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Week of March 1st, 2010
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The Neatest Little Little PaperPaper EverEver Read The Neatest Read
Vol. 5 Issue #10
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y Coffee or tea anyone? In America, the answer da as 0 e to that question is a resounding yes to 9coffee. m sh! a s 150 +topoints distribution locally According recentofsurveys, U.S drinkers ca consume approximately 4,848 cups of coffee per second, 24 hours a day. So on this winter’s day, wonʼt getdrinker, lost on TidbitsYOUR honors theAD American coffee with a wholepage set of trivia facts and statistics. Drink 4-Section D. It is rightit up. • You might think the most expensive coffee in alongside the trivia, making the world comes from Jamaica or Hawaii, but it impossible to miss in fact, it is from Indonesia. It’sYOUR called Kopi Luwak, and those who drink it insist thatthe it is ad. Tidbits is a break from made from coffee beans eaten, partly digested of thebyregular media. and news then excreted the common palm civet, a weasel-like internal No bad animal. news,Apparently just fun the facts. digestion ends up as a unique flavor to the beans, Our readers take and thethen paper removing the bitter flavor, beans are thenhome picked up by locals and sold. These to share with family beans and can cost up to $600 a pound, and up to $50 per friends. The price is right to cup, if you can get over the fact that you are get such youra strange ad in brew. front of the right drinking
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Week of March 1st, 2010
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Women of Hope Retreat
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13th Annual Disability Awareness Walk
The Arc March
March 6th, at the Lindale Mall Food Court 8:30 am Registration, breakfast & entertainment 9:30 Walk begins All funds raised will be used for programs, services and advocacy at The Arc. Additional information at www.tidbitpapers.com
COFFEE (continued): • The history of coffee can be traced back to at least the early 9th century, when it appeared in the highlands of Ethiopia. Back then, according to legend, shepherds first saw the influence of this brew when they observed their animals eating the raw coffee berries. Their goats then appeared to “dance” and have an increased level of energy. The first coffee rush? • What are the two most commonly grown species of the coffee plant? According to a number of industry sources, they are Coffee canephora and C. Arabica. These are grown in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. • Over the years, coffee traveled around the world to various countries usually carried by travelers who gave samples to others that eventually wanted even more coffee for them. • Coffee is big business, and one of the world’s more important commodities. Here are some numbers to prove that: in 2003, coffee was the world’s sixthlargest legal agricultural export in value. From 1998 to 2000, 6.7 million tons of coffee was produced annually, and it is predicted that by 2010 production will rise to 7 million tons annually. • It was said that cowboys made their coffee by putting ground coffee into a clean sock and immerse it in cold water and heated over campfire. When ready, they would pour the coffee into tin cups and drink it. • The first European coffee house opened in Italy in the year 1645. A man went to his psychiatrist and said, "Every time I drink my coffee, I get a stabbing pain in my right eye," the psychiatrist said, "well, have you tried taking the spoon out?"
Annual Irish “Hooley” 2010 Sunday, March 7th 2:00pm to 6:00pm Knights of Columbus Hall - 909 located at 716 “A” Avenue, NE (Near St. Lukes Hostpital) Entertainment is by the renowned Celtic Party Band Wylde Nept All ages are welcome! Music, Food, Door Prizes and FUN! Admission is $5.00 A RIP-ROARING TIME FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY!
American Legion Post 5 4719 J Street S.W. Cedar Rapids 364-6146
Friday’s Feb. 26th, March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26, April 2nd
All You Can Eat Fish Fry
Proceeds go to Veteran Benefits
7th Annual “Movin’ for McAuley” Presented by Panera Bread Saturday March 13th, 10:00 - 11:00 am Westdale Mall 9:00 am to noon Family Expo, fun for all ages For registration visit www.cmc-cr.org contact Ashley Funkhauseer 319-363-4993 Additional information at www.tidbitpapers.com
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1Q08 - WEEK 10 WEEK 40 No Friday MAR 2 Bingo - MAR 8during OCT 1 – OCT 7 Fish Fry’s the
Annual Spring Coin Show
Cedar Rapids Coin Club
Presented by Panera Bread Sunday March 14th, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm At the Elk’s Lodge 801 33rd Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids
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Of Linn County
A FULL FAMILY ORIENTED MINISTRY Friend Day March 7th Bring a friend with you to meet our new Pastor: Pastor Thomas Osterkamp Awana Skate Night March 9th Join us for some fun at Skate Country. Ages 3 - 12th grade Bus service available
SERVICE TIMES: Sunday School 9:45 AM
Sunday Morning 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening 6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM
Bringing the Good News of The Gospel to the City of Five Seasons
Bowling anyone?
The H.D. Youth Center has a fund-raiser and we would love for you to get involved. You do not have to be in a team. At Westdale Bowling Center Every Tuesday... 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Cost is $10.00. $5.00 goes to the H.D. Youth Center & $5.00 to the Bowling Center to cover the costs.
For more information please call Mrs Kimberly Trickey at 396-2500 or Henry Davison at 329-8841.
H.D. Youth Center
EAGLES CLUB 1735 11TH St. NW Cedar Rapids 319-3 6 3 - 5 5 7 1
www.creaglesclub.com Rocky mountain oyster fry Saturday March 6th 5050 raffle’s All are welcome.
Come check us out!!! We are “People Helping People”
Please support our programs by attending our meals and bingo nights!
Mall Walk
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4pm - 8pm
Good News Baptist Church
1203 3rd Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
by Kara Kovalchik & Sandy Wood
1. The 1. prototype ofcommercials, the first espresso machine was 1. According to TV how manynickname full What was Clarence Rutherford’s created in what country in 1822?
2. 3. 4. 5.
scoops of raisins areIt in box of Raisin Bran? on Leave to each Beaver? 2. You think America likes coffee? This country now What of “big, bigwas bite” cereal had its own 2. What disease blamed for causing hasbrand over 200,000 coffee bars, and that number is Mary’s still hideout? Little House on the Prairie? growing.blindness Name theon country. Hamhose and Mosspercentage were characters 3. Coffee of allBee thefeatured caffeine 3. represents The Boss Andy what Griffith Show’s Aunt came consumed in the United States? on boxes of what short-lived brand of cereal? to Mayberry to replace what Taylor family 4. This famous classical composer wrote a coffee housekeeper? What natural food enthusiast used to promote cantata in cereal? 1732. Who is he? Grape-Nuts 4. What former Little House actor co-starred Answers on pg. 12 withcomic Michael Landon on Highway to Heaven? What retired strip character’s favorite cereal was Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs? 5. In what U.S. state is 7th Heaven set?
Tidbits® trivia TRIVIA newsfront™ answers NEWSFRONT ANSWERS ROB’S RHYMES 1. LUMPY 1. two 2. SCARLET FEVER 2. Honeycomb 3. ROSIE 3. Freakies I sat around all Winter dreaming about fishing and open water 4. VICTOR FRENCH 4. Euell Gibbons Then one morning a blood curdling scream from my daughter 5. CALIFORNIA 5. my Calvin Hobbes My tackle box, rod and(of reel,Calvin were alland over our kitchen) floor
Nocturnal Lunkers
I had walked in my sleep again and her goldfish was no more
ALWAYS FREE ALWAYS FUN Copyright ® 2009 Robert A. Swart
Week of March 1st, 2010
Tidbits® - It is OK to take this paper home with you to share with others when there are plenty available-
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
COFFEE (continued): • The Dutch were the first to import coffee and coffee beans on a large scale, and they eventually smuggled coffee seedlings into Europe in 1690, defying the Arab prohibition on the exportation of coffee plants or unroasted coffee seeds. • Brazil is the largest coffee exporting nation, but in recent years Vietnam has become a major producer of robusta beans. Robusta coffees are one of the most popular coffees.
"Have you heard? Smith got fired!" "Really? Poor guy. What happened?" "Well as you know, he worked for the tea distribution company, but every time someone called asking for the manager, Smith responded that the manager was taking a coffee break."
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• Because of the lower costs, Arabica is preferred by large industrial clients, such as multinational roasters and instant coffee producers. • Coffee is propagated by seed. The traditional method of planting coffee is to put 20 seeds in each hole at the beginning of the rainy season; half are eliminated naturally. Coffee is intercropped with food crops, such as corn, beans, or rice, during the first few years. • There are two main cultivated species of the coffee plant, Coffea canephora and Coffea arabica. Arabica coffee is considered more suitable for drinking than robusta, which, compared to arabica, is bitter and has less flavor. It’s probably for this reason that about three fourths of coffee cultivated worldwide is arabica. • How do you label a bean? It depends on the color of the roasted beans. They will be labeled as light, cinnamon, medium, high city, full city, French or Italian roast. The darker roasts are usually smoother, because they have less fiber content and a more sugary flavor. Lighter roasts have more caffeine, resulting in a slight bitterness, and a stronger flavor from aromatic oils. • Perfectly roasted coffee beans are the end result of the coffee roasting process. Those beans are then ground and turned into a delicious cup of coffee.
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Men are like ... coffee. The best ones are rich, hot, and can keep you up all night.
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STRANGE BUT TRUE By Samantha Weaver
☺ It was American sports writer Art Spander who made the following sage observation: “The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something stupid.” ≈ With only two known to exist, the rarest U.S. postage stamp is the 1-cent 1868 Benjamin Franklin Z-Grill, so called because of the shape that was impressed into the stamp. One of the Z-Grills is in the collection of the New York Public Library, and the other was sold in 1998 for $935,000. That’s not the end of the story, though; in October of 2005, the same stamp was traded for a block of stamps valued at $3 million. « The next time you’re eating an Oreo cookie, consider this: It takes 90 minutes to make each cookie, and each one has precisely 90 ridges on the rim.
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St. Luke’s Colorectal Cancer Awareness and Screening Project is made possible through a grant awarded to St. Luke’s Cancer Care by the Iowa Department of Public Health.
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☺ Hindus do not eat eggs, believing them to be a valuable source of life. ¥ It may be hard to believe, but there is an official competition to see who can sit in a sauna for the longest period of time. The World Sauna Championships have taken place in Heinola, Finland, annually since 1999. The starting temperature is a sweltering 110 degrees Celsius (230 F), and a liter of water is poured on the stove every 30 seconds. The winner is the last person who is able to leave the sauna without assistance. Competitors participate at their own risk, and they are required to sign a waiver agreeing not to take legal action against the event organizers. (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
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“So,” the coach continued, Page 6 Week of March 1 , 2010 T a k e t h i s i s s u e o f Tidbits h o m e w i t h y o u t o s h a r e w i t h y o u r f a m i l y ! “when a strike iswww.tidbitpapers.com called, Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or Call (319) 360-3936 or you’re out at first, you COFFEE (continued): DC’s DC’s River Walk was used in ancient times for spiritual don’t argue or curse or • Coffee Pub & Eatery reasons. At least 1,000 years ago, traders brought attack the umpire. Right?” coffee across the Red Sea into Arabia (modern-day 319.362.0310 Yemen), where Muslim monks began cultivating the shrub in their gardens. At first, the Arabians L a rg e Lu nch & Dinner Menu Again, D.J. nodded. MONDAY’S made wine from the pulp of the fermented coffee D a i$3 l yWing Lu nBaskets c h S p e5-9 cials berries. This beverage was known as Qishr (Kisher “Good,” said the coach. Monday-Friday $6.99 WEDNESDAY’S in modern usage) and was used during religious STEP UP TO H a1pTopping py Ho u r $8.99 pizza “Now go over there and ceremonies. $3 Wing Baskets pm 3 pm - 7 pm5-8 M-F drinking was prohibited socially in THURSDAY’S explain it to your mother.” • Coffee THE PLATE! some regions of the world, and at one time was $2.50 Domestic 3 pm - Bottles 7 pm 3-7 pm st
The amount of caffeine in common medications may surprise you. However, according to the FDA, nearly 1,000 prescription drugs and 2,000 over-the-counter medications contain caffeine— anywhere from 30 to 200 mg per tablet or capsule.
Tidbits® quiz bits
1. This famous 19th century French writer drank up to 40 cups of coffee per day! Name him. 2. This classical music composer was so was so particular about his coffee that he always counted 60 beans each cup when he prepared his brew. Name him. 3. This local person who sits outside year round drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes with anyone who will join her, feeds birds, squirrels and other critters from her porch. Name her.
1. What actor went from playing a minister on The Waltons to sharing a TV apartment with two women?
2. What was the middle name of young Ritchie Petrie on The Dick Van Dyke Show?
• How’s this for a rush? The majority of all caffeine consumed worldwide comes from coffee—in some countries; this figure is®as high as 85 percent. It all depends, of course, on the type of coffee and method of preparation. • Too much coffee can bring on some health problems, experts warn. Most of these negative effects are due to coffee’s caffeine content. ® Drinking caffeinated coffee can cause a temporary increase in the stiffening of arterial walls. Excess coffee consumption may lead to a magnesium deficiency or hypomagnesaemia. So if you’re drinking 10 cups a day, be careful.
Unscramble this word:
• During the American Civil War, when coffee was scarce, the citizens of New Orleans used chicory as substitutes. Today, they would have their coffee with chicory.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
• When the beans reach the temperature of 400F during the roasting process, the beans “crack.” When the beansrustic, “crack” a second time, the hot tranquil beans are then dumped from the roaster and cooled immediately. During the process of roasting coffee beans, coffee oil gathers in pockets throughout the bean. This substance is forced out to the surface of the beans of darker roasts, as moisture is lost. Hence the bean has this oily appearance.
This word means:
week: Climate controlled and who should brewnext the coffee each morning. The wife said, "You should do it, because you get traditional self-storage units www.greenacresstorage.net Answers on pg. 12
A man and his wife were having an argument about
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Tidbits® Laughs Tidbits®
Eddie Haskell: “Gee, Mrs. Cleaver,
At one point during a Little While traveling through Dubuque, IA coach League game, the kitchen always looks so clean.” said to your D.J. Conner, our you family stopped in a local restaurant “Do understand what cooperation is? What team is?” for a brief respite driving.aMy Mrs.while Cleaver: “Why, thank you, Eddie.” D.J. nodded. father ordered 2 cups of coffeecontinued, for “So,” the coach “when a strike is called, him or and my mother. My mother after you’re out atmother first, Eddie Haskell: “My saysyou it looks as don’t argue or curse or tasting the coffee looked at my father attack the umpire. Right?” thoughD.J. youatnever do any work in here.” Again, nodded. and they each grimaced each other. “Good,” said the coach. Looking around,go my father noticed a “Now over there and explain it to your mother.” sign above the back corner which said, “Don’t knock our coffee, you may be old and weak yourself sometime.”
At one point during a Little League game, the coach said to D.J. Conner, “Do you understand what coopration is? What a team is?” D.J. nodded. “So,” the coach continued,
Tidbits® quiz bits
What actor went from playing a minister on The Waltons to sharing
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considered strictly a “Muslim” drink.
Unscramble this word:
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Week of March 1st, 2010
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It’s a long way from Tulsa, Oklahoma to the glamour of Nashville and Los Angeles, but that’s exactly the road country crooner Garth Brooks took to stardom. Over the years, particularly in the 1990s, he has enjoyed one of the most successful careers in popular music history, breaking records for both sales and concert attendance. Brooks has sold 113 million recordings in the U.S. This week, Tidbits salutes one of America’s best, Garth Brooks. • Garth Brooks was born on February 7, 1962 in Tulsa, Oklahoma to Troyal Raymond Brooks, a draftsman for an oil company, and Colleen Carroll, a 1950s-era country singer who recorded on the Capitol Records label and appeared on Ozark Jubilee.
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• Brooks and his five elder siblings (Jim, Jerry, Mike, Betsy, and Kelly) were raised in little Yukon, Oklahoma. As a youngster, he sang in casual family settings but his primary love was OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11AM-2AM athletics. In high school he played football, baseball and ran track. He received a scholarship to Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Monday, where he competed in the javelin. 500 Blairs Ferry Road NE 319-378-9090
• Brooks married Sandy Mahl in 1986. He met June 15th her while working as a bouncer. The couple & later had three daughters: Taylor Mayne Pearl June 29th(born 1992), August Anna (born 1994) and Allie 6:30pm Colleen (born 1996). In 1987, the couple moved
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• Brooks first single, “Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old),” was a country top 10 hit. It was followed by his first country #1, “If Tomorrow Never Comes.” • Brooks has said that of all the songs he has recorded, “The Dance” is his favorite.
o earkTurR n to B o m re a Br’s You t
• His big breakthrough occurred in 1989-1990. His first album, was released in 1989 and was a critical and chart success. It peaked at #2 in $100 Added the U.S. country album chart and reached #13 501 on the Billboard 200 pop album chart. Most of Cricket the album was traditionalist country, influenced in part by George Strait.
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to Nashville, and Brooks began making contacts in the music industry.
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• Brooks’ album, No Fences, was released in 1990 and spent 23 weeks as #1 on the country music chart. It became Brooks’ highest-selling Follow us on Facebook album, with domestic shipments of 17 million, What has 154 legs and 8 teeth? and contained his signature song, the blue collar The front row at a Garth Brooks concert! anthem “Friends in Low Places.” • Even now, after his retirement and un-retirement, Brooks still continues to sell well. From April 5th 2008 to September 26th 2008, he sold 277,000 albums in the U.S., which brought his album sales up to 68,051,000 - which makes him the best-selling artist in America since 1991, well over 11 million ahead of his nearest rival, The Beatles. • Brooks says he was influenced by the operatic rock of the 1970s-era Freddie Mercury, Billy Joel, and Bruce Springsteen. In his highly successful live shows, Brooks used a wireless headset microphone to free himself to run about the stage, adding energy and arena rock theatrics to spice up the normally staid country music approach to concerts. • Brooks lists the hard rock band KISS as one of his earliest grade school musical influences and his shows often reflected this. Gene Simmons would be proud. • On October 26, 2000, Brooks officially announced his retirement. He must have been bored: Brooks started a partial comeback in 2005, and has since given many performances and released two compilation albums.
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Week of March 1st, 2010
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My garden for this summer is already taking shape, at least on the kitchen counters, where dozens of little seed pots are lined up in flats. This year my goal is to grow vegetables for the food bank. I’ve already tried out my new PotMaker, a handy wooden gadget for making seedstarting pots out of newspaper. I almost gave up gardening last year, mostly because of all the work. The stooping and bending was the worst of it. This year things will be up higher and easier to reach. A father-and-son team here in town are working on some trellises for me. Those will be for the climbing plants. When the weather is warmer, father and son will be over here building some extra-high raised beds. A neighbor and I have gone in together on the cost of seeds. We have different ways of planting and growing, so we’ll have to see which methods work best. (She goes for grow lights, while I prefer the sun, for one thing.) So far, the menu-to-be consists of sweet peppers (mostly for the bright colors), tomatoes, carrots, three types of lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, green beans and climbing spinach. If you don’t have garden space, your town might have a site designated for a seniors’ vegetable garden. Or if you live in a retirement center, ask about setting aside a communal area for residents to grow vegetables or flowers. Here are some places to get a head start on planning your garden: Burpee (www.burpee.com) Phone Orders: 1-800-888-1447 Park Seed Company (www.parkseed.com) 1-800-213-0076 Johnny’s Seeds (www.johnnyseeds.com) 1-877-564-6697 To get started, all you need is pencil, paper, catalog -- and your imagination. For tips on how to grow your own vegetables, see The Vegetable Gardening Guru at www.vegetablegardeningguru.com Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail.com. (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• Betcha never heard of this man: Crispus Attucks, a leader of American colonists, was the first person killed by British soldiers in the Boston Massacre. You might say he was the first man to give up his life for this new country. • George Washington, our first president was most certainly a hero. He made the United States possible—not only by defeating a king, but by declining to become one himself. • Fact or fiction? Johnny Appleseed was a hermit and a wanderer who was welcomed wherever he went in the Ohio territory. Everyone loved him, in spite of his unkempt appearance. He always carried a sack full of apple seeds to plant, and walked barefoot all year round. A happy marriage is a matter of giving and taking; the husband gives and the wife takes.
• Martin Luther King, Jr. was a famous civil rights activist during the 1960’s. He stood up for African-American rights in peaceful ways and paved the way for people of all races to be treated equally. To promote his cause, King made special speeches and public appearances to help promote his cause. Truly an American icon, Martin Luther King, Jr. helped America to become what it is to-day, tolerant of all races. • He was an internationally famous race car driver who set a world record for speed driving. But his claim to heroic fame rests on his war deeds: Eddie Rickenbacker was the leading American combat pilot during World War II. • Few youngsters today know of Ernie Pyle. But he was a well-known war reporter in World War II. He even won a Pulitzer Prize in 1944 for his reporting. A year later, he was killed near Okinawa, Japan.
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• Wesley Autrey, a 50-year-old New York construction worker and Navy veteran was waiting for a subway train one afternoon. He was taking his two daughters, Syshe, 4, and Shuqui, 6, home before work. Near to where he was standing, a man collapsed, stumbled to the platform edge and fell to the tracks, between the two rails. The headlights of the train appeared. “I had to make a split decision,” Autrey said. He jumped onto the tracks and saved the man’s life. Truly, a selfless, heroic act. • A 1st Infantry Division soldier, Specialist Ross Andrew McGinnis, 19, was killed while on a combat patrol in Baghdad, Iraq. Soldiers in his unit said he used his body to cover a grenade that had been thrown into his Humvee by an enemy fighter on a nearby rooftop.
• Maybe the greatest baseball hitter of all time, Ted Williams twice interrupted his career with the Boston Red Sox to serve as a pilot in the United States Marine Corps: once during World War II and then again during the Korean War.
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• McGinnis’s actions probably saved the lives of the four other soldiers in the vehicle, his company commander and others, officials said. McGinnis was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Bush on April 4, 2005, two years to the day after his death. Why do you need a driver’s license to buy liquor when you can’t drink and drive?
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• Colombian: This means different createdterm in4 what countrypm in 1822? things Sunday pm-10 to different people, depending on how you 2. You19th think America likes coffee? This country now Guaranteed Satisfaction or wewriter personally 1.This century French get yourfamous “jones.” Narcotics dealers maydrank refer up you your Money Back! hascoffee over coffee and him. that number to their as 200,000 Colombian, although theis to give 40 products cups of per day! bars, Name actual source is growing. often Luckily, the still Name the country. 2. This classical musicunknown. composer was so particular Marriage is the sole causeaofbitdivorce. majority of 3.coffee us prefer of legal Colomabout his that he always counted 60 Coffee represents what percentage of all thebeans bian, ascup in when the coffee grown in theName South each heconsumed prepared hisUnited brew. caffeine in the States? him. American nation. The prevalence of coffee 4. This famous classical composer wroteenough a coffee shops throughout America is proof that many ofcantata us just can’t in 1732. Who isget he? along in the morning without a hot cup of Colombian. y French writer drank up
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Japan isexhilaration now about the itthird which thelargest cheering influence of the They afternooneven or evening cup of consumer of coffee. know tea cannot skin, be expectedand to reproduce.” to Get improve their reduce Can’t Enough --Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. wrinkles, by bathing inSend coffee grounds $24.95 (plus $5 S&H) by Check or Money Order to: Tidbits Media, Inc. that were fermented1430with pineapple I-85 Parkway, Suite 301 Montgomery AL 36106 pulp. Amazing! Beats mud-bathing, LIMITED EDITION BOOK SET Reprints of Books I, II & III WHILE THEY LAST! we guess.
Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.
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Zero Mostel...2/28/1915 the third largest 1Q2009 :: Wk 03 :: Jan 11 - Jan 17 :: Pg. 8 All Rights Reserved · Copyright © 2009 Tidbits Media, Inc. Ron Howard...3/1/1954 . They even know Jon Bon Jovi...3/2/1962 skin, and reduce Jessica Biel...3/3/1982 Custom Cabinet Knute Rockne...3/4/1888 Refacing and g in coffee grounds Kitchen Remodeling Rex Harrison...3/5/1908 The Tidbits® Paper is a division of Tidbits Media, Inc. · Montgomery, AL 36106
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The History Channel
● On March 11, 1818, “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheusm” is published. The book, by 21-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, is frequently called the world’s first science-fiction novel. In Shelley’s tale, a scientist animates a creature constructed from dismembered corpses. ● On March 10, 1876, the first discernible speech is transmitted over a telephone system when inventor Alexander Graham Bell summons his assistant in another room by saying, “Mr. Watson, come here; I want you.” Bell had received a telephone patent three days before, just hours ahead of another inventor, Elisha Gray.
1. The prototype of the first espresso machine was ● On March 12, 1903, the New York Highlanders are given the created what country in 1822? go-ahead by teaminowners to join baseball’s American League. 2. You think America likes coffee? This country The Highlanders had recently moved from Baltimore, wherenow they were called the Orioles. The team officially changed its is has over 200,000 coffee bars, and that number name tostill the New York Yankees in 1913. growing. Name the country. 3. Coffee represents what percentage of all the ● On March 9, 1959, the first Barbie doll goes on display caffeineToy consumed the City. United States? at the American Fair in NewinYork Barbie was the 4. This famous classical composer wrote aadult coffee first mass-produced toy doll in the United States with While traveling through Antigo, Wis. our family features. was modeled on a doll named inappearance 1732.forWho is he? stopped incantata aBarbie’s local restaurant a brief respite Lilli, driving. based My on father a German character. while orderedcomic-strip 2 cups of coffee
for him and my mother. My mother after tasting the ● Onlooked March 8, 1969, thethey Pontiac Firebird Trans Am is coffee at my father and each grimaced introduced. The Trans Am was one in a series of muscle cars at each other. Looking around, my father noticed in thewhich 1960s, a released sign abovebythePontiac back corner said,including “Don’t the Grand Prix and the GTO designed young John DeLorean. knock our coffee, you maybybeaold and weak yourself sometime.” (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
“The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering Why is it that when you transport something inflcar uence the afternoon or evening cup of by it’sofcalled a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, tea cannot be expected to reproduce.” it’s called cargo? --Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
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know, you can *even go green $withYou750 your morning beverages like
coffee tea. Support local,members and different Each and committee has different functions. Check two committees independent cafes and roastersto join. The first committee is the membership committee. This is a powerful MoneywhoMaking grow committee. or procureYoutheir not beans only learn of the new members beforeTake your acompetition, but you nearby. reusable mug to also meet dozens upon dozens of prospective members. Even if these prospective yourmembers coffee don’t shop.joinDitch bag you have met them! your the association, Because you met them, you will have the opportunity to use andThe filter with reusable filters and Clusters and you discover a potential Link. The second tea committee infusers—and hey! committee. Think on this for is the fund-raiser a moment. Whom will you meet if you become a fundYouraiser could even try for an association? Wealthy patrons! If you want growing your own tea808-P1-K6-52-KITS more OFFER affluence, become a fund-raiser. As a fund-raiser, CODE: executives who would not return your phone calls will talk andtocoffee beans if you you. Again, be sure you use The Clusters. live in a climate for it.
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Each committee has different members and different functions. Check two committees to join. The first committee is the membership committee. This is a powerful MoneyMaking committee. You not only learn of the new members before your competition, but you also meet dozens upon dozens of prospective members. Even if these prospective members don’t join your association, you have met them! Because you met them, you will have the opportunity to use The Clusters and you discover a potential Link. The second the Balzac fund-raiser committee. Think on this for 1. committee Honoréisde a moment. Whom will you meet if you become a fundfor an association? Wealthy patrons! If you want 2. raiser Beethoven 3. Deb Gatewood more affluence, become a fund-raiser. As a fund-raiser, executives who would not return your phone calls will talk to you. Again, be sure you use The Clusters.
a Day
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“NATIONAL” WORDS (continued): • French: Chefs know what it means to “french” a food item. It’s a verb that means to cut into thin strips, like, well, french fries. (And yes, that’s how the finger-friendly potato dish took its name.) Green beansEast are West another item commonly prepared in this 366-0721 366-8406 manner. 824 tiny 6th St.spaniels SW • Maltese: These are easy to identify thanks to their long, silky coats. The American Kennel Q: What do you callClub a cowgroups who has just given birth? them 2with other “Toy 1 12” Topping Pizza Dogs” like Pugs and A: De-calf-inated! 1 Hot or Cold Sub Yorkshire Terriers. FelineWings aficionados 6 Hot * Dine in Only also use the term 4 fountain drinks Maltese to describe cats that have a siwho has just given birth? Monday - Thursday 11 am-10 pm milarly silky, grayFriday 11 am-11 pm blue coat. 1. The prototype of the first espresso machine was f-inated!
Page 12
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