Tidbits of Grand Forks - July 12, 2018

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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RABBITS by Kathy Wolfe

Hop to it! July 15 – 21 is National Rabbit Week, and Tidbits is zeroing in on the details of these members of the Leporidae family. • According to the American Rabbit Breeders Association, there are 45 recognized breeds of rabbits. More than half of wild rabbits live in North America, with the rest scattered throughout the world on every continent but Antarctica. They’re found in meadows, forests, grasslands, deserts, and wetlands.

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• There are a few very rare endangered species of rabbits, including the Sumatran striped rabbit, found only on the island of Sumatra, InCarpet Cleaning donesia, at altitudes between 1969 and 5249 www.elitecarpetsgf.com feet. There are only about 5,500 Amami rabbits alive, found only on two Japanese Islands, Carpet Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning SPECIAL! Amami and Tokuno. The Volcano Rabbit, also Upholstery known as the teporingo or zacatuche, is the $129 •Cleaning world’s second-smallest rabbit, and lives only 3 Rooms & Hallway • Water near four Mexican volcanoes south of Mexico Not valid with any other offer. Extraction Expires 8-17-18 City.


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Issue # 1,076

Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 wickpub@yahoo.com ® TIDBITS HOPS ALONG WITH

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• Rabbits burrow in underground tunnel systems known as warrens. They have a unique way of preventing themselves from getting stuck in the tunnels. Because their whiskers are the same width as their bodies, if the whiskers don’t fit, neither will the body!


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RABBITS (cont'd)

• Although the average rabbit is about the size of a cat, 13 to 20 inches in length and 2.4 to 5.5 lbs., the checkered giant can weigh over 11 lbs., the Flemish giant more than 13 lbs., and the giant chinchilla rabbit between 12 and 16 lbs. The record for the world’s longest rabbit belongs to Darius, a Flemish giant who measures 4 feet, 3 inches and weighs about 50 lbs. Darius is also considered the world’s most valuable rabbit, is insured for $1.6 million, and has his own personal bodyguard. The owner claims the rabbit thinks he is a dog! • The smallest species is the pygmy rabbit, a tiny little creature just 8 inches long, weighing less than a pound. Their home is in the West, in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and northeastern California, where much of their diet is sagebrush. • Rabbits are herbivores, dining on plants only, including grasses, clover, and frequently vegetables from your garden, such as carrots, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. They might also eat fruits, seeds, roots, buds, and tree bark. They can chew an unbelievable 120 times per minute. They have 28 teeth to accomplish this purpose, teeth that never stop growing throughout the rabbit’s entire life! Continual gnawing of their food wears the teeth down, and an annual growth of 3 to 5 inches is not unusual. • Because rabbits are the prey of several animals, they are always keeping an eye out for predators, such as coyotes and foxes. If danger is perceived, they warn their fellow bunnies by thumping their hind legs before heading for the safety of their burrow. Rabbits have highly-developed hearing, and they can hear that thumping from far away. They dodge their predators by running in a zigzag pattern at speeds approaching 18 mph. ...continued

RABBITS (cont'd)

• Panoramic 360-degree vision also helps rabbits be aware of predators in all directions. Their only blind spot is right in front of their nose. Even better than their eyesight is their sense of smell. They can smell a predator even before they see them.

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• A rabbit’s ears will reach a length of up to 4 inches. The ears can move independently of each other, enabling the bunny to determine the direction from which a sound is coming.

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• Most of us have heard of the extreme reproductive habits of rabbits, leading to the phrase “multiplying like rabbits.” Rabbits breed three or four times a year, with each litter between 4 and 12 babies after a short 30day gestational period. Females are capable of reproducing at just 4 months of age, which means that in a single year, one female can produce as many as 800 children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren. And that’s even with only 15% of baby rabbits surviving to their first birthday. The largest reported litter was 24 rabbits. Wild rabbits can produce as many as eight litters of bunnies a year. • Baby domestic rabbits are born furless and won’t open their eyes until they are about two weeks old. Their average lifespan is around 5 to 8 years. First-time rabbit owners should be aware that keeping a rabbit outdoors will cut his life span in half, with risks of extreme heat and cold, illness, and predators. Even if a predator can’t make its way inside the rabbit hutch, the bunny can actually have a heart attack just from seeing the predator outside. ...continued


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*Answer located further back in this issue.

Stroke Screening & Awareness Event This FREE-of charge program is offered by the North Dakota State University School of Pharmacy and is funded by a Dakota Medical Foundation grant. DO YOU KNOW YOUR NUMBERS? • High blood pressure and other factors play a role in whether you’re at higher risk for stroke. People may have high blood pressure and not know it. • Learn your numbers and see how you can lessen your risk for stroke and other health issues at this free event.


Wednesday July 18, 2018, from 1:00 PM-4:00 PM (Walk-ins welcome)


• Thrifty White Pharmacy: 1395 S Columbia Road C, Grand Forks • White Drug Pharmacy: 2475 32nd Ave S Ste 1, Grand Forks • The Link: 300 Cherry Street, Grand Forks

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? ONLY 10-15 minutes This program for the Grand Forks community consists of individualized stroke risk assessments and education on stroke risk. You will also receive blood pressure, heart rate and peripheral blood oxygenation assessment. Please bring a list of your current medications as part of personalized risk assessment as well as wear short sleeves in order to take your blood pressure.

SPORTS QUIZ 1. Who was the last World Series winner before the Chicago Cubs in 2016 to reach the playoffs in the next season? 2. Entering 2018, who was the last NASCAR Cup driver to win four races in a row? 3. When was the last time before 2017 that the U.S. won the Fed Cup in women’s tennis?

4. Through the 2017-18 season, how many consecutive seasons had the Pittsburgh Penguins reached the NHL playoffs? 5. Name the only NFL defensive player to win the Pro Football Writers of America’s regular-season MVP Award. 6. How many times did Peyton Manning throw over 30 touchdowns passes in a single season during his 17-year NFL career?







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• On July 21, 1861, war erupts on a large scale when Confederate forces under P.T. Beauregard turn back Union Gen. Irvin McDowell's troops in Virginia. Inexperienced soldiers on both sides slugged it out in a chaotic battle that resulted in a humiliating retreat by the Yankees. • On July 22, 1916, in San Francisco, a bomb hidden in a suitcase at a Preparedness Day parade on Market Street kills 10 people and wounds 40. The parade was organized by the Chamber of Commerce in support of America's possible entry into World War I. • On July 18, 1925, seven months after being released from Landsberg jail, Adolf Hitler publishes the first volume of his personal manifesto, "Mein Kampf," the blueprint for his plan of Nazi world domination. • On July 17, 1938, Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan takes off from New York, ostentatiously pointed west. Twenty-eight hours later, Corrigan landed in Dublin, Ireland, and asked, "Where am I?" He claimed that he got lost. • On July 16, 1945, the Manhattan Project comes to an explosive end as the first atom bomb is successfully tested in Alamogordo, New Mexico. In 1939, Albert Einstein had written to President Roosevelt supporting the theory that an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction had potential as a basis for a weapon of mass destruction. • On July 19, 1956, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles announces that the United States was withdrawing its offer of $70 million in financial aid to Egypt to help with the construction of the Aswan Dam on the Nile River. The Soviets rushed to Egypt's aid. • On July 20, 1976, the seventh anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing, the Viking 1 lander becomes the first spacecraft to land safely on Mars. It sent back the first close-up photographs of the rust-colored Martian surface.

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by Linda Thistle

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RABBITS (cont'd)

West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne disease that first showed up in our region in 2002. This virus has been present every year since 2002. Grand Forks Mosquito Control has identified WNV in mosquitoes and birds collected from the Grand Forks region. We cannot eliminate this virus. The Health Department urges citizens to take personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites. The type of mosquito most common for transmitting WNV is present in our area and is most active from dusk until dawn. This virus can be deadly. Help fight the bite and prevent mosquito-borne disease.

How can people reduce their chance of getting WNV? The most effective way to prevent WNV is to avoid mosquito bites: • Wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors from dusk through dawn. • Apply insect repellents when you go outdoors. Repellents containing DEET provide the best protection. • Reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home by eliminating standing water from containers such as flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, discarded tires, and birdbaths. Anything that holds water for more than a week could be producing mosquitoes.

How do people get infected with WNV? Most people get infected with WNV by an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to humans and other animals. In a very small number of cases, West Nile virus has been spread through blood transfusions, organ transplants, and from mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

What are the symptoms of WNV? No symptoms in most people. Most people (70-80%) who become infected with West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms. Febrile illness in some people. About 1 in 5 people who are infected will develop a fever with other symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. Most people with this type of West Nile virus disease recover completely, but fatigue and weakness can last for weeks or months. Severe symptoms in a few people. Less than 1% of people who are infected will develop a serious neurologic illness such as encephalitis or meningitis (inflammation of the brain or surrounding tissues). The symptoms of neurologic illness can include headache, high fever, neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, seizures, or paralysis. Recovery from severe disease may take several weeks or months. Some of the neurologic effects may be permanent. About 10 percent of people who develop neurologic infection due to West Nile virus will die.

Who is at risk for serious illness if infected with WNV? Serious illness can occur in people of any age. However, people over 60 years of age are at the greatest risk for severe disease. People with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and people who have received organ transplants, are also at greater risk for serious illness. For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

• Have you ever seen a rabbit jump in the air, turning and twisting its body? That activity is known as a “binky,” and it simply means the rabbit is happy! • The rabbit is the fourth animal in the Chinese Zodiac calendar, and includes individuals born in 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, and 2011. For those born in a rabbit year, lucky colors are red, pink, purple, and blue, while lucky numbers are 3, 4, and 6. According to Chinese lore, rabbits are kind, gentle people, full of love. They are quiet, patient, skillful, compassionate people who treat others politely, but have a tendency to be melancholy. During rabbit years, it’s believed by many that rabbits themselves should be more careful about all aspects of their lives. The next Rabbit year will be 2023. • For those who choose to dine on rabbit meat, it has several benefits. It’s all white meat, and contains the least amount of fat among other meats, with half the calories of pork. Its sodium content is less than other meats, and it’s almost cholesterol-free.



© 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

Protect Yourself From West Nile Virus

• Do you know your rabbit terminology? Baby rabbits are known as kits or kittens. Males are bucks and females are does. The original name for babies was “rabbit,” with adults being called “coneys.” “Bunny” doesn’t refer to a baby rabbit, it’s just a term of affection – there’s no difference between a bunny and a rabbit. However, a rabbit and a hare are not the same. Hares are larger and faster, and have longer ears and feet than rabbits. They are born covered with hair, with their eyes open, and they can run within just a few minutes of birth.

*Answer located further back in this issue.



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• Another version of the bagel’s origins states that bagels were invented by a Viennese baker in 1683. Legend has it that the baker was paying tribute to Poland’s King Jan Sobieski, who had led Austrian and Polish troops in defense from invading Turkish armies. Because the king was a renowned horseman, the baker shaped dough into a shape resembling the king’s stirrup, which translated beugel in German. • Traditional bagels are shaped by hand from a long thin piece of dough, round with a hole in the middle. The dough is then allowed to rise for a short time, then put into vigorously boiling water briefly before baking. The boiling water might contain sugar, honey, or barley malt syrup for a different flavor. Bagels might also be brushed with sugar water or egg before baking to create a glossy crust. They might also be dipped in poppy seeds, sesame seeds, garlic, onion, or salt before baking. • The hole in the center serves a couple of purposes. It ensures that the bread boils and bakes more evenly. It also makes for an easier way to transport and display the bagels, enabling them to be threaded onto string or wooden dowels.

• In 1927, Polish baker Harry Lender established the first bagel factory outside New York City, settling in New Haven, Connecticut. In the 1950s, Lender’s son Murray revolutionized the production and distribution of bagels by developing frozen bagels, and supplying to supermarkets. Murray also introduced pre-sliced bagels. • In the early 1960s, inventor Dan Thompson devised the first commercial bagel-making machine. Dan’s father, a Winnipeg, Canada bakery owner, had been working on a machine for decades without success. With Dan’s machine, 200 to 400 bagels could be produced per hour, and traditional hand-shaped bagels quickly disappeared. • In recent years, steam bagels have been introduced. They are not boiled, but rather baked in an oven with a steam injection system. The procedure requires less labor with the elimination of the boiling stage. The bagel is fluffier, softer, and less chewy than the traditional boiled bagel. • North America has primarily two types of traditional bagels – Montreal-style or New York-style. The Montreal is a little smaller, and has no salt. Because it is boiled in honey-sweetened water, it has a sweeter taste. The bagels are baked in wood-fired ovens, resulting in a crunchier product. The New York bagel contains salt and malt, is boiled in plain water, and baked in a standard oven, resulting in a puffier bread with a moist crust. In contrast, Chicago-style bagels are steam-baked.


• Bagels have their origins in the Jewish communities of Poland. The word is derived from the Yiddish word beygal, which translates “ring” or “bracelet.” The word was first documented in writing in 1610 in the Community Regulations of Krakow, Poland, which decreed that a bagel should be given as a gift to all women in childbirth. Its round shape was a symbol of long life, and believed to bring good luck.


Tidbits invites you to bite into some of these facts about one of our favorite breads, the bagel.

• Immigrant Polish Jews brought bagels to North America, and their recipes were a closely guarded secret. In 1907, the International Bagel Bakers Union was founded in New York City, monopolizing production since only the sons of union members were allowed in as apprentices.




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Relax and Earn by Samantha Weaver

• It was pop art icon Andy Warhol who made the following sage observation: "It's the movies that have really been running things in America since they were invented. They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look when you feel about it." • Those who study such things say that by the year 2020, more data will be created in a single hour than had been created in the entire world over the 30,000 years leading up to the 21stÊcentury. • A woman in Tennessee was once arrested for biking while intoxicated -- she was on a stationary bike at the gym at the time. • When the Coca-Cola Company first started marketing its product in China, the advertisements used Chinese symbols to spell out the brand's name phonetically. It was only after the ads had been published that the marketers learned that those symbols spelled out the phrase "bite the wax tadpole." • Earthquakes occur at a rate of about one every minute around the world. About eight of those each year are considered to be major, registering above 7.0 on the Richter Scale. • Velcro came to market in 1957, after a Swiss inventor named George De Mestral spent nearly 10 years developing the idea. His inspiration came to him in 1948 on a hike, when he had difficulty removing tenacious little burrs from his clothes. He reasoned that if he could create synthetic burrs, they could be used as fasteners. • When Great Britain's current Queen Elizabeth -- then Princess Elizabeth -- wed Prince Philip, their wedding cake weighed a whopping 500 pounds. *** Thought for the Day: "I always find it more difficult to say the things I mean than the things I don't." -- W. Somerset Maugham

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(Answers located on next page)

July 2, 2018

• Road-trip organization: Put items you’ll need along the way into a laundry basket or two, which can be easily accessed during your trip. There’s no need to undo the Tetris-like organization job of the other items, because everything you need to have at hand is in the basket. • “I love to work in the yard, and I always wash my hands before coming in. I put a bar of soap inside a piece of mesh from a potato sack and tie it with a string; then I tie the string to my water faucet outside. Now I can easily wash my hands with soap before coming in. The sack kind of works as a scrubber as well.” — F.A. in Texas • “If you want a lighter foundation for summer and sun protection, try mixing a little foundation with a sunblock. It might take a bit of experimenting to find the right ratio for the coverage you want, but I find that the sunblock helps the foundation to glide on, and my face feels moisturized as well.” — T.L. in Georgia • “I moved to a much smaller house and have very little storage, so now everything I keep must be necessary. I had several banker’s boxes of old papers that I had been storing for years. I still think there’s a chance I’d need to access the information in them, but I didn’t want to devote a lot storage space to boxes of documents. I bought a small scanner that you feed paper into, and I have used it to scan in all my papers. I’m down to a small box of keepsakes and originals that are important, and the rest is there digitally in case I ever need it.” — A.D.F in Florida Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.





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Travel to Key West, Florida, this month and you can participate in or observe Hemingway LookAlike Days. • July 19-22 has been designated for this commemoration, near the birthday of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ernest Hemingway. Famous for The Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls, A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea, and a host of other works, Hemingway arrived in Key West in 1928, and set out to find a home. • Hemingway and his wife settled on a Spanish Colonial home built in 1851 and set about remodeling. The home’s pool was the first inground pool in Key West, the only one within 100 miles, and built at the astounding cost of $20,000 in 1938. Hemingway joked that the cost took the last penny he had, and he took a penny from his pocket and pressed it into the wet cement, where it can still be seen embedded in the surrounding patio. The pool, 60 feet long, had a deep end of 10 feet, and had a capacity of 80,784 gallons. • Hemingway lived and wrote in Key West for more than 10 years. His novel A Farewell to Arms was written in Key West and told the story of an American lieutenant serving as an ambulance driver in the Italian army during World War I. Hemingway himself enlisted in the U.S. Army Ambulance Corps, serving in Italy, where he was wounded in 1918, and drew much of the book from his own World War I experiences. • One of the very few Hemingway novels set in the United States was 1937’s To Have and Have Not, a story that used Key West as its setting and told the story of a local fishing boat captain caught up in running black market contraband back and forth to Cuba. ...continued

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Glasses are missing. 2. Arm is moved. 3. Bat is shorter. 4. Pants are shorter. 5. Scoreboard numbers are missing. 6. Mask is missing. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.


• One of Hemingway’s favorite hangouts Answer:the Dell.1930s was Key West’s Sloppy during Joe’s Bar,A the local cornerNUMBER tavern. It’s here VERY LARGE that the Papa Hemingway Look-Alike • Edward Kasner was a mathematician.Contest In 1938 began 38 asked years ago. Gray-bearded he was to come up with a men nametravel for a veryaround large number: the numeral one, followed from the world to participate in the by a hundred asked his their two young challenge, withzeros. manyHespending time nephews what name they would suggest. practicing sounding, moving, and acting like • Nine-year-old suggested a name the noted author. Milton Many dress in a fisherman’s outcable of theturtleneck funnies. Asweater cartoonsimilar strip character knit to one named Barney was very popular. Milton worn by Hemingway in photos. More chose than Barney’s last name for thegathered number.last year to 160 Hemingway hopefuls • Kasner for announced the new name for the big compete the trophy. number in his next book, altering the spelling. • Death in the Afternoon was also penned • SixtyHemingway’s years later, Larry andWest, Sergey Brin during timePage in Key a nondeveloped a new internet search engine. Other fiction of storieseach aboutwebpage the history searchcollection engines searched and ofranked the Spanish tradition toofhow bullfighting. Hea them according many times had become fascinated with the subject after specific term appeared on them, but Page and attending the Pamplona Brin designed their searchFiesta engineinto1925 searchand for seeing the Running of then the Bulls. the specific term and find outKey howWest’s many links there Days were features that led its back that page, Hemingway ownto version of resulted a better search pushing engine. lifethewhich festival with inthe look-alikes • They they needed size fake decided bulls on wheels throughathename streetsthat of how many websites the search thereflected community. engine was searching. They took the name • The contest Kasner’s has a higher than only just of Edward very purpose large number, looking like Hemingway. In conjunction they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being with the event, scholarship was spelled exactly a the same wayprogram the cartoon founded to aid students attending Florida Keys character Barney spelled his last name. What’s it called? (Answer Community College.at bottom of page) COMPUTER FACTS contest was • The 2016 winner of the look-alike actually Davesaid, Hemingway, • In 1981named Bill Gates “640 kb ofalthough memory to be enough resident for anybody.” theought North Carolina said he was no relation to Law the author. In his words, performance “I think it’s • Moore’s states that computer doubles 18 to 24 months, ever since about timeevery that Hemingway won aand Hemingway 1971, thiscontest.” has beenAnother true. look-alike noted competitor is southern chef Paula Deen’s husband, who • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started placed in in thegarages. top five for two consecutive years. Answer: Google, from googol.


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