Tidbits Grand Forks - May 11, 2017

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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May 11, 2017


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is not only a way of life, but also a means of survival for members of the animal kingdom. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at icky but functional items of interest in the world of animals. WARNING: This material is intended for kids age 12 or under, so you’re only allowed to read this issue if you’re a kid, or know a kid, or have ever been a kid.

• Sloths inhabit the treetops of Central and South America where they eat leaves. Leaves contain little nutrition so the sloth conserves energy by moving very slowly. It moves so little, in fact, that algae grows on its fur. This offers two advantages: first, it disguises the sloth so it’s harder for predators to spot. Second, it offers a handy snack, and sloths can often be seen eating the mossy stuff that grows on their fur. • The super-size frigate bird is an aerial acrobat capable of skimming the surface of the ocean and snatching fish out of the water. But it also has another talent: it can spot other birds that have recently eaten. It then attacks them in mid-flight. The bird under attack will often cough up its catch, and the frigate bird snatches the regurgitated fish before it hits the water. Turn the page for more!


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• Many species of mammals play host to moths that feed from their tears. Elephants, buffalo, horses, pigs, and deer each have a particular type of moth that lands on the creature’s eyes while they sleep, and slurps tears. Tears contain water, salt, and proteins, offering a nice package of nutrition. Most types of moth are able to steal a meal without the host ever noticing, but one species deliberately scratches the animal’s eyeball, in order to increase the flow of tears. • Frogs need to shed their skin as they grow just like snakes do. But a frog skin is full of protein and shouldn’t be wasted. While struggling to pull off the skin, a frog will get a piece of it in its mouth, and then start munching, swallowing the entire skin.

Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. What river borders Maryland and Washington, D.C.? 7. What was the name of the sea Why do snakes swallow their witch in “The Little Mermaid”? prey head first? 8. In what year did the nuclear T or F: There are over 300 species disaster at Chernobyl take of bugs that feed on the blood place? of humans, livestock & pets. 9. Which singer/songwriter comWhat kind of bird can store posed the song “Calendar Girl”? food in its stomach for weeks? 10. Who was the fourth President What type of bird heaps dung of the United States? at the entrance to its nest as a lure? TRIVIA What do dendrologists study? SPONSORED BY:


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Tidbits Laughs

My dog ate a bowl of alphabet soup yesterday. Today he had a big vowel movement.

• Caecilians are a type of amphibian found in tropical areas. One species called Bourlengerula taitanus has an unusual method of feeding offspring. The female lays her eggs and then curls around them, protecting them until they hatch. When they hatch, the babies begin to bite the mother, ripping off the outer layer of her skin and eating it. The mother grows this extra layer of skin for the express purpose of feeding her young. The process doesn’t seem to bother her or harm her. The practice is called dermatotrophy. • Some types of birds deliberately encourage one of their chicks to cannibalize its sibling. This behavior is particularly common among birds of prey. Two eggs will be laid in the nest; two chicks will hatch; but the parents will favor the strongest chick, who harasses the weaker chick until it dies. Then the surviving chick makes a meal of its weaker sibling. This offers the birds the best chance of raising at least one healthy offspring to adulthood. The second chick serves as little more than an insurance policy in case something happens to the first chick. ...continued

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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Boy: "Where are you going with all that manure?" Tidbits Laughs Farmer: "I'm going to put it on my strawberries." Boy: "Where I come from, we put cream and sugar on our strawberries."

• Many species of lizards are able to detach their tails when under attack. Because the tail continues to wiggle, it attracts the attention of the predator while the lizard escapes. But one species called the glass lizard goes even farther. When its tail detaches, it splinters into several pieces, like shattering glass. Each individual piece wriggles and writhes while the lizard itself freezes in place. • The fieldfare is a type of thrush that lives in Europe. They nest in colonies, finding safety in numbers. When one of the birds spots a threat, such as a magpie trying to steal eggs, it will sound an alarm, which spreads throughout the flock. Then they swarm the predator, dropping poop bombs over its head with amazing accuracy. The interloper is soon covered with fieldfare feces, convincing it to leave the area. • The Sonoran coral snake and the western hooknose snake share two things in common: first, they are too small to scare away larger predators. Second, they have each developed a method of scaring away predators by farting loudly. It’s not that the farts smell bad; it’s that they are so loud. The snakes use special muscles that compress a bubble of air, and then they release it suddenly. The resulting pop sounds like it came from a much larger and more imposing animal, and the predator is often scared away. • A bird called the rainbow pitta is native to Australia. It’s a strikingly beautiful bird with brightly colored plumage. It builds its football-shaped nest in the forest with a bird-size hole for an entrance. But the eggs are often eaten by snakes, which are able to smell the eggs from a distance. To protect against this, the pitta collects wallaby dung. Wallabies are marsupials related to the kangaroo. The pitta knows that with a pile of poop at the doorstep, snakes are unable to smell the eggs inside.

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5. How old was Nolan Ryan when he retired from Major League Baseball? 1. Which Major League pitcher holds the record for 6. Name the single-season leader in touchdown most consecutive shutouts passes for the N.Y. Jets. with six? 7. In 2016, Chase and Bill 2. Which Major League Elliott became the fourth pitcher holds the record for father-son duo to each most consecutive scoreless capture a Daytona 500 innings with 59? pole. Who were the others? 3. Which Major League player stole 40 or more bases in 8. Who was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame 14 consecutive seasons? 4. What was the real first name first—Larry Bird or Magic of MLB’s “Goose” Gossage? Johnson?



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• The fulmar looks like a big seagull. Its name means “foul gull” because of its habit of vomiting on predators. The vomit is yellow, oily, smelly, and dries quickly. Once it’s dried on the feathers of a predatory bird, it inhibits the bird’s ability to fly. The vomit can be projected with precision accuracy. A newly hatched fulmar just four days old can projectile vomit up to 18 inches, and mature birds can do four times that distance. Ospreys, eagles, and skuas trying to raid an unattended nest are showered with this goo and quickly learn to stay away. • The nacunda nighthawk lives on the plains of Brazil where there is little cover. The bird camouflages itself by imitating a pile of cow dung. When the nocturnal bird wants to spend the day resting, it crouches on the ground and the wings look like cow flop. But the birds have been doing this for thousands of years, and cows have only recently been introduced to Brazil. In fact, there is no large animal anywhere in the area that leaves a pile a dung behind that looks like a cow pie. How did the bird develop this method of camouflage? Long ago, giant sloths and great armadillos roamed this region before going extinct. The bird’s camouflage may be an imitation of what their dung looked like. • Most dogs mark their territory. Hyenas in the Kalahari Desert do the same thing, using two types of oil excreted from glands in their rear. One is a white paste that remains smelly for weeks. This is a chemical warning to other hyenas that the territory is spoken for. The other is a black oily bead that remains smelly for only a few hours. This is a sign post to other hyenas in their clan that the area has recently been patrolled. If the black bead still stinks, other hyenas know it’s been patrolled recently and there’s probably no food around. If the smell is fading, they know it’s worth having another look around.

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Let Them Not Be Forgotten For They Did Not Die in Vain

© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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by Samantha Weaver

• It was French novelist -- and, more significantly, journalist -- Emile Zola who made the following sage observation: "One forges one's style on the terrible anvil of daily deadlines." • You might be surprised to learn that, among readers from families with incomes of at least $100,000, The Reader's Digest reaches more people than The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Inc. and Business Week combined. • Have you ever heard of the Clarke-Asimov Treaty of Park Avenue? Unless you're a fan of science fiction, you probably haven't. Legend has it that two of science fiction's Big Three, Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke (poor Robert A. Heinlein missed out, it seems), were sharing a cab in New York City when they reached an agreement: Each author would publicly refer to the other as the world's greatest in his specialty. This meant that Asimov touted Clarke as the world's best science-fiction writer -- reserving second place for himself -- while Clarke acknowledged Asimov as the world's best science writer -- also putting himself in second place. Evidence of the agreement is found Clarke's 1972 novel "Report on Planet Three"; the dedication reads, "In accordance with the terms of the Clarke-Asimov treaty, the second-best science writer dedicates this book to the second-best science-fiction writer." • Those who study such things say that cannabis has been used to ease childbirth pains in a variety of cultures, ranging from the Middle East to Northern Africa to East Asia -- and the evidence dates as far back as 2000 B.C. • It was the seventh president of the United States, Andrew Jackson, who first allowed the public to enter the White House. He also made sure the presidential abode was well-provided with spittoons -- at least a dozen of them. *** Thought for the Day: "It's surprising how much memory is built around things unnoticed at the time." -- Barbara Kingsolver © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.



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Amazing Plants:


• In 1980 workers at a zoo in Germany noticed an inordinately impressive strain of tropical seaweed growing in their aquarium. Called Caulerpa taxifolia it was a common seaweed, but this strain had mutated after being exposed to chemicals, grown under ultraviolet lights, and being selectively bred. The resulting strain was particularly tough and lush. • Other zoos wanted to try it in their aquariums, and a sample was even shipped to Jacques Cousteau’s Oceanographic Museum in Monaco. In 1984, a worker cleaning the tanks dumped some waste into the open ocean.

• A few years later, a French biologist noted a large patch of this mutated seaweed growing vigorously near the museum. He was surprised to see a tropical seaweed growing in the cold waters off the coast of France. He warned his colleagues that the seaweed could become an invasive species. Over the course of the next few years, his fears were realized. Soon it had been found at 68 different places around the planet where it wouldn’t ordinarily grow. • The plant gets its name from a toxin called caulerpenin that kills fish. This prevents marine animals from nibbling on it, allowing it to grow quickly. It provides little in the way of useful habitat for marine creatures. It grows so thickly on the ocean floor that it chokes out other aquatic life. Because of this, it was given the nickname of “killer seaweed.” • It clogs waterways, and reproduces whenever one part of the plant breaks off and drifts away, establishing a whole new colony wherever it takes root. When it gets tangled up in the propellers of boats, caught in fishing nets, or sucked into the ballast tank of ocean liners, it can be carried long distances, and chopping up the plant into little bits just allows it to spread even more quickly.

• It can grow up to an inch per day, can survive temperatures between 57- 89 F and can grow at depths of up to 100 feet. • On the bright side, however, the plant is able to absorb and neutralize pollutants and toxins in the water. • The municipality of San Diego was once able to kill off a large patch of it by covering it with a giant tarp weighted down with sand bags and pumping chlorine into the 11,000 square-foot patch. This killed everything under the tarp, but it took care of the problem. • This seaweed has often been sold in pet stores to stock fish tanks with a hardy plant that can easily thrive in home aquariums. There is now a federal law under the Noxious Weed Act forbidding interstate sale and transport of the strain. • Researchers at the University of Nice in France have been studying a tiny aquatic slug which is a natural predator of the plant. This sea slug is native to the warm waters off the coast of Florida. It feeds exclusively on the seaweed by sucking out the liquid inside the stem. This particular type of slug is able to absorb and neutralize the seaweed’s poison, and the poison protects the slug from being eaten by other sea creatures. However, this slug cannot survive in the cooler waters of the Mediterranean and, therefore, is unable to control the invasive algae there. • Interestingly, Caulerpa taxifolia is world’s largest single-celled organism, with a single cell measuring between six and twelve inches. It’s now on the list of the world’s 100 most invasive species.






• On May 20, 1862, the Union Congress passes the Homestead Act, allowing an adult, male or female, to claim 160 acres of land from the public domain. Homesteaders had to cultivate and improve the land by building a barn or house and live on the claim for five years, at which time it became theirs with a $10 filing fee. • On May 21, 1927, Charles Lindbergh lands at Le Bourget Field in Paris, 33 hours after leaving New York, successfully completing the first solo, nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. • On May 15, 1942, gasoline rationing begins in 17 states to aid the U.S. war effort. Rationing soon took effect in all 50 states, and coupons became a hot commodity on the black market. • On May 17, 1954, in a major civil-rights victory, the U.S. Supreme Court hands down a unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, ruling that racial segregation in public educational facilities is unconstitutional. • On May 16, 1960, following the downing of an American U-2 spy plane by the Soviet Union, Russian leader Khrushchev lashes out at the U.S. during a Paris summit meeting with President Dwight Eisenhower. The outburst angered Eisenhower and doomed any chances for successful talks. • On May 18, 1989, in Beijing, 1 million protesters take to the streets calling for a more democratic political system. On June 3, Chinese armed forces stormed Tiananmen Square, killing thousands and arresting over 10,000 protestors in what became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre. • On May 19, 1997, a 3-year-old boy dies of avian influenza in Hong Kong. By the time the outbreak was controlled, six people were dead and 1.6 million domestic fowl were destroyed. The virus later mutated, becoming extraordinarily lethal, and killed 62 people in Asia before spreading to Europe. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

The Greatest Moments in Baseball History Seventy years ago, Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier. This week, we remember that juncture and some of the other greatest moments in baseball history -- moments that transcend the game and teach us more about life in general than we thought possible at the time. Earning It Going into the 1941 seasonending doubleheader, Ted Williams was statistically hitting .400, and his manager offered to sit him out so he could accomplish the feat. Williams, a hero flying ace in World War II, refused to back into the accomplishment -- either he was a .400 hitter or he wasn't. He went 4-5 and 2-3 in the series, and finished the season at .406. Under Pressure When Roger Maris came to the N.Y. Yankees via Kansas City in 1960, he was derided as a surly hick and an outsider by the hostile New York press. When Maris and Mickey Mantle began to make a run at Ruth's record 60 home runs that summer, the press focused on him with the intensity of a magnifying glass concentrating light from a thousand burning suns. Losing both his hair and his mind, Maris finally broke Ruth's record in the last game of the season.

Justice in the Face of Prejudice Despite death threats and the thick air of the South's remaining prejudice heavy in the night in 1974 at Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium, "Hammerin'" Hank Aaron persevered and surpassed Babe Ruth's home run record with his 715th career homer. Today, Barry Bonds, another black ballplayer, wears the home-run crown with 762 after surpassing Aaron's mark of 755. But after the example Aaron set, it just doesn't seem the same. The Luckiest Man Alive On May 2, 1939, Lou Gehrig voluntarily removed himself from a game after playing in a record 2,130 games in a row. Within two months' time, Gehrig learned he was dying of a debilitating muscle disease that now bears his name. On July 4 of that same year, Gehrig said goodbye to baseball and his fans by acknowledging the incredible fortune he had in just being able to play baseball for a living. Recordings of the event show a weakened Gehrig uttering his famous lines of gratitude with the echoing sound of feedback, which served to underscore Tearing Down the Wall his every word: "Today ... I Branch Ricky and Jackie Robin- consider myself ... the luckison broke baseball's color barrier in est man ... on the face of the 1947, and baseball's commissioner Earth." Ford Frick spelled it out for anyone (including the St. Louis Cardinals, Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswho threatened to strike) who didn't writer who lives in New Jersey. get it: "This is the United States of © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc. America, and one citizen has as much right to play as another."

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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(Answers located after next page)

May 1, 2017

• “Use a large hair clip to hold your dish towel on the oven door handle.” — M.W. in Iowa • “An easy way to save money is when you write a check [or make a debit or check-card purchase], round it up to the nearest dollar in your checkbook register [or spreadsheet]. We saved over $300 in no time using this method. It works great for unexpected expenses like fixing a car or paying the copayment when you have to go to the emergency room.” — S.W. in Arkansas • “Erase permanent markers from countertops: Rubbing alcohol will dissolve the marker back to a liquid state so you can wipe it off.” — B.D. in Virginia • If you have a Swiffer sweeper or one like it, here’s an idea for a reusable sweeping pad, from T.C. in Georgia: “Get a pair of those fuzzy socks at the dollar store, and just stretch one over the pad of your duster [Swiffer-style sweeper]. You can pop it right in the laundry when you’re done. It doesn’t pick up everything, but it makes a really good dust mop!” • “Use a stick-on hook to keep bibs where you need them: right on the back of the high chair! You can add a second hook for a small washcloth, too. I snipped a little hole in a few and they hang more securely on mine. I used to have to get up for extras while we were feeding, but now I have backups on the chair at all times!” — M.I. in Washington • Got a lint roller? They are genius for quickly ridding a screen (window or door) of cobwebs. Simply roll over the screen and watch the dirt and cobwebs disappear! Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

Grand Forks’ Only LOCAL WEEKLY Publication! Wick Publications P.O. Box 12861 Grand Forks, ND 58208

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(Solution on Next Page)

• Marvin Stone manufactured paper cigarette holders in 1888. His factory was located in Washington, DC. After a long day at work he would often walk down to the local bar and have a cool refreshing mint julep, his favorite drink. • Making a mint julep was a skill, and it was essential to keep the drink as cold as it could be. A warm mint julep loses all its appeal. In order to keep their body heat from warming the drink, people would sip the drink through a grass straw so their hand wouldn't touch the glass. The straws were cut from common rye grass, but it tended to make the drink taste like rye grass as well. Also, the grass straws tended to crack and split, dropping pieces into the drink. They would get soggy and soft after being wet for very long. • Marvin Stone, working with paper all day as he did, got the idea for making drinking straws from paper. He made the first batch of straws by winding a thin strip of paper around a pencil and gluing it. He gave some to the bartender, and patrons liked them a lot. • Next he designed a longer straw with a diameter just small enough to prevent a lemon seed from passing through, and people started sucking lemonade through them. Then he experimented with paraffin-coated manila paper so the straws did not become soggy and so the glue would not dissolve in alcoholic drinks. • He patented the product and by 1890 most of the employees at his factory were making straws instead of cigarette holders. Demand increased so fast that Stone had to expand his factory a number of times. • He went on to invent a pencil sharpener and fountain pen holder, but nothing sold like his drinking straw. Marvin Stone died in 1898. ...continued

STRAWS (continued):

DIFFERENCES: 1. Fence board is missing. 2. Stripe is missing. 3. Sleeve is shorter. 4. Cloud is smaller. 5. Cap is missing. 6. Arm is moved.

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• In 1906 at Marvin Stone’s factory, the first machine was invented to make straws, and the same machine was later adapted to make all Answer: Dell. kinds of paper tubes such as those in the center VERY LARGE NUMBER of paper Atowel rolls. EdwardB.Kasner was amade mathematician. In 1938 • •Joseph Friedman the next big imhe was asked to come up with a name for a provement in straws heone, noticed his very large number: the when numeral followed young daughter having trouble drinking out of by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young anephews straight what strawname at a soda fountain in Califorthey would suggest. nia. He put a screw into the straw and • Nine-year-old Milton suggested awound namea thread the grooves of thestrip screw. When out ofaround the funnies. A cartoon character he removed the screw, the straw was corrugatnamed Barney was very popular. Milton chose ed and easily an the angle, making it easier Barney’s lastbent nameatfor number. for his young daughter to reach. • Kasner announced the new nameHe forpatented the big this jointed straw in 1937. number in his next book, altering the spelling. • He tried to interest several straw • Sixty years later, Larry Page and manufacturSergey Brin ers in the new design, without he developed a new internet searchsuccess. engine. So Other search engines searched webpage and collected investments fromeach friends and family, rankeduntil themWorld according to was how over, manyand times waited War II thena specific term appeared on them, but Page and set up his own straw factory. He was in busiBrin designed their search engine to search for ness by the late 1940s. the specific term and then find out how many • His biggest hospitals because links there customers were that were led back to that page, the jointed straw made it easier for bed-bound which resulted in a better search engine. to have athey drink.needed The bendy straw that has •patients They decided a name been popular ever since. reflected how many websites the search engine was searching. • The oldest drinking strawThey ever took foundthe wasname disof Edward Kasner’s very large number, only covered in a Sumerian tomb dating back to they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being 3000 B.C.E. It’s made of gold and decorated spelled exactly thestones. same way the cartoon with semi-precious character Barney spelled his last name. What’s • Americans use and at throw away it called? (Answer bottom of about page) 500 million straws per day. COMPUTER FACTS • Plastic straws will remain in thekbenvironment • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 of memory for around years.for They cannot be recycled. ought to be200 enough anybody.” During annual beach clean-up days, straws are • Moore’s Law states that computer performance one of theevery most18 common items found. doubles to 24 months, and ever since 1971, this has been true. THANKS FOR READING TIDBITS! • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol.




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