Tidbits Grand Forks - January 19, 2017

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications 701-772-8239 ® TIDBITS STUDIES

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by Janet Spencer

In 1773 French chemist Antoine Lavoisier was the first person to define an element as a substance which could not be broken down into simpler components. Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev was the first to arrange the elements into the periodic table. Come along with Tidbits as we consider the elements!

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• Elements on the periodic table are listed in order of the number of protons they have, known as the atomic number. There are currently 118 elements listed on the periodic table. Of these, about 98 are found in nature. The rest are man-made, usually involving either a nuclear reactor or a particle accelerator. • In the periodic table, the names of the elements are abbreviated using one or two letters. Some abbreviations make sense: hydrogen is H, oxygen is O, and carbon is C, and cobalt is Co. Copper, which might sensibly be abbreviated “Co” is instead “Cu.” Why? Because elements that had Latin names were abbreviated according to those names: copper in Latin is “cuprum”; gold is “aurum” (Au) and iron is “ferrum” (Fe). • “Oxygen” comes from the Greek words “oxys” meaning “acid” and “genes” meaning “producer” in the mistaken belief that oxygen was a component of all acids.


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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What color is liquid oxygen? 6. What is the most abundant element on Earth? Name the only letter of the al- 7. What animated movie featured phabet that does not appear on “The Siamese Cat Song”? the Periodic Table of Elements. 8. How long did the New Coke What percentage of the mass formula last after it was introof a human body is made of duced in 1985? oxygen? 9. What is the capital of Oregon? What is the only metal that is 10. Which U.S. president was the liquid at room temperature? shortest in stature? What metal melts at the highTRIVIA est temperature? SPONSORED BY:


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• The planet Uranus was discovered in 1781, and in 1789 a scientist named uranium (U) after the planet in spite of the fact that there is no uranium on Uranus. Neptunium (Np) was named after Neptune and plutonium (Pu) was named after Pluto. Polonium (Po), a radioctive element, was named for Marie Curie’s native Poland. Radium (Ra) was named for the fact that it radiates and glows. • In 1949 when scientists working at the University of California Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California discovered a new element, they named it “berkelium” after the city. They hoped that the chemical symbol would be “Bm” because the element had been such a “stinker” to find. However, the symbol for the new element became “Bk” instead. Berkelium is a radioactive metal which can only be produced inside nuclear reactors. Only a single gram of this element has been produced in the U.S. since 1967.


• Our bodies are largely composed of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. Phosphorus is needed in bones and in DNA. Sulphur is needed for proteins to form. Iron transports oxygen in the blood stream. Calcium is required for bones and teeth. Sodium and potassium carry electrical pulses in the nerves. Magnesium governs over 300 chemical reactions in the body. These elements form the basic building blocks of life; about fifteen others are required in trace amounts for life to continue. • Carbon is named after the Latin word “carbo” meaning coal. It’s the fourth most abundant element in the Universe after hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. Carbon atoms are able to form very long, very stable chains with more types of other atoms than any other substance. This is why life on earth is “carbon-based.” ...continued



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SPORTS QUIZ 1. How many times has a MLB team won a bestof-five playoff series after losing the first two games at home? 2. In 2015, the Chicago Cubs set a major-league record for most home runs in a playoff game boy one team (6). Name 3 of the 5 teams that had held the mark with five home runs.

3. T or F: The Pittsburgh Penguins have never clinched a Stanley Cup on their home ice? 4. Who is the only head coach to win a Super Bowl, that also scored a touchdown in a Super Bowl as a player? 5. When was the last time before 2016 that the St. Louis Blues made the conference finals in the NHL playoffs?

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filing and product options. Valid at participating locations. Valid Jan. 3-Feb. 28, 2017.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• Chlorine is a poisonous and corrosive gas but when you combine it with sodium it turns into salt which is essential for life. Carbon and oxygen are also essential for life, but when you combine the two you get carbon monoxide which is deadly. Carbon and nitrogen combine to form basic building blocks of all organic matter, but the two can also be combined to form cyanide, a fatal poison. Hydrogen is extremely flammable and oxygen is required for burning, but when you combine them you have water which puts out fires. Uranium is one of the heaviest elements, but when it decays, it produces helium, which is one of the lightest elements. • The simplest element in the universe, hydrogen, happens to be the most abundant. The second simplest element, helium, is the second most abundant. But the streak ends there. The third simplest element is lithium (the lightest metal), which is not the third most abundant element in the Universe. The third-place spot belongs to oxygen, which is the 8th simplest element.


• A French scientist named Lecoq de Boisbaudran discovered a new element in 1875, which he named gallium. He claimed the name sprang from the Latin name for France, which is “Gallia” but others accused him of naming it after himself, since his first name “Lecoq” meaning “rooster” is “gallus” in Latin. Gallium is a metal that is solid at room temperature but which melts at 84 degrees F, meaning you’ll be holding a puddle of silver-colored liquid if you hold it in your hand. As a practical joke, scientists would mold spoons out of gallium and hand them to unsuspecting people when serving tea. The spoon would dissolve into a puddle in the bottom of their teacup.


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© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc. *Answer located further back in this issue.

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OBTP#B13696 ©2015 HRB Tax Group, Inc. 15-1446

OBTP#B13696 ©2015 HRB Tax Group, Inc. 15-1446

Sb IS FOR ANTIMONY • Antimony is a silvery grey metallic element. Today it’s used as an alloy with lead and tin to make lead-acid batteries, solder, bullets, and cable. Long ago it was used as a laxative. Antimony pills cause violent digestive purging, but the pills pass through the digestive tract unchanged and could therefore be recovered and reused over and over again, giving it the name “the everlasting pill.” Some people conjecture that Mozart died as a result of taking too much antimony to combat a fever. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon painted his palace walls yellow using paint pigmented with a mixture of antimony and lead. Perhaps as a result of this toxic mixture, he soon went mad. When antimony is mixed with hydrofluoric acid, the combination produces an acid that is billions of times stronger than stomach acid and will eat through everything except the Teflonlined containers it’s stored in.


• Fritz Haber was a German scientist who researched nitrogen prior to World War I. He discovered how to “fix” nitrogen so that it can be used as a fertilizer in soil, resulting in vastly improved harvests.

For his work he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1918. The irony, however, is that Haber wasn’t interested in improving the human condition when he made his discoveries. He was actually working on figuring out an easy way to gas people to death in warfare. When nitrogen didn’t work as an agent of death, he turned his attention to chlorine, and his work with poisonous chlorine led to many soldiers being gassed. He subsequently became known as “the father of chemical warfare.” His work on a pesticide he called “Zyclon A” was furthered after his death, and became known as “Zyclon B.” This is the gas that was used in the gas chambers during the Holocaust.

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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE On Earth, sulfuric acid does not exist in its natural form but must be manufactured. However, on Venus, there's lots of it. Lakes of sufuric acid evaporate to form clouds of vaporized sulfuric acid, which rain sulfuric acid on the surface. The USSR's Venura-3 spacecraft landed on Venus on March 1, 1966 and was corroded in minutes.

by Samantha Weaver

• It was American linguist, philosopher, historian and social critic Noam Chomsky who made the following sage observation: "Students who acquire large debts putting themselves through school are unlikely to think about changing society. When you trap people in a system of debt, they can't afford the time to think." • If you were to choose a perfectly average snowflake and count up the number of water molecules that make it up, you'd find 180 billion of them. • Some researchers estimate that, if left to their own devices, a single breeding pair of cats could produce a whopping 354,294 offspring within five years. • It's been reported that saloons once offered free lunches -- and made sure those lunches were heavily salted in order to encourage patrons to buy more beverages. • The word "dandelion" comes from the French phrase "dent de lion" -- supposedly so named because the jagged edges of the plant's leaf resemble a lion's teeth. • You've probably never heard of Roman emperor Elagabalus; he served for only four years -- from 218 to 222. Among his contemporaries he was known for his decadence and eccentricity. For example, he was notorious for hosting elaborate banquets, then putting the ancient Roman equivalent of whoopee cushions on guests' seats. • Those who study such things say that a woman's sense of smell is enhanced just before and during ovulation. • If you had a billion dollars, you could spend $1,000 every day for nearly 3,000 years before you ran out of cash. *** Thought for the Day: "As any honest magician knows, true magic inheres in the ordinary, the commonplace, the everyday, the mystery of the obvious. Only petty minds and trivial souls yearn for supernatural events, incapable of perceiving that everything -- everything! -- within and around them is pure miracle." -- Edward Abbey © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.



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Amazing Plants:


• The castor bean is not actually a true bean. True legumes are in the family of Fabaceae but castor beans are in the family Euphorbiaceae. The Latin name of the species is Ricinus communis. “Ricinus” comes from the Greek word meaning “tick” because the bean resembles a blood-engorged tick. “Communis” simply means “common.” • The plant is native to eastern Africa, India, and the Mediterranean, but now grows in tropical environments worldwide. In the southwestern U.S. it is considered a weed. In warm climates it grows as a perennial and looks like a shrubby tree.

• Castor beans contain a substance called ricin. Ricin is one of the most toxic poisons known. Weight for weight, it’s 6,000 times more poisonous than cyanide. A dose the size of a grain of table salt is enough to kill a man. • The poison is contained in the shell of the bean and it is water-soluble. It can be extracted and concentrated using the same methods that are used to extract cyanide from almonds. If a bean is chewed and then swallowed, water in the intestinal tract absorbs the poison. As few as four to six beans can be fatal. If the bean is swallowed whole, the poison is not absorbed. Because ricin is water-soluble and not oil-soluble, castor oil does not contain ricin.

• The castor bean is not eaten as a food crop, but is instead grown because the bean yields versatile and valuable oil called castor oil. Most people are familiar with castor oil due to its laxative properties, yet castor oil has a wide number of other uses as well.

• Ricin kills by disrupting the ability of cells to synthesize protein, so the most basic level of cell metabolism is interrupted.

• Castor beans have been found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 4000 B.C. The oil from the bean was used thousands of years ago in facial oils and in oil lamps for lighting.

• Ricin poisoning can be survived with supportive medical care, and a vaccination is also effective.

• Bulgarian defector Vladimir Kostov survived a similar attack, perhaps because the ricin pellet that was injected into his back was covered with wax. The wax melted only slightly, so the ricin leaked in small amounts. This made him ill but did not kill him.



• In 2014, actress Shannon Richardson was sentenced to 18 years in prison for sending ricin-laced letters to Barack Obama and Michael Bloomberg. She had been trying to frame her estranged husband for the crime.


• Castor beans are a little bigger than pinto beans. The beans are shiny and covered with intricate designs. Like fingerprints, no two beans are ever the same. Despite their beauty, castor beans are among the most deadly seeds on the planet.

• Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov was killed by a ricin pellet as he waited for a bus in London in 1978. He was injected with a pellet embedded on the tip of an umbrella. He died days later, and the autopsy found a tiny sphere embedded in his thigh.


• Millions of pounds of castor oil are used each year to make lubricants, soap, paints and dyes, ink, waxes, brake and hydraulic fluid, nylon, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, polishes, plastics, and more. It’s used widely in the food industry as flavorings and to inhibit mold. It is the basic ingredient of Castrol-R racing motor oil for high speed engines. In terms of total production, castor oil is one of the world's most important industrial vegetable oils.

• During World War II, the U.S. and Canada tried to use ricin in cluster bombs.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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• If you’ve changed your prescription for eyeglasses, why not donate your old pair? Look for collection boxes from your local Lion’s Club, or search the organization’s website, lionsclub.org. It collects all prescription eyewear and redistributes the glasses to those in need. • Make your own double boiler by resting an ovenproof glass bowl on top of a pot. Fill the pot 1/4 full with water and boil. Place the glass bowl on top of the boiling water and melt away! • “To loosen the seal on a pickle jar (or other sealed jar with a metal lid) simply tap the edge of the lid with a butter-knife handle. Light taps are all you need. You also can gently tap the edge of the lid directly on the countertop.” — P.P. in Mississippi • Want to make your own dryer softener sheets? Here’s an easy tip: Soak a washcloth in regular liquid softener. Wring out the excess softener and lay flat or hang to dry. This makes a reusable softener sheet. You can get 15 or so uses out of your cloth before it needs to be resoaked. • “When adding flour to your stand mixer, try adding the flour in one batch and covering the top with a towel. Hold in place loosely while the mixer incorporates the flour. You will not get a big dust cloud!” — M.H. in Indiana • Speaking of stand-mixer tips, here’s a good one: Use the dough hook on your stand mixer to shred chicken or pork from the slow cooker. Simply remove fat, add meat in hunks to bowl and mix. It’s so easy! Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located after next page)

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King Features Weekly Service

January 9, 2017

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• On Jan. 28, 1777, British general John Burgoyne proposes an ill-fated plan to isolate New England from the other colonies by invading from Canada with 8,000 British troops. The plan failed, and Burgoyne surrendered his remaining 6,000 British forces to the Patriots at Saratoga. • On Jan. 26, 1838, the first Prohibition law in U.S. history is passed in Tennessee, making it a misdemeanor to sell alcoholic beverages in taverns and stores. • On Jan. 23, 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell is granted a medical degree from Geneva College in New York (now known as Hobart College), becoming the first female in the U.S. to be officially recognized as a physician. • On Jan. 27, 1888, the National Geographic Society is founded in Washington, D.C. The 33 men who originally met and formed the National Geographic Society were a diverse group of geographers, explorers, teachers, lawyers, cartographers, military officers and financiers. • On Jan. 24, 1908, the Boy Scouts movement begins in England with the publication of the first installment of Robert Baden-Powell's "Scouting for Boys." By the end of April, the serialization of Scouting for Boys was completed, and scores of impromptu Boy Scout troops had sprung up across Britain. • On Jan. 29, 1922, as a blizzard dumps more than 2 feet of snow on Washington, D.C., snow buildup on the flat roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre collapses the building, and tons of steel and concrete crash down on 300 theatergoers attending a Saturday night movie. One hundred and eight people were killed. • On Jan. 25, 1968, the Israeli submarine Dakar, carrying 69 sailors, disappears. The exact fate of the boat remains a mystery. The Dakar last radioed its position as it passed the island of Crete. It was never heard from again. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Clemson, Won and Done Chances are, if you ever spend a little time at Angelo’s Fairmount Tavern in Atlantic City, you will run into the odd Dallas Cowboys fan. They can be found at the bar or found in the restaurant proper, drinking house wine and shoveling in plates of pasta underneath the watchful eyes of all the sports memorabilia on the walls. “I’ve alwaaays been a Cowboys fan,” is the familiar refrain. Nobody knows why this is, however. Is it because of Roger Staubach? Tom Landry? The handsome star on their helmets? The cheerleaders? What is it about this team that makes guys like Gov. Chris Christie go to their home games at the taxpayers’ expense and hug on Jerry Jones while wearing orange sweaters? Atlantic City is the kind of place that will forgive you if you are a Philadelphia fan. They may even forgive you if you like the New York Mets. But when you’re rooting for teams from South Carolina and Alabama, is that where you draw the line? Here’s a guy from Galloway who changed his Facebook profile picture to the Alabama Crimson Tide logo. Why? “I love Nick Saban,” he says. OK. What does he love about jolly ol’ Nick? “He’s on the Bill Parcells coaching tree,” he responds. Turns out the

guy is a high-school football coach. The whole coaching tree thing is a popular trend for fans, and apparently, coaches these days. So really, Coach? The love of Parcells extends all the way to Alabama? Have you ever visited that state? Ever left Atlantic County? “Never thought of it like that,” he says, deleting his profile picture. “Yeah ... kind of weird that a whole place is cheering on South Carolina and Alabama.” Not to be a contrarian, but I disagree again. We’re not so much cheering on South Carolina as we are cheering on a great game. “And this is a great game,” he says in agreement. One day removed from the Giants’ kind of lame loss to Green Bay (yes, he’s wearing a jersey), it’s as if college football made everything right in the world again. The game goes into the waning minutes, and it’s like the best heavyweight fight you’ve ever seen. Clemson scores. Alabama scores. There’s one second left on the clock and Clemson is on the 2-yard line. Every single person is in rapt attention, all eyes on the TV screen. Deshaun Watson wins the game. He is the living embodiment of “Rocky II.” The entire restaurant erupts in exhilaration. We have seen football future, and its name is Deshaun. This kid can flat out play. The tabs start getting paid. Vegas, it is said, took a huge loss on the game. Nobody feels bad ... they’re already looking forward to the next game. “Think Dallas can beat Green Bay?” That’s why they play the game, right? Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.


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• One of the deadliest chemicals ever discovered was developed by German scientists who were looking for chemical weapons for use in World War II. Chlorine trifluoride is a colorless, corrosive, poisonous, explosively reactive gas which seeks to replace hydrogen atoms with fluorine atoms. This chemical reaction rips atoms apart and generates excessive heat. Therefore, any substance that contains hydrogen, which is one of the most common elements on the planet, will burn when it comes into contact with chlorine trifouride, generating what is called a fluorine fire. • Keep in mind that fluorine is one of the most reactive elements in the periodic table, and will react with nearly every other element in the periodic table. It exists naturally as a toxic pale yellow gas but it is excessively difficult to isolate due to its explosive properties. Many early scientists were injured or killed while trying to work with fluorine. Its name comes from the Latin word “fluo” meaning “flow.” • If you put chlorine and fluorine together in a vat made of nickel and heat the mixture to 536° F the result is chlorine trifluoride. • When chlorine trifluoride is exposed to air, it boils. When exposed to water, it explodes. When it decomposes, it gives off deadly corrosive gasses. Things not normally thought of as flammable will burn explosively when in contact with chlorine trifluoride, even without any kind of ignition source, including glass, Teflon, asbestos, sand, rocks, bricks, and concrete. There are no effective methods of putting out the fire. ...continued

(Solution on Next Page)

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Ball is different. 2. Arm is missing. 3. Sign is missing. 4. Cork is missing. 5. Hairdo is different. 6. Pocketbook is missing. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.


• A chlorine trifluoride fire will continue to burn even without oxygen, and pouring water on the flames will Answer: Dell.result in explosions and toxic gasses. In chemistry books listing its properties, A VERY LARGE NUMBER you’ll find this entry: “Suitable extinguishing •media: Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 None.” he was asked to come up with a name for a • The to transport chlorine veryonly largeway number: the numeral one,trifluoride followed isbyinside airtight drums made of steel, iron, a hundred zeros. He asked his two young copper, or nickel which have been coated nephews what name they would suggest. with If the fluoride of theacontain•fluoride. Nine-year-old Milton coating suggested name erout should become damaged, even a mere of the funnies. A cartoon stripbycharacter scratch, explosions Containers made of named Barney was result. very popular. Milton chose platinum, tungsten, which are some Barney’stitanium, last nameorfor the number. the hardest minerals Earth, willforburst •ofKasner announced theon new name the into big flames immediately upon contact with chlorine number in his next book, altering the spelling. trifluoride. • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed a new engine. to Other • During World Warinternet II, the search Nazis wanted use search engines searched each webpage and it in flame throwers but it burned up any part themthrower according how of many times a ofranked the flame nottomade steel. They specific term appeared on them, but Page and tried to load it into artillery shells so they could Brin designed their search engine to search for launch it against the ramparts of concrete forthe specific term and then find out how many tifications butwere found theled artillery shells links there that back to that explopage, sively which dangerous. resulted in aThe betterNazis searchabandoned engine. the substance because it was too dangerous to • They decided they needed a name that manufacture, store, and ship. reflected how many websites the search was searching. Theytried tooktothe name • Inengine the 1950s U.S. scientists ship the of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only substance in bulk for the first time ever. Unforthey misspelled it slightly, so itaended tunately, a tank holding nearly ton ofup thebeing stuff spelled exactly the same way the cartoon accidentally ruptured and spilled. It burned character Barney spelled his lastand name. What’s through a foot of solid concrete then three it called? (Answer at bottom of page) feet of gravel underneath a warehouse, all while COMPUTER releasing toxic gasses that FACTS corroded everything •they In 1981 Bill No Gates “640 kb of touched. onesaid, could put out thememory fire and ought to be enough for anybody.” many people had to evacuate the area. Moore’s Law states that computer performance • •Today chlorine trifluoride is produced in small doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever sinceIt quantities and used to clean superconductors. 1971, this has been true. is also used to make semiconductor chips for •computer HP, Google, Microsoft, Apple were all circuitry, and it’sand used in nuclear restarted in garages. actors to reprocess nuclear fuel rods. Answer: Google, from googol.




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Quiz Answers

1. J 2. About 65% 3. Mercury 4. Tungsten (6170˚ F) 5. Blue 6. Oxygen

7. “Lady and the Tramp” 8. Less than three months. 9. Salem. 10. James Madison, 5 ft. 4 in.

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Sports Answers 1. Three: Yankees 3. True 4. Mike Ditka 2001, Giants (Coached 2012, Blue Jays Bears. in 2015. Scored for 2. Yankees (1928), Dallas in Cubs (1984), SB VI). Athletics (1989) Cardinals (2004), 5. 2001 vs. White Sox (2005) Colorado

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