Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
April 27, 2017
Published by: Wick Publications
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Issue # 1,016
GRASS by Janet Spencer
What’s the biggest cultivated crop in the U.S.? That would be grass, in the form of lawns, which out-ranks all food crops grown in the country by acreage. Come along with Tidbits as celebrate National Lawn Care Month!
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Since 1997
• The United States devotes about one-fifth of its land to agriculture, and the largest single food crop is corn. However, lawns take up three times more acreage than corn. In fact, turf grown in parks, golf courses, and yards takes up more space in the U.S. than corn, wheat, and fruit trees combined. About half of the grass grown in the U.S. is located in micro-plots of American lawns. • Lawns became fashionable in the 1600s. A lawn was a status symbol. Only the very rich could afford to grow a completely useless crop on their property. Lawns had to be cut by hand with sickles and scythes. But all that changed in the year 1830, when English engineer Edwin Budding invented the lawn mower, inspired by the revolving bladed reel he saw trimming fabric in cloth mills. Lawns began to crop up in public spaces and then on private land. The first lawn care book, “The Art of Beautifying Suburban Home Grounds” was published in 1870. Today, about 85 million households in the United States have lawns. Turn the page for more!
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. What was the name of the Wicked Witch of the West in the play “Wicked”? What percentage of a grass 6. Which American president’s plant is made up of water? image on the $50 bill? What percent of a grass plant’s 7. Name the late-1980s song that mass is located in the roots? contains this lyric: “Oceans How many hours will a typical apart day after day, And homeowner spend on yard I slowly go insane, I hear work per week? your voice on the line, But it How much money will a typidoesn’t stop the pain.” cal homeowner spend on lawn TRIVIA and garden products in a year? SPONSORED BY:
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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
LAWNS (continued):
• A lawn absorbs rainfall and prevents run-off. In fact, a lawn is six times more effective at retaining water than a wheat field. • Lawns are better at producing oxygen than trees, and their season is longer, too. A lawn 50 feet by 50 feet produces enough oxygen to meet the needs of a family of four. • Landscapes that include grass lawns, trees, and shrubs can reduce the air temperature surrounding a home by up to 14°F. • Lawns are healthier if clippings are left behind. Clippings shade the ground, slowing evaporation. They decompose, providing nutrients. Grass is healthier if allowed to grow taller, which gives it more surface for photosynthesis, and also crowds out weeds. • The drawback of lawns is that about 80 million pounds of pesticides and up to 70 million pounds of fertilizers are applied to lawns in the U.S. every year, far more per acre than crop land. • The smell of freshly mown grass or newly cut hay is actually the odor of a set of chemical compounds called green leaf volatiles which are given off by the plant when it is injured. Some of the chemical secretions rush to the injury to bind the wound and protect against fungal infections. Other chemicals act as airborne messengers, signaling predatory insects such as wasps who prey upon grass-munching caterpillars. And some chemicals merely taste bad, in order to discourage animals and insects from continuing to eat the plant. Plants downwind of the injured grass will also begin to produce these bad-tasting chemicals to protect themselves in advance of being eaten. This is the reason giraffes have learned to eat from a tree, and then continue to graze upon other trees that are upwind instead of downwind. ...continued
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4. Name two of the top three players that have had the most appearances in the 1. Seven NHL players have tallied at least 700 goals for NBA Finals. their career. Three others 5. In 2015, Drew Brees and finished with at least 690 Eli Manning set a record goals, but did not break the for the most combined 700 mark. Name them. touchdown passes in a 2. Who was the first lightgame. How many was it? heavyweight champion to 6. Toronto set an MLS remain undefeated during record in 2016 for most his time as champion? goals in the playoffs. How 3. What is the most points many did Toronto score in scored in a quarter by one six games? team in a Super Bowl?
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• A type of grass called zoysia grows sideways along the ground instead of up, so it needs less mowing. And it tolerates drought well, so it needs less watering. The plant is named after botanist Karl von Zois. A mixture of zoysia and fescue can stay green yearround in the southern U.S. The zoysia stays green in summer and fescue stays green in winter. • Bermuda grass is one of the most popular varieties of grasses for lawns in warm climates, but it is also one of the most allergenic. The flowers of the plant bloom almost continuously, but they grow so low to the ground that lawnmowers pass right over them. They produce pollen year-round in such prolific amounts that some cities have banned the plant. Bermuda grass is not native to Bermuda. Instead, it’s actually considered an invasive species in Bermuda. However, it arrived in the U.S. from Bermuda, and that’s how it got its name.
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• Aside from lawns, grasses in general are an amazing group of plants. There are over 12,000 different species of grass, making it one of the most abundant families of plants. The scientific name for the family of grasses is “Poaceae” from the Greek word “poa” meaning “fodder.” Grasses are the single most widespread plant family, and can be found in areas ranging from jungles to deserts to mountaintops and tidal flats. • Grasslands account for over 25% of the vegetative cover on Earth, ranging from the savannahs of Africa to the prairies of the Midwestern United States to the steppes of Mongolia. Areas that do not have grasslands include places such as Greenland and Antarctica. Yet, a plant called Antarctic hairgrass grows in Antarctica and is listed by Guinness World Records as the southernmost flowering plant on Earth. There are about 1,400 species of grasses in the United States. ...continued
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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• Grasses evolved to grow at the base of the plant instead of at the tip. This makes it easier to recover when it is grazed, mowed, trampled, or burned. • The first grasses ever cultivated by humans were probably wheat and barley. Agricultural grasses grown for their edible seeds are called cereals or grains. Three cereals – rice, wheat, and maize (corn) – provide more than half of all calories eaten by humans. Of all crops grown by humans, 70% are grasses.
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• Fossilized dinosaur dung from the Cretaceous period 66 million years ago shows remnants of plants very closely related to modern bamboo and rice. Bamboo is the tallest species of grass. • Timothy grass is a grass commonly cultivated, cut, and baled for the purpose of feeding livestock. It’s named after American agriculturist Timothy Hanson, who convinced farmers in the northern U.S. that it could grow just as well in colder regions as it does in the south. • Cogon grass sports blades of grass that are so sharp they act like little knives. The edge of each blade is embedded with silica crystals that act like the teeth of a saw. The edges are sharp enough to cut the mouths of animals trying to feed upon it. Even the roots have barbed edges, cutting the roots of competing plants up to four feet deep. • Pampas grass grows tall with feathery plumes often collected by people to serve as decorations. The word “pampas” is a South American term meaning “plain” and the plains of South America are the plant’s native habitat. Pampas is an invasive weed that is hard to kill. Each plant can produce over a million seeds during its lifetime. Pampas grass burns so hot that it contributes to spreading wildfire. Yet, the roots of pampas grass are likely to survive the fire, and live to spread another million seeds.
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• It was beloved poet William Wordsworth, best know for helping to launch the Romantic age in English literature, who made the following sage observation: "The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love." • The world's largest bird, the ostrich, may not be able to fly, but that doesn't mean its wings are useless. As the fastest bird on land, the ostrich uses its wings for balance while slowing down and making turns as it runs at speeds of up to 45 mph. • In 1994, a man named Robert Puelo started cursing and shouting at employees in a convenience store. When the employees (understandably) threatened to call the police, the man stole a hot dog and ran out. The police were called, and upon arrival, they discovered Puelo outside the store, unconscious and turning purple. Paramedics were called, but by the time they arrived, it was too late; the man had choked to death on his stolen sausage. • Some gourmets claim that the most delicious meat they've ever eaten is roast monkey. • Those who study such things say that when a man and a woman who have been romantically involved break up, the pair are more likely to remain friends if it's the woman who initiated the split. • You might be surprised to learn that light doesn't always travel at the speed of light. In fact, light has been recorded traveling as slow as 38 mph. • The word "widow" comes to modern English via the Old English word "widewe," which in turn comes from a Sanskrit term meaning "empty." *** Thought for the Day: "The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been." -- Madeleine L'Engle © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• Throughout history there are stories of entire villages becoming sick with what was called “dancing mania” referring to convulsions and collapse, or “St. Anthony’s fire” referring to peeling, blistered skin. Even livestock who ate ergot-contaminated grains fell victim, and typically would lose their hooves, tails, and ears before dying. • In order to propagate, an ergot spore must land on the open flower of a grass plant. This is why it commonly affects rye (which has an open floret) and rarely oats (with a closed floret.) The spore must have access to the flower’s stigma, where it mimics a growing seed in the plant’s ovary, hijacking the nutrition that the rye plant intended to use to nourish the seeds. • The ergot remains in the ovary of the grass plant, where it resembles a grass seed. Under the proper cool moist conditions, the ergot bursts into bloom, producing very tiny mushrooms, the size of a grain of rice. It then drops a small sticky sweet pod to the ground, and inside the pod are millions of spores. Insects attracted to the sweet coating help spread the spores to other plants, and the wind disperses the rest.
• Today, rye seeds are given a salt bath. The healthy seeds sink, while the ergot-infected imposters float to the top, where they can easily be scooped off. Ergot spores cannot survive if they are buried under more than an inch of soil, so deep plowing reduces the infection rate. The spores cannot survive more than a year, so farmers alternate crops with varieties that are not susceptible to infection. If wild pastures are mowed before the grasses flower, ergot contamination is reduced. • Ergot outbreaks are uncommon in developed countries due to these preventative measures. However, in less wealthy countries, ergotism still occurs. In 2001 an outbreak in Ethiopia was traced to contaminated barley following ideal conditions for an outbreak: moist weather, cool temperatures, and a delayed harvest. Barley flowers stay open longer when the weather is cool and wet, giving ergot a greater opportunity to infect the plant. • Ergot also has medicinal properties under the right conditions. Extracts from the plant can be used to relieve migraine headaches and reduce bleeding after childbirth. Ergot is the species from which LSD was first created.
• Ergot contains alkaloids that constrict blood vessels. This causes a host of problems, ranging from nausea and seizures to gangrene and death. It affects the brain as well, causing hallucinations and hysteria.
• Ergot is a toxic parasitic fungus that attaches to the seed heads of grasses such as rye, sorghum, and wheat. Bread made from seeds contaminated with ergot can affect any unlucky person or animal who eats it.
• A French doctor named Thuillier was the first to understand that the mysterious disease that killed so many of his patients was caused by the consumption of contaminated rye bread. After a great deal of sleuthing, he noted that ergotism was a disease suffered only by poor rural people and not by rich urban people. He realized that poor rural people ate rye bread which was cheap and readily available, while wealthier people in cities preferred the more expensive white bread made from wheat. His efforts to alert the populace fell on deaf ears. It was two centuries later before a researcher named Louis Tulasne, who was illustrating the life cycle of the rye plant, realized that ergot was a fungus separate from the plant, and that it has poisonous qualities.
Amazing Plants:
• On May 1, 1926, Ford Motor Company becomes one of the first companies in America to adopt a five-day, 40-hour week for its automotive factory workers. Other manufacturers soon followed Ford's lead, and the Monday-toFriday workweek became standard. • On May 7, 1945, Gen. Alfred Jodl of the German High Command signs the unconditional surrender of German forces. Jodl had hoped to limit the terms of German surrender, but Allied commander Gen. Dwight Eisenhower demanded complete surrender. • On May 3, 1952, a ski-modified U.S. Air Force C-47 becomes the first aircraft to land on the North Pole. Lt. Col. Joseph Fletcher walked to the exact geographic North Pole, probably the first person ever to do so. • On May 2, 1964, an explosion of a charge assumed to have been placed by Viet Cong terrorists sinks the USNS Card at its dock in Saigon. No one was injured and the ship was eventually raised and repaired. • On May 4, 1970, National Guardsmen open fire on a group of unarmed antiwar demonstrators at Kent State University in Ohio, killing four students and wounding nine. The nearest casualty was 20 yards away. A federal court later dropped all charges against eight Ohio National Guardsmen. • On May 5, 1776, British Lt. Gen. Henry Clinton issues a proclamation denouncing North Carolina patriots' "wicked rebellion" and recommends that the inhabitants return their allegiance to the king. Although he offered full pardons to all persons, it was not a success and he abandoned the area. • On May 6, 1994, a rail tunnel under the English Channel officially opens, connecting Britain and the European mainland for the first time since the Ice Age. The "Chunnel" runs below the seabed for 23 miles. Each day, about 30,000 people, 6,000 cars and 3,500 trucks journey through the Chunnel. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Five Years Dead Five years ago, Aaron Hernandez was one of the brightest prospective players in the NFL, a 22-year-old all-pro tight end out of the University of Florida who had just signed a lucrative five-year, $40 million contract with the perennial champion New England Patriots. During that span of time, if Aaron Hernandez had chosen to walk a different path, barring injuries, he would have made the playoffs all five of those years and would be wearing two Super Bowl rings. More than likely, he would be negotiating an extension. On April 19, he'd be joining his teammates at the White House, celebrating their latest Super Bowl victory. Instead, sometime during the early morning of April 19, Aaron Hernandez hanged himself inside his cell at the SouzaBaranowski Correctional Center in Lancaster, Massachusetts, where he was imprisoned for life for murder, five days after being acquitted in a separate double murder trial. Think about that for a moment. The man could have made millions ... won two Super Bowls as part of the best TE super tandem in NFL history with Rob Gronkowski, lived happily ever after with his pretty fiancee and beautiful daughter in their mansion with in-ground pool, but he thought this was the better path to take: July 16, 2012: Two men, Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado, are shot to death in their car as they wait at a red light in Boston's South End neighborhood. August 27, 2012: Hernandez signs a five-year, $40 million contract with the New England Patriots.
February 2013: An associate, Alexander Bradley, is shot in the face in Florida. Bradley files a lawsuit alleging that Hernandez shot him after they argued at a strip club. June 17, 2013: The body of Odin Lloyd, a semi-professional football player who was dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancee, is found about a mile from Hernandez's mansion in North Attleborough, Massachusetts. June 26, 2013: Hernandez is arrested on a murder charge in Lloyd's slaying and later pleads not guilty. The Patriots release him hours after his arrest. May 15, 2014: Hernandez is indicted on two counts of first-degree murder and other charges in connection with the shootings of de Abreu and Furtado. May 28, 2014: Hernandez pleads not guilty to charges in connection with the deaths of de Abreu and Furtado. Jan. 9, 2015: Hernandez goes on trial for murder in Lloyd's killing. April 15, 2015: Hernandez is convicted of first-degree murder; carries a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment. Feb. 14, 2017: Hernandez goes on trial for murder in the 2012 killings of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado. April 7, 2017: The jury begins deliberating. April 14, 2017: Hernandez is acquitted of murder in the 2012 killings of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado. April 19, 2017: Hangs himself at age 27. This is a bizarre world, and the world of sports is supposed to offer you an escape. I have no words to convey how truly sad I am that Aaron Hernandez turned out to be such a disappointment. May God have mercy on his soul and bless his daughter and family.
© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey.
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
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April 17, 2017
• “Add dryer sheets to storage totes along with clothes and shoes.” — M.W. in Iowa • “Try soaking an ink stain in rubbing alcohol for a few minutes before putting the garment in the wash.” — B.D. in Virginia • A.H. from Texas writes: “If you do a lot of bead work or have children who collect rocks, save your old pill bottles with the labels peeled off to put beads/rocks/findings into. The pill bottles are clear enough to see what’s inside, and it saves money on pricey, specifically designed containers.” • “When your container of cornstarch is empty, take a dry cloth and wipe it out. Now you can use these canisters for your children’s crayons. When there’s a group of children, everyone can have their own crayons. You also can use these canisters for erasers, pins, buttons, beads, etc.” — D. in Virginia • “I do dishes the old-fashioned way: in the dishpan in the sink. I put a second dishpan in the other sink and rinse the dishes over it to catch the water. I then use it to flush the toilet. I can flush at least three times a day with the rinse water. Washing your produce also takes a lot of water that you can catch in the dishpan and use for watering outdoor plants.” — C.S.R. in Florida • “Instead of using candles during a power failure, most hardware stores and home-improvement centers sell battery-powered lanterns for $16 to $20, and some last for days.” — J.P. in New Jersey Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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The most famous and the most expensive lawn in the world is the Centre Court at Wimbledon in England. It’s composed of perennial ryegrass, tended to year-round, and cut to a length of 8 mm (1/3 inch) tall prior to the two-week tournament. Here’s a bit of Wimbledon history: • The All England Croquet Club was founded in 1868. By 1875, the Club was suffering from a drop in membership and income because fewer and fewer people were playing croquet as more people began playing a new sport instead. The new sport was lawn tennis. • To increase revenue, the All England Croquet Club removed a croquet lawn and installed a tennis court instead. Then they changed their name to the All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club. • In 1877, the Club needed to purchase a new roller to care for the lawns. To raise money, they decided to hold a championship tennis tournament. Only 22 people entered that first tournament (men only) but more importantly, 200 people turned out and paid a shilling each to watch. That was more than enough to cover the cost of the lawn roller. • The Club decided to hold a tournament every year, and every year it grew bigger. Named after the section of London where it was held, Wimbledon quickly became the most important tennis championship in the world.
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• By 1884 women were allowed to compete, and men’s doubles were added that year as well. Men’s and women’s mixed doubles were added in 1913. Brame Hillyard became the first man to play while wearing shorts in 1930. May Sutten of the U.S. became the first non-Brit to win, claiming the title in 1905 and 1907. In 1907 an Australian man won the title. Since then, only two players from Great Britain have won. ...continued
WIMBLEDON (continued):
DIFFERENCES: 1. Bow is smaller. 2. Sign is missing. 3. Jacket is slimmer. 4. Scoop is missing. 5. Number is different. 6. Ice cream cone is moved. © 2017 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
• In 1922 Wimbledon moved to a new site and built a stadium big enough to seat 14,000 with standingDell. room for thousands more. In 1932 Answer: with improved stands, attendance topped A VERY LARGE NUMBER 200,000 over the course of the event, despite •the Edward Kasnereconomic was a mathematician. world-wide depression. In 1938 he was asked to come up with a name for a • The wasthe suspended during World verytournament large number: numeral one, followed War I, and during World War II the grounds by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young were usedwhat for name military A German nephews theypurposes. would suggest. bomb hit Centre Court in 1940, • Nine-year-old Milton suggested destroying a name 1,200 Play resumed in strip 1946character and the out ofseats. the funnies. A cartoon grounds were completely restoredMilton by 1949. named Barney was very popular. chose Barney’s last name for the number. • When air travel became feasible in the 1950s, •international Kasner announced the newsoared. name for the big participation However, numberWimbledon in his next book, altering thetospelling. because was open only amateur •players, Sixty years Larry and Sergey manylater, of the bestPage competitors wereBrin lost developed a new internet search engine. Other to professionalism. search engines searched each webpage and • Inranked 1967, them the BBC wantedtotohow celebrate entry according many its times a into colorterm television. They so by specific appeared ondid them, butsponsoring Page and a Brin tennis tournament for professional players, designed their search engine to search for the the specific term and find out watched how many and organizers of then Wimbledon as links ofthere that champions led back toappeared that page, many theirwere previous on which resulted in a better search engine. national TV, attracting much media attention •and They decided needed a name that winning hugethey purses. As a result, Wimblereflected how many websites the search don was opened to all players in 1968. engine was searching. They took the name • Wimbledon the onlyvery majorlarge tennis tournament of Edward isKasner’s number, only still played on grass. It is attended by more than they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being 500,000 people. spelled exactly the same way the cartoon character spelled his last name. What’s • Rules stateBarney that all players must be dressed it called? (Answer at bottom of page) almost entirely in white. Wimbledon champ COMPUTER Roger Federer was told toFACTS switch his shoes be•cause In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 they had orange soles. kb of memory ought to be enough for anybody.” • During the tournament, over 50,000 tennis balls •are Moore’s Law states performance used. Those not inthat usecomputer are stored in a refrigdoubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever white since erated container. Wimbledon once used 1971, this has been true. tennis balls which were replaced with yellow •balls HP, inGoogle, Apple were all 1986 toMicrosoft, make themand more visible to TV started in garages. cameras. Answer: Google, from googol.
1st Quarter 2015 Week 2 Jan 4 - Jan. 10 Page 8
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Quiz Answers
1. About 75%. 6. Ulysses S. 2. About 90%. Grant. 3. 3.8 hrs/wk. 7. “Right Here 4. About $360 Waiting” by per year. Richard Marx 5. Elphaba. in 1989.
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Sports Answers 1. Mark Messier (694), Steve Yzerman (692), Mario Lemieux (690). 2. Michael Spinks (1981-85). 3. Redskins scored 35 pts. in 2nd Qtr. vs. Broncos in SB. XXII.
4. Bill Russell (12), Sam Jones (11), Kareem AbdulJabbar (10) 5. Thirteen. 6. Seventeen.
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