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by Janet Spencer
There are more species of fish than all other groups of vertebrates combined. Come along with Tidbits as we learn some fascinating facts about fish!
• When it is young, a flounder looks like most other fish, swimming upright with one eye on each side of its head. But as it moves into adulthood, one of the eyes will migrate to the other side of the head over the course of about five days. With two eyes on the same side of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 its face, the flounder has remarkably acute State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL binocular vision. The fish lies on the sandy bottom, waiting for a shrimp or small fish to wander by, and then uses its excellent vision Carpet Cleaning and perfect depth perception to snatch the www.elitecarpetsgf.com creature in a sudden ambush. Carpet Cleaning • Carpet • The four-eyed fish has fishy bifocals built into Cleaning SPECIAL! its eyeballs, so it can swim with the top half Upholstery $229 •Cleaning of its eyes out of the water watching the surENTIRE HOUSE face, while the bottom half of the eye is sub(up to 4,000 sq.ft.) • Water merged under the water. Not valid with any other offer. Extraction Expires 3-31-18 • Many fish are able to change their coloration Residential & Commercial to blend into the background. When a flounder is placed on a checkerboard, it can perfectly render the pattern by rearranging the distri701-775-8500 bution of skin pigments. However, if one of the flounder’s eyes is blinded or covered with sand, the mimicry is harder for it to achieve. *Hypothetical savings example over life of loan based on reduced interest rate. Actual savings amount will vary depending on your individual circumstances. *Hypothetical savings example over life of loan based on reduced interest rate. 1303063 10/13 amountState Farmdepending Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, Actual savings will vary on your individualILcircumstances. 1303063 10/13
Issue # 1,058
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Which one of the amendments to the U.S. Constitution forbids double jeopardy? The name for this fish comes 6. A normal set of human teeth from a native Brazilian word has how many incisors? meaning “scissors.” Name it. 7. In the Star Wars universe, who Name the only species of fish is Luke Skywalker’s mother? that have eyelids. 8. What was John Candy’s Which has more taste buds: a character’s name in the 1987 channel catfish or a human? movie “Planes, Trains & What percentage of fish species Automobiles”? provide some kind of parental TRIVIA care to their young? SPONSORED BY:
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FISH EYE (continued):
• Fish are able to use the calm surface of the water as a mirror to spot meals or prey that are located out of the line of direct sight. A bluegill might be able to see a predatory pike hiding on the far side of a rock by looking at the reflection on the surface of the water. • Birds that eat fish have a higher catch rate when conditions are windy rather than calm. This is because when the surface of the water is still, a fish underwater is able to see what’s happening above the water, and can take quick evasive action when it spots a bird. When the water is ruffled, the fish can’t see as well. • Will a fish fall for an optical illusion? In a study, redtail splitfins were trained that they would get rewarded with food if they chose the longer of two lines. When presented with an optical illusion, they chose the line that appeared to be longer. When trained to choose the circle that was larger, they chose the one that seemed to be bigger in the context of the optical illusion.
• Common myth states that the memory of a goldfish is only three seconds long. However, research contradicts this. One experiment involved discerning how acute a goldfish’s sense of color was by training individual fish that they could find food inside a tube of a specific color. Tubes of many colors were then presented to the fish, including hues that were very subtly different from the tube they were supposed to go to. The fish demonstrated that they have a very acute sense of color. A year later, the same fish used in this study were mixed with a bunch of fish that had never been through the experiment. When placed in a tank with many tubes of various colors, the experienced fish immediately sought out the exact color of tube they remembered, in spite of not having seen any tubes at all in the intervening year. ...continued
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. What year did Tiger Woods become a professional golfer? 2. Where did the sport of curling originate? 3. Name the five NHL team names that end in “-ers”. 4. Kendrys Morales set a Royals team mark in 2015 for most bases in one game
(15). Who had held the record?
5. Who was the last NFL player to win back-to-back reg. season MVP awards?
6. According to NBA rules how long does a player have after catching the ball to shoot a free throw? 7. How many consecutive years has the Kansas men’s basketball team won its opening game in the NCAA Tournament? 8. When was the last time before 2017 that tennis star Venus Williams reached the semifinals of three majors in the same year?
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FISH BRAINS (continued):
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• An experiment testing the memory of fish involved the crimson-spotted rainbowfish. Fish were placed in a large tank in groups of five at a time, and a net was slowly dragged from one end of the tank to the other. There was a hole in one part of the net that would allow the fish to escape, if they were able to find it. The net was dragged through the tank five different times. At first the fish panicked and hugged the edges of the glass, but by the fifth time, all of the fish had learned where the hole in the net was, and used it to escape. Eleven months later, the same fish were retested. In the intervening period they had not been in that tank and had not seen the net with the hole in it. Still, all of the fish remembered on the first try exactly where the hole in the net was located. Eleven months is equal to about a third of the rainbowfish’s lifespan. • Sharks learn to head directly to a fishing boat the moment the engine shuts down, because that indicates the fishermen on board have hooked a fish and have stopped the boat in order to reel it in. If the shark gets there first, it can steal the fish from the fishermen. • A group of cod were outfitted with tags attached to their dorsal fins which helped researchers identify individual fish in the tank. The tank was rigged with a self-feeder and the fish were trained to pull a looped string in order to open a door that would release fish food. The fish soon learned that if they caught their identity tag on the loop, they could open the door more quickly and efficiently and thereby feed themselves better. Researchers watched in astonishment as the fish practiced, over and over again, the specific move required to hook the loop on their plastic tags to hone the technique.
• Hagfish produce large amounts of slime when threatened. The slime clogs the gills of predatory fish, threatening to suffocate them. ...continued
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• On March 6, 1776, Major William Malcolm is ordered to dismantle the Sandy Hook lighthouse in New Jersey to prevent it from helping the British to reach New York City. The British were able to put the lighthouse back into service, but the Patriots brought out cannons to blow away the British equipment. • On March 9, 1781, the Siege of Pensacola begins as Spanish naval force of more than 40 ships and 3,500 men land at Santa Rosa Island in Florida. The flotilla survived a hurricane before beginning two months of constant artillery and cannon bombardment of British forts.
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• On March 11, 1818, "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus," by 21-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, is published. In Shelley's tale, a scientist animates a creature constructed from dismembered corpses. • On March 10, 1927, engineer Robert Kearns is born. Kearns patented a design for a type of windshield wiper and later won multi-million dollar judgments against Chrysler and Ford for using his concept without permission. • On March 7, 1950, one week after British physicist Klaus Fuchs was sentenced to 14 years in prison for his role in passing information on the atomic bomb to the Russians, the Soviet Union issues a statement denying any knowledge of him or his activities. Fuchs' arrest and conviction uncovered a network of spies. • On March 5, 1963, the Hula-Hoop, a hipswiveling toy that became a huge fad across America, is patented by Arthur "Spud" Melin. The hoop was dubbed "Hula" after the hip-gyrating Hawaiian dance of the same name.
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• On March 8, 1993, the Music Television Network airs the first episode of the animated series "Beavis and Butthead," which would become MTV's highest-rated series to that point. Creator Mike Judge later created the Emmywinning animated series "King of the Hill." © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• A researcher working with minnows noticed that when he accidentally injured one, the other fish in the tank began darting around in panic. Further experiments showed that minnows release a pheromone when injured, which warns other fish in the vicinity. The cells in the skin of the fish that release this chemical are so sensitive that they release the scent even when the fish is gently placed on a moist paper towel. The pheromones are so powerful that if a thousandth of a milligram of chopped minnow skin is dropped into a 4 gallon aquarium, the other fish can sense it. That’s equal to chopping a marshmallow into 20 million pieces and dropping one of those specks into a sink full of water, and still being able to taste the sweetness. Minnows can even pick up this scent when exposed to the poop of pike that has eaten minnows. The minnows do not react to the scent of pike poop when the pike have been eating swordtail fish, but only when they’ve been feeding on other minnows. • A sockeye salmon can smell shrimp extract even when diluted at one part shrimp to a hundred million parts water, equal to five teaspoons dissolved in an Olympic-size swimming pool. Other types of salmon can detect the scent of a seal even when diluted to one 80 billionth, equal to a drop in the same swimming pool. But the American eel takes the top prize for being able to pick up scents, able to pick up one ten millionth of a drop of a scent diluted in an Olympic pool.
• Groupers and moray eels often team up to go hunting together. The grouper is the more effective hunter in open water, but the moray eel can flush prey out of tight crevices. The grouper makes a shimmying motion in front of the eel to signal readiness to hunt, and will point out the specific location of prey by doing a headstand right above where a meal is hiding.
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Fabulous Food:
• Spam is hugely popular in the Philippines, leading Hormel to donate more than 30,000 pounds of it after the 2009 typhoon there. • The canned luncheon meat called Spam was introduced by Hormel in 1937. Canning meat was • In the U.S., Hawaiians eat the most Spam per capita a novel idea. In an era where preserving meat was of any state in the U.S. with an average of 12 cans difficult, Spam was an immediate hit. By 1940, it’s per year. It’s so popular that McDonald’s across the estimated that 70% of Americans had tried it. region have added it to the menus. Texas takes second place, followed by Alabama and Arkansas. It’s now • Spam was created to make use of surplus pork sold in over 50 countries around the globe. shoulder, mixing it with ham, salt, sugar and sodium nitrite. It has the same basic ingredients as hot • In the U.S., some 3.6 cans of Spam are consumed dogs. every second, making it the top-selling canned meat. Over 44,000 cans of • The name was the invention of Ken Spam, or 33,000 pounds, are produced Daigneau, who won $100 in a contest every hour worldwide. In addition to to come up with the best name for the the U.S., Spam is produced in seven new product. It probably didn’t hurt other countries: Australia, Denmark, that Ken was the brother of a Hormel UK, Japan, Philippines, South Korea executive at the time. There is a lot and Taiwan. of speculation about what the word “spam” stands for, including “spiced • One can of Spam contains nearly 100 ham,” “special processed American grams of fat, over 1,000 calories, 240 meat,” “spare meat,” and “shoulders of pork and milligrams of cholesterol, and 4,696 milligrams of soham.” But the truth is that no one really knows. dium, nearly double the USDA's recommended daily allowance of sodium. • Spam got a big boost in popularity at the onset of World War II when it was difficult to get fresh meat • In a Monty Python sketch in 1970, Mr. and Mrs. Bun to soldiers. During the war, Hormel sold more than enter the Green Midget Café in Bromley, England, and half of its output to the U.S. government, which ask what’s on the menu. The answer is Spam, Spam, supplied not only the armed forces of the U.S., but Spam, more Spam, and nothing but Spam. A group of also the soldiers of the U.S.S.R. Over 100 million Vikings at the next table burst into song about Spam. pounds of Spam were consumed by Russian forces When the technological age led to a flood of unsoduring the war. “Without Spam, we wouldn’t have licited emails, these unwanted emails became known been able to feed our army,” Russian Premier Nias spam: “What’s in my email in-box? Spam, spam, kita Krushchev later said. It was so prominent that spam, more spam, and nothing but spam.” Uncle Sam was nicknamed “Uncle Spam.” • Today, there are 14 varieties of Spam available around
• Spam was also popular during the Korean War, and the natives developed a taste for it. Even today, South Koreans consume more Spam than any other country except the U.S.
the world, and you can visit the Spam Museum in Austin, Minnesota near the Spam packing plant. Take a tour led by a “Spambassador,” and try your hand at packing a can of Spam yourself.
When Age Catches Up With You At what point do we finally cave in to aging? It's different for all of us, but there are some things we eventually need to give up. Aren't there? For me the breaking point in "I can do it myself" came recently when I started planning for a bit of redecorating. Tops on my list was painting a few rooms. I'm no neophyte when it comes to a paintbrush and roller -- and a ladder. I painted my first room at age 16 and have painted at least some of every place I've ever lived since then. I have a 20-year-old ladder, a bit wobbly now but perfectly stable for zipping up and down while wearing a certain pair of shoes (also old) for grip. I even know just how far it's safe to lean to the left or right without the ladder tipping. I've felt perfectly safe. Until now. What, I've asked myself, would happen if I fell and there was no one here to help? I've thought about ways around that, including having a neighbor come over. But no, I wouldn't enjoy what has always been a happy solitary task with music blaring. So where do you draw your line in the battle against aging? When do you stop shoveling snow? When do you ask for help carrying 40-pound bags of pet food? And when do you stop hanging from a ladder like a monkey while wielding a paintbrush? After making a few calls, my painting situation has been solved. A very nice young painter will be here to paint ceiling trim and the top 2 feet of walls while I, with feet firmly on the floor, paint everything else. I wonder what I'll have to give up next. © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
Former and longtime Deputy Sheriff & K9 handler, Mike Lee, announces that he will seek out election as Grand Forks County Sheriff in 2018. Mike Lee accomplishments and agenda items: • 18 years of law enforcement experience and is highly decorated. • Grand Forks Sheriff’s Department’s first ever to receive a lifesaving award after responding to an active shooter situation where a man was shot in the chest. • Received the “Beyond the Traffic Stop” award from the North Dakota DOT for criminal interdiction. • Mike and his K9 partners have won numerous K9 competitions for drug detection, as well as the Iron Dog competition. • Received numerous traffic safety awards. • Will focus on making the department proactive rather than reactive. • Another item on Mike Lee’s agenda is the high recidivism (repeat offenders) rate at the jail. • Will take an active role in curbing the drug epidemic, as well as work with the community in tackling the opioid problems we are facing. • Believes the Sheriff should be a leader in creating a solution to these issues. • Mike has a plan that would reduce the County budget by more $400,000.00 annually. “Effective leadership only happens when great leaders are willing to do uncomfortable things.” Paid for by Big Al’s Construction
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks by Samantha Weaver
• It was English novelist Eric Arthur Blair -- better known by his pen name, George Orwell -- who made the following sage observation: "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." • While his wife, Abigail, was ill, President John Adams stayed with her for seven months at their home in Boston -- that's the longest any president has been away from the capital. • Are you a cacographer? You may not be, but if you spend any time at all online you've certainly run across a few. A cacographer is someone who can't quite grasp the rules of spelling. • This might be a good time for a reminder of an obscure New Orleans law: In that city, it is illegal to curse at a firefighter while he or she is engaged in official duties. • It was in 1943 that Thomas Watson, who was then the chairman of International Business Machines (better known now as IBM), made the following public statement: "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." • The English word "velvet" comes from a Latin term that means "shaggy hair." • You might already know that actor Mel Gibson grew up in Australia, but you might not know how he ended up there. He was actually born in New York, where he lived with his parents. The Vietnam War was going on, though, and his parents were afraid Mel would be drafted. After winning on "Jeopardy," they used the money to move to Australia. *** Thought for the Day: "The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once in a while and watch your answers change." -- Richard Bach © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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(Answers located on next page)
February 19, 2018
• “Frozen peas make the best quickie ice pack ever. They stay cold without being bulky and conform to just about any shape. You also can make a holder by doubling over a kitchen towel and stitching it up on the ends, leaving one end open. Stick your ice pack inside and apply directly to the skin. We have a bag of frozen peas that we drew a big “X” on, so we know that’s the ‘ice pack’ peas!” — R.M. in Oregon • You may have heard that wax paper can make your kitchen and bathroom faucets shine, but did you know it can help your shower curtain slide back and forth smoothly too? Just wipe a sheet across the bar. This also can work in the closet for your rods there. Wax paper to the rescue! • Include reminders in your planner or calendar for mundane chores like changing the air filter or treating pets for pests. As a reward, pair it with something fun, like a family game night or girls’ night out! • “If you’re changing out a door, save the old hollow-core door. If you balance it on two sawhorses, it’s a perfect work surface, and the door is light enough to tote around.” — T.F. in Texas • Rub a magnet along the shaft of your screwdriver to magnetize it and keep screws from dropping, which can be a real pain if you’re working in a tight spot or up high on a ladder. • “Here’s a nifty trick for spots where you need a nail but there’s no room for a hammer. If you can wedge a C-clamp in, hold it steady on the nail head and tighten to drive the nail into the board.” — L.W. in Oregon Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
• As a young man, George Hormel worked in his uncle’s slaughterhouse in Chicago for $10 per month. In 1891 he decided to start his own company, which he named after himself: Hormel. He wanted to be more than just another butcher; he was interested in the processing, packing, and marketing of the meat.
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TIDBITS® BEATING by Janet Spencer
HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a
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TIDBITS® BEATING by Janet Spencer
On September 11, 1952, the first artificial aortic valve was installed in a patient in Washington, D.C. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at the human heart!
HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a
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On September 11, 1952, the first artificial aortic valve was installed in a patient in Washington, D.C. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at the human heart!
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• He borrowed $500 and set up a plant in an old creamery on the edge of Austin, Minnesota. By the end of his first year in business, he’d slaughtered 600 cows and hired six employees. In 1893 the invention of refrigerated rail cars revolutionized the food distribution system. He brought his two brothers into the business and that year they slaughtered 1,500 hogs. By the turn of the century, he had opened additional plants across the U.S. • At that time, people were suspicious of canned food products, including canned meat recently introduced by Armour. George Hormel introduced a line of canned meat and advertised zealously. His canned hams caught on and business boomed, especially during the war years. By 1944, more than 90% of Hormel’s canned foods were shipped for government use. • In 1927 George turned the thriving company over to his son Jay, and in 1937 Jay invented a new product called Spam which achieved an 18% market share within the first year. In 1937 only 18% of Americans ate canned meat, but by 1940, 70% did. By 1959 the company had sold a billion cans of Spam. By 2012, over 7 billion cans had been sold. • In 1973 Hormel Foods became the first meatpacking company to include nutritional labels on meat products, as the company added bacon and sausages to its line. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Window is broken. 2. Football is missing. 3. Switch is missing. 4. Ruffle is missing. 5. Picture is smaller. 6. Drawer is missing. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
HORMEL (continued):
• Hormel established the Hormel Girls in 1946, a traveling women’s drum-and-bugle corps, to promote Answer: Dell.Hormel. The group swelled to 60 women with a 16-piece orchestra, and they A VERY LARGE NUMBER were even given a radio show which aired until •the Edward wasina 1953. mathematician. In 1938 group Kasner disbanded he was asked to come up with a name for a • Invery 1934large when the U.S. in theone, midst of the number: thewas numeral followed by a Depression hundred zeros. asked his twobattling young Great andHe ranchers were nephewsthe what name they would suggest. drought, government underwrote a beef canning program. The government bought the • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name out ofand thevarious funnies.meat A cartoon strip produced character cattle, processors named Barney was very steamed beef, packing it inpopular. tin cansMilton whichchose were Barney’s last name for the number. distributed to destitute citizens. In 1935 the •government Kasner announced theprogram, new name for themeat big ended this leaving number in his next book, altering the spelling. companies with millions of stockpiled cans. Sixty years later,aLarry Page and Sergey • •Hormel had half million empty unusedBrin tin developed a new internet search engine. Other cans worth 4 cents each, and they needed to search engines searched each webpage and figure outthem whataccording to do with Because thea ranked to them. how many times steamed beef they had been manufacturing specific term appeared on them, but Page and was familiar to Americans, Hormeltodecided to Brin designed their search engine search for produce beef stew, packed the out cans, butmany they the specific term and theninfind how needed a name for the links there were thatproduct. led back to that page, which resulted in a better searchMcManus engine. be• In 1913 an artist named George •gan They decided they needed a name that drawing a cartoon strip called “Bringing reflected how many websites the search up Father.” In the cartoon, the character Jiggs engine was searching. They took the name often visited his favorite Irish tavern, whose of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only name based itonslightly, the realsoname of up a friend they was misspelled it ended being ofspelled McManus, whothe really did way own the a tavern by exactly same cartoon that name, which served Irish stew. With free character Barney spelled his last name. What’s advertising providedatby the cartoon, the tavern it called? (Answer bottom of page) owner opened more taverns across COMPUTER FACTS the country. This gave Hormel the idea for the name • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory ofought their tostew, so he acquired the rights to the be enough for anybody.” name from McManus. The stew hit the market • Moore’s Law states that computer performance indoubles 1936, selling forto1524cents. It was popular every 18 months, andso ever since that Hormel ended uptrue. buying all the surplus tin 1971, this has been cans from other meat companies. The stew is • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all still madeintoday. It’s called Dinty Moore. started garages. Answer: Google, from googol.
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