LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN November 30, 2017
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by Kathy Wolfe
Hats off on November 25, International Hat Day! This week, Tidbits is turning its attention to all sorts of headgear. Sharon Opdahl, Agent pennies aa day. Just day. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Get a discount up toa to 50%. Just pennies day. Get a discount up 50%. Sharon Opdahl 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite F F 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite Just pennies a day. you know your landlord’s Did your landlord’s I can help lower your premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 • A tam o’shanter has its origins in Scotland, and Agent I can lower youryour premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 Didhelp your know only covers the Bus:Bus: 701-746-0495 insurance only covers the . Did you know your 701-746-0495 through Drive Safe & Save through Drive Safe &landlord’s Save . landlord’s insurance sharon@sharonopdahl.com Protect your stuff. sharon@sharonopdahl.com Protect your stuff. 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite FGetbuilding? insurance only covers the . to a better State was originally worn by men. Because of the . Get to a better State onlyno covers buildreason to take aa reason toyour take building? Protectthe stuff. Grand Forks, ND 58201 GetThere’s State Farm. Get State Farm. chance. Like aa good neighbor, ing? Protect your stuff. good neighbor, There’s no reason to take a lack of chemical dyes in the 18th century, they CALL MEFarm TODAY. 701-746-0495 State is CALL ME TODAY. State Farm is there. There’s nothere. to chance. Like areason good neighbor, CALL ME sharonopdahl.com CALL MEFarm TODAY. State is there. take aTODAY. chance. were always indigo blue, thus earning them the CALL ME TODAY. Like a good neighbor, name “blue bonnets.” Today, they are popular State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY. in Scottish tartan and a wide variety of other colors. This floppy hat is usually made of wool and is often twice the diameter of the wearer’s StateState FarmFarm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 1301900 StateState FarmFarm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL IL Indemnity Company, Bloomington, head. The tam o’shanter is named after a character in a poem written by Robert Burns in 1790. Freshmen entering Kingston, Ontario’s Queen’s University are gifted with a tam upon Carpet Cleaning their entrance to the university. www.elitecarpetsgf.com • The Panama hat actually has its origins in Carpet Cleaning • Carpet Ecuador, where it was made from the plaited Cleaning SPECIAL! leaves of the toquilla palm. It’s believed that Upholstery $129 •Cleaning the Incas were the first to weave hats from the 3 Rooms & plant. The hat gained popularity in the U.S. Hallway • Water Not valid with any other offer. when the government ordered 50,000 “somExtraction Expires 12-30-17 breros de paja toquilla” for troops headed to Residential & Commercial the Caribbean during the Spanish-American War in 1898, providing a lightweight and breathable protection from the brutal sun. The 701-775-8500 trend was furthered when President Theodore Roosevelt donned a Panama hat when visitHouse of ing the construction site of the Panama Canal. SharonOpdahl, Opdahl, Agent Agent Sharon 253417th 17thAvenue Avenue South, South, Suite Suite F 2534 Sharon Opdahl, Agent Grand Forks, ND 58201 58201 Grand Forks, ND 2534Bus: 17th701-746-0495 Avenue South, Suite F Bus: 701-746-0495 Grand Forks, ND 58201 sharon@sharonopdahl.com sharon@sharonopdahl.com Bus: 701-746-0495 sharon@sharonopdahl.com
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Quiz Bits
4. What is the only mountain in North America that exceeds 20,000 feet? 1. What name is given to hats 5. What is the classification for worn by the Yeoman Warders? an album that sells 10 million 2. The Spanish word for “shadcopies? ower” gives its name to what 6. What part of the U.S. Conwide-brimmed hat that is a stitution deals with arrests, shield from the sun? searches and seizures? 3. In one of the movie’s classic 7. Who was the first president to songs, how much sugar does be born in a hospital? Mary Poppins say is necessary TRIVIA to make the medicine go down? SPONSORED BY:
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• Those caps that everyone wears on graduation day are known as mortarboards, due to their resemblance to the square metal or plastic board used by bricklayers to hold their mortar. The hat has a square board fixed upon a skullcap, with a tassel attached to the center. In the United Kingdom, some call this an Oxford cap, while in Australia, it is sometimes termed a trencher. • The French word for bell is “cloche,” and that word became the name for a fitted, bell-shaped hat during the early 20th century. The cloche was created from felt so that its helmet-like shape conformed to the head. It was worn low on the forehead, with the brim just slightly above the eyes. Parisian milliner Caroline Reboux is usually credited as the designer of the hat, sometime around 1914. Reboux, who employed some 150 workers, counted the Empress Eugenie and actress Marlene Dietrich among her customers. • Some folks claim that the wide-brimmed 10-gallon hat worn by cowboys got its name from the amount of liquid that could be carried inside the crown. The Stetson Company once featured an ad with a cowboy giving his thirsty horse a drink from his hat, furthering this explanation. However, hat-wearers know that a cowboy hat only holds a few quarts of water, and would ruin the headgear in the process. The more likely explanation is that Mexican cattle drivers wound braided hatbands on their sombreros, known as “galons” in Spanish. Some sombreros were large enough to accommodate 10 hatbands, perhaps giving the name to these large hats. Others say that the term comes from a variation on the Spanish phrase “tan galan,” which translates as “very gallant” or “very handsome,” describing a vaquero sitting astride his horse. ...continued
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HATS (continued):
• Because Jewish law directs that a man is required to cover his head during prayer, Orthodox Jewish men don the skullcap known as a yarmulke. That’s the Yiddish word for this headgear, while kippah is the Hebrew word. Many Orthodox Jews wear the kippah all the time, in the synagogue and out, in their daily lives, basing this practice on the words of the Talmud, “Cover your head in order that the fear of heaven may be upon you.” These skullcaps come in all materials imaginable – crocheted, suede, satin, velvet – and in a rainbow of colors. Black might be worn to a funeral, and a colorful one to a festive gathering. The hats even come with favorite sports teams logos, and children’s yarmulkes might be adorned with Star Wars characters. • The deerstalker has a front and back brim and two flexible side flaps. You would typically see a hunter wearing this hat that provides protection from the elements to the face and neck. Hunters’ caps might be a red and black check pattern or that of a camouflage fabric. The deerstalker is also famous for its association with Sherlock Holmes, although this type of hat was never mentioned in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s description of his celebrated detective. In fact, Holmes would not have worn a deerstalker in his city detective duties, as it was considered country gear. In 1891, The Strand Magazine printed one of Doyle’s stories, “The Boscombe Valley Mystery,” and illustrator Sidney Paget depicted Holmes in the hat and a large cape, an image that has stuck ever since. ...continued
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• On Dec. 4, 1872, a British brig spots the Mary Celeste, an American vessel, sailing erratically near the Azores Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Not a soul was onboard. Based on the last entry in the captain's log, the ship had been adrift for 11 days. • On Dec. 8, 1881, a fire at the luxurious Ring Theater in Vienna, Austria, kills at least 620 people and injures hundreds more. The fire started when a stagehand inadvertently lit some prop clouds hanging over the stage. • On Dec. 5, 1933, national prohibition of alcohol in America comes to an end as Utah becomes the 36th state to repeal the 18th Amendment. Mississippi, the last dry state in the Union, did not end Prohibition until 1966. • On Dec. 7, 1941, 353 Japanese warplanes attack the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, destroying 19 ships and killing more than 2,300 Americans. The following day, the U.S. declared war on Japan. • On Dec. 9, 1950, Harry Gold -- who confessed to being a courier between a British scientist with information on the atomic bomb and Soviet agents -- is sentenced to 30 years in prison. Gold's arrest was part of a massive FBI investigation into Soviet espionage. • On Dec. 6, 1961, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff authorizes combat missions by Operation Farm Gate pilots. It gave U.S. pilots the go-ahead to undertake combat missions against the Viet Cong as long as one Vietnamese national was aboard the aircraft for training purposes. • On Dec. 10, 1970, the defense opens its case in the murder trial of Lt. William Calley, a platoon leader in Vietnam. Calley, who had led his troops to kill 22 innocent Vietnamese civilians in the village of My Lai, was sentenced to 20 years, but was paroled by President Richard Nixon in 1974.
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HATS (continued):
• The felt hat known as a fedora has a lengthwise crease down the crown and is pinched in the front on both sides. It might have a grosgrain ribbon band. The hat takes its name from an 1882 play by the same name, which starred actress Sarah Bernhardt, who played Princess Fedora, the heroine of the play. Because she wore this type of hat, it became known as a fedora, and was actually a women’s fashion first. Men began wearing fedoras around 1920. Famous fedora wearers include Gene Kelly, Humphrey Bogart, Dick Tracy, Indiana Jones, the Blues Brothers, and long-time Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry. • A trilby hat is quite similar to the fedora, but with a narrower brim, and an upturned back brim. The homburg also resembles the fedora, but with the brim in a tight, upwards curl, usually adorned with a hatband and feather.
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Answer located further back in this issue.
• The kepi has a flat circular top and a visor in front. The word may come from the French word for cap, and in fact is usually associated with the French Foreign Legion. However, in America, it is familiar as the hats worn by troops during the Civil War. You might see a kepi in a photo of Civil War General George McClellan or one of French General Charles de Gaulle.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
• The Red Hat Society got its start in 1998, as a social group for women age 50 and above, although it is now open to all women. When California artist Sue Ellen Cooper was shopping for a birthday gift for her friend’s 55th birthday, she purchased an old red fedora at a thrift shop, wanting her friend to look upon her aging in a lighthearted way. Cooper was inspired by a Jenny Joseph poem that reads, “When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple, with a red hat which doesn’t go and doesn’t suit me.”
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Unsual Plants:
There are some pretty unusual trees growing across the globe, and this week Tidbits takes you on a quick tour! • The bottle tree of Namibia can only be found in Namibia and Angola in southern Africa. It derives its name from its odd bottle-shaped trunk. While the thorn-covered trunk is thick at the bottom, it is nearly void of branches until the very top. It’s one of the most deadly trees on Earth, containing a very poisonous milky sap that was used by bushmen to poison their arrows. The toxic sap can produce blindness if there is contact with the eyes. Although the tree is not very attractive, it does bear extraordinary handsized white or pink flowers with a dark red center. • You can find the world’s largest cashew tree, the Pirangi Cashew, near Natal, Brazil. The tree, 80 times larger than the average cashew tree, is nearly 120 years old, and covers nearly 2 acres. This curious tree grows sideways instead of upwards, accounting for its wide horizontal spread. Its roots are taking over a nearby highway, so that only one car at a time can pass by. However, no attempts are made to trim it, as horticulturists are afraid it would kill the tree. The Pirangi Cashew yields about 80,000 fruits a year. • Cambodia’s ancient Temple of Ta Prohm contains a tangle of massive roots of the silk cotton tree that have snaked their way through the temple in search of soil and water. Constructed in 1186, it was first a Buddhist monastery and school. The roots are allowed to wind throughout the structure in order to preserve its eerie atmosphere. You can get a glimpse of the temple by watching the 2001 movie “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.”
• The Pejibaye palm tree, found mainly in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, can reach heights of 65 to 100 feet, with leaves 8 to 12 feet long. The trunk is covered with stiff, black spikes arranged in circular rows from top to bottom. Also known as the peach palm, the tree bears a fruit that is caustic in its natural state, and must be boiled for 3 to 4 hours in salt water to become edible. • In the countryside of West Poland grows a group of 400 pine trees known as the Crooked Forest of Gryfino. The trees all grow with a 90-degree northward bend at the base of their trunks, then rise vertically again. It’s believed that in 1930, a group of farmers purposely manipulated them, perhaps for the purpose of making bentwood furniture, boat hulls, or yokes for their oxen. However, when World War II broke out, whoever started the project never returned to the forest.
Crooked Forest of Gryfino
• The island country of Bahrain lies near the western shores of the Persian Gulf. A 32-foot-tall mesquite tree, known as the Tree of Life, stands in the middle of the desert, the only tree growing for miles around, and with no apparent water supply. This tree species has an extremely deep root system, more than 160 feet down, which enables it to reach deep beds of underground water. The locals say the tree was planted in 1583 in what they believe was the actual location of the Garden of Eden. About 50,000 tourists visit the site each year.
No More Boring Elves
by Samantha Weaver
• It was 20th-century French philosopher, author and political activist Jean-Paul Sartre who made the following sage observation: "If you're lonely while you're alone, you're in bad company." • Other than humans and apes, the only animal that has no tail is the Manx cat. • It seems that the Mets would be hands-down winners of the prize for the shortest MLB team name, but they actually have one of the longest names. It's just that not many people remember that the team's full name is Metropolitan Baseball Club. • You might not think that fruitcake -- that much-maligned holiday staple -- and mahogany -- the hardwood valued for its beauty and durability -- have anything in common. You'd be wrong, though; the two items have the same approximate density. • Those who study such things say that, as a whole, indoor cats prefer the taste of fish, while outdoor cats prefer the taste of mice. • In parts of New England, porcupine liver was once considered to be a delicacy. • Saint Anthony the Great, an early Christian monk from Egypt, spent years living in a tomb in order to overcome temptation. This is doubtless why he's now known as the patron saint of gravediggers. *** Thought for the Day: "Television's perfect. You turn a few knobs ... and lean back and drain your mind of all thought. And there you are watching the bubbles in the primeval ooze. You don't have to concentrate. You don't have to react. You don't have to remember. You don't miss your brain because you don't need it. ... You are in the man's nirvana. And if some poor nasty-minded person comes along and says you look like a fly on a can of garbage, pay him no mind. He probably hasn't got the price of a television set." -- Raymond Chandler © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
It's a simple story: A scout elf hangs around your home, gathering evidence for your child's spot on the naughty/nice list and reports it back to Santa overnight. Like most elves, he enjoys shenanigans. From its humble 2005 beginnings as a selfpublished Christmas tale by Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell, "The Elf on the Shelf" has become an epic Pinterest-fueled phenomenon of cheery parents creating Christmas magic for cherished tykes. At its best, it's one more tool in the arsenal of Mom and Dad to reinforce good behavior while showing off their own creativity. At its worst, it's the source of shame or guilt provoked by Facebook posts or preschool comparisons. Even the most super of supermoms stalls sometimes. Never fear. Here are 20 tips to Elf on the Shelf like a pro, and a few ways to get out of a jam if you forget. Involve the Other Toys: --Have a boy Elf go on a classic date with Barbie. Perhaps a lovely picnic. --Boys will be boys. Watch your Elf get captured by small soldiers. --Game night is on when your Elf enjoys a board game with stuffed animals. --Your Elf can stay in Santa's good book by reading to the baby dolls. --Coloring a masterpiece with your art materials In the Kitchen: --Nobody loves making cookies more than an Elf. Maybe he'll even spell out your initials in chocolate chips. --Breakfast prep is a snap when your Elf gets involved. I'll bet it involves candy canes. --You might find your Elf head first in the sugar bowl ... --or holding a piece of rock candy in the freezer. --On a cold night, he's sending a message when he preps a tray of hot chocolate (with marshmallows!) Other Ways to Elf: --Catch a Junior Buddy (from the movie "Elf") enjoying proper Elf nutrition by sticking to the four main Elf food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup. Leave the movie out to watch together. --Elves love to dress up as a characters from your favorite TV show. --Your Elf could get acrobatic, up high walking the tightrope, like at the circus.
By JoAnn Derson
--Let your Elf channel his inner art-gallery director by hanging the kids' crafts and drawings in the hallway, along with a few of his own. --Your Elf might like to borrow Barbie's sunglasses and other accessories to get in some tanning time on a windowsill.
Gadgets and Such:
--True story: Elves need to limit their screen time. Catch yours passed out after playing video games all night. --Books are cool, but so is reading on your kindle. Just make sure your Elf saves the page you were on ... --Are there phones at the North Pole? Your Elf can't resist sending a few selfies and text messages (to family, of course) on your smartphone. --It's popcorn time! There's nothing better than staying up late watching movies -- Christmas movies, that is! --If you aren't practicing enough (with your sports equipment/ musical instruments), maybe your Elf will take a turn. IF THE ELF DIDN'T MOVE 1. Is he stuck? The cardinal rule of Elf on the Shelf is that you must not touch the Elf. If so, Mom or Dad may have to use tongs or other instruments to unstick the Elf. 2. Did your child misbehave? If so, he's probably doing them a favor by not reporting back to Santa. Just remind your child to be extra helpful and kind so that he'll have something good to report tonight. 3. Is he sick? We all feel run down sometimes. Give him the night off and let him get some rest. IF YOU TOUCHED THE ELF 1. Write an apology letter. A remorseful heart will bring magic back in a flash. 2. He needs a dose of Vitamin C -- cinnamon, that is. Sprinkle some near him and let it do its work. 3. Sing Christmas carols.
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(Answers located on next page)
November 20, 2017
• Run out of wrapping paper? Here are some potential alternatives: plain brown shopping bags, cut open and decorated with stickers or markers; several layers of tissue paper; fabric and a nice bow. Aluminum foil makes a lovely wrapping if you can avoid overhandling it, and handle bags from stores can be converted by gluing or taping the front of a Christmas card over the store logo, if it’s small enough. • Holiday gatherings can be hectic when it comes to holding on to your cup. If you host a party, use disposable cups that can be written on, and put out a marker. You’ll use fewer cups, meaning there will be less to clean up. • Get kids in on the act of cooking. There’s no better time than the holidays to get budding chefs into your family’s holiday traditions. Let them help prep, and as they get older, assign cherished side dishes to appropriate age children. • “Wrap books in pretty paper to make a uniform look on your bookshelves.” — J.K. in Florida • “When baking with apples, try using a variety of types for a more interesting flavor and texture: Mix Golden Delicious, Gala and Fuji with Granny Smith for a little taste of tart.” — M.C. in Oregon • With the holidays approaching, now is a good time to run the self-cleaning cycle on your oven. Wipe out any bits first, and remove as much grease as you can. Then make sure to open a window to air out fumes. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE The tradition of wearing fancy hats to the Kentucky Derby started at the inaugural race in 1875. The practice was established by Derby founder Col. Meriweather Lewis Clark Jr., who patterned the race after high-class European racing events.
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‘Tis the season for decorating gingerbread, with December 9 set aside as Gingerbread Decorating Day, and December 12 as Gingerbread House Day. Here’s the history on this delicious treat. • The ginger plant is native to India and China and has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Ginger has a long history of treating indigestion, nausea, motion sickness, inflammation, and pain. It was brought to Europe in the 11th century during the Crusades. England’s Henry VIII consumed a ginger concoction that he believed would build his resistance to the plague. • During Medieval times, the word “gingerbread” was used to refer to preserved ginger that was chewed on to relieve upset stomachs. It had nothing to do with the dessert until the 15th century, when it developed into a treat containing ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and other spices, sweetened with molasses or honey. The term described both crisp hard biscuits or cookies and a soft loaf cake resembling bread. English gingerbread was a dense spice cake with raisins, apples, or nuts. • During the 1500s, the crisp spicy cookies became common. Intricate wooden molds were carved into various shapes and patterns and dough was pressed into the molds before baking. Portraits of leaders or religious symbols were frequent images baked into cookies. Queen Elizabeth I is credited with the first gingerbread man, having cookies made that resembled visiting dignitaries and presenting the confections to them as gifts. • Entire festivals known as Gingerbread Fairs were devoted to the tasty treats. Depending on the time of year, shapes of the cookies changed, with flowers in the Spring and birds at Fall Festivals. There was no limit to how extravagant the decorating was, with gold leaf even being used to decorate gingerbread. Molds were carved into coats of arms for wedding receptions and handed out to guests.
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GINGERBREAD (continued)
• In 1812, the German Brothers Grimm published the story of “Hansel and Gretel,” the brother Dell. and sister who became lost in the Answer: woods and came upon a house made of gingerA VERY LARGE NUMBER bread, cakes, and candy, with windows of clear •sugar. Edward Kasner was mathematician. In 1938 Following the apublication, gingerbread he was asked to come up with a name for a houses became very the popular. Shaped cookies very large number: numeral one, followed were also fashionable as tree ornaments. Bakby a hundred zeros. He asked his two young eries created giant for their window nephews what namecookies they would suggest. showcases at Christmas. German immigrants • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name toout Pennsylvania brought the gingerbread house of the funnies. A cartoon strip character tradition to America. named Barney was very popular. Milton chose Barney’s for the number. • Now that’slast a lotname of gingerbread! In 2006, nine •days Kasner the new name for the big wereannounced spent building a 67-foot-tall house, number in his next book, altering the spelling. decorated with 1,800 Hershey bars, 1,200 feet Twizzlers, 100 Larry lbs. of Tootsie Rolls, Brin and •ofSixty years later, Page and Sergey developedofa other new internet search engine. Othera thousands pieces of candy. In 2013, searchTexas engines eacha 40,000-cubicwebpage and Bryan, Golfsearched Club built ranked them according to required how many times a foot gingerbread house that a building specific term appeared on them, but Page and permit to construct. 4,000 gingerbread bricks Brin designed their search engine to search for were used, requiring 1,800 lbs. of butter and the specific term and then find out how many 67.5 lbs. of ground ginger. links there were that led back to that page, which resulted in a better • Nuremberg, Germany hassearch beenengine. proclaimed “Gingerbread Capital of the aWorld.” •the They decided they needed name Lebthat reflected kuchen has how been many baked websites there for the moresearch than engine They took the name 600 years,was andsearching. has a Protected Designation of of Edward Kasner’s very large number, Origin that requires the gingerbread to be only prothey misspelled it slightly, so it ended being duced within the city’s boundaries. Theup League spelled exactly the same way the cartoon of Lebkuchen Bakers was created in 1643, with character Barney spelled his last name. What’s strict guidelines for atcommercial bakers to folit called? (Answer bottom of page) low in order to sell their wares. COMPUTER FACTS • •Since 1991, Bergen, Norway has created what In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory isought believed to be thefor largest gingerbread city. to be enough anybody.” More than 2,000 buildings, boats, cars, trains, • Moore’s Law states that computer performance and other every features crafted each the doubles 18 are to 24 months, andyear everfor since exhibition. 1971, this has been true. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol.
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