Tidbits of Grand Forks - August 2, 2018

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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Issue # 1,079



PIZZA by Janet Spencer

From coast to coast, Americans eat approximately 350 slices of pizza per second, which works out to over 100 acres worth of pizza every day. Three billion pizzas are ordered every year in the U.S., plus an additional one billion frozen pizzas. Come along with Tidbits as we eat a slice!


• In the 1800s, most Italians thought of pizza as a peasant’s meal. Bread was cheap and readily available for even the poorest citizens. Tomatoes were still thought of as poisonous because they belong to the nightshade family, so they were also cheap. Pizza was considered a low-brow meal. • That changed when a baker and tavern owner named Raffaele Esposito created a pizza for visiting royalty in 1889. Queen Margherita and King Umberto I were visiting Naples, Italy, and Esposito was asked to prepare them a meal. Esposito created a pizza meant to imitate the colors of the Italian flag: white mozzarella cheese, red tomato sauce, and green basil. It’s thought to have been the first time mozzarella was used on a pizza. The King and Queen had never eaten pizza before, and were so impressed by the delicious meal that they raved about it. Esposito used their praise to advertise his business, and pizza became an Turn the page for more! overnight sensation.


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PIZZA (cont'd)

• In 1905, Gennaro Lombardi opened the first licensed American pizzeria, Lombardi’s Pizzeria Napoletana, on Spring Street in New York City. At the time, a pizza cost a nickel.

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• During the first few decades of the 20th century, pizza was mostly eaten by working class Italian immigrants. The first American cities where pizza was routinely sold were New York City, Boston, New Haven, Connecticut, and Trenton, New Jersey. All of these cities had an influx of Italian immigrants around the turn of the century.

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Quiz Bits

5. On what day of the year is the least amount of pizza consumed? 6. What was the name of the family car on the TV show “The Munsters”? 7. Which 1978 movie is associated with the cry “Toga!”? 8. Which band had a debut single titled “Walkin’ on the Sun”? 9. How many countries border Germany? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:


1. On what day of the year are the most pizzas sold? 2. On which day of the week are the most pizzas consumed? 3. On average, what percent of Americans eat pizza on any given day? 4. What demographic eats more pizza than any other group of people?

• During World War II, American soldiers were introduced to pizza while stationed in Italy, and brought pizza passion home to the U.S. Today pizza is a $30 billion industry in the United States. • At first, pizzas were sold exclusively by the pie. But in 1933, Patsy Lancieri of Patsy’s Pizzeria in New York City started selling pizza by the slice, and the trend was quickly adopted by other pizzerias. • The word “pizza” may come from the Latin word “pissa” meaning “flatbread” but many languages around the Mediterranean have similar sounding words such as “pita.” The Latin word “pinsere” means to pound or stamp, as in making bread. Another Latin word “picea” means the blackening of a bread crust by fire. An old Italian word “bizzo” or “pizzo” meaning “mouthful” gave us the English words “bit” and “bite” and perhaps “pizza” as well. At any rate, the word “pizza” dates back over a thousand years. It was first mentioned in a Latin text written in southern Italy in the year 997 AD.

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• The average American eats 46 slices of pizza every year, which works out to about 23 pounds of pizza annually. 40% of us eat pizza at least once a week, and 93% eat it at least once a month. It’s likely you’ll eat around 6,000 slices of pizza over the course of your lifetime. ...continued



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PIZZA (cont'd)

• Kids ages 3 to 11 prefer pizza over all other food groups for lunch and dinner. • Regular thin pizza crust is the most popular crust, preferred by 61% of people. Thick crust and deep dish tie for second, at 14%. Only 11% of the population prefers extra thin. • Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping. About 36% of all pizzas contain pepperoni. Pepperoni is a fermented and dried meat that is not actually cooked. America’s top pepperoni manufacturer produces enough pepperoni slices annually to cover approximately 23,000 acres. • 62% of Americans prefer meat toppings while 38% prefer vegetables. Women are twice as likely as men to order vegetables on pizza.


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• Mozzarella is found on 60% of pizzas. That’s because among all cheese, mozzarella has the highest moisture content, the lowest quantity of free oil, the best elasticity, and a unique stretchability. • A single mozzarella cheese manufacturing conglomerate in Denver, Colorado buys about 7% of the total available milk in the U.S. in order to supply mozzarella for most of America’s pizzas. The entire milk production of about one out of every 20 cows is devoted to mozzarella for pizza. • Mozzarella is an Italian cheese originally made in Naples area. The word “mozzarella” started out as the Latin word “mutius” meaning “blunt” or “cut off” presumably because the cheese was formed into rolls that were bluntly whacked off into portions. The word “mutius” also gave us the words “mute” and “mutilate.” When the word passed into Italian, it became “mozza” and the diminutive form of the word was “mozzarella.” • The most popular pizza size in the U.S. today is 14 inches in diameter. Keep in mind, however, that one 18-inch pizza gives you more pizza than two 12-inch pizzas. ...continued


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1. What was the highest batting average legendary St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Bob Gibson had during any one season? 2. In how many decades did Richard Petty win at least one of his seven NASCAR Cup season championships? 3. When was the last time before the 2017-18 season that the NHL had multiple 100-point players?

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4. Which was the last Major League Soccer expansion team before Atlanta in 2017 to qualify for the playoffs in its debut season? (hint: 2009) 5. Who was the last QB/ receiver tandem to throw TD passes to each other in an NFL game before Jacksonville’s Blake Bortles and Marqise Lee did it in 2016? (hint: 1985) 6. How many majors has Phil

Mickelson won in his career?

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• On Aug. 10, 1793, after more than two centuries as a royal palace, the Louvre is opened as a public museum in Paris by the French revolutionary government. Today the Louvre's collection is one of the richest in the world, with artwork and artifacts representative of 11,000 years of human civilization and culture. • On Aug. 6, 1862, the C.S.S. Arkansas, the most feared Confederate ironclad on the Mississippi River, is blown up by her crew after suffering mechanical problems during a battle with the U.S.S. Essex near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The ship was 165 feet long and 35 feet wide. • On Aug. 9, 1936, at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, black American track star Jesse Owens wins his fourth gold medal of the Games in the 4x100meter relay. His team's world record of 39.8 seconds stood for 20 years. • On Aug. 7, 1947, Kon-Tiki, a balsa wood raft captained by Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl, completes a 4,300-mile, 101-day journey from Peru to an archipelago near Tahiti. Heyerdahl wanted to prove his theory that prehistoric South Americans could have colonized Polynesia by drifting on ocean currents. • On Aug. 12, 1953, less than one year after the United States tested its first hydrogen bomb, the Soviet Union detonates a 400-kiloton device in Kazakhstan. The explosive power was 30 times that of the U.S. atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. • On Aug. 8, 1968, at the Republican National Convention in Miami, Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew are chosen as the presidential and vice-presidential nominees for the upcoming election. In 1974 on this day, Nixon would announce his resignation as president. • On Aug. 11, 1973, "American Graffiti," a nostalgic coming-of-age tale set in the car-centric culture of suburban California, is released in theaters across the U.S. The movie went on to become a sleeper hit. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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PIZZA (cont'd)

• There are about 75,000 pizzerias in the U.S. which represents 17% of all restaurants. • The average pizzeria uses roughly 55 pizza boxes per day.

West Nile Virus Identified in Grand Forks! Grand Forks Health Department has identified West Nile Virus (WNV) in the region. WNV is a serious disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Most people infected with this disease will have no symptoms or mild symptoms but this is a serious disease and can be fatal. The Grand Forks Public Health Department urges citizens to take personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites. The type of mosquito most common for transmitting WNV is present in our area and is most active from dusk until dawn. Please take the necessary measures to avoid mosquito bites.

• The record for the world’s largest round pizza was set in December of 2017 when a team of five Italian chefs baked a 131-foot dimeter pizza. The pizza consisted of 19,800 pounds of flour, 10,000 pounds of tomato sauce, and 8,800 pounds of mozzarella cheese, along with other ingredients. Altogether it weighed in at 51,257 pounds. The five chefs spent more than two days baking the dough in over 5,000 small batches. • The world’s longest rectangular pizza measured just over 6,333 feet long, and was built in Fontana, California, on June 10, 2017. Over 100 people worked together to create it over the course of 54 hours, including 40 hours of prep time and 14 hours of multiple rounds of baking. All leftover pizza was donated to several local area charities.

Most people get infected with WNV by an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to humans and other animals. In a very small number of cases, West Nile virus has been spread through blood transfusions, organ transplants, and from mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

Can I get West Nile virus directly from birds? There is no evidence that a person can get infected from handling live or dead infected birds. However, you should avoid bare-handed contact when handling any dead animal. If you must pick up a dead bird, use gloves or an inverted plastic bag to place the bird’s carcass (body) in a garbage bag.

Why do some states and local areas stop collecting dead birds to test for West Nile virus? West Nile virus is found in all 48 contiguous states (not in Alaska and Hawaii) and the virus circulates in mosquitoes and birds every year. Because West Nile virus is well established, some states and local jurisdictions are no longer collecting dead birds for testing. Instead, they have chosen to shift staff and funding resources away from testing of dead birds to other areas of West Nile virus surveillance and control.

Who is at risk for serious illness if infected with WNV? Serious illness can occur in people of any age. However, people over 60 years of age are at the greatest risk for severe disease. People with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and people who have received organ transplants, are also at greater risk for serious illness. For information about West Nile Virus and the Grand Forks mosquito control program visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

• The biggest pizza commercially available can be ordered at Big Mama’s & Papa’s, found in California at 20 different locations. Their Giant Sicilian pizza is a rectangle that measures 54 inches on each side. That’s just over 20 square feet of pizza. It will feed between 50 and 100 people and costs around $200. • According to Guinness World Records, the most expensive commercially available pizza costs $2,700 and is sold at Industry Kitchen in New York, New York. It features black squid ink dough, and is topped with white Stilton cheese from the UK, foie gras and truffles from France, Ossetra caviar from the Caspian Sea, Almas caviar, and 24K gold leaf. • Lady Gaga once bought $1,000 worth of pizza for fans who were waiting in line for her autograph.

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How do people get infected with WNV?

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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Fabulous Food


• In 1935 the company began to falter. This was of great concern to Joseph Rubin & Sons of Brooklyn, who supplied the paper boxes the candy was packaged in. If the candy company failed, so would Rubin & Sons. So Rubin & Sons bought the Sweets Company of America and pushed the sweet treat to new heights of popularity, increasing sales twelve-fold.

• In the early 1900s, the Chicago candy maker F. Hoffman & Company offered a variety of confections. In 1928, Philo J. Holloway bought the company. He wanted to expand the line of goodies, and decided to have his researchers create the best chocolate candy they could possibly manufacture. • During World War II when sugar was rationed, this candy was one of the few that was continuously • They started with a caramel center, and covered it with produced, due to its long shelf life and resistance to milk chocolate. The goal was to make the chocolatemelting. It was shipped to soldiers all over the world. covered caramels perfectly round, but the problem Today the company produces about 64 million of the was that they couldn’t make them hold their shape. candies daily: Tootsie Rolls and Tootsie Pops. They ended up bumpy and misshapen. • However, deformed as these candy lumps were, they • In 1913 in Robinson, Illinois, a father bought a candy store to give his sons, Bayard and Everett, a business were delicious. Philo J. Holloway realized they would to run. They turned the shop into a successful caneither have to abandon the candy altogether, or else dy shop and ice cream parlor. A traveling salesman abandon the idea that the candy had to be absolutely shared a recipe for toffee with them. spherical. They decided that the candy was too good





to give up, so they chose a name for the new confec- • Bayard and Everett experimented with the new toffee until they perfected the recipe. Later they covered the tion that reflected its imperfection. toffee with chocolate. • The lopsided lumps were a hit, and people didn’t mind their geometric shortcomings. Now owned by Her- • In 1928 their father bought a dairy nearby and he convinced his sons to quit the candy store to help him shey, the chewy chocolate and caramel candy is a stanon the dairy farm. They did, but they brought their dard at movie theaters. They are called Milk Duds. candy-making equipment with them and continued to • Leo Hirschfield opened a candy store in New York turn out toffee. They started including “toffee bars” City in 1896. He specialized in chocolates, but during on the dairy’s order form, so people could order milk, the summer they melted. He had a family recipe for cream, cottage cheese, or toffee delivered right to fudge-flavored taffy, so he rolled it into logs, cut it into their door every morning. bite-size pieces, wrapped it in paper, and sold it for a penny apiece. When it came to naming it, he thought • Sales got a boost, but then the Great Depression hit. However, toffee bars sold well during the Depression, of his daughter Clara, and his pet nickname for her. because they cost only a nickel. Another boost arrived • Hirschfield teamed up with the Sweets Company of with World War II, when the Army began to include America, and by 1905 a factory was turning out the it in soldier’s rations. Hershey bought the company in candy. In 1931 they surrounded the taffy with a candy 1996, but the candy bar, named after the family that inlollipop for a new product that was popular during the vented it, remains unchanged. It’s called the Heath Bar. Great Depression because of its low price.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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by Samantha Weaver

• It was French playwright Albert Guinon who made the following sage observation: "There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves." • You may not be surprised to learn that, according to a poll conducted by The Associated Press, Americans hate math twice as much as any other subject. • A study published in 2008 showed that the price of a pain medication had an effect on its efficacy. In the study people were given placebo pills, some at the regular price and some at a discounted price. Those who paid full price for the medication reported more relief than those who paid less. • During Elizabethan times, it was customary in England for a wife to wear her wedding ring on her thumb. • It seems no one can adequately explain the reason why women tend to strike matches away from themselves, while men tend to strike them toward themselves. • Dominique Bouhours, a Frenchman who lived in the 17thÊcentury, was a priest, an essayist and a grammarian. The love of language may have been closest to his heart, though; it's been reported that the final words he uttered on his deathbed were, "I am about to -- or I am going to -- die; either expression is used." • Those who study such things say that sea slugs have 25,000 teeth. • The town of Waco, Texas, has an entire museum dedicated to the popular soda Dr Pepper. Even more surprising is the fact that it gets more than a hundred visitors a day, on average. *** Thought for the Day: "It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning." -- Bill Watterson © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

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(Answers located further back)

July 23, 2018

• You can save dollars in the bathroom by installing low-flow showerheads. These days, there are several models that are earth-friendly but still give you a good showering experience. Always turn the water off while brushing your teeth, too! • “While going through the junk drawers, I found about a million packets of assorted condiments. I felt bad junking them, but I have no idea how old they are. I put an empty cup in the fridge, and now we’ll toss new ones in there — and look to use them in lunches before they go bad.” — T. in Ohio • “Got a plastic item that needs a bit of scrubbing? Fill a tub with hot to warm water and a capful of sudsy ammonia. Cover your hands with plastic dishwashing gloves, but add a pair of cotton gloves over top. Then, your hands are the scrubbers, and you can clean items like blinds in a flash.” — F.L. in Missouri • “My friends and I have a summer vegetable club. Each week one of us goes to the farmer’s market and buys several varieties of fruits and vegetables. Then we split it up among us. Since many of us are in single households, it makes getting a small amount of fresh produce possible, and it’s always a great surprise to see what we’ll be getting for the week.” — C.C. in Virginia • “We are just beginning to formulate our end-of-year plans with family. Our rule of thumb: for every three days, plan no more than two activities. This way, there is down time for either a spontaneous activity or to just relax catching up with friends and family.” — D.W. in Florida Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.






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• Currently there are about 900,000 elevators in use throughout the U.S. They carry an estimated 18 billion passengers around 1.36 billion miles over the course of a single year. • There are about 27 deaths due to elevators annually. Most people who die in elevators are elevator technicians. Most elevator accidents happen when the door is closing. • Taking the elevator is 10 times safer than taking the stairs and 20 times safer than escalators. There are 20 times more elevators than escalators, but only one-third as many accidents. Elevators are also safer than cars. Having 27 people die in elevators each year may seem like a lot, but there are 26 automobile deaths every five hours. • More than 325 million people ride on elevators each day compared with 245 million riders on escalators. • The modern elevator is a direct descendant of a design first shown by Elisha G. Otis at the New York World’s Fair in 1853. A feature of the Otis elevator was a safety device that immediately engaged and held the elevator, bringing it to a safe stop in the event the cables broke. The world’s first passenger elevator was installed in a New York City hotel in 1857. Today the Otis Elevator Company carries the equivalent of the world’s population in their elevators every five days. • Advances in elevator technology kept pace with advances in building technology. In the 1870s, Equitable Life Assurance Society CEO Henry Boyle built the tallest building in the city at that time– a full seven stories, served by two elevators. In the 1890s, the world’s tallest building was the 20-story Masonic Temple in Chicago. By 1913, it was the 55-story Woolworth Building in New York City. Today the tallest building is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, reaching 2,722 feet, serviced by 57 Otis elevators.

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Headset is missing. 2. Soda can is missing. 3. Hair is shorter. 4. Collar is missing. 5. House is missing. 6. Thermos is smaller. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

ELEVATORS (cont'd):

• Early elevators were furnished extravagantly with chandeliers, benches, and carpets, so passengers Dell. could sit down and get comfortable Answer: before the elevator operator engaged the conA VERY LARGE NUMBER trivance. The top floors of tall buildings, which •had Edward Kasnerbeen was arelegated mathematician. 1938 previously to the In maids, he was asked to come up with a name for a janitors, and poverty-stricken immigrants very large number: the numeral one, followed who were willing to climb numerous flights by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young ofnephews stairs, now desirable estate not whatbecame name they wouldreal suggest. only for the view but also for the distance away •from Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name the noisy streets. out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character • Control on early required hunamedsystems Barney was veryelevators popular. Milton chose man operators to regulate speed of the lift Barney’s last name for thethe number. and descent, to stop the elevator at for eachthe floor, • Kasner announced the new name big and to manually open andaltering close the In number in his next book, thedoors. spelling. the 1950s elevators became automated. • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin • The only known of anengine. elevator car developed a newoccurrence internet search Other search engines and free falling due tosearched a snappedeach cablewebpage (aside from ranked them according to happened how manyintimes fire or structural collapse) 1945a specific termBomber appeared on them, and when a B25 crashed intobut thePage Empire Brin designed their search engine to search for State Building, severing the cables of two elethe specific term and then find out how many vators. The elevator car on the 75th floor had a links there were that led back to that page, woman in it, but she survived due to the 1,000 which resulted in a better search engine. feet of fallen cable below, which absorbed the •impact. They decided they needed a name that reflected how many websites the search • Elevator first appeared 1920stheto name calm engine music was searching. Theyintook fearful passengers. of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only they misspelled it slightly, so itinended up being • Mirrors are commonly found elevators not spelled exactly the same way the cartoon only because it gives people something to look Barney spelled his last name. What’s atcharacter during the ride (i.e. themselves) but also beit called? (Answer at bottom of page) cause it makes the elevator car look larger, cutFACTS ting down onCOMPUTER claustrophobic responses. • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 of memory • The maximum altitude that onekb cable-hoisted ought to be enough for anybody.” elevator can achieve is 1,700 feet. Any taller •than Moore’s Lawthe states thatused computer performance that and cables to hoist the elevadoubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since tor became too heavy, and snap. 1971, this has been true. • Most elevators move at the rate of 500 feet per • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all minute some modern high-speed elevastartedwhile in garages. tors move at up to 2,000 feet per minute. Answer: Google, from googol.



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Quiz Answers

1. Halloween 2. Saturday 3. About 13% 4. Young men, especially teenagers 5. Thanksgiving Day

6. The Munster Koach 7. “Animal House” 8. Smash Mouth, in 1997 9. Nine



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Sports Answers 1. .303 in 1970 4. The Seattle Sounders 2. Twice in the 5. Chicago’s 1960s and 5 Jim McMatimes in 70s. hon & Walter 3. The 2009-10 season; 4 play- Payton 6. Five. ers did it.


Each year, thousands of people involved in the pizza industry attend Pizza Expo, the world's largest pizzaonly trade show. Pizza Expo is held each year in Las Vegas, Nevada. Events include Freestyle Acrobatic Dough Tossing, Fastest Dough, Largest Dough Stretch, and Fastest Pizza Box Folding. Please Recycle this copy of Tidbits. Share it with a Friend.


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