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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN June 1, 2017
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications
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June is National Zoo and Aquarium Month, and this week, Tidbits is focusing on the history of these attractions from around the world. • There are more than 1,000 major public zoos in the world, with 80% of those in cities. Over 180 million people visit zoos in the United States alone every year. • The word “zoo” is short for “zoological garden,” derived from the Greek word zoon, meaning animal, and logos, which translates study. The abbreviation “zoo” was first used in 1828, referring to the London Zoological Gardens, which opened for scientific study that year. The London zoo was intended to be used strictly for the study of animals, and it remained as such until 1847, when it was opened to the public. It was also the site of the world’s first public aquarium, debuting in 1853. • Even the ancient peoples kept collections of animals, although they were called menageries then. Excavations have revealed an Egyptian menagerie dating to 3500 BC that included elephants, baboons, wildcats, hippotami, and hartebeests. Alexander the Great accumulated animals from his military conquests and shipped them back to Greece. The Tower of London was home to a zoological garden established by King John I in 1204. Turn the page for more!
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Quiz Bits
4. Which zoo features the Arctic Ring of Life, a habitat for polar bears? 1. What was the first zoo outside 5. What year did “The Bourne of Australia to house koalas? Identity” debut in theaters? 2. What musical group photo6. Name the song that contains graphed the cover of their 1966 this lyric: “See the stone set in album “Pets Sounds” at the your eyes, see the thorn twist San Diego Zoo? in your side...” 3. What cartoon character was 7. Who was Gerald Ford’s runthreatened with being sent to ning mate in 1976? the San Diego Zoo if he caused TRIVIA too much trouble? SPONSORED BY:
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ZOOS (continued):
• The oldest continuously-operating zoo in the world can be found in Vienna, Austria, the Tiergarten Schonbrunn, located on the grounds of the Schonbrunn Palace. It began as an imperial menagerie in 1752 by order of the Holy Roman Emperor Francis I. At first the menagerie was limited to the imperial family and its court, but after 13 years, it was opened to the public. Emperor Joseph II organized safaris to Africa and expeditions to the Americas to obtain animals for the zoo, including its first giraffe in 1828. In 1906, it became the site of the birth of the first elephant in captivity. Today, it is home to upwards of 700 animal species, including several endangered ones. • America’s oldest zoo is in Philadelphia. Although chartered by the state and founded in 1859, it didn’t officially open until 1874, delayed because of the Civil War. In the meantime, in 1860, a small 6.5-acre zoo opened in New York City’s Central Park, the nation’s first zoo open to the public. Central Park’s menagerie started out with 72 white swans and a black bear cub. The collection grew as citizens and circuses donated animals to the city. A new zoo was built in 1934, with a total of nine buildings, taking nine months to complete. By the early 1980s, the zoo had fallen in disrepair, and was torn down and rebuilt to resemble the 1934 facility, a four-year project. Two of those original 1934 buildings remain there today. • America’s second oldest zoo is located in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is home to the oldest zoo building in the country, built in 1875. The Cincinnati Zoological Society was founded in 1873, and the zoo opened on 65 acres in 1875 with 8 monkeys, 2 grizzly bears, 3 deer, 6 raccoons, 2 elk, a buffalo, a hyena, a tiger, alligator, a circus elephant, and 400 birds. ...continued
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ZOOS (continued):
• The large amount of birds at the Cincinnati Zoo was due to a severe outbreak of caterpillars in the city, leading the city to import 1,000 insect-eating birds from Europe. This zoo was the birthplace of the first sea lion born in captivity. It was also home to the last living Carolina parakeet, which died there in 1918. • The world-famous San Diego Zoo got its start at the 1915 Panama-California Exposition, a World’s Fair that celebrated the opening of the Panama Canal. When the Exposition closed, the exotic animal exhibitions were abandoned and the creatures were claimed for a new zoo at Balboa Park. Additional animals were purchased from a bankrupt amusement park near the Pacific Ocean known as Wonderland. The amusement park, the first of its kind in the area, featured the largest roller coaster on the West Coast, a carousel, water slide, skating rink, and bowling alley. It was also home to a menagerie of lions, bears, leopards, wolves, mountain lions, a hyena, and more than 50 varieties of monkeys. Today, the San Diego Zoo covers 100 acres, with 4,000 animals from more than 800 species. In the 1960s, all children under 16 were admitted free. The current price for a child’s ticket up to age 11 is $48. • The Queens Zoo in New York City was built on the site of the 1964 World’s Fair. When it opened in 1968 as Flushing Meadow Zoo, it was the first cageless zoo. It was renamed the Queens Zoo after a $16 million renovation in 1992. • Staten Island’s zoo opened in 1936 and was the first zoo to exhibit all 32 varieties of rattlesnakes known in the U.S. at the time. By the late 1960s, theirs was the most complete rattler collection with 39 varieties.
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ZOOS (continued):
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• The Bronx Zoo, sitting on 265 acres in the heart of New York City, is the biggest metropolitan zoo in the U.S. More than 4,000 animals from 650 species call this zoo home. When the facility opened in 1899, its 250 acres held 22 exhibits with 843 animals. This zoo was instrumental in saving the American Bison by securing protection for the animal in 1905, when there were less than 1,000 bison left in the wild. The Zoo shipped out 15 of their bison to preserves in Oklahoma, Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska, where herds grew, ensuring the continuation of the species. • Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo is home to the largest indoor rainforest in the world, an 80-ft. tall building covering 1.5 acres. Voted as America’s top zoo several times, it also has North America’s largest cat complex, the world’s largest indoor swamp, and the world’s largest indoor desert. It’s the site of the birth of the world’s first test-tube tiger, born in 1990. When the zoo opened in 1898, it had deer, grizzly bears, and two bison loaned by Buffalo Bill Cody, along with 120 various other animals. A 1963 donation of $750,000 from the Doorly family provided for a substantial improvement to the zoo. • Beijing, China’s Zoo, founded in 1906, houses 14,500 animals from more than 950 species of land and marine animals. It’s no surprise that the most popular attraction is the Giant Pandas. The first birth of a giant panda in captivity took place at this zoo in 1963, as well as the first successful artificial insemination in the world of the panda in 1978.
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. How many times has Villanova’s men’s basketball team reached the Final Four, and how many times have the Wildcats won the title? 2. T or F: The 2016 Ryder Cup was the first time that the U.S. men’s golf team won the event by at least six points. 3. What MLB team plays home games at AT&T Park?
4. T or F: Magic Johnson was the first NBA player to record more than 1,000 assists in a season. 5. How many skippers of the New York Mets have managed the team more than five years? 6. In 2017, Florida’s Jaromir Jagr set an NHL record for most points tallied after turning 40 years old. Who had held the mark? 7. What NHL team plays home games at SAP Center?
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Keep the Skeeters Down in Your Neighborhood The Grand Forks Health Department maintains a comprehensive larvicide program. Crews have identified and mapped more than 1,000 sites around our community. These sites are inspected and treated with public health pesticides on a regular schedule. But we still need help from homeowners to identify and eliminate breeding sites on private property. We do not have the resources to inspect all private property in the city. You can help by inspecting your property and getting rid of any standing water. If you have a large site that cannot be drained or a swimming pool that is not being used or may not be used until later this summer, contact the Health Dept. at 701-787-8110 and we’ll inspect and treat the water with a product designed to prevent mosquitoes from hatching. This service is free for citizens with property located within the City of Grand Forks.
Common Mosquito Breeding Habitat: • Drainage Ditches • Rain water collecting barrels • Cans, bottles, plastic jugs, jars • Old Tires • Any open container that has wa• Swimming Pools not being used ter – i.e. recycle bins, garbage • Wading pools cans and lids, wheel barrow, • Boats or a saggy tarp on a boat flower pots, even something as • Leaky garden hose or outside faucet small as a pop bottle cap. • Plugged rain gutters • Any standing water is a potential breeding site for mosquitoes. • Thank you for helping us reduce mosquitoes in our community!
For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
by Samantha Weaver
• It was beloved American author of Western stories Louis L'Amour who made the following sage observation: "A wise man fights to win, but he is twice a fool who has no plan for possible defeat." • You might be aware of the fact that penguins mate for life, but did you know that before they mate, there's a proposal? It's true -- a penguin will spend a significant amount of time searching for the perfect pebble to offer to its prospective mate. • Swedish chemist, inventor and businessman Alfred Nobel is best known for inventing dynamite -- and for using his fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes after he was condemned as a "merchant of death" for profiting from the sale of arms. You might be surprised to learn, though, that he also had a literary bent, writing poetry, novels and plays. • If you're like the average American, you spend about 17 minutes a day exercising -- and 10 hours a day looking at a screen. • On Christmas Day in 1075, while he was in the middle of celebrating mass at the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Pope Gregory VII was kidnapped by a Roman nobleman. • Those who study such things say that the light produced by a single bolt of lightning is equivalent to that produced by 100 million flashbulbs. And the fact that flashbulbs are being used as a comparison may indicate some unrelated data about the age of the researchers. *** Thought for the Day: "The tragedy in the lives of most of us is that we go through life walking down a high-walled lane with people of our own kind, the same economic situation, the same national background and education and religious outlook. And beyond those walls, all humanity lies, unknown and unseen, and untouched by our restricted and impoverished lives." -- Florence Luscomb © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Unusual Plants:
• Horseradish is an ancient plant, and it has been found mentioned in ancient writings. A mural uncovered in Pompeii revealed the image of the plant. During the Middle Ages, the roots and leaves were used as medicine. The Europeans brought it to North America during colonial times, and it was a favorite in the gardens of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who both mentioned it in the gardening journals.
June 2 – 4 have been designated Horseradish Days by the fine folks of Collinsville, Illinois, who have proclaimed this community of 25,000 the Horseradish Capital of the World. Check your knowledge of this flavorful plant! • The potash-rich soil near Collinsville makes it prime growing land for horseradish, and the area • Horseradish is rubefacient, meaning it stimulates blood has one of the world’s largest concentrations of the flow both below and on the surface of the skin. It’s been plant, producing 80% of the world’s supply. This used for centuries in poultices and liniments that, when year marks the 30th anniversary of their Internamassaged into the skin, relieve muscular aches, painful tional Horseradish Festival, which draws 30,000 joints, sciatic nerve pain, rheumatism, and gout. As a spectators. The Horseradish Festival isn’t Collinschest poultice, it relieves congestion and bronchitis. A ville’s only claim to fame. The town is also home of half-teaspoonful of sauce made of grated horseradish the world’s largest catsup bottle, a 170-foot-tall waroot taken twice a day can effectively relieve sinus dister tower shaped like a bottle, a roadside landmark comfort. listed on the National Register of Historic Places. • Nearly every part of the plant appears to have theraEvery July, the community hosts the World’s Largpeutic value. Tea brewed from the root is useful as an est Catsup Bottle Festival. expectorant, and tea made from its flowers appear to • The horseradish plant belongs to the same family fight the common cold. The raw leaves pressed against as mustard, wasabi, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels the forehead have been known to help relieve headsprouts, and cabbage. The plant’s whitish root is ache pain. It’s been shown useful in the treatment of the source of its spicy flavor, which, until its cut or urinary tract infections, kidney stores, and gallbladgrated, has hardly any aroma at all. Once it’s gratder disorders. Chemicals found in horseradish seem to ed, the root releases the oil that gives it its distincdeliver antibiotic effects to the bladder and help keep tive aroma. The pungent oil can irritate the mucous toxins from accumulating there. membranes of the sinuses and eyes. It’s mixed with • Recent studies have shown that cancer-fighting comvinegar for two reasons – vinegar stabilizes the oil’s pounds known as glucosinolates are found in significant heat, and also preserves the flavor, because the oil amounts in the horseradish plant. These compounds inbegins to become bitter once exposed to the air. crease the liver’s ability to detoxify carcinogens, and • The plant reaches a height of nearly 5 feet. may not only increase resistance to cancer, but actually slow the growth of existing cancerous tumors. Although the horseradish plant’s relatives, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and other vegetables also contain glucosinolates, the amount in horseradish is nearly 10 times the amount found in broccoli.
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• On June 8, 632, in Saudi Arabia, Muhammad, founder of Islam, dies. In 610, in a cave north of Mecca, he had a vision in which he heard God command him to become the Arab prophet of the "true religion." Muhammad began having religious revelations, which he collected as the Quran. • On June 9, 1856, nearly 500 Mormons leave Iowa City and head west for Salt Lake City, carrying all their goods and supplies in twowheeled handcarts with wooden axles. Over the next four years, some 3,000 Mormon converts made the overland journey with similar handcarts. • On June 7, 1913, Hudson Stuck, an Alaskan missionary, leads the first successful ascent of Mt. McKinley's south peak, the highest point on the North American continent, at 20,320 feet, overcoming difficult weather and a fire that destroyed food and supplies. • On June 10, 1928, Maurice Sendak, author and illustrator of "Where the Wild Things Are," is born in New York. The book was pioneering in its realistic depiction of childhood anxieties and rebellious behavior. • On June 6, 1933, in New Jersey, Richard Hollingshead opens the first drive-in movie theater. Hollingshead had experimented in the driveway of his home in Camden, mounting a 1928 Kodak projector on the hood of his car, pinning a screen to some trees, and placing a radio behind the screen for sound. • On June 11, 1955, a Mercedes-Benz race car in Le Mans, France, goes out of control at 150 mph and crashes into stands filled with spectators, killing 82 people. Several nations banned racing after the tragedy. • On June 5, 1968, Senator Robert Kennedy is shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles after winning the California presidential primary. Kennedy was shot several times by the 22-year-old Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan. He died a day later. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
A Big Dog On and Off the Field I was once told that the day you stop trying to leave a legacy is the day your legacy begins. It has to do with humility and letting your actions speak louder than words. It's unlikely that there ever will be a Mt. Rushmore for defensive tackles. Nor is there a good chance that people someday will think about the guy who forced six fumbles over the course of a decade-long football career. They will, however, remember a guy named Cortez Kennedy when they think about what a football player is supposed to be on and off the field. "Tez" was the kind of player you couldn't ignore. A Hall of Famer who spent all 11 years of his career with the Seattle Seahawks during their raucous Ô90s ... a graduate of "The U." A guy universally revered by those who played with him and those who coached him. It was sad to learn of his death at age 48. At the time of this writing, there was no official cause. The morning of his death, it was kind of striking and weird to actually read official Twitter accounts that didn't make you cringe in embarrassment for a change. Said the Seahawks: "Tez was an NFL Defensive Player of the Year, Pro Football Hall of Famer and Seahawks ambassador, but more than his on-field accomplishments, he was a loyal son, father, teammate and friend to many, possessing a larger-thanlife personality and an infectious laugh. ... We are proud to have been represented by such a special person."
Said New Orleans Saints general manager Manny Loomis: "Many who will read about him in the coming days will read of his success on the field as a great Seattle Seahawk and Miami Hurricane; however, the full story lies in his loving, fun, positive and giving heart. In my many years working in the NFL, no one better exemplified what it meant to be a great player on the field, and yet that paled in comparison to what Cortez meant to the people who knew him off the field. People of all races, religions and nationalities counted him as a friend -- athletes and nonathletes alike. We should all aspire to have as big a heart as his!" Perhaps the greatest thing I ever read about the guy -and we'll surely hear more about his charitable efforts in coming days -- came from his first NFL coach, Chuck Knox. He was the guy that gave him number 96 and told him to play defensive tackle ... if that was OK with him. Kennedy's response: "Put me wherever you want and let the big dog hunt." Now that is a legacy. Rest in peace, Cortez. You were a killer tackle. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Published Every Thursday!
©2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.
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(Answers located after next page)
May 22, 2017
• “In a pinch, an old-fashioned all-metal vegetable peeler can double as a Phillips head screwdriver, possibly to tighten the handles on your kitchen cabinets (not that I ever do that).” — E.L. in Connecticut • Don’t skimp on lip protection while out and about in the sun. Heat dries out your lips, and not many of us will apply sunscreen directly to the kisser. Look for a lip balm with an included SPF, and apply generously. • Sunburn? Here are a few home remedies to try: Fill a spray bottle with equal parts apple cider vinegar and water. Chill and spray often. Yogurt can be slathered on and is especially soothing on clothing lines, like on the shoulders or the buttocks. Just be careful where you sit! Let soothe and rinse off with room temperature or cool water. Raw honey has antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties, but must be covered with gauze or a thin cloth. • “Save recyclable containers for kids to use in the sandbox. Mine love to play restaurant, and yogurt containers, frozen dinner plates and single-serving condiment cups make for fun when they are cleaned out.” — V.A. in Florida • P.C., a snowbird from Maryland to Florida, writes in with his secret weapon for cooking corn on the cob: the microwave! “Trim each ear of corn on both ends, leave the husk on the cob and microwave it the amount of time you like (try 3-5 minutes). When it’s done, the husk and silk will come off with no problem.” Be sure you let the ears cool a bit first! Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
The America’s Cup is scheduled to begin this year on May 26. Follow along and learn the particulars about this renowned yacht race. • The name of America’s Cup is actually the name of the trophy awarded to the winner of the match between two sailing yachts. It is the oldest trophy and contest in international sports, beginning 45 years before the first modern Olympic Games. It is held every three to five years. • The race is held between two yachts, the defender (who represents the current title holder), and the challenger, the club opposing the defender. • The New York Yacht Club had only been in existence six years when six of the charter members hired a boat designer to build a 101-ft. schooner with the idea of making money competing in yacht regattas. The yacht was christened America, and in 1851, the men set out to race against Britain’s Royal Yacht Squadron in that Club’s annual 53-nautical-mile regatta around the Isle of Wight, England’s largest island, located 4 miles off the coast, in the English Channel. Fifteen yachts competed in that race, and the America finished a full 8 minutes ahead of the closest rival. Queen Victoria was waiting at the finish line.
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(Solution on Next Page)
• After the United States’ first win, the trophy remained with the New York Yacht Club for 132 years, the longest winning streak in the history of sports. From 1870 to 1983, the NYYC successfully defended its title 24 times. In 1983, Australia’s Royal Perth Yacht Club with their vessel Australia II, captured the title, the first successful challenger since the race’s inception. ...continued
AMERICA'S CUP (cont'd):
• Only four nations have won the coveted title, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Switzerland. Answer: Dell.
DIFFERENCES: 1. Tail is shorter. 2. Number is different. 3. Leash is missing. 4. Cone has less ice cream. 5. Neckline is different. 6. Trash can is missing.
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• The CupAitself is LARGE a very ornate sterling silver VERY NUMBER ewer crafted in 1848 by the London-based • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 Robert & come Co., the he wasGarrard asked to up royal with jeweler a name since for a 1735. It wasnumber: originally theone, “100-Pound very large the called numeral followed Cup,” referringzeros. to itsHevalue by a hundred askedof his100 two British young pounds. wasname mistakenly engraved nephewsItwhat they would suggest. “100 Cup.” The Cup is never touched by •Guinea Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name bare by agents wearing cotout hands, of the only funnies. A cartoon stripwhite character ton gloves. It’swas inscribed with the names of named Barney very popular. Milton chose Barney’s last name for the number. the winning yachts, along with race course time,the and location yacht •length, Kasnerwinning announced new name of forthethe big number in his next which book, altering the stood spelling. club. The trophy, originally 27 inches tall, has had two bases added to it over • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin the years toa make room for more namesOther and developed new internet search engine. search each It webpage and now hasengines a heightsearched of 44 inches. weighs just ranked them according to how many times over 32 lbs. The sailing community refers toa term appeared itspecific as the “Auld Mug.” on them, but Page and Brin designed their search engine to search for • Inthe1997, at the race New an specific term andheld theninfind outZealand, how many activist damaged the trophy with a sledgehamlinks there were that led back to that page, mer. After repair Garrard’s, the original which resulted in aby better search engine. maker, the Cup now travels with two security • They decided they needed a name that agents. the Cup remains the reflectedAlthough how many websites thewith search winning team,searching. it is always kept in an engine was They took the undisname of Edward Kasner’s veryonlarge number, only closed location when not public display. they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being • This year’s race will the way 35th, the and cartoon will be spelled exactly the be same held in Bermuda, with his an last Australian team character Barney spelled name. What’s challenging the defending USA team. The it called? (Answer at bottom of page) entry fee isCOMPUTER $2 million, plus an additional $1 FACTS million “performance bond.” There is no prize • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory money awarded to the winner. ought to be enough for anybody.” • •Need tickets? grandstand seat can be had for Moore’s Law A states that computer performance about $100 per18 day, $200 for a 3-hr. seatsince on a doubles every to 24 months, and ever boat situated near the race course, or $200 for 1971, this has been true. seat Google, on the terrace at a tavern with awere view all of •aHP, Microsoft, and Apple the course. started in garages. Answer: Google, fromREADING googol. THANKS FOR TIDBITS!
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