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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN July 19, 2018
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Issue # 1,077
by Janet Spencer
Next to water, tea is the most-consumed beverage in the world. Worldwide, tea consumption equals all other beverages (aside from water), including coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, and alcohol, combined. Come along with Tidbits as we drink a cup of tea!
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• An average of 3 billion cups of tea are drunk every day around the world, with green tea being the most popular type of tea. In the U.S., 1.2 million pounds of tea leaves are used daily. • There are over 3,000 different varieties of tea, but all of it, whether black, green, white, or oolong comes from the same plant, Camellia sinesis, an evergreen shrub or small tree. The word “camellia” comes from the name of botanist Georg Kamel for whom the plant is named, and “sinesis” comes from the Latin word for China. Different types of tea come from different leaves that are plucked from the plant, as well as the different ways the leaves are treated after being harvested. • Herbal teas that come from plants other than Camellia sinesis such as chamomile or peppermint are not true teas, but are instead more accurately called “infusions.” Flavored teas, on the other hand, are made of real tea with various added essences, including herbal ones.
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Which contains more caffeine: tea or coffee? 6. Which company introduced Which country grows and exthe first powdered instant tea ports the greatest amount of tea? in the 1940s? Which country imports the 7. How many “Chance” spaces are greatest amount of tea? on a Monopoly game board? Which is the only nation that 8. Which U.S. state was once an drinks more iced tea than hot tea? independent sovereign nation? The most expensive tea in the 9. How many U.S. states border world comes from tea plants the Gulf of Mexico? fertilized with the manure of TRIVIA what kind of animal? SPONSORED BY:
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TEA (cont'd)
• The story goes that tea was discovered nearly 5,000 years ago when a camellia blossom accidentally fell into a pot of boiling water belonging to Chinese emperor Shen Nung. Whether or not the story is true, it’s a fact that China now cultivates some of the world’s biggest tea plantations. • The earliest known physical evidence of tea was discovered in 2016 in the mausoleum of Emperor Jing of Han in China, proving that tea from the genus Camellia was drunk by Han Dynasty emperors as early as the 2nd century B.C. • China had a monopoly on tea for centuries, and export of the plants or seeds was forbidden by the Chinese government. In 1848, the Britishowned East India Trading Company hired Scottish botanist Robert Fortune to travel to China, learn the secrets of tea manufacture, and smuggle back cuttings and seeds. Fortune disguised himself as a rich merchant and succeeded in his quest. His cuttings and seeds were planted in the British-owned territory of Darjeeling, India, where they flourished. Within his lifetime, Fortune saw India surpass China as the top exporter of tea. • Camellia sinensis grows in tropical climates with plenty of rain and acidic soils. It takes between three and five years before a newly planted tea shrub is ready for plucking. The higher the altitude, the longer it takes to reach maturity and the better the tea tastes. Once mature, the bush will yield tea for fifty years or more. The plant can grow to be the size of a small tree, reaching heights of 50 feet or more, but is generally kept trimmed to the size of a shrub in order to make harvesting easier. The more it is pruned, the more new shoots appear, and it is the leaves and buds at the ends of the shoots that make the best tea. Tea is grown in over 50 countries worldwide. ...continued
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TEA (cont'd)
• Only the top one or two inches of the mature plant are picked. These buds and leaves are called “flushes.” A plant will grow a new flush every seven to 15 days during the growing season. The smallest leaves are the most valuable. • Once the tea leaves are picked, they are either left out in the sun to oxidize or not. When a slice of an apple turns brown, or a banana turns black, or a grape turns into a raisin, this is the effect of the enzyme action of oxidation. Tea leaves also oxidize and turn black when left out in heat and sunlight. Black tea is made from leaves that have oxidized. Green tea is made from leaves that have not been oxidized. Oxidation makes the tea taste stronger, and it also increases the shelf life of the tea. • The way the leaves are handled after harvest results in different types and flavors of tea. The leaves may be wilted, dried, crushed, rolled, twisted, fried, or roasted. But no matter how they are treated or what they taste like, teas contain few nutrients in any significant amount.
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• Before the tea bag, there was the “tea egg” and the “tea ball” – perforated metal containers filled with loose leaves and dropped into boiling water. • In 1907, American tea merchant Thomas Sullivan began distributing samples of his tea in small bags of Chinese silk with a drawstring, thinking that customers would throw away the bag and place the tea leaves in a metal tea ball to brew the tea. Instead, consumers skipped the tea ball altogether and simply placed the tea bag directly into the tea pot. Sullivan knew he was on to something, and the tea bag was invented. Today, 96% of all cups of tea drunk daily are brewed using tea bags. ...continued
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4. In 2017, Christian Pulisic became the youngest winner (19) of the U.S. Soccer Federation’s Male Player of the Year award.
1. Five pitchers have tossed a no-hitter in both the American League and the Who had been the youngest? National League. Name 5. In 2017, Chris Paul three of them. became the third-fastest 2. When was the last time beNBA player (806 games) fore 2016 that Penn State’s to reach 15,000 points and football team won an out8,000 assists for a career. right Big Ten ChampionWho was faster? ship? 3. When was the last time the 6. What four NFL QB’s have thrown 46 or more TD Carolina Hurricanes made the NHL playoffs? passes in a single season?
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5 COMMON MYTHS ABOUT WEST NILE VIRUS Myth #1: There’s not much I can do about WNV.
Myth #4: Repellents containing DEET are not safe.
Truth: There is a lot that you, personally, can do to reduce your chance of getting West Nile virus infection. • Make it a habit to apply mosquito repellent with DEET when you’re spending time outdoors. This will reduce the number of mosquito bites you get. • Mosquitoes are usually most active from dusk to dawn. Pay close attention to protection during these hours, or avoid being outdoors if possible. • Reduce mosquito breeding habitat around your house. The species of mosquito most common for transmitting WNV generally stays close to the habitat that it hatched from. • Eliminate any standing water that remains longer than 7 days. Inspect your yard once a week: get rid of containers that aren’t being used, empty water from flower pots, change water in bird baths and maintain clean gutters.
Truth: Repellents containing DEET are very safe when used according to directions. • Because DEET is so widely used, a great deal of testing has been done. When manufacturers seek registration with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for products such as DEET, laboratory testing regarding both short-term and long-term health effects must be carried out. • There are products with different strengths (percentage of DEET) available. The longer the protection you need the higher percent of DEET needed. • Repellent with DEET can be used for both adults and children, according to directions.
Myth #5: As long as my area has a mosquito control program, I don’t have to worry about using repellent.
Myth #2: Kids are at the most danger of getting sick from West Nile Virus. Truth: People over 60 are at the highest risk for developing severe West Nile disease. • Relatively few children have been reported with severe West Nile Virus disease. By contrast, most of the deaths due to WNV were among people over 60 years old. • It is always a good idea for children to avoid mosquito bites, but it’s also important for adults - especially older adults - to take steps to avoid mosquito bites.
Myth #3: It’s only people who are already in poor health who have to worry about West Nile virus.
Truth: Healthy, active older adults who spend time working and exercising outdoors have been affected by severe West Nile virus infection. • Being over 60 is a risk factor for developing severe West Nile disease if infected with the virus. There is a risk of getting mosquito bites while leading an active life outdoors. This doesn’t mean you have to stay inside - it does mean that it’s important to use repellent when you go outside.
Truth: Mosquito control activities don’t eliminate every mosquito, so personal protection is still important. • Grand Forks Health Department maintains a proactive mosquito control program designed to reduce mosquito populations and mosquito-borne diseases. However, this program cannot eliminate all mosquitoes. Personal protection, such as using repellent, keeping window screens in good condition, and control of household breeding sites are important steps for the public.
• Grand Forks currently has a very low population of nuisance mosquitoes. This gives a false impression about the risk of WNV. Even though there are very few mosquitoes in our community, the risk of WNV is still elevated. Please take the necessary precautions to avoid mosquito bites.
If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
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by Linda Thistle
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.
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TEA (cont'd)
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• On July 29, 1588, off the coast of France, Spain's "Invincible Armada" is defeated by an English naval force under the command of Lord Charles Howard and Sir Francis Drake. After eight hours of furious fighting, a change in wind direction prompted the Spanish to retreat toward the North Sea. • On July 27, 1921, at the University of Toronto, Canadian scientists successfully isolate insulin -a hormone they believe could prevent diabetes -for the first time. The first test subject, a teenager, was treated with insulin injections and improved dramatically. • On July 28, 1932, President Herbert Hoover orders the U.S. Army under Gen. Douglas MacArthur to evict by force 20,000 Bonus Marchers from the nation's capital. The World War I veterans were seeking early payment of money they were owed. When 2,000 refused to leave, MacArthur set their camps on fire. • On July 26, 1956, the Suez Crisis begins when Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalizes the British and French-owned Suez Canal, hoping to charge tolls. The Suez Canal was completed by French engineers in 1869. • On July 25, 1978, Louise Joy Brown, the world's first baby to be conceived via in vitro fertilization, is born in England to parents Lesley and Peter Brown. The Browns later had a second daughter, Natalie, also through IVF. • On July 23, 1982, Vic Morrow and two child actors are killed in a crash involving a helicopter during filming on the California set of "Twilight Zone: The Movie." The actor and children were shooting a Vietnam War battle scene. • On July 24, 1998, Steven Spielberg's World War II epic, "Saving Private Ryan," is released in theaters. The film was praised for its authentic portrayal of war and won five Oscars, including Best Director and Best Cinematography.
• Thomas Twining of England opened Britain's first tea room in London in 1706, and it still operates today. The firm's logo, created in 1787, is the world's oldest in continuous use. Twining was soon selling more dried tea than brewed tea, and today Twinings sells over 50 kinds of tea world-wide. • In 1822, brothers Joseph and Edward Tetley sold salt from a pack horse in Yorkshire, England. They started to sell tea and were so successful they set up as “Joseph Tetley & Co.” tea merchants in 1837, relocating to London in 1856. Today Tetley is the largest tea company in the United Kingdom and Canada, and the second largest in the U.S. • As a young man in Scotland, Thomas Lipton helped his parents run their grocery store. Later he opened his own store, which was so successful that he kept opening more. He engaged in innovative marketing techniques including staging parades and hiring brass bands. By 1888 he owned over 300 stores. • Around that time, the price of tea began to fall, and middle-class customers could now afford it. Spotting an opportunity, Thomas opened a tea trading office and established wholesale distribution channels that allowed working-class people to be able to easily afford tea. He bought his tea in such large amounts that he was able to undercut prices. • This was so successful that he began to invest in tea plantations. In Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) coffee plantation owners had recently suffered a coffee blight that ruined their crop, so Thomas convinced them to plant tea instead. In a time when most tea was sold by the pound, Thomas pioneered selling it in individual single-serving bags. Today Lipton is the top selling tea in the world. • Oolong tea comes from tea leaves that are long, dark, and curly like the neck of a dragon. The word “oolong” comes from the Chinese phrase meaning “black dragon tea.”
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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Fabulous Food: • Eduard Haas wanted to help people quit smoking, so he invented a small mint to give smokers something to suck on to help them over their cravings. The mints also appealed to smokers wanting to mask their breath. • Setting up a factory in 1927 in Austria, Eduard packed the mints in a tin box designed to look like a cigarette lighter. Because they were mint-flavored, he abbreviated the German word for peppermint, pfefferminze, and named the candy after it: PEZ. • The candy was popular, but for the next 20 years, marketing was aimed at adults, and smokers in particular. Eventually the tin box was redesigned so it would dispense the mints one at a time which allowed the mints to be shared without being touched. • The mints, which were originally round, were redesigned to be rectangular instead. This made them easier to be wrapped and kept production costs low. • After World War II, Eduard wanted to expand operations to the U.S. He formulated a marketing strategy aimed at children. By placing a cartoon head upon the dispenser and by replacing the metal with plastic, he turned the candy dispenser into a toy. • Santa Claus, Popeye, and Mickey Mouse were among the first cartoon heads used. They were followed by a robot and a space gun, which shot candies out of the muzzle. In 1962, the PEZ Corporation teamed up with Disney to produce many Disney character heads, though Mickey Mouse continued to out-sell them all. Because they are so often tucked into Christmas stockings, Santa Claus continues to be a top seller as well. To date, over 500 cartoon toppers have been created. • When he found that the strong mint flavor of PEZ was unpopular with children, he experimented with fruit flavors instead.
• The raw ingredients in PEZ candy undergo 3,000 pounds of pressure to become the tiny tablets. Each package has only 12 candies. • Several real-life people have graced the tops of PEZ poppers. In 1976, Betsy Ross, Paul Revere and Daniel Boone were on Bicentennial Commemorative PEZ dispensers; several U.S. presidents have been featured, as well as the members of KISS. • At one point there was a PEZ dispenser on a necklace that dispensed candy-scented perfume instead of candy. • One of the rarest PEZ characters was called the “Make a Face” PEZ and it came with little noses and eyes that you could use to design your own dispenser, just like Mr. Potato Head. Kids started choking on the pieces and the dispenser had to be recalled. • One of the most valuable PEZ dispensers was the “political donkey” dispenser which was originally owned by John F. Kennedy. It sold for $13,000. And a set of dispensers shaped like Prince William and Kate Middleton sold at a charity auction for $13,360. • Another rare one depicts Adolf Hitler. It was a bootleg item, created by a guy who bought generic PEZ heads and hand-painted them to resemble Hitler, then sold them by mail. PEZ lawyers cracked down on the counterfeits but not before about 80 of them were sold. Of those, about 50 are thought to still exist. • Today the candy comes in over a dozen different flavors, and over three billion of the tiny square mints are sold annually. PEZ dispensers are made in China, Slovenia and Austria, then shipped to the world’s only PEZ candy factory in Orange, Connecticut, where candy and toy dispensers are paired up and packaged. The factory in Orange produces 12 million tablets of PEZ every day and uses up 50,000 pounds of sugar every four days.
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(Answers located on next page)
July 9, 2018
• Summer kids tip: Create an “I’m Bored” jar with ideas about things to do. Now when that phrase inevitably comes up, you’ll be ready with a quick solution. • This tip takes the pain out of a task nobody likes: dusting the blinds! Use a set of salad tongs for a blinds duster; just wrap a microfiber cloth around each of the tongs and secure it with a rubber band or two. Then use the tongs to grab and glide along each blind. Even kids can get behind this dusting job. • “Tacos are a favorite meal in our house, but very messy — until we discovered a great use for coffee filters. We use a filter to hold the taco and peel back the paper as we eat. Now nothing drips out or falls out, even if the shell cracks!” — E.B. in Oregon • “We like juice at home, and the kind we like has a large mouth on the bottle. It turns out that after we finish the juice, the bottle makes a great storage container for snacks. We clean and dry it, then fill it with cereals or dry pasta. We’ve even used them for popcorn.” — R.K. in Missouri • Recipe substitution: For 1 cup of tomato juice, use 1/2 cup of tomato sauce plus 1/2 cup of water. • If you have dry, cracked heels from wearing flip-flops and sandals too often, apply a layer of petroleum jelly to your feet before bed and cover with socks. If you can’t sleep with socks, do this in the evening, maybe while watching TV. It will soften the hard skin after a week or so — sooner depending on how dry your feet are. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• It was American astronomer, astrophysicist and author Carl Sagan who made the following sage observation: "The fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown." • It's not clear why lawmakers in the state of Alabama once thought it necessary to pass a law forbidding the operation of a vehicle while wearing a blindfold. • Though coffee has been around for about 700 years, instant coffee wasn't invented until 1906. By George Washington. Of course not that George Washington. The man who made coffee more convenient -- and less palatable -- was from Belgium. • There seems to be quite a rivalry between the towns of Rosehill, North Carolina, and Wilmington, Delaware. Both locales claim to be the home of the world's largest frying pan, with a diameter of 10 feet. This begs some questions, of course: How many eggs are being fried at once to require such a large piece of cookware? And what sort of stove is required to heat such a mammoth pan? • If you're like the average American, you'll eat about 35,000 cookies in your lifetime. • Those who study such things say that 70 percent of southern Nevada's water use goes through the sprinklers for golf courses and lawns in Las Vegas. • It's not surprising that the word "fondue" comes from the French verb "fondre," which means "to melt." • Do you know anyone who is xanthodontous? If so, you might want to refer them to someone specializing in cosmetic dentistry. "Xanthodontous" means "having yellow teeth." *** Thought for the Day: "Laughter is a form of internal jogging." -- Norman Cousins © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• William Bean was a doctor at the University of Iowa College of Medicine. In 1941 at the age of 32, he used a small file to mark the point on his thumbnail where it emerged from the cuticle. Then, on the first day of every month for the next 35 years, he did the same thing. He regularly measured the growth of his thumbnail and took notes on the progression. In 1980 his findings were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in an article called “Nail Growth: 35 Years of Observation.” Thanks in large part to Dr. Bean’s efforts, here’s some of the things we now know about fingernails: • The average rate of growth for a fingernail is about an 1/8th of an inch per month. • They grow faster when it’s warm and slower when it’s cold; faster on the right hand of a righthanded person than on the left; faster during the day and slower at night; faster in youth and slower in old age; faster during pregnancy and slower during illnesses. • The fastest growing nail is the one on your middle finger. The slowest growing nail is your thumb nail. • Freshly cut nails grow faster than nails that aren’t cut regularly. • Men’s nails grow faster than women’s nails. • Under the skin, the nail beds extend back nearly to the first joint. • Fingernails grow faster than toenails. Toenails are approximately twice as thick as fingernails. • Nails and hair are made of the same thing: keratin. The molecules are arranged differently. • White spots on the nails are caused by trauma to the nail, in just the same way that folding or denting a clear piece of plastic leaves a white mark. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Bow is smaller. 2. Sleeve cuff is missing. 3. Cap is missing. 4. Book is reversed. 5. Mat is missing. 6. Cornerstone is missing. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
• Among mammals, only primates and humans have nails instead of claws. Answer: Dell. • Humans A have an extremely sensitive sense of VERY LARGE NUMBER Your fingerwas tipsaare filled with extra sen•touch. Edward Kasner mathematician. In 1938 sitive nerves that are stimulated as you grasp he was asked to come up with a name for a something, the fingertips and nails work tovery large and number: the numeral one, followed gether to sandwich these nerves, and heighten by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young nephews name they would suggest. the sense ofwhat touch. Humans are capable of sensing an object less than the width of a • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a human name hair, youfunnies. can test A this yourself by character plucking out and of the cartoon strip Barneyitwas popular. Milton chose a named hair, placing on very a table, and running your Barney’s last name for the number. finger over it. This allows us to have extreme in our hands, is likely duebig to •dexterity Kasner announced the which new name for the being descended from primates lived in number in his next book, alteringwho the spelling. trees where grip is essential for survival. • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed internet search engine. Other • Nail biting aisnew called onychophagia, from the search engines searched each webpage and Greek words meaning literally “claw eater.” ranked them according how many Roughly half of childrentobetween 10 times and 18a specific term appeared on them, but Page and bite their nails. Brin designed their search engine to search for • The andout keeps the cuticle specificseals termmoisture and thenin find how germs many out of the nailwere bed. that led back to that page, links there which resulted in a better search • The crescent shaped whitish areaengine. of the nail •bed They decided they needed a namemeanthat is called the lunula, which is Latin reflected how many websites the search ing “little moon.” It’s the visible part of the engine was searching. They most took visible the name root of the nail, and is usually on of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only the thumb. they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being • The fingernail length for women spelled exactly the record-holder same way the cartoon ischaracter Lee Redmond the U.S., set theWhat’s record Barneyofspelled hiswho last name. called? (Answer of page) init 2008 with nails at onbottom both hands totaling 28 feet in length, with the longest nail on her right COMPUTER FACTS thumb being 2 feet 11 inches. • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory ought to befingernail enough forlength anybody.” • The current record-holder for men, according to Guinness, is Shridhar Chil• Moore’s Law states that computer performance laldoubles from India set24 themonths, record in everywho 18 to and1998 everwith sincea 1971, thislength has been true. combined of 20 feet 2.25 inches of nails his Google, left hand.Microsoft, His longestand nail, on hiswere thumb, •onHP, Apple all was 4 feet inches long. started in 9.6 garages. Answer: Google, from googol.
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1. China 2. Russia 3. U.S. 4. Pandas 5. Coffee 6. Nestle (Nestea)
7. Three 8. The Republic of Texas 9. Five: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida
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Sports Answers 1. Jim Bunning, 5. Magic Randy Johnson, Johnson (765 games) and Hideo Nomo, Oscar RobertNolan Ryan, son (784). & Cy Young. 2. It was 1994. 6. Peyton Manning (55, 49), 3. 2008-09 season; lost in Tom Brady (50), Dan conf. finals. 4. Landon Dono- Marino (48) Drew Brees van was 21 (46). (2003).
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Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, was a British Prime Minister in the 1830s. He complained that the water at his home tasted of limestone, making tea taste terrible. He subsequently received a gift of tea flavored with bergamot oil, which comes from a citrus fruit called the bergamot orange. It became know as Earl Grey tea. Twinings began marketing it as a brand. "Earl Grey" is not a trademarked term and many tea companies produce their own versions of the flavored tea.
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