Tidbits Grand Forks - August 10, 2017

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August 10, 2017


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by Kathy Wolfe

You may have been using common words and phrases incorrectly all your life and not even known it. This week, Tidbits takes on the role of the Grammar Police to set our readers straight on some expressions that are frequently misused in verbal and written communication. • The next time you tell a friend that you just thought of something you “should of” done, hopefully you’ll remember that the correct way to say it is, “I should HAVE done that.” And be sure you don’t say, “I have something I’m suppose to do today.” It’s SUPPOSED to be said differently! If you continue talking to that friend, you’re not “conversating,” you’re “conversing.” • If you’re going on vacation, and your friend asks you to bring him back a “momento,” what he really means is a “memento,” which is a keepsake or souvenir. There’s no such word as “momento.” • Step up to the coffee bar and order an “expresso,” and you won’t be ordering coffee! The correct term, “espresso,” has its origins in the Italian language, from their word for “pressed out,” referring to the process of making coffee under steam pressure. One of the first espresso machines was patented in 1901, and could make a cup of coffee in about 45 seconds.


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MISUSED WORDS (continued):

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• Now and then in a written communication, you might see the words, “It didn’t even phase me.” What the writer is really trying to convey is, “It didn’t even faze me,” meaning something didn’t discourage or surprise the writer in the least.

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What firm was originally known as the National Biscuit Company? Which word, stationary or sta- 6. What 1980s movie had the tionery, refers to writing paper? tagline, “One man’s struggle If your shirt is torn, do you to take it easy”? “try to mend it” or “try and 7. What is the normal temperature mend it”? of the human body in Celsius? When you’re starving, do you 8. T or F: Calvin Coolidge is the have “hunger pains” or “hunonly American president born ger pangs”? on July 4. Which is correct: “for whom” TRIVIA or “for who”? SPONSORED BY:


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• Lots of folks don’t know the difference between “affect” and “effect.” If something affects you, it might upset you, move you, touch you, or distress you. In other words, it may have an effect on you, in the form of consequences, influence, or outcome. “Affect” is a verb, and in most cases, “effect” is a noun. However, to further confuse the issue, “effect” can also be a verb, when it means something causes, provokes, or brings about a result. Did you get all that?

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• How many times have you heard someone say, “I could care less about that”? That means the person really COULD care less. If one is really at the lowest level of caring about something, he or she should really say, “I couldn’t care less about that!” • Has something exciting grabbed your attention lately? Perhaps you think that it “peaked your interest.” The appropriate phrase is “piqued your interest.” The word “pique” means to cause a feeling of interest or curiosity. • Do you know the difference between “regardless” and irregardless”? The difference is, one is a word and one isn’t! The word “regardless” means “without regard.” Adding the “ir” at the beginning simply makes it a double negative, giving “irregardless” the meaning of “without without regard.” Some people argue that “irregardless” is indeed a word, with the same meaning as “regardless.” Some dictionaries have given “irregardless” an entry, which technically makes it a word, even though it’s considered “nonstandard.” ...continued

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4. How many games did Dallas Cowboy’s Ezekiel Elliott rush for more than 1. Of George Brett, Lou 130 yards during the 2016 Brock, Willie Mays and Pete Rose, who hit the most regular season? 5. Which NFL quarterback triples in his career? 2. Seven Orlando Magic play- threw the most interceptions during the 2016 ers have tallied 45 or more regular season? points in an NBA game. 6. Name the top 3 NFL quarName five of them. terbacks with the highest 3. T or F: Since the Lakers regular-season passer franchise joined the NBA rating in 2016. in 1947 they’ve only had 7. Which NFL team scored one player receive the Rookie of the Year Award. the most TDs in 2016?


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MISUSED WORDS (continued):

• If your acquaintance refers to something as a moot point, it might mean that it’s unimportant, not worth talking about, or inconsequential. It might be a question that no one will ever be able to answer. However, if that person calls it a mute point, it’s incorrect grammar. “Mute” means “silent,” and it rhymes with “cute.” “Moot” rhymes with boot, and means it does not apply to the current situation for any number of reasons.

• If you have a good friend who is available to help you out at any time, he or she is at your “beck and call,” not “beck on call,” a phrase that is frequently misused. And if you did something you didn’t mean to do, it was “by accident,” not “on accident.” • Let’s set the record straight on the word “there” and its homophones. The word “there” indicates a place, such as, “It’s over there.” The word “their” signifies possession, for example, “That is their house.” “They’re” is a contraction of the words “they are,” as seen in the sentence, “They are on vacation.” • Perhaps an acquaintance has asked you to “borrow him some money.” You should say no to this request, but if you are so inclined to grant him some cash, tell him you could LOAN him some money! We borrow from, but loan to. • When it comes to revenge, there’s a difference between “extracting” and “exacting.” The word “extract” means to remove out of something else. If you say you are “extracting your revenge” on someone, you are taking out that person’s revenge, whereas if you “exact revenge” on them, you’re taking your revenge out on them. ...continued



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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• On Aug. 14, 1900, during the Boxer Rebellion, an international force featuring British, Russian, American, Japanese, French and German troops relieves the Chinese capital of Peking. The Chinese nationalists besieging Peking's diplomatic quarter were crushed. • On Aug. 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote, is ratified by Tennessee, giving it the required two-thirds majority of states. The amendment culminated more than 70 years of struggle by woman suffragists. • On Aug. 20, 1932, in Flanders, Belgium, German artist Kathe Kollwitz unveils the monument she created to memorialize her son, Peter, who was killed during World War I. Entitled "The Parents," the statue depicts an elderly couple kneeling before the grave of their son.

9:00 am 4th Annual Horse Show 10:00 am Church Service, followed by Dinner w/all the fixings 1:00 pm Antique Tractor Pull 12:00 pm Photo Contest

• On Aug. 15, 1947, The Indian Independence Bill, which carves the independent nations of India and Pakistan out of the former Mogul Empire, comes into force at the stroke of midnight. The longawaited agreement ended 200 years of British rule. • On Aug. 17, 1969, the grooviest event in music history -- the Woodstock Music Festival -- ends after three days of peace, love and rock 'n' roll in upstate New York. Some 186,000 tickets were sold, but half a million people showed up, forcing promoters allow concertgoers to enter for free. • On Aug. 16, 1977, popular-music icon Elvis Presley dies in Memphis, Tennessee. He was 42. The death of the "King of Rock 'n' Roll" brought legions of mourning fans to Graceland, his mansion in Memphis. • On Aug. 19, 1980, a fire aboard a plane bound for Saudi Arabia from Pakistan forces an emergency landing. The pilot was able to land the plane safely, but it burst into flames on the runway, and none of the 301 people onboard survived. An investigation revealed a butane gas stove cooker in the passenger compartment. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.


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• When you give someone complete freedom to do as he or she pleases, you are giving “free rein,” not “free reign,” as is used by some. “Free rein” is a reference to horseback riding, when the rider holds the reins loosely, allowing the horse freedom of movement, the opposite of keeping a tight rein. “Reign” can mean to rule as a monarch, such as Queen Elizabeth, who reigns over the United Kingdom. It can also mean to dominate or control, such as a certain team “reigning supreme” in the NFL.

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• The maximum amount of time after an event within which legal proceedings may be initiated is known as the statute of limitations. You’d be surprised how many folks think it’s a statue of limitations! When the period of time passes, the courts no longer have jurisdiction and a claim may no longer be filed. Those crimes that are considered heinous, such as murder, have no statute of limitations.

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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MISUSED WORDS (continued):

• If you ask your friend how his son performed at the school track meet, and he answers, “He did good,” sorry to say, his grammar is incorrect. His correct response should be, “He did well,” or “He did a good job.” The word “well” is an adverb, a word that describes verbs, while “good” is an adjective, used to describe nouns. However, if you want to maintain that friendship, it might be best not to say anything except, “Glad to hear it!” • There is a bit of confusion about “your” and “you’re.” Your is a possessive adjective used to show it belongs to you. You might tell a friend, “Here is your portion.” You’re is a contraction of “you are.” You could tell your significant other, “You’re the best thing in my life.” When someone thanks you, it is incorrect to write, “Your welcome.” It is always “you’re welcome!”

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Unusual Plants:


Did you know that August 8 is “Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Night?” As harvest time approaches for summer gardens, Tidbits takes the opportunity to focus on a staple found in most vegetable plots, the zucchini. • The community of Obetz, Ohio, has their three-day annual Zucchini Fest coming up this month, with a parade, Zucchini Queen pageant, contests, arts, crafts, and games, assuring visitors that the festival is “everything zucchini.” • Zucchini belongs to the same family as pumpkins, cucumbers and several other squashes. Although we think of zucchini as green, other hybrids are deep yellow or orange. It’s classified as a summer squash, which means it has a thin edible skin, soft seeds, and a tender flesh. They are very perishable and must be eaten within a few days of harvesting. Contrast this with winter squash, which have a thick inedible skin and may be stored for the winter months. • Fruit or vegetable? In the culinary world, the zucchini is regarded as a vegetable, and used as a side dish. However, botanically, zucchinis are fruits, a botanical berry that is the swollen ovary of the zucchini flower. • Zucchini is native to the Americas, and it was a vital part of the diet for people living in Central and South America as early as 5500 BC. The plants were spread to other continents by explorers, including Christopher Columbus, who brought seeds to the Mediterranean region. The Italians named it “zuccino,” meaning a small squash. The American Indians called it “skutasquash,” which translates “green thing eaten green.” The French call it “courgette,” while the British refer to a fully grown zucchini as a “marrow.”

• In August of 2014, an Italian gentleman named Giovanni Scozzafava took the honors for the longest zucchini on record, with a squash measuring 8 ft., 3 inches in length. Mr. Scozzafava claimed that he used absolutely no fertilizer or manure, he just gave his plant plenty of water. • How about the health benefits of the zucchini? It contains more potassium than a banana, with that potassium helping to control blood pressure. Potassium lessens the harmful effects of salt on your body, and studies indicate that it can also reduce your risk of stroke. Zucchini is rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant that can help your blood cells function better, and fight against clogged arteries. Just one cup of sliced zucchini will deliver about one-third of the daily requirement of Vitamin C. If you’re watching your weight, that cup of zucchini has just 19 calories, up to 50% less calories than broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Contrast this with a baked potato, which has 130 calories. • Looking for a unique gift for a friend? One vendor manufactures the Fresh Zucchini Flower Big Bar Goat’s Milk Soap, using real zucchini in the mix. • Although zucchini can reach lengths of up to 3 feet, it’s best to harvest zucchini before they get too big, as they will become too hard and seedy. The optimal size for harvest is 6 to 8 inches in length, and 2 inches or less in diameter. The smaller squash will be sweeter. A gardener can expect to harvest within 50 to 60 days after planting the seeds.






• It was aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart who made the following sage observation: "Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done." • You might be surprised to learn that famed composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wanted to marry the notorious Marie Antoinette. Of course, at the time he stated this desire, he was 6 years old and she was 7. • It's possible that you've never tried to imagine a baby bat nursing -- though, as mammals, they certainly do. Now that you are imagining it, here's a hint: The babies have to nuzzle into mom's armpit (wingpit?) to get to the milk. • The year the Second Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence, establishing the United States of America, the fledgling nation had a total population of 2 1/2 million -- less than one-third of 1 percent of the global population. By 1800, even though the population of the growing nation had more than doubled, America still ranked 16th in the list of most-populous nations. Today, though, with a population of over 325 million, the United States has more people than any country except China and India. • Those who study such things say that as we get older, we breathe more slowly. • Sure, a group of swans can be referred to as a flock or a flight, but why not show some creativity? You can refer to a grounded group as a bank or a drift (presumably due its resemblance to a drift of snow); in the air, they can, collectively, be called a wedge. The best choice, however, might be the fanciful term "a lamentation of swans." *** Thought for the Day: "It has been said that a pretty face is a passport, but it's not. It's a visa, and it runs out fast." -- Julie Burchill

© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

Protect Yourself From West Nile Virus West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne disease that first showed up in our region in 2002. This virus has been present every year since 2002. Human cases of WNV are starting to appear in Minnesota and South Dakota and it’s only a matter of time before it gets to our region. Grand Forks Mosquito Control is monitoring and testing the mosquitoes most commonly known to transmit this virus. We cannot eliminate this virus. The Grand Forks Public Health Department urges citizens to take personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites. The type of mosquito most common for transmitting WNV is present in our area and is most active from dusk until dawn.

How can people reduce their chance of getting WNV? The most effective way to prevent WNV is to avoid mosquito bites: • Wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors from dusk through dawn. • Apply insect repellents when you go outdoors. Repellents containing DEET provide the best protection. • Reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home by eliminating standing water from containers such as flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, discarded tires, and birdbaths. Anything that holds water for more than a week could be producing mosquitoes.

How do people get infected with WNV? Most people get infected with WNV by an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to humans and other animals. In a very small number of cases, West Nile virus has been spread through blood transfusions, organ transplants, and from mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

What are the symptoms of WNV? No symptoms in most people. Most people (70-80%) who become infected with West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms. Febrile illness in some people. About 1 in 5 people who are infected will develop a fever with other symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. Most people with this type of West Nile virus disease recover completely, but fatigue and weakness can last for weeks or months. Severe symptoms in a few people. Less than 1% of people who are infected will develop a serious neurologic illness such as encephalitis or meningitis (inflammation of the brain or surrounding tissues). The symptoms of neurologic illness can include headache, high fever, neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, seizures, or paralysis. Recovery from severe disease may take several weeks or months. Some of the neurologic effects may be permanent. About 10 percent of people who develop neurologic infection due to West Nile virus will die.

Who is at risk for serious illness if infected with WNV? Serious illness can occur in people of any age. However, people over 60 years of age are at the greatest risk for severe disease. People with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and people who have received organ transplants, are also at greater risk for serious illness. For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

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“It’s” and “its” are another pair that are frequently misused. “It’s” is a contraction of “it is” or “it has.” When writing to an old friend, you should write, “It’s been a long time.” You could e-mail a friend, “It’s raining here today.” “Its” is a possessive pronoun indicating what belongs to someone, for example, “The wolf stalked its prey.”

© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

Battle of the Acronyms Growing up as a kid (is there any other way?), the biggest fears I had in life now seem absolutely absurd. You see, I was born into an era of five-channel television. You had your big three -- ABC, NBC, CBS -- and then two or three stragglers that showed nothing but reruns and live sports. And the old reruns ruled. The reruns were mostly a cavalcade of extreme violence or predicaments. The Justice League would battle the Legion of Doom every Saturday morning; Godzilla would level Tokyo every Sunday morning. Superfly Snuka, Andre the Giant, Rowdy Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan would rule the afternoons. I watched kung-fu fighters avenging the dishonor of their sister or mother before church. Thanks to Wile E. Coyote, I had an inordinate fear of anvils falling from the sky and Acme in general, since it seemed to supply all his faulty weaponry. I used to worry that somebody would tie my sister to train tracks or that a hike through the woods would somehow end up with her falling into quicksand with no ape men to save her, because ape men were not indigenous to our area. But without doubt, the biggest fear I had was instilled by my parents. If I wanted to climb a tree, my mother would tell me to get down because I might fall and "bang my head." My father would amp up the terror, warning me that I would "crack my head open." Well, times have changed. The only time I've ever seen an anvil was at Colonial Williamsburg, and apparently modern science has cured the scourge of quicksand. Thanks to the UFC, you can watch kung fu without having to make it about a battle over your favorite aunt. Yet, a serious battle looms in American sports. The NFL has literally cracked its head open.

A recent study confirmed what we all most likely knew: 99 percent of the brains donated to science by former NFLers showed signs of serious chronic traumatic encephalopathy. CTE is a disease that causes early-onset dementia and a host of other things associated with brain function. It is the direct result of taking numerous hits to the head. Nobody is shocked by the findings. We've known that football and fighting cause damage to the brain. Muhammad Ali couldn't even walk up the stairs at the 1996 Olympics. No, now the fear is that we're going to lose our game. Participation is key in sports. It is hard to fill roster spots when nobody will play, and after this CTE report, really, parents have to be afraid for their kids. Luckily, this is nothing new. In the early days of football, the late 1800s, a Harvard coach came up with a formation designed to decimate Yale. Based on ancient military strategy, the wedge simply meant that everyone on the offensive team would grip each other's uniform in a V formation, their ball carrier safe behind them. The problem was that the wedge often singled out lone defenders with a half-ton of momentum, and that actually killed people. It got to be such a problem that the president of the United States, Teddy Roosevelt, got involved. Rather than see football go, he was instrumental in changing the rules of the game so that it exists to this day. That's why they carved his face into a mountain. If we put our heads together, football can be saved. We just need to be careful and not crack our heads open.

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(Answers located after next page)

July 31, 2017

• When decluttering, use this tried and true tip: Set up four boxes with labels for Keep, Donate/Sell, Trash and Recycle. It’s amazing how much you can take care of quickly. • “We had a big basket for shoes by our door. It just kept getting messy as people would search for their own shoes in it. Finally, I got smart. I put a low bench by the door and stashed one small basket for each family member underneath. Your shoes go in your basket, and it’s much less mess.” — A.L. in Georgia • “Tired of waiting for that frothy head on your beer or root beer to go down? Stick your finger in it and watch it disappear like magic.” — K.E. in Idaho • “My kids kept losing the plastic sticks for the ice-pop maker, and I ended up with several of the molds. I kept one, and we use craft sticks instead of the plastic ones that came with it. We use another mold in the car to keep little items sorted, like change, gum and mints and charging cords. It’s set in the center console and works great!” — M.R. in California • Common substitutions: Use a tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with enough milk to make one cup for every cup of buttermilk a recipe requires. Let the mixture stand five minutes before use. • A tub full of soapy bubbles after a kids’ bathtime? Shake salt on the foam and watch it disappear! Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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(Solution on Next Page)


• On August 21, 2017, a total eclipse of the Sun will be visible across the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina. Here are some weird and wacky facts about eclipses. • In 1998, there was an eclipse that could only be seen while over the Atlantic Ocean. One enterprising company chartered a Concorde airplane, which could fly faster than the speed of sound. If the Moon’s shadow was advancing at 2,000 mph and the Concorde was flying at top speed, the duration of the eclipse would be lengthened. Every seat on board sold out at astronomical prices. The problem was that only half the people on board the plane could see the eclipse through the tiny windows on the airplane. Everyone understood that the people in the eclipse-side seats would get to watch the event for two minutes, and then a PA announcement would signal when they had to give up their seats to the other half of the passengers. However, the plane took too long in turning to view the eclipse when it started. The people in the good seats had been promised two minutes of eclipse time, and held onto their seats even after the PA announcement. The people on the wrong side of the plane never got to see the eclipse at all. Tempers flared and no champagne was served. • An eclipse on May 22, 1724, was visible from Paris. According to the story, a marquis and several aristocratic ladies were invited to witness the spectacle from the Paris Observatory. However, the ladies spent so much time fussing over their wardrobe and their make-up and their hair-dos that they arrived a few minutes after the eclipse had ended. “Nevermind,” declared the marquis wryly. “The director is a great friend of mine, and he will be delighted to repeat the eclipse for you.” ...continued

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Whistle cord is shorter. 2. Stripe is different. 3. Book is missing. 4. Headset is missing. 5. Frog is missing. 6. Flagpole is missing.

• An eclipse on August 19, 1887 was almost completely clouded out, with an overcast sky stretching all the way from Germany to Japan. Answer: Dell. Some joker posted a notice in Berlin stating A VERYofLARGE NUMBER that, on account the weather, the eclipse had •been Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 postponed to another day. he was asked to come up with a name for a • The time a cruisethe ship was chartered for the veryfirst large number: numeral one, followed purpose of seeing a total in the by a hundred zeros. Heeclipse asked happened his two young year 1972 with the ship traveling 900 miles nephews what name they would suggest. off coast of New York in order to see the •the Nine-year-old Milton suggested a eclipse name inout theofmiddle of the Western Atlantic Ocean. the funnies. A cartoon strip character That’s same was yearvery that popular. the CarlyMilton Simonchose song namedthe Barney Barney’sSolast namewas for the number. “You’re Vain” released, in which the the song “flew his Learjet up to •subject Kasnerofannounced the new name for theNova big Scotia to see the total eclipse of the Sun.” number in his next book, altering the spelling. Sixty ayears Larry Page near and Sergey • •When total later, eclipse occurred what is Brin now developedina 1878, new internet search engine. Other Oklahoma the Native Americans were search and engines searchedOne eacholdwebpage fearful screaming. geezer and had ranked them according to how many a enough of the commotion and stepped times outside specific term appeared on them, but Page and his lodge, pistol in hand. He spoke words of Brin designed their search engine to search for incantation, towards the many darkthe specific fired term the and pistol then find out how ened then gestured wildly ordering linksSun, there were that led backwhile to that page, the Sun to reappear. Then he retreated which resulted in a better search engine. to his eclipsethey started passing that very •lodge. They The decided needed a at name that moment, and the Natives were relieved, espereflected how many websites the search cially now thatsearching. they knewThey a pistol all engine was tookshot thewas name that was required to save Sun.number, only of Edward Kasner’s verythe large they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being • Similarly, during an eclipse in Dakota territory spelled exactly the same way the cartoon incharacter 1869, a Barney local doctor would use spelledthought his last he name. What’s his knowledge of an upcoming solar eclipse to it called? (Answer at bottom of page) scare the local Sioux tribe. He told them the COMPUTER FACTS exact time that the Sun would go dark and that •itInwould 1981 last Bill until Gateshesaid, of memory saw“640 fit tokb bring it back. ought to be enough for anybody.” When totality occurred, instead of cowering •inMoore’s Law states that computer performance fear, the tribal members fetched their guns doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever asince and fired them towards the Sun. Within few 1971, this has been true. minutes the light returned. When the doctor •claimed HP, Google, and one Apple were the all that heMicrosoft, had been the to cause started in garages. Sun to disappear, the tribe retorted that they Answer: from googol. had beenGoogle, the ones to make it reappear.

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Quiz Answers-

1. Stationery 2. Try to mend it. 3. Hunger pangs 4. For whom 5. Nabisco

6. “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” 7. 37˚ C 8. True

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Sports Answers 4. 5 games with 1. Brock 141, a season high Mays 140, of 157 yds. Brett 137, 5. Phillip Rivers Rose 135 2. Nick Anderson, with 21 INTs Vince Carter, 6. Matt Ryan Terry Catledge, 117.1, Tom Dwight Howard, Brady 112.2, Tracy McGrady, Dak Prescott Victor Oladipo, 104.9 Shaquille O’Neal 7. Atlanta Falcons 63 (58 3. True. Elgin offensive, 5 Baylor in the 1958-59 season. defensive).


© 2017 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

ECLIPSE FACTS (continued):



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