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August 9, 2018
Issue # 1,080
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The prefix “mono” means “single” or “one” in the English language. Tidbits takes a look at an assortment of words beginning with this prefix and their unusual meanings.
• The scientific term for identical twins is “monozygotic,” which means that they develop from one fertilized egg that splits and forms two embryos. Monozygotic twins are always the same gender, have identical blood, and closely resemble each other. Fraternal twins, or dizygotic twins, are fertilized in separate eggs.
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• A living thing that is monogastric has a single-chambered stomach. Humans, rats, pigs, dogs, cats, horses and rabbits are all monogastric. The opposite of monogastric is ruminant, those mammals that have a stomach divided into four compartments, for example, cattle, sheep, deer, antelope, goats, camels, and giraffes. Turn the page for more!
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3.
5. How old was Theodore Roosevelt when he was inaugurated as president? What word means “tedious 6. How long did the Pony Exsameness”? press deliver mail in the U.S.? What game was invented in 7. Who appeared in more epi1932 by Charles Darrow? sodes of the TV show Cheers: What term refers to a chemiShelley Long or Kirstie Alley? cal compound that contains 8. How old is Olivia Newton John? one atom of oxygen in each 9. In what century was Isaac molecule? Newton born? Name the constellation that is TRIVIA sometimes referred to as “Unicorn.” SPONSORED BY:
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MONO- (cont'd)
• Most of us have probably seen an example of a monolith, a single massive rock, often made of igneous rock, the result of volcanic activity. Wellknown examples are Nebraska’s Chimney Rock, Georgia’s Stone Mountain, Wyoming’s Devil’s Tower, and The Rock of Gibraltar. A monolith might also be a statue carved from bedrock, such as the Sphinx on the west bank of the Nile in Giza, Egypt. Frequently, monumental monoliths are in the form of an obelisk or column. • According to folklore, Monongy, a man-fish, lives in the Monongahela River, a 130-mile-long river that flows from south to north from Fairmont, West Virginia, to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Monogahela, which translates from the Native American word meaning “falling banks” or “where banks cave in and erode,” joins the Allegheny River to form the Ohio River at Pittsburgh. “Falling banks” refers to the instability of the river’s banks. There have been numerous sightings of Monongy dating back as far as the French and Indian War (1754 – 1763), as well as a craze from the 1930s to the 1950s, when spectators reported weekly sightings. In 2003, a fisherman captured pictures of the sea creature, which were posted online for a time, but mysteriously taken down. Certain cryptozoologists visit the Monongahela every year searching for the bizarre beast. To add to the mystery, in 1956, a B-25 World War II bomber crashed into the River, floated for a short time, then disappeared into the waters. Two of the six crewman were killed and the plane was never recovered. • Those who create monochromatic paintings, drawings, or photographs use a single color, usually in varying tones. The value of the hue is changed by adding black or white to the original color. A painter might also use different textures of the same color to create an unusual variation ...continued of the same color.
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Ichiro Suzuki became the oldest player since 1900 to start a MLB game in center field (43 years, 246 days) when he did so for the Marlins in 2017. Who had held the post-1900 record? 2. In 1996, two players on the same National League team each hit 40 or more home runs, and each had more homers than walks. Name either player.
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3. Name the first AfricanAmerican to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame as a player. 4. Since the Presidents’ Trophy was created in 1985-86 to recognize the NHL’s best regularseason team each year, how many times has the winner gone on to win the Stanley Cup? 5. When was the last year the Dodgers played baseball in Brooklyn?
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MONO- (cont'd)
• There are only five species of monotremes, the most ancient order of mammals, left on Earth. The amphibious platypus and four species of echidna, or spiny anteaters, are all found only in Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. They are the only mammals that lay eggs. The platypus is an unusual composite of features – the bill and webbed feet of a duck, the tail of a beaver, and the body and fur of an otter. The platypus isn’t very big – just 20 inches long, including a 5-inch tail, weighing just 3 lbs. The desert-dwelling echinas are spiky little creatures with extra-long claws that make them superior diggers and tree climbers. • The official term for the food additive MSG is monosodium glutamate. It’s a naturally-occurring salt of glutamic acid, one of the most plentiful amino acids found in several foods, including tomatoes and cheese, and also naturally present in our bodies. Glutamate was first extracted from a seaweed broth by a Japanese professor in 1908, when he discovered that it provided a savory taste. Today it is produced under many trade names, with “Accent” a popneeded for a research study needed a research study needed forfor a research study ular brand. Not everyone can tolerate MSG, as it can produce headaches, sweats, numbness, We are seeking join our research study. We are seekingmen menand and women join our research study. WeWeWe We are seeking men andwomen womentoto join our research study. heart palpitations, chest pain, and nausea in would like toknow knowhow how fat affects energy metabolism and the would like toto energy metabolism and thethe would like know howfat fataffects affects energy metabolism and feeling of fullness after eating. feeling of fullness after eating. feeling of fullness after eating. those intolerant individuals.
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• Only about 3% of mammal species are monogamous, mating for life, with a larger percentage of birds having monogamous relationships. Mammals include gibbon apes, wolves, voles, and beavers. Avian species include turtle doves, swans, sandhill cranes, pigeons, condors, bald eagles, and black vultures. Black vultures actually attack unfaithful members of their species, while bald eagles often return year after year to the same nest. ...continued
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Grand Forks THINKING ABOUT STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Free Consulting • Confidential • Business Plans • On Aug. 18, 1590, 100 colonists are discovered to be missing from the Roanoke Island colony in present-day North Carolina. The only clue to their disappearance was the word "CROATOAN" carved into the palisade built around the settlement. • On Aug. 19, 1812, during the War of 1812, the U.S. Navy frigate Constitution defeats the British frigate Guerriere. Witnesses claimed that the British shot merely bounced off the Constitution's sides, as if the ship were made of iron. Since 1934, "Old Ironsides" has been based at the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston. • On Aug. 15, 1859, Charles Comiskey, namesake of Chicago's Comiskey Park, is born in Chicago. Comiskey became the first and only baseball player to later own a team, the White Sox. • On Aug. 14, 1933, a devastating 267,000-acre forest fire is sparked in the Coast Range Mountains in northern Oregon. An official investigation found that the fire stemmed from friction produced when loggers dragged a large Douglas-fir log across a downed tree. • On Aug. 13, 1948, U.S. and British planes airlift a record 5,000 tons of supplies into occupied Berlin. The huge resupply effort was carried out in weather so bad that some of the 700 pilots referred to it as "Black Friday." • On Aug. 16, 1955, famous entertainer and civil-rights activist Paul Robeson loses his court appeal to force the Department of State to grant him a passport. It had insisted that Robeson first sign an affidavit declaring he was not a member of the Communist Party. Robeson had refused. • On Aug. 17, 1987, Rudolf Hess, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's former deputy, is found strangled to death in an apparent suicide in Spandau Prison in Berlin. At 93, Hess was the last surviving member of Hitler's inner circle and the sole prisoner at Spandau since 1966. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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MONO- (cont'd)
• In 1959, the Disneyland monorail opened as a unique method of transporting visitors around the theme park. But this famous monorail was by no means the first. The first prototype of the craft, with a track consisting of a single rail, was created in Russia in 1820, with a patent taken out the following year for a monorail in London, the first to carry passengers. Philadelphia’s Centennial Exposition world’s fair in 1876 featured the Centennial Monorail. When the Disneyland train debuted, it was the first permanent daily-operating monorail in the United States. Walt Disney conceived the idea after traveling in Germany, where he and his wife rode on a monorail that had been operating for more than 50 years. The monorail in Orlando’s Disney World opened in 1971. Today, it’s estimated that about 500 million people ride the Disney trains every year. Their annual travel distance is more than 60,000 miles annually. • The Chongqing, China monorail transports 500,000 riders per day, the largest and busiest system in the world. • Mononucleosis, also known as glandular fever, is an infection transmitted through saliva, which has led the way to the nickname “the kissing disease.” But you can also contract mono through a cough or a sneeze, or by sharing dishes or utensils with someone who has it. Although people view it as highly contagious, it isn’t as infectious as the common cold. Mono is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which produces deep fatigue. A fever lasting up to 14 days, along with a severe sore throat and swollen glands are among the infection’s results. Although most feel better in two to four weeks, the fatigue might last for months, as can the swollen glands and body aches.
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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Food of the Week:
• Oysters are very nutritious, providing a rich supply of protein, Vitamins A, C, D, and B-12, along with copper, iodine, iron, phosphorus, manganese, and zinc. Eating four oysters a day provides a person with the daily supply of essential minerals. Research indicates eating oysters may sharpen your memory. They can be eaten cooked or raw, but remember that even though they have a shelf life of up to four weeks, their taste deteriorates as they age. They are best stored in the refrigerator, not frozen, and not in water.
Tidbits is celebrating National Oyster Day on August 5 by diving down to retrieve these facts. • Oysters are “protandrous alternating hermaphrodites,” which simply means have the unusual ability to change their gender. They begin life as sperm-producing males and switch to egg-producing females the next spawning season. While they usually end their lives as females, it’s entirely possible for these shellfish to switch back to the male gender again. • The female can release well over a million eggs for fertilization during the spawning season, and perhaps as many as 200 million. However, only a small percentage develop into mature larvae, and an even smaller amount can find a suitable hard surface on which to attach. The larvae will swim around for three to four weeks before attaching. Once the larvae attach themselves, they are called “spat,” and as they grow, they form themselves around the surface and around other oysters in the bed.
• If you think you might happen onto a pearl when dining on oysters, you’ll be disappointed since the pearl oyster family is different from the edible type. A pearl is formed when a grain of sand or other particle gets trapped inside the shell. The fish secretes nacre, a compound of calcium and protein that coats the irritant and reduces the tenderness. Pearls can also come from other mollusks, such as clams, scallops, mussels, and conches.
• A Pacific oyster might reach 4 inches in shell size by the time it’s two years old. • Humans have been eating oysters since prehistoric times. A system of cultivating these shellfish was developed by a merchant who lived during the Roman Empire. In the first century B.C., Sergius Orata created artificial oyster beds with optimal growing conditions, and became quite wealthy supplying the delicacy to Roman citizens.
• Oyster shells can provide some healthy benefits to your garden. Because the shells are rich in calcium, adding crushed shells to the soil will help balance the soil’s pH, as well as strengthen your plants’ cell walls, making for healthier plants.
• Although most American oysters are of the same species, they don’t all taste the same. Their flavor is derived from their environment, with varying levels of salt in the water affecting the taste, as well as the different types of algae or plankton consumed by the oyster. So if you’re eating a Gulf oyster, a Blue Point, or a Quonset Point oyster, they are the same species, but are named after the locations where they have been harvested.
• According to mythology, Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, was born in the sea and drifted to shore in a giant oyster shell.
WEST NILE VIRUS HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED IN GRAND FORKS West Nile virus (WNV) is an infection transmitted by mosquitoes. The mosquito most common for transmitting this virus is one that is widespread throughout the Grand Forks region. This mosquito does not discriminate. People of all ages are susceptible to WNV infection, but the elderly are at higher risk for developing the more severe form of this disease (neuroinvasive illness). Children infected with WNV generally show no symptoms or may have a mild fever.
Risk factors for West Nile virus: • Time of year – The majority of WNV cases occur in August. • Geographic region – The Dakotas have reported some of the highest cases per capita in the United States. • Time spent outdoors not wearing protective clothing and mosquito repellent – If you work or spend a lot of time outdoors (golfing, gardening, hunting, etc.), you’re at a higher risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. • Proximity – If you live in an area where WNV has already been identified or near mosquito larval habitat. • If you have a weakened immune system. The best way to prevent West Nile virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. • Use mosquito-repellant products containing DEET. • Wear long sleeves and pants. • Eliminate any standing water from your property, such as trash bins, plant saucers, rain gutters, buckets, etc. The mosquito most common for transmitting this disease generally stays close to the site it hatched from. Don’t let it be a container or rain gutter from your own property.
If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
King Features Weekly Service ©2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.
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(Answers located further back)
July 30, 2018
• Take the time to presort laundry in order to cut down on laundry time. Designate a day of the week to wash bulky items like towels or comforters, so that the increased drying time of these loads does not delay your normal washing. • “Cleaning ceiling fans can be a pain, as dust bunnies that pile up on the blades can end up raining down on furniture below, creating a mess. Use a pillowcase to clean blades on your ceiling fan. Slip over the blades and pull dust to the outside. All the dirt will be contained in the case, which you can toss right in the wash after you pick off the bigger dust balls.” — E.K. in North Carolina • When’s the last time you cleaned your freezer’s automatic ice bucket? Before a trip to the beach, lake or park is the perfect time. Go ahead and empty all the ice from the bucket into your cooler, then wash with a mild soap and rinse thoroughly. Allow to air dry before reinserting the bucket in the freezer and restoring ice service. • Use a mail sorter at the kitchen sink to store sponges upright and separated. They usually have enough slots to fit several sponges, each with air surrounding it so that it will dry quickly and evenly. Dry sponges collect less bacteria, which can end up making your sponge smell bad! If the mail sorter is metal, give it a coat of clear spray sealant to prevent rusting. • Back to school hack: Invite several friends from previous years to meet up at a local park in the days before school starts. If new kids have moved into your neighborhood, be sure to invite their family too. Knowing someone can take the stress off of first-day jitters! Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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by Samantha Weaver
• It was poet, philosopher and satirist Horace, who lived in the first century B.C., who made the following sage observation: "He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses." • Legislators in Vermont once found it necessary to outlaw whistling while underwater. • If someone were to ask you to name the sunniest spot on Earth, you might be tempted to answer "the Sahara Desert" or some other such exotic place. You would be wrong, though; that distinction belongs to a town right here in America. Out of the possible 4,456 daylight hours each year, the sun shines for an average of 4,050 in Yuma, Arizona. That means that there's cloud cover or rain for only about 10 percent of the time there. • You might be surprised to learn that, according to those who study such things, Alaskans eat twice as much ice cream per capita than the rest of the nation. • Those who have the time to study such things claim that the most difficult small object to flush down a toilet is a ping-pong ball. • In 2010 a new species of slug was discovered in the mountains of Borneo. It is distinguished from other species of slug by its novel method of mating: It shoots its mate with a so-called love dart made of calcium carbonate and containing hormones. The researchers nicknamed the gastropods "ninja slugs." • Other than the fact that they're all performers, what do Darryl Hannah, Telly Savalas, James Doohan and Jerry Garcia have in common? They are (or were) missing one finger.Ê *** Thought for the Day: "We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don't like?" -- Jean Cocteau
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In observance of Lighthouse Day on August 7, Tidbits is shining a light on the facts about these structures. • Intended as a navigational aid to guide mariners to safe harbor, at first, lighthouses were simply large bonfires built on hillsides to warn of dangerous reefs, coastlines, and shoals, and to direct ships into port. Later the fires were placed on an elevated platform, leading to the development of lighthouses. • The first known lighthouse served Alexandria, Egypt. Completed around 280 B.C., the 350-foottall structure was a guide until it was destroyed during an earthquake in the 1300s. • In 1782, a Swiss scientist named Aime Argand invented a lamp with a steady smokeless flame, for use with wicks soaked in whale oil or olive oil, surrounding the flame with ground glass for reflection, increasing the light’s visibility. Kerosene became the fuel of choice in the 1870s. In 1901, a vaporized oil burner was introduced that outperformed the luminosity of oil lights by over six times. Acetylene gas was the next fuel to come into use. Electricity came into wide use in lighthouses at the turn of the 20th century. • Luminosity of lighthouse lamps increased greatly in 1821 when a new lens was developed by French physicist Augustine Fresnel, a lens that focused 85% of the fuel’s light, increasing visibility to more than 20 miles out. The lens system is still in use today. • The world’s tallest lighthouse can be found in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Built in 1990, the Jeddah Light stands 436 feet tall and is located at the edge of the city’s north seaport. Its light that flashes three times every 20 seconds can be seen for 28.5 miles. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Birdhouse is missing. 2. Cone is missing. 3. Doll's head is turned. 4. Clothespin bag is missing. 5. Dress is smaller. 6. Carriage is missing. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
• The Tower of Hercules, constructed by the Romans in the early part of the second century, is the world’s oldest working lighthouse. Located Answer: Dell. in northwestern Spain, this ancient structure A VERY LARGE NUMBER has a height of 180.5 feet. • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 • The in the wasa he first was lighthouse asked to come up U.S. with Colonies a name for built at the entrance to Boston Harbor on Litvery large number: the numeral one, followed tlebyBrewster Island 1716. It was destroyed a hundred zeros.in He asked his two young whatduring name they suggest. War bynephews the British the would Revolutionary 1776, with its Milton replacement built ina1783, a •inNine-year-old suggested name tower that remains in operation, the only U.S. out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character named Barney popular. Milton chose lighthouse that iswas stillvery manned. Barney’s last name for the number. • The oldest operational lighthouse in the U.S. •stands Kasnerat announced name forRiver the big the mouth the of new the Hudson in number in his next book, altering the spelling. Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The octagonal tow•er,Sixty yearsred later, Brin painted andLarry white,Page wasand putSergey into use in developed a new internet search engine. Other 1764. America’s last permanent lighthouse search engines searched each webpage and was built in 1932. It stands on Anacapa Island ranked them according to how many times a inspecific one of term the country’s national parks, appeared newest on them, but Page and Channel Islands National Park, established in Brin designed their search engine to search for 1980, 60 miles offand the then coastfind of southern Calithe specific term out how many fornia. links there were that led back to that page, which Rock resulted a better search • Bishop is in a tiny island 30 engine. miles off the •coast Theyof decided needed a name that England, they just 151 feet long and 52.5 reflected how many websites the search feet wide. The isle has nothing but an uninhabengine was searching. name ited 160-ft-tall lighthouseThey datingtook backthe to 1858. of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only The Rock has been the cause of many shipthey misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being wrecks the years, including one cartoon wreck spelledover exactly the same way the resulting 2,000 deaths. lighthouse’s last characterinBarney spelled The his last name. What’s keepers left in 1992, and it has operated autoit called? (Answer at bottom of page) matically since then. COMPUTER FACTS • •Before the Statue of Liberty waskbdedicated in In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 of memory 1886, Montauk Lighthouse was the oughtthe to be enough Point for anybody.” first landmark seen by generations of immi• Moore’s Law states that computer performance grants entering Harbor. It ever was since built doubles every New 18 to York 24 months, and in1971, 1797this at the enormous cost of $22,300. The has been true. of Liberty was actually a lighthouse as •Statue HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all well from 1886 until 1902, with the torch holdstarted in garages. ing an electric light visible for 24 miles. Answer: Google, from googol.
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Quiz Answers
1. Monotony 7. Kirstie Alley 2. Monopoly (149 episodes) 3. Monoxide Shelley Long 4. Monoceros (124 episodes) 5. 42 years old 8. 69 years old 6. 18 months 9. 17th century (1860-61)
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Sports Answers 1. Boston’s Rick- 3. Bill Russell of the Boston ey Henderson Celtics in (43 years, 211 days), in 2002. 1975. 2. Andres Galar- 4. Eight times raga and Vinny (out or 32) Castilla of the 5. 1957 Rockies.
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