day and add more when necessary. 10. Change and recondition the water every few days, making a fresh cut on the stems of any flowers that may be wilting. This will remove any blockage that may have occurred in the stems and help them absorb water. You’ll be surprised at the space and gleaming wood floors in this 4 bedroom 2 bath ranch. Enjoy the beautiful new kitchen and the sliders off the dining area to a 2 level deck. $119,950 Kathy Hall 319-560-4253
Kathy Fobian
E’s Floral
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These are the basic steps involved in cutting and caring for fresh flowers to maximize their longevity. Depending upon the type of flowers you have, there may be other ways to keep them fresh. Consult the Internet or a professional for more information. Keeping flowers fresh requires some time and effort, but won't it be worth it as you wake up each day to a home filled with colorful blooms and amazing scents? Enjoy!
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Week of December 20th, 2010
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As a little girl climbed onto Santa Claus’s lap, Santa asked her the usual question, “And what would you like for Christmas, young lady?” The child stared at him open-mouthed and horrified for a minute, then gasped: “Santa? Didn’t you get my E-mail?”
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wand over erything is ul.” nt Peale
19/1972 A: Because it soots him. 12/20/1868 n 12/21/1948 22/1945 1. 23/1964 2. 2/24/1905) 3. 12/25/1899
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This word means: A cake made of candied fruit and nuts
y does Santa always go down the chimney? 1. Who tried to steal Christmas from the “Whos of Whoville” in the 1966 cartoon? The Grinch 2. In the movie, “A Christmas Carol,” who is Scrooge’s Jacob Marley deadOakley business partner? Gene Autry and Haldeman 4. “Home Alone” 3. Who wrote the song, “Here Comes Santa Claus?” 5. 364 presents (Since each getexperience that day’s 4. What 1990 movieday, told you of a boy’s when gifts, plus all those coming before it!) two men break into his house during Christmas? 5. How many gifts would you receive if you received all of the gifts in the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas?”
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As a little girl climbed onto Santa Claus’s lap, Santa asked her the usual question, “And what would you like for Christmas, young lady?” The child stared at him open-mouthed and horrified for a minute, then gasped: “Santa? Didn’t you get my E-mail?”
t Christmas, kisses are exchanged neath a sprig of which plant? n “It’s a Wonderful Life,” name Get your holiday gifts wrapped and support individuals with intellectual orge Bailey’s guardian angel? hristmas disabilities at Wrapping for a Cause LED • Lindale Mall food court now through December 24 4th Quarter 2010 ame as • All Proceeds Benefit - The Arc of East Central Iowa Week 52 ulbs, but “Christmas waves a magic wand • For more information goover to use 80 to this world, and behold, everything is lights are softer and more DECEMBER IS beautiful.” This word means: A cake made of Sponsored by warm up. – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS candied fruit and nuts
Serving MONTH(US) individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities birthstone: Turquoise
is Santa said to come down a mney? Though the idea can be traced Alyssa Milano 12/19/1972 k before the famous 1822 poem, Harvey Firestone 12/20/1868 he Night Before Christmas,” written 1. Mistletoe Samuel L. Jackson 12/21/1948 Clement Moore, most agree that this 2. Clarence Diane Sawyer 12/22/1945 ry popularized the notion of Santa Eddie Vedder 12/23/1964 ng chimneys to gain entrance into Howard Hughes 12/24/1905) mes. In it, Moore describes, “And HOCUS-FOCUS Humphrey Bogart 12/25/1899 n in a twinkling I heard on the roof, prancing of each itlittleis not. It is the fifth to tenth busiest ing dayand ofpawing the year, of. As Idays drew inof mythe head year. and was ping ning around, down the chimney St. cholas came with a bound.”
1. The Grinch 2. Jacob Marley 3. Gene Autry and Oakley Haldeman 4. “Home Alone” 5. 364 presents (Since each day, you get that day’s gifts, plus all those coming before it!)
Specializing in Holiday Corporate Gifts Client, Employee & Personal Gifts 129 3rd Ave. SE Cedar Rapids