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Week of March 14th, 2011
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The Neatest Little Little PaperPaper EverEver Read The Neatest Read
Vol. 6 Issue #12
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitpapers.com For Advertising Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or Call (319) 360-3936 Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitsof linncounty.com For email: tidbitsof linncounty@mchsi.com or Call (319) 360-3936 Distributed by Rapp Publishing For Advertising Call (303) 916-6162 janfrapp@msn.com Q: What's Irish and comes out in the spring?
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TIDBITS® HONORS PAT’S DAY WITH copiesST.are distributed
ALL THINGS GREEN weekly-throughout the county-
by Kathy Wolfe people sit and sage wait.or Kelly,-wherever emerald, olive, lime, chartreuse, forest … No matter how you say it, the color is green! This week, to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, 150 +points of distribution locally Tidbits brings you facts about all things green. • Located on theAD color wonʼt spectrumget at a lost wavelength YOUR on of about 520 to 470 nanometers, the color green page 4-Section D. It is right is created from a mixture of yellow and blue. alongside trivia, Celadon is a shadethe of green thatmaking is a pale tint of spring green, while chartreuse a pale apple it impossible to missisYOUR green. Viridian is a dark blue-green color, whose ad. Tidbits is a break fromoxide. the chemical name is hydrated chromium Thenews facility of belonging to comicmedia. action heroes the regular the X-Men is colored viridian. No bad news, just fun facts. • Beginning in 1903, Crayola offered one green Oursimply readers the crayon, called take “green.” Seapaper green, spring green and olive green were made available in home to share with family and 1949, and in 1958, the company introduced friends. The price isalong rightinto forest green. Ultra-green came 1972, and get sinceyour then, ad the in company’s more front of thecreative right green names have included electric lime, jungle people-OFTEN! green, magic mint, asparagus, Caribbean green, fern green, Granny Smith apple, inch worm, mountain meadow and rainforest. fastDistributed intropical restaurants, • The waiting room for performers or speakers food restaurants, coffee shops, scheduled to appear on stage is called the Green offices, banks, hair salons, Room. Although historically painted green, mostauto modern Green shops, Rooms aretire not. stores, repair turn the page for more!
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Week of March 14th, 2011
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If your non-profit organization has a fundraising event you would like to have published in the Tidbits® paper, please contact us. Space is limited but we will make every effort to list special events such as fund-raisers for your organization.
6th Annual Little Black Dress For MS Luncheon
Brown Deer Golf Course Country Club Dr, Coralville, IA 52241
March 18th, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Please RSVP by phone or online: 319-447-1800 w w w. l i t t l e b l a c k d r e s s f o r m s . o r g Cedar Valley Rocks & Minerals Society
St. Joseph Day Dance
Czech Heritage Foundation Inc. At the Cedar Rapids Elks Lodge 801 33rd Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA
Sunday, March 20th, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm $7.00 Admission at the door / Open to the public Music by Barefoot Becky & the Ivanhoe Dutchmen. Dancing, prizes, bake sale, silent auction, raffles and more! Benefits youth programs, Homestay & Scholarship.
St. Paul's United Methodist Women Present Thrift Mart 14th Street & 3rd Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids Friday, April 1st, 9am-7pm Saturday, April 2nd, 9am-1pm To Donate, call 363-2058
Our profits go to meet our mission pledge for United Methodist Women and to support our local church and community projects. p.s. Vouchers will be given to those showing that they are a FEMA card holder. More info at: www.stpaulsumc.org
New Bingo players are welcome. We have great food and refreshments!
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post 788 3240 Southgate Place SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 www.vfwpost788.home.mchsi.com
March 16th
Tenderloin Dinner $6.50 5 - 7 pm
Bingo following the dinner Open to the public. th
March 18 Fish Fry,
Every Friday night during Lent
$8.00 5pm - 7pm Open to the public.
Theme is Treasures from Iowa's Ice Age featuring ice age fossils & lake Superior agates. Profits support geology scholarships at Cornell & U. of Iowa w w w. c e d a r v a l l e y r o c k c l u b . o rg
B St. Ludmila Bingo I 215 21st Ave SW, Cedar Rapids 319-363-9372 N Doors open - 3:30 PM SUNDAYS - 5:30 PM G Doors open - 5:30 PM O TUESDAYS - 6:30 PM
Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show March 19th 8:30 - 6:00 & 20th 9:30 - 5:00 Hawkeye Downs Expo Center 4400 6th St. SW Cedar Rapids, IA
• If a company is guilty of green-washing, they are misleading consumers by proclaiming that they implement positive environmental practices that don’t exist or can’t be substantiated. The company might falsely claim that they use recycled content in their product, or advertise one small truth to distract consumers from a larger falsehood. • The word green has found its way into many terms in the English language. If you’re a greenhorn, you’re an inexperienced beginner. When the green-eyed monster rears its ugly head, it represents jealousy; similarly, an individual can be green with envy. Those who have the ability to make anything grow are said to have a green thumb. If you have a roll of greenbacks, your pocket is full of U.S. currency. Not feeling well? You might be described as green around the gills. • Members of the Green Party focus on the environment, equal opportunity, social justice and non-violence. It is their platform that, “every human being deserves a say in the decisions that affect their lives.” The party does not accept corporate donations, shunning corporations’ influence and control over government and the media. Probably the most famous Green Party member is Ralph Nader. • The blue-green color of teal was named for the Common Teal, also known as the Eurasian Teal, a common breed of duck, which is the smallest “dabbling” duck. This means it feeds at the surface of the water rather than by diving. The Teal’s green eye patch dominates the bird’s otherwise chestnut-colored head. • The myrtle plant is the source of the green color by the same name, a very dark shade, darker than spinach. Plants in the same family as the myrtle include the clove, guava, allspice and eucalyptus.
This event is open to the public. Call for Details: 319-364-7752 Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Please help us raise funds for the HD Youth Center. Its simple and can save you money throughout the year with DebitDeals and your Debit Card
What is DebitDeals?
Of Linn County
DebitDeals is a new community program that connects Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust (CRBT) and Farmers State Bank (FSB) debit cardholders with rebates (give-backs) provided by local participating businesses. This free program positively impacts our community. Local businesses generate more sales, you receive a give back on your purchase, our community enjoys dollars spent locally, and our non-profits and charities receive much needed assistance. It’s a win-win for everyone! How does it Work?
EAGLES CLUB 1735 11TH St. NW Cedar Rapids 319-3 6 3 - 5 5 7 1
Would you be interested in becoming a member in a great organization? Eagles Club is a Social Group that has a Charitable Philosophy.
Stop in and check us out.
St. Patrick’s Day March 17th Corned Beef & Caggage Dinner Starts at 2pm only $8.00
We are “People Helping People”
As a CRBT or FSB debit cardholder, you will receive a small give-back on every purchase you make at participating DebitDeals businesses. Unlike other local programs, there are no coupons or special logins required with DebitDeals since it’s completely automated. Simply swipe your CRBT or FSB debit card (either debit or credit-based) at a participating business and you’ll automatically receive the discount. At the end of each month, the total amount of give-backs that you have accumulated for that month will be deposited as one lump sum into your checking account. It’s that easy! How do I sign up?
Participating Banks • Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust (all Linn County locations) • Farmers State Bank (all Linn County locations)
Visit www.debitdeals.com to register. Under the Cardholder section, click on Sign Up Now. Click on Register My Card. Complete the DebitDeals Cardholder Registration section. Once your information is correctly entered, click the Register button.
Our next board meeting is 5:30 pm March 21st We will be meeting in the club room at the Hy-Vee located at 20 Wilson Ave. S.W.. Open to the public. We would be glad to discuss with you more about the DebitDeals program or meet with one of the participating bankers.
Please call Henry at for additional information:
H.D. Youth Center
Tidbits® - It is OK to take this paper home with you to share with others when there are plenty available-
Week of March 14th 2011
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitpapers.com
Good News Baptist Church
1203 3rd Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Bringing the Good News of The Gospel to the City of Five Seasons Ladies of the Lord Bible Study,(for young mothers) Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. Bible study, (ladies) Wed. mornings, 9:30, the Beatitudes.. Awana Skate night, March 8th, (Tues.) at Skate Country, cost 2.50.... transportation if needed. March 27th is Friend Day, bring a friend to the services. Special speaker, Pastor Mike Pisney, from Jackson, Michigan.
Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning 11:00 AM Sunday Evening 6:00 PM g Servi ces Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM goodnewsofcr.com
TRIVIA NEWSFRONT ANSWERS * Tax Preparation $20.00 off 1. Eugene Levy Mention you saw this ad in Tidbits * for New Clients Only. 2. Ace Frehley 3. Burt Bacharach Country Tax & Accounting Services 4.View Nynuk Call 848-7026 for appt. 5. Hans Christian Anderson Convenient location just off I-380, North of 4-way stop in Shueyville.
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GREEN THINGS (continued): • Most people won’t recognize the name of Hugh “Lumpy” Brannum, but baby boomers will remember him as the overall-wearing sidekick of children’s television’s Captain Kangaroo. Aptly named Mr. Green Jeans, Brannum appeared as the handyman at the Treasure House from 1955 to 1984. • We know the Trifolium reopens by another name — the white clover, but more commonly, the Shamrock. Taken from the Irish word, seamrog, meaning “little clover,” this white-flowered perennial was regarded by early Celts as a charm against evil spirits. Legend has it that St. Patrick used the little three-leafed plant to illustrate the doctrine of the Holy Trinity — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — to the Irish people, demonstrating how each leaf was separate yet joined together in a single stem. Most Irish brides include shamrocks in their bridal bouquet as well as in the groom’s boutonniere. • The color green is considered sacred in the Islam religion as a symbol of vegetation and new life. Folklore states that Muhammad was especially fond of the color and wore a green cloak and turban. According to the Koran, inhabitants of Paradise will dress in fine garments of green silk. Several Islamic nations incorporate the color into their flags; in fact, the flag of Libya is simply a green field, with no other colors, designs or details. • That pigment in plants and algae that makes them green is known as chlorophyll, and it is necessary for the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight and uses that energy to synthesize carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. Leaves change color in the fall because the chlorophyll in the leaves begins to decay.
Did you hear about the Irish pilot who crashed his helicopter? He got cold so he turned off the fan.
What's the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish wake? One less drunk.
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Week of March 14th, 2011
www.tidbitpapers.com For Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or Call (319) 360-3936 GREEN THINGS (continued):
January 20– February 18 Getting things done comes easy this week, Aquarius. You know exactly what to say to keep the momentum going. A friend could use some cheering up.
February 19– March 20 This week is all about give and take. Balance the two wisely, Pisces, and you will be blessed. A change of heart shakes things up at home. Enjoy the view from the sidelines.
June 22– July 22 Health issues intensify. Seek out other treatments, Cancer. You may just stumble onto the ultimate fix. A plan at work moves forward quickly.
July 23– August 22 Whatever you desire this week will be yours for the taking. Reach for the stars, Leo. A new recipe tickles the taste buds and gets the party started.
August 23– September 22 New experiences beckon. Are you game, Virgo? If not, grab a friend and tackle the challenges together. Two heads are always better than one.
It’s not always easy to distinguish between the good and the best, so why bother. Go with the flow this time, Capricorn, and see where it takes you.
Sports + vision
December 22– January 19
Week of March 14th, 2011
• A gentleman in China who wants to express his love for his sweetheart will give her a gift of jade. In this culture, this gemstone indicates eternity, and is given to convey deep eternal love, similar to the symbol of gold and diamonds in the Western world. • At the end of the yellow brick road in the Land of Oz is the Emerald City, home of the famous Wizard. In L. Frank Baum’s legendary novel, all those entering the Emerald City had to wear green-tinted eyeglasses that made everything look green, although the City was “no more green than any other city.” • Can you imagine the Wicked Witch of the West without her trademark green makeup in the 1939 film, “The Wizard of Oz”? The makeup, which took two hours every day to apply, achieved its distinctive color from a dangerous chemical, copper oxide, and actress Margaret Hamilton had to exercise extreme caution when eating meals while wearing it, so as not to ingest any. It became even more dangerous when Hamilton was making her spectacular exit from Munchkinland via an elevator in a trap door on the set. When the burst of real fire came up, her makeup ignited, causing painful burns that required six weeks to heal. • The mineral beryl, which is actually beryllium aluminum silicate, is a colorless crystal. But add a couple of impurities to the mineral, specifically chromium and vanadium, and the beryl crystal becomes a beautiful green color. The new stone is called an emerald! Although emeralds are mined primarily in Colombia, they can also be found in Australia, Canada, India, Italy, France, Germany and Nigeria, among several other places. They have also been found in the U.S. states of Connecticut, Montana, Nevada and the Carolinas.
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November 22– December 21 Dream big, Sagittarius, and it will be yours. A health scare is just that, a scare. Try to keep an open mind about a friend’s announcement. They’re depending on you for support.
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Week of March 14th, 2011
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MAP DIRECTORY #1 Advanced Hair Technologies Page 3 1202 Dina Court www.advancedhairtechnologies.net Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-364-4220 #2 Diamond Vogel Page 6 725 North Center Point Road www.diamondvogel.com Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-365-6901 #3 Dairy Queen 100 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-393-0944 #4 The Spring House www.springhouserestaurant .net 3980 Center Point Road NE Coupons online Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-393-4995 #5 The Floor Shop Page 6 & 15 3909 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-832-1937 #6 Cassill Motors Page 7 32nd & Center Point Road NE www.cassillmotors.com Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-363-3353 #7Century Cab Page 16 1100 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-365-0505 #8 Balloons, Etc. 720 Center Point Road NE www.crballoonsetc.com Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-298-9999 #9 Treasures / A Quality Resale Shop 701 Center Point Road NE www.aidtowomenministry.com Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-364-1988 #10 Metro Appliance Page 6 620 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-366-7281
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Week of March 14th 2011
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Week of March 14th, 2011
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3223 1st Ave SE HOME HEALTHCARE Home A-1 Equipment & Supplies319-362-1084 Healthcare
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Are you ready for a Parade? The Cedar Rapids Saint Patrick's Day Parade is held every year ON THE 17th, regardless of weather conditions.
The 36th Annual SaPaDaPaS Celebration and wearin’ of the in downtown C
SaPaDaPaSo has sponsored every parade since 1977. Who is the SaPaDaPaSo? for more information Go to: www.sapadapaso.org
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While on their web site you will find entry forms for the parade along with route for this years parade. Each year prior to the parade SaPaDaPaSo selects an Irish Colleen. The Colleen Hall of Fame online has past winners dating back to 1992
by Matilda Charles
Don’t be Hoodwinked by Nigerian Scams Nigerian scams have been around almost as long as the Internet, and more seniors are falling for them as more of us go online. Nigerian scams are elaborate ruses to separate you from your money. That’s the bottom line. Here are two examples: One version of the scams preys on your good nature via email. It might talk about needing “absolute confidentiality” and governments or churches that need to get cash out the country. They’ll offer you money for your help -- big money. You just need to pay an upfront fee -which you’ll never see again. In another version, they’ll ask you for your bank-account information so that all of their millions can be held safely in your bank account. You’ll be paid, of course, they say. But how long do you think your money will stay in your account once you give them your account number? The National Crime Prevention Council has a file with hints to help identify Nigerian scams. Beware if emails ... • Claim to be from a foreign government or church. • Ask for your help. • Insist on confidentiality. • Identify you by name. • Ask for your banking information. • Have a sense of urgency to act immediately. • Promise to give you money for your help. Some of the scams are very good, which is why so many people fall for them. But with a little investigation and a lot of suspicion, you can avoid these scams and hold on to your money. Ask yourself: How did they get your name and address? Likely it came from a database of seniors. To arm yourself with more information, go to the FBI’s website at www.fbi.gov/ and click on Scams & Safety. Look for Common Fraud Schemes. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail.com. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
Information in this issue of Tidbits could win you a prize on “Remember When” on KMRY 1450, Saturday night between 7pm & 10pm with Jim Hanson & Dick Hogan
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• It was computer guru Jef Raskin who made the following sage observation: “Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining.” • Most people think of Abraham Lincoln as an iconic president and the Great Emancipator, but many don’t realize that he also was an inventor. He was issued patent No. 6,469 for an inflatable device he designed to help buoy rivergoing vessels over shoals. • In Somalia it is common for a girl to be engaged before she is even born. • If you get squeamish around bugs, you might not want to read the following little tidbit of information: Nearly every human carries around tiny eyelash mites that live out their entire lives on our faces -- including mating and laying eggs there. • Due to a series of earthquakes in 1811 and 1812, the Mississippi River ran backward for a time. • An enterprising inventor named Andrew Schneider has come up with the latest geek apparel: a solar bikini. With it, you can tan while also charging up your iPod. No word on whether there are solar swim trunks in the pipeline for men. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
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What Readers are Saying... “Tidbits is a really nice break from the constant barrage of negative stuff you read and hear every day. Reading Tidbits is always one of the highlights of my week”. Week of March 14-thBecky 2011Krichevsky,P Denver, L E A S ECO C A Reader
“I got hooked on Tidbits from the first issue I read. It’s a fun little paper that I look forward to. I know the places in town that carry Tidbits every week, so that’s where I’ll go for lunch. My neighbor saves them to read 3 6 0all- 3over 9 3 6again”. FOR THE BEST LOW CO Reader, Karl Patterson, Minneapolis, MN
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitpapers.com “Tidbits is fun to read while waiting for food to arrive at a restaurant. You always pick up some great facts that make for good reading and good conversation”. Reader - David R., Montgomery, AL
Musicians call it a sharp, the telephone company says it’s a pound sign. In England they call it a crosshatch or hash, except for British Telecom operators who refer to it as the “square key.” And some of us remember when it was just a plain ol’ number sign or a tic-tac y toe grid. However, this being the 21st centur and all, the symbol requires an appropriately high-tech name, which is why people “in the know” call the # symbol an octothorpe.
a Speaking of pound signs, the British have bone to pick with us. It seems that on their American-made computer keyboards, the octothorpe is in a place where the pound-sterling sign used to be on British typewriters. , How did £ get to be the symbol for pound anyway? Before the gold standard, English money was based on a pound weight of silver (which is why they still refer to it as “sterso ling”). The Latin word for weight is “libra,” the Brits took a stylized letter L as their monetary symbol. By the way, libra is also why we use “lb.” as an abbreviation for the weight unit “pound”.
to The percent sign is something we learned dread in math class, but loved to see at department store sales. The symbol was used to beginning no later than the 15th century indicate profit, loss, taxes and interest. The on idea of charging a portion per one hundred goods dates back to the Middle Ages, when a even the Roman emperor Augustus levied tax on slaves sold. At one time, the taxed amount was written out as “XX per cento,” As which was later abbreviated as “P cento.” ed time went on, different symbols were scrawl using a combination of the P and C characters to indicate “per cento.” An Italian manuscript dated 1425 shows an entry marked “per 0/00,” showing an early incarnation of the modern percen t symbol. The “per” was
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“For me, reading Tidbits is like eating a bag of really good peanuts. Once you get started you’re always going back for more”. Reader - Ron W., Spokane, WA �����������
aSo St. Patrick’s Day Parade the green will begin at 1:00PM le Tidbits... mp Sa n Cedar Rapids. TIDBITS LOOKS AT
all me and I’ll tell you per sonally!” Advertiser - Byron Sch warz, Sun-Free Window Tinting, Denve r, CO 303-662-8800 “We get more business from our ad in Tidbits tha n we do from our expensive mo nthly ad in the Yellow Pag es. Next year our Yellow Pages ad will be reduced so we can run a larger ad in Tidbits”. S T A DAdv V Eerti R TserI S- IDa N vid G M., I NSpo L Ikan N Ne, C O U N T Y Page WA
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soon dropped, as was the extra zero in the denominator, leaving % to stand on its own.
? Consider this...
How did the dollar sign come to represent U.S. currency? Until 1794, the Spanish dollar a. was the main coin in circulation in Americ Properly known as the peso de 8 reales, it was “p” commonly abbreviated as a lower case and “s”, with the “s” written to the right and d above the “p.” Often the two letters crosse one another, and eventually, they melded into one symbol. It is a small bone of contention among international computer geeks that the standard key boards feature the dollar sign cy. and not the symbol of their native curren of They feel that it’s just another example American domination on popular culture.
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appeal and broad reader audience means you reach every demographic target every week.
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The cent sign evolved after the dollar sign, and was simply designed as the letter “c” (for cent) with a vertical line through it to match the dollar sign. Today’s computer users may notice the lack of a cent sign on their keyold boards. (Some of us will remember our typewriters that featured the ¢ above the numeral six on the keyboard.) With the advent of computers, programmers needed certain to symbols that were regularly used in coding no be readily available. The cent sign was of on use to them, and was therefore replaced modern keyboards with the circumflex (^).
The “at” sign was so under used when it was an added to the keyboard that it was stuck in odd spot (over the “2”) and wasn’t even givin en a name. The @ symbol was only used et English-speaking countries until the Intern came along. Suddenly, the little symbol that resembled a snail was used worldwide by anyone who wanted to send email. Even though the @ is one of the most-used character keys ofon the keyboard, it still doesn’ t have an ficial name. (Suggestions are welcome, send them to us c/o Tidbits@ameritech.net.)
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Nicknamed “Super Mario” by teammates and commentators, Mario Lemieux has proven himself to be just that. Struck by serious illness at the height of his career, this super athlete battled for his life and came back stronger than ever. • It seems appropriate that lemieux translates “the best” in French. Born in Montreal, Quebec, in 1965, Lemieux is widely considered one of the best hockey players of all time. In his 17 seasons as a forward with the NHL’s Pittsburgh Penguins, he scored 690 goals and had 1,033 assists. That’s quite an accomplishment considering that illness and injuries kept him out of 36 percent of his potential regular season games. • The Lemieux family basement was the first practice field for young Mario, who, at age 3, started practicing there with his brothers, using wooden kitchen spoons as hockey sticks and bottle caps as pucks. It only made sense for their father to pour a rink on the front lawn shortly afterward. • When Lemieux was drafted by the Penguins in 1984, the team was in deep financial trouble and the relocation rumors were flying. Ten years prior, the team had declared bankruptcy, and by the time of Lemieux’ first season, was drawing less than 7,000 fans per game and seemed unable to fill its arena to even half-capacity. • During his rookie season, Lemieux not only played in the NHL All-Star game, he was named that game’s MVP, the first rookie to achieve this distinction. With his help, Pittsburgh won the Stanley Cup in 1991 and 1992, and Lemieux was the NHL’s MVP three times, and the league’s leading scorer six times. • With the 1990 season was his back surgery for a herniated disc and agonizing back pain. But it didn’t keep Lemieux from his first Stanley Cup and earning MVP of the playoffs. In early 1993 was the unbelievable announcement that he had been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He immediately began aggressive radiation treatments. After only two months, on the day of his final treatment, he made the trip to Philadelphia to play in the Penguins-Flyers game. • Four months later, Lemieux was once again in surgery, this time for a herniated muscle in his back. At the end of the season, he was forced to take a leave of absence to recover from the fatigue of cancer treatments. • Lemieux was back in full force for the beginning of the 1995 season, scoring his 500th career goal in October. During the following season came his 600th. • Lemieux announced his retirement in 1997 at age 32, his number 66 was retired, and he was immediately inducted into the NHL Hall of Fame without the usual three-year waiting period. In 1998, the Penguins declared bankruptcy, with over $90 million in outstanding debt. Because the team had been in trouble for quite some time, Lemieux had deferred his salary and was owed $30 million. He converted the debt into equity and became the majority owner of the team. In 2000, he returned to the ice, becoming one of three players who were Hall of Fame members while still playing. (The other two were Gordie Howe and Guy Lafleur.) Two years later, Lemieux was a gold medal winner at the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympics. • His second and permanent retirement came in 2006, shortly after being diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, a heart condition that produces irregular heartbeats. He remains the Penguins’ principal owner and chairman of the board. He has the distinction of being the only person to ever win the Stanley Cup as both a player and an owner.
Friday March 18th 9:00 pm - 1:00 am
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Week of March 14th, 2011
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Page 11
As a tribute to St. Patrick’s Day, Tidbits looks at several of those whose names are derived from the Latin word meaning “noble one.” • As a fine high school athlete, Patrick Swayze excelled in football, diving, broad-jumping, track and martial arts. Yet he abandoned all of his sports to study ballet and dance professionally with major New York City companies. His first professional gig was as Cinderella’s Prince Charming in Disneyland parades. Swayze’s television debut came on the series “M*A*S*H,” where he played a soldier who had been diagnosed with leukemia. Of course, he’s best known for his role as Johnny Castle in 1987’s “Dirty Dancing,” and as Sam Wheat in 1990’s “Ghost,” roles for which he received Golden Globe nominations. He was People magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive in 1991 and was also chosen as one of their 50 Most Beautiful People in the World. Although he fought valiantly against pancreatic cancer, it claimed his life in 2009, 21 months after diagnosis. • One of America’s founding fathers, Patrick Henry was a two-time governor of Virginia and a strong advocate of the American Revolution. As the House of Burgesses debated whether to take military action against the advancing British army, Henry made his famous “Give me liberty or give me death” speech in 1775. • The number 33 jersey has been retired by hockey’s Montreal Canadians and Colorado Avalanche. It belonged to Patrick Roy, who has been voted the greatest goaltender in NHL history by a panel of writers and a fan poll. This Hockey Hall of Famer won two Stanley Cup championships each with the Canadians and the Avalanche, and is the only player in history to win the Stanley’s MVP award three times. Today, Patrick Roy spends his time managing and coaching the Quebec Ramparts, part of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League. • A different number 33 jersey has been retired by the New York Knicks, belonging to center Patrick Ewing. Ewing lived the first 11 years of his life in Jamaica, where he played cricket and soccer. At Georgetown University, he was one of the first college players to start on the varsity team as a freshman, which contributed to his being voted as the 16th greatest college player of all time by ESPN. The Hall of Famer is also on the list as one of the 50 Greatest Basketball Players of All Time. Ewing has two Olympic gold medals to his credit as a member of the 1984 and 1992 basketball teams. Today, he is the assistant coach for the Orlando Magic. • Although not a familiar name, the Reverend Patrick Bell was famous in his own right. This Church of Scotland Minister invented the reaping machine in 1828. Bell collected no financial gain from his invention, because he never obtained a patent, believing it should benefit all mankind. • “Dr. McDreamy,” neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd on television’s “Grey’s Anatomy,” is played by heart throb Patrick Dempsey. Dempsey entered the entertainment world as a teenager when he studied juggling and actually placed third in the National Jugglers Convention. At one time, he wanted to attend Clown College. The Maineborn star was also a state champion downhill skier who trained for an Olympic team slot. Dempsey was diagnosed as dyslexic at a young age, and although he attended the local high school, he dropped out before graduating. His dyslexia forces him to totally memorize all his scripts. In his spare time, he is a sports car racer and has participated in both the Indianapolis and Daytona Beach races.
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Auto Shine, in business since 1958, is located at 1317 lst Avenue SE, across from Wendy’s. This landmark business offers an oldfashioned car wash for under $12. Drive in and you will be greeted by a friendly person who will help you select the right wash for you. This old-fashioned car wash offers amenities such as window cleaning, dash wipe down, floor mat cleaning, vacuuming and exterior wipe down. Ask about our other services to meet your car needs.
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20 Minutes From Cedar Rapids and Iowa City ROB’S RHYMES®
Blarney Stone Magic Every March as our long Winter finally gives in Out of the woodwork comes those lusting in sin Corned beef and cabbage dangling from the chin Claiming that unlikely heritage, with Irish as kin Washed down with green beer, an old world shot The one day of the year a tall leprechaun I’ll spot Willing to share a holiday, bad manners all forgot The Irish know tomorrow, all will swear they’re not
Copyright ® 2011 Robert A. Swart
Q: Why can't you borrow money from a leprechaun? A: Because they're always a little short.
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A Home Improvement Project To Save Your Life By Doris A. Black
“Investor alert”. Great rental property. The lower level is completely re-done. Two bedroom duplex down with an efficiency up. $68,000 Sally Atwood 350-0532
REALTOR® Fantastic 2+ story home that has turn of the century character and charm, offering a formal dining room, generous kitchen with eating area, natural woodwork,3 large bedrooms, ample storage, plus a finished 3rd story that could be a spacious master bedroom suite. $99,000 Nicole 651-1063
3 bedroom, Ranch Home on large corner lot. Eat-in kitchen, Three season porch. Home has all new windows, new front and back doors, spacious fenced yard. $116,900 Doug Luke 319-329-4032
Beautiful vintage home with fresh paint, sparkling hardwood floors and terrific space including 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath (one off master), formal dining room, butlers pantry and den. $157,500 Kathy 319-560-4253
Stunning 2003 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch. 1441 sq ft on main level. Great room with gas fireplace and cathedral ceilings. New Large Ranch Home High In The Trees oak kitchen with all appliances, sliders to With Great Views. 4 Bedrooms 2.5 Baths. deck overlooking the country side. $149,950 Marian 319-362-9111 $174,950 Jack Dunkin 319-389-3827
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Q: Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day? A: Regular rocks are too heavy.
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When we consider a home improvement project, we normally think of adding a deck or building a shed. But improving the air quality in your home is one of the most important things you can do. Consider these statistics from experts: • We spend 90% of our time indoors working, sleeping, studying, eating and playing at home, school and the workplace. • A home today can contain 50% more air pollutants than the outdoors. • A baby crawling on the floor inhales pollutants equivalent to four cigarettes a day. • A pillow can obtain half its weight from dust mites. • The average house collects over 40 pounds of dust a year. • Almost half of all school-age children suffer from reoccurring respiratory infections or asthma. These statistics are alarming! Indoor air pollution can be as damaging to your health as outdoor air pollution. The sources of indoor air pollution are numerous. Pet dander, dust mites and tobacco smoke are the most common sources. Today our homes are built with air-tight efficiency, trapping these air pollutants and more inside. According to the American College of Allergies, 50% of all illness is aggravated or caused by polluted indoor air. Adults who have never had allergies have reported increased sinus and respiratory infections over the past 20 years. Young children, whose lungs are still developing, are particularly prone. Common house dust can trigger an allergy attack any time of year. With 40 pounds of dust floating around, it’s a challenge to keep the house clean. Experts say that each speck of dust can carry thousands of dust mites. When you think about it, dust mites are rather creepy. Although microscopic in size, they exist in your home in phenomenal numbers, feed on your discarded skin flakes and leave behind waste that we inhale, causing respiratory infections and other allergic reactions. Dust mites cannot be totally eradicated, but there are steps you can take to cut down on the population. Wash all pieces of bedding in hot water once a week. For those who are very sensitive to dust mites, consider purchasing some of the many allergen-reducing bedding products on the market today. Pet dander affects 12 million Americans each year. The proteins in pet dander, urine and saliva can cause allergic reactions. If you are especially sensitive to pet allergens and can’t give up your pet, you should keep the pet out of the sleeping area, off the furniture and bed, and away from stuffed animals. Secondhand smoke is one of the most damaging air pollut-
ants. Smoke toxins can trigger an asthma attack in young children with asthma and prolonged exposure can actually induce asthma attacks in children where no previous history exists. Lung cancer, respiratory illness and ear infections are other damaging effects of secondhand smoke. To protect yourself and your children, do not smoke in your home or allow anyone else to smoke in your home. Keep your children away from smoke in public places such as restaurants by always choosing to sit in the non-smoking area.
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Week of March 14th, 2011
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Another common source of airborne pollutants is molds. They can grow almost anywhere indoors and outdoors. Found abundantly in outdoor air as a result of plant decay, mold spores drift through window screens and settle in the house. There, they find moisture and grow in dark, damp areas such as basement corners or shower curtains. Keeping the humidity level low in your home will help control mold spores. If your home has a high mold count, you or your children could experience persistent, cold-like symptoms leading to ear, nasal and respiratory infections. What else can you do to protect yourself and your family? Here are a few suggestions: • Purchase allergen-reducing cleaning products. • Use a facemask for any indoor chores that generate a lot of dust. • Purchase an air purifier, which cleans the air several times an hour. • Clean frequently to remove dust and mold. • Replace your furnace filter every three to four months. • Store solvents in air-tight containers. • Grow plants that remove contaminants, such as Bamboo Palm, English Ivy, Peace Lily, Marginata, Gerbera Daisy and Mother-inLaw’s Tongue. • Keep the humidity level in your home between 30% and 50%. • Vacuum carpeting and furniture frequently. You may even want to purchase a high-powered vacuum with a highly rated filter. Instead of redecorating the house this year, why not put that effort, time and money into ways to improve the health of your family by taking action against indoor air pollution. Besides pet dander, molds and secondhand smoke, there are many other airborne allergens and contaminants present in our homes. Only a few methods of reducing their presence have been presented here. To find out more
about indoor air pollution and what you can do to protect your loved ones, visit the Environmental Protection Agency online at www.epa.gov.
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The History Channel
• On March 15, 45 B.C, Julius Caesar, the “dictator for life” of the Roman Empire, is murdered by his own senators at a meeting in a hall next to Pompey’s Theatre. The conspiracy against Caesar encompassed as many as 60 noblemen, including Caesar’s own protege, Marcus Brutus.
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(319) 373-3535 “NATIONAL” WORDS (continued): • French: Chefs know what it means to “french” a food item. It’s a verb that means to cut into thin strips, like, well, french fries. (And yes, that’s how the finger-friendly potato dish took its name.) Green beans are another item commonly prepared in this manner.
at new ble? g sham-
d the gold production
thing better
body’s life want.” -yze
• Maltese: These tiny spaniels are easy to identify thanks to their long, silky coats. The American Kennel Club groups them with other “Toy Dogs” like Pugs and Yorkshire Terriers. Feline aficionados also use the term There are only three kinds of Irish men who Maltese to describe can’t cats thatunderstand have a si-women — young men, old milarly silky, men and mengrayof middle age! blue coat. • Colombian: This term means different things to different people, depending on how you get your “jones.” Narcotics dealers may refer to their products as Colombian, although the actual source is often unknown. Luckily, the majority of us prefer a bit of legal Colombian, as in the coffee grown in the South American nation. The prevalence of coffee shops throughout America is proof enough that many of us just can’t get along in the morning without a hot cup of Colombian.
• Chinese: The generic term “chinese” now represents that ofare This wordtypes means:of Thefood last name a very differPlayhouse ent political from commentator, the mealsPet’s that are (or ever were) politician, author 151 Jacolyn and columnist with the first name Patrick served in China. That said, the Dr. sameNW arguCedar Rapids 396-0635 ment could be made about what we consider There’s fishy “American” food. something Hamburgers? Ice going cream?on around here... favorites Hot dogs? Pizza? Our national hat’s Irish and comes out in the spring? le O’Neal Largest Selection everywhere of Fresh & Marine seem to •have originated exceptFish Guthrie in the United States! 1. In 1993, Crayola introduced what new A. Paddy O’Furniture Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered
n Mannheim Gibson Stone onaldson Strawberry
1. Asparagus 2. When did the tradition of wearing sham2. The early 1700’s Can’t Get Enough rocks on St. Patrick’s Day begin? 3. The Lemon Pipers 4. India 3. What 1960s rock the gold Sendgroup $24.95recorded (plus $5 S&H) Check or Money Order to: 5. Greener pastures record “Green byTambourine”? Tidbits Media, Inc.
crayon namedcannot after abe vegetable? to be reliable, but the accuracy of allcolor information guaranteed.
1430 I-85 Parkway, Suite 301 4. What country leads the worldALin36106 production Montgomery LIMITED EDITION BOOK of limes?SET Reprints of Books 5. I, What II & III WHILE LAST!better phrase signifiesTHEY that something The Tidbits® Paper is a divisionisofon Tidbits Media, Inc. · Montgomery, AL 36106 the other side?
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is to give them what they want.” -365-0505 Patrick Swayze
ch 17 is celebrated as St. Patrick’s ay because this is generally 3/6/72 Shaquille O’Neal cognized as the day of the death 1. Midnight green 3/7/38 Janet Guthrie the Irish patron saint. The first St. 2. The starfish, Patrick 3/8/61Star Camryn Mannheim trick’s Day Parade was held not 3/9/43 Charles Gibson Ireland but in New York City. On 3/10/58 Sharon Stone arch 17, 1762, Irish soldiers serving 3/11/34 Sam Donaldson the English army paraded through HOCUS-FOCUS 3/12/62 Darryl Strawberry e city’s streets to celebrate their ritage. Today,and the parade marchesIt was believed that he granted all derworld the dead. ong Fifth Avenue from 44th Street 86th Street, then making a turn to d at 86th and Third Avenue.
• On March 20, 1345, according to scholars at the University of Paris, the Black Death, also known as the Plague, is created from what they call “a triple conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in the 40th degree of Aquarius. It is now known that bubonic plague was carried by fleas.
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• On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein is born, the son of a Jewish electrical engineer, in Ulm, Germany. Einstein’s theories of relativity drastically altered man’s view of the universe, and his work helped make possible the atomic bomb. • On March 17, 1905, future president Franklin Delano Roosevelt weds his fifth cousin once removed, Eleanor Roosevelt, in New York. In 1918, Eleanor was devastated to discover that Franklin was having an affair with her secretary, Lucy Mercer. When Eleanor threatened to leave him, his mother intervened and offered to support Eleanor financially if she would stay in the marriage. • On March 18, 1911, Irving Berlin copyrights the biggest pop song of the early 20th century, “Alexander’s Ragtime Band.” In the first two decades of the 20th century, musical popularity was based not on the sale of recorded performances, but on the sale of sheet music. Future Berlin hits would include “White Christmas” and “God Bless America.” • On March 16, 1926, American Robert H. Goddard launches the world’s first liquid-fueled rocket at Auburn, Mass. The rocket, fueled by liquid oxygen and gasoline, traveled for 2.5 seconds at a speed of about 60 mph, reaching an altitude of 41 feet and landing 184 feet away. • On March 19, 1957, Elvis Presley puts down a $1,000 deposit on a $102,500 house in Memphis, Tenn. The Southern mansion on a 13.8-acre wooded estate was later named Graceland. ToThere Graceland are only three kinds of Irish men who day, is the second-most-visited house in America, after the White House. can’t understand women — young men, old (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
men and men of middle age!
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