LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN March 22, 2018
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Issue # 1,061
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Every year, more than 2,400 entries are submitted for the Pulitzer Prize competition. This week, Tidbits keeps you in the know on this celebrated group of awards. • The Pulitzer Prizes were established in 1917 by the generosity of newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer. Born in Hungary, Pulitzer came to America in 1864 at age 17, with his passage paid for by Massachusetts military recruiters who were looking for soldiers during the Civil War. He actually ended up in the First New York Lincoln Cavalry, serving for eight months. • After the war, Pulitzer tried whaling and waiting tables without success. Settling in St. Louis, Missouri, he was a regular patron at the city library, studying English during every spare minute. After being deceived by a job offer hoax, Pulitzer wrote a short story about the ruse, which he sold to a small local newspaper, and soon was working as a reporter. At age 25, he had already purchased a share in that paper, the Westliche Post, a stake he sold for a good profit the following year. Six years later, Pulitzer bought two other newspapers, the St. Louis Dispatch and the St. Louis Post, merging them into the St. Louis PostDispatch, a paper that is still that city’s daily newspaper. Turn the page for more!
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Quiz Bits
4. In the Old Testament of the Bible, who was Abraham’s first wife? 1. What 1961 Pulitzer novel fea- 5. How many times larger than tured main characters Atticus Earth is Jupiter’s giant “red and Scout Finch? spot”? 2. Before he was president, John 6. What two states border Lake F. Kennedy won the Pulitzer Tahoe? Prize for Biography. What was 7. Who wrote and released the the book titled? song “Rocky Mountain High,” 3. In the movie “Wizard of Oz,” and when? what did the Tin Man want TRIVIA from the wizard? SPONSORED BY:
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• At age 37, the now-wealthy Pulitzer bought the New York World, and his two major newspapers became noted for crusading against dishonest government, big business, and public corruption. • Pulitzer also had a place in politics, beginning as a state legislator at age 22, going on to the U.S. House of Representatives before he was 40. • Because he believed that journalists should be trained at the university level, Pulitzer set aside $2 million to establish a graduate school for journalism at New York’s Columbia University, as well as calling for a prize system to honor creative excellence. Pulitzer died in 1911, and the Columbia University School of Journalism was established in 1912, and the Pulitzer Prizes were first awarded five years later. • Pulitzer had specified four awards in journalism, four in letters and drama, one in education, and four traveling scholarships. A poetry category was added in 1922, photography in 1942, and a music category in 1943. The Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction was awarded for the first time in 1962 to Theodore White’s The Making of the President, 1960. The book recounted the presidential campaign of John F. Kennedy from the primaries to his victory over Richard Nixon. It remained on the best seller list for more than 40 weeks. • Today there are 21 categories: Public Service, Local Reporting of Breaking News, Investigative Reporting, Explanatory Reporting, Local Reporting, National Affairs, International Affairs, Feature Writing, Commentary, Criticism, Editorial Writing, Cartoons, Breaking News Photography, Feature Photography, Fiction, History, Biography/Autobiography, Original Verse, Nonfiction, Theatrical Play, and Musical Composition. There are 102 judges who make three nominations in each of the 21 categories. ...continued
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4. How many consecutive double-double seasons of points and rebounds did 1. In 2017, Los Angeles San Antonio Spurs great Dodgers pitcher Clayton Tim Duncan have to start Kershaw made his seventh his NBA career? consecutive Opening Day 5. Who was the last Edmonstart, tying a franchise ton Oilers player before record. Who else did it? Connor McDavid in 2017 2. Who has led the American to win the Hart MemoLeague in runs scored the rial Trophy as the NHL most times? regular-season MVP? 3. How many consecutive years did Dale Earnhardt 6. Three golfers have won The Masters in back-toJr. win NASCAR’s Most Popular Driver Award? back years. Name them.
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• The formal announcement of the Pulitzers is made each April, and presented by the president of Columbia University. • Each winner receives a $15,000 cash award, (raised in 2017 from $10,000), with the exception of the winner in Public Service journalism, a prize that is always awarded to a newspaper, not to an individual. The newspaper receives a gold medal. Joseph Pulitzer’s requirements for meritorious public service reporting included “cleanness of style, moral purpose, sound reasoning, strict accuracy, and the accomplishment of some public good commanding respect.” • The very first Pulitzer for fiction was awarded to Ernest Poole for His Family, a novel about the life of a middle-class New York City widower and his three daughters in the 1910s. • Many of the titles of the winners for novels are familiar, including Gone with the Wind (1937), To Kill a Mockingbird (1961), The Color Purple (1983), and Lonesome Dove (1986). • The 1974 photography winner depicted a United States Air Force Lt. Colonel reunited with his family at Travis Air Force Base after spending five-and-a-half years in a North Viet Nam POW camp. Part of his imprisonment was spent sharing a cell with future Senator John McCain. Photographer Sal Veder captured the image of Robert Stirm and his family, and entitled it “Burst of Joy.” • A photo of Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow and child taken at his funeral captured the 1969 photography Pulitzer.
• Although the prize for music is given to an American composition that had its first performance or recording during the year, in 2008, a special prize was awarded to singer-songwriter bob Dylan for his “profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power.” ...continued
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Not every media work is automatically considered by the Pulitzer Board. Only those works that have been specifically entered and have paid a $50 entry fee are in the running.
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• On March 30, 1775, King George III formally endorses the New England Restraining Act, requiring New England colonies to trade exclusively with Great Britain. Another rule banned colonists from fishing in the North Atlantic. • On March 28, 1814, the funeral of Guillotin, the inventor and namesake of the infamous execution device, takes place in France. The machine was intended to show the intellectual and social progress of the Revolution: By killing aristocrats and journeymen the same way, equality in death was ensured. • On March 31, 1836, the first monthly installment of "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club," by 24-year-old writer Charles Dickens, is published under the pseudonym Boz. Only 400 copies were printed, but by the 15th episode, 40,000 copies were printed. • On March 27, 1912, two Yoshina cherry trees are planted on the bank of the Potomac River, as part of a gift of 3,020 cherry trees from Japan to the United States. After World War II, cuttings were sent back to Japan to restore the Tokyo collection that was decimated by American bombing attacks during the war. • On April 1, 1984, Motown singer Marvin Gaye is shot and killed by his father as a result of a longstanding feud. The father, a preacher, was a hard-drinking cross-dresser who envied his son's success, and Marvin Jr. clearly harbored unresolved feelings toward his abusive father. • On March 26, 1997, police in Rancho Santa Fe, California, discover 39 victims of a mass suicide. They were members of the "Heaven's Gate" religious cult, whose leaders preached that suicide would allow them to leave their bodily "containers" and enter an alien spacecraft hidden behind the Hale-Bopp comet. • On March 29, 1999, the Dow Jones industrial average closes above 10,000 for the first time, at 10,006.78. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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• The prize for Drama, one of the original prizes, is judged by a jury consisting of one academic and four critics who attend plays in New York and regional theaters throughout the year. Familiar winners include 1955’s “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” “The Diary of Anne Frank” (1956), “Driving Miss Daisy” (1988), and more recently, “Rent” (1996), and “Hamilton” (2017).
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• Only three writers have won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction more than once – Booth Tarkington in 1919 and 1922, William Faulkner in 1955 and 1963, and John Updike in 1982 and 1991. Faulkner also was awarded a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1949. His famous novels include The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying. • Four individuals have received four prizes, poet Robert Frost, playwright Eugene O’Neill, and screenwriter and biographer Robert E. Sherwood. In addition to his plays, Sherwood also served as a speechwriter for President Franklin D. Roosevelt. His 1949 Pulitzer was for a biography of Roosevelt. • Pilot Charles Lindbergh penned his autobiography in 1953, chronicling the events surrounding his 1927 33-hour solo trans-Atlantic flight in his single-engine, single-seat monoplane from Long Island to Paris. The book, The Spirit of St. Louis won the Pulitzer Prize in 1954. • Prizes for cartoons are awarded to those editorial drawings that often exhibit the humorous or satirical side of politics, foreign affairs, and social issues with a sharp wit. Five cartoonists have won the award three times. • The Pulitzer for Investigative Reporting was established in 1953, and has included exposure of corruption, unsafe hospital conditions, unsafe prescription drugs, and narcotics rings, as well as providing the proof necessary to free those wrongfully convicted of violent crimes.
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Food of the Week:
This week’s Tidbits has nothing to do with under-thesea creatures. It’s all about these various foods beginning with the letter “C”. While you might be familiar with the names, you may not know what they are.
• Couscous consists of small steamed granules of crushed semolina flour, and is especially popular in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, with stew spooned on top. The word comes from the Arabic word Kaskasa, which translates “to pound small.” Couscous is bland on its own but serves a function much like mashed potatoes do, soaking up gravy. • A bush called “Capparis Spinosa” is the source of what are known as capers. The unopened flower buds from the bush are pickled in a salty brine or white wine vinegar. The little buds, about the size of a peppercorn, are picked by hand every morning and processed that day. They are never eaten fresh, only processed by drying in the sun then pickled. • The strong, pungent flavor and aroma of cardamom make it a versatile spice used in many different recipes. Its flavor has tastes of lemon, mint, and mild smoke. It’s grown widely in India, where it’s used in their casseroles and other main dishes. But in Scandinavia, it’s used to spice up cakes, puddings, tarts, and other baked goods. Many add it to beverages, including mulled wine, hot cider, eggnog, coffee, and tea. The world’s third-most expensive spice, cardamom also has medicinal benefits, including treatment for mouth sores, bad breath, digestion issues, heartburn, and bronchitis.
• Although in North America, the chicory plant is considered a weed, this member of the endive family is a popular crop in France and South Africa, where the roots are roasted. This converts the carbohydrates in the root to a brown carmelized sugar with a coffeelike flavor. During the American Civil War when a Union naval blockade cut off the port of New Orleans, halting shipments, coffee became scarce and chicory was added to coffee to stretch supplies. The tradition has continued in New Orleans, with Café du Monde, a favorite in The Big Easy, that is chicory coffee mixed with hot milk, producing a slightly chocolate flavored beverage. Chicory is also used by beer brewers to add a coffee flavor to their stout dark beers. Some naturopaths brew the root in a tea as a medicinal remedy for jaundice, gout, liver ailments, and rheumatism. • You might not be familiar with the name of carambola, but you may have eaten it! This fruit is better known as starfruit, a tree native to the Philippines, India, Indonesia, and other southeastern Asia countries. It has ridges down the side, so that when it’s cross-cut, the slice resembles a star. The entire fruit is edible, even its yellow-green waxy skin. The texture of the fruit’s flesh is similar to that of grapes, but it’s extremely juicy. Use of the starfruit varies by culture. While we might think of them as an ingredient of preserves or juice drinks, in Thailand, they are cooked with shrimp, and in China, with fish. Southeast Asians stew the fruit in cloves and sugar, while Australians use them in a vegetable side dish. While carambola are rich in antioxidants, potassium, and Vitamin C, they can be fatal to those with kidney ailments or those undergoing dialysis treatment.
Published Every Thursday!
Losing Friends and Making New Ones If we live long enough, we'll eventually get to the age where we start losing people around us. Friends, neighbors and relatives succumb to serious illness, and our lives will never be the same. We end up going to more and more funerals. Our social networks get smaller and smaller, and that leaves us ... where? Alone ... unless we see the writing on the wall and plan ahead for our own futures. That's not to say we should turn our backs on friends of a certain age or level of health. But protecting our own health needs to be uppermost in our minds. Extended loneliness and grief can take its toll, if we let it, and lead to depression, elder abuse, cognitive decline and more. The phrase "safety in numbers" might be one to consider. We can join groups where there are people of all ages, or at least be around people who share our interests. Is there a hobby you've always wanted to try? Maybe pottery or painting? Or a college class you've wanted to audit? Does the senior center host short travel expeditions, maybe to a big city for museums and shows? Do they have a weekly writing group?
How about volunteering somewhere, on a regular schedule? The library can't function without daily shelving. Can you read to a morning group of toddlers? Socialize cats and dogs at the shelter? Do you like shopping enough to do deliveries from grocery stores to the homebound? Interested in a daily walking group? The point is to be out among people. Somewhere in the mix you're likely to find new friends. The key to maintaining health is the number of interactions we have with others. But often we have to take the first step. Š 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
*Answers located by Super Crossword
by Samantha Weaver
• It was French poet, journalist and novelist Anatole France who made the following sage observation: "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." • If you're planning a trip to North Carolina in June, try to make it to the small town of Spivey's Corner for the annual Hollerin' Contest. If you'd like to participate but are worried about straining your vocal cords, you can always enter the conch-blowing contest instead of one of the ones that involves actual yelling. • You might be surprised to learn that famed British author Aldous Huxley, best-known for his dystopian novel "Brave New World," was a consultant on Disney's 1951 animated film version of "Alice in Wonderland." • After the vows have been said in a traditional Korean wedding, the groom formally introduces his new wife to his parents. The bride's father-in-law then pelts the bride with red dates, which is supposed to ensure fertility. • Jazz musician Glenn Miller was the recipient of the first gold record ever awarded, for the bigband hit "Chattanooga Choo-Choo." • You might be surprised at some of the seemingly innocuous things that arouse passions in a group of people. Take the venerable 1960s television show "Mr. Ed," for example. Evidently an evangelist named Jim Brown took issue with the show's theme song, claiming that when played backward, the tune contains the message "the source is Satan" and "someone sang this song for Satan." His preaching on the subject was so persuasive that members of a church in Ironton, Ohio, made a bonfire of recordings of the song. *** Thought for the Day: "Men of genius are often dull and inert in society, as a blazing meteor when it descends to earth, is only a stone." -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
King Features Weekly Service ©2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.
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(Answers located on next page)
March 12, 2018
• “To make sure I’m drinking water throughout the day, I use a permanent marker to designate levels on my large reusable water cup. I labeled them 10 a.m., noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. That’s for a big one that sits on my desk at work. I have another for at home. This way I am not trying to play catch up later in the day.” — A.L. in Oklahoma • Three ways to save money on water-heater bills: 1) Set your temperature gauge to a lower setting. 2) Install a timer so that it’s not heating water when you aren’t there to use it. 3) Add an insulating cover to keep heat from escaping. • Game changer: “When dunking a sandwich cookie (e.g. Oreos), jab a fork into the filling. Then you can dunk the whole thing or part of it without getting your fingers all milky — or your milk all ‘fingery.’” — A.J. in Florida • When you microwave leftovers on a flat plate, be sure to spread them out for even heating. The classic ring of food is best — leaving the center of the plate empty. Slice already-cooked potatoes, and cover with a moistened paper towel. • Need to light a pillar candle inside a hurricane glass? Use a stick of spaghetti! The pasta stick lights easily, and it’s long enough to give you the reach you need. It burns evenly, too. • “If you like to save money by buying large packs of meat — say, ground beef or chicken tenderloins — here’s a great tip for storing them: Fill quartsize freezer bags, making sure to get out as much air as possible. Then stack flat on top of a pizza box in the freezer.” — T.L. in Missouri Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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Button, button, who’s got the button? Tidbits observes National Button Week March 18 – 24 by bringing you the facts on these little fasteners. • Ancient buttons dating back to 2000 B.C. have been found in archaeological digs and prehistoric burial grounds. Back then, buttons weren’t fasteners, but rather were ornaments. It wasn’t until the invention of the buttonhole around the 13th century that buttons were used to fasten clothing. Prior to that, clothes were secured with pins, leather laces, and belts. Buttons and buttonholes allowed clothing to become more form-fitting. • The word “button” has its origins in the French language. Bouton translates “bud” or “knob.”
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• Buttons as fasteners quickly became the fashion, and the wealthy and royalty used them as a status symbol. During the 16th century, Francis I of France had thousands of gold buttons on one coat, while King Louis XIV was reported to have spent upwards of $5 million on buttons over the course of his lifetime. • Up until the mid-1800s, buttons were used primarily for men’s clothing – waistcoats, vests, and breeches -- with women’s clothes still fastened with lacing and hooks. Once introduced into women’s garments, they became the primary customers. • In the late 1700s and early 1800s, pewter was the most common choice for buttons. Brass buttons replaced the pewter ones around 1830. Brass has been the most common material used since that time. Ivory was also a popular choice in the late 1700s, but when the price of ivory took a dramatic jump in the 1800s, manufacturers used a nut from a South American palm tree. Because the dried nut greatly resembled ivory, it was called vegetable ivory, a material that is still used today. ...cont'd
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Chimney is missing. 2. Glasses are missing. 3. Sleeve is shorter. 4. Poster is missing. 5. Name is different. 6. Mail slot is missing. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
BUTTONS (contiuned):
• Countless different natural and manmade materials have been used to produce buttons. Deer antlers and hoofs have been a popular material, Answer: Dell. and wereAusually dyed black or dark brown. VERY LARGE NUMBER Wood buttons from many different trees were •some Edward Kasner wasbuttons. a mathematician. In 1938 of the earliest he was asked to come up with a name for a • Invery 1839, after Goodyear obtainedone, a patent for large number: the numeral followed byvulcanization a hundred zeros. He asked his two the of rubber, buttons wereyoung pronephews theywith would duced fromwhat hardname rubber, the suggest. most famous design the “Anchor” motif featured • Nine-year-old Milton suggested on a Navy name out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character peacoats. named Barney was very popular. Milton chose • Marine creatures have been used for buttons Barney’s last name for the number. since the 18th century. Mother-of-Pearl but•tons Kasner announced the pearly new name big are made from the liningforofthe freshnumber in his next book, altering the spelling. water mollusk shells, and have an iridescent •sheen Sixtythat years later,for Larry Page buttons. and Sergey makes beautiful TheBrin exdeveloped a new internet search engine. Other terior shell itself is also used, but these are not search engines searched each webpage and asranked prized them as theaccording Mother-of-Pearl. to how many times a specific term appeared onan them, but hobby Page and • Button collecting became official in Brin designed their search engine to search for 1938 with the founding of the National Button the specific term and out how many Society. The group nowthen hasfind upwards of 3,000 links there that led back that page, members on were four continents, andtochapters in which resulted in a better search engine. 39 U.S. states. The Society classifies buttons •made Theybefore decided needed a name 1918they as old, and those after that are reflected how many websites the search ranked as modern. engine was searching. They took the name • Ever wonderKasner’s why men’s have only the of Edward very garments large number, button on the right side, while women’s are on they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being spelled exactly theday, same the left? Back in the mostway menthe werecartoon rightcharacter his lastwhile name.wealthy What’s handed andBarney dressedspelled themselves, it called? (Answer at bottom of page) women were dressed by servants who faced COMPUTER the woman while buttoningFACTS her up. • In 1981 curiosity Bill Gatesissaid, kb of memory • Another why“640 men’s suit coats ought to be enough for anybody.” have a row of non-functioning buttons on the •sleeves. Moore’s Law states that computer Although this may be justperformance for decoradoubles every 24 Prussian months, and ever since tion, legend has18it to that King Freder1971, this has been true. ick the Great called for them to be sewn on the •jackets HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple all of his troops to deter them fromwere wiping started in garages. their noses on their sleeves. Answer: Google, from googol.
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Quiz Answers
1. Harper Lee’s 5. Twice as big “To Kill a as Earth. Mockingbird.” 6. Nevada and 2. “Profiles in California. 7. John Denver, Courage” 3. A heart. in 1972. 4. Sarah.
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Sports Answers 1. Don Sutton 5. Mark Messier, in 1990. (1972-78). 2. Babe Ruth, 6. Jack Nicklaus (1965-1966), 8 times. 3. Fifteen years. Nick Faldo (1989-1990), 4. Thirteen & Tiger Woods seasons. (2001-2002)
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