Happy Halloween!
FREE! Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks October 26, 2017
Published by: Wick Publications
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TRUE or FALSE? by Janet Spencer
In the following pages, you will find lists of amazing facts. We have hidden one “fact” that is actually false; all the rest are true. Can you spot the false fact? Answer given at the end of the article. Good luck!
• There are more tigers in private collections in Texas than there are left in the wild. • One species of shark can live over 400 years. • Sharks appeared on Earth before trees evolved. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 • Turkeys can spontaneously impregnate themState Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL selves. • A child does not develop kneecaps until they’re nearly a toddler. Carpet Cleaning • Aphids give birth to pregnant aphids. www.elitecarpetsgf.com • A cloud can weigh over a million pounds. Carpet Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning SPECIAL! • A human liver can be split in two and both • Upholstery sides will regenerate into functioning livers. $129 Cleaning 3 Rooms & • Leopards can carry a carcass twice their own Hallway • Water Not valid with any other offer. body weight up a tree. Extraction Expires 11-30-17 • Horses can’t vomit. Rodents can’t vomit. Residential & Commercial • A single horse can actually put out about 15 horse power. • The beak of a squid can close with more force 701-775-8500 than the jaws of a lion. We Fix iPad • Kangaroos outnumber humans in Australia. *Hypothetical savings example over life of loan based on reduced interest rate. Actual savings amount will vary depending on your individual circumstances. *Hypothetical savings example over life of loan based on reduced interest rate. 1303063 10/13 amountState Farmdepending Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, Actual savings will vary on your individualILcircumstances. 1303063 10/13
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TRUE or FALSE? (continued):
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. In the game Scrabble, what is the value of the letter Z? 7. How many electors are in the When thrown into water, will a U.S. Electoral College? bowling ball float or sink? 8. Where was the inventor AlexThe Venus fly trap plant is naander Graham Bell born? tive to what two U.S. states? 9. Who released the song “Love Name the two national sports Is Just a Four-Letter Word,”? of Canada. 10. What two elements is the Name the Oklahoma state alloy bronze usually made vegetable. from? What is the first element on the TRIVIA Periodic Table? SPONSORED BY:
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Can you find the one false fact? • Finland and North Korea are separated by one country: Russia. • One 18-inch pizza provides more pizza than two 12-inch pizzas. • More people live in Bangladesh than in Russia. • More people die every year from cow attacks than shark attacks. • Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire. • Mastodons were still around when the Pyramids were built. • If you lined up every planet in the solar system so they were all touching, they would fit inside the space between Earth and Moon. • There are more hydrogen atoms in a teaspoon of water than there are teaspoons of water in the ocean. • Betty White is older than pre-sliced bread. • Not once in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it mention that he’s an egg. • More people were murdered in Chicago in 2016 than in the U.K and Scandinavia combined. • Charles Darwin and Steve Irwin owned the same tortoise. • There are more fake flamingos than real flamingos in the world. • Killer whales are dolphins, not whales. • If you save a penny today and double that amount each subsequent day, you will end up with over 10 million dollars within 30 days. • People in Duluth, Minnesota live farther north than half of Canada’s population. • The human brain is the only organ to have named itself. • Humans share 50% of the same DNA as bananas. ...continued
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Visit NAFJOBS.ORG or call 701-747-5030 • 701-747-4476 4. In 2016, Oakland’s Sebastian Janikowski became 1. Name the last Toronto Blue the NFL’s all-time leader in field goals of 50 or Jays pitcher before Aaron more yards. Who had held Sanchez in 2016 to win 10 the mark? straight games. 5. During the 2016-17 sea2. What 3 players hold the son, two Division I men’s record for most All-Star college basketball coaches Games on the National reached the milestone of League roster? 800 career victories while 3. Who was the first hockey coaching at their alma player to win Sportsman mater. Name them. of the Year honors from 6. Who was the fastest NHL Sports Illustrated? coach to 400 career wins?
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TRUE or FALSE? (continued):
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Can you find the one false fact? • A group of unicorns is called a blessing. • Ireland is further north than all the U.S. states except Alaska. • Kangaroos can’t hop backwards. • A group of pugs is called a grumble. • Crocodiles never stop growing. • The fax machine was patented in 1843. • If you took all the humans in the world and stood them shoulder to shoulder and front to back, they would all fit inside the city limits of Los Angeles. • Picasso died the same year that Pink Floyd released “Dark Side of the Moon.” • Giraffes only sleep a total of 30 minutes a day. • Dung beetles are the only known creature, aside from humans, to use the stars to help them navigate. • “Cliché” is derived from the sound that early printing presses made for every print. • There are only two escalators in the state of Wyoming. • Hawaii is the only state in the U.S. that has never experienced a temperature above 100˚F or below 0˚F. • If you make $18,000 USD a year, you are in the top 5% of the world’s richest people. • Your brain has more neural connections than there are stars in the universe. • There are more ways to combine all 52 cards in a card deck than there are atoms in the Earth. • Your foot is the same length as your forearm. • Light roasted coffee has more caffeine than dark roast. • Maine is the closest state to Africa. • The tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable. ...continued
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• On Nov. 5, 1605, King James I of England learns that a plot to blow up the Parliament building with some 20 barrels of gunpowder was been foiled. Guy Fawkes was taken into custody and revealed that he was part of a conspiracy to annihilate England's Protestant government. Every year Fawkes is burned in effigy in remembrance of the plot. • On Oct. 31, 1892, "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes," by Arthur Conan Doyle, is published. The book was the first collection of Holmes stories, which had been published in magazines since 1887. • On Nov. 4, 1922, King Tut's 3,000-year-old tomb is discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The tomb contained a stone sarcophagus with three nested coffins. Inside the final coffin, made of solid gold, was the mummy of the boyking Tutankhamen. • On Nov. 2, 1947, The Hughes Flying Boat -the largest aircraft ever built -- is piloted by designer Howard Hughes on its first and only flight. The wooden aircraft had a wingspan longer than a football field and was designed to carry more than 700 men into battle. • On Nov. 1, 1959, Montreal Canadien Jacques Plante becomes the first NHL goaltender to wear a full facemask. After four broken noses, a broken jaw, two broken cheekbones and 200 stitches, Plante wore the mask, against the coach's wishes. • On Nov. 3, 1976, "Carrie," a horror film based on Stephen King's 1974 best-selling first novel, opens in theaters. "Carrie" is considered one of the best big-screen adaptations of King's work. • On Oct. 30, 1991, as a "perfect storm" hits the North Atlantic coast, the fishing boat Andrea Gail and its six-member crew are lost at sea. The disaster spawned the best-selling book "The Perfect Storm," by Sebastian Junger, and a blockbuster Hollywood movie. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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TRUE or FALSE? (continued):
Can you find the one false fact? • The only substance that expands when it gets colder is water. • Palm trees are more closely related to true grasses than trees. • The U.S. has been at war for 93% of the time it has existed as a country. • There are more lakes in Canada than all other lakes in the world combined. • There are about 29,000 employees in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for all of Canada, compared to 50,000 in the New York Police Department for a single city. • Apple seeds are poisonous. • France executed the last person by guillotine several months after the first “Star Wars” movie was released. • Goats have square pupils. • Mt. Everest can fit inside the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, with room to spare. • Between 1912 and 1948, art competitions were a part of the Olympics. Medals were awarded for architecture, music, painting, and sculpture. • In the United Kingdom, all swans in the country belong to the Queen. • The surface area of Pluto is equal to the land area of Russia. • Roses will graft onto apple trees and live as long as the tree does. • 50% of Japanese women live to be 89. • The name “Jessica” was created by Shakespeare in the play “The Merchant of Venice.” True or False: STUMPED? • Dung beetles are the only known creature, aside from humans, to use the stars to help them navigate. Sorry, but this is not true. Many species of birds also navigate by stars.
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Amazing Plants:
• Milk sick killed Abraham Lincoln’s mother, Nancy Hanks, when she was 34. Sometimes half the people in a settlement might die of it. The disease was preva• White snakeroot is a perennial plant related to the lent throughout Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, daisy family. It gets its name from the fact that Naand Illinois. tive Americans used a concoction of the plant to treat the symptoms of snake bite. But few plants have • In 1830, the Kentucky General Assembly offered a caused as much misery as white snakeroot. $600 reward to anyone discovering its cause.
• In the early 1800s, pioneers moved into the frontier • A woman in Illinois named Anna Bixby was the first regions of the Midwestern United States. They settled person who put two and two together. She noted that along the Ohio River valley and its tributaries, which the illness became prevalent every spring when the were the main transportation routes. White snakeroot white snakeroot first appeared above the ground, ofgrew wild there, preferring half-shaded riverbanks, fering an inviting thing to nibble on for passing cattle. thickets, and meadows. Livestock, left free to forCows tended to get sick, but other livestock did not. age during the day, frequently grazed upon the tender She started following cows around to see what they shoots of white snakeroot, particularly in the spring were eating. when it’s one of the first plants to poke above the melting snows. The settlers were unfamiliar with the • While doing that, she met a Shawnee woman who told her of the poisonous qualities of the plant. Bixby plant because it does not grow in the Eastern United harvested the plant and deliberately fed it to her cow, States or Europe. What they didn’t know is the white whose calf subsequently died from the disease. She snakeroot contains a toxin called tremetol. spread the word among her neighbors, leading a cam• When ingested by a cow, the poison is concentrated paign to rid the area of white snakeroot. in the milk, which is passed on to the calf. The mother cow may not suffer any symptom of poisoning at • Her attempts to notify authorities of her discovery fell on deaf ears, largely because she was a woman. A all, but the calf will soon suffer symptoms including farmer named William Jerry also tried to spread the loss of appetite, vomiting, gastrointestinal pain, conword in the year 1867. American medical science did stipation, weakness, and trembling. Coma and death not officially identify the cause of milk sickness uninevitably follow. If the milk is consumed by a pertil 1928, when advances in biochemistry enabled the son, the same thing happens. Settlers dubbed the illanalysis of the plant’s toxin. ness “milk sick.” • No one knew what caused milk sick. There was no • Milk sickness is rare today. Current practices of animal husbandry generally control the pastures and feed way of knowing if milk was contaminated prior of cattle. The pooling of milk from many producers to drinking it. Meat from an animal that had eaten lowers the risk. Still, milk sickness can occur if a perwhite snakeroot was also deadly. The toxin cannot son drinks contaminated milk or eats dairy products be neutralized by boiling, cooking, or pasteurizagathered from a single cow or from a smaller herd tion, so butter and cheese were also tainted. Even that has fed on the white snakeroot plant. There is no dried snakeroot plants retain their toxicity for years cure, but supportive treatment is available. if mixed in with forage.
by Samantha Weaver
© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
• It was German dramatist, poet, philosopher and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who made the following sage observation: "Too many parents make life hard for their children by trying, too zealously, to make it easy for them." • At one time in Ireland, a traditional Halloween activity was predicting future romance. It was one of the few times of the year when young men and women could mingle, and fortunetelling games to predict who they would marry were popular. • Those who are experiencing money-related relationship issues might be interested to note the results of a survey conducted by TD Ameritrade. When asked who manages the household budget, 87 percent of women said they did, while 81 percent of men claimed that responsibility. • Until Alfred Hitchcock's iconic psychological horror film "Psycho" premiered in 1960, no American film had ever shown a toilet being flushed. • Buick is one of the oldest automobile brands in the world, so you might expect that the company's founder did pretty well for himself. Unfortunately for David Dunbar Buick, who incorporated the company in 1903, that wasn't the case. In less than a year, the company was sold. Buick stayed on as a manager and worked on engine development, but only for two more years. When he left his namesake company in 1906, he sold his one remaining share of Buick for $100,000. That was a rather hefty sum at the time, but he lost it all in a series of unsuccessful ventures. At the time of his death in early 1929, he was virtually penniless. • It's been reported that a shaved guinea pig bears a remarkable resemblance to a tiny hippopotamus. *** Thought for the Day: "Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power." -- Eric Hoffer
Little Paper Ever Read®
Of Grand fOrks • East Grand fOrks
September 11, 2014
Published by: Wick Publications
BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon 2534 17thOpdahl Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Agent Bus: 701-746-0495 sharonopdahl.com
Life insurance shouldn’t wait. Even though life is busy, take a moment to reflect on what’s
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Little Paper Ever Read®
Of Grand fOrks • East Grand fOrks Published by: Wick Publications
BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon 2534 17thOpdahl Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Agent Bus: 701-746-0495 sharonopdahl.com
Life insurance shouldn’t wait. Even though life is busy, take a moment to reflect on what’s
2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F most important. For peace of Grand Forks, ND 58201 mind, protect your family with State Farm life insurance. 701-746-0495 Like a good neighbor, sharonopdahl.com ®
State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY.
State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL 0901038.1
1003 S. Washington Street Grand Forks, ND • (across from Gerrells)
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TIDBITS® BEATING by Janet Spencer
HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a
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TIDBITS® BEATING by Janet Spencer
On September 11, 1952, the first artificial aortic valve was installed in a patient in Washington, D.C. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at the human heart!
HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a
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Issue # 884
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(Answers located after next page)
October 16, 2017
• If your razor has seen better days, try running it over a pair of jeans. The material can sharpen and realign the blades to get a little more life out of your razor. • Use a small, lidded plastic container to store the following items in your vehicle through the cold winter months: flashlight, portable USB battery pack (charged, with charging cable for your device), blanket(s), road flares, first aid kit, ice scraper, sand or other traction-creating material, bottles of water and some snacks, a weatherproof poncho/jacket and a pair of walking shoes with socks. • The National Sleep Foundation says that exercise can contribute to better sleep. Work out at least 4-5 hours before you expect to hit the hay, though, because exercise can keep the heart rate elevated and give you energy for hours after you are done. Afternoon workouts are the best, but morning sessions are great, too. • “For a successful morning, prep breakfast and clothing, and go over your to-do list the night before. Have your kids do the same. Since we started doing this, mornings are so much easier to bear, and we all get to sleep in a little longer too!” — N.L. in Ohio • Hand-held heat. Fill an old sock (no holes) with uncooked rice and knot at open end. Pop in the microwave for no more than 2 minutes for a long-lasting heater-upper. • “Prevent outdoor padlocks from freezing up by covering the keyhole with a small piece of duct tape, and then put the whole lock in a sandwich-size baggie to seal.” — G.O. in New York Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• Greta Garbo sails dramatically off into the sunset in the closing scene of the 1933 movie “Queen Christina.” The wind is full in her face, blowing her hair back as she stands at the helm of the ship. But the sails in the scene behind her are filled with a wind coming from the opposite direction. • In the 1989 film “Field of Dreams,” Shoeless Joe Jackson bats right-handed. Shoeless Joe was actually left-handed. • In “The Story of Robin Hood,” Maid Marian (played by Joan Rice) wears a dress with a zipper clearly visible. The fictional Robin Hood lived in the 1600s, long before zippers. • Eddie Murphy is handcuffed when sprung from jail in “48 HRS.” In the next scene, his arm is draped over the back seat of the automobile but in the next scene he’s handcuffed again. • In the 1968 movie “The Scalphunters,” which takes place in the 1800s, an actor mentions the planet Pluto, which was not discovered until the 1930s. • Walter Matthau had a heart attack in the middle of filming “The Fortune Cookie” in 1966. He resumed filming five months later. In the movie, he goes out a door and comes back forty pounds lighter. • In the 1978 film “Foul Play,” Goldie Hawn sits on a park bench eating a sandwich. First it’s whole, then it’s half gone, then the sandwich returns whole, then it’s half gone again. The next shot shows just one bite taken, before it disappears entirely. • Celia Johnson runs through a rainstorm in the 1945 film “Brief Encounter,” but manages not to get wet at all. Michael Caine also stays dry after swimming to rescue Lorraine Gary in the 1987 film “Jaws: The Revenge.” He climbs into her boat completely dry. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Fence is smaller. 2. Number is missing. 3. Arm is moved. 4. Bag of groceries is missing. 5. Hat is different. 6. Button strip is missing.
• In the 1944 thriller “Double Indemnity,” Fred MacMurray plays a bachelor, in spite of wearing a wedding Answer: Dell. ring the entire time. • When Claude Rains strips naked to elude A VERY LARGE NUMBER in the was 1933 movie “The Invisible •detection Edward Kasner a mathematician. In 1938 Man,” pursuers follow his made he was asked to come up footprints with a name forbya feet wearing shoes. the numeral one, followed very large number: by a hundred zeros. He asked young • The 1978 film “Halloween” washis set two in Illinois, nephews suggest. but most what of thename carsthey hadwould California license •plates. Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name of the funnies. A cartoon stripis character • Inout “Superman,” Christopher Reeve impervinamed Barney was very popular. Milton chose ous to bullets, yet still has visible fillings in his Barney’s last name for the number. teeth. • Kasner announced the new name for the big • Everyone vampires cast a number inknows his nextthat book, altering don’t the spelling. reflection. In “Dracula,” however, the doctor • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin searches for a female vampire, first glimpsing developed a new internet search engine. Other her reflection in asearched pool of water. search engines each webpage and • Inranked the 1989 “Cross lead-a themmovie according to of howFire,” manythe times specific term up appeared them,from but Page and ing lady rakes autumnonleaves her yard Brin designed their search engine to search for while the background trees are still sporting the specific term and then find out how many full foliage. They filmed in Kansas in July. links there were that led back to that page, • Katharine Hepburn’s name wasengine. misspelled which resulted in a better search “Katherine” in the credits on “State of the • They decided they needed a name that Union.” name was reflectedAlec howGuinness’ many websites the spelled search “Guines” in “Bridge on the River Kwai.” engine was searching. They took the name of Edward Kasner’s large number, only IT’S Avery FACT they misspelled it slightly, so it ended • When the giant Hollywood sign in the up Losbeing Anspelled exactly the same way the cartoon geles Hills fell into disrepair, rock star Alice character Barney spelled his last name. What’s Cooper decided to do something about it. He it called? (Answer at bottom of page) determined that each letter would cost about COMPUTER FACTS $28,000 to repair. He donated the first $28,000 •himself, In 1981fixing Bill Gates said, “640 of memory up the first “O” in kb memory of his ought to be enough for anybody.” friend, Groucho Marx. Then he went on tour as •“Alice Moore’s Law states that computer Coper” to dramatize what performance a difference every 18 toEventually 24 months,heand ever sponsince andoubles “O” can make. found 1971, this has been true. sors for each letter in the sign. Among those •who HP, adopted Google,aMicrosoft, Apple were all letter wereand Gene Autry, Hugh started in garages. Hefner, Andy Williams, and Warner Brothers Answer: Records.Google, from googol.
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5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Hydrogen 10 points. 538 Scotland Joan Baez, in 1968. 10. Copper and tin.
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Sports Answers 1. Roy Halladay 5. Bob Huggins (West Virginia) won 15 in a & Roy Wilrow in 2003. liams (North 2. Hank Aaron, Carolina) Willie Mays, & Stan Musial 6. Bruce Boudreau did it with 24 each. in 663 games 3. Bobby Orr, (2007-16). in 1970. 4. Detroit’s Jason Hanson had 52.
© 2017 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
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