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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN September 21, 2017
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Aarrgh! September 19 is Talk Like a Pirate Day, and Tidbits is making sure you have all the facts about pirates close at hand. Sharon Opdahl, Agent insurance. Low rates. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Great rates. Great insurance. Low Get ainsurance. discount up 50%. Sharon Agent Sharon Opdahl aGreat discount upLow to to 50%. 2534 Opdahl, 17th Avenue South, Suite F Get 2534 Avenue South, Suite 2534 17th17th Avenue South, Suite F F Remodeling your home can rates. Grand Forks, ND 58201 Remodeling your home can Agent I can help lower your premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 • Many pirates got their start as privateers, enI can help lower your premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 Bus: 701-746-0495 increase its Protect itit 701-746-0495 increase its value. value. Protect increase itsSafe value. Protect it Bus:Bus: 701-746-0495 through Drive & Save home sharon@sharonopdahl.com . . Drive Safe &your Save sharon@sharonopdahl.com byRemodeling taking aa new look at 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite Fthrough by taking new look at .your your sharon@sharonopdahl.com by taking a new look at your Get to a better State gaging in raiding and looting other ships, but can increase Gethomeowners to a better Stateits. value. insurance policy. insurance policy. homeowners Grand Forks, ND 58201 homeowners Get State Farm. Protect itneighbor, by insurance taking policy. Like good GetLike State Farm. aa good neighbor, Like a TODAY. good neighbor, 701-746-0495 CALL ME while under orders of the state. Privateers State Farm is there. a new look at your CALL ME TODAY. State Farm is there. State is there. sharonopdahl.com CALL ME Farm TODAY. CALL ME TODAY. insurance homeowners CALL ME TODAY. were respected ship captains, and received a policy. Like a good neighbor, commission or letter of marque from a govState Farm is there. ernment official or monarch, empowering the CALL ME TODAY. privateers to capture merchant ships belonging to an enemy nation. In fact, they were of0901136.1 Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 StateState FarmFarm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL 1301900 ten considered reserve naval forces. Although State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL privateers could not technically be charged with piracy, their actions, which were considered legal, were much the same as the criminal Carpet Cleaning pirate. However, if privateers were taken into www.elitecarpetsgf.com custody by a foreign government, they could Carpet Cleaning • Carpet very well be executed, as was the case with Cleaning SPECIAL! Spanish authorities who hanged privateers Upholstery with their letters of marque tied to their neck. $199 •Cleaning 5 Rooms, Hallway • English explorer Sir Francis Drake was actu& 1 Stairway • Water Not valid with any other offer. ally one of the most renowned privateers of Extraction Expires 10-31-17 his time. Although hailed as the first EnglishResidential & Commercial man to circumnavigate the globe, he had been commissioned by Queen Elizabeth I (who nicknamed Drake “my pirate”) to attack Span701-775-8500 ish vessels and ports. When he returned from his 1580 voyage with a ship loaded with plunHouse of der, the Queen immediately knighted him. Sharon Opdahl, Opdahl, Agent Agent Sharon 2534 17th 17th Avenue Avenue South, South, Suite Suite FF 2534 Grand Forks, Forks, ND ND 58201 58201 Grand Bus: 701-746-0495 Bus: 701-746-0495 sharon@sharonopdahl.com sharon@sharonopdahl.com
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PIRATES (continued):
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. What was the name of George Washington’s estate? 6. Who was the first president to What is the name of Long appear at a live televised news John Silver’s parrot in Treaconference? sure Island? 7. In what year did the children’s What fictional pirate said, show “Sesame Street” debut? “Why fight when you can 8. T or F: Robin Williams never negotiate?” won an Academy Award. Name the pirate featured in the 9. What major city is also known 1973 novel The Princess Bride. as “The Big Smoke”? What was the original name of TRIVIA Jack Sparrow’s Black Pearl? SPONSORED BY:
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• Sir Thomas Cavendish was another English explorer who used circumnavigation of the globe as a method of capturing riches. He completed his voyage in 1588, having spent two years and 49 days raiding Spanish ports, towns, and vessels throughout his journey. One 600-ton ship captured by Cavendish was filled with gold, silk, and other treasures from the Pacific and the Philippines. He also was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I upon his return at the age of 27. Cavendish set out a few years later for a repeat of his first raiding expedition, but died at sea at age 31. • The career of Henry Every, a pirate known as Long Ben, started out respectably with a position in the British Royal Navy. He then joined up with the Spanish Expedition Shipping Company, and through a mutiny became a pirate captain, who developed into one of the most feared and successful pirates. Every became the richest pirate after capturing a ship in the Indian Ocean that was loaded with gold and jewels. He retired before he could be captured, and his whereabouts were never discovered. • Captain Henry Morgan was a Welsh pirate who raided the Caribbean colonies in the late 1600s, sanctioned by England as a privateer. It’s believed he looted more than 400 ships during his career. His largest plunder was achieved in Panama City, where he captured 30 ships and 1,200 men. However, this raid resulted in his arrest and extradition to England. Yet Morgan dodged the sentence, and was instead knighted by King Charles II, who not only pardoned and released Morgan, he appointed him deputy governor of Jamaica, where Morgan lived out his days as a wealthy planter. ...continued
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4. Name the last team before the 2016 Chicago Cubs to have five players voted 1. Who was older when he as starters for the All-Star won his last tennis maGame. jor: Andre Agassi or Pete 5. Between 1979 and 1985, Sampras? one reliever in each 2. Name the last school before league led his league in Villanova (2014-17) to win saves for four consecuat least three consecutive tive years. Name the 2 Big East regular-season pitchers. titles in men’s basketball. 6. T or F: The NFL’s Char3. Who was the last Ohio gers originally played in State football player to be Los Angeles before they taken No. 1 overall in the resided in San Diego. NFL Draft?
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PIRATES (continued):
• Well-known pirate Captain Kidd started out as a privateer with an official commission from European royals to rid the Indian Ocean of pirates. Kidd’s ship Adventure Galley was equipped with 34 guns and 150 men. His attack on a large 500-ton East India Company vessel became his downfall. One of owners had connections in England, and his complaints resulted in Kidd being branded as a wanted criminal. When Kidd learned he was being hunted, he supposedly hid most of the treasure somewhere in Caribbean. He then headed for New York, with a stop on Gardiners Island, a tiny island east of Long Island. Here Kidd buried chests containing gold dust, bars of silver, Spanish dollars, rubies, diamonds, candlesticks, and silver bowls. Captured shortly afterward, he was charged with murder and five counts of piracy and shipped to England for trial. Found guilty on all charges, he was hanged in 1701. During the hanging, the rope broke, necessitating a second attempt. His dead body was enclosed in an iron cage and left on display in London for three years to deter other potential criminals. • The practice of gibbeting was a common one following the execution of pirates. After enclosing the body in an iron cage, known as a gibbet, the pirates were often left dangling from a hook until their flesh rotted off, which could take as long as two years. During the 1700s, Ellis Island, which became America’s foremost Immigration Station, was known as Gibbet Island, because it was frequently used as an execution site for pirates.
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• The notorious Blackbeard was born Edward Teach in England, and went to sea as a mariner in the Royal Navy. After capturing a French merchant vessel, he fitted it with 40 guns and made the switch to piracy. ...continued
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• On Sept. 30, 1868, the first volume of Louisa May Alcott's beloved children's book "Little Women" is published. Alcott's subsequent children's fiction included "Little Men" (1871) and "Jo's Boys" (1886). • On Oct. 1, 1908, the first production Model T Ford is completed. Between 1908 and 1927, Ford would build 15 million Model Ts. The cars were powered by a 22-horsepower, four-cylinder engine and could go as fast as 40 mph. • On Sept. 29, 1913, Rudolf Diesel, inventor of the engine that bears his name, disappears while traveling by steamship from Belgium to England. On Oct. 10, his body was found floating in the water. His death was judged a suicide, but many people believed Diesel was murdered.
• On Sept. 26, 1928, work begins at Chicago's new Galvin Manufacturing plant. Galvin would introduce the Motorola radio, the first mass-produced commercial car radio. The name had two parts: "motor" evoked cars and motion, while "ola" derived from "Victrola" and was supposed to make people think of music. • On Sept. 25, 1957, under escort from the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division, nine black students enter allwhite Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Of the 517 black students in the district, 80 expressed interest and were interviewed by the school. Of the 17 chosen, nine decided to attend. • On Sept. 27, 1967, a French TV network begins to broadcast the first (and only) season of the American sitcom "My Mother, The Car." The show's premise was a man visits a used-car lot and finds a 1928 Porter convertible that is, somehow, the reincarnation of his dead mother. • On Sept. 28, 1972, weekly casualty figures for the Vietnam War contain no U.S. fatalities for the first time since March 1965. Losses remained high among South Vietnamese forces, which had taken over the fighting. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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PIRATES (continued):
• At the peak of his career, Blackbeard commanded four ships and 300 men, and seized more than 40 ships in the Caribbean. He sported a thick long black beard, frequently braided into pigtails or tied with colored ribbons, and was said to radiate an extremely frightful appearance. Blackbeard was captured by the Royal Navy in 1718, when he was 38, and during the ensuing intense battle, Teach and many of his crew were killed. Blackbeard was beheaded, and his head was raised upon a stake and displayed near Virginia’s Hampton River.
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• Welsh pirate Black Bart (born Bartholomew Roberts) started out as a respected navy officer and navigator, and was forced into piracy when the vessel was captured by a pirate. The lifestyle seemed to be a good fit for Bart, as he went on to plunder more than 470 ships, more than any other pirate. Bart was an elegant man who dressed in crimson velvet coats, wore a feather in his hat, and gold chains around his neck. Two pairs of pistols were usually slung over his shoulders. Bart didn’t gamble or drink alcohol, preferring a cup of tea, and could frequently be found praying. His ship was captured off the coast of Africa in 1722, and he was killed in battle by a British naval captain. Per his prior wishes, before his body could be seized by the navy, Bart’s crew wrapped him in the ship’s sail and threw him overboard. • It’s believed that French pirate Emanuel Wynne was the first to fly the Jolly Roger flag above his ship. The skull and crossbones on a black flag came into use around 1710. Pirates frequently personalized their flags, with some featuring a full skeleton. Wynne added an hourglass beneath the skull to symbolize that time was running out.
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Unusual Plants:
Perhaps one of Nature’s creepiest plants is the hydnellum peckii, commonly referred to as the bleeding tooth fungus. Follow along as Tidbits focuses on this remarkable living thing. • This fungus’ appearance puts off many, as it resembles a wad of chewing gum that oozes blood. Its fruit is a pale white color accented with pinks and reds. Bleeding tooth is just one of its nicknames, with others including strawberries and cream, red juice tooth, and Devil’s Tooth. Some say it resembles a Danish pastry topped with strawberry jam. While the liquid goo on most species is red, resembling blood, some species secrete liquid that is light pink, yellow, orange, or beige in color. • The fungus was first discovered in 1913 in North Elba, New York, by an American botanist named Howard Banker. It can be found across North America from Alaska to North Carolina, but is especially widespread in the Pacific Northwest. Most often it’s found growing under conifers, particularly Douglas fir, lodgepole pines, and hemlock trees. Its favored environment is in moss and pine needle litter, where it can grow either as a solitary plant or clustered together. Its width varies from 1.6 to 3.9 inches. It’s also found in central Europe, and has been discovered in Iran and Korea in the last nine years. • The sap oozes from the top of the fungus because of high root pressure. This process, known as guttation, occurs when a plant amasses moisture and nutrients necessary for survival through its roots. The pressure causes the plant to push up the thick red goo onto the fruit of the plant. Most of its stem is below the ground.
• The bleeding tooth belongs to a family of mushrooms and toadstools called Bankeraceae (named for the noted botanist who discovered the peckii) and contains 98 different species. The top of its dome- or funnel-shaped cap is densely coated with hair that is similar to the texture of felt or velvet, while the underside is covered with tiny thin cylindrical teeth, less than 0.2 inch long. These specialized teeth produce the spores. As the peckii grows, its delicate rootlike filaments create a sheath around a tree’s roots, and the fungus trades its own minerals and amino acids for carbon from the tree, making for a mutually beneficial relationship. • Although the hydnellum peckii isn’t poisonous, it’s considered inedible, with its extremely bitter peppery taste and unpleasant odor. • In its prime, with its distinctive appearance, the bleeding tooth is easy to spot and identify. However, as the fungus ages, the pressure on the root eases, and the plant turns brown and unexceptional, shriveling up and shrinking, with the look of an ordinary mushroom. • The good news about this bizarre plant is that the gooey red sap it emits has anticoagulant properties. Anticoagulants, used as blood thinners, are used to treat coronary artery disease, vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, heart attacks, and angina. It also has been shown to have antibiotic properties, effective against streptococcus pneumonia.
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by Samantha Weaver
• It was American author and political activist Barbara Ehrenreich who made the following sage observation: "No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots." • Coke has the honor of being the first soft drink in space. Members of the Space Shuttle Challenger drank the beverage from a specially designed "Coca-Cola Space Can." • Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was one tough son of a gun. In his youth, his fighting prowess won him fame as a national hero for defeating the British at the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812 -- and he never slowed down, it seemed. At the age of 67, he was at a speaking engagement when a member of the audience pulled out a gun and tried to shoot him. When the gun misfired, President Jackson used his walking stick to beat his attacker almost senseless. • If you're like the typical human, it takes your brain about 0.0004 seconds to retrieve any given memory. • Even in these modern days, certain maritime traditions hold on. For instance, when a new ship is launched for the first time, the water that first touches the ship is caught in a bottle. Once sealed, that bottle stays with the ship; it's typically displayed in the captain's office, near the bridge. • On a per-capita basis, residents of Mexico consume more carbonated drinks than people in any other country on Earth. *** Thought for the Day: "I have always supported measures and principles, and not men. I have acted fearless and independent, and I never will regret my course. I would rather be politically buried than to be hypocritically immortalized." -- Davy Crockett © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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(Answers located after next page)
September 11, 2017
• Stuffed peppers bake nicely when put into the wells of a greased muffin tin. • Wondering which loan you should focus on first in your debt-free strategy? Shoot for the one with the highest interest rate, generally. Or, if you’re the type who needs motivation beyond the knowledge that you are freeing yourself financially, stack them smallest to largest. When you pay off the balance on the smallest loan, fold that extra payment up to the next smallest loan and so on until you are debt-free! • Toothpaste is a mild abrasive, and it’s suitable to buff out small scratches in a CD. Just dab a bit on, rub lightly with a soft cloth and rinse. • “Want a nice smelling hamper? I give a coffee filter a spritz of perfume and put it in the bottom. There’s no bad smells in my closet, even with a hamper full of workout wear.” — E.L. in South Carolina • “Pickle juice: What is it good for? Lots! You can drink it if you have a muscle cramp, or in the summer when it’s really hot and you’re working out to keep from getting dehydrated. But I sometimes like lightly pickled veggies (carrots, cukes and peppers), so when I’m done with the last pickle, I pour the juice and some rough chopped veggies in a saucepot, bring it to a boil and put them right back in the pickle jar. Put it in the fridge, and you’ll have pickled veggies in a few days!” — M.A. in Alabama (Be sure to eat within a week! — JoAnn) • D.M. in New York writes: “If you are making chocolate cake, replace the water in the recipe with an equal amount of chocolate syrup for a good, deep chocolate flavor.” Yummy! Or, just add a squirt to a box mix. That works, too. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
• Disneyland’s “Pirates of the Caribbean” boat ride attraction was the last ride that Walt Disney would be involved in creating. It was under construction when Disney passed away and opened in 1967, three months after his death. The cost to build the attraction was $8 million. The Disneyproduced Pirates of the Caribbean film series was based on the theme park’s attraction, with the first film, The Curse of the Black Pearl, debuting in 2003. • Johnny Depp was chosen to play the part of pirate Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. Sparrow sought to regain his ship, the Black Pearl, from his mutinous first mate Hector Barbossa. Depp based his characterization of Sparrow on his long-time friend, the Rolling Stones’ guitarist Keith Richards. Richards himself appeared in two cameos in the films as Jack’s father, Captain Teague. During the filming, Depp wore dark contact lenses which acted as sunglasses in order to avoid squinting in the sun all the time. • The first four Pirates of the Caribbean films grossed $3.7 billion worldwide. The fifth movie, Dead Men Tell No Tales, was released in the summer of 2017.
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• Author J.M. Barrie introduced Captain James Hook in 1904 in his stories of Peter Pan, the boy who wouldn’t grow up. Hook is a former petty officer aboard the ship of Blackbeard who becomes pirate captain of the vessel Jolly Roger, and Pan’s archenemy. He is distinguished by his long dark curls (which are really a wig), thick bushy eyebrows, and moustache. Hook lives in fear of the crocodile that ate his hand after it was cut off by Peter Pan, an action that necessitated the hook fixed to the pirate’s right hand. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Towel is smaller. 2. Number is missing. 3. Arm is moved. 4. Sailboat is missing. 5. Sign is smaller. 6. Dock is missing.
• Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson published his adventure novel Treasure Island in 1883. The Answer: Dell.story is told through the eyes of the young teen Jim Hawkins, the Hispaniola’s A VERY LARGE NUMBER cabin boy, who narrates the tale of the journey •across Edward wasMain. a mathematician. In 1938 theKasner Spanish A treasure map falls he was asked to come up with a name for a into the hands of Jim, believed to be a diagram very large number: the numeral one, followed of great treasure buried by a Captain Flint. by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young Flint and six members hadsuggest. buried plunnephews whatcrew name they would der on a Caribbean island and created a map • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name with “X” marking the spot of the treasure. Flint out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character then murdered the very six assistants. Jim, chose along named Barney was popular. Milton with Long John Silver, the peg-legged cook of Barney’s last name for the number. ship, announced sail for thethe mysterious under •the Kasner new nameisland for the big the lead of Captain Smollett. The deceitful and number in his next book, altering the spelling. greedy Silver becomes the leader of a mutiny • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin against Smollett. developed a new internet search engine. Other search engines searched each webpage and • More than 50 movie and TV versions of Trearanked them according to how many times a sure Island have been made. Actors who have specific term appeared on them, but Page and portrayed Long John Silver include Orson Brin designed their search engine to search for Wells, Jack Palance, Charlton Heston, and Tim the specific term and then find out how many Curry. links there were that led back to that page, • Inwhich 1879, W.S. inGilbert Arthur Sullivan resulted a betterand search engine. composed a comic opera entitled “The • They decided they needed a namePirates that ofreflected Penzance,” toldwebsites the story of howwhich many theFrederic, search the son of wealthy 19th-century businessengine wasa searching. They took the name of Edward Kasner’s very large number, man. The son was to be apprenticed to aonly sea they misspelled so it ended upfamily being pilot, but becauseit slightly, of a hard-of-hearing spelled who exactly the same way the cartoon servant misunderstood the instructions, character Barney spelled his last name. was apprenticed to a pirate. In 1981, theWhat’s opera it called? (Answer at bottom of page) was modernized on Broadway and ran for 787 COMPUTER performances, winning a FACTS Tony Award for the •production. In 1981 BillA Gates said, “640inkb of memory film followed 1983 starring ought to be enough for anybody.” Kevin Kline and Linda Ronstadt. • Moore’s Law states that computer performance THANKS FOR TIDBITS! doubles every 18 toREADING 24 months, and ever since 1971, this has been true. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol.
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Quiz Answers
1. Captain Flint 7. 1969 2. Jack Sparrow 8. False. Best 3. Dread Pirate Actor in SupRoberts porting Role 4. The Wicked in “Good Wench Will Hunting” 5. Mount Vernon (1997) 9. London 6. John F. Kennedy
Sports Answers 1. Agassi was 32 4. 1976 Cincinnati Reds. when he won Australian Open 5. Bruce Sutter (1979-82) & in 2003. Pete Sampras was 31 Dan Quisenberry (1982when he won 85). the U.S. Open 6. True: 1960. in 2002. 2. University of Moved to Connecticut San Diego (1994-96). the next year. 3. Offensive lineman Orlando Pace, in 1997.
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