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May 31, 2018
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This week, Tidbits is focusing on structures old and new, big and small, from around the world.
• Italy’s Leaning Tower of Pisa has been leaning since the time of its construction. Work began on the marble and stone bell tower of the city’s cathedral in 1173 and continued until 1372, nearly 200 years! As soon as construction had progressed to the tower’s second floor in 1178, it began to sink, due to the site’s inadequate foundation on soft ground being unable to support the weight. During the late 20th century, stabilization efforts were undertaken, removing 70 metric tons of earth from under one side, making the tower equal to its position in 1838. By 2008, engineers stated that the landmark had stopped moving for the first time in its history, and declared it stable for at least 200 years. • The world’s tallest building can be found in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Burj Khalifa, which stands 2,717 feet tall, opened in January, 2010 after six years of construction. It contains 211 floors, has 57 elevators, 8 escalators, and 24,348 windows. Fifteen of the floors are occupied by the 304-room Armani Hotel. If you’re interested in staying there, be prepared to pay about $900 for a room with a double bed.
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• Prior to the opening of the Burj Khalifa, Taiwan’s Taipei 101 skyscraper had been the world’s tallONE MONTH OF FREE RENT est building since 2004, with a height of 1,667 feet. It is one of the world’s most stable buildings, Call today to schedule a visit. Lunch is on us! designed to tolerate typhoon winds and earth218-281-3424 quakes common to the area. During construction, Limited time offer a 6.8-magnitude earthquake occurred, sending (*Some restrictions apply) Senior Apartments with Services two enormous cranes to the ground from the 56th 516 Walsh Street | Crookston, MN 56716 | www.villastvincent.org floor, causing five fatalities. Taipei 101 had no structural damage in spite of the magnitude. Be5. Name the New York City 044-019 Summit Move in Ad_4x2 v1.indd 1 5/16/18 8:12 AM cause the number “8” is associated with prosperbuilding built on a triangular ity and good fortune in the Chinese culture, the plot of land on Fith Avenue. 1. What building is the most pho- 6. Name the only Kool and the main tower of the building has a series of eight tographed building in the world? Gang song to reach No. 1 on segments of eight floors each. It’s also home to 2. Name the U.S. President who both the Hot 100 and the R&B added a swimming pool to the the world’s tallest sundial and the world’s largest charts. White House. 7. For what crime was actress New Year’s Eve countdown clock. 3. What building was built by an Sophia Loren jailed in 1982? Indian shah to honor his wife • In 2020, the Burj Khalifa will lose the title of 8. What area of the body is afwho had died in childbirth? fected by bursitis? World’s Tallest Building upon the scheduled 4. What’s the name of Thomas JeffTRIVIA completion of Saudi Arabia’s Jeddah Tower, or erson’s Virginia plantation home? SPONSORED BY: Kingdom Tower. Construction began in 2013 on the Tower, which will be the first building to reach the milestone of 1 kilometer (0.62 mile) tall. • New York’s Chrysler Building’s tenure as the world’s tallest building didn’t last long. It opened on May 27, 1930, the first man-made structure taller than 1,000 feet. Just 11 months later, the Empire State Building, just 4 feet taller, nabbed the title. • New York City’s Empire State Building held the honor for nearly 40 years after its May, 1931 opening. It gave up the title to the World Trade Center’s North Tower in late 1970. The ESB, the first building to have more than 100 floors, was built in record time, just 410 days, by a recordFAIR. EXPERIENCED. JUST. breaking number of workers During the peak of construction, more than 3,500 workers were employed, including 3,439 on a single day. About 4 ½ stories were completed each week. The building cost about $41 million to build back then, equivalent to about $535 million today. PAID FOR BY COMMITTEE TO ELECT AL BOUCHER MUNICIPAL JUDGE, TARA JOHNSON, TREASURER, PO BOX 12174, GRAND FORKS, ND 58208
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5. Who are the only three drivers to have won a NASCAR Cup Championship at age 43 or older? 6. In soccer, what is the definition of a “perfect hat trick”? 7. Which NBA team finished this year’s regular season with a 16-game winning streak? 8. How many NBA teams averaged a score of 110 points or more per game during the 2017-18 season?
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• Because of the financial effects of the Great Depression, only 23% of the ESB’s available space had been rented when the building opened. In fact, the building was given the nickname the “Empty State Building.” Workers were told to leave lights on in the building to give the impression that the building was occupied. The building was not profitable until the 1950s. Following the September 11 tragedy in 2001, and the destruction of the Twin Towers, the ESB once again became the tallest building in NYC, a title it held until the opening of the new One World Trade Center in 2012. It’s now the third-tallest in NYC, the fifth-tallest in the U.S., and 28th in the world. It receives enough mail to merit its own ZIP code, 10118. • One World Trade Center, also known as the Freedom Tower, was built on the site of the original buildings destroyed on 9/11/2001. Construction began in April of 2006 and opened in November, 2014. It’s the tallest structure in New York City, and in fact, in all of the Western Hemisphere. It’s the sixth-tallest in the world. It cost nearly $4 billion to build, the most expensive building in the world at that time. About $1 billion was provided by insurance money from the 9/11 attacks. An additional $250 million came from the State of New York The Port Authority gave another $1 billion, but raised bridge and tunnel toll rates by 56% in order to raise funds. • Chicago’s Sears Tower, now known as Willis Tower, was completed in 1973, and surpassed the Twin Towers as the tallest building, and held the title for nearly 25 years until Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s Petronas Towers were completed.
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Keep the Skeeters Down in Your Neighborhood The Grand Forks Health Department maintains a comprehensive larvicide program. Crews have identified and mapped more than 1,200 sites around our community. These sites are inspected and treated with public health pesticides on a regular schedule. But we still need help from homeowners to identify and eliminate breeding sites on private property. We do not have the resources to inspect all private property in the city. You can help by inspecting your property and getting rid of any standing water. If you have a large site that cannot be drained or a swimming pool that is not being used or may not be used until later this summer, contact the Health Dept. at 701-787-8110 and we’ll inspect and treat the water with a product designed to prevent mosquitoes from hatching. This service is free for citizens with property located within the City of Grand Forks.
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For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
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• On June 6, 1683, The Ashmolean, the world's first university museum, opens in Oxford, England. Today, the collection at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology ranges from the earliest implements of man, made about 500,000 years ago, to 20th-century works of art. • On June 10, 1692, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Bridget Bishop, the first colonist tried in the Salem witch trials, is hanged after being found guilty of practicing witchcraft. Bishop, known for her dubious moral character, frequented taverns, dressed flamboyantly (by Puritan standards) and had been married three times. • On June 4, 1942, the Battle of Midway begins. During the four-day sea-and-air battle, the outnumbered U.S. Pacific Fleet succeeded in destroying four Japanese aircraft carriers while losing only one of its own, the Yorktown. • On June 9, 1956, bestselling crime novelist Patricia Cornwell, creator of crime-solving medical examiner Kay Scarpetta, is born. Her mother had a nervous breakdown when Cornwell was 9 and tried to give the children away to evangelist Billy Graham and his wife. The Grahams placed the children in foster care. • On June 5, 1967, the Six-Day War begins when Israel launches simultaneous attacks against Egypt and Syria. Jordan subsequently entered the fray. By the time the United Nations ceasefire took effect on June 11, Israel had more than doubled its size. • On June 7, 1976, New York magazine publishes the story that becomes the film "Saturday Night Fever." "The Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night," by journalist Nik Cohn, thought to be a true story about a Brooklyn disco dancer, was almost entirely fabricated. • On June 8, 1999, some 1.3 million copies of "Hannibal," the final book in the Hannibal Lecter series by Thomas Harris, arrive at bookstores. The cannibalistic serial killer first appeared in Harris' 1981 book, "Red Dragon," as a minor character. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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• Rome’s Colosseum was a gift to the Roman people from the Emperor Vespasian, opening in 80 AD. To celebrate the occasion, 100 days of games, gladiator combat events, and wild animal fights were held. The stone and concrete structure contained three stories with 80 arched entrances supported by semi-circular columns, and marble seats for up to 50,000 spectators. The arena was used consistently for several centuries, but by the 6th century, it had deteriorated from use, vandalism, and from lightning strikes and earthquakes. The Colosseum was abandoned, and soon became a quarry for local building projects, including cathedrals, as well as for fortifications defending the city. Restoration efforts got under way in the 1990s, and although two-thirds of the Colosseum has been destroyed, it remains one of the city’s most popular attractions. • The name of James Hoban is not a well-known one, but his accomplishment lives on. When then-Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson organized a competition to obtain the best design for the President’s House, a striking design was submitted by this Irish immigrant. Jefferson himself presented his own design; however, he and seven others were outdone by Hoban, who went on to design many other public buildings on the eastern seaboard. The first cornerstone of the White House was laid in the Fall of 1792, and it took until late 1798 to complete the exterior. While George Washington supervised the construction, he never lived in it. John Adams was elected president in 1797, and he and his wife Abigail were the first residents, moving in when the home was nearly complete in 1800.
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• An olive tree varies in height, usually between 26 and 49 feet, with an average life of between 300 and 600 years. A tree will bear its white flowers after four years, but won’t produce a worthwhile harvest of fruit for 15 years. • Olives are an ancient crop, one of the first plants mentioned in the Bible. A dove carried an olive branch to Noah on his ark to show that the flood was over. Moses ruled olive growers as exempt from military service. Ancient Greeks anointed kings with olive oil, and athletes’ bodies and hair were rubbed with oil for grooming and good health. The oil was used as a sacrificial offering, and was burned in temple lamps and in the original Olympic Games’ “eternal flame.” Olympic champions were crowned with a wreath of the plant’s leaves. Women in ancient Greece concocted eye shadow out of ground charcoal and olive oil. Oil was also applied to the skin and hair as protection from the sun as well as for a lovely fragrance. • Egyptian pharaohs’ tombs contained carvings of olives. References to olives were discovered in a 2000-year-old Roman cookbook. Greek physician Hippocrates referred to olive oil as “the great therapeutic,” while the poet Homer called it “golden liquid,” and named the olive “gold of the ground.”
• The majority of olives are harvested by shaking the tree’s boughs. Raw olives are green and turn yellow and then to darker shades, including red, brown, and purple, as they ripen. A ripe olive is dark purple to black. Olives picked right off the tree are not edible, and must be cured and fermented to remove a bitter phenolic compound called oleuropein. This is accomplished by treating them with lye or a salty brine. Most canned black olives have been artificially colored to increase the blackness. Some manufacturers cure olives naturally with oil or brine and additives such as wine vinegar. • About 90% of olives are turned into oil. About 2.25 million liters (approx. 595,000 U.S. gallons) of olive oil are consumed worldwide annually. Oil content is about 20%. Oil is a rich source of Vitamins A, B, E, and K, as well as natural anti-oxidants, Omega-6 and Omega-3. It’s believed to help prevent heart disease, and to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, while strengthening the immune system. One extra large olive contains only 7 calories. • The wood of the olive tree is very hard and durable, and is used for carving and furniture-making. It’s prized for the interesting patterns in the grain. • An olive tree found in Croatia has been dated to about 1,600 years old, and still produces about 66 lbs. of fruit annually, which is made into oil.
• There are close to 900 million olive trees around the world, with the vast majority found in Mediterranean countries, but also in Argentina, China, Saudi Arabia, Java, California, and Bermuda. Olives are in the same plant family as lilacs, jasmine, and forsythia.
Celebrate National Olive Day on June 1 by studying up on the facts about this fruit.
• The olive branch is symbolic of peace and the ancients used it to declare a truce by presenting it to their enemies. The branch is part of the flags of seven nations, four U.S. states, and the United Nations’ flag.
Food of the Week:
An Orlando Resort — Just for You You only need to view the online photos of the Shades of Green resort in Orlando, Florida, and you'll want to go. Sitting next to Disney World and sandwiched between two PGA golf courses, the place is a highly desirable resort -- for you. It's one of a small chain of Armed Forces Recreation Centers, all owned by the Department of Defense. There are nearly 600 rooms and suites at Shades of Green, and they sound very high-class. There are seven levels of accommodation, from standard room to garden suite. If you're bringing a crowd, perhaps for a wedding or big celebration, the family suite sleeps eight, and the palm suite sleeps 10. Yes, you can take guests, but you must check them in. With tennis, two pools with slide, golf, shopping at the handy AAFES Exchange and a spa, this could be a great place to go with the family. You'll also be eligible for reduced-rate tickets to most of the attractions in the Orlando area, including Disney World. At the bottom of all the web pages is a Special Offers button. Click it. You'll see what secret benefits they're cooking up for the rest of the year: special rates on special days in August, special rates on certain dates in September, and more. Don't miss the Red White and Blue Salute Package. Check your eligibility at www.shadesofgreen. org and see what paperwork you need to verify your status. Shades of Green is a military property, which means there's guarded, controlled access to the resort. If you happen to be in Hawaii this summer, there is another AFRC resort there [www.halekoa.com]. In addition, there are resorts in South Korea, the Bavarian Alps in Garmisch, Germany, and Tokyo.
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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
Grand Forks’ Only LOCAL WEEKLY Publication! Wick Publications P.O. Box 12861 Grand Forks, ND 58208
Chadwick Parkinson 701-772-8239 wickpub@yahoo.com
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks by Samantha Weaver
• It was British writer and humorist Jerome K. Jerome who made the following sage observation: "It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do. There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do. Wasting time is merely an occupation then, and a most exhausting one. Idleness, like kisses, to be sweet must be stolen." • Europe is the only continent without a desert. Even icy Antarctica has deserts -- including the world's largest cold desert. • Modern dietary trends notwithstanding, raw vegetables have not always enjoyed the healthsome reputation they now have. In medieval times, in fact, veggies would always be cooked; raw ones were considered to be bad for the humors. • Have you ever heard of an "adhocracy"? If you're like many frustrated workers these days, you may be employed by one. An adhocracy is an organization characterized by lack of planning, responding to problems as they emerge rather than anticipating and avoiding them. • In La Paz, Bolivia, you can find one of the most unusual prisons in the world. At San Pedro Prison, inmates have to purchase their cells. Those who are well off financially can buy private cells with bathrooms, television and kitchens. Those who are less lucky must share tiny rooms. • You might be surprised to learn that the world's most-translated author, by far, is Agatha Christie. Jules Verne ranks second, followed closely by William Shakespeare. It's interesting to note that three of the top 10 -- Enid Blyton, Hans Christian Anderson and Jacob Grimm -- wrote works for children. *** Thought for the Day: "The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it." -- Terry Pratchett © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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(Answers located on next page)
May 21, 2018
• When you replace batteries, write the date of installation on the actual battery with a permanent marker. • “Get a sock bag for your laundry room. In our house, all stray socks go in the bag. Sometimes I will find a lone sock in a dresser drawer or under the bed. Chances are good I’ll find its mate in the sock bag.” — I.L. in Pennsylvania • “If you’re cooking ribs for a large group, you should use a small cooler to store them. I have two. I cook my ribs in the oven, then finish them on the grill. So, cooked ribs out of the oven go in a small blue cooler, and when they are finished on the grill and I’m ready to grill the next batch, they go in a red one. These are ready to eat. They don’t lose much heat this way, and the meat will fall right off the bone.” — T.S. in North Carolina • “I sew a lot and do alterations for many people. I have found that if I use invisible thread for the top thread and change bobbins for different colors that I save a lot of time not threading the needle every time I do a different-colored garment.” — J.S. via e-mail • Dollar-store game hack: “I purchased a set of laundry bags at the dollar store. I use them to keep our building sets intact inside a larger container for Legos. The bags are mesh, and they don’t bubble up and waste space like the plastic zipper-close bags.” — H.K. in Missouri • If you keep a couple of crackers in your sugar jar, they will keep the sugar from caking. Plain saltine crackers work best, especially the no-salt kind. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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This week, Tidbits moves from left to right, investigating those terms along the way. • We use the word “left” multiple times every day, but how would you define it? Some say “relating to the side of the body in which the heart is mostly located,” but the official definition is “the side of the body to the north when the subject is facing east.” Similarly, right is “the side of the body that is turned toward the east when the subject is facing north.” So if you don’t know your left from your right, you better have a compass nearby! • Sailors will know that port side is the left-hand side of a vessel or aircraft, as it faces forward. The right side of the vessel is the starboard side. An older version of port side is larboard, a term for the left side which dates back to about the 14th century, perhaps referring to the “loading side” of a ship, with goods loaded on that side. In the 16th century, the term “port” came into use to avoid confusion between two similar-sounding words, larboard and starboard. • A person who supports left-wing politics believes in liberalism, while right-wing folks are conservative. But the world of hockey, these terms refer to player positions, with wingers playing primarily along the outer portion of the ice. As forwards, their function is to feed the puck to the center forward, to score themselves, to disrupt the area in front of the opponent’s net, and work along the boards and in the corners. • A person who is left-handed is often called a southpaw, but “left-handed” can also refer to insincere comments, such as a two-faced compliment. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Doghouse is missing. 2. Post is missing. 3. Shirt design is different. 4. Shirttail is different. 5. Arm is moved. 6. Kite tail is shorter. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
LEFT TO RIGHT (cont'd):
• Those who believe in the theory of left-brain/ right-brain dominance maintain that all people’s thinking is controlled by the side of the Answer: Dell. brain that is more dominant. A left-brained perA VERY son is believed to LARGE be moreNUMBER logical, analytical, •and Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 numbers-oriented, while a right-brained he was asked to come up with a name individual is more intuitive, thoughtful, for anda very large number: the numeral one, followed creative. The theory was introduced by Roger by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young Sperry, who received the 1981 Nobel Prize in nephews what name they would suggest. Physiology and Medicine for his work. Sperry •was Nine-year-old suggested studying theMilton effects of epilepsy aandname disout of the funnies. A cartoon strip character covered severing the popular. corpus callosum, the named that Barney was very Milton chose bundle of fibers that connects the brain’s two Barney’s last name for the number. hemispheres and enables communications be• Kasner announced the new name for the big tween theintwo, or altering eliminated number his reduced next book, the epileptic spelling. seizures. When the patients began to experi• Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin ence language difficulties, Sperry suggested developed a new internet search engine. Other that the left side controlled language. Today’s search engines searched each webpage and researchers say that this theory is a myth,a ranked them according to how many times with studies that but math ability specific termdemonstrating appeared on them, Page and isBrin strongest when both hemispheres work todesigned their search engine to search for the specific term and then find out how many gether. Research indicates that when both sides links there were that the led corpus back tocallosum, that page, communicate through a which resulted in a better search engine. very broad variety of tasks are successfully •completed. They decided they needed a name that reflected how many websites the search • Are you familiar with terms “sinistral” and engine was searching. They took the name “destral”? is very related to number, the left side, of EdwardSinistral Kasner’s large only opposed to dextral, which refers to the right. they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being spelledtoexactly the a same waythethe • Visitors Paris hear lot about Leftcartoon Bank character Barney spelled his last name. What’s and the Right Bank, the two sides of the River it called? (Answer bottom of Rive page)Gauche,” Seine. The Left Bank,atcalled “La COMPUTER is the southern side of the FACTS river. It’s renowned •asInthe 1981 Billpart Gates said,city, “640 of home memory artistic of the andkbwas to ought to be enough for anybody.” famous writers and artists, including Picasso, It’s theperformance location of •Matisse, Moore’sand LawHemingway. states that computer doubles to Sorbonne 24 months,University, and ever since the Eiffel every Tower,18the and 1971, this has been Napoleon’s tomb. Thetrue. Right Bank, or “La Rive housesMicrosoft, big businesses and banks, as •Droite,” HP, Google, and Apple were all started in garages. well as the Champs-Elysees, the Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, andfrom Tuileries Gardens. Answer: Google, googol.
1st Quarter 2015 Week 2 Jan 4 - Jan. 10 Page 8
Quiz Answers
1. The Empire State Building 2. Franklin D. Roosevelt. 3. The Taj Mahal 4. Monticello
5. The Flatiron Building 6. Celebration in 1980 7. Tax evasion 8. The joints
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Sports Answers 1. Philadelphia 6. When a player Flyers with 14. scores with 2. N.Y. Islanders their left foot, right foot and with 296 with their head, 3. Las Vegas, in one game. Toronto & Tampa Bay 7. 76ers 8. Six teams 4. Eighteen 5. Bobby Allison (45), Dale Earnhardt (43) Lee Petty (45).
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