Tidbits Grand Forks - April 5 , 2018

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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN April 5, 2018

Since 1997

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 ® TIDBITS SHOUTS OUT

Issue # 1,063


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Spring has sprung and Tidbits is focusing on historical events from the months of April and May. • Henry Ford II unveiled the company’s brandnew sports car, the Ford Mustang, at the New York City World’s Fair on April 17, 1964. The car made its debut at dealerships across the country on the same day, experiencing sales of nearly 22,000 cars. By the end of the first year of production, 400,000 Mustangs had been sold. Did you know that the Mustang took its name from a World War II plane, a fighter that cost about $51,000 to build at that time? • The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861 when, under General P.G.T. Beauregard’s orders, Confederate forces opened fire on the Union’s Fort Sumter in South Carolina’s Charleston Bay. The war continued for just shy of four years, ending on April 9, 1865, when Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his Army to Union General Ulysses S. Grant. • Slow down! That’s what the state of Connecticut said when they became the first state to pass a speed limit law on May 21, 1901. The new regulation restricted motor vehicles to 12 mph in the city and 15 mph 24 on country roads. Turn the page for more!


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Quiz Bits

4. What is the call sign of the helicopter that carries the president? 5. Which American novelist wrote the book “White Fang”? 6. Which Nirvana album followed the hugely successful “Nevermind”? 7. How many countries and principalities are neighbors of France? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:


1. The first of this long series of blockbuster movies opened on May 25, 1977. What was it? 2. Name the humanitarian organization founded by Civil War nurse Clara Barton in May, 1881. 3. In May, 2010, who became the oldest person to host TV’s “Saturday Night Live”?






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• Spring has always been a busy time in the world of baseball. April 20, 1912 marked the opening day of both Detroit’s Tiger Stadium and Boston’s Fenway Park, news which was overshadowed by the previous week’s sinking of the Titanic. The original Yankee Stadium opened in April, 1923, and the New York Mets’ Shea Stadium had opening day in April, 1964. The world’s first domed sports stadium, the Houston Astrodome opened the following year. Built at a cost of $37 million, the Astrodome boasted a sophisticated air conditioning system. On opening night, the Astros battled the New York Yankees in an exhibition game, and Mickey Mantle hit the stadium’s first home run. • On May 2, 1939, the great New York Yankees first baseman Lou Gehrig ended his 2,130games-played streak when he benched himself for poor play. His final game had been April 30, and he never played again. Gehrig knew something was wrong, but didn’t know his diagnosis would be amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), now commonly called “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” Lou Gehrig Day was held at Yankee Stadium two months later on July 4th, and as 60,000 fans looked on, Gehrig made his famous statement, “Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.” He passed away two years later at age 37. • Earth Day was first observed in April of 1970, with 20 million participants. It was the brainstorm of U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who came up with the idea after touring a disastrous oil spill in the Santa Barbara, California area. In his words, “It had been troubling me that the state of our environment was simply a non-issue in the politics of the country.” ...continued



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• April 19, 1897 marked the first running of the Boston Marathon, with 15 runners at the starting line. John J. McDermott, representing the Pastime Athletic Club of New York City, was the inaugural winner with a time of 2:55:10, nearly seven minutes ahead of the next competitor. The men’s record, set in 2011, is 2:03:02, while the best women’s time is 2:19:59, a record achieved in 2014. • “The Wedding of the Century” took place on April 18, 1956 when actress Grace Kelly married Monaco’s Prince Rainier III. Thirty-six seamstresses worked on 26-year-old Kelly’s wedding dress for six weeks in preparation for the nuptials. After meeting at the Cannes Film Festival, the pair corresponded for eight months before Rainier traveled to America to meet her family, proposing to Grace three days later. Before the marriage plans could proceed, the family was required to provide a $2 million dowry. Following the ceremony attended by 600 guests, the royal couple departed for their seven-week Mediterranean honeymoon cruise aboard the prince’s yacht. • The month of April has had its share of tragedies. In 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed by Timothy McVeigh. In 1999, Colorado’s Columbine High School shootings occurred. It was also the month of the assassinations of President Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. The sinking of the Titanic, the devastating nuclear accident at the Soviet Union’s Chernobyl plant, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Virginia Tech shooting also took place in April. ...continued

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*Answer located further back in this issue.






Former and longtime Deputy Sheriff & K9 handler, Mike Lee, announces that he will seek out election as Grand Forks County Sheriff in 2018.

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Name the last NBA center to have a triple-double in which he scored 50 or more points? 2. Bill Stewart as the first American-born NHL coach to win a Stanley Cup (1938). Who was second to do it? 3. The Philadelphia Phillies won the World Series in 2008. Name the last N.L. East team prior to them to win the World Series.

4. What year did the Los Angeles Dodgers last win the World Series? 5. Between 2001 and 2010, Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson combined to win six of the ten Masters golf tournaments. Name 2 of the other 4 winners. 6. T or F: It has been over 15 years since MLB has had a back-to-back World Series champion. 7. Who had the worst record in MLB last season?

Mike Lee accomplishments and agenda items: • 18 years of law enforcement experience and is highly decorated. • Grand Forks Sheriff’s Department’s first ever to receive a lifesaving award after responding to an active shooter situation where a man was shot in the chest. • Received the “Beyond the Traffic Stop” award from the North Dakota DOT for criminal interdiction. • Mike and his K9 partners have won numerous K9 competitions for drug detection, as well as the Iron Dog competition. • Received numerous traffic safety awards. • Will focus on making the department proactive rather than reactive. • Another item on Mike Lee’s agenda is the high recidivism (repeat offenders) rate at the jail. • Will take an active role in curbing the drug epidemic, as well as work with the community in tackling the opioid problems we are facing. • Believes the Sheriff should be a leader in creating a solution to these issues. • Mike has a plan that would reduce the County budget by more $400,000.00 annually. “Effective leadership only happens when great leaders are willing to do uncomfortable things.” Paid for by Big Al’s Construction










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• On April 15, 1783, the Continental Congress of the United States officially ratifies a preliminary peace treaty with Great Britain. Five months later, the Treaty of Paris was signed, bringing an end to the Revolutionary War. • On April 9, 1859, a 23-year-old Missouri youth named Samuel Clemens receives his steamboat pilot's license. Clemens is better known by the pseudonym "Mark Twain," a boatman's call noting that the river depth was two fathoms (12 feet) and safe for travel. • On April 14, 1912, the luxury liner RMS Titanic, on its maiden voyage, fails to divert its course from an iceberg, ruptures its hull and begins to sink. Of the estimated 2,224 passengers and crew aboard, some 1,500 were killed. • On April 12, 1945, while on a vacation, President Franklin Roosevelt suffers a stroke and dies. FDR had been elected president four times and had served for more than 12 years, the only president ever to serve more than two terms. • On April 11, 1951, President Harry Truman relieves the flamboyant and egotistical Gen. Douglas MacArthur of command of U.S. forces in Korea. The firing set off a brief uproar among the American public, and he returned home to a hero's welcome. • On April 10, 1963, the atomic submarine USS Thresher sinks in the North Atlantic during deep-diving tests, killing the entire 129 man crew. An investigation found that a silverbrazed joint in the engine room had caused a short in critical electrical systems. • On April 13, 1970, disaster strikes 200,000 miles from Earth when oxygen tank No. 2 blows up on Apollo 13. Commander James Lovell reported to mission control on Earth: "Houston, we've had a problem here." Using dramatic and untested maneuvers, Apollo 13 touched down safely in the Pacific Ocean four days later.

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• On May 18, 1980, 96 miles south of Seattle, a 5.1-magnitude earthquake rocked Mount St. Helens, followed by a volcanic eruption rising 80,000 feet into the sky. Rocks, ash, 1300-degree magma, and glacial ice thundered down the mountainside at a speed of 100 mph. Fourteen miles of the nearby Toutle River were buried in 150 feet of the rubble. Ash was dumped in 11 U.S. states. In just seconds, the formerly 9,600-foot-high mountain became 8,300 feet tall. An estimated 57 people died, 27 of whom were never recovered.





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• Explorers Lewis and Clark and their party of 45 men departed St. Louis, Missouri, on May 14, 1804 with instructions to explore the Northwest from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. A 55-foot-long keelboat and two smaller wooden rowboats carried the men up the Missouri River. Twelve men did not make the full journey, including seven who were court-martialed for reasons such as “behaving in an unbecoming manner,” being AWOL, “expressions of a mutinous nature,” and desertion. The expedition reached the Pacific Ocean in November of 1805. It took until the following September to return to St. Louis. • Academy Awards were handed out for the first time in May of 1929 at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. Although sound had just come to the movies, only silent films were allowed to compete that year. One of the first “talkies,” “The Jazz Singer” had recently been released, but was deemed ineligible, because the Academy thought it unfair for it to compete with silent films. As a result, there has only been one silent film, “Wings,” to ever win Best Picture. The Awards wouldn’t be known as Oscars for another 10 years. Legend has it that the Academy’s executive direct mentioned that the statuette reminded her of her Uncle Oscar.

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• There are at least 10,000 varieties of tomatoes, and some experts claim that number could be as high as 25,000. The smallest are less than .75 inch in diameter. One pound of tomato seeds can produce about 140,000 plants. Nearly 95% of a tomato’s weight is water, and a 3.5-oz. tomato contains 18 calories. • Tomato categories are based on shape and size. Beefsteak tomatoes are the largest, 4 inches or more in diameter with a kidney bean shape. Small, round sweet cherry tomatoes are about 0.8 in in diameter, while the small grape tomatoes are oblong. The tiny tomberries are only about 5 mm in diameter. The oblong pear or plum tomatoes have a lower water content and are used in the production of tomato sauce and paste. • Heirloom tomatoes refers to those varieties that have been grown for generations without cross-breeding. • China produces more tomatoes than other country in the world, accounting for more than 31% of the total. India, the United States, and Turkey follow China as major producers. Florida and California produce 70% of America’s supply.

• Some say tomato, some say tomah-to, some say fruit, some say vegetable. So which is it? In the botanical sense, a tomato is a fruit, the berry of a flowering plant, the edible part of a plant containing seeds, while a vegetable is a stem, leaf, or root. However, in 1893, the U.S. Supreme Court declared it a vegetable for taxation purposes, for the purposes of levying a tariff on imported vegetables. • The average person consumes about 24 lbs. of tomatoes every year. About half of that amount is through catsup and tomato sauce. In fact, about 75% of the tomatoes consumed by Americans are in some kind of processed form. The key ingredient in nearly 80% of our favorite recipes is tomatoes. Pace Foods uses about 35 million lbs. of fresh tomatoes to produce their picante sauce and salsas, and have contributed to salsa replacing catsup as the top-selling condiment in the United States. • Of those Americans with home gardens, about 93% plant tomatoes. • The tomato is popular in an official capacity across America. New Jersey has designated the tomato as its official state vegetable, while Tennessee and Ohio have named it the official state fruit, and Arkansas has the tomato as both its official state fruit and official state vegetable. Louisiana has chosen the Creole tomato as its official state vegetable.


• The tomato plant is a member of the Nightshade family, along with potatoes, tobacco, eggplant, and chili peppers. It has its origins in Peru, where the Aztec language translated its description to “plump thing with a navel.” Its scientific name is Lycopersicon lycopersicum, which means, “wolf peach.” The Italians call a tomato “pomodoro,” which translates “apple of gold.”


Tidbits is commemorating National Tomato Month with a spotlight on this item.

• Tomatoes are a good source of Vitamin C, but if they are exposed to sunlight while in storage after being picked, they rapidly lose that Vitamin C. The highest concentration of the vitamin is in the jelly-like substance that holds the seeds. Those small cavities are known as locules. Tomatoes are also rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which may help prevent heart disease.




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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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PULL TABS Every Day 00543-002

by Samantha Weaver

• The unknown soul who made the following sage observation must have been a keen observer of events: "A politician can appear to have his nose to the grindstone while straddling a fence and keeping both ears to the ground." • Swedish chemist and engineer Alfred Nobel, famed inventor of dynamite and originator of the Nobel Prizes, could speak five languages fluently by the time he was 17 years old. • Most languages change dramatically over time. If we in modern America were to try to read, say, "Beowulf" (which was written in Old English), only those who have spent time studying the language would be able to make out more than a word or two here and there. If you're from Iceland, however, this isn't the case; the written language there has remained virtually unchanged for more than 1,000 years. Modern Icelanders have no trouble reading sagas that were written in the 10th century. • Those who study such things say that fully onethird of all your brainpower is used for vision. • At some point in your life you've probably gotten your hands gooey with papier-mache, whether you were making crafts yourself or helping your kids. You may not have realized, though, that the term "papier-mache" means "chewed-up paper" in French. • You might be surprised to learn that there are people who study how air quality, humidity, the hardness of the water and pollution affect people's hair. According to these researchers, the worst American cities for your tresses are Corpus Christi, Texas; Olympia, Washington; and Pittsburgh. *** Thought for the Day: "Jobs are like going to church: It's nice once or twice a year to sing along and eat something and all that, but unless you really believe there's something holy going on, it gets to be a drag going in every single week." -- Thomas Michael Disch © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Gainsville, FL - If you’re on of the millions of Americans that have diagnosed with high cholesterol, “Natural” help is now available from the creator or Gatorade®! The highly regarded late Dr. Robert J. Cade, while at the University of Florida, did extensive clinical trials utilizing a special formula he developed containing fiber (Acacia Gum). This formula, “CholesterAde”, proved to lower cholesterol in the human blood by over 17% during an 8-week period. Not only is this special soluble fiber proven to lower cholesterol naturally but, other positive effects showed weight loss and improved bowel functions, which can help reduce the chances of many forms of cancer. Dr. Richard Goldfarb, MD, FACA, the Medical Director for Go Epic Health, Inc. states “CholesterAde is a natural alternative to statins and other drugs that can create many types of health problems.” For the first time Dr. Cade’s original delicious tasting formula, “CholesterAde”, is now available at the retailer below. Call 1-877-581-1502 or go to www.drinkcholesterade.com

(Answers located on next page)

High Cholesterol? The creator of Gatorade® can help.


• New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa from Nepal, set foot on the summit of Mount Everest at 11:30 AM on May 29, 1953, the first explorers to accomplish the feat. They spent just 15 minutes at the summit of the highest point on Earth, 29,028 feet before beginning their descent. Each man left an offering in the snow – Norgay, some chocolates, and Hillary, a cross that had been a gift to him.


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• The Indianapolis 500 has been a Memorial Day institution since 1911 when Ray Harroun became the winner in the inaugural race, collecting $14,250 in winnings. Forty cars were at the starting line, and 6 hours and 42 minutes later Harroun crossed the line in his single-seater Marmon Wasp, having averaged 74.50 mph. Compare that to the 2017 winner, Takuma Sato, who averaged 155.395 mph and finished in just over 3 hours and 13 minutes. Sato was first Indy 500 driver from Japan, and the first driver from Asia to win the race. • Back in 1802, Napoleon’s engineer envisioned a tunnel from Britain to France under the English Channel, equipped with ventilation stacks to supply air. Nothing was done until 1880 when Colonel Frederick Beaumont used a boring tool to tunnel more than a mile before he gave up. In 1988, the project for the “Chunnel” was begun, an undertaking that would take the next six years and $16 billion to build. At the peak of construction, 15,000 were employed, and 10 were killed during the project. On May 6, 1994, the Chunnel opened, connecting Britain and France, a 31.35mile stretch, 23 miles of which runs underwater, with an average depth of 150 feet. About 30,000 people take the 35-minute train journey every day. It’s considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. ...continued

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Blanket roll is missing. 2. Cap is different. 3. Sun is missing. 4. Arm is moved. 5. Sign is missing. 6. Log is smaller. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.


• The Brooklyn Bridge was called “the eighth wonder of the world” when it opened on May 24, 1883,Dell. the world’s largest suspension bridge Answer: ever built to date. After 14 long years under A VERY LARGE construction and 27 workerNUMBER deaths, New York •City Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 and Brooklyn were connected for the first he was asked to come up with a name for a time. The designer of the bridge was Germanverycivil large engineer number: the numeral one, followed born John Roebling. Tragedy by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young struck shortly before construction began in nephews what name they would suggest. 1869, as Roebling was taking final compass •readings. Nine-year-old Milton suggested A boat smashed the toes of ahis name foot, out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character resulting in the onset of tetanus, which claimed named Barney was very popular. Milton chose his life just three weeks later. His 32-year-old Barney’s last name for the number. son took over as Chief Engineer, which neces•sitated Kasnerhisannounced the new name for thecaisbig working underwater in wood number in his next book, altering the spelling. sons, into which compressed air was pumped. •Washington Sixty years Roebling, later, Larryalong Pagewith and Sergey Brin many other developed a new internet search engine. Other workers, became sick with decompression search engines searched and sickness, commonly referredeach to aswebpage “the bends.” ranked them according to how many times a Asspecific a result, Roebling was paralyzed, and unterm appeared on them, but Page and able to supervise construction. From for an Brin designed theirthe search engine to search apartment with a view of thefind bridge, Roebling the specific term and then out how many guided his wife Emily through the construction links there were that led back to that page, process, and forin11a better years, search she provided which resulted engine. daily of thethey project. Although Mr. Roe•supervision They decided needed a name that bling suffered from many debilitating reflected how many websites the effects search ofengine his illness, lived to the agetook of 89. was he searching. They the name of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only • Although he wrote 12 novels and 4 non-fiction they misspelled it slightly, it endedmost up being books, Irish author Bram so Stoker’s faspelled exactly the same way the mous book was his classic novel aboutcartoon vamcharacter Barney spelled his last name. What’s pires, Dracula, which hit bookshop shelves on it called? (Answer at bottom of page) May 26, 1897. COMPUTER FACTS • In 1981 Bill Gates said, Grand “640 kbForks of memory ought to be enough for anybody.” • Moore’s states thatBUSINESS computer TODAY performance STARTLaw YOUR OWN doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since Freethis Consulting • Confidential 1971, has been true. • Business Plans www.grandforks.score.org • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all Mentors (Grand Forks, ND) started inSCORE garages. Call: 746-5851 email: score@gra.midco.net Answer: Google, or from googol.


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Quiz Answers

1. “Star Wars” 7. Eight: 2. American Belgium, Red Cross Luxembourg, 3. Betty White Germany, at age 88. Switzerland, 4. Marine One Italy, Monaco, 5. Jack London Andorra, and 6. “In Utero” in Spain. 1993.

Sports Answers 5. Mike Weir, 1. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Zach Johnson, Trevor Immelin 1975. man, & Angel 2. Pittsburgh’s Cabrera. Bob Johnson, 6. True. Yankees in 1991. in (1999-2000) 3. Florida Marlins (2003). 7. Tigers & Giants both 64-98. 4. 1988



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