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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
Issue # 1,007 Published by: Wick Publications 701-772-8239 wickpub@yahoo.com Big savings TIDBITS ADMIRES for Bigsafe savings Mrs. ack says... Home drivers. PEOPLE NAMED SMITH for safe FINAL Home & Auto. by Janet Spencer drivers. Winter & Auto.
February 23, 2017
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The word “smith” comes from the Saxon word which means “to smite.” A smith was anyone who worked with a hammer, whether he was hammering wood, metal, or stone. Thus there were blacksmiths, clocksmiths, coppersmiths, goldsmiths, gunsmiths, locksmiths, silversmiths, arrowsmiths, and so on. And since all these smiths needed a hammer, there were also hammersmiths. Come along with Tidbits as we admire people named Smith!
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• The most common surnames in America are (in order) Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Miller, Davis, Garcia, Rodriguez, Wilson, Martinez, Anderson, Taylor, Thomas, Carpet Cleaning Hernandez, Moore, Martin, Jackson, ThompServices, Inc. son, Lopez, Lee, Gonzalez. Carpet Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning • There are about 2.5 million Smiths in the U.S. SPECIAL! Upholstery • It's been estimated that half of the Smiths $159 •Cleaning 5 Rooms, Hallway in the U.S. trace their ancestry to England. & 1 Stairway • Water There are also many Smiths who originated Not valid with any other offer. Extraction Expires 3-31-17 in Germany, including Schmidts, Schmids, Schmitts, Smitts, and Smits. • Smith County, Kansas is the geographic center of the U.S., and the town of Smith Center 701-775-8500 Residential & Commercial is the county seat. They were both named for Major James Smith who was killed in a Civil We Fix iPad War battle near Kansas City in 1864.
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. In what movie did Tom Hanks appear in his first leading role? What percent of people in the 7. What cooking term is Italian U.S. are named Smith? for “to the tooth”? What state has the greatest 8. What profession did Blondie number of Smiths? take up in the comic strip in What state has the fewest Smiths? the 1990s? Who was the only U.S. presi- 9. Name two of the first three dent to serve nonconsecutive U.S. No. 1 hits for Simon terms? and Garfunkel. How many sides does a TRIVIA rhombus have? SPONSORED BY:
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• In 1969 the Jim Smith Society was formed. You have to be named Jim Smith to be a member. • In the 1930s an organization called The Benevolent and Protective and Completely Universal Order of Fred Smiths of America had a convention in New York City, to which only people named Fred Smith were invited. A man named Smith Frederick sought admission but was only allowed to attend if he walked backwards and ate dinner with his back to the table. • In 1942 the National Society to Discourage Use of the Name Smith for Purposes of Hypothetical Illustration [TNSDUNSPHI] was formed at the University of Minnesota. The organization was formed by Glenn Smith, who was a student under Dale Yoder. During class, Yoder called every hypothetical character in his lectures “James Smith.” Glenn Smith took exception to this and dreamed up TNSDUNSPHI. He had letterhead made up and the printer, who was also named Smith, printed them up at a special rate in exchange for being named chairman of the board. Lowell Smith, a radio newscaster, drummed up publicity. The newspapers picked it up and the organization was on its way. Hundreds of people signed up. The motto was, “A guy named Smith / Must be reckoned with.” Members were required to carry their cards with them at all times and give them to anyone who used the name Smith for hypothetical illustration. Their battle cry was, “When you think of Smith, say John Doe!” • Mary Pickford's real name was Gladys Smith, and her father's name was John Smith. She once said, “I remember as a tiny girl hearing him say that he would never risk being arrested, for if the judge asked him his name and he replied, 'John Smith' he would surely be held in contempt of court.” ...continued
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. In 2015, the New York Mets’ Michael Conforto became the third-youngest player (22) in World Series history to have a multiplehomer game. Who was the youngest? 2. The Los Angeles Lakers (33) and Golden State Warriors (28) have the longest winning streaks in NBA history. Who is third?
3. Name the last defenseman before Ottawa’s Erik Karlsson in 2015-16 to have an 80-point season. 4. Toronto FC’s Sebastian Giovinco, in 2016, recorded the fourth hat trick in Major League Soccer playoff history. Name the last player to do it. 5. Whom did Evander Holyfield beat to win the undisputed heavyweight boxing crown for the first time?
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• In 1945, Warner Brothers wanted to call national attention to their latest female movie star, Alexis Smith. A publicity man came up with an idea. A few days later newspapers all over the country announced that Organized Smiths of America (OSA) had announced their achievement awards, and the award for acting went to Miss Alexis Smith. The following year another set of OSA awards was announced, including the award for military science which went to General Holland M. Smith. The next year, newspapers all over the country were requesting copies of the award results. There was no such organization.
• When founder of TNSDUNSPHI Glenn Smith was presented with the problem of what to name his firstborn son, he wanted something really distinctive. He christened the child “Smith” so he became Smith Smith. • In Pearson, Georgia, Frank Smith was tired of being mistaken for other Frank Smiths, so he named his son 5/8 Smith. 5/8's wife called him Willie. • A child born during a Louisiana flood was named William McKinley Louisiana Levee Bust Smith. • In 1901 a boy born in Oklahoma was christened Loyal Lodge No. 296 Knights of Pythias Ponca City Oklahoma Smith. • Another Smith presented with a newborn boy wanted an unusual first name for the child and named him Euphonius Smith. The young boy was called “Phoney” for short throughout his childhood. • A newspaper photographer in San Francisco named Smith wanted to change his first name to something unusual, so he went to court and legally became Another Smith. ...continued
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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• Charles Emory Smith was Postmaster General under Presidents McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. He was scheduled to be the speaker at a dinner where important politics were to be discussed. When he arrived at the dinner, he was so drunk that when his name was called to present his speech, he was unable to arise from his chair. After a pause, the meeting continued without him. The following day, the newspaper reported, “Charles Emory Smith was called upon to speak and his remarks will be found on the following page.” The next page of the paper was totally blank, except for a small line at the bottom which said, “What else could he say?”
• Smithite is a mineral named for G.F.H. Smith, an English scientist. • Smithsonite is a mineral named for James Smithson. • Ornithologist John James Audubon named the Smith's longspur, a songbird of the tundra, for his friend Gideon Smith.
• Some time later Charles Emory Smith was a speaker at another dinner where he was expounding on the problems of having such a common name. He said, “Sometimes I find myself wishing that I had lived in the time of Moses. It is written quite clearly in the Bible, I Samuel 13:19: ‘Now there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel.’ It must have been a happy land.”
• The Bible mentions Smiths, saying in 2 Kings, Chapter 24, that when Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem he carried away as captives “all the princes, all the mighty men of valor, and all the craftsmen and the Smiths.”
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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PRESIDENTIAL QUOTES: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
by Samantha Weaver
• It was beloved 20th-century American humorist and author Will Rogers who made the following sage observation: "A king can stand people fighting, but he can't last long if people start thinking." • The next time you're dining at a seafood restaurant, consider this tidbit: Those who study such things say that 80 percent of a crab or lobster's dry weight is wax. • Researchers at Cornell University have determined that if chickens are kept in a coop that is artificially lighted to simulate a 28-hour day, the eggs laid by those chickens will be larger and have stronger shells. • If you try to come up with an image of the pioneers' westward trek in search of land, gold and new futures, what comes to mind is likely to be covered wagons (also known at the time as Prairie Schooners) crossing vast grasslands. A group of wagons circling up at dusk has become emblematic of that long journey. Most people assume that the wagons were placed in a circle for protection, to keep potential intruders out, but that's not entirely true. While that may have been an advantage to the arrangement, the primary motivation was to keep livestock from wandering off. • The English word "infant" comes from a Latin term whose literal meaning is "one unable to speak." • You might be surprised to learn that fruit flies can become intoxicated, too -- and they don't even have to take a drink. Just the smell of alcohol affects them. *** Thought for the Day: "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." -- Hermann Goring © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Proceeds Go To
The Angel of Hope Memorial Park is being created to remember and honor all children who have died, regardless of age or reason. The memorial site will be located at Leistkow Park in Grafton as part of an international network of memorial parks that provide a place of comfort and hope to parents and family members who grieve the loss of a child. To learn more about Angel of Hope, visit the Grafton Foundation’s Facebook page.
• Free will offering meal served 5:00 - 7:00 pm • Live & Silent Auctions 6:30 pm • Live music by DOWNTOWN HORNS 7:00 pm Donations can also be made online at www.rrvmnd.org SPONSORED BY: Top Hat Bar - Park River NAPA Auto - Grafton 1st Untied Bank - Grafton Tollefson Funeral Home - Grafton Home of Economy - Grafton Dahlstrom Motors - Oslo N.D. Legion Riders - Larimore American Crystal Sugar - EGF Altendorf Express - Grafton Choice Financial - Grafton
For More Info.Contact:
Tim Gowan 701-739-1605 Mike Hagen 701-791-2910 Rock Tweten 701-520-1679 Peter Hoistad - Grand Forks Street is Neat, Inc. - Oslo 12th Street Bowl & Lounge - Grafton Grafton True Value & Lumber Hastings Lounge - Drayton Polly’s Lounge - Grafton Mark Tweten Realtor - Grafton Birchwood Chevrolet - Cavalier Scott Simmons Trucking - Grafton Ameriprice/Trustone Wealth Mgmt. Bremer Bank - Grafton Hugo’s - Grafton
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Amazing Plants:
• Everybody hates them. They pile up against fences till they knock them down. They clog machinery. They lacerate the legs of livestock. They spread prairie wildfire. And they choke out cash crops. Yet, as dastardly as they seem, tumbleweeds are not all bad. You have to give them credit for tenacity and versatility. • A native to Russia, tumbleweed emmigrated to the U.S. aboard a sack of flax seed bound for North Dakota. It liked this continent just fine and soon spread to every state west of the Mississippi, a few states to the east, plus Canada and Mexico. Today it's known as “the weed that won the west.” • There are a variety of plant species that tumble in the wind in order to disperse seeds, but the one that spread across the western U.S. is commonly known as Russian thistle, saltwort, or windwitch. • The plant can be as small as a soccer ball or as large as a car. • Tumbleweed owes its success to the fact that it is disease-resistant, and tolerates drought, salt, and harsh conditions. It’s often the first plant to grow in difficult conditions such as semi-arid deserts, disturbed areas, sandy beaches, and other areas with barren soil. Another factor that has been helpful in the spread of the weed is the misuse of land: when farmers overgraze the land, or plow more land than they plant, tumbleweed considers it an open invitation. • Each bush, after drying up and separating from its roots, rolls across the prairie, spreading 200,000 seeds as it goes. Desert environments are ideal for them because the wind can blow them for miles and miles without encountering a barrier, spreading seeds all the while.
• Ranchers curse the thing, not realizing that instead of a curse, tumbleweed could actually be a blessing. According to an article in “Smithsonian” magazine, tumbleweed is edible before blooming. Tumbleweed has nourished cattle through more than one major drought. It's high in amino acids, protein, fiber, phosphorus, calcium, nitrates, and potassium. It's higher in protein than alfalfa and uses less water than any cash crop known. This could be extremely important in the future. Tumbleweed doesn't care what kind of water it gets and will grow well even on brackish saline water. • Birds and rodents eat the seeds and prairie dogs feast on all parts of the plant. Though cattle will not eat it after it reaches maturity and develops spines, other animals such as sheep, goats, and camels will eat even the spines, which can be thick enough to puncture a car tire. • Not only is the stuff good for livestock, but it's edible for humans. Try this recipe if you feel adventurous: Cook one pint of young plants in one pint of water. Add a pint of milk, thicken with two tablespoons of flour mixed into a quarter cup of cold water, garnish with cheese and herbs, and you've got a decent meal. • There’s more good news. Press tumbleweeds into logs or briquettes and they will burn at a rate that is cost-comparable with low-grade coal. Experiments with liquefied tumbleweed continue. Some of them include extracting the nutritive parts for food supplements, purifying the chemical components for vitamins and food additives, using the fibers in pills and sanitary napkins, developing the leftover sludge into drilling mud, or burning the leftovers in the furnace to heat the factory. • At some point in the future, farmers may be tending the tumblin’ tumbleweed as a valued crop rather than cursing it.
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
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• Seat warmers are for more than cold bottoms: The next time you pick up a pizza, turn on your seat warmer to keep your pie from getting cold on the ride home! • “My kids love snack crackers, but they can be easy to overdo. When I buy a box, I go ahead and portion them out into snack-size zip-lock baggies. Then the kids can grab a bag and won’t just keep eating out of habit (and spoil their supper).” — O.V. in New Mexico • A beaded necklace can make a fun imprint on the edges of your pie crust. Then, to help your pie crusts hold their shape in the oven, try freezing them for 30 minutes before filling. • For great-looking candles, use a plain nylon stocking to buff out smudges, nicks and fingerprints. This works especially well on white or cream-colored candles, which can pick up all sorts of ugly-looking soot stains. • “Use a tab pulled off a soda can to double hang items in your closet. Simply thread the soda tab onto the hanger hook, and put the hook of a second hanger through the bottom hole. This is a great idea for hanging outfits together.” — W.P. in Washington • “With two teenagers and all their friends, as soon as the snacks come home, they seem to disappear. Well, here’s the trick to hiding food in plain sight: I stash candy bars in a wholewheat noodle package. There are icecream sandwiches in a bag that used to hold frozen spinach. Also, chips stay nicely in an old-fashioned oatmeal container on a high shelf.” — A.R. in Missouri Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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King Features Weekly Service
February 13, 2017
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Short-Term Care & Rehabilitation • Recuperate • Get Strong • Get Back to Everyday Life We offer specialized services in:
• On March 1, 1692, in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, authorities begin seeking out witches after two children began experiencing fits. After a doctor concluded that the children were suffering the effects of witchcraft, others stepped forward and incriminated more than 150 women and men of Satanic practices. • On March 5, 1770, a mob of American colonists gathers at the Customs House in Boston and begins taunting British soldiers. The British regulars responded by firing their rifles, killing five colonists. Later, two British soldiers had their thumbs branded with an "M" for murder as punishment. • On Feb. 27, 1922, in Washington, D.C., the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, giving women the right to vote, is unanimously declared constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. • On March 4, 1933, at the height of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt is inaugurated as the 32nd president of the United States. In his inaugural address, Roosevelt outlined his "New Deal," an expansion of the federal government as an instrument of employment opportunity and welfare. • On March 3, 1952, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds a New York state law that prohibits communists from teaching in public schools. The statute applied to anyone who called for the overthrow of the government. • On March 2, 1966, the Ford Motor Company celebrates the production of its 1 millionth Mustang, a white convertible. More than 400,000 Mustangs were sold in the first year, perhaps boosted by its appearance in the James Bond movie "Goldfinger." • On Feb. 28, 1982, the J. Paul Getty Museum becomes the world's most richly endowed museum when it receives a $1.2 billion bequest from the American oil billionaire. Getty died in 1976, but legal wrangling over his fortune by his children and ex-wives kept his will in probate until 1982. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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A Leader Among Men There are times when you meet a guy and just instantly like him. It’s part instinct, part intuition. Your bloodline has survived long enough to see you into the world; while you’re in it, you tend to gravitate to the people who will make living in it a little more comfortable. Kevin Plank, the founder and CEO of Under Armour is just such a man. I know. He played softball for me. Let me explain. I attended the University of Maryland, and first met Kevin Plank at the world-famous Bentley’s on College Park’s Route 1. A childhood friend was dating a guy who lived with Plank, and when his house had a vacancy, at her urging, he vetted me at Bentley’s. Plank looked like a guy’s guy — not a pretty boy, definitely a tough guy, smiled a lot, engaging, strong handshake ... emanated a sort of uncommon stature. Plank was unlike any college kid I had ever met, and living in his house with a motley crew of ACC wrestlers, football players, a baseball player (me), hockey player and potato chip-salesman’s son, plus the women who loved us — all of us had girlfriends, so we were kept well in check — was as great an experience as I’ve ever had. But it’s also where I had the privilege of witnessing Plank in action as a businessman. My first night living there, Plank grilled me about the Grateful Dead. He had heard there was a marketplace in the parking lots, and I, no
stranger to the scene, explained it to him in great detail. Within a few days of the show, hundreds of T-shirts were delivered to our house, assembled accorded to size and sold at the next few Dead shows by Plank and his team. Before Valentine’s Day, he was the guy who drove to the docks of Baltimore and negotiated for a huge shipment of roses for pennies on the dollar. He came back to College Park, built a call-center in our living room (beer on tap), and hired us to take orders after he had plastered the campus with fliers touting $19 roses by the dozen. The guy was 21. He invented Under Armour out of necessity. He was a stocky, Irish kid who played football very hard, and he sweated a lot ... an awful lot. I think one day he weighed the T-shirt under his pads, and it contained about 11 pounds of water weight. That led him to invent Under Armour, and his salesmanship after graduation took him over the top. Ever since, he has done nothing but champion the American worker and add a great deal of excitement to the world of sports. But when he expressed enthusiasm for our president’s economic agenda, a bunch of people did the mindless #hashtag thing and tried to create uproar. This, to a guy that has done everything he can to return jobs to Baltimore, to keep his company as American as ever ... a guy who consistently gives back to his community, a guy that shakes your hand and means what he says. Bashing Kevin Plank? Not on my watch. Plank said he wants to create jobs and thinks Trump can help. Personally, I can’t wait for the day he runs for president. Protect our house, Kevin. You always have. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• On June 27, 1829 a man named James died, leaving behind a fortune and a very interesting will. He was an English chemist and geologist who published numerous scholarly papers, and when he died at the age of 64, he left his money to his nephew. • However, there was a provision in his will stating that if his nephew died without leaving an heir, any money remaining would be given to the newly founded nation called the United States of America in order to establish a museum. The purpose of the museum would be to increase knowledge. • No one knows why James willed his money to the U.S., a peculiar thing considering that he had never even visited the country. Perhaps it was because when he was born, his parents were not married and the high society English snubbed him. • James’ nephew died in 1835 leaving no heirs, and in 1846 a museum was founded in Washington, D.C. using his money. • It’s now the world’s largest museum complex and encompasses 19 museums, nine research centers, a zoo, a research library, a zoological garden, two magazines, a publishing company, a traveling exhibit, an office of education, and more. It has over 156 million items in its collections and is known as “the nation’s attic.” • In 2015, more than 28 million people visited the various branches of the museum. About 6,300 people work for the museum. • In 1904, 75 years after James died, his remains were brought to Washington by museum regent Alexander Graham Bell where they were buried in a tomb in the museum, which had been named after him. What is the name of the museum? ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Robot is missing. 2. Curtain is different. 3. Drum is missing. 4. Bedcover hem is missing. 5. Frame is missing. 6. Teddy bear is smaller.
• The Smithsonian Museum was named for James Smithson. The original bequest that started the whole thing was about $500,000 in Answer: Dell. 1838. That would be worth about $13 million A VERY LARGE NUMBER in today’s dollars. The museum was founded in •1846. Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 he was asked to come up with a name for a • The budget the is over $800 million per verycurrent large number: numeral one, followed year. by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young nephews what they would suggest.is free. • Admission to allname Smithsonian locations • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name • The the Smithsonian is closed out only of theday funnies. A cartoon strip characteris Christmas Day. named Barney was very popular. Milton chose Barney’s the number. • Only aboutlast 2%name of thefor museum’s collections are displayannounced at any given •onKasner the time. new name for the big number in his next book,Center alteringhas the 9spelling. • The Collections Search million •digital Sixty records years later, Larry online. Page and Sergey Brin available developed a new internet search engine. Other • The Smithsonian Institution Libraries hold search engines searched each webpage and2 million library volumes. ranked them according to how many times a specific term appeared them, but Page and • The collection includes on many artifacts includBrin designed their search engine to search for ing the following: the specific term and then find out how many • More 50,000 close links than there3,000 weresea thatslugs, led back to flies, that page, towhich 115,000 bird in eggs, and search over 7engine. million beeresulted a better tles. • They decided they needed a name that reflected howfossils. many websites the search • Over 4 million engine was searching. They took the name • About 4.5 million plantvery specimens. of Edward Kasner’s large number, only they Child's misspelled it slightly, so it from endedher up being • Julia longtime kitchen cookspelled exactly the same way the cartoon ing TV show. character Barney spelled his last name. What’s • The first artificial pump,ofmade it called? (Answerheart at bottom page)from $25 worth of erector set parts in 1949. COMPUTER FACTS • •Locks of hair from the “640 headskbofof thememory first 14 In 1981 Bill cut Gates said, presidents, Washington all the way up to ought to befrom enough for anybody.” Franklin Pierce. • Moore’s Law states that computer performance doubles every 18 tofrom 24 months, everdied since • The 18-foot beard a farmerand who in 1971, this has been true. 1927. • HP, Lincoln’s Google, Microsoft, were all • Abe stove-pipe and hat, Apple Judy Garland’s started in garages. ruby slippers, and a prop phaser from the origiAnswer: from googol. nal “StarGoogle, Trek” set.
1st Quarter 2015 Week 2 Quiz Jan 4 - Answers Jan. 10
1. About 1%. 7. Al dente 2. Texas.Page8.8Catering 9. “Sounds of Si3. North Dakota lence” (1965), 4. Glover “Mrs. RobinCleveland son” (1968), 5. Four. “Bridge Over 6. “Splash” Troubled Water” (1984) (1970)
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Tidbits Laughs A young author finished writing his novel and presented it to a publisher. The publisher replied, "We only publish books from wellknown names." "Perfect!" replied the author. "My name is Smith!"
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