Tidbits Grand Forks - June 22, 2017

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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN June 22, 2017

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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by Janet Spencer

Come along with Tidbits as we consider what the nose knows!


• Behind the bridge of the nose and below the brain, two small pieces of tissue dangle in the nasal passage. They're packed with ten million receptor cells and covered with mucus. Nerve fibers connect them to the two olfactory bulbs below the brain. Airborne chemicals are carried up the nose, mixed with warm humid air, trapped by mucus, and sampled by these sensors. The signals are sent to the brain which identifies the odor. Nerves in the nose are the only nerves in the human body that regenerate. This may be due to the fact that they're the only nerves that are out in the open, protected only by mucus. • The average person can name more than 2,000 odors. Trained experts can recognize over 10,000. The power of the nose peaks in middle age and then fades. About half of people over 80 cannot smell, which may account for the high number of accidental gas poisonings each year among the elderly. People with Alzheimer's disease are likely to have smelling deficits. One out of every 15 victims of head injury wakes up in a permanently odorless world. Accidents are the leading cause of the inability to smell, an affliction suffered by 2 million Americans.


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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Lack of what mineral in the diet can cause a loss of the ability to smell? Do women or men generally 6. Where is the Petrified Forest have a sharper sense of smell? National Park located? How many times has Robert 7. How many tablespoons are in Redford’s nose been broken? a cup? Which company is the world’s 8. Which girl group released “My biggest buyer of fragrances? Boyfriend’s Back” in 1963? Rhinoplasty (nose job) is the 9. What major airport’s 3-letter second most common plastic designation is ORD? surgery. What’s in the top TRIVIA spot? SPONSORED BY:


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• When you inhale air that is 10°F, it will be warmed to 91°F inside your nasal passages before it ever reaches your throat. • The mucous lining catches debris like flypaper attracting flies and it manufactures more than a pint of mucus a day. The mucus also keeps the humidity in your nose at 80%. • Suppressing a sneeze has been known to damage ribs, facial bones, cartilage, and ears. Anything so powerful it can propel droplets 6 feet at 100 mph should not be stopped.


• According to legend, Frederick the Great of Prussia was inspecting his soldiers when he noticed their sleeves were dirtier than the rest of their uniforms. When he asked why, he was told that the men used their sleeves to wipe the sweat from their brow and to blow their noses on. To stop this, he ordered that buttons be sewn on the sleeves, giving the men a nasty scratch whenever they used their sleeves as hankies. Today men’s suits are still adorned with useless buttons.


• Junius Brutus Booth, father of John Wilkes Booth, was a famous stage actor. His handsome appearance was marred by a broken nose. Once a female fan gushed, "You're such a wonderful actor, but I just can't get over your nose!" He replied, "Well, no wonder! The bridge is gone!" • When Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe lost the tip of his nose in a duel, he had it replaced with a silver one. • Sir William Davenant, a British writer, lost his nose due to illness and his appearance was very disconcerting. An old woman once blessed his eyesight. When he enquired why, she replied that if his eyesight ever failed, he would have no place to prop a pair of spectacles. ...continued

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• Smelling certain fragrances or thinking about certain foods can have a relaxing effect on people. Researchers at Yale measured the brainwaves of students as they sniffed three odors: spiced apple, eucalyptus, and lavender. While sniffing spiced apples, the students’ alpha brain waves increased and their theta brain waves decreased. This is a pattern that scientists relate to a mental state of being awake, yet very relaxed. The other two odors had similar effects. • The same result was found when the students were asked to imagine their favorite meal or dessert. One researcher said, "When we savor a pleasant fragrance, we take deeper and slower breaths, relaxing our respiratory pattern much as we do in meditation. The odor might also serve as a distraction, focusing our attention. . . or inducing positive memories and emotions." • Research indicates that the smell of lavender reduces headaches; eucalyptus keeps people awake; mint acts as a stimulant; peach eases pain; and spiced apple reduces stress.


• Research suggests that the reason some people are attracted to such things as garlic or cigarettes is because it reminds them of certain spicy chemical compounds that were present in the amniotic fluid in the womb. • Babies are attracted to their mother's scent and repulsed by a stranger's. And mothers are able to tell their children by odor alone. In one experiment, mothers were blindfolded six hours after giving birth and asked to distinguish their baby from two others using scent alone. They succeeded 61% of the time. CENTRAL AVENUE



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A boy asks his father, "Dad, are bugs good to eat?" "That's disgusting. Don't talk about things like that over dinner," the dad replies. After dinner the father asks, "Now, son, what did you want to ask me?" "Oh, nothing," the boy says. "There was a bug in your soup, but now it’s gone."

• After World War II, chlorine-based cleaning products were phased out of Germany because bombed-out areas were cleaned up with chlorine and the smell brought back memories of the war.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• Perfume comes from the Latin per fumare meaning "through smoke" meaning incense.

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• The bottle of perfume that Willie sent / Was highly displeasing to Millicent / Her thanks were so cold / That they quarreled, I'm told, / Of that silly scent Willie sent Millicent.


• The folks at Baltimore's public utility company were only trying to do their job, but it backfired on them. Maryland state law requires that the company remind its gas customers every year what natural gas smells like if it were to leak into the customer's home. (Natural gas doesn't actually smell, but the chemicals that are added to it give it an unmistakable odor.) So officials decided to send out a pamphlet to all of their customers that would have a small scratch and sniff area on the back that would remind them of the odor of gas. Well, there must have been a mistake made at the factory that put the smell capsules on the pamphlets because the odor was so strong that it permeated the envelopes. Folks didn't even have to open their mail to smell the gas, so on the first day after the pamphlet was sent, the company received more than 100 calls about non-existent gas leaks.


• Said a foolish young lady in Wales / "A smell of escaped gas prevails." / Then she searched with a light / And later that night / Was collected— in seventeen pails. -Langford Reed

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by Samantha Weaver

Mosquitoes and Tall Grass Mosquitoes do not hatch out of tall grass unless there’s enough water below to keep them submerged throughout the larva and pupa stages (10-14 days). Most insects including mosquitoes, undergo complete metamorphosis. Each stage of their life cycle looks different. The mosquito goes through four distinct stages of their life cycle (see diagram below). They must have water to complete their cycle to the adult stage. Break the chain of water and you’ve eliminated any possibility of the mosquito reaching the adult flying stage. Reduce the mosquito population in your back yard by making your property unattractive for mosquitoes. Keep your grass cut short, hedges trimmed, and promote air flow through your yard. Mosquitoes like cool, calm, shaded areas during warm sunny days. Tall grass, weeds, and hedges become resting areas for adult mosquitoes.

Mosquito Life Cycle

adult raft of eggs

(laid on water’s surface)

water’s surface

pupa (just under water’s surface)

larva (just under water’s surface)

Remember, mosquitoes must have water to complete their life cycle. Any standing water is a potential breeding site for mosquitoes. For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

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• It was beloved English author J.R.R. Tolkien, best known for fantasy tales "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings," who made the following sage observation about his chosen genre: "I have been a lover of fairy-stories since I learned to read. Why should a man be scorned if, finding himself in prison, he tries to get out and go home? Or if, when he cannot do so, he thinks and talks about other topics than jailers and prison walls?" • You might be surprised to learn that thieves, too, have a patron saint: Saint Dismas. Incidentally, he's also the patron saint of prisoners and funeral directors. • You're probably aware that nocturnal animals are active at night and that diurnal animals are active during the day. But what about creatures that prefer the twilight hours? Yep, they have a name, too: They're crepuscular. • Those who study such things say that ecdysiasts -- those performers better known as stripteasers -- are likely to be first-born children. • In a recent survey of Americans and Britons, conducted on behalf of meditation app Calm. com, respondents reported that they get their best sleep of the week on Thursday nights, while Sunday night is the worst for sleeping. • In India at one time, it was believed that eggshells held clues to the future. Fortunetellers would smash a hen's egg against a special board, then interpret the pattern made by the fragments of shell. • Add this to the list of America's puzzling smalltown festivals: Every June, the town of Ainsworth, Nebraska, puts on the Middle of Nowhere Celebration. *** Thought for the Day: "The true test of a civilization is, not the census, nor the size of the cities, nor the crops -- no, but the kind of man the country turns out." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.



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• In the late 1800s the pharmaceutical company Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. compressed several medications into a single pill and called it a "tabloid." In 1902 the Westminster Gazette published a new journal which condensed the news in several other papers. They also called it a tabloid. Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. took them to court saying the word "tabloid" belonged exclusively to them and could not be used by the newspaper. They lost their case, and today the original meaning of tabloid is nearly forgotten.

• The definition of blizzard was originally "a stunning blow, as by the fist" and usually was used in reference to knock-out punches in boxing. On March 14, 1870 a snowstorm hit Iowa hard and a newspaper reporter wrote that the storm had knocked-out the city with a blizzard— and a new definition was born. • When the French were tracing their ancestry, they used the standard family tree to map family lines. A three-pronged symbol imitating the tree came to represent genealogy. Because it looked somewhat like the track of a crane’s foot, the symbol was called “"pied de grue" meaning "foot of the crane." That phrase has come into our language as "pedigree." • Wealthy people seldom had to do any labor, so they stayed indoors or in the shade. As a result, their complexions were very pale, and their veins showed through their skin. This gave us the word "blueblood." • The Italian word for a drinking flask is fiasco. How did an Italian drinking flask come into our language meaning a total failure? Because when Italian glass blowers were creating a piece of fine crystal glassware but ruined it with a mistake, the only way some value could be salvaged was to turn it into a fiasco.

• Early sleeping potions were composed of apples and urine. The malic acid in apples combined with uric acid to produce a potion capable of interfering with nerve function, inducing calmness and euphoria. Early experiments in Germany incorporated urine donated by a waitress named Barbara. Researchers combined her name with uric of uric acid to coin the term barbituric acid, now known as barbiturates. • The word "shrive" was a verb meaning to give a confession to a priest, and the word "shrift" was a noun meaning the confession itself. When prisoners were about to be executed, they were given the opportunity to confess their sins to a priest just before being killed. Sometimes the hangman was a little too eager to get on with the work, in which case the prisoner would not be given enough time to finish the confession. He would be given "short shrift." • In the early days of the Norse tribes, ships were steered with a paddle, or board, hung over the right side of the ship. That's how "steerboard" (or "steorbord" in Norse) came to be the starboard side of a ship.

• A simple-minded clown named Moron is featured in the comedy "La Princesse d’Élide" by Moliére. When the American Association for the FeebleMinded held a convention in 1910, they agreed to adopt standard names for various degrees of feeblemindedness. One doctor suggested Moron, and the committee agreed to use moron to refer to adults whose mental abilities equal the level of an eight- to twelve-year-old child. • The German word "knappen" means "to eat" and a knappensack was a sack holding things to eat: a knapsack.






Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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• On June 29, 1613, the Globe Theater, where most of Shakespeare's plays debuted, burns down. The Globe was built by Shakespeare's acting company, the Lord Chamberlain's Men, in 1599 from the timbers of London's very first permanent theater, Burbage's Theater, built in 1576. • On June 28, 1928, 26-year-old Louis Armstrong walks into a Chicago recording studio with five fellow jazz instrumentalists and walks out having changed the course of music history. Armstrong and his Hot Five recorded "West End Blues," which would make him an international sensation. • On June 30, 1936, Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind," one of the best-selling novels of all time, is published. By the time Mitchell won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937, a movie project was already in the works. • On June 26, 1956, the U.S. Congress approves the Federal Highway Act, which allocates more than $30 billion for the construction of some 41,000 miles of interstate highways, the largest public construction project in U.S. history to that date. • On July 2, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson signs into law the historic Civil Rights Act, which prohibited racial discrimination in employment and education and outlawed racial segregation in public places such as schools, buses, parks and swimming pools. It would help pave the way for the Voting Rights Act of 1965. • On June 27, 1976, a storekeeper in Sudan becomes ill and dies five days later. It was the start of the world's first recorded Ebola virus epidemic. By the time the epidemic was over, 284 cases were reported throughout the area. • On July 1, 1984, the Motion Picture Association of America, which oversees the voluntary rating system for movies, introduces a new rating, PG-13. The MPAA created the rating to better help parents determine whether a movie was child-appropriate. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

Sorry, Cousin Mike, Jordan's Not Greatest So my cousin Mike comes up to me at a funeral and says to me, "Yo, cousin Mark ... am I right about this? Tell me Jordan wasn't the greatest of all-time? That the NBA is boring now." Now, he asked in a New Jersey dialect, you must understand. He wasn't asking me to tell him Michael Jordan wasn't the greatest. He was seeking vindication for an argument and telling me in a passiveaggressive way to confirm the fact that Jordan was the greatest. I chose to go the opposite route. "Jordan wasn't the greatest of all-time." I took him at his word. That player, to me, will always be Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. But it wasn't easy being Kareem; even he was swept out of the finals twice. The Jordan argument is always a valid one, and he is always on my first team, NBA Mount Rushmore. But this year's Golden State Warriors team made me rethink the NBA. The '80s and '90s era was a glorious time for the NBA. Every single team had a poster-ready superstar, and the NBC games of the week -- punctuated by Marv Albert's "Yes!" -- were must-see TV. But the game was played differently. Basically, Jordan got the ball, wagged his tongue, broke somebody's ankles, jumped in the air, flew about 20 feet and simply put the ball in the basket because he was right there. Then came the Kobe and hack-aShaq era, and people started to tune out. The NCAA became king. Well, this season has had people talking about the Golden State Warriors. They're a superteam of superstars, and they play in a way that boggles the mind. I just don't understand why people are complaining. These guys don't do the Jordan thing ... they just sink the ball from anywhere on the court. It's truly amazing to see.

Steph Curry isn't the greatest of all time ... but he's one of the greatest shooters of all time. Yeah, he pinned a clown suit on LeBron James and acted like a real villain lying on the side of the court, but there was no denying that he was fantastic, as was Kevin Durant. They went 16-1 in the playoffs --sparing LeBron the shame of sharing Kareem's sweep record -- and established themselves as being one of the greatest teams to ever take the court. Oakland drops the ball with this team. I get that you have to call them Golden State to appease the San Francisco market, but to me you have a city desperate to improve its reputation, and probably half the kids in America watching haven't a clue where Golden State is. Even the Kings admit to being from Sacramento. Then again, they might want to tamp down on the riots before making a name change. Can people in America stop rioting over sports? In other countries, people riot over things like not getting enough food off the back of a U.N. truck. Here, some guy sinks 39 points, holds up a trophy and people go berserk all night. Why does a championship mean you have to destroy cars and light couches on fire? Enough with the couch fires, America. So sorry, Mike ... Jordan may not be the best ever, but the lack of parity in the NBA shouldn't overwhelm the fact that there's great basketball being played. So enjoy. Just don't riot. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey.

King Features Weekly Service ©2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located after next page)

June 12, 2017

• “When packing for the kids to go to camp, here’s a tip we’ve used over and over again: Put all elements of each outfit (top, bottom, undergarments, socks, etc.) folded into a gallon-size zipper-close bag. I add a plastic grocery bag as well. Each day, the child puts on a fresh outfit, then puts yesterday’s clothes into the plastic grocery bag. You can tell what’s been worn, and it’s all ready at the start of day — no looking for socks or underwear!” — M.H. in North Carolina • Keep your car’s back seat clean with a sheet. Drape a twin-size sheet over the back seat. Tuck in all around. Use scissors to make a small opening for the seat belts. Now dirt and crumbs will be contained in the sheet, and you can shake it off when you get to your destination or home! Works great for road trips and beach days. • When Mom or Dad travels for work, it can be hard on the parent and kids staying home. Try this trick: Record yourself reading a story. The child can play the recording as he or she follows the story in the book. Or, make a video for younger kids. • Need a quick travel cup or kids’ sippy cup? Use a plastic cup, then cover it with a square of plastic wrap secured with a rubber band. Finally, insert a straw through the plastic. There you go! • “Here is a guaranteed no-scrub tip for a clean coffeepot: Fill coffeemaker with water, drop a dishwasher pod in the carafe, and brew the hot water right on top of it. After brewing, let sit 10-15 minutes, and it’ll be clean as a whistle.” — C.L. in Oregon Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


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June 16-18 have been designated Duct Tape Days. Here’s a tribute to the item that folks claim can fix most anything, the “handyman’s secret weapon”! • One of the world’s largest makers of everyone’s favorite adhesive is located in Avon, Ohio, which has proclaimed itself the Duct Tape Capital of the World. It’s the home of the brand Duck Tape, and the Duct Tape Days Festival held there every year features a parade, and art, sculpture, and fashion shows all featuring unusual uses of duct tape. • Although we now refer to this adhesive as “duct tape,” it was in fact first called “duck tape.” That’s because it was first composed of long strips of plain cotton duck cloth. Clear back in 1902, the steel cables supporting the Manhattan Bridge were covered in linseed oil and wrapped in duck cloth as a protection from corrosion or wear. Also in the early part of the 20th century, canvas duck fabric was used as a reinforcement inside shoes to make them stronger. During the 1940s, venetian blinds were held together with long strips of duck tape. • It wasn’t until World War II that duck tape became a sticky adhesive. The mother of two Navy sailors, who worked in a munitions factory, was concerned that the seals on the ammunition boxes would cost soldiers time while engaged in battle. She contacted President Franklin Roosevelt with her suggestion – seal the boxes with a fabric tape. The War Production Board hired Johnson & Johnson to develop a tape that could be ripped by hand, not cut with scissors. The new adhesive was a thin cotton duck tape, coated in waterproof polyethylene, with rubber-based adhesive on one side. Soon the soldiers were using it for repairing vehicles, aircraft, and weapons. ...continued

DUCT TAPE (cont'd):

DIFFERENCES: 1. Squirrel is missing. 2. Hair is different. 3. Purse is missing. 4. Cap is missing. 5. Shirttail is different. 6. Carving is missing. © 2017 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• After the war, the tape was made available to the public, sold as a household repair item in hardware stores. Although the tape had been Answer: Dell. olive green for the military, it was now a silA VERY very gray color, LARGE a matchNUMBER for tin ductwork. •Construction Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In wrap 1938 workers began using it to he was asked to come up with a name for a air ducts, and heat- and cold-resistant types very large number: the numeral one, followed were created. In 1960, a flame-resistant tape by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young was developed, and was given the trademark nephews what name they would suggest. name of Ductape. • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name • Inouttheof 1970s, a large renamed the funnies. A manufacturer cartoon strip character his product, going to the original named Barney wasback very popular. Milton name, chose Barney’s last it name forDuck the number. trademarking under Tape, using a yelcartoon character •low Kasner announced thelogo. new name for the big number his next altering the spelling. • Duct tapeinisn’t justbook, for construction. Iditarod •mushers Sixty years Larry Page and on Sergey use later, it to prevent frostbite their Brin sled developed a new internet search engine. Other dog’s feet. Vets use it to repair horses’ hooves. search searched each webpage and It’s evenengines been shown to cure warts! An Army ranked them according to how many times medical center treated a group of patients witha specific term appeared on them, but Page and warts, applyingtheir ductsearch tape engine patchestoevery Brin designed searchday. for Eighty-five percent of the patients reported the specific term and then find out how many that tapepage, has linkstheir therewarts weredisappeared. that led backDuct to that been used as an emergency suture for closing which resulted in a better search engine. up serious wounds, including wounds. • They decided they neededgunshot a name that reflected how many websites the search • The lives of the Apollo 13 astronauts were enginewhen was they searching. took to theput name saved used They duct tape air of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only scrubbers together after the carbon dioxide filthey misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being ters on the command module failed. spelled exactly the same way the cartoon • It’s powdered aluminum polyethylcharacter Barney spelledmixed his lastinto name. What’s it called? (Answer at bottom of page) ene that gives duct tape its familiar gray color. However, duct tape is nowFACTS available in a wide COMPUTER variety of colors -red, yellow, blue • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb green, of memory brown, lime green, hot and even camo! ought to be enough for pink, anybody.” • •“One onlyLaw needs two in life: WD-40 to Moore’s states thattools computer performance doubles every 18 to 24 months,Professional and ever since make things 1971, has been true. Home Inspection go, andthis duct Service make Microsoft, and Apple •tape HP, toGoogle, CERTIFIED were all INSPECTOR started in garages. them stop.” – (218) G. Weilacher Answer: Google, from googol. 779-2288





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Quiz Answers

1. Women. 2. Five times. 3. Procter and Gamble. 4. Breast augmentation. 5. Zinc.

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Sports Answers 5. Michael Jordan 1. Arizona’s (1987-88), Randy JohnJason Richardson was 40 son (2002-03), (2003). Nate Robinson 2. Kaline (22), (2009-10) Stargell (21) 3. True. It has 6. Montreal’s Maurice Richard happend (1944-45 seatwice. son), and Mike 4. 49 pts. in 2008 Hawaii Bossy of Islanders (1980-81). Bowl.


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