Tidbits Grand Forks - January 4 , 2018

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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN January 4, 2018

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 ® TIDBITS PLAYS WITH

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DANGEROUS TOYS by Janet Spencer

Come along with Tidbits as we play with some dangerous toys!


• The A.C. Gilbert toy company had a hit in 1913 when they invented the erector set. The company went on to release many educational toys such as microscopes and magic tricks. However, there were issues with several of their products. One was a chemistry set which offered 56 different chemicals. There was potassium nitrate (used in gunpowder); amState Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL monium nitrate (used in bombs); nitric acid (used in rocket fuel); sulfuric acid (highly corrosive); and calcium hypochlorite (creates Carpet Cleaning poisonous gas). A piece of safety advice, ofwww.elitecarpetsgf.com fered on the page with instructions for creating an explosion out of homemade gunpowCarpet Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning SPECIAL! der, was: “Do not try this on a bigger scale or $229 • Upholstery a larger explosion will result.” *Hypothetical savings example over life of loan based on reduced interest rate. Actual savings amount will vary depending on your individual circumstances. *Hypothetical savings example over life of loan based on reduced interest rate. 1303063 10/13 amountState Farmdepending Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, Actual savings will vary on your individualILcircumstances. 1303063 10/13

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• The kits were intended to be used under adult supervision while strictly following the instructions but that didn’t always happen. Given the proclivity of kids to mix things up, such as adding sodium ferro-cyanide to iron ions to create poisonous cyanide, parents became concerned and A.C. Gilbert Corp. had to release chemistry sets with more mundane Turn the page for more! chemicals.


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Quiz Bits

6. How many provinces does Canada have? 7. Which Disney movie featured 1. What percentage of injuries on the “Siamese Cat Song”? trampolines happen to people 8. In “The Simpsons” animated age 16 or younger? series, what are the names of 2. What percentage of kids inNed Flanders’ two kids? jured by toys are male? 9. What is the date on the tablet 3. The most serious injuries by held by the Statue of Liberty? toy happen at what age? 10. What is the official residence of 4. The most frequent injuries by the Russian president? toy happen at what age? TRIVIA 5. What is a baby whale called? SPONSORED BY:


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• Another of A.C. Gilbert’s bad ideas was the glassblowing kit. What could possibly go wrong when you hand a kid a blow torch and encourage them to heat a glob of glass to 1,000˚ F and then do a bunch of experiments with molten glass? No safety equipment was included in the kit, nor even suggested in the manual. The guidebook contained complete instructions on how to make glass straws, champagne glasses, window glass, and even beakers. “You’ll know the glass is hot when it’s glowing red.” • If melting glass wasn’t dangerous enough, A.C. Gilbert also released the Kaster Kit with everything needed to melt metal to create die-cast figures. Kids melted lead in an electric crucible that reached temperatures up to 400˚ F and poured the molten metal into one of 32 different molds in order to create their own lead soldiers. The manual contained only a single piece of safety advice: “Don’t pour water into the molten metal.” • Perhaps the very worst of A.C. Gilbert’s ideas was the U-238 Atomic Energy Lab. The kit included a Geiger counter that ran on three C-cell batteries, three types of uranium ore, a nuclear fission chamber, radium samples, polonium samples, and an electroscope. A form in the back of the manual allowed kids to send off for mailorder uranium refills, as well as instructions on how to search for uranium deposits where you lived. The kit also included a comic book called “Dagwood Splits the Atom” in which Dagwood and Blondie, along with Popeye, gave kids a crash course in atomic energy. Some of the experiments required kids to go out and purchase their own block of dry ice, which has a temperature of -109.3˚ F. The U-238 Atomic Energy Lab was released in 1950 and removed from the market in 1951. ...continued


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4. In the 2015-16 season, Miami’s Hassan Whiteside became the second 1. In 2016, the Chicago player in NBA history to White Sox turned 3 triple have at least 250 blocked plays in a season. What shots and shoot 60 percent decade was the last time a from the field for a seateam did this? son. Who was first? 2. Which two National 5. Does Pittsburgh’s Sidney League teammates Crosby have more than 60 combined for more than NHL playoff goals for his 130 stolen bases for four career? consecutive seasons during 6. With what MLB team did the 1980s? 3. What college did NBA Reggie Jackson make his player Reggie Miller attend? professional debut?



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• Why not hand children a bunch of oversize pointy steel-tipped darts and then encourage those children to hurl said darts across the yard? That was the thinking of the inventor of the game called Jarts. A cross between darts and horseshoes, the force of a thrown Jart could reach up to 23,000 pounds of pressure per inch, more than needed to penetrate the skull. In an attempt to avoid pierced skulls, the packaging said, “For adults only” but after 6,100 injuries and three deaths in eight years, the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned Jarts in 1988. Today you can find the revamped game, made with projectiles that have safely rounded plastic ends. • In 2007, the Spin Master Company introduced Aqua Dots. Aqua Dots consisted of tiny colorful beads that could be assembled into different designs. Just add a few drops of water to activate the built-in glue, and the individual dots would fuse into solid shapes. It was named “Toy of the Year,” an honor that was rescinded when young children who had swallowed the beads became dizzy, nauseous, and comatose. The water-activated glue on Aqua Dots contained chemicals that metabolized into gamma-hydroxybutyrate, better known as the date rape drug GHB. The product was on the market for less than eight months before being recalled. • The hot new toy in 2010 was called Colossal Water Balls. These gel-like balls were about the size of gumballs or marbles, but would expand to 400 times their size when soaked in water. Since they looked like candy, small children swallowed them. Colossal Water Balls then proceeded to swell to 400 times their size while inside the child’s intestinal tract, causing blockages that did not show up on X-rays and had to be surgically removed. They were removed from the market in 2012. ...continued

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• On Jan. 9, 1776, writer Thomas Paine publishes his pamphlet "Common Sense," setting forth his arguments in favor of American independence. Pamphlets were an important medium for the spread of ideas in the 16th through 19th centuries. • On Jan. 12, 1926, the two-man comedy series "Sam 'n' Henry" debuts on Chicago's WGN radio station. Two years later, after changing its name to "Amos 'n' Andy," it became one of the most popular radio programs in American history. • On Jan. 11, 1935, American aviatrix Amelia Earhart departs Wheeler Field in Honolulu on a solo flight to North America. Hawaiian commercial interests had offered a $10,000 award to whoever first accomplished the flight. The next day, after traveling 2,400 miles in 18 hours, Earhart landed safely in Oakland, California. • On Jan. 10, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt introduces the lend-lease program to Congress to help Britain beat back Hitler's advance while keeping America only indirectly involved in World War II. By the end of the war, more than $50 billion in funds, weapons, aircraft and ships had been distributed to 44 countries. • On Jan. 8, 1962, at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, is exhibited for the first time in America. • On Jan. 14, 1973, the Miami Dolphins defeat the Washington Redskins 14-7 at the Los Angeles Coliseum in Super Bowl VII, becoming the first team in NFL history to finish with an undefeated season. • On Jan. 13, 1982, an Air Florida Boeing 727 plunges into the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., killing 78 people. The crash, caused by bad weather, took place only 2 miles from the White House. Investigators said the plane had to wait too long after being de-iced before it could take off, allowing new ice to accumulate on the wings. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.


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Answer located further back in this issue.


• When Cabbage Patch dolls were all the rage, the hot new version for the holiday season of 1996 was the Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids doll. These dolls were built to mechanically chew and swallow plastic food provided, which would then magically appear in the plastic backpack worn by the doll. There were two basic problems with the design. First was that the chewing/swallowing mechanism was activated any time anything was placed inside the doll’s mouth, such as fingers or pony tails. There was no way the doll could differentiate between the approved plastic food and the tail of the family cat. The second problem was that once the doll started chowing down, there was no “on/off” switch and the only way to stop the chewing action was to find and remove the doll’s batteries. After many pinched fingers and a couple of kids nearly scalped, half a million Snacktime Cabbage Patch dolls were recalled in 1997. • Kids love toy guns and in the 1940s the Austin Magic Pistol lived up to expectations even though the ammunition consisted of ping pong balls. The issue wasn’t the ammo used as much as it was the propellant that powered the ping pong balls. The instructions called for loading the ping pong balls into the muzzle of the pistol, and then sprinkling the “magic crystals” into a small screw-top container in the back of the gun. Next, just add a few drops of water, and then pull the trigger to see your ping pong ball launched up to 70 feet away. The problem was that the “magic crystals” were actually calcium carbide which reacts explosively with water to form poisonous and flammable acetylene gas. Not only did it launch the ping pong balls with a fiery muzzle blast, but the screw-top container in the rear often blew its top.

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Fabulous Food:


• In warm climates in parts of Asia and the Mediterranean region, a shrubby weed-like plant grows in loamy river bottoms near water. It’s a perennial plant, meaning it comes back every year, and it has purple flowers. It’s a legume, meaning it’s related to beans and peas. But the unique part of this plant is its roots, which are sweet. • Because of the sweet properties of the roots, the Greeks named the shrub Glycyrrhiza from their words “glukos” meaning “sweet” (from which we get the word “glucose”) and “riza” meaning “root” (which also gives us the word “rhizome”). The Greek name evolved as it passed into French and then into English to become the word we use today: licorice. • Classified as a weed, licorice is one of the most popular herbs in the world. It is about four feet tall with purplish flowers. Spain is the top producer of licorice, but it’s also produced abundantly in countries such as India, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, and China. • The roots are tan or brown, but when boiled and condensed, the resulting syrup is black, and fifty times sweeter than sugar, with a very unique taste. The syrup has medicinal qualities and has historically been used as a cough syrup, a laxative, and a topical anti-viral. It soothes ulcers and digestive ills. King Tut had a supply in his tomb and Napoleon used it so much it turned his teeth black. • Today it’s used medicinally as lozenges and cough drops, and is reputedly useful in fighting bronchitis, upper respiratory congestion, and heartburn. It helps stimulate mucus production and loosens sticky phlegm. It also contains a chemical that has anti-inflammatory properties.

• Carbenoxolone, a compound derived from licorice root, has been used to help healing of peptic ulcers. The disadvantage of this compound is that in about one-third of patients, it raises blood pressure, increases fluid retention, and promotes potassium loss. • The primary use of licorice, surprisingly, is in tobacco. Licorice lends a natural sweetness and distinctive flavor to tobacco while also moisturizing the product. It also acts as a bronchodilator, which opens the lungs. It’s used in most cigarettes, pipe tobacco, snuff, and chewing tobacco. It’s estimated that about 90% of the world’s licorice supply ends up in tobacco. • Licorice is used by brewers to add flavor and color to porter classes of beers, and the enzymes in the root also stabilize the foam heads produced by beers brewed with it. • Thanks to foaming properties of this plant, root of licorice is used in the manufacture of foam for the fire extinguishers. • Licorice, anise, and fennel share one common flavor component, anethole. All three plants share a similar taste and smell because of the anethole they contain, but they are unrelated species. Anethole is also found in basil, camphor, and tarragon. The main flavor ingredient in many types of licorice candy is actually anise. • In the 1925 film “The Gold Rush” Charlie Chaplin plays a starving miner who boils and eats his shoe for Christmas dinner. The realistic-looking boiled boot was actually made of licorice. It required so many takes to get the scene done that Chaplin reportedly had to be taken to the hospital to be treated for indigestion after the scene was done.






New Year Resolutions: A New You? by Samantha Weaver

• It was German-born theoretical physicist Albert Einstein who made the following sage observation: "The hardest thing to understand is why we can understand anything at all." • If you're planning a trip to South Africa, you might want to keep in mind that there are 11 official languages there. • It is customary in India for those who celebrate Christmas to decorate a banana or mango tree -evergreens being in rather short supply in most parts of south Asia. • Those who study such things say that a normal cat has 230 bones in its body, but it doesn't have a collarbone. • You've almost certainly heard people refer to the school they attended as their alma mater, but do you know where the term comes from? In Latin, "alma mater" means "bounteous mother," and it was in the early 1800s that people began using it to designate their beloved schools. • Before horror author Stephen King became famous for novels such as "Carrie," "The Stand" and "The Shining," he wrote four novels and 60 short stories that failed to be accepted for publication. • Most lizards are harmless reptiles, but there are some that are known to be venomous. Rather than avoiding these rare creatures, however, there are some who seek them out for the very venom that makes them dangerous. It seems that there's a component to the venom that causes blood pressure to drop in humans, which could save thousands of lives. • It would seem that even powerful dictators can succumb to the pull of Hollywood. Il Duce, Benito Mussolini, was an extra in the film "The Eternal City," and Cuba's longtime dictator, Fidel Castro, had a bit part in a movie called "Holiday in Mexico." *** Thought for the Day: "If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated." -- Voltaire © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

By Lucie Winborne

Quick: What's as old as time and as easy to break as a bonedry pie crust? Answer: New Years resolutions. We've all made 'em. We've all broken 'em. A very few (only about 8-12 percent!) will actually keep them. But are we really doomed to fail at losing weight, spending more time with family and friends, paying down debt and pretty much every other type of good intention we solemnly pledge each Dec. 31? Let's face it, that "blank slate, fresh start" feeling that comes with each new year can be a bit of a rush. There's always the hope that this year will be different. Those blank calendar pages are loaded with unexplored opportunity! And then real life sets in. You know, the same life we were living last week, last month ... er, yesterday. The same responsibilities. The same routines. Even the same unexpected curveballs and interruptions. Where did the time go? Where did our resolutions go? Some of us prefer to call resolutions goals, as if secretly believing, even unconsciously, that giving this Jan. 1 staple a different name will disarm the shadow of past failures. "Goals!" we say. "I'm setting goals this year." And then most of us proceed to fail at our goals as well. What the heck is wrong with us?! Well, maybe it's not so much us as the system that's at fault. Setting goals is a great alternative, but if we merely change the name and not the way we go about achieving our resolutions, it's a safe bet that by February most of us will be sighing, "Blew it again!" Let's beat that flawed system. As best-selling author, blogger and speaker Michael Hyatt has noted, five simple keys are vital to goal-setting success: 1) Belief 2) Closure 3) Design 4) Motivation 5) Tactics Belief: Do you really believe that you can achieve what you want? With all your heart? Closure: Are you ready to let go of past failures? Keep your eyes on the prize? Design: Have you formulated specific steps to measure your progress? Bite-size swallows are easier to digest. Motivation: What's your reason for setting a particular goal? Have a good strong "why" before you even try. Tactics: How will you direct your forces to carry out those measurable steps? Learn from those with proven strategies. As every captain on land or sea knows, even the smallest change of course may radically alter your ultimate destination. So, can you realistically look forward to a new you in the coming new year? With the help of a few smart steps (to paraphrase a certain former U.S. president), "Yes, you can!" © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

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(Answers located on next page)

December 25, 2017

• Got a calendar that has wonderful picture but the dates from last year? Cut out the picture and have them laminated. You can use them as placemats for all kinds of things. • Here’s a travel tip: Insert a tablet into a large plastic bag and hang it from the headrest to make the back seat a theater seat on road trips. If the middle seat is empty, make a slideproof tray to keep snacks and other items corralled. At one end of a plastic bin (try a shower caddy from the dollar store!), cut slits through both bottom of sides, then thread the middle seat’s lap belt through it. It should stay put! • “To make any photo a magnet for your fridge, simply glue it to those thin business magnets you get from time to time. There’s always one for a law office on the front of my phone book. I just print out a picture and trim it to fit the magnet. Done!” — T.D. in Alabama • Make a cup (or bottle) cozy by cutting the top and bottom off of an odd sock. It slips on, and the cup stands on its own. Slip water bottles into long socks to keep the condensation from affecting other items in your bag or backpack. • “Freshen or dust stuffed animals by putting them through the dryer for 20 minutes. Secure small ones inside a pillow case for extra security. Add a couple of dryer balls and softener sheets if they are coming out of storage.” — O.S. in Texas • Got a fitness resolution? You’re not alone. Get a buddy so you can hold each other acountable. We are more likely to keep an exercise routine going if we have standing plans with others. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


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• Following the success of the Barbie doll, the Mattel Company released a number of companion dolls: Ken, Skipper, and Midge. In 2002, the new version of Midge was pregnant. Pull up her maternity dress to find a pregnant magnetic belly. Snap the belly off the doll to reveal a tiny baby curled up inside Midge’s womb. The controversial doll was pulled from shelves—mostly due to the fact that Midge was not depicted as wearing a wedding ring. • In 2002 Mattel also released the Whats-Her-Face doll: a Barbie-size fashion doll with an absolutely blank face. A set of markers, ink stamps, removable masks, and Velcro wigs were provided so girls could create their own water-soluble face on the previously featureless doll. • Another near-miss was Barbie’s dog, Tanner. Tanner was a plastic dog of the Old Yeller breed, perhaps lab or golden retriever. He came with his own box of treats. Feed a treat into his chomping mouth, then press his tail a few times, and Tanner would poop on the spot. Don’t worry! A poop-scooper and trash bin were thoughtfully provided by Mattel. • Goliath Games is the mastermind behind Gooey Louie, the booger-picking challenge. Gooey Louie is a large plastic head with an oversize nose that’s loaded with long stretchy gel-like boogers. Kids take turns reaching into the nose to pull out a booger. Grab the wrong booger, and Louie’s eyes bug out, his head pops open, and his brain springs out. • Hasbro followed up the success of their SuperSoaker power squirt guns with the Oozinator, which came with cartridges that turned the water into a white slime with the consistency of snot. Children had the choice of shooting regular water out of the top reservoir, or launching “bio-ooze” slime from the bottom reservoir. ...continued

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Picture is missing. 2. Toothbrush is missing. 3. Body is slimmer. 4. Hat is smaller. 5. Corsage is missing. 6. Suitcase is missing. © 2017 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

TACKY TOYS (cont'd)

• Tyco's Magic Potty Baby was a doll that would “drink” from a bottle and then “pee” into a plastic potty Answer: Dell.with real flushing action when the lever was pushed. Released in 1992, it sold for A VERY LARGE NUMBER $29.95 and was a smash hit. Tyco was sued by •Ideal Edward Kasner was released a mathematician. 1938 Toys, who had the BetsyInWetsy he was asked to come up with a name doll years earlier. The difference betweenforthea very large number: the numeral one, followed two dolls is that Betsy Wetsy really did ingest by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young water, which really wet diapers, clothing, nephews what namedid they would suggest. couches, and rugs, whereas the Magic Potty • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name Baby just drank from a bottle that had the apout of the funnies. A cartoon strip character pearance of containing thatMilton disappeared named Barney was veryfluids popular. chose asBarney’s the bottle was tipped up, and the last name for the number. potty likecould be flipped makeforthethelevel •wise Kasner announced theover newtoname big ofnumber the yellow-colored liquid contained inside it in his next book, altering the spelling. rise and fall. The judge in the lawsuit ruled that • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin urination was not ainternet patentable idea. developed a new search engine. Other search in engines each webpage and • Cashing on thesearched popularity of dolls that pee, according to how many times a ranked Spanishthem company released Baby Wee Wee,a term appeared them, but Pagebaby and anspecific anatomically correct on battery-operated Brin designed their search engine to search for boy doll that could toddle, crawl, cry, drink real the specific term and then find out how many water, and then pee a stream into the provided links there were that led back to that page, potty-standing or sitting. whicheither resulted in a better search engine.

• If you prefer to clean after aapuppy • They decided they up needed namerather that than a doll, how you could Mayu peereflected manypurchase websites the the search ing dog, produced by a Japanese novelty comengine was searching. They took the name of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only pany. Just dunk the dog’s rear end into the water they then misspelled it slightly, it ended upacross being bowl, wind him up, andsooff he goes spelled exactly the same way the cartoon the floor, leaving a watery trail behind him. We character his last name.heWhat’s know MayuBarney was aspelled male dog because lifted it called? (Answer at bottom of page) his leg every time he left a puddle behind. COMPUTER FACTS • Or you may prefer to have a plastic dog slob• In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory ber all over you, as with the “Love ’N Licks” ought to be enough for anybody.” battery-operated pet. Press the dog’s paw and •heMoore’s that computer performance barks. Law Rub states his head and he wags his tail. doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since Rub his belly and he slobbers water all over 1971, this has been true. you from the reservoir underneath his plastic •tongue. HP, Google, Microsoft, andtheApple all The harder you rub, more were he slobstarted in garages. bers! Answer: Google, from googol.




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Quiz Answers

5. 1. 92% are 16 6. or younger. 7. 2. 60% 3. Age 2, mostly due to chok- 8. ing on small 9. 10. toys. 4. Age 5

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Sports Answers 4. Kareem 1. 1970s. Both Abdul-Jabbar Oakland & of Lakers in Boston did it 1979-80 in 1979. 2. St. Louis’ Vince 5. No. He had 57 entering the Coleman and 2017-18 NHL Ozzie Smith, season. 1985-88. 6. Athletics, in 3. UCLA 1967. (1983-1987)

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