Tidbits of Grand Forks - September 13, 2018

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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Issue # 1,085


by Janet Spencer

People value products they assemble themselves nearly 63% higher than comparable pre-built furniture. This is known as the IKEA effect, and was discovered accidentally by a Swedish man named Ingvar Kamprad.


• Ingvar Kamprad was born in Sweden in 1926 and grew up on the family farm named Elmtaryd near the village Agunnaryd. He was an entrepreneur from the beginning. As a youth he bought matches in bulk and peddled them in smaller packages for a profit. He began a bicycle route selling matches, and then added pens and pencils, ornaments, seeds, and fish. • At 17, his father rewarded him for getting good grades with a gift of cash, and Ingvar used the money to open a mail-order business. He derived the name for the business from his initials, along with the initials for the family farm and the local town: IKEA. • He sold many items, such as wallets, watches, stockings, and jewelry, and later he added simple, functional furniture built by local craftsmen. Soon the furniture out-sold everything else. In the 1950s he dropped the entire product line except for stylish home furnishings.


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IKEA (continued):


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Quiz Bits

4. Who is the author of the popular book “The Outsiders”? 5. What is male rabbit called? 1. How many millions of Al6. What city is hometown to the len wrenches are distributed Red Hot Chili Peppers band? each year with IKEA furniture 7. What is the symbol associated purchases? with the Greek letter “Delta”? 2. How many billions of dollars 8. Who played the female lead in worth of furniture does IKEA the 1942 film “Casablanca”? sell each year? 9. Which band member was the 3. T or F: More than 900 million founder of U2? people visit IKEA stores worldTRIVIA wide annually? SPONSORED BY:



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• The first piece of flat-pack IKEA furniture was sold in 1956. The idea was born when Kamprad and an employee were loading furniture into a car to take to a photo shoot. A table wouldn’t fit, so the employee unscrewed the legs, and an idea was born. As a result, the furniture was redesigned so that it could be disassembled and shipped flat. This made it cheaper to ship, increased store inventory capacity, minimized transport damage, and made it easier for customers to carry the furniture home. This became a trademark. • The very first item of IKEA furniture sold as a flat-pack was a leaf-shaped side table, which first appeared in the 1956 catalog. • Because Ingvar Kamprad is dyslexic, he found it easier to give products names rather than identify them through a set of numbers and letters. The names follow a system: living room furniture is named after towns in Sweden; bedroom furniture is named after cities in Norway; carpets are named after places in Denmark; and dining room items are named after places in Finland. Bookcases are named after occupations; bathroom items are named after lakes and rivers; chairs and desks are named after men; fabric items such as curtains are named after women; garden items are named after islands; and children’s items are named after animals. • The single most popular IKEA product is the Billy bookcase, named after IKEA advertising manager Billy Liljedahl. One sells every ten seconds. They’ve sold over 60 million in the world, which works out to nearly one for every 100 people on the planet. In fact, they are so universal that market analyst Bloomberg uses them to compare purchasing power across the world: In Egypt a Billy bookcase costs over $100 but in Slovakia they can be purchased for less than $40. ...continued

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IKEA (continued):

• In 1994 IKEA was the first company to ever feature a gay couple in a commercial. The ad was pulled when the company started receiving death threats. However, they later went on to become the first company to feature a transgender person in an ad. • Each year, there are more copies of the IKEA catalog printed than the Bible. Around 100 million copies of the Bible are sold or given away each year, but the IKEA catalog goes out to 180 million people in 27 different languages annually. About 70% of the company’s marketing budget goes into the catalog, and they produce over 50 different editions each year. • Kamprad first opened a restaurant in an IKEA shop in 1960, after he realized that shoppers would leave the store as soon as they got hungry. Today IKEA is famous for their Swedish meatballs. The restaurants collectively bring in about $1.8 billion in revenue each year. This subsequently led to an entirely new product line of Swedish foods. • If you live in Scandinavia, certain European countries, or the United Kingdom, you can buy an IKEA home. In 1996 they started selling flat-pack homes called the BoKlok House (Swedish for “smart living”) for a fraction of the price of a regular home.

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September is Hunger Action Month The Lions Clubs of Grand Forks and the RSVP program are partnering with Great Plains Food Bank for a FOOD DRIVE. Drop off non-perishable food items, personal care items or fresh produce each Saturday at the Farmer’s Market and pick up an Orange Ribbon to raise awareness of local hunger. One thing you can do to prevent hunger: volunteer to be a Meals on Wheels driver at your local senior center. Thank you for your support 701-297-2577 | LynnellP@lssnd.org www.greatplainsfoodbank.org

• IKEA has also designed and marketed a $1000 flat-pack refugee shelter that is boxed and shipped with all tools needed for assembly. • The costume designer for “Game of Thrones” revealed that he bought faux fur rugs at IKEA and re-purposed them as fur capes worn by members of the Night’s Watch. ...continued


.COM Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


• Many IKEA stores offer free daycare centers with playgrounds, giving parents beepers so they can be notified if their child requires attention while they are shopping.

• On Sept. 20, 1565, Spanish forces capture the French Huguenot settlement of Fort Caroline, near present-day Jacksonville, Florida. The French lost 135 men in the first instance of colonial warfare between European powers in America. • On Sept. 23, 1846, at the Berlin Observatory, German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle discovers the planet Neptune. The blue gas giant has eight known moons and a ring system containing three bright and two dim rings. • On Sept. 17, 1884, Judge Allen disposes of 13 criminal cases on his Oakland, California, docket in only six minutes. Defendants did not stand much of a chance of gaining an acquittal. In a 40-year period only 1 defendant in 100 was acquitted. • On Sept. 22, 1914, in the North Sea, the German U-9 submarine sinks three British cruisers in just over one hour. The one-sided battle, during which 1,400 British sailors lost their lives, alerted the British to the deadly effectiveness of the submarine. • On Sept. 21, 1938, without warning, a powerful Category 3 hurricane slams into Long Island and southern New England, causing 600 deaths. The storm had been forecast to make landfall in Florida. • On Sept. 18, 1981, the 20,000-car parking lot at Canada's new West Edmonton Mall makes the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest parking lot in the world. The mall has more than 800 stores, 100 restaurants, three radio stations, two hotels, a full-size ice-skating rink, nightclubs and a chapel. • On Sept. 19, 1995, The Washington Post publishes a 35,000-word manifesto written by the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski. Since the late 1970s, Kaczynski had carried out bombings that killed three people and injured another 23. David Kaczynski realized the writing style was similar to that of his brother, Theodore, and notified the FBI. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. How many times have the Chicago Bears defeated the Green Bay Packers in their last 10 meetings? 2. How many times have the Minnesota Viking and the Green Bay Packers tied a game with each other? 3. T or F: The last time before August 2017 that the L.A. Dodgers were 50 games over .500 during the season was over 60 years ago.

4. How many times did Rickey Henderson steal 100 or more bases in a season? 5. Who was the oldest catcher to hit a home run in the All-Star Game before St. Louis’ Yadier Molina (34 years, 363 days) did it in 2017? 6. T or F: Allen Iverson is the all-time leading scorer for the Philadelphia 76ers. 7. What was the most interceptions made by Deion Sanders in a single season?

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IKEA (continued):

• IKEA’s first shop was set up in Almhult, southern Sweden, and was 6,700 square meters. The average IKEA is now about 32,000 square meters. In 2014, IKEA opened a store in South Korea that’s nearly 60,000 square meters. For comparison, that’s nearly twelve times larger than the White House. • There’s a website called IkeaHackers.net where people submit ideas on how to modify and improve IKEA furniture, such as turning a bookshelf into a room divider, a wine rack, or a babychanging station. • On Valentine’s Day in 2013, an Australian couple got married at an IKEA in Sydney, Australia, after winning a contest to have their wedding there. • In 2010 the company released 100 privately owned cats into a store that was closed overnight, just to film their antics. A team of five cameramen followed the cats around, and the cats were tended by a bevy of wranglers.

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• Today there’s an IKEA museum located on the site in Almhult, Sweden, where the very first IKEA store once stood. On display are many of the company’s famous designs and products, from meatballs to bookshelves. The 100th employee joined Ikea in 1959 and visitors can see uniforms from that period. • In an interview on his 90th birthday, Ingvar Kamprad was wearing clothes he had purchased at a flea market and driving an old Volvo. Kamprad was once denied entry at a gala when he showed up to receive an award because he had arrived via bus. • Today IKEA is the world’s largest furniture store, operating around 389 outlets in 43 countries, employing about 183,000 people, selling some 9,500 products. By the time Ingvar Kamprad died at the age of 91 in 2018, he was one of the world’s richest men.

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*Answer located further back in this issue.



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Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.


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Fabulous Food

• A century ago, Americans spent about 43% of each day working to earn enough money to buy food. Now, it's just 7%. • The average American household spends about 10% of its total budget on food. • Although “as American as apple pie” is a common phrase, apple pie isn’t particularly American. Pie was invented in Medieval England, and the modern recipe for apple pie with a lattice crust was created by the Dutch. • Pound cake got its name from the original recipe which called for a pound of butter, a pound of eggs, a pound of sugar, and a pound of flour. • During the average meal, you eat over 90,000 miles of DNA. • Chimichanga, a deep-fried burrito, is a Mexican word meaning “whatchamacallit” or “thingamajig.” Chimichangas were reportedly invented at the El Charro Cafe in Tucson, Arizona in 1922 when the restaurant owner accidently flipped a burrito into a deep fryer. • There are approximately 350 different pasta shapes around the world. • Almost 70% of red meat eaten around the world is goat meat. • People in Bangladesh and India eat the least meat per capita, averaging around 9 pounds each year, while Americans eat the most at about 265 lbs. each year, followed by Kuwait, New Zealand, and Australia. • There is no fruit in Froot Loops cereal, and every color is the same flavor. • In 2002 Parkay released 15,000 Parkay tubs outfitted with motion-activated computer chips that automatically responded with “The label says Parkay, the flavor says butter” when anyone passed by.

• Kale is one of the most nutritious vegetables. A single cup has only 33 calories yet it has 684% of the daily requirement of vitamin K, 134% of vitamin C, 206% of Vitamin A, as well as iron, folate, omega-3s, magnesium, calcium, iron, fiber, and two grams of protein. A serving of kale has more calcium than a small glass of milk, more vitamin C than an orange, and more vitamin A than any other leafy green. Kale retains most of its nutritional value even when cooked. • The origin of the name “onion” comes from Latin “unio” which is also the origin of the words “union” and “unity” referring to the many layers of an onion forming a single unit. • Worldwide, there are over 7,500 varieties of apples. If you tried a new type per day, it would take you 20 years to taste them all. Apple seeds contain small traces of cyanide. • Almonds are a seed rather than a true nut. Almonds are a member of the peach family. • On August 10, 2015, NASA astronauts on the International Space Station ate food that had been grown in space for the first time: Romaine lettuce. • If your in-flight airline meal tastes bland, remember that being at high altitudes affects both the sense of smell and the sense of taste. • The flesh of wild salmon is pink due to the shrimp they eat, but farm-raised salmon which are fed differently tend to be naturally white. They are fed plant pigments called carotenoids which are responsible for making carrots orange and tomatoes red. These carotenoids, when eaten by farmed salmon, mimic the pink color of wild salmon. • The average American spends about $3,140 on food each year and eats 35 tons of food in their lifetime.








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(Answers located further back)

September 3, 2018

• “I like a dark wash on my jeans and have found the perfect pair fitwise, but after repeated washing they tend to lighten up. I use an in-washer dye to freshen up the color, and my jeans go back to dark blue in a snap. You can do the same with once-black pants or T-shirts that have turned faded by using black dye. Just make sure that it’s not embroidered, because it’ll dye that too.” — R.H. in Arkansas • Heading into sniffles season, here’s a great tip from E.G.: “Get a roll of toilet paper that’s easy on the nose, then squeeze to loosen the center cardboard roll. Remove cardboard. Carefully open the bottom of an empty tissue box and insert the roll of toilet paper, threading the TP from the inside of the roll up through the center. Tape the bottom of the box closed, and then use at will. It lasts longer, it’s cheaper and you easily can replace it.” • Use this teachers’ hack to hang a poster in your rental: Apply a piece of low-tack painter’s tape to the wall. Run a line of hot glue along the tape and push the poster into place. The poster sticks to the glue, which sticks to the tape on the wall, which is not damaged in any way. • “Sunglass cases are excellent cord keepers. I went through so many pairs of earbuds just stuffing them in my backpack, but now the ones I like are safe and secure, along with my charging cord and a cube to plug into the wall outlet if I need it.” — P.A. in Florida • Recipe substitution: For a cup of heavy cream in sauces (not whipping) try this vegan alternative: 2/3 cup plain unflavored soy milk and 1/3 cup olive oil. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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by Samantha Weaver

• It was beloved American humorist Will Rogers who made the following sage observation: "Everything is funny as long as it's happening to somebody else." • If you have spent a great deal of time in the Scottish highlands, you might be familiar with the term "sgiomlaireachd." Evidently, the habit of dropping in at mealtimes is common enough there to require a word to describe it. • The world's most popular fruit is the banana. In the United States, people consume more bananas than apples and oranges put together. • How would you like to brush your teeth with salt, chalk or ground brick? The first tooth powders used with toothbrushes were made of just such materials. • Ever wonder why magazine publisher Hugh Hefner chose a rabbit as the symbol of his Playboy magazine? Evidently, when the mogul was a small boy, one of his treasured possessions was a blanket with bunnies all over it. • Those who study such things say that Italians drink, on average, 26 gallons of wine every year. • The English word "vegetable" comes from the Latin word "vegetare," which means "to invigorate." *** Thought for the Day: "I divide my officers into four groups. There are clever, diligent, stupid and lazy officers. Usually two characteristics are combined. Some are clever and diligent -- their place is the General Staff. The next lot are stupid and lazy -- they make up 90 percent of every army and are suited to routine duties.ÊAnyone who is both clever and lazy is qualified for the highest leadership duties, because he possesses the intellectual clarity and the composure necessary for difficult decisions.ÊOne must beware of anyone who is stupid and diligent -- he must not be entrusted with any responsibility because he will always cause only mischief." -- Kurt Freiherr von Hammerstein-Equord © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.




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• Huygens was a probe that landed on Saturn’s moon Titan in 2005. Named after the Dutch 17thcentury astronomer Christiaan Huygens who discovered Titan in 1655, the probe landed farther away from Earth than any previous spacecraft. It was the first landing on a moon other than our own. • The Huygens probe, which measured about 9 feet wide and weighed roughly 700 pounds, was attached to the Cassini spacecraft. Cassini weighed in at 2,600 pounds. The mission was a joint effort by the European Space Agency with NASA and the Italian Space Agency. • Cassini was named for Giovanni Cassini, a 17thcentury astronomer who was the first to observe four of Saturn’s moons. The Cassini spacecraft was built to study Saturn and the surrounding system, while the Huygens probe was designed to detach and land on Titan. • The combined Cassini–Huygens spacecraft launched on October 15, 1997 and remained dormant for the 6.7-year interplanetary cruise, except for semi-annual check-ups. The craft flew by Venus and Jupiter on the way, settling into orbit around Saturn on July 1, 2004. It spent several months studying Jupiter, its rings, and its numerous moons. • Huygens separated from the Cassini orbiter on December 25, 2004, and landed on Titan on January 14, 2005, while Cassini continued to orbit. It took about 2.5 hours for Huygens to descend through the atmosphere of Titan. • Huygens parachuted to the surface, landing on a crusted clay-like shoreline with an impact speed similar to dropping a ball on Earth from a height of about one yard. • The temperature at the landing site was −290.8 °F with a relative humidity (composed of methane) of 50%.


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• Huygens landed at what counts as high noon on Titan, when the Sun is about 1/10th the size as seen from Answer: Dell. Earth, with light comparable to twilight as seen on Earth about ten minutes A VERY LARGE NUMBER after sunset. The color of the sky on Titan is •orange Edward Kasnerofwas mathematician. In 1938 because the athick haze. he was asked to come up with a name for a • Titan the number: largest ofthe Saturn’s moons, and veryislarge numeral62one, followed isby half the size of Earth nearly as a hundred zeros. Heand asked his as twolarge young Mars. It’s what the second largest moon in the sonephews name they would suggest. system, after Ganymede of Jupiter.aIt is the •larNine-year-old Milton suggested name only moon in the solar system with clouds and out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character a named dense, planet-like Barney wasatmosphere. very popular. Milton chose Barney’s last name for theis number. • The atmosphere on Titan composed of 95% •nitrogen Kasner and announced the new name forhas thecarbig 5% methane. Titan also number in his next book, altering the spelling. bon, hydrogen, and oxygen, as well as other •elements Sixty years later, for Larry essential life.Page and Sergey Brin developed a new internet search engine. Other • Titan hasengines liquid searched methane each rivers,webpage lakes, and search and seas, making the only other world in times the so-a ranked themitaccording to how many larspecific systemterm that appeared has stableon liquids itsPage surface. them,on but and Methane rain circulates in engine hydrological cycle Brin designed their search to search for the specific term and then outwith howwater. many similar to what happens onfind Earth links there were led back to that page, Scientists think thatthat Titan’s weather probably which resulted in downpours a better search features torrential of engine. liquid meth•ane They decided needed a name causing flash they floods, interspersed by that dereflected how many ofwebsites cades or even centuries drought. the search engine was searching. They took the name • Titan has sand dunes very madelarge of hydrocarbons, of Edward Kasner’s number, only mountains reaching 10,000so feet in height, and they misspelled it slightly, it ended up being possible of water amspelled underground exactly the oceans same way the and cartoon character Barney spelled his last name. What’s monia. it called? (Answer at bottom of page) • Huygens operated for about 90 minutes after FACTS touchdown, COMPUTER sending the information from its •robotic In 1981laboratory Bill Gatestosaid, “640 which kb of memory Cassini, relayed ought to be enough for anybody.” the data to Earth. • Moore’s states that computer • On Sept. Law 15, 2017, Cassini madeperformance a suicidal doubles every 18 to 24 months, and everfor since plunge into Saturn, taking measurements as 1971, this has been true. long as its instruments could send communica•tions HP, back Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all to Earth. started in garages. THANKS FOR READING Answer: Google, from googol. TIDBITS!

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