Tidbits Grand Forks - August 3, 2017

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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN August 3, 2017

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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Issue # 1,029





by Janet Spencer

Come along with Tidbits as we remember Woodstock!

ack says...

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• In the spring of 1969, four young men came up with a plan to build a recording studio in Woodstock, New York, 100 miles from Manhattan, where many rock stars were building homes to get away from it all. What these stars needed was a place to record their music without having to hassle with New York City. The plan was to hold a music and art festival in order to raise funds to build the recording studio. • For $10,000 they rented a 300-acre industrial park in Wallkill, New York. It was right off the highway and had all the utilities in place. The town council gave the go-ahead in March for a festival billed as “Three Days of Peace and Music.” Work was begun. The townfolk, alarmed by the long-haired hippies who showed up to build stages, suddenly changed their mind. On June 2, 1969 – just a few weeks before the concert was scheduled – the council reneged on their agreements and ran Woodstock Ventures out of town. • Though the event caused panic among Woodstock Ventures, it also resulted in enormous free publicity that drew the nation’s attention to the upcoming rock festival. Turn the page for more!


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WOODSTOCK (continued):

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• Enter Max Yasgur and his dairy farm outside the nearby town of White Lake. There were green fields and sloping land and a lake. Yasgur asked for $75,000 to rent the farm. Adjacent farm land was rented for parking lots and campgrounds, sometimes for exorbitant fees greater than what the land had previously been for sale for.

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Quiz Bits 1.

2. 3. 4.

5. How old was Jimi Hendrix when he died just over a year after performing at Woodstock? How many people did the 6. Which 1988 movie starred a organizers originally estimate character named John McClane? would come to Woodstock? 7. What pop-music star sang the How many actually came? theme song “Nobody Does It What perfomer was paid the Better” in the James Bond film most to perform at Woodstock? “The Spy Who Loved Me”? Who was paid the least? 8. Whose kidnapping was said to How many people died at the trigger The Trojan War? Woodstock festival? TRIVIA What date did Woodstock begin? SPONSORED BY:


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• The White Lake town council approved the permits but later did a turn-around just like Wallkill. Days before the concert, they admitted they had approved the permits but claimed that because they had not yet actually issued the permits, they retained the right to cancel the event, which they attempted to do. By this time, the situation was already an unstoppable juggernaut. The “Stop Work” orders posted on fences and poles around the site were torn down seconds after being put up. The nearby town of Bethel, population 3,900, was utterly overwhelmed. Over 800 residents signed a petition trying to stop the concert. The town supervisor threw it away. • Woodstock Ventures had little more than a month to complete six months worth of work. A thousand people went to work building stages, campgrounds, and concession stands. Thirty electricians worked around the clock to wire the sound and lights. • Crowds began to arrive long before fences and ticket booths had been placed. Soon there was a traffic jam backing up over 20 miles. Woodstock Ventures claimed the police deliberately allowed the traffic to snarl, in hopes of causing a disaster. Cars were abandoned. Cops hired for security were told by the police chief at the last minute that they would be fired if they showed up. Local civil defense officials refused to get involved and even closed their office on the Friday the festival began. ...continued

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LIVE IT. LOVE IT. GET IT. SPORTS QUIZ 1. In 2016, Detroit’s Miguel Cabrera became the fifthyoungest player (33) to reach 2,400 career hits. Name 2 who were younger. 2. Name the last team before the 2015 season (Carolina) that scored at least 49 points in an NFL conference title game. 3. T or F: The first woman to drive in Formula One racing happened in 1965.

4. When was the last time before the 2016-17 NHL season that the Edomonton Oilers reached the Stanley Cup playoffs? 5. In 2016, the ACC set a record for having the most men’s basketball teams in the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Tournament. How many was it? 6. Who was the first backto-back gold medalist in singles in Olympic men’s tennis history?

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WOODSTOCK (continued):

• A group known as the Hog Farm was hired to manage the crowds and lend a helping hand where ever possible. Their leader, known as Wavy Gravy, when asked how he intended to maintain law and order, replied, “With seltzer bottles and cream pies.” Their secret password was “I forget.” Instead of calling themselves the Police Force, they called themselves the Please Force.

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• Concessionaires hired to feed the crowd were woefully under-prepared, and took the opportunity to price gouge. When they ran out of food, one of their stands was burned down in protest. The word went out to the community that there were half a million hungry kids out there. Churches, Boy Scouts, and even the local air force base went on food drives and donated food by the ton. • Friday’s schedule of performers got messed up before it even began, when groups on their way to the site got stuck in traffic or couldn’t even move from their hotels. A fleet of 16 helicopters was rented to help. • The first act to go on, at 5:07 p.m. on August 15, 1969, was Richie Havens, because he looked the most ready. No other acts were ready yet so he wasn’t allowed to leave the stage. He played for three hours, improvising his last song, “Freedom.” His bass player, who had abandoned his car 25 miles away and had walked from there, finally arrived just as Havens was finishing his set and walking off the stage.





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• John Sebastian, former lead singer for The Lovin’ Spoonful, was thrust on stage even though he had not even been invited to perform at the festival. Realizing the fans could get out of control if the music stopped for any length of time, organizers abandoned their original plan of having the music end at midnight and instead opted to have it played until dawn. They begged performers to extend their sets. Most agreed. ...continued

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• On Aug. 12, 30 B.C., Cleopatra, queen of Egypt and lover of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, takes her life following the defeat of her forces against Octavian, the future first emperor of Rome. • On Aug. 13, 1878, a restaurant owner dies of yellow fever in Memphis, Tennessee, after a man who had escaped a quarantined steamboat visited her restaurant. In the 19th century, it was not known that mosquitoes carried yellow fever, and victims were quarantined in an attempt to prevent its spread. • On Aug. 7, 1912, former president Theodore Roosevelt is nominated for the presidency by the Progressive Party. Also known as the Bull Moose Party, its platform called for the direct election of U.S. senators, women's suffrage and reduction of tariffs. • On Aug. 8, 1963, the 15 men involved in the Britain's Great Train Robbery use an ex-British Army truck and two stolen Land Rover all-terrain vehicles to escape with some $7 million in stolen loot. • On Aug. 10, 1977, postal employee David Berkowitz is arrested and charged with being the "Son of Sam," the serial killer who terrorized New York City for more than a year. Berkowitz claimed that demons and a black Labrador retriever owned by a neighbor named Sam had ordered him to commit the killings. • On Aug. 11, 1984, President Ronald Reagan, while testing a microphone before a radio address, jokingly announces, "My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes." • On Aug. 9, 2000, tire manufacturer Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. announces the recall of 6.5 million of its tires after the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration linked at least 46 deaths to problems with tread peeling off the tires. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

Mosquito Surveillance - Why Trap Mosquitoes? The Grand Forks Health Department maintains an active mosquito surveillance program. The more we know about mosquitoes, the better equipped we are to control them. Our surveillance program is responsible for collecting, identifying, and conducting West Nile virus tests on mosquitoes. Traps are distributed throughout the community and the Information gained from these traps include: Mosquito Population – Knowing the population helps us determine if it’s necessary to conduct citywide mosquito spraying. This information also enables us to measure the effectiveness of the mosquito spraying operations.

Species of Mosquitoes – There’s around 43 different species of mosquitoes in North Dakota. Some of these mosquitoes are just annoying pests, but one of them, the Culex tarsalis, is the most common mosquito for transmitting West Nile virus in North Dakota. This mosquito is prevalent in the Grand Forks region. Monitoring and testing the Culex tarsalis mosquito is important because it may enable us to respond to an elevated threat of West Nile virus before it infects the human population. This component of mosquito control is very important in reducing the risk of mosquito-borne disease in our community. Mosquito Activity – Knowing what times the mosquitoes are active is important for getting the best results from our spray operation. We use ultra-low volume sprayers that deliver very small droplets and only 1 ounce of a diluted, non-residual insecticide per acre. Because we’re using such a small amount of insecticide, timing is critical to be successful. This insecticide must directly impact mosquitoes, generally while in flight to be effective. Rotator traps are used to monitor the times the mosquitoes are most active.

Gender Identification – Knowing the sex of the mosquito can be helpful in predicting a new hatch. Male mosquitoes hatch out before females. Therefore, if we see a spike in the number of male mosquitoes collected in our traps, we know there’s the potential for an increase of females soon to follow. That data is helpful in preparing us for a citywide spray. It’s a short warning to get ready. Traps used in mosquito surveillance programs are not successful in reducing mosquito populations. They are simply a surveillance tool used to collect data about the mosquitoes in our community. For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com



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WOODSTOCK (continued):

• Five inches of rain fell in three hours on Friday. Performers started to get shocks from their electric guitars. “If I get electrocuted at Woodstock we'll sell lots of records,” said performer Alvin Lee of the band Ten Years After upon being warned of the danger. Insulation surrounding high voltage wires started to wear off after being trampled by the crowds, and emergency wiring was laid. • By the time the concert ended at dawn Monday morning with Jimi Hendrix’s version of the national anthem, Woodstock Ventures was $1.3 million in debt. Promotional expenses were 70% over budget. Production expenses were 300% over budget. It cost $180,000 to book the performers, and $100,000 to clean everything up after it was all over. The total cost of the event amounted to $2.4 million, not including fines, fees, claims, and lawsuits. • Warner Brothers made a film of the event, edited by Martin Scorsese, and Woodstock Ventures was entitled to residual royalties. Because of this, Woodstock Ventures broke even, in 1980. • The city of White Lake filed a lawsuit against Woodstock Ventures, for disturbing the peace. The suit was later dropped. Yasgur was asked if he would rent his farm for a repeat performance the following year, but refused. The town of Bethel passed laws against similar events ever again occurring there. In 1978, a monument was placed in the field to mark the site.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• The recording studio was never built. • It was the largest concert in the history of the world at the time. Even before the trash had been cleared, Woodstock had become the stuff of legends and a historical symbol of the culmination of a short but glorious era.

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Amazing Plants:


• There are nearly 3,200 known members of the rose family.

• It takes ten tons of rose petals to make one pound of • An Anna's hummingbird needs the nectar from rose oil for perfume. 1,000 fuchsia flowers daily to maintain its weight. • It takes two million flowers to end up with one pound • Cloves are dried flower buds from a tree that grows of jasmine. in Indonesia. • The orchid lasts longer than any other bloom. • St. Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to illustrate the principle of the Holy Trinity, and it's now • Wheat flowers last less than two hours. Ireland's national flower. • Gardenias and orange blossoms both smell terrific, but when placed together in the same bouquet, they • When Norwegians invaded Scotland, they were slowed by patches of wild thistle, allowing the will neutralize each other's odor and there will be no Scots time to escape. Because of this, the wild thissmell at all. tle was named Scotland’s national flower. • Over 900 species of flowering plants live in the Arctic, but Antarctica is a virtual desert. There are only 2 spe- • Heather often grows over tin deposits, and certain types of grasses grow over iron deposits. When cies of flowering plants, 200 species of algae, and 400 some metals such as nickel and copper are present species of moss living there. in the soil in excessive amounts, the leaves of the • Costa Rica in Central America has the richest assortplants growing there tend to turn yellow. Alumiment of flowers in the world, with more than 6,000 num deposits cause the leaves to become mottled. species. Plants with strangely shaped leaves and fruits may • Each year New York City gardeners plant 90,000 tuindicate uranium underground. lips bulbs along Park Avenue. • In the 1800s, Catholic priests wandered among the • There are about 400 different kinds of plants living in Native Americans in California to spread their reinner-city Cleveland. ligion. It is said that as they travelled, they would drop mustard seeds behind them. Later they could • The baobab tree of Africa has flowers that open only find their way back by following the trail of bright at night. They are pollinated by bats. yellow mustard blossoms. • 80% of the world's species of roses originated in Asia. • Maple sap is only sweet when the sap is running • Wolffia is a genus of plants commonly known as wain the spring. As soon as the buds bloom, the taste ter-meal or duckweed. They are the smallest flowering changes. plants on earth, and produce the smallest fruit. Wolffia floats on the surface of calm fresh waters worldwide • The gas plant, sometimes called the burning bush, has flowers that give off a strong lemon-scented and resembles corn meal. They have no roots but vapor which can be ignited with a match on calm gather their nutrition from the water. Each individual evenings. flower is the size of a grain of sand. • The world's largest flower is the Rafflesia. It grows to • About 60% of fresh-cut flowers grown in the U.S. come from California. over 3 ft. wide and is native to Indonesia.






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• It was 19th-century English writer Sir Arthur Helps who made the following sage observation: "Reading is sometimes an ingenious device for avoiding thought." • In the state of Texas, it's against the law to milk a cow that's not your own. • You might be surprised to learn that when Walt Disney first released the animated film "Sleeping Beauty," in 1959, it was a box-office flop. However, the success of the various re-releases -- in 1970, 1979, 1986, 1995 -- have made it one of the most successful films released in 1959, second only to "Ben-Hur." The domestic total gross amounts to $623 million (when adjusted for the inflation of ticket prices), which puts "Sleeping Beauty" in the top-40 films of all time. • You might be surprised to learn that hyenas are more closely related to cats than to dogs. • Those who study such things say that men who tuck in their shirts on a regular basis -- and 49 percent of American men do tuck -- tend to be happier than non-tuckers. For starters, they earn, on average, 19 percent more. They're also 22 percent more likely to have an optimistic outlook, are 10 percent more likely to feel that they're outgoing, and are more likely to report that they date often. • Marsupials and platypuses are the only mammals that don't have belly buttons. A marsupial loses its umbilical cord before emerging its mother's pouch, so a scar never forms. Platypuses are hatched and never have an umbilical cord to begin with. *** Thought for the Day: "The great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up. That is possible for him who never argues and strives with men and facts, but in all experience relies upon himself, and looks for the ultimate cause of things in himself." -- Albert Schweitzer © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Tickets to attend Woodstock were originally scheduled to cost $6 per day, or $18 for all three days if purchased in advance, or $24 if purchased at the gate. After larger than expected turnout and the difficulty in tracking the crowds, the show became free.

Boxing Must Fix Scoring System When Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather square off the night of Aug. 26, it's already a foregone conclusion that they've both won. McGregor stands to make something north of $60 million and Mayweather $100 million. Mayweather, of course, has the most to lose -- his legacy -but it'd be hard to shed too many tears for the guy if he were to lose. Perhaps the biggest winner in all of the pre-fight spectacle is Paulie Malignaggi. Malignaggi, a former two-time world champion, has always been a curiosity for fight fans. He was knocked for having no power during his career, having only scored seven knockouts; however, his speed, toughness and ability to draw attention to his fights were relatively unmatched during his reign as champion and as a competitor. His acumen inside the ring led him to effortlessly segue to the announcer's table for Showtime, but his take on boxing throughout his career has suddenly come into much sharper focus. Malignaggi, a New Yorker in every sense of the word, never backed down from a fight, and his vocal opinions about the business of boxing are even more relevant today. When you don't knock many people out, you have to rely on the scorecards in boxing. How are the scorecards determined? Nobody has a clue. Aside from the "10 point must system", nobody knows who the boxing judges are, nobody knows how the fight will be judged. Imagine going to any other sporting event and never knowing the score? Imagine watching four quarters of a football game, seeing seven touchdowns but when your friend asks the score you say "not a clue" every time. Or check

in on the baseball game and just let random people in the stands judge whether or not runs should count that day. It was Malignaggi's take on Conor McGregor that got the boxing world laughing along with him. His analogy was that golfers don't suddenly become hockey players because a driver looks similar to a hockey stick. While that knock earned him an invite to spar with McGregor leading up to the fight, the analogy doesn't quite work. People like to talk about the "death of boxing" and always compare the "sweet science" to mixed martial arts, but it doesn't have to be so. They can co-exist, and to say that McGregor isn't a fighter is absolutely absurd. But as we saw from watching Ronda Rousey try to outbox a boxer and lose badly, and knowing enough about Floyd Mayweather's world-class defense, McGregor is still a massive underdog with a puncher's chance. Even if he wins, it doesn't mean that boxing is a lesser sport, it just means that Mayweather lost a fight. We're getting closer to finding out the answers, but boxing will, no matter the outcome, still have plenty to answer for. It's time to fix the scoring system or else these pay-perview spectacles are going to be a thing of the past, and that's something we'd all regret. As McGregor said, "We're all getting fed here." At the end of the day it's a job, and boxing still has more work to do. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

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(Answers located after next page)

July 24, 2017

• “To loosen grime in the shower, run the shower hot for a few minutes and then use a cleaner. The heat and steam make it easier to clean. Or you can clean up the shower just before you clean up yourself.” — T.G. in Texas • When moving, pack a suitcase or two with essentials for a few days: toiletries, clothing, medicines, etc. This way, the pressure is off to everything set up right away. • “To make sure you don’t get any slipped stitches when you’re interrupted while knitting or crocheting, just clip the work at the needle with a clothespin. It stays put, and you can pick it right back up after you are done taking a break.” — C.C. in Arkansas • If you use cold water to clean all of your clothes, you can save about $40 a year in electricity costs. Your clothes will last longer, as well. And consider a clothesline for air-drying items like towels and sheets on nice days. That saves electricity too. • Be sure to get and check references for any home-service professional you hire. Get estimates in writing, and make sure the estimates list what is included — and what is not. • “My 3-year-old wants to help with EVERYTHING these days, so when I clean house, I give her a spray bottle with plain water and a large, clean cloth. She’s responsible for ‘cleaning’ the sliding glass door, which she does very well and safely. I also have her dust shelves and fold washcloths.” — R.V. in Arizona Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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(Solution on Next Page)


• On August 21, there will be a total eclipse of the Sun. Throughout history, eclipses have offered astronomers a chance to collect information about the Sun and the universe. • About 75% of the Sun’s mass is composed of hydrogen, and 25% is helium. These are the two lightest elements, so you’d think the Sun would be light and airy. The opposite is true, due to the pull of gravity. The Sun is 150 times as dense as water, and 20 times as dense as iron. The temperature is 20 million degrees F. and the pressure is 200 billion times Earth’s atmospheric pressure. The Sun is a giant nuclear reactor. On Earth, we can re-create what happens on the Sun by dropping a hydrogen bomb. • Gravity pulls hydrogen to the center of the Sun where the pressure is so great that hydrogen fuses and forms helium along with nuclear energy. Pockets of this superheated gas swell and bubble to the surface, like water boiling on a stove. When those bubbles burst, they give off light, and that causes the corona, a halo of light around the Sun. Scientists can only get a look at the corona during an eclipse. • It was during the eclipse of August 18, 1868, when astronomers found out that the Sun is made of hydrogen and helium. On that date, astronomer John Herschel and a group of scientists used a new tool, called a spectroscope. When light of the Sun’s corona passed through the prism in the spectroscope, it was broken down into a spectrum of lines and colors which allowed the scientists to identify the chemical elements present, as well as their temperature and density. This is when they found that the corona of the Sun was composed mainly of hydrogen. But the spectrograph showed an unfamiliar yellow line from an element that could not be identified; it was unknown on Earth. An astronomer named Lockyer named it “helium” after the Greek word for Sun, “helios.” ...continued

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Fish is smaller. 2. Sleeve is shorter. 3. Net is moved. 4. Collar is smaller. 5. Boat number is missing. 6. Anchor rope is missing. © 2017 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

SCRAMBLERS Solution 1. Tirade 2. Detach 3. Scope 4. Chasm Today's Word: SITCOMS

TOTAL ECLIPSE (continued):

• Helium wasn’t found on Earth for another 27 years. Scientist William Ramsay was studying radioactive rocks. He found the same subAnswer: Dell. stance trapped inside the rocks, which exhibA VERY LARGE NUMBER ited the identical mysterious yellow line seen •during Edward was mathematician. 1938 theKasner eclipse of a1868. Helium is In created he was asked to come up with a name forraa by the natural radioactive decay of heavy very large number: the numeral one, followed dioactive elements. by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young • An eclipsewhat on May 29,they 1919 led tosuggest. another monephews name would mentous discovery. The gravity of the Sun is • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name soout great that funnies. when light from other stars passes of the A cartoon strip character by it, the light is bent and distorted, causing named Barney was very popular. Milton chose the distantlast starsname to appear be displaced. This Barney’s for thetonumber. displacement can be measured during a total • Kasner announced the new name for the big solar eclipse. the eclipse Einnumber in hisDuring next book, alteringofthe1919, spelling. stein’s general theory of relativity was proved • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin to be true when astronomers took pictures that developed a new internet search engine. Other showed the lightsearched from stars beyond the Sun search engines each webpage and was bent in a slight curve when it passed ranked them according to how many timesby a the gravity of appeared the Sun. When thebut news of and this specific term on them, Page discovery hit the headlines, Einstein suddenly Brin designed their search engine to search for found himself world-famous. the specific term and then find out how many links there werewas that 31 ledyears back old to that page, • Thomas Edison when he which resulted in a better search engine. invented an instrument he called a tasimeter •that They needed the a temperature name that wasdecided designedthey to measure reflected how many websites the of the infrared radiation emitted by thesearch Sun’s engine The was tasimeter searching.was They took the that nameit corona. so sensitive of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only could measure the heat from a human hand 30 they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being feet away.exactly Edisonthe traveled Rawlins, Wyospelled same to way the cartoon ming for the totalspelled eclipsehison 29,What’s 1878. character Barney lastJuly name. Unfortunately, by the time he arrived in it called? (Answer at bottom of page) town, all the rooms at the local hotels had been taken COMPUTER FACTS by other scientists. The only spot available for •him In 1981 Gates said, “640 kbinofa memory to setBill up his experiment was chicken ought to be enough for anybody.” coop. This was fine, until the eclipse became •soMoore’s Lawallstates computer performance dark that the that chickens returned to their doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since coop, thinking it was night. The dust, confu1971, this has been true. sion, and body heat from the chickens ruined •any HP,chance Google, Applefrom wereEdiall forMicrosoft, an accurateand reading started in garages. son’s tasimeter. Answer: Google, from googol.


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Quiz Answers-

1. 50,000; about 500,000 showed up. 2. Jim Hendrix at $32,000; Santana at $1,000. 3. Two: One by overdose, one by tractor accident.

4. August 15, 1969. 5. 27. Died 9-18-70. 6. “Die Hard” 7. Carly Simon. 8. Helen



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Sports Answers


1. Ty Cobb (31), Rogers Hornsby (32), Hank Aaron (32), Robin Yount (33). 2. Bills scored 51 vs. Raiders in 1990 season.

3. False. Maria Teresa de Filippis, in 1958. 4. 2005-06 5. Six teams. 6. Andy Murray of Great Britain.

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