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tions that somehow went horribly awry.
• In the fall of 2010, the British firm that sells Walker’s Potato Chips launched a new promotion: Predict where it’s going to rain, and win £10 (about $16). • Consumers bought potato chips for 40 pence (about 65 cents), got a code, went to the website, and used the code to log into a grid containing 21,000 squares. They had two chances to pick a square. Those two squares became exclusively theirs for a three-hour time slot. If at least millimeter of rain fell there within the time slot, they won £10. • Great Britain is an extremely rainy place, and autumn is the rainiest season. On average, rain falls in Great Britain on 154 days out of the year. Furthermore, players had full access to current weather reports and satellite maps to help them pick the best squares on the grid. • Players stood to rake in a 25-fold return, with statisticians putting the odds of winning at one in eight. Somebody did the math and figured out that statistically, for every £3 worth of chips Walkers sold, they were paying out £10 in prize money. Finally, during an extremely rainy week when they were set to lose over £1 million, the website mysteriously went down.
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• In the early 1990s, sales of Hoover vacuum cleaners and washing machines were flagging in Great Britain. The company decided to boost sales by offering a promotion: If you spent at least £100 on a Hoover product, they would give you a coupon for two free round-trip air flights to Europe. The company anticipated that people who received those coupons would fail to redeem them.
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Quiz Bits
4. In the film “The Polar Express,” what letters did the conducter punch into Billy’s 1. In the movie “Christmas VacaPolar Express ticket? tion,” how long has Cousin 5. In the film “Jingle All the Eddie been unemployed? Way,” what was the name of 2. In the movie “A Christmas the action figure the father was Story,” what was the name of deperately trying to obtain? the department store that had 6. In the 2003 movie “Elf,” what the item Ralphie wanted? was the first rule of The Code 3. In the movie “Scrooged,” what of Elves? was the name of star Bill MurTRIVIA ray’s character? SPONSORED BY:
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• The public flocked to buy products. The promotion was so successful that Hoover added two round-trip flights to the U.S. This was before cheap seats were readily available, and it didn’t take folks long to figure out that it was worth buying a £100 vacuum in order to collect £600 worth of plane tickets. • Hoover had to bring in extra workers who toiled round the clock to keep up with the sudden demand. Newlyweds getting married would receive half a dozen vacuums as wedding gifts from people who just wanted the tickets. • But after buying the appliances, participants were not receiving the vouchers for the airfare. A prominent newspaper ran an article about it, giving the promotion more publicity. Sales of Hoover appliances jumped by tenfold. • Hoover now realized they could never fulfill their promise, and that their expectation that consumers would forget to redeem their free plane tickets was unfounded. They weaseled, squirmed and invoked the fine print. A lawyer called for a class action suit and 80,000 responded. Over half a million people signed up for the free flights, but only a third of them ever received tickets. Even so, the fiasco ended up costing the company over £45 million ($100 million in today’s U.S. dollars). • The damage to their reputation was so great that their entire European division was sold to a competitor shortly afterwards, and the Hoover factories in Britain closed down. ...continued
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4. Tennessee’s Marcus Mariota, in 2015, tied a record by throwing four touchdown passes in his first NFL game. What Hall of Famer also did it? 5. Name the last player 40 years old or older to have at least 108 RBIs in a season before Boston’s David Ortiz had 127 RBIs in 2016 (hint:
1. T or F: The last time before 2016 that the Chicago Cubs were 40 games above .500 during a season was over 70 years ago. 2. How many times did the NDSU Bison win back-toback Division II championships? was with Toronto at the time). 3. The Pittsburgh Steelers are 6-2 in Super Bowl appear- 6. Name the two golfers to win three different majors ances. What two teams did before the age of 24. they lose to?
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• In the 1990s in the Philippines, Coke was outselling Pepsi by a long shot: Coke had 75% of the market and Pepsi only 17%. To change this, Pepsi launched a promotion in 1992. Each bottle cap would be printed with a number and a prize. Most of the prizes were small, about 1,000 pesos ($40). But the kicker was that at the end of the promotion, a number would be announced, and who ever had a bottle cap with that number on it would win 1 million pesos (about $40,000 USD). • The contest was spectacularly successful and sales of Pepsi shot up 40%. Half of the country’s population participated, an estimated 31 million citizens. But disaster struck at the end of the promotion when, with much fanfare and publicity, the winning number was announced: #349. There was supposed to be only one bottle cap with that number on it. Due to an unfortunate mix-up in communications, 800,000 players had a bottle cap with the winning number on it. • When Pepsi tried to backpedal, all hell broke loose. Nearly 40 delivery trucks were ruined, bombs were lobbed at their offices and factory, an innocent bystander was killed by an errant grenade, over 22,000 “winners” filed suit, 5,200 criminal complaints were lodged against the company, and the company was sued for damages caused by the riots. • Pepsi offered $20 for each incorrect bottle cap, and about 500,000 accepted the goodwill offer. In 1993, the Philippines Department of Justice ruled there was no basis for criminal charges against Pepsi and dismissed all the criminal cases. In 2006, the Supreme Court of the Philippines cleared Pepsi of all criminal charges related to damages caused by the riots. • In the end, Pepsi’s budget of $2 million in prize payouts burgeoned into over $10 million in restitution and legal fees. ...continued
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• On Dec. 30, 1803, Francis Lewis, signer of the Declaration of Independence, dies in New York City, at the age of 90. Lewis' patriotism came at a high cost. The British army destroyed his Long Island estate and took his wife prisoner in 1776. • On Dec. 28, 1869, The Knights of Labor hold the first Labor Day ceremonies in American history. First established as a secret society of Philadelphia tailors, it pushed for an eight-hour workday during the labor movement of the late 19th century. • On Dec. 29, 1878, the Cuban professional baseball league holds its first game. Baseball was introduced in Cuba around 1864 by students returning home from studying in the U.S. • On Dec. 25, 1914, just after midnight on Christmas morning, the World War I troops of Germany, Russia, France and Britain cease fire and come out of the trenches for singing carols, exchanging presents and even a game of soccer. It was one of the last examples of chivalry between enemies in warfare. • On Dec. 27, 1941, the federal Office of Price Administration initiates its first World War II rationing program: No driver would be permitted to own more than five automobile tires. To conserve rubber (and gasoline), the national "Victory Speed Limit" was set at 35 mph. • On Dec. 26, 1973, "The Exorcist," a horror film starring actress Linda Blair as a girl possessed by an evil spirit, makes its debut in theaters. It earned a reputation as one of the scariest movies in history. • On Dec. 31, 1968, the Soviet Union's TU-144 supersonic airliner makes its first flight. In 1973 at the Paris Air Show, the TU-144 broke up from stress at 1,500 feet when a French Mirage spy aircraft photographing the TU-144 from above forced its pilot to abruptly level off.
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• In 1984, McDonalds had a new promotion: for every event the USA won in the summer Olympics held in Los Angeles, customers could get free food. If your scratch-off game piece showed the U.S. winning gold in a specific event, you won a Big Mac; silver got you fries; and bronze was worth a soft drink. • McDonald's was using as its estimate the medals won during the last Summer Olympics in which the U.S. had participated, in 1976. In that year, the U.S. won 94 medals, and 34 were gold. The Soviets dominated with 125 medals. McDonalds expected the same thing in 1984. However, in 1984, Russia boycotted the Olympics, in a titfor-tat maneuver since the U.S. had boycotted the 1980 Olympics held in Moscow. • America dominated the games, winning 174 gold medals, with 83 of them being gold. McDonalds gave away a lot of free food and lost a great deal of money.
Answer located further back in this issue.
• Canada is celebrating its 150th birthday in 2017. To celebrate, VIA Rail, the major rail company in Canada, offered a promotion: people aged 1228 could buy tickets for unlimited travel across Canada for only $150 CAD. The normal price is about $700. The tickets had to be used in the month of July, 2017. VIA originally offered an unlimited number of these dirt-cheap rail passes. • Obviously, they grossly underestimated the response. Two million people attempted to buy tickets, and within 48 hours VIA backpedaled on its “unlimited” claim and now stated that only 1,867 rail passes would be sold, since Canada was confederated in the year 1867. The backlash was wide and loud. Even though VIA relented and later offered 4,000 passes, which were sold out within moments of being offered, it was a public relations disaster for the company. Find healing and freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits.
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Amazing Plants:
• Mushrooms are not really vegetables because they do not have leaves, roots, or seeds and do not require light for growth. All mushrooms are fungi but not all fungi are mushrooms. The kingdom of fungi also includes yeasts, slime molds, and rusts. • Mushrooms are more closely related in DNA to humans than to plants. • Like human skin, mushrooms can produce vitamin D by being exposed to sunlight. In fact, exposing a freshly cut shiitake mushroom to the sun with the gills upward for eight hours can increase its vitamin D content by as much as 4,600 times. Mushrooms are the only item in the produce department that contain Vitamin D. • Unlike every plant in the plant kingdom, mushrooms take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide as a waste product. • There are more amino acids in mushrooms than in corn, peanuts, or soybeans. • 90% of mushrooms consumed in the U.S. are white button mushrooms. • About 200 species of mushroom are cultivated, but only about 20 kinds are cultivated commercially on a large scale. • Portabello mushrooms, button mushrooms, and white mushrooms are all the same mushrooms at different levels of maturity. • The Honey Mushroom (Armillaria ostoyae) is the world’s largest known organism. This massive organism covers 2,384 acres (four square miles) of soil in Oregon’s Blue Mountains. The fungus is estimated to be 2,400 years old but could be as ancient as 8,650 years. • Mushrooms are best stored unwashed in paper bags in the refrigerator, preferably on the lowest shelf. Alternatively use a cloth bag or clean tea towel to wrap them.
• White button mushrooms were originally light brown in color, until a natural mutation occurred in the mid-1920’s in Pennsylvania. Farmers took advantage of that color variation to breed the white mushrooms. • China produces about half of all cultivated mushrooms. • Mushrooms are commercially produced in virtually every state. Pennsylvania is the top producer, accounting for about 55% of total U.S. production. • Americans consume an average of 10 lbs of mushrooms annually, but the Japanese eat about 26 lbs per year. • There are over 30 species of mushroom that actually glow in the dark. The chemical reaction called bioluminescence produces a glowing light known as foxfire. • Psathyrella aquatica is a gilled mushroom that lives completely under water. • The spores of mushrooms are made of chitin, the hardest naturally-made substance on Earth. Some researchers theorize that mushroom spores are capable of space travel. The spores can remain dormant for a century or more and still grow when conditions are right. • There are approximately 70 miles of the root-like filaments of a mushroom in one square inch of colonized organic matter, such as a rotting tree trunk. • Over 80 percent of all terrestrial plants have a symbiotic relationship with a fungal species. The roots of the plants nourish the fungus, and the fungus nourishes the plants. • Fungi use antibiotics to fend off other microorganisms that compete with them for food. • The antibiotic penicillin was derived from the fungal species Penicillium.
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by Samantha Weaver
• It was noted American journalist, satirist and cultural critic H.L. Mencken who made the following sage observation: "Whenever 'A' attempts by law to impose his moral standards upon 'B', 'A' is most likely a scoundrel." • You're certainly aware that the Middle East has large deposits of petroleum. It makes a kind of sense, then, that one of the first uses early discovers put the substance to was to treat their camels' mange. • As the holiday season approaches, there are some interesting traditions you might want to keep in mind: --You'll have bad luck on Christmas Day if you refuse mince pie on Christmas Eve. --If you eat an apple on Christmas Eve, you'll have good health throughout the following year. --If you eat a raw egg before eating anything else on Christmas morning, you'll be able to lift heavy weights. --If you don't eat plum pudding on Christmas Day, you'll lose a friend within a year. • Those who study such things say that Julia Grant, the wife of Ulysses S. Grant, our 18th president, initially refused when it was assumed that she would be interred beside her husband. She didn't change her mind until she was assured that Grant's Tomb would never be equipped with public restrooms. • The first state to declare Christmas an official legal holiday was Alabama, back in 1836. • You might be surprised to learn that the bestselling flowering potted plant in the United States is the poinsettia. You probably won't be surprised to learn, however, that the best-selling Christmas song of all time is Bing Crosby's "White Christmas." *** Thought for the Day: "The people of these United States are the rightful masters of both Congresses and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." -- Abraham Lincoln © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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(Answers located on next page)
December 11, 2017
• “Most of my large family stays at our house on Christmas Eve. Although everyone knows where everything is located in the kitchen, it has been our custom to centralize snacks, disposable cups and silverware, canned drinks and other frequently needed items in one cabinet, so no one has to go searching. We also designate a low shelf in the refrigerator for pre-bagged kids’ snacks and juice boxes. This way the children can get a drink or snack without help. The kids love it, as it makes them feel all grown up.” — R. B. in Pennsylvania • Here’s how to keep grease from building up on your range hood. First wash and dry the hood very well. Then apply a thin layer of car wax. Follow wax directions and buff off with a clean, dry towel. It will keep grease from adhering, plus leaves a great shine behind. • “Make a holiday time-capsule full of family memories. Fill a small jar with notes and tiny mementos, then tuck it at the bottom of your holiday decorations when you box them up. Open it next season when the decorations back come out.” — F.L. in Indiana • “I have an ingenious fix if you forget your reading glasses. Take out your smartphone and use the camera viewer as a magnifying glass. Just zoom in until the words are legible. My mom does this when she’s looking at ingredients on boxes at the grocery store.” — W.S. in Oregon • To keep precious fresh herbs usable longer, add a good quality oil to an ice cube tray. Add herbs and freeze. When solid, pop out the cubes and transfer to a plastic baggie. • Kitty cat or puppy dog up all night wanting to play? Schedule a play session of at least 30 minutes in the evening. It will tucker them out so you can both get some sleep. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
In The Park Nov. 24 thru Dec. 31 Lincoln Drive Park 5:30-10:00pm Sponsored by: Lions Clubs of Grand Forks
$6 per Car • $10 per Limo • $20 for Buses
All proceeds donated to local charities
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• William H. Boring was born in Illinois in 1841. After serving as a Union soldier in the U.S. Civil War, he travelled to the pioneer country of Oregon with his wife. There they bought 160 acres near his brother who had settled outside Portland. Boring and his wife raised a son, and donated land for a schoolhouse. By the time William Boring died at the age of 91 in 1931, the town was a thriving logging community that now bears his name: Boring, Oregon. The town has 13,000 residents who enjoy having a Boring beer at the Not-So-Boring Bar, or shopping at the Boring Thrift Store. The town slogan is, “The Most Exciting Place to Live.” • The Gaelic word “dul” means “meadow” and that is probably how the town of Dull, Scotland, got its name. Dull consists of a single street of houses on the north side of the valley of the River Tay. Though the area has been inhabited since the Middle Ages, the population of Dull has been in decline in recent times. In 1951, Dull had a population of 2,055. As of 2012, the population of Dull was approximately 84, with about 20 homes. The economy is centered around agriculture. The town is north of Glasgow. • William Bland was a ship’s surgeon who killed a man in a duel in Bombay in 1813. He was punished for his crime by being shipped off to the penal colony in Tasmania for seven years. He was pardoned in 1815, but was subsequently sentenced to serve a year in prison in New South Wales, Australia, after writing a treatise making fun of the governor of New South Wales. Once released, he became instrumental in the development of Australia. The town of Bland, New South Wales, Australia, is named for him. Bland is a town of 6,400 and the economy is centered on agriculture and a gold mine. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Tassel is shorter. 2. Cuffs are missing. 3. Baseball bat is missing. 4. Arm is moved. 5. Sign is different. 6. Antenna is missing. © 2017 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
• In 2012, a Scottish woman named Elizabeth Leighton was touring Oregon when she passed through Dell. Boring, Oregon. That made her think Answer: of Dull, Scotland. She stopped in to see the A VERY LARGE NUMBER city council, and suggested the two towns •should Edward Kasnersister was acities. mathematician. In 1938 become A “Dull and Borhe was asked to come up with a name for ing” Facebook page was subsequently set up soa very large number: the numeral one, followed residents of the towns communicate with by a hundred zeros. could He asked his two young each other. nephews what name they would suggest. • “People were suddenly • Nine-year-old Milton interested suggested inavisiting name our communities. They found there's out of the funnies. A cartoon out stripthat character nothing dull and about Milton Boringchose and named Barney wasboring very popular. Dull,” saidlast Norm Rice, a member Barney’s name for the number.of the BorCommunity Planning Organization. •ing Kasner announced the new name for the big number in his next book, altering spelling. • Sales of Boring and Dull mugs, the T-shirts and other merchandise have generated about • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin $5,000 for Boring There's even aOther Bordeveloped a new projects. internet search engine. search engines searched each webpage ing & Dull Day, celebrated on Aug. 9 withand an ranked according to how Park, many and timesthea ice creamthem social in the Boring specific term appeared on them, but Page and Boring barbershop quartet, and even a Boring Brin designed their search engine to search for bagpiper. the specific term and then find out how many • Then citizens Australia, linkstwo there were of thatBland, led back to thatpassed page, through Dull, Scotland. They went home and which resulted in a better search engine. told their mayor about the partnership between • They decided they needed a name that Dull and Boring. Bland Mayor reflected how many websitesNeil thePokoney search decided he wanted in on the fun, too. Now the engine was searching. They took the name three cities have teamed up to form the League of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only ofthey Extraordinary Communities. Others have misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being dubbed trio thethe “Trinity Tedium.” spelledthis exactly same of way the cartoon character Barney spelled his last name. • “Over the years we’ve had our share What’s of fun it called? (Answer at bottom page)councilor. poked at us,” said Tony Lord,of a city COMPUTER FACTSmake people “We’re hoping it will basically of Bland,” he said. •aware In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory ought to be enough for anybody.” • Others have suggested inviting other towns as •well. Moore’s LawDraby, states that computer performance There’s Poland; Monotony Valley, doublesNormal, every 18 Illinois; to 24 months, and everCreek, since Nevada; and Tedious 1971, this has been true. Maryland. There’s also Bland, Missouri, but •perhaps HP, Google, Apple wereDull all havingMicrosoft, two Blandsand would be too started in garages. and Boring. Answer: Google, from googol. TH
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Quiz Answers
1. 7 years 2. Higbee’s 3. Frank Cross 4. B&E
5. Turbo Man 6. Treat every day like Christmas
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