Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
December 7, 2017
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• Paul and Joseph Galvin founded Galvin Manufacturing Corporation in 1928, making adaptors that allowed battery-operated radios to be plugged into household current. When the Great Depression ruined their market, they had to find a new product. The company next door was working on developing radio technology. The two companies teamed up to figure out how to install radios inside cars. • By 1930 they had designed a radio for cars. They finished just before the Radio Manufacturers Association convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Paul Galvin drove there to advertise the new radio. He couldn’t afford to rent a booth. Instead, he parked on the curb outside the convention doors, cranked the radio up to full blast, and started working the crowd, with good success. • Now it was time to name the new company, so Paul created a name that started with a word that suggested movement, and then added the popular suffix ‘ola’ used in such well-known trade names as Victrola and Pianola. Today it’s a multi-national Fortune 500 electronics company: Motorola.
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Quiz Bits 1.
2. 3. 4.
5. Which state is the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute located? The first official news report 6. What country was the 1984 aired on a commercial radio film “The Killing Fields” station in Pittsburgh covered about? the election results for U.S. 7. Which U.S. president popupresident in 1920. Who won? larized the phrase “the buck What do the letters stand for in stops here”? the CBS television network? 8. Which U.S. state’s nickname What decade did FM radio is The Bay State? make its debut? TRIVIA What’s the capital of Chile? SPONSORED BY:
• In 1952, Bell Labs of AT&T sponsored a seminar that explained how the newly developed transistor worked. However, companies had to pay a licensing fee of $25,000 to attend. • In Tokyo, Akio Morita heard about the seminar. After World War II, he’d started up a firm repairing radios, and he designed a tape recorder. He scraped up the $25,000 fee, only to find that Japanese government would not allow so much money to leave the country. Forty other companies attended the seminar, among them Texas Instruments, who used the knowledge to produce the first transistor radio released in 1954. • Undaunted, Morita traveled to Bell Labs on his own in 1953, and convinced them to grant him a provisional license. The Japanese government was impressed with Morita’s industriousness and relented, allowing the license to go through. A year later the first Japanese transistor radio was released. Although Texas Instruments beat him to the market, Morita’s company made transistors commercially successful. • Morita based the name of his company on the Latin “sonus” which is the root of “sonic” and “sound.” Today the firm is one of the world’s largest conglomerates with annual revenues approaching $100 billion: Sony. BETTER SOUND
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• Ray was born in 1933 and grew up in California. In 1949 he got a job with Ampex Corporation, improving tape recorders and developing the video tape recorder. He focused on finding ways to overcome the noise interference caused by cosmic X-rays, which cause an annoying hissing on magnetic tapes. ...continued
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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BETTER SOUND (continued):
• Ray realized that by separating recorded sound into two channels, he could strip unwanted noise while maintaining the clarity of the underlying music. • In 1966 he took a prototype to Decca Records, who were so impressed they bought his entire production run for the next six months. By the early 1970s, Ray had adapted the technology for the broadcast and motion picture industries. “Star Wars” was the first movie to use his noisereduction system. • His company now has 650 employees. Nearly 30,000 movie theaters use his sound system, and his equipment is used to record every radio and TV performance in the world, as well as in car stereos, cassette players, and DVD players. The technology was dubbed with Ray’s last name: Dolby.
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• Harald was born in Denmark around the year 935 A.D., the son of King Gorm the Old. He grew up to become the ruler of Denmark, just like his dad. For a brief period he united Denmark, Norway, and Sweden under a single ruler: himself. He ruled until his son deposed him, and died around 986 A.D. • A thousand years later, a Swedish telecom corporation called Ericsson Mobile Communications decided that the world needed a new wireless networking standard to unite computers, cell phones, printers, and PDAs with cable-free communications capabilities. In 1998 Ericsson invited Nokia, Toshiba, IBM, and Intel to strategy meetings. They worked to develop a new low-power low-cost radio interface between computer accessories. Ericsson’s idea was to integrate them all in order to drive a single wireless standard into the industry. ...continued
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott set a record for most consecutive passes without an interception to start an NFL career (176). Who had held the mark? 2. T or F: The last time before the 2016-17 season that the Florida State men’s basketball team finished a season undefeated at home was in the 1970s.
3. Nashville’s Pekka Rinne tied an NHL record in 2017 for most playoff wins by a Finnish-born goalie. Who else holds the record? 4. In 2017, Kyle Busch became the third NASCAR Cup driver to have back-to-back pole wins at Indianapolis. Name either of the first two. 5. T or F: What is the most
points scored by the Vikings
in a Super Bowl game?
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• On Dec. 13, 1776, American Gen. Charles Lee leaves his army, riding in search of female sociability at Widow White's Tavern, even though Gen. George Washington repeatedly urged Lee to reinforce Washington's position on the Delaware River. British soldiers captured Lee at the tavern two days later. • On Dec. 17, 1843, Charles Dickens' classic story "A Christmas Carol" is published. Dickens' father was thrown into debtors' prison in 1824, and 12-year-old Charles was sent to work in a factory. Dickens wrote about the miserable treatment of children and the institution of the debtors' jail in several novels. • On Dec. 12, 1901, Italian physicist and radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi succeeds in sending the first radio transmission across the Atlantic Ocean. Detractors had told him the curvature of the earth would limit transmission to 200 miles or less. • On Dec. 11, 1936, Edward VIII becomes the first English monarch to voluntarily abdicate the throne following his scandalous decision to marry American divorcee Wallis Warfield Simpson. • On Dec. 16, 1960, two airplanes collide over New York City, killing 134 people on the planes and on the ground. Christmas presents carried by the plane's passengers were strewn all over the streets, and multiple fires burned for nearly 72 hours. • On Dec. 14, 1980, a CIA report claims that the Soviet Union delivered nearly $7 billion worth of military assistance to Third World nations in 1979, and made over $8 billion in arms sales the same year. Syria, Iraq and South Yemen were the primary recipients. • On Dec. 15, 2001, Italy's Leaning Tower of Pisa reopens after a team of experts spent 11 years and $27 million to fortify the tower without eliminating its famous lean. When completed in 1360, the tower was already leaning, having been built on marshy ground. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Answer located further back in this issue.
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• The project was given a code-name of the English translation of Harald’s Danish last name, because it was uniting technologies just as Harald united countries. The logo is composed of the intertwined ancient runes for Harald’s initials, HB: Harald Bluetooth.
• A Japanese businessman founded a playing card company in 1889 and named it after the Japanese words meaning “leave luck to heaven.” He handed the company down to his son-in-law, who handed it down to his son-in-law, who was named Hiroshi Yamauchi. • Hiroshi paid a visit to the largest playing card manufacturer in the U.S. He was shocked to find them operating in a tiny office. This convinced him he needed to expand his business beyond cards, because he wanted a big factory, not a small office. Hiroshi hired a man named Yokoi to oversee the assembly line. One day he saw Yokoi playing with an automatic hand-extender contraption, which he had manufactured in his spare time for fun. Hiroshi seized the opportunity, and the ‘Ultra Hand’ sold over a million units. Yokoi was put into product development. • In 1977 the firm hired Shigeru Miyamoto, whose talent was electronic games. Yokoi and Shigeru worked together to develop a ‘Color TV Game Machine’ which was one of the first video games on the market. In 1981 they had a hit with a game starring an ape, and that was followed by a game starring an Italian plumber who battles creatures in sewers. The firm grew and eventually became Japan’s third most valuable company, still named after the Japanese words for ‘leave luck to heaven’: Nintendo with the popular games called Donkey Kong and Mario Brothers.
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Amazing Plants:
• Average number of kernels on an ear of corn: 800 • Number of rows on an average ear of corn: 16 • Percent of corn cobs that have an even number of rows: 100 • Number of different uses for corn: 3,500+ • Number of items in a grocery store containing ingredients from corn: 3,000 • Number of cans of cola that can be sweetened with corn syrup from a bushel of corn: 400 • Percentage of the world’s corn grown in the U.S.: 40% • Number of countries that out-produce the U.S.: 0 • Percent of world’s corn grown in China: 20% • Percent of U.S. corn produced in Iowa: 18% • Number of states that out-produce Iowa: 0 • Number of silks per kernel of corn: 1 • Number of pollen grains released by each corn tassel: 5 million • Height of typical corn plant, in feet: 6 to 12 • Depth of roots of a corn plant, in feet: 5 • Number of acres planted in corn in the U.S.: 90 million • Tons of carbon dioxide removed from atmosphere during a single growing season by one acre of corn: 8 • Number of other crops that are larger than corn in volume: 0 • Number of other crops that are more valuable than corn: 0 • Corn production per acre in the U.S. in 1931, in bushels: 24 • Corn production per acre in the U.S. in 2008, in bushels: 154
• Number of bushels a farmer could hand pick in a nine-hour day in the year 1917: 100 • Number of minutes required for a combine to pick 100 bushels in 2017: 7 • Percent of corn crop distilled into alcohol: 8 • Percent used for ethanol production: 29 • Percent used for livestock feed: 38 • Percent exported: 8 • Percent set aside as surplus: 5 • Percent used for food, industry, and seed: 12 • Percent of corn planted in the U.S. that is sweet corn for eating: 1 • Percent of corn planted in the U.S. that is field corn or “dent corn” for processing and livestock feed: 99% • Percent of corn market controlled by Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, and Cargill: 90 • Percent of corn seed market controlled by DuPont and Monsanto: 58 • Percent of sweeteners used in the U.S. derived from corn: 56 • Pounds of corn required to produce one pound of chicken: 1.5 • Pounds of corn required to produce one pound of pork: 3.5 • Pounds of corn required to produce one pound of beef: 6 • Calories per cup of corn: 175 • Number of ears of corn eaten in 12 minutes by world record holder: 33 • Percent of corn sugar in corn on the cob converted to starch after six hours at room temperature: 40 • Percent of corn flakes that is actually corn: 8 • Amount of money a farmer earns on each $4 box of corn flakes sold: $0.02
Outdoor Ice Candles Add Holiday Glow by Samantha Weaver
• It was 20th-century French journalist, poet, aristocrat and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupery -- best known for his novella "The Little Prince" -- who made the following sage observation: "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." • Eggplants weren't always the deep purple color we know today; originally, the vegetables were white. The color, paired with the ovoid shape, is how the eggplant got its name. • If you live in Rochester, New York, you're doubtless used to dealing with the hazards and inconveniences of snow and ice. It's America's snowiest city, after all, averaging 94 inches every winter. • Those who study such things say that paternity leave can have significant domestic impacts. Research shows that men who take a few weeks of leave when they have an addition to their family spend more time on domestic chores and taking care of the kids than men who don't. They cook more, and they're even 50 percent more likely to do laundry. The most interesting finding, though, is the fact that these changes are long-term; the effect tends to last the rest of a man's life. • Those who suffer from nescience are unlikely to know what "nescience" means — an absence of knowledge. • The first wristwatch was made by an English clockmaker in 1571. Described as "a wristlet in which there was a clocke," the watch was presented as a gift to Queen Elizabeth I. • If you're like the average human, you have about 615 hairs for every square centimeter of your skin. *** Thought for the Day: "A man said to the universe: 'Sir I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe, 'The fact has not created in me a sense of obligation.'" -- Stephen Crane © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
By Donna Erickson
Candles have been glowing this month on our advent wreath, on my husband's birthday cake and on our front porch to welcome guests who come by to share in holiday festivities. Different occasions, different meanings, but the candles are universal. There's something about that small circle of light that has drawn people together through the ages. So no matter what you celebrate now and into the new year, light a candle and let its gentle flicker draw you closer to the people and community you love. Here are my favorite candle crafts for delightful winter lights:
At sunset, remove from the freezer, place a votive candle in the cavity and light it outside. It will sparkle like crystal! If you make the ice candles in an area where the temperature will be above freezing the next day, store it in your freezer. Indoor use: Fill a decorative bowl with snow or chipped ice. Set the ice candle in the middle of the ice, and light for a centerpiece on a buffet table.
OUTDOOR ICE CANDLES Fill a balloon with water until it is the size of a softball. Blow once into the balloon and tie a knot. Place in a plastic bowl or recycled deli container and set in the freezer for about 6 hours. Once a thick shell of ice has formed inside the balloon but you still hear water sloshing inside the shell, pop the balloon and discard properly. Pour the excess water out to leave a cavity in the middle, where a votive candle will later be placed. Refreeze.
FLOATING VOTIVES Fill a tall, clear vase onethird full with fresh cranberries. Add water and a candle floating on top near the rim for a buffet or dining table centerpiece. Safety note: An adult should always be present when burning candles.
CANDLES IN A JAR Pour 1 cup of sand into a clear, glass canning or jam jar and nestle a votive candle in the sand. Make several for an eye-catching display indoors or out.
(c) 2017 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Syndicate
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
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(Answers located on next page)
November 27, 2017
• Buy an extra gift and wrap it, just in case you have forgotten someone. If you pick something gender-neutral, you could keep it for yourself if it goes unneeded. You won’t be caught offguard when someone you forgot to put on your list stops by with a gift for you. • Here’s a great rule of thumb when planning a large holiday dinner: For every side dish that requires extra preparation time, plan for one or two that don’t. For instance, if you are preparing a casserole with many ingredients or complicated instructions, serve a package of vegetables that requires nothing more than steaming. If you are preparing a time-consuming dessert, buy a prepared pie or fresh fruit salad and whipped topping. Don’t overstress yourself in the kitchen. • “In my family, you come to a holiday dinner with your own plastic containers for leftovers. If you don’t bring your own, you don’t go home with tomorrow’s lunch. Mom instituted this rule after the first Thanksgiving when all the kids had moved out. We practically cleaned her out of Tupperware!” — E.Y. in New Mexico • Want to beat clutter but need to start slowly? Try this trick: Put a date label (the peel-off kind) on seldom-used items. Then if you use the item, remove the sticker. In a few months, re-evaluate what items still have stickers. • Soak cloudy glassware in hot vinegar for 15 minutes to clear them up. Wash good crystal by hand only, never in a dishwasher. • “New use for an old, useless key: Keep one handy to use as a bootscrape.” — I.G. in North Carolina Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• The Irukandji people are an aboriginal tribe indigenous to the coastal strip north of Cairns, Queensland, Australia. For years members of the tribe often suffered from an excruciatingly painful malady that could not be explained. • They swam in the ocean frequently, and an hour or two later, the symptoms would begin: intense muscle cramps, pain in the back and kidneys, a burning sensation of the skin and face, headaches, nausea, restlessness, sweating, vomiting, an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and psychological phenomena such as the feeling of impending doom. Victims required hospitalization. • In 1952, a medical practitioner named the perplexing sickness Irukandji syndrome after the people who so often suffered from it. The cause of the illness remained unknown until 1964, when a physician and toxicologist named Jack Barnes theorized it was caused by a tiny jellyfish commonly found in the tropical waters of the area. No bigger than a cube of sugar and nearly invisible in the water, this jellyfish delivers a venom 100 times as potent as that of a cobra and 1,000 times stronger than a tarantula. However, the sting itself is only moderately painful, similar to a mosquito bite, and the venom doesn’t begin working for an hour or two after contact with human skin. • To prove his theory, Jack Barnes caught one of these little jellyfish and deliberately rubbed it against the skin of his arm, as his 14-year-old son and a lifeguard kept watch. Within an hour, he exhibited all the classic signs of Irukandji syndrome, whereupon he was taken to the hospital to recover. Later, he found that wearing panty hose while swimming provided enough of a barrier to prevent the jellyfish from stinging. Lifeguards in Australia now commonly don panty hose as protection in the water. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Doors are missing. 2. Elbow is concealed. 3. Lamp is missing. 4. Sleeve is shorter. 5. Light fixture is different. 6. Hair is concealed.
• The jellyfish that caused the illness is now called the Irukandji jellyfish. There are sixteen differentDell. species of Irukandji jellyfish, some Answer: of whichAinhabit tropical waters of the United VERY LARGE NUMBER States. Up to 100 people per year end up in the •hospital Edwardafter Kasner was a mathematician. encountering this creature.InA1938 sinhe was asked to come up with a name for a gle sting is number: normallythe notnumeral fatal, and illness very large one,the followed usually abates after about 30 hours. Treatment by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young isnephews merely supportive. what name they would suggest. • •Their range is constantly expandinga due to Nine-year-old Milton suggested name out of change. the funnies. cartoon stripduring character climate MostAstings occur the named Barney veryyear popular. chose warmest monthswas of the whenMilton the jellyfish Barney’s last name for the number. are most active. announced thesyndrome new namewould for the big • •InKasner the 1960s, Irukandji strike number in his next book, altering the spelling. the Irukandji people for only one month out of •the Sixty years later, Larry Page Now and Sergey Brin year: the warmest month. the Irukandeveloped a new internet search engine. Other dji season lasts for six months out of the year. search engines searched each webpage and During season, lifeguards the beaches rankedthe them according to howonmany times a drag nets through the water and if they find one specific term appeared on them, but Page and Irukandji, the beaches are closed Brin designed their search enginedown. to search for specific an term and then findpeople out how • Inthe Australia, average of 30 permany year links there were that led back to that page, area hospitalized with Irukandji syndrome bewhichNovember resulted inand a better tween May,search whichengine. is the warm •season. They But decided they needed a name that in 2002 between December and reflected how many websites the search January alone, that number leapt to 80 victims engine was searching. They took the name at a single hospital in Cairns. That was the year of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only that two tourists it died of thesosting, including they misspelled slightly, it ended up beinga research fromthe Columbus, spelled scientist exactly for the Nestles same way cartoon Ohio, and a British man who had recently recharacter Barney spelled his last name. What’s covered from heart surgery. it called? (Answer at bottom of page) COMPUTER • Recent research indicates FACTS that massive doses can help theofdanger of •ofInmagnesium 1981 Bill Gates said,prevent “640 kb memory the toxintoby the effect of adrenaought becounteracting enough for anybody.” and lessening the risk of heartperformance failure and •line Moore’s Law states that computer stroke. However, there is no known to doubles every 18 to 24 months, andantidote ever since 1971, thisitself. has been true. the venom Microsoft, and Apple were • •InHP, the Google, meantime, the best solution seems to all be started in garages. to either stay out of the water, or wear panty Answer: Google, from googol. hose while swimming.
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Quiz Answers
1. Warren G. Harding 2. Columbia Broadcasting System 3. 1930s (1939)
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
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Sports Answers 4. Jeff Gordon 1. Tom Brady, (1995-96) & with 162. Ernie Irvan 2. True. 1975-76 (1997-98) season. 5. 14 points vs. 3. Antti Niemi (2010-2016) Oakland
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