LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN April 19, 2018
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications
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CARD GAMES by Kathy Wolfe
Pick a card, any card! This week, Tidbits investigates the history of playing cards, as well as some well-known and not-so-well-known card games. • History points to China as the country of origin of playing cards. A princess in the Tang Dynasty was mentioned in writing as playing the “leaf game” in a record from the year 868. It’s believed that playing cards then spread to India and Persia, followed by Egypt, and to Europe by the end of the 14th century. • Early European cards from the 1300s were illustrated by hand by artists, often painted in gold, and were an expensive luxury afforded only by the wealthy aristocracy. Toward the end of that century, woodcuts were invented, which made the production of cards cheaper and more available to the common man. Once the printing press was invented, cards could be mass-produced, and games became popular across Europe. Cards were made from up to 6 pieces of paper glued together, and were much larger than the cards of today. • Designs of the cards’ suits featured a great variety of symbols – boars, bears, flowers, falcons, lions, rabbits, and cups. By the end of the 1400s, pictures included kings either seated on a throne or mounted on horseback. as well as queens, horsemen, viceroys, and foot soldiers.
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CARD GAMES (cont'd)
• Although one side of the card featured artwork, the backs were plain. A plain back created the problem of being easily marked, which could be recognized by an opponent. Since cards were expensive, they had to be returned to the workshop for cleaning. It wasn’t until the late 1700s that manufacturers began printing patterns of stars or dots on the back to eliminate the problem.
5. Who invented the first successful electric razor? 6. Which U.S. president was the heaviest? 7. Who had a 1961 hit with the song “Hit the Road Jack”? 8. What year did Def Leppard’s “Pyromania” album debut? 9. What volunteer organization celebrated it’s 50th anniversary in 2011? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:
• It didn’t take long for cards to get a bad name. An official ordinance banned playing cards in Bern, Switzerland as early as 1367. In the early 1400s, Franciscan missionary St. Bernadino of Siena preached against card games, and those at his gatherings, known as “Bonfires of the Vanities,” threw their cards into the fire.
• Playing cards have two different functions, either for gambling or for playing games of skill. When introduced, they were an alternative to more academic games, such as chess, or for games of luck, such as dice. They also offered a different way to tell fortunes.
1. In legend and folklore, which card is known as the “death card”? 2. How many cards are dealt to each player in the game of Bridge? How we play.™ 3. What year did Microsoft start including Solitare as part of its Windows product www . j l a u d i line? o.com 4. Which is the better poker hand: a straight or three of a kind?
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• In 1480, in France, the familiar suits of spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs were produced for the first time.
• The ace of spades in a deck of cards typically has a more ornate design than the others. This Options practice began in 1712, when England’s King James I instigated a tax on playing cards. He Located Eff, 1, 2, & 3 required that the ace of spades carry a label or Options Near UND Di Bedroom insignia as proof that taxes had been paid, and Located Eff, 1, 2, & 3 Variety of printing houses beganApartments embossing their logos on Near UND Different Bedroom Floor the ace. This practice led to the catchphrase “not Apartments Plans (701) 780-9901 playing with a full deck.” SomeOver folks 40avoided Close t SEARCH OUR AVAILABLE APARTMENTS paying the tax by refusing to buy the ace of Close to Over 40 ONLINE AT: Shopping Properties WWW.GOLDMARK.COM/GRANDFORKS & when they purchased a deck oftocards. Properties to Shopping spades Choose Fromconsid-Restaura Choose From Restaurants Those playing with only 51 cards were ered stupid, leading to the motto.
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Who are the three official Montreal Expos in the Baseball Hall of Fame? 2. How many times did Hall of Famer Steve Carlton win at least 20 games in a season for the Philadelphia Phillies? 3. Golden State’s Stephen Curry set a record for most 3-pointers in a game with 13. What three players had held the mark of 12?
4. Which two soccer greats have won the Ballon d’Or award as soccer’s best player five times each? 5. T or F: The player who holds the NHL record for most consecutive regularseason games played in their career is over 1,000 games. 6. T or F: The NFL’s San Diego Chargers moved to Los Angeles in 2017. This is the second time they have called L.A. home.
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CARD GAMES (cont'd)
• Two men from Uruguay, attorney Segundo Santos and architect Alberto Serrato, created the game of canasta in 1939. Although it spread quickly across South America, canasta wasn’t introduced in the United States until 1948, when it was known as Argentine Rummy. The game uses 108 cards – two complete decks of 52, plus the four jokers. Players attempt to make matching sets of seven cards of the same rank and “go out” by playing all cards in their hand. The first team to reach 5,000 points is the winner. Santos and Serrato never copyrighted their game, and considered it their gift to the world. • The English game of whist takes its name from a 17th-century word meaning “quiet, silent, or attentive,” with the root of the modern word “wistful,” defined as “thoughtful or reflective.” It was very popular in Britain in the 1700s and 1800s, and is considered the forerunner of bridge. Two teams of two try to win the most out of 13 possible “tricks,” with part of the skill being players’ ability to remember which cards have already been played. Perhaps the name takes its name from the fact that players may not speak about their hand or even signal their partner. • In the game of gin rummy, Aces are the lowest card, not highest as in other games. Elwood T. Baker and his son Graham invented the game in New York City in 1909. The strategy is to improve the hand dealt by forming matching sets, known as melds, while eliminating “deadwood,” all those that don’t fit into any meld. There are two types of melds – sets of 3 or 4 cards with the same rank, such as 7s, 8s, or 9s, and runs of 3 or more cards of the same suit in sequence. ...continued
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• On April 25, 1859, at Port Said, Egypt, ground is broken for the Suez Canal, an artificial waterway intended to stretch 101 miles across the Isthmus of Suez. Labor disputes and a cholera epidemic slowed construction, and the Suez Canal was not completed until 1869 -- four years behind schedule. • On April 27, 1865, boiler explosions on the Mississippi River steamboat Sultana kill an estimated 1,547 people, mostly Union soldiers returning home after the Civil War. The passengers were killed by flying metal, scalding water and collapsing decks. • On April 28, 1897, the Chickasaw and Choctaw, two of the Five Civilized Tribes, agree to abolish tribal government and communal ownership of land, following the goals of the Dawes Severalty Act. The other tribes soon followed, throwing open all of Indian Territory to white settlement. • On April 29, 1945, the U.S. Seventh Army's 45th Infantry Division liberates Dachau, the first concentration camp established by Germany's Nazi regime. In the course of Dachau's history, at least 160,000 prisoners passed through the camp. • On April 23, 1969, Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian immigrant, is sentenced to death after being convicted in the assassination of politician Robert F. Kennedy. In 1972, Sirhan's sentence was commuted to life in prison after California abolished the death penalty. • On April 26, 1977, the world-famous Studio 54, in New York City, opens its doors for the first time. Actors, models, musicians and athletes, as well as political figures came out to be seen during the disco club's brief heyday, which lasted less than three years. • On April 24, 1980, an ill-fated military operation to rescue the 52 American hostages held in Tehran, Iran, ends with eight U.S. servicemen dead and no hostages rescued. The hostages would not be released for another 270 days. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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CARD GAMES (cont'd)
• Folks in America have been playing Solitaire since the late 1800s. In England, the game is called Patience, and was first included in a book of card games in 1870, “Illustrated Games of Patience,” written by Lady Adelaide Cadogan.
Answer located further back in this issue.
PRESIDENTIAL QUOTES: “Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government, but illegal for the citizenry.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
• The deck of cards used in the game of Pinochle is rather unique. It’s just 48 cards, with two of each suit of Nines, Tens, Jacks, Queens, Kings, and Aces. There are no cards for the numbers two through eight. . The rank of cards is also unusual with the Ace as the highest, followed by 10, K, Q, J, and 9. Players accumulate points by winning tricks or by achieving certain combinations of cards. The player achieving a combination of the Queen of Spades and the Jack of Diamonds has scored a “Pinochle,” worth 40 points. The word itself comes from the French word binocle, meaning eyeglasses. German immigrants brought the game to America, mispronouncing and misspelling the French word, so that the game became known as Pinochle.
• The game of UNO uses a deck of 108 cards broken down into four colors, red, green, blue, and yellow. The first player to score 500 points is the winner. The game was invented in 1971 by a Reading, Ohio, barber who enjoyed playing Crazy Eights with his son. The family enjoyed the new variation on Eights so much, they saved up $8,000 and had 5,000 copies of the game manufactured, selling them out of the barbershop. The game gained in popularity, and in 1981 Robbins sold the rights to the game for $50,000, plus royalties of 10 cents per game.
GOES LONG The four kings in a deck of cards represent French King Charlemagne (King of Hearts), Julius Caesar (King of Diamonds), King David of Israel (King of Spades), and Alexander the Great (King of Clubs).
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• The product was named Cracker Jack after a salesman sampled it and proclaimed, “That’s crackerjack!”, a phrase that, at that time meant “exceptionally fine” or “of excellent quality.” The name was registered as a trademark, and “The More You Eat, the More You Want” became its sales pitch. • A waxed, sealed package was created in 1899 by Henry Eckstein, further enhancing the sales of Cracker Jacks. Sales took a giant leap in 1908 when composers Jack Norworth and Albert Von Tilzer released the hit song “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” Ironically neither of the two had ever “root, root, rooted for the home team,” having never attended a ball game. • In 1912, the company began adding small prizes to each box, outdoing their competition who only enclosed coupons in packages that had to be redeemed by mail. In keeping with their baseball popularity, prizes in 1914 included a set of 144 baseball cards, and a 176-card set in 1915. Each card measured 2 ¼” x 3” and included such baseball greats as Honus Wagner, Ty Cobb, “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, Christy Mathewson, and Charles Comiskey.
• Other early prizes included decoder rings, plastic figurines, booklets, stickers, and temporary tattoos. • In 1916, the package had a new feature, two mascots, Sailor Jack and his dog Bingo. Fritz Rueckheim modeled Jack after his grandson, who passed away shortly afterward at age 8. Fritz loved the image so much that he had it carved on his tombstone. Bingo was based on a stray dog, whose real name was Russell. • Cracker Jacks were first advertised on television in 1955, sponsoring the CBS game show “On Your Account.” Ads appeared over the years until 1984, when they were discontinued. The 1999 Super Bowl featured a brand-new ad for Cracker Jacks, the first in 15 years. • In 2004, the New York Yankees tried replacing Cracker Jacks with the toffee-flavored snack Crunch ‘n Munch at home games. This action was quickly rescinded after a huge protest by fans. • Frito-Lay has owned Cracker Jack since 1997. In 2016, the company announced that the packages would no longer contain prizes. In an attempt to keep up with the times, the package now features a code good for a download to play games on the Cracker Jack app through Google Play.
• It all started with a popcorn stand in Chicago operated by a German immigrant named Fritz Rueckheim. Fritz had been selling popcorn for 25 years before his brother Louis invented a method of separating the kernels of molasses-coated popcorn, which previously stuck together in sticky clumps during manufacturing. The brothers then added peanuts to the mix.
“Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,” goes the old favorite song. How much do you know about this popular snack? Follow along as Tidbits focuses on Cracker Jacks, something we’ve been munching since 1896, perhaps the first “junk food!”
• Collectors who happen to have a Cracker Jack Ty Cobb card in mint condition claim its worth at over $4,400, while a Joe Jackson card in mint condition might fetch twice that much. The Cracker Jack card series are the only ones to feature players from baseball’s short-lived Federal League.
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Grand Forks FREE SEMINAR Don't Pay Twice
AARP, known as the American Association of Retired Persons, the organization set up to protect the interests of seniors, is coming under fire for sending us too many renewal notices. And it's true. My own AARP membership expires every August. Yet, beginning in February, I start getting renewal notices every few weeks. The big problem is that too many seniors see a bill in the mail and immediately write a check. In the face of continual renewal notices, it's possible that we can send AARP (and others) multiple checks every year. Even worse, we can end up with multiple AARP accounts, and pay on all of them. Here's an idea: In a small notebook that you keep handy (maybe in a kitchen drawer or where you sit down to write monthly checks), keep a list of expiration dates. Consult that list every month. If your credit card is due to expire in October, you'll know when to start watching the mail for its replacement. If your car inspection sticker expires in July (especially if you live in a state that doesn't mail notices), make a note to get it taken care of ahead of time. Check magazine mailing labels. The expiration date will be right on them. Because important things do get lost in the mail, here are a few more things to note on your list: property taxes (if you don't pay them with your mortgage), any quarterly payments, bank box fee, ending period for any discount you're getting on your Internet service or zero-interest credit card, furnace or HVAC inspection, last date to sign up for something important ... and so much more. Once you start using a list like this, you'll wonder how you managed without it. © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks by Samantha Weaver
• It was Edna St. Vincent Millay, a playwright and the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for poetry, who made the following observation: "A person who publishes a book appears willfully in public with his pants down." • I don't know who studies such things, but those who do say that over the course of a lifetime, you'll probably spend about three years in the restroom. • Despite numerous arrests and trials, famed 19th-century outlaw Frank James was never convicted of anything and never went to prison. He died in 1915, at the age of 72, of natural causes. • In Germany in the 1500s, a court physician by the name of Oswaldt Gabelthouer wrote a medical book full of remedies that he guaranteed would be effective. For insanity, the patient must cut his or her hair close to the head, then tie two halves of a ram's liver to the head. A severe case of epilepsy, he claimed, could be cured if the patient wore the right eye of a wolf and the left eye of a she-wolf on a thong about the neck for three months; also, the patient had to forgo bathing during that time. There's no mention in the record at hand of how a patient would go about redeeming the guarantee. • When groups of shrimp end up with too few males to sustain the population, some of the females turn into males. • If someone called you a "mumpsimus," would you be flattered or insulted? It seems that the appropriate reaction would be to take offense. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a mumpsimus is "a stubborn person who insists on making an error in spite of being shown that it is wrong." *** Thought for the Day: "Calamities are of two kinds: misfortunes to ourselves, and good fortune to others." -- Ambrose Bierce © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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(Answers located on next page)
April 9, 2018
• Don’t throw toads out of your garden! There’s hardly a better pest-control method than these good old-fashioned bug eaters. Toads can eat hundreds of bugs a week, and they don’t cost a dime. They are a gardener’s good luck! • “How to never have cloudy ice tea: Brew tea bags in hot water; steep for 4-5 minutes and remove bags to cool. Mix to taste with room temperature water and let the whole business cool down before you put it in the fridge.” — J.G. in Alabama • To clean your car’s cup holders, use this sneaky trick: “Find a large cup that just fits inside the holder. Slip it down inside a sock, and then spray the bottom of the sock with all-purpose cleaner. When you put the sock-covered cup in the cup holder, it can get down in there and scrub off the gunk.” — R.E. in Texas • “To get rid of mineral deposits or hard-water stains in your toilet, try dropping two Alka-Seltzer tablets in a flushed toilet and letting them bubble and sit overnight. In the morning, scrub with a toilet brush and flush until clear.” — G.K. in Pennsylvania • Peeling a boiled potato? Drop it quickly in an ice bath, and the skin may just slip right off! If you prep peeled potatoes, be sure to keep them submerged in water and add a tablespoon of white vinegar to keep them from browning. • It’s hard to measure out sticky substances like honey or molasses when you’re using a measuring cup. They cling to the inside, and you’re never sure that you added the right amount. The next time you’re cooking with something sticky, spray the inside of the measuring cup with cooking oil. It will slide right out. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
• Poker is considered a “vying game,” which means that instead of playing all their cards out, players make bets as to who holds the best card combination. • It’s entirely possible for the pot to be won by a hand that is not the best. This is accomplished by players bluffing the others out of play, deceiving the others about the true value of the cards in hand. In fact, at one time, the game of Poker was known as “Bluff.”
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• It’s possible that the game’s origins are in a domino-card game played by China’s emperor in the 10th century. Other experts claim that it traces its beginnings to 16th-century Persia. In 17th-century France, a game known as Poque was quite popular, in which players were dealt three cards, then bet and bluffed as a key part of the game. French immigrants to North America brought Poque along with them, especially to the New Orleans area, where it was played as early as 1829 with a 20-card deck. The game expanded up the Mississippi River through crews on riverboats, with the first documented game of poker on a steamer taking place in 1834. By that time, the game used a 52-card deck. • Poker was popular among both North and South soldiers during the Civil War. As immigrants moved west after the war, the game became the standard in saloons of the Wild West. • Five-card draw is the most familiar version of poker, with players allowed to try to improve their hand by discarding unwanted cards and being dealt new ones. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Book is missing. 2. Cap is reversed. 3. Skateboard is missing. 4. Airplane is missing. 5. Hair is shorter. 6. Pendant is missing. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
POKER (cont'd):
• The highest possible hand in five-card draw is the Royal Flush, a straight which consists of the Ace, Dell. King, Queen, Jack, and 10 of the same Answer: suit. The next best hand is a straight flush is A VERY LARGE NUMBER any five cards in a sequence of the same suit, •followed Edward by Kasner was a mathematician. In cards 1938 four of a kind. A flush is five he was asked to come up with a name for a of the same suit, but not in a sequence. very large number: the numeral one, followed • Aby poker player might to cards hisyoung hand a hundred zeros. refer He asked his in two whatroyals.” name they would suggest. asnephews “one-eyed That’s poker lingo for the three face cards that show only one – • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a eye name the of Hearts, andcharacter King of outJack of of theSpades, funnies.Jack A cartoon strip named Barney was very popular. Milton Diamonds. All other face cards show two chose eyes. Barney’s last name for the number. • Robstown, Texas, claims it is the birthplace of •Texas Kasner announced the newofname the big Hold’em, a variation poker,forasserting number in his next book, altering the spelling. that it was first played there in the early 1900s. •ASixty years later, Larry Page andfirst Sergey group of Texas cardplayers saw Brin the developed a new internet search engine. Other game in 1959 in its original form when Aces search engines searched each webpage and were low. It was just called Hold’em then, ranked them according to how many times a and the four introduced it inbutLas Vegas specific termmen appeared on them, Page and inBrin 1967, naming it after their home state. designed their search engine to searchOne for ofthe thespecific main differences from is that in term and then findpoker out how many draw poker, players bet twice, while in Texas links there were that led back to that page, which resulted in four a better search Hold’em, they bet times. Theengine. game didn’t take off immediately in Vegas, and several • They decided they needed a for name that years, the Golden Nuggetwebsites Casino was only reflected how many thethesearch engine was searching. They took the name one to feature the game. Its popularity grew in of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only the 2000s, and it is now one of the most popumisspelled it slightly, so it ended up being larthey forms of poker. spelled exactly the same way the cartoon • When WildBarney Bill Hickok shotname. deadWhat’s in the character spelledwas his last back of the head by Jack McCall in Deadwood, it called? (Answer at bottom of page) Dakota Territory in 1876, he was playing pokCOMPUTER FACTS er at Nuttal & Mann’s Saloon. The poker hand • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory heought had to at be theenough time consisted of the Aces and for anybody.” Eights of both black suits, clubs and spades. • Moore’s Law states that computer performance Consequently, Hickok’s final hand has come to doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since be1971, known thebeen “dead man’s hand.” thisashas true. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. .COM Answer: Google, from googol. Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
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Quiz Answers
1. Ace of Spades 2. 13 cards 3. 1990 4. A straight 5. Jacob Schick
6. William Taft (332 lbs.) 7. Ray Charles 8. 1983 9. The Peace Corps
Sports Answers 5. False: Doug 1. Gary Carter, Jarvis holds Andre Dawson, the record & Tim Raines. with 964 2. Five times (1972, ‘76, ‘77, ‘80, ‘82) consecutive games. 3. Kobe Bryant (2003), Donyell 6. True: 1960. Moved to Marshall (2005), San Diego & Curry (2016). 4. Cristiano Ronaldo the next year. & Lionel Messi.
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