Tidbits Grand Forks - October 12 , 2017

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Since 1997

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

Issue # 1,039 Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 wickpub@yahoo.com Big savings TIDBITS REMEMBERS for Bigsafe savings Mrs. ack says... Home drivers. for safe THE CHICAGO FIRE “Take a Walk Home & Auto. by Janet Spencer drivers. with Warm, & Auto.

October 12, 2017


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The Chicago fire began on Sunday, October 8, 1871 at 8:30 p.m., and burned for the next 31 hours.

• It had been a hot, dry summer followed by a hot, dry fall. October 8, 1871 was a hot, dry, windy day in Chicago. Wagon driver Daniel Sullivan went out to visit neighbors Patrick and Catherine O'Leary, but found them already in bed at 8:00p.m. He saw flames coming out of the barn behind their house. • Sullivan ran into the barn to try to save the livestock inside. But three tons of hay delivered that day caught fire. Then the shed next to the barn caught fire. It contained two tons of coal and a huge mound of kindling. The O'Leary's house began to smolder.


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CHICAGO FIRE (continued):

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. What type of business did George Jefferson own on the TV sitcom “The Jeffersons”? Prior to the euro, what was the 7. What is the phrase on the common currency of Greece? UFO poster in Fox Mulder’s How many strings do most office in TV’s “X-Files”? violins have? 8. What rock song contains this Who had a hit with “Loves lyric: “There’s a sign on the wall, Me Like a Rock, in 1973? but she wants to be sure, ‘cause What is the softest mineral you know sometimes words on the Mohs scale? have two meanings”? How many seasons did TV’s TRIVIA “The Cosby Show” aire? SPONSORED BY:



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• As the O'Leary family began fighting the fire, neighbor William Lee ran to Goll's Drugstore a few blocks away to pull the neighborhood fire alarm. But Goll said a fire engine had just passed by, so obviously someone else had already pulled some other fire alarm. He refused to give Lee the key to the alarm box. Lee ran back to see if his own property was burning yet. Only when another man ran up to Goll yelling that the fire was spreading fast did Goll consent to pull the fire alarm. • Fires were common in Chicago. The city had recently updated its fire alarm system and it was considered to be one of the most advanced in the nation. Many fire alarm boxes were placed around the city. Each fire station had a lookout who constantly searched the neighborhood for signs of smoke. In the high cupola of the courthouse, another lookout searched the entire horizon of the city for smoke. Whenever a fire was spotted, the location was telegraphed to the fire station nearest the flames. • Mathias Schaffer was on duty at the Courthouse Lookout post that Sunday night. Some visitors pointed out smoke in the distance, but Schaffer thought it was the smoldering remnants of a huge fire that had occurred the previous day. Not until he saw huge flames did he consider that he might be wrong. Schaffer missed the location of the fire and pulled alarm box #342, which sent the fire engines rushing to a position a mile away from the fire. When Schaffer discovered his error, he instructed his assistant to pull the correct alarm box - #319 - but he refused to do so for fear it would confuse the situation. The firemen stationed near the fire saw the flames on the horizon and assumed that since they had not been notified, they were not needed. ...continued

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Hall of Famers Tony Gwynn and Rod Carew combined for how many batting-average titles? 2. How many home runs did Babe Ruth hit in World Series play? 3. Bismack Biyombo set a Toronto Raptors record in 2016 for most rebounds in a playoff game. How many was it?

4. The Minnesota Wild set a franchise record in the 2016-17 NHL season for victories (49). What had been the team’s highest total? 5. Si Woo Kim, in 2017, joined three others as the only PGA golfers in the past 25 years to win two tournaments before the age of 22. Name two of the three others to do it. 6. How many NFL teams did Brett Favre play for?





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CHICAGO FIRE (continued):

• When the first two engines finally arrived on the fire, one - the oldest engine in the fleet - was unable to throw water very far and the other could not muster much water pressure. The more powerful engines were either still in their berths or searching for a phantom fire a mile away. A valve gave out, then a hose blew. Many of the firemen were already exhausted from working on the fire that occurred the previous night. One fireman raced to Goll's Drugstore to send the signal that would call for more engines. But he, in his haste, forgot the signal. He pulled the alarm only once instead of the agreed upon signal of four times. Schaffer and his assistant heard the alarm, but figured it was just another passerby pulling the alarm to signal the same fire that engines had already been sent to. Not until 10:00p.m. did the assistant pull another fire alarm, and once more it was the wrong one. The right one was pulled at 10:30p.m. Meanwhile, the wind was picking up speed. • The steeple of St. Paul's ignited. That lifted a shower of sparks high into the air, making it easy for the fire to jump the river, carried by winds at 30 mph. Whirlwinds of fire sucked up burning embers and spread them widely. Panic ensued. People loaded their belongings into carts to evacuate. When the wagons got stuck in the traffic jam, they were abandoned. This clogged the traffic flow and filled streets with flammable items. Bridges across the river rapidly became impassable. They caught fire, burned, and fell into the river, preventing people from escaping in boats. A train car full of kerosene exploded. The courthouse burned down and the fire bell crashed to the ground. • At 3:00a.m. Sunday night, the waterworks burned down. Now the city was without water. Without water, the only way to stop the fire was by using explosives. ...continued

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• On Oct. 16, 1773, the first public statement against the British Parliament's Tea Act, a document known as the "Philadelphia Resolutions," urges all Americans to oppose the British tax. Two months later, a group of colonists disguised as Mohawks boarded three British tea ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor. • On Oct. 22, 1797, Andre-Jacques Garnerin makes the first parachute jump from a hydrogen balloon 3,200 feet above Paris. As he had failed to include an air vent at the top of the prototype, Garnerin oscillated wildly in his descent, but he landed shaken but unhurt. • On Oct. 17, 1906, Wilhelm Voigt, a 57-year-old German shoemaker, impersonates an army officer and leads an entire squad of soldiers to help him steal 4,000 marks from the mayor's office. Voigt humiliated the German army by exploiting their blind obedience to authority. The Kaiser thought the story was funny. • On Oct. 20, 1944, U.S. Gen. Douglas MacArthur wades ashore onto the Philippine island of Leyte, fulfilling his vow to return to the area he was forced to flee in 1942 under orders from President Franklin Roosevelt. • On Oct. 21, 1959, the Guggenheim Museum, home to one of the world's top collections of contemporary art, opens in New York City. The bizarrely shaped white concrete building resembled a giant upside-down cupcake. Today, 900,000-plus visitors visit the Guggenheim yearly. • On Oct. 18, 1968, John Lennon and Yoko Ono are arrested for drug possession in London. Days earlier, an announcement that Ono was pregnant created a scandal because both were married to other people. • On Oct. 19, 1985, the first Blockbuster videorental store opens, in Dallas. The store had 8,000 tapes displayed on shelves and a computerized checkout process. At it's peak in 2004, Blockbuster had 9,094 stores. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.


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For immediate disposal haul your leaves to your nearest compost site through November 15th or Rake them loosely to your berm -NO BAGS. We will attempt to make 2 complete passes through town on street maintenance days, weather permitting. DO NOT mix grass clippings, branches, brush & garden waste. Keep piles away from parked cars, fences & trees, & out of gutters.


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CHICAGO FIRE (continued):

• Monday morning, secretaries, businessmen, and shop girls headed into the city, unaware of the problem. There was no radio or telephone in those days. The “fireproof” newspaper building had burned down. Telegram was the only means of communication. • Throughout all of Monday, Monday night, and Tuesday, the fire burned without mercy. Around 11:00a.m. Tuesday, it began to rain. The fire was extinguished. • A swath of the city four miles long and one mile wide was in ruins. 17,500 buildings were burned and 73 miles of streets had been destroyed.

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• A string of 50 relief trains was already arriving by Tuesday morning. Morgues were set up in burned-out buildings. Demand for carpenters and bricklayers skyrocketed as the city slowly rebuilt itself, and laborers who had previously been out of work now found themselves earning good wages. Just three months later, there were 6,000 shanties, 2,000 wood frame buildings, and 500 brick or stone structures rising from the ashes. Still, 20 years later there were blackened buildings standing in ruins. • Another fire swept through the city in 1874, destroying many of the newly built wooden structures. Only then were fire regulations imposed, requiring the use of brick or stone.

Answer located further back in this issue.

• No one ever found out what caused the fire. The O'Learys were asleep when it happened. Still, they were hounded until they left town. Their home was one of the few left standing. • Mrs. O'Leary's cow did not kick over a lantern, starting the Chicago fire. A newspaper reporter admitted he made up the story to liven up his account. Chicago's city council officially exonerated the O’Leary family—and the cow—in 1997.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

Grand Forks’ Only LOCAL WEEKLY Publication! Wick Publications P.O. Box 12861 Grand Forks, ND 58208

Chadwick Parkinson 701-772-8239 wickpub@yahoo.com




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Amazing Plants:


• The tomato is a member of the highly poisonous nightshade family, and its leaves contain poisons. Because of this, the tomato was long considered to be a deadly vegetable. • In 1830, Col. Robert Johnson of Salem, New Jersey, declared that he would eat— in public— not just one tomato, but a whole basket of tomatoes. Public reaction was loud. Doctors predicted that he would suffer fevers, appendicitis, and frothing at the mouth. If he did survive, he would certainly get cancer. • On the specified day, over 2,000 spectators showed up to watch Col. Johnson commit certain suicide. As he devoured tomato after tomato, women fainted and the town band played dirges. When the basket was empty, the crowd cheered and the band changed their tune to a victory march. The tide had turned for the tomato, and by 1835 they could be found in most markets. Still, as late as 1860, a popular ladies book warned that tomatoes should be cooked for at least 3 hours before being consumed, to avoid “acid blood.” • As the ripened ovary of a seed plant, the tomato is technically a fruit. However, after the tomato went to court in 1893, it became a vegetable by law: A 10% tariff was levied on vegetables but not on fruits, allowing tomatoes to enter the country duty-free. The customs collector decided tomatoes were vegetables, the importers sued, and the court decided it was indeed a vegetable in spite of botanical evidence to the contrary. • Tomatoes originated in Peru. The name comes from the Aztec “xitomatl,” which means “plump thing with a navel.” • In the produce aisle of the supermarket, only bananas and grapes outsell tomatoes.

• Americans consume 30 pounds of tomatoes per person, per year. Over half of that is in the form of processed tomato products such as ketchup and tomato sauce. Salsa recently outpaced ketchup in sales. • The largest worldwide producer of tomatoes is China, followed by USA, Turkey, and India. • California produces 96% of the tomatoes processed in the U.S. • The heaviest tomato on record weighed in at 7 pounds 12 ounces grown by Gordon Graham of Edmond, Oklahoma in 1986. Gordon sliced the tomato to make sandwiches for 21 family members. A single tomato plant was once documented to have produced 16,897 tomatoes. • Tomatoes are a natural source of the antioxidant lycopene, which may help prevent heart disease. More lycopene is absorbed by the body from cooked tomatoes than from fresh tomatoes. A single 1/2 cup serving of canned tomatoes delivers three times the lycopene as is found in one raw tomato. • The highest concentration of vitamin C in tomatoes is in the jelly-like substance around the seeds. • Tomatoes sold in grocery stores are picked when green and ripened artificially by being surrounded with ethylene gas. That's why they don't taste as good as home-grown. The longer the fruit is on the vine, the better it tastes. It’s estimated that 94% of people who garden grow some tomatoes. • Superstition held that placing a ripe tomato on the mantel of a new house would bring prosperity. Since ripe tomatoes were hard to find in winter months, it became popular to make pin-cushions in the shape of a tomato and use that instead.






by Samantha Weaver

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d Cities Gam n ra G


• It was Irish author and editor Robert Lynd who made the following sage observation: "History may be read as the story of the magnificent rearguard action fought during several thousand years by dogma against curiosity." • Historians say that the Halloween tradition of trick-or-treating dates back to the early European tradition of mumming, when costumed dancers would go door to door to perform choreographed routines, as well as songs and plays, in exchange for treats. • You might be surprised to learn that on a percapita basis, Finland has more heavy-metal bands than any other country on Earth. • If you're fortunate enough to be planning a trip to Argentina, you'll almost certainly make a stop in Buenos Aires, the capital. While you're there, keep an eye out for a mobile work by Raul Lemesoff. The artist, known for his eccentricity, converted a 1979 Ford Falcon into a kind of a tank -- it even has a turret that swivels. Instead of soldiers and armaments, however, this tank carries books on shelves both inside and outside the vehicle. Lemesoff drives his "Weapon of Mass Instruction" through the city streets, delivering free books to all comers. His only requirement? Recipients must promise to read what he gives them. • You've certainly heard of "Tarzan of the Apes." Edgar Rice Burroughs' 1912 work has been adapted over and over again -- for radio, television, film and more. You probably weren't aware, though, that the novel was such an instant and ongoing success that Burroughs wrote 24 sequels. • In a recent survey of pet owners, 43 percent of respondents said that they'd be eating healthier themselves if they ate the same thing they fed their pets. *** Thought for the Day: "What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- Christopher Hitchens

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(Answers located after next page)

October 2, 2017

• Use Lego people to hold your charging cables when not in use. Their hands are the perfect size to hold cords, and you can stick the figures to a small Lego base that’s secured to whatever is convenient — a table edge, your night stand or even the wall itself — with some double-faced tape. • “New shoes too tight? Wear a pair of thick socks, and slip your shoes on. Run a hair dryer over the areas where it’s too tight, and the heat will help those spots expand. Test in an inconspicuous area first if you are unsure that the fabric can take the heat!” — C.W. in Oregon • Got your cellphone wet? Try the rice trick first. Power down if possible and remove the protective cover, then fill a zipper-top plastic baggie with plain uncooked rice. Insert your phone and seal the bag, making sure that all parts of the phone are surrounded by the rice. Let it sit for 12 hours so the rice can draw the moisture from your device. Then try to power up. • “Want to seal your sugar bag (or any all-plastic bag)? Fold over the top at least an inch, and cover the fold with a strip of aluminum foil — both sides. Lay the bag on its side. Iron the fold, which is trapped inside the foil. It melts the plastic inside. Let cool and remove the foil.” — R.Y. in Kentucky • Need to get into a crevice for cleaning? Position a condiment cap (the ones that come with a squirt bottle) on the hose of a vacuum. Now you can get the crumbs in a keyboard or that little spot under the fridge, etc. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.



John Wayne

Don’t much like quitters, son. GRIT

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• Just south of Collinsville, Illinois on Route 159 you will find the world’s largest catsup bottle constructed out of a water tower. • A canning and packing company started up in Collinsville in 1891. By 1933, the line included beans, sauces, soups, and the popular Brooks Old Original Tangy Catsup. • A water tower at the plant was painted to look like a giant can of Brooks beans. The plant drew so much water from the local supply that residents were left with little water pressure. In 1947, a 100,000-gallon water tower was built next to the Collinsville plant. The 70-foot water tower on 100-ft. legs was completed in 1949. It was shaped like a bottle and painted to look like Brook’s Old Original Tangy Catsup. Someone calculated that it was big enough to hold 1.5 million tomatoes, or enough catsup for about 25 million burgers. • By 1954, the company was filling 350 catsup bottles per minute, taking tomatoes from the field to the bottle in less than three hours. • In 1960, the factory was acquired by Agrilink Foods. Food production was moved to Indiana and the Collinsville plant became a warehouse for Brooks products. • 1970 saw a fresh coat of paint on the old catsup bottle, the last for a long time. But by the 1990s, the Big Bottle was covered with graffiti and falling into disrepair. When Agrilink put the land, warehouse, and water tower up for sale, the future of the catsup bottle was in jeopardy. • Then the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile stopped by on a promotional visit in 1992, a match made in heaven. Prompted by the publicity generated by photos of the Wienermobile parked beneath the World’s Largest Catsup Bottle, the Catsup Bottle Preservation Group (CBPG) swung into action. ...continued

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Ears are different. 2. Stripes are missing. 3. Number is different. 4. Scoreboard is missing. 5. Neckline is different. 6. Book is missing. © 2017 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.


• After Collinsville Mayor Fred Dalton declared the city had no use for the Bottle, petitions were circulated, letters written, fundraisers Answer: Dell. held, publicity generated. A VERY LARGE Someone NUMBERwrote the “Catsup Bottle Song.” • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 • The of the BrooksupCompany offered he owners was asked to come with a name for toa verywith largethe number: numeral one, followed help cost ofthe restoration, but only if it by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young was re-painted to look like a modern bottle of nephews what name wouldBrooks suggest.threatBrooks catsup. Furorthey ensued. •ened Nine-year-old suggested a name to tear the Milton bottle down. The media deout of the funnies. A cartoon strip character scended. named Barney was very popular. Milton chose • David Reid, producer the TV series Barney’s last name for thefor number. “Cheers” supported the preservation effort by • Kasner announced the new name for the big placing bottle of Brooks catsup on set of numbera in his next book, altering thethe spelling. the show. • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin • Indeveloped 1994, a new company out the plant. a new internetbought search engine. Other They agreed that the bottle iseach an integral partand of search engines searched webpage ranked them according to ithow many the community and deeded to the city.times a specific term appeared on them, but Page and • The bottle received Historic Landmark status. Brin designed their search engine to search for Inthe1995, restoration began. wasmany finspecific term andwork then find out Ithow ished June, andthat in July restored linksby there were led the backnewly to that page, Catsup Bottle was featured in “Country which resulted in a better search engine.Extra” in an they articleneeded about unusual •magazine, They decided a namewater that towers. (Also shown were the World’s reflected how many websites the Largest search Ear of Corn tower They in Rochester, engine waswater searching. took theMinnename sota; the World’s Largest Bobber only waof Edward Kasner’s veryFishing large number, they misspelled it slightly, it ended up being ter tower in Pequot Lakes, so Minnesota; and the spelled exactly thetanks same way the cartoon Hot and Cold water in Pratt, Kansas.) character Barney spelled his last name. What’s • Recognized the world over asofanpage) excellent exit called? (Answer at bottom ample of 20th century roadside Americana, the COMPUTER FACTS World's Largest Catsup Bottle regularly gar•ners In 1981 Billattention Gates said, kb visitors of memory national and“640 attracts and ought to be enough for anybody.” tourists every day. • Moore’s Law states that computer performance • Said CBPG president Judy DeMoisy, doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever “You since know where you are when you see the Catsup 1971, this has been true. just likeMicrosoft, you know where you are when •Bottle, HP, Google, and Apple were all you see the Eiffel Tower.” started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol. TIDBITS! THANKS FOR READING


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Quiz Answers

7. “I Want to 1. Drachma 2. Four Believe” 3. Paul Simon 8. “Stairway to 4. Talc Heaven” by 5. 8 seasons Led Zeppelin (1984-1992) in 1971 6. Dry cleaners


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Sports Answers 1. Fifteen: Gwynn 5. Sergio Garcia, Jordan (8), Carew (7). 2. 15 home runs in Spieth, and 10 World Series. Tiger Woods. 6. 4: Falcons, 3. 26 rebounds. Packers, Jets, 4. 48 wins in and Vikings 2006-07.



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