Tidbits Grand Forks - January 5, 2017

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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN January 5, 2017


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# 1,000 ISSUE


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Gold and copper were the first metals to be discovered by humans around 5000 B.C. It’s been estimated that 75% of all gold in circulation has been extracted since 1910. Come along with Tidbits as we dig for gold!

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• Gold melts at 1947° F. It can conduct both heat and electricity and it never rusts or tarnishes. It cannot be destroyed by air, water, or fire, but it can be melted and mixed with other metals. • Gold is so pliable that it can be made into sewing thread. An ounce of gold can be stretched over 50 miles. The thinnest man-made filament is gold thread only 4 microns wide. By comparison, a spider’s silk is only 1 micron wide. • Gold is more malleable than any other metal. An ounce of gold can be beaten into a sheet of gold leaf that covers 300 square feet and is only 1/200,000 of an inch thick. • A cubic foot of gold weighs 1,204 lbs. The only heavier metal is platinum.

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• Carat with a C is a measure of the size of gemstones, but karat with a K measures the purity of gold: 24 karat is pure gold, which is soft enough that it can be easily molded by hand.

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Issue # 1,000

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• A single 300-mile long ridge called the Rand in South Africa has yielded nearly half of all the gold that’s ever been mined. • In the rich South African gold fields, three tons of ore yield 1 ounce of gold.

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Which 20th-century bandleader was known as “the king of swing”? Of the 92 natural elements in 6. What makes the planet Mars the Earth’s crust, is gold the appear red? rarest? 7. What was the name of the What percent of an Olympic third baseman in Abbott and gold medal is actually gold? Costello’s comedy routine How many states in the U.S. “Who’s on First?”? have at least some gold depos- 8. Which film won best picture its? at the 1994 Oscars? What year did Canada win its TRIVIA independence? SPONSORED BY:

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• The word “gold” evolved from the ancient word “ghel” or “ghol” meaning yellow, bright, or shiny. • The chemical symbol for gold is Au, from the Latin word “aurum” meaning “shining dawn.” This is the same root word that gave Aurora, the goddess of dawn, her name. • When the Gauls attacked Rome in 390 B.C., they were about to sack the temple where the treasure was stored when honking geese alerted the Romans. The treasure was saved. The grateful Roman citizens built a shrine to Moneta, the goddess of warning. The word “moneta” gave us our word “money.” • When U.S. banks first started printing paper bank notes, they could be redeemed for actual gold, leading to the phrase “as good as gold.”


• How much gold is in Fort Knox? The entire stockpile now weighs 147.3 million troy ounces, which is worth about $130 billion at today's prices.

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• The bottom of the Mponeng Mine in South Africa is one of the deepest point humans have reached beneath the land surface. The gold mine is 2.5 miles deep. The average temperature of the rocks on the Earth’s crust is 55°F but at the bottom of the mine, they are 140°F. Its 236 miles of tunnels are longer than the New York subway system. At the bottom of this pit is a seam of ore about 30 inches wide. About 4,000 people work there.

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PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN TIDBITS! 4. How many no-hitters did Hall of Fame pitcher Tom 1. Philadelphia Eagles’ Carson Seaver toss during his career? Wentz set the NFL rookie 5. T or F: No NFL rookie record for most complequarterback has ever won tions in a season with 379. a Super Bowl. Whose record did he beat? 6. Who is the only retired 2. T or F: In 2015, Matt NFL quarterback to win Kemp became the first San two Super Bowl MVPs, but Diego Padres player to hit not be in the Hall of Fame? for the cycle. 3. Name the only expansion 7. Who is the youngest startteam in NBA history to make ing quarterback to win a the playoffs in its first season. Super Bowl?


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• In 1983, a Brazilian prospector found a 137-pound nugget that contained a million dollars worth of gold. • The largest gold nugget ever found was found in Australia in 1869. The nugget is 10 by 25 inches and yielded 140 lbs. of pure gold. It was found buried under just two inches of dirt.


• According to the legend, King Hiero II wanted to have his old gold crown melted down and made into a new crown. However, he was afraid that the jeweler hired to do the work would cut the pure gold with a less expensive metal such as silver. The crown would still weigh the same; it would still look like pure gold; but the jeweler would be making off with a chunk of royal gold for free. • The king asked Greek scientist Archimedes how he would be able to tell if the jeweler stole gold from the royal crown. Archimedes pondered the question for some time. Then, he decided to take a bath. • As he got into the over-filled tub, some water splashed on the floor. That's when he realized that a body immersed in fluid loses weight equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces— an important law of physics. He knew that by weighing the amount of water displaced by the crown both before and after it was re-worked, he could tell if the gold had been adulterated. He became so excited that he allegedly rushed naked into the streets of Syracuse, Sicily, shouting “Eureka!” which means “I have found it!” The crown was weighed, the jeweler did steal some gold— and he paid for it with his life.


• The world pours more steel in an hour than it has poured gold since the beginning of recorded history. *Answer located further back in this issue.

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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King Features Weekly Service

Say what you will about 2016, but if you thought it was boring you have got to get your head checked. It was a year of stunning achievements. Without question, the highlight being the Chicago Cubs finally winning a World Series, ending the Hack Wilson era. It was a year that saw LeBron James cement his alltime superstar legacy by bringing a championship back to Cleveland, a year that saw Peyton Manning leave on top. The Golden State Warriors did their best Seattle Mariners impression, setting the mark for the best regular season record, then not winning it all at the end. Villanova kept Philadelphia basketball front and center, taking the NCAA tournament. Alabama continues to roll in college football, and Penn State returned to the good graces of the game. The Pittsburgh Penguins only need one more for the thumb after winning their fourth Stanley Cup. Army beat Navy. There were individual achievements. Jaromir Jagr moved past Mark Messier for all-time points in the NHL. Andy Murray finally broke through to become the top-seeded player in men’s tennis. Kobe Bryant put up 60 points in his final game.

January 2, 2017

A Year of Stunners

Angelique Kerber and Serena Williams dominated woman’s tennis. Jimmie Johnson won his record-tying seventh NASCAR Sprint Cup title. Michael Phelps won his 23rd gold medal, Max Scherzer struck out 22 in a game, and Conor McGregor conquered the rest of the world. McGregor, who really helped propel the UFC to a higher ratings breakout after Rhonda Rousey’s hiatus from the sport, might well be considered the sportsman of the year if it weren’t for Joe Madden’s deft hand at managing the brilliant Theo Epstein Cubs. There were some events more recognized as someone’s loss than another’s win: Jordan Spieth’s collapse, allowing Danny Willet to add a green jacket to his wardrobe being the foremost example thereof. Tyson Fury, who acts like a loser, wobbled around the ring to beat Vladimir Klitschko for what used to be the well-respected heavyweight belt. Tom Brady, in one of the stupidest suspensions in NFL history, missed four games. (Way to market your stars, Goodell.) And then there were those who slipped this vale of tears. Giants like Ali, Arnie and Gordie are gone. Legends from the past century, their names will forever remain in the upper echelon of sporting statistics, men of exceeding valor both in their respective sports and away from the cheers of the crowd in gainful retirement. They will be missed, but this year, one of the greatest in recent sports history, will not be forgotten. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey.


• Humans have been working with gold for some 7,000 years or so, whereas the Iron Age began only about 1200 B.C. This is in spite of the fact that there is about four million times more iron than gold in the crust of the Earth. This is largely due to the fact that iron reacts with other substances and combines with them to form mineral ores, which are difficult to separate. Gold does not easily combine with other elements in the ground and can be plucked from the gravel in its pure form, if only you know where to look. • Gold is too soft for making tools and it is inordinately heavy. However, it is a highly unreactive metal, so it is impervious to corrosion from gases in the air. Silver tarnishes because it reacts with airborne sulphur; copper turns green because it reacts with oxygen and carbon dioxide; iron rusts because it reacts with oxygen. But gold does none of these things; its surface is inert.


• John Sutter owned property on which gold was found which started the California Gold Rush in 1849. He was a wealthy man already when the gold was found, but hordes of people moved onto his property, ruining it, and he could not get them to leave. Then the government seized his property on a technicality, and he died in poverty. In the first 10 years after the California gold rush began at Sutter's Mill, California produced more than half a billion dollars worth of gold, almost 35 times the amount the U.S. had paid to Mexico for the Western lands. • Farmer Simon Drake of England was preparing his field for planting when he unearthed a strange golden coin. He looked it up in a book of ancient coins and discovered it was a gold noble dating back to the 1400s. A subsequent search turned up 94 more coins in his field. In May of 1985 they were auctioned for some $100,000.

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by Samantha Weaver

PRESIDENTIAL QUOTES: “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give it to those who would not.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

• It was award-winning American novelist Ann Patchett who made the following sage observation: "The question is whether or not you choose to disturb the world around you, or if you choose to let it go on as if you had never arrived." • The world's smallest city block can be found in the small town of Dothan, Alabama. Bordered by Appletree, College and Troy streets, the block was once home to a single two-story building measuring 38 feet long and 27 feet wide. • Most Americans are familiar with graham crackers -- they're a favorite childhood snack. But have you ever wondered what they're made of? The obvious answer is "graham flour" -- but what is that? It's just flour made from whole wheat. This type of flour was named after a 19-century Presbyterian minister named Sylvester Graham, who promoted the snack as a digestive aid and a cure for alcoholism. • You might be surprised to learn that, although Charles Goodyear received a patent for vulcanized rubber in 1844, the Maya were creating objects with rubber 3,000 years before that. • The quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) is the most widely distributed tree in North America (as well as the state tree of Utah). Groves of them can be found in high altitudes as far south as Guanajuato, Mexico, and as far north as the Brooks Range of mountains in northern Alaska. Most people don't realize, however, that the groves are not made up of separate trees; all the visible trunks are part of a single organism, genetically identical and sharing the same root system. *** Thought for the Day: "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." -- Victor Hugo © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.



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• You cannot get a rash from simply brushing against poison ivy; you must come into contact with the sap of the plant caused when leaves and stems are damaged, due to cutting the plant, picking the leaves, crushing the stems, and so forth. • Urushiol enters the skin so quickly that a person has only ten minutes after exposure to wash it off in order to prevent a rash from forming. The rash usually shows up within 48 hours of exposure. • It takes just a billionth of a gram of urushiol to cause a rash. A mere quarter ounce of the stuff would be enough to cause a rash on every person on Earth. And the amount that could fit on the head of a pin would be enough to cause a rash on 500 people. • About 85% of people are allergic to urushiol. Exposure to urushiol causes more cases of dermatitis than is caused by all other plant species combined. • Often people will fail to develop a rash after their first exposure to poison ivy, through the rash tends to grow progressively worse with each successive exposure. • It’s found throughout North America and Asia though it does not grow well in arid regions or high altitudes.


• You’d think that poison ivy contains urushiol as a defensive measure, but in fact the substance merely helps the plant retain water and it just so happens that it’s also an allergen.


• The word “urushiol” comes from the Japanese word “urushi” meaning lacquer because the toxic sap can be refined to make a very durable and beautiful lacquer.



• Poison ivy causes an allergic reaction because the sap contains an oily substance called urushiol. Other plants that also contain urushiol include poison oak and poison sumac.

• Although poison ivy usually has three leaves, its appearance can vary widely. Eastern poison ivy is a rope-like vine while western poison ivy is a shrubby bush. The vine can cover the ground or it can climb tree trunks and fences. The foliage changes appearance as the seasons change, starting reddish in the spring, green in the summer, yellow and orange in fall. • Despite its name, poison ivy is not a true ivy. True ivy is in the genus called “Hedera.” Poison ivy is in the genus “Toxicodendron” which is Latin meaning “toxic tree.” • You don’t need to come into direct contact with poison ivy to develop a rash. The oil can be carried on garden tools, pet fur, clothing, tires, lawnmowers, weed whackers, and so forth. When poison ivy is burned, the smoke can cause considerable damage to the lungs if inhaled. • About 350,000 people will suffer from poison ivy rashes in the U.S. each year. • The oil can remain active for up to five years. Even dead leaves still carry the oil. • The rash cannot spread from one part of the body to the other through the blisters, or from person-toperson contact. • To protect yourself from contact, always wear long sleeves, pants, boots, and gloves. Vinyl gloves are better than rubber gloves because the oil can penetrate rubber. Wash all items exposed to poison ivy with soap and water, and it’s best to wash your skin with soap and water using a wash cloth for added friction which is more effective at removing the oil. • Goats can eat poison ivy with no ill effects. Some farmers rent out goats to clear parks, golf courses and historical sites of poison ivy and other weeds without using chemicals and herbicides. Deer and bear also eat poison ivy. • Birds eat the nutritious berries of the plant with no ill effect, thereby spreading the seeds to new territory.


Amazing Plants:

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• “I installed a full-length mirror on the back side my closet door. All around it I made a border of corkboard (the self-sticking sheets available at office-supply stores). I use the corkboard to hold all my frequently used jewelry. I put earrings right in the cork, and hang necklaces and bracelets from pushpins. I’m thinking of installing hooks for belts and scarves. This really saves me time when I’m getting dressed.” — A.E. in Tennessee • When large pump bottles of lotion start to sputter, don’t get rid of them, refill them! Add the contents of smaller bottles to fill it up. • “The handle of my photo mug cracked off. I love the picture, but I can’t reattach the handle because it’s too broken. My husband was able to remove the remnants of the handle and smooth it down. We sealed the broken parts, and I use it as an eyeglasses holder on my desk.” — J.J. in Florida • Hang measuring cups in size order on the inside of your cabinet door. You will always know where to find the right-size measure, and it makes use of unused space. Just be sure you’re gentle when opening and closing the door. • If you’re dealing with a stripped screw, try this neat trick: Place a wide rubber band over the screw head. Use the type that are found on a bunch of broccoli. The rubber will fill in the cracks, and give your screwdriver a lot more grip. • “Store matches in a mason jar. Cut a piece of extra-fine sandpaper to fit the jar lid. Lay the sandpaper grit-side up in the lid so that you can use it to light the match. Decorate with cute ribbon if you like. Perfect for fireplaces!” — S.L. in Minnesota Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located after next page)

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King Features Weekly Service

December 26, 2016

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• On Jan. 13, 1842, a British army doctor reaches the British sentry post at Jalalabad, Afghanistan, the lone survivor of a 16,000-strong Anglo-Indian expeditionary force that was massacred in the Khyber Pass in its retreat from Kabul. • On Jan. 10, 1901, a drilling derrick near Beaumont, Texas, produces an enormous gusher of crude oil. The oil was found at a depth of over 1,000 feet and flowed at a rate of 100,000 barrels a day. • On Jan. 14, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt issues Proclamation No. 2537, requiring aliens from World War II-enemy countries -Italy, Germany and Japan -- to register with the Department of Justice. Under increasing pressure from California politicians and others, Roosevelt also signed an executive order to remove all Japanese Americans to internment camps.

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• On Jan. 15, 1967, at the Los Angeles Coliseum, the Green Bay Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs in the first-ever world championship football game. Since postseason college games were known as "bowl" games, it was suggested that the new AFL/NFL pro championship be called the "Super Bowl." • On Jan. 9, 1972, the ship Seawise University (formerly the RMS Queen Elizabeth) burns and sinks in Hong Kong Harbor. The Queen Elizabeth, launched in 1938, served as ocean liner and troop transport before being sold to a Hong Kong businessman who wanted to use the ship as a floating college. • On Jan. 11, 1989, after eight years as president of the United States, Ronald Reagan gives his farewell address. Reagan declared that the key to leadership was a return to "common sense." • On Jan. 12, 1995, Qubilah Shabazz, the daughter of Malcolm X, is arrested for conspiring to kill Louis Farrakhan, who she believed was responsible for the assassination of her father in 1965. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.


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• The chemical symbol for lead, Pb, comes from the Latin word for the element, plumbum. This is where we get our word plumbing because early water pipes were made of lead, a factor which may have hastened the fall of the Roman Empire. Bones from Roman graves reveal excessive concentrations of lead. Wine was stored in lead containers to prevent souring, and Romans also ate from lead dishes. • Ancient Romans aside, modern man has lead levels in the bone that are 200 times higher than preindustrial revolution ancestors.

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• Lead is not needed by the body, yet it is difficult to flush out. The people most vulnerable to lead poisoning are pregnant women and their fetuses, children, and people with high blood pressure. • The most dangerous occupations concerning lead are welder, smelter worker, and battery manufacturer. • Lead in the environment remains toxic forever. • A study done by the University of Pittsburgh Medical School tested 1st and 2nd graders in Boston. It showed that the lowest academic scores went to the children with the highest levels of lead. Children with higher levels were four times more likely to have IQ scores below average, and 7 times more likely to suffer learning disabilities. When the same kids were tested 5 and 11 years later, those with higher lead levels still suffered IQ deficits. • Low levels cause tiredness, moodiness, headaches, stomach problems, and insomnia. Moderate levels cause aching, weakness, and concentration problems. High levels cause kidney and brain damage. ...continued

(Solution on Next Page)

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Picture is missing. 2. Toothbrush is missing. 3. Body is slimmer. 4. Hat is smaller. 5. Corsage is missing. 6. Suitcase is missing. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

LEAD (continued):

• Effects of even minor lead poisoning are irreversible. Prevention is everything. • Answer: Lead's half-life Dell. in human bones is 20-30 years, meaningAthat if a young girl is exposed, it will VERY LARGE NUMBER be in Kasner her body when she enters child-bear•still Edward was a mathematician. In 1938 ing years. Lead will cross Chilhe was asked to come up the withplacenta. a name for a dren absorb leadthe in the wombone, perform sigverywho large number: numeral followed nificantly worsezeros. on developmental their by a hundred He asked histests two in young first 2 years of life than those with no exposure. nephews what name they would suggest. Nine-year-old a name • •Studies show thatMilton womensuggested who work with lead of the suffer funnies. A cartoon strip character inout factories higher rates of miscarriage, named Barney popular. chose premature birth,was birthvery defects, andMilton sterility. Barney’s last name for the number. • Lead is absorbed by breathing; drinking; eat• Kasner announced the new name for the big ing; or smoking cigarettes with traces of lead number in his next book, altering the spelling. on the fingers. It can also be absorbed through •the Sixty years later, Larry Page Sergey Brin skin. 30% of the lead youand inhale will be developed a new internet search engine. Other absorbed into your body, but only 10% of lead search engines searched each webpage and you swallow be absorbed-unlesstimes you're ranked them will according to how many a a specific kid. Children will absorb 50% of lead that term appeared on them, but Page and enters the digestive Brin designed their tract. search engine to search for the specific term andwere thenremoved find out how • Since lead additives frommany most links there were that led back to that page, gasoline in 1976, the level of lead in our bloodwhich resulted a better search engine. streams has beenindropping. Between 1976 and •1980, They blood decided they needed a name thata lead levels were reduced by reflected how many websites the search third simply because Americans were no long engine was searching. They took fumes. the name breathing lead-impregnated exhaust of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only • The of lead-based paints homes, chiltheyuse misspelled it slightly, so itfor ended up being dren's toys and household furniture has been spelled exactly the same way the cartoon character spelled his last name. What’s banned in Barney the United States since 1978. But it called? (Answer at bottom of and page) lead-based paint is still on walls woodwork in many older homes and apartments. Most COMPUTER FACTS lead poisoning in children results eating • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb from of memory lead-based chips. ought to bepaint enough for anybody.” • •Lead pipes, copper pipes soldered with Moore’s Lawand states that computer performance doubles lead can every re- 18 to 24 months, and ever since 1971, thislead has been true. lease into Microsoft, and Apple were all •particles HP, Google, tap water. started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol.

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Quiz Answers

1. Gold ranks 58th in rarity. 2. 1.34% gold. 3. All 50 states have some. 4. 1867

5. Benny Goodman 6. Abundance of iron oxide. 7. I Don’t Know 8. Forrest Gump

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Sports Answers 1. Sam Bradford 5. True. (354 in 2010). 6. Jim Plunkett. 7. Ben Roethlis2. True berger was 23 3. Chicago Bulls years old. 1966-67. 4. One, for the Reds in 1978.





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