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August 17, 2017
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• On August 21, 2017, a total eclipse of the Sun will pass across the U.S. It will begin at 10:16 a.m. PDT, starting at the Pacific coast of Oregon, crossing 12 states, over an estimated ten million residents. At any given spot, the eclipse will last only a minute or two. However, the period when the Sun is only partly obscured will take much longer. It will exit over the Atlantic Ocean at Charleston, South Carolina at 2:47 EDT, exactly 93 minutes after it started. Everyone in the continental U.S. should be able to see at least a partial eclipse on August 21st. • A solar eclipse is when the Moon blocks the Sun, casting a shadow across Earth. The word “eclipse” comes from the Greek “ekleipsis” meaning “fail to appear.” This is also the root of the word “ellipsis” which is the name for the three dots (…) indicating something has been omitted. • Imagine holding your arm fully extended and pretending to pinch the Moon between your thumb and forefinger. How big is it? The size of an apple? A walnut? Or a pea? Actually, it’s the size of a pea. Now imagine you’re looking at the Sun, trying to pinch it as well. How big is it? It’s also the size of a pea. And this is why the Moon is completely able to block out the Sun. The Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon, but the Moon is 400 times closer to Earth than the Sun.
Issue # 1,031
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ECLIPSE (continued):
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• The orbit of the Moon around Earth is elliptical, like an egg. When the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, sometimes it’s close to Earth, called perigee, and sometimes it’s farther away from Earth, called apogee. When it’s at apogee, the Moon appears smaller and so it can’t ™ How we play. UTV Audio block the Sun completely. A ring of light appears at Sound Decision around the circumference of the Moon called the SoundDecisionND.com • 701-738-0713 • 1923 DeMersw Ave., w wwe .Grand jla u dForks i™o . c o m annulus (from the Latin word for “little ring”), How play. Let’s play dirty. Premium Powersports Audio and this is called an annular eclipse. When it’s near perigee, the Moon appears relatively large, w w w. j l a u d i o . c o m ™ so it covers the Sun completely in a total eclipse. How we play. The eclipse on August 21 will be a total eclipse. Grand Forks Annular eclipses outnumber total eclipses 5 to 4. w w w. j l a u d i o . c o m ™ • 100+ Top Quality Truffles Chocolates! How we&play. • Albanese - World’s Best Gummies! • Nostalgic/Retro/Imported Candies! • Super Sour Candy Kids Favorites! www . j l a u d-i o .com • Ty Plush Beanie Boos - Best Prices!
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Quiz Bits
5. What is the international radio code word for the letter “W”? 6. Who was the tallest of the U.S. presidents? 7. Name the rock rock group that released the song “I Want You to Want Me.” 8. Which state has more square miles: Kansas or Idaho? 9. What year did singer Johnny Cash die? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:
1. On average, out of every 10,000 people on Earth, how many have seen a total eclipse of the Sun? 2. Are there more solar eclipses or lunar eclipses? 3. Is the Moon getting closer to Earth or farther away? 4. Is the spin of the Earth speeding up or slowing down?
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• If the Moon orbited Earth in the identical plane that Earth orbits the Sun, there would be a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse every month. But the Moon’s orbit is tilted at a five degree angle, making eclipses less common. • A solar eclipse happens only at the new moon. The Moon has to be between the Sun and Earth for an eclipse, and that only happens during the new moon. By contrast, however, lunar eclipses only occur when the Moon is full. • On average, any given point on the planet will see a total eclipse of the Sun about once every 375 years. But that’s just an average. Some places will see an eclipse twice in a single decade such as Carbondale, Illinois, which has a frontrow seat for the 2017 eclipse, and an eclipse on April 8, 2024. • There are about 66 total solar eclipses per century. If you include partial eclipses of the Sun, that number rises to 238 per century, meaning an eclipse occurs about once every six months. Many are not visible, either because they track across the oceans, polar regions, or areas where the weather is frequently cloudy. ...continued
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ECLIPSE (continued): • Most people see a lunar eclipse at one point or another during their lifetime. Far fewer have 701-746-8684 View our Displays in our showroom at: ever seen a solar eclipse. There are two reasons 4224 Gateway Dr. • Grand Forks for this. First, when there’s a total eclipse of the www.sunroomsplusgf.com On 4 season Solariums when Moon, it can be seen by almost half of the planordered by July 15! FREE ESTIMATES! et. Anyone who can look up and see the Moon at night can see a lunar eclipse. But the path of $500 OFF a solar eclipse is usually only about 100 miles Any Sunspace 3 or 4 wide, because that’s the size of the shadow of Season Room when ordered by August 31 the Moon. Only the people who are under that Create your personal Haven with a narrow path get to see the solar eclipse. 001100955r1
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• The second reason is that a lunar eclipse generally lasts for hours because the Earth is large and it takes a long time for the shadow of Earth to cross the Moon. But during a solar eclipse, the shadow of the Moon is moving at over 1,000 mph, and it’s only 100 miles wide, so it takes just a few minutes to cross any point on Earth. • During a solar eclipse, the Moon throws two different shadows over Earth: an inner cone-shaped shadow, and an outer funnel-shaped shadow. The inner shadow is called the umbra, after the Latin word meaning “shade” which also gives us the word “umbrella.” The umbra is completely dark and very narrow, never being more than 167 miles wide. The umbra in the 2017 eclipse will be only 65 miles wide. You must be underneath the track of the umbra to see a total eclipse. • The outer shadow, which is broader and less dense, is called the penumbra, from the Latin “paene” meaning “almost.” If you are standing under the penumbra, you will see only a partial eclipse. Almost the entire continental U.S. will be under the penumbra. • The 2017 event will last 2 minutes and 40 seconds at its longest, which will be just as it passes over southern Illinois and Kentucky. Other areas will see the eclipse for slightly shorter times. ...continued
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• On Aug. 24, 1572, King Charles IX of France orders the assassination of Huguenot Protestant leaders in Paris, resulting in the massacre of tens of thousands of Huguenots across France. An estimated 3,000 French Protestants were killed in Paris, and as many as 70,000 in all of France. • On Aug. 22, 1851, the U.S.-built schooner America bests a fleet of Britain's finest sailing ships in a race around England's Isle of Wight. The ornate silver trophy won by the America was later donated to the New York Yacht Club on condition that it be forever placed in international competition. • On Aug. 23, 1902, pioneering cookbook author Fannie Farmer, who changed the way Americans prepare food by advocating the use of standardized measurements in recipes, opens Miss Farmer's School of Cookery in Boston. • On Aug. 25, 1939, "The Wizard of Oz," which will become one of the best-loved movies in history, opens in theaters across the U.S. Nominated for an Academy Award in the Best Picture category, "The Wizard of Oz" lost to the Civil War-era epic "Gone With the Wind." • On Aug. 21, 1959, President Dwight Eisenhower signs a proclamation admitting Hawaii into the Union as the 50th state. He also issued an order for an American flag featuring 50 stars arranged in staggered rows: five six-star rows and four five-star rows. • On Aug. 26, 1964, Lyndon Johnson is nominated to run for president at the Democratic National Convention. Johnson had assumed the reins of government in November 1963 when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. • On Aug. 27, 1982, Oakland Athletics outfielder Rickey Henderson steals his 119th base of the season, breaking Hall of Famer Lou Brock's 1979 record. The game was stopped, and American League President Lee MacPhail came on the field to congratulate the new record-holder. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• The longest a total eclipse can last is 7 minutes, 31 seconds. The reason eclipses vary in length is because the Earth is not always the same distance from the Sun, and the Moon is not always the same distance from Earth.
35 Years Combined Experience
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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ECLIPSE (continued):
• The reason the eclipse will be shorter in Oregon than in Kentucky is because the umbra travels at different speeds in relationship to its position on the surface of Earth. The umbra travels at the rate of 2,100 mph in relationship to the center of the Earth. However, the Earth is also moving, rotating in the same direction that the umbra is traveling. At the equator, Earth is moving at 1,040 mph. But 40° north of the equator, which is in the middle of the U.S., Earth is spinning at only 790 mph. An umbra traveling at 1,100 mph at the equator would be moving at 5,000 mph near the poles. The closer to the equator an observer is located, the longer the eclipse typically lasts. The umbra will be moving at nearly 3,000 mph on the coast of Oregon, but only about 1,500 mph over Kentucky. • The length also depends on where an observer is standing in relation to the umbra, which is oval. The eclipse lasts longer for a person standing under the fattest part of the oval than it does for someone under the skinnier ends of the oval. • The eclipse on August 21 will be the first total eclipse of the Sun to be seen in the U.S. since 1979, unless you count the one that could be seen only from Hawaii in 1991. The eclipse in 1979 clipped only the Northwestern U.S. and the weather was mostly cloudy that day. The last time an eclipse occurred in the U.S. that spanned the entire continent was in the year 1918. But the next one will occur in 2024, traveling from Texas all the way to Maine. ...more informaton on Eclipses continues later in this issue.
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Amazing Plants:
• Jean Nicot was the French ambassador to Portugal in 1559. He had dinner with a friend who was a botanist. The botanist showed Jean a new plant growing in his garden whose seeds had come from a sailor who brought them back from a trip to the New World. • When European explorers began to settle in America, they discovered the natives enjoyed smoking the leaves of this plant. It became known as “tobacco,” a word which probably originated with the Caribbean word “tabago” meaning “pipe.” When Jean Nicot returned to France, he brought seeds and cuttings of this exotic new plant, planting them in the garden of the embassy. • He began to experiment with the plant, convinced it had miraculous medicinal qualities. He introduced tobacco snuff to the Queen of France, Catherine de’Medici, suggesting it might help cure her migraine headaches. Whether it did or not is unknown, but she became an instant fan nevertheless. • Tobacco quickly became wildly popular throughout Paris, and within a decade it had spread throughout Europe. Jean Nicot became a celebrity. To honor him, the scientific name given the new plant incorporated Jean’s last name, becoming “Nicotiana tabacum.” • It wasn’t until 1828 that chemists isolated the active (and addictive) substance in tobacco leaves, now called nicotine. • Every part of the tobacco plant except the seed contains nicotine. About 64% of the nicotine is contained in the leaves; 18% in the stem; 13% in the roots, and 5% in the flowers. The level of nicotine varies due to factors such as weather and soil conditions. The nicotine level increases as the plant ages and can range up to 3% of the plant’s weight. The method used to cure the tobacco plants also affects the amount of nicotine in the final product.
• The amount of nicotine in tobacco products varies widely. A cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of nicotine, but a cigar has 100 to 200 mg. People who use smokeless tobacco (chew) absorb three to four times the amount of nicotine as do smokers. • Tobacco is a member of the nightshade family of plants. Other plants in the same family also contain nicotine in lesser amounts, including tomato, potato, green pepper, and eggplant. You would have to eat about 20 lbs of eggplant to equal the amount of nicotine in one cigarette. • Nicotine is produced by the plant to act as an insecticide, killing bugs that eat the plant. It used to be used as a pesticide on crops, but was outlawed due to the fact that it poisons mammals. Nicotine is extremely poisonous. Just 30 - 60 mg of pure nicotine (a single drop of pure nicotine in liquid form) is deadly if ingested instead of smoked. But whereas a single cigarette contains 10 mg of nicotine, most goes up in smoke, with only a single milligram inhaled by the smoker. • In humans, nicotine releases adrenaline and dopamine. It takes only 7 seconds for nicotine to hit the brain when inhaled. Nicotine is more addictive than alcohol, marijuana and cocaine. • Nicotine does not cause cancer; the tar in the cigarette does. However, nicotine suppresses apoptosis, a process that removes mutated and damaged cells that can become cancerous. This encourages cancer cells to develop. • Cigarettes are one of the most traded items on the planet, and one of the biggest industries. • In the U.S., about 17% of men smoke, and 13% of women. Adults age 24 – 44 are the most likely to smoke. • About 80% of smokers start smoking before the age of 18. It is not against the law for minors to use tobacco; it is only against the law for tobacco to be sold to minors.
• It was 20th-century playwright Lorraine Hansberry who made the following sage observation: "The thing that makes you exceptional, if you are at all, is inevitably that which must also make you lonely." • Yes, zebras run in herds. It is more interesting, though -- and just as correct -- to call such a group a dazzle of zebras or a zeal of zebras. • If you're planning a trip to India, keep in mind that in that country, it's considered rude to whistle in public. • One day in 1994, Duff McKagan, the original bass guitar player for hard rock band Guns N' Roses, was bored. With little else to do, he decided to take a look at the band's financials -and realized he couldn't make sense of the info. Frustrated, McKagan enrolled in a basic finance course at a community college. One thing led to another, and he ended up at Seattle University's Albers School of Business. Now, the rock star is becoming a money manager, founding wealthmanagement firm Meridian Rock to help other musicians in the same boat. • If you saw two ships run into each other, you'd likely call it a collision -- and you'd be correct if both boats were moving at the time. Technically speaking, though, if one of the boats is stationary, it's known as an allision. • Those who study such things say that when a male beaver gets in a wrestling fight with a female beaver, the female usually wins. • As it turns out, cuddling isn't just fun -- it's good for you, too! Research shows that snuggling up with a loved one stimulates the release of oxytocin, which (among other things) can help wounds heal faster. *** Thought for the Day: "Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom." -- Theodore Rubin
© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
WEST NILE VIRUS RISK FACTORS West Nile virus (WNV) is an infection transmitted by mosquitoes. The mosquito most common for transmitting this virus is one that is widespread throughout the Grand Forks region. This mosquito does not discriminate. People of all ages are susceptible to WNV infection, but the elderly are at higher risk for developing the more severe form of this disease (neuroinvasive illness). Children infected with WNV generally show no symptoms or may have a mild fever.
Risk factors for West Nile virus: • Time of year – The majority of WNV cases occur from July – September. • Geographic region – The Dakotas have reported some of the highest cases per capita in the United States. • Time spent outdoors not wearing protective clothing and mosquito repellent – If you work or spend a lot of time outdoors (golfing, gardening, hunting, etc.), you’re at a higher risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. • Proximity – If you live in an area where WNV has already been identified or near mosquito larval habitat. • If you have a weakened immune system.
The best way to prevent West Nile virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites.
• Use mosquito-repellent products containing DEET. • Wear long sleeves and pants. • Eliminate any standing water from your property, such as trash bins, plant saucers, rain gutters, buckets, etc. For information about West Nile virus and mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
A Rose by Any Other Game If ever there was a more relevant irrelevant athlete in the history of sports, it is Pete Rose. Everyone remembers that kid in class when we were growing up who just couldn't seem to control himself or stay out of trouble but was the first guy you'd pick for your kickball team. Wherever Pete Rose went to school, he was that guy. Pete Rose manages to stay in the news, and he does it better than any other player with the exception of Jackie Robinson. Nobody sits around these days and talks about, say, Walter Johnson, George Sisler, Johnny Mize or Nap Lajoie. But we still talk about Pete Rose. The kid stays in the picture. The Philadelphia Phillies wanted to induct Rose into their hall of fame a week ago, and they had planned on passing out little bobbleheads of his likeness to all the fans in attendance. As per the norm, the deal didn't go down because Rose has some alleged NSFW issues. The Phillies had good intentions, but if there's anything Pete Rose does better than hitting a ball with a bat, it's staying out of halls of fame. I love Philadelphia, and I love Philadelphia fans. I can relate a story about the time I was in a very famous resort town in New Jersey, and one day, over ice-cream sodas, conversation occurred with a few darling tourists from Dallas. If ever there was a more relevant irrelevant athlete in the history of sports, it is Pete Rose. Everyone remembers that kid in class when we were growing up who just couldn't seem to control himself or stay out of trouble but was the first guy you'd pick for your kickball team. Wherever Pete Rose went to school, he was that guy.
Pete Rose manages to stay in the news, and he does it better than any other player with the exception of Jackie Robinson. Nobody sits around these days and talks about, say, Walter Johnson, George Sisler, Johnny Mize or Nap Lajoie. But we still talk about Pete Rose. The kid stays in the 2700 South Washington Street â&#x20AC;˘ Grand Forks, ND picture. www.RydellCarShow.com The Philadelphia Phillies wanted to induct Rose into their hall life, but I think we all know far too much of fame a week ago, and they had about Pete Rose's life anyway. And seriousplanned on passing out little bobble- ly, Pete ... Philadelphia didn't back you up? heads of his likeness to all the fans That's hall of fame stuff right there. We know in attendance. As per the norm, the you're the hit king, but after a while you have deal didn't go down because Rose has to admit that you've taken too many hits, too. some alleged NSFW issues. The Phil- Sooner or later you have to call the game. lies had good intentions, but if there's Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in anything Pete Rose does better than New Jersey. hitting a ball with a bat, it's staying Š 2017 King Features Synd., Inc. out of halls of fame. I love Philadelphia, and I love Philadelphia fans. I can relate a story CENTRAL AVENUE about the time I was in a very famous resort town in New Jersey, and one day, over ice-cream sodas, conversation occurred with a few darling tourists from Dallas. ll literally fight you if you talk smack about their team." And this 2105 Central Ave. NW is the town that won't stand by Pete Rose and toss around a little doll? East Grand Forks, MN I'm not in any way suggesting that Saturday, August 19 the allegations regarding Rose are 8:00 am - 4:00 pm something to make light of, but they SPACES AVAILABLE are just that -- allegations. We don't Call 701-213-3063 know what happened in his private
Sept. 17, 2017 11am - 4pm
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(Answers located after next page)
August 7, 2017
• Moving? Stick a foam plate between your regular plates to cushion them. Bonus is that they are reusable at the new place. • “I found that a travel makeup bag worked really well to keep all my electronic accessories in one place. I have spots for my different device chargers, as well as my wireless mouse, jump drives, earbuds and a spare battery. It makes it easy to grab what I need for a quick trip, and the cords are never jumbled together.” — E.T. in Massachusetts • “We had a nice set of knives in a knife block. The scissors broke, and then a couple of the smaller knives went kaput, too. The block started to look weird with the spots for missing items. My wife filled a wide mouth vase with little stone beads, and the remaining knives are stored in it on the counter. It looks really cool and different, and keeps the blades safe.” — A.L. in Arkansas • “I store all my large utensils inside of a plastic gallon-size beverage container. When I have guests, I use it for extra iced tea or juice, but otherwise it holds large spoons, rolling pins and the like.” — M.Y. in Alabama • Purchase additional measuring cups in the most-used sizes and slip one in the containers of most measured items: flour, sugar, coffee, etc. You’ll thank yourself when you don’t have to search for the right measuring cup or try to clean one in between ingredients. • Here’s a tip for caregivers: Please make sure you put personal time on your to-do list, because it’s just as important as following up on treatment plans and picking up prescriptions. You can help someone so much better when you are rested and ready to give. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• From the moment when the Moon first begins cutting across the Sun, it will be about 75 minutes before totality is achieved. About 15 minutes before totality, the shadow of the Moon will be visible on the western horizon. As totality occurs, there will be many features to watch for: • When a ray of light from a distant star encounters the atmosphere of Earth, it travels through successive layers of hot and cold air, which bend and distort the light. This is what causes stars to appear to twinkle. During an eclipse, the same thing happens to the beam of light coming from the Sun. When there is only a tiny sliver of light still visible from the Sun, the light appears to shimmer and twinkle just as stars do. This is called shadow bands. Shadow bands are only visible for a few fleeting moments. It’s easier to see this occur if there is a large white surface available such as the side of the building or even a big piece of white poster board. It will look like ripples on the bottom of a swimming pool. • As the Moon moves to cover the Sun, you may see a string of bright points of light around the circumference of the Moon. The Moon is not perfectly round. There are mountains, valleys, and craters on the surface. The light of the Sun shines through these cracks and crevices. These points of light are called Baily’s beads after an astronomer who described them. • You may also see what’s called the diamond ring effect, with one brilliant spot of light shining out from the circumference of the Moon, both as the totality begins, and then again as it ends. • Then the Sun’s corona appears, with sheets of pearly light fluctuating all around the darkened circle. “Corona” comes from the Latin word meaning “crown” or “garland.” ...continued
(Solution on Next Page)
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Butterfly is moved. 2. Fence rail is missing. 3. Jar is smaller. 4. Net is different. 5. Arm is moved. 6. House is missing.
• A total solar eclipse is not noticeable until the Sun is more than 90% covered by the Moon. Even at 99% coverage, daytime light looks Answer: Dell. like twilight. It is tempting for observers to A VERY LARGE NUMBER look directly at the Sun when the eclipse is in •progress. Edward Kasner a mathematician. This is was a stupid thing to do. In 1938 he was asked to come up shines with a about name 4,000 for a • One percent of the Sun still very large number: the numeral one, followed times Moon. Permanent by a brighter hundred than zeros.the Hefull asked his two young eye damage result seconds of nephews whatcan name theyafter would60suggest. viewing the Sun. Even the smallest sliver of • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name sunlight passing through the eyeball literout of the funnies. A cartoon strip will character ally fry the retina, causing thermal damage in named Barney was very popular. Milton chose the same way focusing sunlight with a magniBarney’s last name for the number. fying lens will fry an ant. You won’t the • Kasner announced the new name for feel the big burn and inthere will book, be noaltering pain, but will number his next thethere spelling. be a blank spot in your vision for the rest of • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin your life, impairing your search ability engine. to read,Other sew, developed a new internet orsearch drive.engines Lasers searched and welder’s arcs cause the each webpage and same sortthem of damage. ranked according to how many times a specific term on them, but Pageitems and • Do not view theappeared eclipse through makeshift Brin designed their search engine to search for such as dark glass, silver candy wrappers, CDs specific and thenAlthough find out how ortheDVDs, or term sunglasses. they many make links there were that led back to that page, the Sun look dark, they do not block infrared or which resulted in a better search engine. ultraviolet radiation that can permanently dam•age They a name that the decided retina andthey lead needed to blindness. The only reflected how many websites the search time it is was safe to look directly when engine searching. Theyat the tookSun theis name itofis Edward completely obscured by the Moon. Use 14 Kasner’s very large number, only grade welder’s glasses or so inexpensive they misspelled it slightly, it ended up Mylar being eclipse glasses available on the internet. spelled exactly the same way the cartoon character last name. What’s • It’s easy toBarney make aspelled simplehispinhole camera usit called? (Answer at bottom of page) ing two pieces of stiff cardboard. (Do not view FACTS Leafy trees, the eclipse COMPUTER through the pinhole.) hats, fingers, kitchen colan•woven In 1981 Billinterlaced Gates said, “640 kb of memory ought to be enough for anybody.” ders, cheese graters, or any other place where pinholes the computer Sun to shine through •tiny Moore’s Law allow states that performance will cast crescent-shaped shadows. doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since 1971, this has been true. • When Dr. Peters of Hamilton College was •asked HP, Google, Microsoft, Apple all what single item he and would selectwere for obstarted in garages. serving an eclipse the best, he responded, “A Answer: from googol. pillow.”Google, Don’t forget to enjoy your eclipse.
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ECLIPSE (continued):
1st Quarter 2015 Week 2 Jan 4 - Jan. 10 Page 8
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Quiz Answers-
1. Only 1 in 10,000. 2. Solar 3. Farther (1.5”/year). 4. Slowing down. 5. Whiskey
6. Lincoln at 6 ft. 4 in. 7. Cheap Trick 8. Idaho 83,570 sq. mi., KS 82,276 9. 2003
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