Tidbits Grand Forks - March 2, 2017

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March 2, 2017




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by Kathy Wolfe


Issue # 1,008

ack says...

“Signs of Spring”

• Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Seuss Geisel in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1904. Seuss, a name with Bavarian roots, was his mother’s maiden name and was pronounced “Zoice,” (rhyming with “rejoice”), not “Soose,” the Anglicized pronunciation. • As a senior at Dartmouth College, Ted Geisel was the editor of “Jack-O-Lantern,” the college’s humor magazine, a medium he used to publish his cartoons. Prohibition was in full swing in 1925, and when Geisel and nine of his friends were caught drinking gin in his room, all the young men were put on probation. Geisel lost his position as editor of the magazine, but continued to publish his cartoons under several aliases, including T. Seuss.


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• Because his father had always wanted him to be a doctor, Giesel added the “Dr.” to his pen name.

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March 2 has been designated Dr. Seuss Day in honor of the birthday of one of the world’s most beloved children’s authors.

• Geisel continued his education at Oxford University, studying English literature. Although he got close to earning a doctorate, he dropped out to travel around Europe.




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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Which movie featured the theme song “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”? What did Dr. Seuss’ license 6. What band released the song plate read? “I Wanna Be Sedated”? Which Dr. Seuss book featured 7. In what movie did Robin an adoptive father looking Williams appear in his first after Mayzie’s egg? leading role? Green Eggs and Ham is the 8. Who served as vice president 4th best-selling children’s of the U.S. for 82 days before book. What is #1? becoming president? What Dr. Seuss book addressed TRIVIA the need to protect the environment? SPONSORED BY:


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DR. SEUSS (continued): • Geisel returned to the United States to pursue a career as an illustrator and cartoonist for several notable publications, including Vanity Fair and Life. The Saturday Evening Post was the first to publish one of his cartoons in their July, 1927 issue. Geisel received $25 for the cartoon, which prompted him to make the move to New York City. • Geisel branched out into advertising campaigns, and created an extremely successful campaign for a popular insecticide called Flit. The slogan “Quick, Henry, the Flit!” became the trendy catchphrase of the day.



• While Geisel and his wife were aboard a ship crossing the Atlantic in 1936, he passed the time by putting words to the rhythms of the ship’s engines. The result was Dr. Seuss’ first children’s book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street. It was the story of a boy named Marco, who imagines a procession of fantasy creatures as he travels along Mulberry Street. Although all Marco really saw was an old horse pulling a wagon, he spins a tale of whizzleworps and cholmondelets. The real Mulberry Street is less than a mile from Geisel’s boyhood home in Springfield, Massachusetts. The book was rejected 27 times before fate finally stepped in. Geisel was walking down the street and bumped into a friend who had just landed a job as an editor in the children’s section at Vanguard Press. Geisel told the friend he had given up and planned to destroy the book. The friend asked to have a look, and Vanguard published the book in 1937, when Dr. Seuss was 33. ...continued

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3. Tampa Bay’s Jameis Winston tied a record in 2015 for most touchdown passes by a rookie in a game (5). Name the last rookie to do it before him. 4. How many times have the Florida Panthers registered at least 100 points in the

1. Al Rosen (1953) was the first of three major-league third baseman to have a season in which he hit 40plus home runs and led the A.L. in runs scored. Name the other two. standings for an NHL season? 2. Two major-league players are tied for the most Gold 5. Who was the first AfricanAmerican woman to win Gloves for an outfielder (12). Name them. (hint: both an Olympic gold medal in played in 1950s, ‘60s, & ‘70s) swimming?

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DR. SEUSS (continued):

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• Dr. Seuss’ second book, The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, was published in 1938, followed by The King’s Stilts in 1939 and Horton Hatches the Egg in 1940. When World War II broke out, Ted Geisel supported the effort by designing posters for the Treasury Department and War Production Board. He became an Army captain in 1943, overseeing the Animation Department of the First Motion Picture Unit, creating training films, one of which was awarded the 1947 Academy Award for Documentary Feature. • After the war, Geisel returned to advertising, which was his main source of income, although he continued to publish children’s books, including If I Ran the Zoo in 1950 and Horton Hears a Who in 1954. His big breakthrough came in 1957 with The Cat in the Hat, Dr. Seuss’ 13th book. • During World War II, Dr. Seuss had worked with William Spaulding, who went on to become director of the education division at Houghton Mifflin publishers. Spaulding, concerned that children were not learning to read, approached Seuss, with a list of 348 words that he felt were important for first-graders to know. Spaulding asked for a book containing 250 of those words, and only those words, a book “children can’t put down.” Nine months later, Seuss presented him with The Cat in the Hat, using 236 words from the list. The book was an immediate success, selling nearly a million copies by the end of 1960. • How the Grinch Stole Christmas was also published in 1957, and in 1958, The Cat in the Hat Comes Back! Seuss’ success led him to found Beginner Books, a division of Random House, books designed to help children learn to read. ...continued

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DR. SEUSS (continued): • Fellow publisher Bennett Cerf bet Seuss that he could not write a book using 50 words or less. This challenge resulted in 1960’s Green Eggs and Ham, Seuss’ bestselling title and the fourth best-selling children’s book of all time. The text does in fact consist of just 50 different words.

• Of all the characters invented by Seuss, he said the one that was most based on himself was the Grinch. He once described himself as a “nasty anti-Christmas character,” and wrote the story to see if he “could rediscover something about Christmas” that he’d lost.

• Dr. Seuss wrote and illustrated 44 books, of which 40 are in rhyme. Twenty-two other books were illustrated by others, co-authored by Seuss, written under another name, or published after his death. Of the total of 66 books, only five are not written in rhyme. For the 10 books that Geisel wrote and others illustrated, he used the pen name Theo LeSieg, which is Geisel spelled backwards. These include Ten Apples Up on Top, I Wish That I Had Duck Feet, and The Tooth Book.

• Dr. Seuss final book was Oh, the Places You’ll Go!, written in 1990, the year before he died. It has become a favorite gift for graduates with its wisdom, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”

• Although Dr. Seuss married twice, he had no children of his own. He did have two stepdaughters with his second wife. When he was frequently asked how he could write so well for children, his reply was, “You have ‘em, I’ll entertain ‘em.” It’s ironic that he wrote his first children’s book in the same year that his first wife learned that she could not have children. • Dr. Seuss’ books have sold more than 600 million copies and have been translated into 20 languages.



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by Samantha Weaver

• It was world-renowned American photographer Ansel Adams who made the following sage observation: "It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment." • You might be surprised to learn that the blood of a grasshopper is white. • Tacumbu prison in Asuncion, Paraguay, is notorious for its overcrowded conditions: 3,500 inmates are crowded into a space designed for half that number, and many of them sleep on cardboard directly on the floor. One inmate, however, until recently enjoyed amenities that many outside the prison walls would love to have. Drug trafficker Chimenes Pavao bribed officials to look the other way, then set up a fully furnished, tastefully decorated threeroom suite, complete with air conditioning, a refrigerator, a library, a flat-screen TV, a DVD player and a treadmill. The luxury cell was discovered when a bomb threat caused \police to search the entire prison. • If you've ever been the victim of a pursesnatching, here's a discouraging bit of information: Those who study such things say that four out of five perpetrators get away. • In 1804 our planet hit a milestone: a population of 1 billion people. It took 123 years to add another billion, then only 33 more to get to 3 billion, in 1960. We crossed the 4 billion mark in 1974, hit 5 billion in 1987, and got to 6 billion in 1999. In 2011 (or early 2012, depending on who's doing the estimating, the earth's population passed 7 billion, and those who study such things expect us to get to 8 billion sometime in the mid- to late 2020s. *** Thought for the Day: "Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." -- Benjamin Franklin


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The Angel of Hope Memorial Park is being created to remember and honor all children who have died, regardless of age or reason. The memorial site will be located at Leistkow Park in Grafton as part of an international network of memorial parks that provide a place of comfort and hope to parents and family members who grieve the loss of a child. To learn more about Angel of Hope, visit the Grafton Foundation’s Facebook page.

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Unusual Plants:


Ew, what’s that stench? If that beautiful flower smells disgusting, it just might be a corpse flower (titan arum). Read along and discover the facts on this unusual plant. • Found in the humid rainforests of Sumatra, the corpse flower is the world’s largest flowering plant, reaching heights of 10 to 15 feet, and blossoms up to 6 feet wide, although the record-holding flower reached over 10 feet. It was first discovered in Sumatra in 1878 by an Italian botanist. Although it is cultivated at many arboretums worldwide, it grows wild in Asia’s tropical regions. • The corpse flower is an inflorescence, meaning that a cluster of flowers is arranged on one stem. A leafy sheath known as a spathe, and resembling a large petal, encloses the flower cluster. Irises and crocuses have the same construction. The corpse flower’s stem alone weighs about 110 lbs. • The large dark burgundy red flower of the corpse plant might lead you sample its scent. However, it emits a very strong displeasing odor similar to rotting meat or a decaying corpse beginning about 12 hours before it blooms. • It requires seven to ten years of growth before the corpse flower can bloom, and they usually bloom only once every few decades and remain open for just 24 to 48 hours. Because of this, nurseries and arboretums around the world schedule special events in conjunction with the blooming, gathering large crowds of visitors. • The bloom usually opens between mid-afternoon and late evening and remains open all night. After 12 hours, it already begins to wilt. The scent will linger another 12 hours afterwards.

• So why does this unusual plant smell like rotting flesh? The corpse flower has both male and female flowers, yet they are unable to pollinate. This means they must attract pollinators in order to safeguard the continuation of the species. Carnivorous insects, such as dung beetles and flesh flies, feed on dead flesh. In order to draw these pollinators in, the flower is a dark burgundy color with a pungent odor that imitates a dead animal. The female flower opens first, then a day or two later, the male flower opens, thus preventing the flower from self-pollinating. • These flowers also have the unusual ability to warm up to 98 degrees F, which further boosts the odor and fools the insects into believing the flower is food. The spiked center part of the flower is covered with a large quantity of pollen. The bugs fly inside, then realize there is nothing to eat. They fly away, but their legs are covered with pollen that ensures pollination of the stinky plant. When the pollination is complete, the flower collapses. • What gives this rare flower its powerful stench? Several chemicals are released by the plant, including dimethyl trisulfide, the same chemical emitted by limburger cheese, and trimethylamine, also found in rotting fish and ammonia. The isovaleric acid found in the corpse flower is the same as that which causes sweaty socks to stink, as well as indole, a chemical that lends its aroma to human feces. Mixed in with these foul-smelling aromas is benzyl alcohol, a sweet floral scent that can be found in jasmine and hyacinth.






Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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• “Save the plastic cups that yogurt or fruit comes in. You can reuse them for Jell-O cups. Cover with a piece of plastic wrap, and secure tightly with a rubber band.” — E.D. in Kansas • Start seeds in the cups of an egg carton, the kind that are made from paper. You can get them going on a windowsill inside. When it’s time to plant in the ground, score the bottom of each cup and plant it — paper and all — in the dirt. • “I found a decorative cardboard box that is big enough to hold a power strip. After installing it in the box so it looks pretty, I made holes out the side for different kinds of chargers (Apple, Android, etc.). The cord can be stored in the box or pulled out enough to charge a device. It looks nice on the side table instead of a mess of cords.” — W.L. in Alabama • “Cheese can be grated, then frozen. The frozen cheese can be used in casserole dishes without even defrosting. I find it convenient to freeze my mozzarella in batches because we make a lot of individual pizzas. I can get a big block, grate it and freeze. It keeps for a long time.” — J.M. in Pennsylvania • Lipstick and lip gloss (including lip balms) shouldn’t be kept for more than a year. You can extend the life of your favorite lip wear by shaving a bit off and using a brush to apply it from the cut-off portion. If it touches your face, it can collect and breed bacteria. Be sure to replace mascaras every six months at minimum, and clean brushes regularly. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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King Features Weekly Service

February 20, 2017

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Eff, 1, 2, & 3 Bedroom Apartments

• On March 8, 1669, Mount Etna, on the island of Sicily in modern-day Italy, begins rumbling. Multiple eruptions over the next few weeks killed more than 20,000 people. Most of the victims could have saved themselves, but stayed. • On March 12, 1933, eight days after his inauguration, President Franklin Roosevelt gives his "fireside chat," a radio broadcast directly from the White House. Roosevelt explained his decision to close the nation's banks to stop mass withdrawals. • On March 9, 1943, Bobby Fischer, the only American ever to win the chess world championship, is born in Chicago. His last public match, in 1992 against Boris Spassky, netted Fischer the $2 million prize. He then became a wanted man for tax evasion, and in 2000 renounced his U.S. citizenship. • On March 6, 1951, the espionage trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins after the couple is accused of running a spy ring and selling topsecret atomic bomb technology to Russia. The Rosenbergs were convicted, and were the only American civilians to be executed for espionage-related activity during the Cold War. • On March 10, 1969, James Earl Ray pleads guilty to the assassination of civil- rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and is sentenced to 99 years in prison. Ray later changed his story, claiming he had been set up by a mysterious man named "Raoul." • On March 11, 1989, "COPS," a documentarystyle TV series that follows police officers and sheriff's deputies as they go about their jobs, debuts on FOX. "COPS" went on to become one of the longest-running shows in television history. • On March 7, 1999, American filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, whose 13 feature films explored the dark side of human nature, dies in England at age 70. Kubrick was best known for his films "Spartacus" (1960), "Dr. Strangelove" (1964) and "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968). © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

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NOPE I have a friend who runs a high-end retail business. Every day, one of the things she does is check the rungs inside of the clothes racks. Occasionally, she will find an article of clothing stashed behind, say, a rack of dress shirts. The next time the sneaky person goes to check on the item, there’s a post-it note with the word “NOPE” in its place. Major League Baseball is sneaky, too. It’s the only game where you’re allowed to steal — the other manager’s signals, the catcher’s signals ... an actual base or two — not to mention all of the even sneakier stuff some guys try to pull. Vaseline under the cap, nail files in their back pocket, spit and rosin, to name a few. But nothing is more egregious than when baseball tries to sneak in a new rule. Home-field advantage being decided by the winner of the All-Star Game? Stupid, when it’s a game based upon mutual participation and can theoretically end in a tie. The new one-game play-in playoff games? The worst. The designated hitter — good idea in theory, kind of worked out for guys like David Ortiz, Reggie Jackson, Jim Thome and Edgar Martinez, but really hasn’t made watching games any more enjoyable. The most exciting plays in baseball are the defensive ones anyway. But now they’ve come up with

a real doozy. The proposed rule change would affect extra-inning ballgames. The proposed idea is start an extra-inning game with a runner on second base, in scoring position. Now just think about how idiotic that rule would be for a second. The Sabremetric guys will tell you that with no outs and a man on second, a team has a very good probability of scoring a run. With nobody on base, your chance of scoring drops to about 40 percent. That’s a pretty big swing ... except it isn’t a swing at all. The player never earned the right to be on the field. So the manager picks a player, more than likely his preferred base-burning pinch runner. Does he get a hit for that? A walk? No. That’s not fair to the pitcher. Does it affect his on-base percentage? It would have to ... how would you account for the run? And why should the pitcher be given such a handicap? If that guy scores, is it an unearned run? Hey, why not just have ghost runners? And get this: The smart people at Forbes just did the math and figured out it would shorten only about 6 percent of extra-inning games. The Major Leagues should have stopped when they got it right: banning the spitball and the infield fly rule (the game’s only flaw). If you want to shorten games, you make the batter stay in the batter’s box, period. You’re up there to hit. If the pitcher takes too long to throw, you give him two warnings, and the third time he stalls you boot him from the game. But trying to ruin the game with that sneaky little second-base runner rule? Nope. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

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(Solution on Next Page)


Happy Pancake Week! In conjunction with Shrove Tuesday, February 28, Tidbits is flipping over this breakfast food! • International Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday takes place 47 days before Easter Sunday. Due to the variation of Easter’s date based on the cycles of the moon, Pancake Day can occur anytime between February 3 and March 9. It falls one day before Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent. Over 1,000 years ago, the tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday began. It was a way of eating up all leftover fatty, rich, perishable foods before the fasting period of the Lenten season began. The term “Mardi Gras” is French for “Fat Tuesday.” • The word “shrove” is the past tense of “shrive,” which translates “absolve” or “confess.” Therefore, many Christians use the day as a day of self-examination, reflecting on any wrongs from which they need to repent. • Pancakes have been around for thousands of years, with the earliest known made from ground grains and nuts, mixed with water or milk and cooked on hot stones. The first pancake recipe similar to what we know today appeared in an English cookbook in the 15th century. Citizens of Buckinghamshire, England were the first to celebrate Pancake Day in 1445. • According to French legend, if you hold a coin in one hand while flipping a pancake with other one, you can make a wish come true. • Although pancake batter is frequently made with milk (along with flour, sugar, butter, and eggs), those pancakes made with buttermilk are softer and fluffier. Before we had baking soda, cooks used fresh snow because it contained ammonia, which made the cakes fluffier. ...continued

PANCAKES (continued):

DIFFERENCES: 1. Bird is missing. 2. Dinosaur is missing. 3. Arm is moved. 4. Soda can is missing. 5. Portrait is missing. 5. Plant is different. © 2017 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• How about some record holders in the pancake department? The world’s largest pancake to date was made in Manchester, England, in 1994. It Answer: Dell. measured 49 ft., 3 in. in diameter and was 1 A VERY LARGE NUMBER inch thick. Calorie count for the massive cake •was Edward Kasner a mathematician. In 1938 estimated at 2was million. The fastest pancake he was asked to come up with a name a flipper is an Australian chef, who flippedfor 140 very large number: the numeral one, followed in 60 seconds in 2012. The highest pancake flip by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young occurred Cheektowaga, New York, in 2010 nephewsinwhat name they would suggest. when the cake’s flip was measured at 31 ft., 1 • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name in. The longest continuing pancake flipping in out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character a named frying Barney pan occurred in Niagara in chose 1999, was very popular. Falls Milton when Mike Cuzzacrea flipped cakes non-stop Barney’s last name for the number. for 3 hours, 2 minutes, 27name seconds. the • Kasner announced theand new for And the big record for the most pancakes made in one hour number in his next book, altering the spelling. by an individual was set in Washington state in • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin 2013, when aanew restaurant 1,092 pancakes developed internetmade search engine. Other insearch 60 minutes. engines searched each webpage and ranked them according to of how a • The earliest written record the many use oftimes the exspecific term appeared on them, but Page and pression “as flat as a pancake” is from 1611 acBrin designed their search engine to search for cording to the Oxford English Dictionary. the specific term and then find out how many • Aunt pancake was the linksJemima there were that flour led back to first that readypage, mix food available thesearch grocer’s shelves. It which resulted in a on better engine. invented in Missouri and made its debut in •was They decided they needed a name that 1889. reflected how many websites the search engine searching.House They of took the name • The first was International Pancakes, or of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only IHOP as we call them, opened in Toluca Lake, they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being California in 1958.theToday than spelled exactly samethere wayarethemore cartoon 1600 locations. character Barney spelled his last name. What’s it called? (Answer bottom of page)Hotcakes, • What do you call at your pancakes? griddlecakes,COMPUTER flapjacks? The French call them FACTS “panne-quaiques” (what we know as memory crepes), • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of while Dutch sayfor“pannenkoekento,” and oughtthe to be enough anybody.” the Austrians, “Palatschinken.” • Moore’s Law states that computer performance doubles every 18 to 24Professional months, and ever since Home Inspection 1971, this has been true. Service CERTIFIED • HP, Google, Microsoft,INSPECTOR and Apple were all started in garages. (218) 779-2288 Answer: www.homesweethomeinspections.net Google, from googol.

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Quiz Answers

1. GRINCH 2. Horton Hatches the Egg 3. The Poky Little Puppy

4. The Lorax 5. “Toy Story” 6. The Ramones, in 1979 7. “Popeye” 1980 8. Harry Truman

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Sports Answers 1. Alex Rodriguez, 4. Once, in the 2015(2005, 2007) & 16 season. Josh Donaldson 5. Simone (2015). Manuel of 2. Roberto Clemente the U.S. in and Willie Mays 2016. 3. Matthew Stafford

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