Tidbits Grand Forks - February 2, 2017

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications 701-772-8239 ® TIDBITS SPEAKS

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WORDS by Janet Spencer

It’s estimated that 1,000 years ago there were about 50,000 English words. Today there are about 1 million although only 200,000 are commonly used. Let’s look at our language!

Issue # 1,004

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• Just 43 words account for half of all words commonly used, and of those, just nine acpolicy. Like a good neighbor, count for a quarter of the words used: and, be, State Farm is there. have, it, of, the, to, will, you. CALL ME TODAY. • About half of all words in use are nouns. The most commonly used verbs are: say, get, go, 0901136.1 Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 StateState FarmFarm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Indemnity Company, Bloomington, 1301900 StateState FarmFarm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL IL know, think, see, make, come, take, want, give, and mean. • There are 44 distinct sounds in English, divided equally between vowels and consonants. Carpet Cleaning The Italian language has only 27 sounds, and Services, Inc. Hawaiian only 13. Carpet Cleaning • Carpet • The most common vowel sound in English is Cleaning SPECIAL! called the “schwa” and it’s a cross between Upholstery $109 •Cleaning “eh” and “uh” as in the second syllable of the 3 Rooms & word “animal.” Nearly every multisyllabic Hallway • Water Not valid with any other offer. word contains that sound. Extraction Expires 2-28-17 • The letter combination of “ough” has more pronunciations than any other: bough, bought, cough, dough, hiccough, rough, thorough701-775-8500 bred, through, and trough. The single syllable Residential & Commercial with the most different ways of spelling it is “air” which can be spelled 38 different ways, House of including ere, heir, ayr, aire, are, ear, etc. 701-746-0495 sharonopdahl.com


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5. What Revolutionary War figure wrote the line, “These are the times that try men’s souls”? What percent of English words 6. What band had a hit with are not spelled phonetically, “My Best Friend’s Girl”? the way that they sound? 7. Which Russian author wrote Name the only two English the novel “War and Peace”? words that end in -gry. 8. What was the name of Mel How many words are there Gibson’s character in “Lethal which will earn a movie a “R” Weapon”? What year was the rating—11, 13, 17 or 20? movie released? What does the 22nd Amendment TRIVIA to the U.S. Constitution do? SPONSORED BY:

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About half of all English words came from other languages, and English absorbed words from about 350 different languages. Here are a few samples: • “Mobile vulgus” is Latin for “fickle crowd” and was shortened into our “mob.” • The phrase “poppycock” originally started as a Dutch word meaning “soft dung.” • “Bonanza” comes from the Spanish word meaning “prosperity.” • The Norse phrase “vind-auga” meaning “eye of the wind” became the word “window.” • “Exchequer” is French for the counting table where the king’s revenue was piled up and totaled and gives us the word “check.” • “Curmudgeon” started out as the French “coeur méchant” meaning “evil heart.” • “Mayday” came from the French “m’aidez” meaning “help me.” • The Italian “banca rotto” meaning “broken bench” became the English word “bankrupt” because when a banker in the open air markets of Italy ran out of money, his bench was broken. • “Hodgepodge” comes from “hochepot,” a French legal term that originally meant gathering things in order to divide them equally; then it came to mean a dish combining a number of ingredients. • In Latin, the word “bullire” meant “to boil” or bubble. That word went into Old Italian as “garbuglio” meaning “a mess” and that went into Italian as “garbuzo” which was adopted by the Normans who took it to England where it became the word “garbage.” • In the 1500s there was a silver mine near the town of Joachimsthal, Germany. Silver coins minted from silver mined there were first called “Joachimsthaler” which was shortened to “thaler” before being transformed into “daler” before becoming our “dollar.” ...continued



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PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN TIDBITS! 4. In the 2008 Super Bowl between the Patriots and Giants, who was the Giants 1. T or F: This year’s NFL receiver that made the inPro Bowl ended with the famous catch by trapping least amount of total points the ball against his helmet ever scored (33) in an AFClate in the game? NFC matchup. 5. Bill Belichick will coach 2. Alongside Al Michaels, in a record 7th Super what Super Bowl was the Bowl this year. Who was final game in the booth for he tied with at 6? announcer John Madden? 6. Which three states have 3. What NFL team was the first wildcard team to win hosted 37 of the first 50 a Super Bowl? Super Bowls?


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• In Greek, “onym” means “word” or “name.” It's now the root of words such as anonymous, pseudonym, and synonym. • The word “contronym” denotes words that can have two contradictory meanings. “Sanction” means both permission to do something, or forbidding it from being done. “Fast” can mean both moving quickly or stuck in place. A horse that has “bolted” is moving away quickly but a door that is bolted is shut tight. • There are also capitonyms, which are words that change pronunciation and meaning when capitalized. For instance: “Please polish the Polish tea set.” “Herb loves herbs.” “Mt. Rainier is always rainier.” “I own a mobile home in Mobile.” “It's always nice in Nice.” • Then there's the confusion of heteronyms, which are words with the same spelling but different pronunciations and meanings: “The winds began to buffet the outdoor buffet.” “The sewer threw her sewing into the sewer.” “The post office is resorting to resorting the mail.” “The entrance of the cave will entrance you.” “The boy moped because he couldn't have a moped.” “The content of this gift will make you content.” “He held the lead in the race till his legs felt like lead.”


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• The word “polysemy” means the condition of having many meanings. For instance, the verb “to get” can mean “procure” (I'll get your coat), “become” (I get scared easily), or “understand” (I get it). • The single word with the most definitions, requiring up 60,000 words to define, and having 58 uses as a noun, 126 as a verb, and 10 as an adjective, is the simple word “set.” The word “run” comes in second place. Even the word “what” requires 15,000 words to define, taking up five pages of the Oxford English Dictionary. ...continued

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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"WHAT?" • Supposedly, when Captain Cook discovered Australia, his sailors brought an unknown animal aboard ship. Cook had the sailors go ashore and ask the natives what they called the strange creature. When questioned, the natives replied, “kangaroo, kangaroo” which meant in their language, “What did you say?” • Yucatan, a peninsula in Mexico, means “What?” as in “What are you saying?” which is what the Mexican natives said when the Spanish conquistadors first landed on their shores and asked, “What do you call this place?” in a foreign language.



• The word “ruthless” once had a companion word “ruth” meaning compassion. We have “inept” and “disheveled” and “incorrigible” and “unkempt” but we do not have “ept” or “sheveled” or “corrigible” or “kempt.” Can you ever have a kit without a caboodle, a beck without a call, a cranny without a nook, or a spic without a span? Where are all the guilty bystanders and the normal bedfellows? Why are all swoops fell? Where are all the people who are combobulated, gruntled, chalant, ruly, gainly, or peccable? Why can't you find just one smithereen?

• The word “napron” became “an apron” and “nauger” became “an auger”; and “an ekename” meaning “an additional name” became “a nickname.” Likewise names also transformed, with “mine Edward” being shortened to Ned; “mine Ellen” becoming Nell, and “mine Ann” becoming Nan. • “Buttonhole” was originally “buttonhold.” “Sparrowgrass” became “asparagus.” “Shamefaced” evolved from “shamefast” as in “stuck fast.” “Kitty corner” or “catty corner” was once “catercorner” from the French word “quartre” meaning “four” as in four corners in a room.

*Answer located further back in this issue.



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by Samantha Weaver

• It was 20th-century American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman who made the following sage observation: "It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong." • Historians report that Alexander the Great -best known for his conquests throughout Asia and North Africa, which helped to create one of the ancient world's largest empires before he turned 30 -- had a hard-and-fast rule for his soldiers: no beards. Alexander didn't want to give their enemies anything to grab onto during battle. • If you're sending a letter to Ireland, don't worry if the address you have on file is missing the postal code; in that country the only addresses that use them are in the capital, Dublin. • In 2002, researchers conducted a study to determine how consumers' decisions are influenced by seemingly minor changes in appearance. They presented car-buyers with a variety of webpages; everything on the pages was the same -- the vehicles presented, the information provided, prices, etc. -- except for the background. One group got a green background with a pattern of pennies on it, and one group got a red background with a pattern of flames. As it turns out, the background did, indeed, influence behavior: Consumers in the green-background group spent more time looking at information about cost, while those in the red-background group spent more time looking at details about safety features. • In Ireland, to ensure good luck on a child's birthday, it was once the tradition to hold the child by the feet and bump his or her head on the floor once for each of the child's years. *** Thought for the Day: "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." -Voltaire © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.


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• The treatments include immediately washing the exposed skin with diluted hydrochloric acid, then using hair-removal waxing strips to peel the tiny hairs away from the skin. If hair removal strips and hydrochloric acid are not available, plastering the skin with any adhesive tape and then ripping it off will help in a pinch. The pain of tearing hair follicles off the skin pales in comparison to the pain caused by the poison.

• The shrub produces clusters of rich red, purple, or pink berries similar to raspberries or mulberries, and these berries are edible if the hairs are removed from them first. A number of bird species and even some marsupials seem to be impervious to the poison, eating both the leaves and the berries, and thereby spreading the seeds. • The plant prefers to grow in disturbed areas such as logged areas or places disrupted by storms or floods. It grows in sunny calm areas and is often found along streambanks, hiking trails, and roadways. • “Being stung is the worst kind of pain you can imagine – like being burnt with hot acid and electrocuted at the same time,” said researcher Marina Hurley. Pity the poor army officer who ended up committing suicide to escape the intolerable pain after mistakenly using a gympie gympie leaf as toilet paper.


• The pain is excruciating and large weeping welts soon form. An Australian man named Ernie Rider, who was slapped in the face and torso with the plant in 1963, described his experience: “For two or three days the pain was almost unbearable; I couldn’t work or sleep, then it was pretty bad pain for another fortnight or so. The stinging persisted for two years and recurred every time I had a cold shower... There's nothing to rival it; it's ten times worse than anything else.”

• In fact, even standing near a gympie gympie plant can be dangerous, because the wind releases small dried needles into the air, and these can cause distressing symptoms when inhaled including nosebleeds, itching, rashes, sneezing, and asthma-like difficulties in breathing.


• The phrase “gympie gympie” means “stinging tree” and that’s what this horrifying plant does: it stings. The large green leaves, the stems, the berries, and the trunks are completely covered with a hair-like fuzz. Under the microscope, it becomes clear that this “fuzz” is actually composed of tiny hollow silicatipped hypodermic needles. The merest brush against any part of the plant results in agonizing pain when the needles embed themselves into flesh and deliver a potent neurotoxin called moroidin. The needles are even able to penetrate rubber gloves.



• In rainforests of Australia and Indonesia, there’s an innocent-looking shrub with heart-shaped leaves, dubbed with the Aboriginal name of the “gympie gypmie tree.” Don’t let its innocent looks and humorous name fool you; it’s also known as “the suicide tree.”

• If the unfortunate victim tries to wash away the sting, the tiny hair-like needles of the gympie gympie plant will remain embedded in the skin, and the resulting pain will persist for years. The best thing to do after encountering the plant is to avoid touching the affected skin and proceed to a medical facility for treatment. The bad news is that even after being treated, the pain can persist for weeks, months, or even years. The affected area will be especially sensitive to changes in temperature for a long time after exposure. Even dead, dried leaves that are decades old can inflict their poison.


Amazing Plants:

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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• If you have a linoleum floor and get scuff marks a lot, try this trick from the pros: Take a regular tennis ball and cut a small “X” into one side. Push the top of your broom through the “X.” Now, when you are sweeping, you can turn your broom over and just lightly rub the scuff mark away with the tennis ball. It’s simple. • Experts say the best way to get your dose of daily exercise is to roll right out of bed to it. Leave a pair of sneakers at your bedside instead of slippers, and wake up to a 30-minute session of walking. • “I love to cook, but it’s just me most nights. Did you know that you can separate items in a large casserole dish by creating a thin “log” of wadded up aluminum foil, then covering the whole dish with foil. It basically creates two (or more) sections in a glass baking dish. This way I can bake a nice piece of fish and roast veggies or whatever, all in the same dish.” — J.K. in Pennsylvania • “Add a little baking powder to your mashed potatoes when mixing. It makes them extra fluffy. My mom is famous for her mashed potatoes, and this is her secret!” — R.E. in Maine • And here’s a tip you can enjoy with those fluffy mashed potatoes, courtesy of V.V. in Illinois: “Add two nice dashes of soy sauce to your gravy for instant greatness.” • Label bags, baskets and boxes in your closets for better organization. When you create a dedicated place for something by labeling it, you are mentally more able to remember where to put something when it needs to be put away. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located after next page)

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• On Feb. 12, 1793, Congress passes the first fugitive slave law, requiring all states, including those that forbid slavery, to forcibly return slaves who have escaped from other states to their original owners. • On Feb. 7, 1812, the most violent of a series of earthquakes near Missouri causes a so-called fluvial tsunami in the Mississippi River, actually making the river run backward for several hours. Large lakes, such as Reelfoot Lake and Big Lake, were created by the earthquake. • On Feb. 11, 1916, Emma Goldman, a crusader for women's rights and social justice, is arrested in New York City for lecturing and distributing materials about birth control in violation of the Comstock Act of 1873. • On Feb. 6, 1937, John Steinbeck's novella "Of Mice and Men," the story of the bond between two migrant workers, is published. In 1925, he had moved to New York City, where he worked as a manual laborer and a journalist. In 1939, Steinbeck won the Pulitzer Prize for "The Grapes of Wrath." • On Feb. 9, 1950, U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy claims he has a list with the names of more than 200 members of the Department of State who are "known communists." McCarthy never produced any evidence that there was even one. • On Feb. 10, 1966, Ralph Nader, author of the groundbreaking book "Unsafe at Any Speed," first testifies before Congress about unsafe practices in the auto industry. Nader would go on to advocate for other consumer causes, including food and drug safety. • On Feb. 8, 1978, a classic Nor'easter that brought a severe blizzard to New England finally subsides. In the end, 56 deaths were attributed to the storm, which dumped up to 55 inches of snow in some areas of Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

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Any Given Sunday The New England Patriots are the greatest franchise in modern football history. That statement is irrefutable. This will be the team’s ninth Super Bowl appearance, their seventh — seventh! — with Tom Brady under center and Bill Belichick as head coach. This team has recorded 12 wins every year for the past decade. Despite the NFL’s absurd decision to try and vilify Tom Brady (which you could argue they did, with his four-game suspension to start the season), the Patriots lost two games. Two. That’s also how many interceptions Brady threw all season. Fans and pundits alike said that Brady would go on a Super Bowl tear this season, and guess what, they were right. This will be his seventh Super Bowl. Nobody, at any position, has

ever played in seven Super Bowls. My dark-horse pick, the Atlanta Falcons, are back in the Super Bowl. I covered the Falcons the last time they made a Super Bowl, and let’s just say that it was an unmitigated disaster. From tragic off-field decisions to an even worse on-field game plan, that Falcons team deserved more. Atlanta deserved more. It’s time for Atlanta to win a championship. Even Cleveland and Oakland win championships these days, that town deserves a winner. In Matt Ryan, they have, arguably, the MVP. He was the league’s top-rated passer, eclipsing even Tom Brady, and in his marquee match-up against Aaron Rodgers, he excelled. Ryan impressed everyone this year, and during the playoffs he showed the heart of a champion. The guy stays in the pocket and he slings the leather. Will that be enough to beat the Patriots? While the Patriots keep going to Super Bowls, the “any given Sunday” rule has always applied to them. This Falcons team might have what it takes. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Next time you’re at the county fair, remember these stories behind common fair foods. • William Morrison and John C. Wharton were candy makers in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1897 they figured out that if you heat sugar and pour it onto a hot spinning bowl that has tiny holes in it, centrifugal force will shove the melted sugar through the holes and the spun sugar will be formed into slender threads. The sugar threads can then be collected into a sweet fluffy mass that melts in the mouth. Morrison and Wharton called their new invention Fairy Floss and took it to the World’s Fair in St. Louis in 1904. They charged 25 cents per box for the treat, which was extremely expensive at the time. (It cost 50 cents to get into the fair.) Still, they sold nearly 70,000 boxes of the stuff. By the 1920s, Fairy Floss was a standard food at fairs, but by then Americans were calling it cotton candy.

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• Acrobat Peter Conklin was running the concessions for Mabie's Mighty Circus in the south in 1857. One afternoon was so hot that they ran out of the primary ingredient in lemonade: water. Peter reportedly ran over to the tent of the trick bareback rider Fannie Jamieson. She had been soaking her red tights and red sequined outfit in a tub of water. The water was colored red from the dye. “Red dye never hurt anybody,” Peter said, and commandeered the tub of pink water over her protests. The resulting lemonade was hawked as the world's only guaranteed pink lemonade, and it sold so well that Conklin colored his lemonade pink from then on. He called it strawberry lemonade. Now days pink lemonade is usually made by adding grape juice.

(Solution on Next Page)

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Hair is different. 2. Sleeve is shorter. 3. Towel is missing. 4. Puddle is smaller. 5. Sail is smaller. 6. Rubber duck is missing. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.


• Humans have enjoyed eating popcorn since ancient times. Throughout history there have been a variety of different ways to pop the popAnswer: Dell. corn ranging from clay pots buried in coals to A VERY NUMBER wire baskets heldLARGE above flames. But in 1885 •inEdward Kasner was Cretors a mathematician. 1938 Chicago, Charlie invented In a better he was asked to come up with a name for a popcorn popper. Merchants often had popcorn very large number: the numeral one, followed stands located in front of their business to draw by a hundred He asked his twoCharlie young customers, but zeros. they were not mobile. nephews what name they would suggest. wanted to be able to take his popcorn popper to •where Nine-year-old suggested a name ever thereMilton was a crowd gathered: fairs, out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character theaters, picnics, beaches. So he invented a named Barney was very popular. Milton chose portable that for could either pushed by Barney’spopper last name the be number. foot, pulled by horse, or mounted on a truck. • Kasner announced the new name for the big Today the Cretors Company still manufactures number in his next book, altering the spelling. mobile popcorn poppers and other conces•sions. SixtyCheck years later, Larry Page popper and Sergey out the popcorn next Brin time developed a new internet search engine. Other you go to the fair or the theater. Chances are, it search engines searched each webpage and was madethem by Cretors. ranked according to how many times a specific term on them, but Page and SALTappeared WATER TAFFY Brin designed their search engine to search for • Inthe 1880, David Bradley opened a candy store specific term and then find out how many onlinks the there Boardwalk in Atlantic Hepage, sold were that led back City. to that many kinds of candy, including ever-popular which resulted in a better search engine. taffy. shop was located just two feet above • TheyThe decided they needed a name that sea level, and one night in 1883 the tide reflected how many websites thehigh search pushed a storm soaked his took inventory. The engine by was searching. They the name next morning he wasvery cleaning up the mess of Edward Kasner’s large number, only they misspelled it slightly, it ended up being when a young girl came so into the shop and spelled exactly same thesalt cartoon asked to buy somethe taffy. “Youway mean water character BarneyHe spelled name. What’s taffy?” he joked. gave his her last some of the taffy, it called? (Answer at bottom of page) and she went back to the beach boasting about COMPUTER FACTS her salt water taffy to all her friends. Bradley’s happened to overhear and •mother In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640the kbexchang of memory ought to be enough for anybody.” she encouraged him to capitalize on it, in orto set his apart all the other taffy •der Moore’s Lawtaffy states that from computer performance sold on the boardwalk. agreed out doubles every 18 to 24 He months, andand everput since 1971,advertising this has been signs histrue. salt water taffy. The taffy, taffy, was made with a little water andalla •like HP,allGoogle, Microsoft, and Apple were started garages. pinch ofin salt. There is no sea water involved. Answer: Google, from googol.





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Quiz Answers

1. 80% 2. Angry and Hungry. 3. 17 (I’m not listing them). 4. Limits presidents to 2 terms.

5. Thomas Paine 6. The Cars, in 1978. 7. Leo Tolstoy 8. Martin Riggs; 1987

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Sports Answers 1. False. 1987 Pro 4. David Tyree Bowl was won 5. Don Shula 6. Florida-15, by AFC 10-6. California 2. SB XLIII in -12, and 2009. 3. Oakland Raiders Louisiana -10. SB XV in 1981.

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