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POPCORN by Janet Spencer
Popcorn is one of the most popular snack foods. Come along with Tidbits as we chow down!
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Issue # 1,070
• Unpopped popcorn has a very long shelf life. In ancient tombs of Peru, archaeologists found kernels a thousand years old that still popped. An expedition found popped popcorn in a cave in Utah which was still remarkably fresh in spite of being around 2,500 years old. The oldest known popcorn kernels were found in a cave in New Mexico and are believed to be StateState FarmFarm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 1301900 StateState FarmFarm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL IL Indemnity Company, Bloomington, around 5,000 years old. • One dig near Mexico City uncovered pollen of the popcorn plant. It was almost identical to modern popcorn pollen, yet it was 80,000 Carpet Cleaning years old, indicating that humans have been www.elitecarpetsgf.com enjoying popcorn for thousands of years. CorCarpet Cleaning • Carpet tez found the Aztecs eating it when he invadCleaning SPECIAL! ed in the early 1500s. Columbus took it back Upholstery $229 •Cleaning to Spain with him. ENTIRE HOUSE • The British and Europeans used to refer to any (up to 4,000 sq.ft.) • Water Not valid with any other offer. small kernel as “corn” such as in Jack London’s Extraction Expires 6-30-18 1913 novel “John Barleycorn” named for the Residential & Commercial drinking song by the same name. Wheat, rye, oats, and barley were all called “corn” and the new corn from the New World was called “Indian corn” before being shortened to just “corn.” The words “corn” and “kernel” spring from the same root word “cyrnel” meaning “seed.” 0907515.1
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5. What percent of popcorn is eaten at home? 6. What animated show features a pub called The Drunken Clam? 7. The Highwaymen was a country supergroup from 1985 to 1995. Name the 4 members. 8. What is the capital of Alberta, Canada? 9. What is the largest artery in the human body? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:
1. T or F: Popcorn become a viable commercial crop in the United States before 1900. 2. Which U.S. state grows the most popcorn? 3. What year was microwave popcorn patented? 4. During what season is the greatest amount of popcorn eaten?
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POPCORN (cont'd)
• There are six types of corn: pod, sweet, flour, dent, flint, and popcorn. Only popcorn pops. • Popcorn has a thicker hull than other kinds of corn, and the hull is not permeable. A popcorn kernel must have a moisture content of about 15% in order to pop. When cooking, the hull is so tight that the water within the kernel cannot escape until it boils into steam. The starchy interior melts into a gelatin. When the pressure gets high enough, the hull bursts and the heat cooks the soft interior. A kernel will pop when it reaches an internal pressure of 135 psi and a temperature of 356°F. If the water content falls below 15%, the popcorn won’t pop. • Popping results are sensitive to the rate at which the kernels are heated. If heated too quickly, the steam reaches high pressures too soon and ruptures the hull before the starch in the center of the kernel can gelatinize, leading to partially popped kernels with hard centers. Heating too slowly leads to entirely unpopped kernels because the tip of the kernel is not entirely moisture-proof. When heated slowly, the steam can leak out of the tip fast enough to keep the pressure from rising high enough to break the hull and cause the pop. • Unpopped kernels are known as old maids, and kernels that pop part of the way but don’t fully open are called bridesmaids. Fully popped kernels are called flakes. Quality popcorn should produce 98% flakes with less than 2% being old maids. • There is no such thing as “hull-less” popcorn. All popcorn needs a hull in order to pop. Some varieties of popcorn have been bred so the hull shatters into tiny fragments upon popping, making it appear to be hull-less. • There are about 1,600 kernels in a cup of popcorn, and a single ounce of kernels (about two tablespoons) expands to produce about a quart of popcorn. Each kernel expands to about 40 to 50 times its original size.
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POPCORN (cont'd)
• Popcorn comes in two basic shapes when it’s popped: snowflake and mushroom. Snowflake popcorn has lots of “wings” giving it a better mouth-feel. Mushroom popcorn has very few wings and is rounded, meaning it holds up better to shipping because there are no wings to break off. Snowflake is used in movie theaters and ballparks because it looks and pops bigger. Theaters buy popcorn by weight but sell it by volume, so the more it expands when it pops, the more money they make. Mushroom popcorn is used for candy confections because it doesn’t crumble. • It used to be that any given ear of popcorn would yield various amounts of both snowflake and mushroom shapes, but popcorn growers began a concerted effort of hybridizing. This resulted in strains that reliably produce either snowflake or mushroom popcorn, a goal achieved as recently as 1998. Growing conditions and popping environment also affect the snowflake-to-mushroom ratio. • Popcorn vendors on the streets of China and Korea have a unique method of popping corn. Unpopped kernels are poured into a cast-iron pressure cooker that is sealed tight with a heavy-duty lid and then turned over a fire like a rotisserie. When the pressure gauge reaches the right reading, the canister is removed from the fire and a large bag is put over the lid. When the lid is released, all of the popcorn pops at once and is poured into the sack. The same method is used for puffing rice. • During the Great Depression, popcorn was inexpensive at 5 cents a bag. The popcorn business thrived and became a source of income for many, including the Redenbacher family, originators of the famous popcorn brand. During World War II, sugar rations diminished candy production, and Americans compensated by eating three times as much popcorn as they had before. ...continued
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• On May 30, 1593, playwright Christopher Marlowe, 29, is killed in a tavern brawl. Marlowe, a compatriot of Shakespeare, was nearly denied his master's degree from Cambridge, until advisers to Queen Elizabeth intervened. Marlowe had been a spy for the Queen. • On May 29, 1922, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that organized baseball does not violate antitrust laws as alleged by the Baltimore franchise of the defunct Federal League in 1915. The high court held that organized baseball is not a business, but a sport. • On May 28, 1937, Volkswagen is founded in Wolfsburg, Germany. Adolf Hitler's pet project was the mass production of an affordable vehicle that could sell for less than 1,000 Reich marks (about $140 at the time). The "People's Car" was based on Austrian automotive engineer Ferdinand Porsche's design. • On June 3, 1956, authorities in Santa Cruz, California, announce a total ban on rock and roll at public gatherings, calling the music "detrimental to both the health and morals of our youth." A crowded dance party attended by 200 teenagers the previous evening led to the decision. • On June 2, 1967, Capt. Howard Levy, 30, a dermatologist, is convicted by a court-martial of disobeying orders for refusing to instruct Green Beret medics on skin disease, calling it a "tool of political persuasion." Levy was sentenced to three years at hard labor. • On June 1, 1990, President George H.W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev sign a historic agreement to end production of chemical weapons and begin the destruction of both nations' reserves. • On May 31, 2005, W. Mark Felt's family ends 30 years of speculation, identifying the former FBI assistant director as "Deep Throat," the secret source who helped unravel the Watergate scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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POPCORN (cont'd)
• Orville Redenbacher was born in Indiana in 1909 and grew up on the family farm. At 12 he began growing popcorn, and made enough money selling it that it paid for his degree in agriculture from Purdue. In 1951 he bought a seed corn factory. Orville never forgot how profitable it was to sell popcorn, so he experimented with hybrids in order to find the perfect type of popcorn. Once he found the perfect strain, Orville went to work popularizing popcorn as a treat for the home, not just for the theater. Orville Reddenbacher’s popcorn went on sale for the first time in 1970. By the mid-1970s, he had captured one-third of the market. By the time he died of a heart attack in 1995, his was the top-selling popcorn in the nation.
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• He took his invention to Chicago’s Columbian Exposition in 1893 where many people got their first introduction to popcorn. Cretors understood there was more money to be made in selling the popcorn machines than in selling popcorn. • Today the Cretor’s Company is still in the Cretor’s family, run by his descendants. Cretor’s is the major supplier of movie theater popcorn machines as well as most of machines that make foot at county fairs: hot dog roasters, cotton candy machines, snow-cone ice shavers, pizza ovens, nacho dispensers, and more.
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• In the 1880s Charles Cretors owned a candy store in Illinois where his workers made confections in the front window in order to entice customers inside. Charles added a newfangled steam-powered peanut-roasting machine because the scent would also attract customers. However, the peanut roasting machine did not always work well, so Cretors tinkered with it, improving and modifying. By 1893, Cretors had created a machine that could roast 12 pounds of peanuts, 20 pounds of coffee, pop popcorn, and roast chestnuts.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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• Because it was long and skinny, Adolph designed a logo depicting a tall thin man wearing a top hat and tails, which he hoped would impart an air of elegance to the product. The tall man was given a fictional name: “Slim Jim” which was also the name of the product. Its slogan was, “Make your next drink taste better.” • The product was sold mainly in taverns, and barkeeps loved it because it was salty and increased sales of drinks. The meat sticks were stored in jars of vinegar, but later they were packaged individually in cellophane and sold in convenience stores. • Most people think if them as a form of beef jerky, but the packaging calls them a "smoked snack stick." They are made from a concoction of beef, chicken, and pork meats, along with 30 different spices.
• From 1993 to 2000, advertising for the product included outrageous commercials that featured professional wrestler "Macho Man" Randy Savage, who served as spokesperson. Each commercial would feature Savage bursting in on some dull situation and livening it up with the power of Slim Jims. The ads would close with Savage bellowing "Need a little excitement? Snap into a Slim Jim!" • In 2005, Slim Jim advertising featured the Fairy Snapmother, described in a ConAgra press release as "a character resembling a tattooed rocker with wings - and a familiar MTV-type of humor young males enjoy." • Adolph sold his company to General Mills for $20 million in 1967, and lived to the age of 89, dying in 2001. • Now owned by ConAgra, over 500 million Slim Jims are distributed worldwide annually. That’s enough to circle the globe twice. Annual revenues top $575 million. • Today there are 21 different flavors of sticks to enjoy including the original and mild flavors, beef and cheese, bacon, turkey, chili, honey barbecue, and more.
• Adolph considered the popularity of pepperoni. Working with a local meat packer, he developed a beef jerky stick that was smaller than a sausage. Unlike pepperoni, it could be cured within days rather than weeks through a process of fermentation and smoking. The meat was spiked with spices, fermented with lactic acid for 17 hours, and cooked for 20 hours.
• In 1989 market research showed that teenage boys were a top consumer of Slim Jims, resulting in the snacks being moved into convenience stores, which now account for over half of Slim Jim sales.
• Adolph Levis was only 16 when he dropped out of school and started selling spices and condiments to stores in Pennsylvania at the beginning of the Great Depression. In the 1940s he started a business in his garage, selling pickled cucumbers, cabbage, and pigs feet to delicatessens and taverns. Pickled pigs feet were a popular item at bars, but they were messy. Pepperoni was a top-selling item in taverns, but it too was messy to eat while also taking a long time to produce. One barkeep asked Adolph if he could invent a snack that was easier to eat and made less of a mess.
• In addition to the predictably high dose of salt (one sixth of your daily amount), Slim Jims contain soy, wheat and corn. The sausages, looped in 7,600-foot coils, are delivered by trolley to a set of 22 smoker ovens. Each oven is the size of a two-car garage. They are smoked for 20 hours, and then spritzed with an aerosol form of liquid smoke. The product is naturally grey in color, so sodium nitrite is added to maintain a brownish-red appearance.
Fabulous Food
SAVE TIME WITH VA HEALTH-CARE APPS All you need to connect to health care at the Department of Veterans Affairs is a computer, tablet or smartphone. In August, officials unveiled a special app (The VA Video Connect), and so far 20,000 veterans have used it to increase their access to 4,000 VA providers and cut down on travel time. This is huge. With the app, you can connect to a virtual medical room, just like you were meeting in person. You can have an appointment without ever having to leave home. Go online to mobile. va.gov/appstore and read the FAQ. Unlike some of the VA pages, this one is well-done. Note the link to the test site to ensure that your device is compatible. If you have an iPhone, you'll end up at the Apple app store for your free download. For an Android, you'll find instructions linked from the page. One hint: If you signed up back in August on an iPhone and now your app doesn't seem to work, there's a good chance you got the older version and need to get the new app. Computers, tablet and Android phone apps still should work correctly. On the same page are other available VA apps. There's a scheduling app so you can make appointments for primary care. (There's also a user manual.) See the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) app for help with managing daily struggles due to PTSD. It was developed by VA's National Center for PTSD with input from veterans and service members who are in ACT consultation. Two apps contain the airborne hazards and open burn pit registry, and the clinical portal for those. If you have a problem with mood, check the Anger and Irritability Management Skills app. If you need tech help, call (866) 651-3180 Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET. © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks by Samantha Weaver
• It was noted wit Ambrose Bierce who made the following sage observation: "All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher." • You might be surprised to learn that in January 2004, the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of maggots as a medical device for cleaning wounds. • Presidential security was not always as formidable as it is today. In 1913, former President Theodore Roosevelt was walking down a Milwaukee street, heading to a speech he was scheduled to give. A man named John Schrank pulled out a gun and shot toward Roosevelt, who staggered but did not fall. There was no blood evident, and Roosevelt, who was campaigning for a second term, insisted on delivering his speech. When he pulled from a coat pocket the 100 pages on which his speech was written, he saw a bullet hole through the sheets of paper. Still determined to carry on, he gave his speech before going to the hospital, where it was discovered that the bullet had penetrated four inches into his body. After the perpetrator was arrested, it became evident that Schrank was insane; he claimed that President William McKinley had revealed to him in a dream that Roosevelt was responsible for McKinley's assassination. Schrank spent the next 32 years in an insane asylum. • If you see a group of flamingoes together in one place, it might be handy to know that the appropriate collective noun is a "flamboyance." • The instruments used by professional flute players are usually made from precious metals -- either sterling silver, 14-carat gold or platinum. *** Thought for the Day: "It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when we have lost our way." -- Rollo May
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May 14, 2018
• “Here’s an awesome way to clean silver. Take an aluminum foil pan — the disposable kind — and line it with a piece of aluminum foil; sprinkle in some salt — I use sea salt, but any kind will do — then add an equal amount of baking soda, and fill the container with boiling water. Put your silver, including jewelry, into the mix — it cleans instantly! Of course, you’ll have to turn the larger pieces, so be careful not to burn yourself.” — L.N. in B.C., Canada • “With summer storms and hurricane season right around the corner, power outages are a very real possibility. Whenever I have any extra room in my freezer, I fill some containers with water and freeze them. If the power were to go out, it’ll keep my frozen foods good longer, or become water to drink if needed. And it’s no waste, since if I need the room, I can just take one out.” — W.J. in Texas • Do you remember the last time you went on vacation and came home the night before returning to work or school, and the house was trashed and there was no food or anything? Do yourself a favor here: Clean house before you leave; schedule a grocery delivery of essentials for your return, if possible; and schedule a recovery day at home before returning to work. • Bread can be frozen and reheated in the oven after a quick spritz of water. Sliced bread can be defrosted on the counter as needed. There’s really no excuse to have bread go bad. • For furniture items that require their own small tool to tighten screws (think, IKEA furniture, etc.), this tip is genius: Tape the tool to the underside of the furniture, or in an inconspicuous place. It will be handy for quick tighten-ups and ready when you need to take it apart to move it. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• Pluto, once considered to be the 9th planet, is now classified as a dwarf planet. • The New Horizons spacecraft, which was launched in 2006, flew by Pluto in 2015, taking pictures and gathering information before flying onward. It travelled 3 billion miles and passed within a mile of Pluto at a speed of 31,000 mph. • The mission cost $720 million. To put that into perspective, it cost $1 billion to build the new Vikings stadium in Minneapolis. • The spacecraft weighs about 1,000 lbs. and is the size of a grand piano. • It carries with it ashes of Clyde Tombaugh, the man who discovered the planet. • Pluto’s location was predicted by astronomer Percival Lowell in 1915, who died before it was discovered. It’s fitting then that it was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh, who was working at the Lowell Observatory. The observatory was named after Percival Lowell. • Pluto got its name from 11-year-old Venetia Burney, who suggested to her grandfather that the new world get its name from the god of the underworld. Her grandfather then passed the name on to Lowell Observatory. The name also honors Percival Lowell, whose initials are the first two letters of Pluto. • It takes 248 years for Pluto to orbit the Sun once, longer than any of the eight planets. (Mercury is fastest at 88 days.) For the 76 years between Pluto being discovered and the time it was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006, it completed less than a third of its orbit around the Sun. • A day on Pluto lasts about 6.5 Earth days, making it the second-slowest rotation in the solar system. Venus has the slowest rotation, taking 243 days to spin just once. Jupiter is the fastest-spinning planet, rotating on average once in just less than 10 hours. ...cont'd
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Window is higher. 2. Sign is different. 3. Lawn light is missing. 4. Neckline is different. 5. Headset is missing. 6. Glove is different. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
PLUTO (cont'd):
• Pluto spins in the opposite direction as Earth, so the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Venus and Uranus also spin this way. Answer: Dell. • It’s about 40 times farther away from the Sun A VERY LARGE NUMBER than Earth is. It takes sunlight about five hours •toEdward Kasner was aeight mathematician. 1938 get there, versus minutes toInreach he was asked to come up with a name for a Earth. Sunlight on Pluto has the same very large number: the numeral one, intensity followed asby moonlight on Earth. a hundred zeros. He asked his two young • The temperature is about nephews what name they-400°F. would suggest. • Nine-year-old Milton a which name • Pluto is about 1,500 milessuggested in diameter of the funnies.the A cartoon character isout about two-thirds size of strip our Moon. In named Barney was very popular. Milton chose surface area, it’s about the same size as Russia. Barney’s last name for the number. • Gravity on Pluto is 1/15th of Earth, and half the •gravity Kasnerasannounced new name for the 100 big the Moon. the A person who weighs number in his next book, altering the spelling. pounds on Earth would weigh only 7 pounds •onSixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin Pluto. developed a new internet search engine. Other • It’s one-third water, in the form ice. It consearch engines searched each of webpage and tains three times as much water as is intimes all ofa ranked them according to how many Earth’s oceans. specific term appeared on them, but Page and Brin designed their search search for • In Roman mythology, Pluto engine was thetoson of Satthe specific term and then find out how many urn who, with his three brothers, controlled the links Jupiter there were that led to that page, world: controlled theback sky, Neptune conwhich resulted in a better search engine. trolled the sea, and Pluto ruled the underworld. • They decided they needed a name that • Pluto has five moons, each named for reflected how many websites thea mythisearch cal creature: engine was searching. They took the name of Edward Kasner’s very large only • Kerberos – the three-headed dog number, that guarded they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being the entrance to Hades. spelled exactly the same waythat thelived cartoon • Hydra – the nine-headed serpent in a character Barney spelled his last name. What’s lake called (Answer Lerna which was an it called? at bottom ofentrance page) to the underworld. COMPUTER FACTS • Nix – the goddess of the night, who was the • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory mother of Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos ought to be enough for anybody.” (Death), with husband Erebus (Darkness). • Moore’s Law states that computer performance • Styx – the goddess the riverand that divides doubles every 18 to of 24 months, ever since Earth from Hades. 1971, this has been true. • Charon – the ferryman Hades whowere carries • HP, Google, Microsoft,of and Apple all souls of in thegarages. newly deceased across the river started Styx. Google, from googol. Answer:
1st Quarter 2015 Week 2 Jan 4 - Jan. 10 Page 8
Quiz Answers
7. Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings 8. Edmonton 9. Aorta
1. True. It was the 1890s. 2. Nebraska 3. 1981 4. Autumn 5. 70% 6. “Family Guy”
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