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SODA POP by Janet Spencer
On any given day, half of all Americans are going to consume at least one soft drink. Come along with Tidbits as we drink soda pop!
• In the mid-1700s, a man named Joseph Priestley spent a lot of time at the brewery next door to his house in Glasgow, Scotland. He was intrigued by the layer of strange air which hung over the top of the beer vats. Mice, when placed in this gas, would die. Candles would go out. Sound was muffled. Water flowing through it would be filled with bubbles. He collected the gas and began experimenting. • The bubbly water tasted good, so Priestley began to hawk it as a health aid. He called it soda water. Now we know that the gas was carbon dioxide, which is given off when yeast ferments. Carbon dioxide puts the fizz into soda pop.
1003 S. Washington Street Grand Forks, ND • (across from Gerrells)
Issue # 1,087
• German-Swiss jeweler and amateur scientist Jacob Schweppe is considered the “father of soda pop.” In 1783, he developed the first practical process to manufacture carbonated mineral water based on the earlier findings of Joseph Priestley.
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Quiz Bits
5. At what temperature do soft drinks taste the best? 6. Which U.S. president insisted 1. What age group drinks the that taps dispensing the soft most soda pop? drink Fresca be installed in 2. What fraction of high fructrose the White House? corn syrup produced in the 7. Why are soft drinks called soft? U.S. is used in beverages? 8. What is the top selling soda 3. How many gallons of soda pop pop brand that is not a cola? does the average American 9. Which pop company also drink in a year? owns Snapple? 4. Why is there no period after TRIVIA “Dr” in Dr Pepper? SPONSORED BY:
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• Setting up shop in England, Jacob Schweppe’s business struggled until Dr. Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin, endorsed Schweppe’s carbonated mineral water as a medicinal cure-all. Business boomed, and Jacob Schweppe sold the company at the age of 58 and retired, living comfortably until his death in 1821. Today Schweppe’s is owned by the Dr Pepper Snapple Group, and the Schweppe’s brand is distributed around the world.
• Regular soda pop (not diet) is high in sugar, with each 12-ounce can containing about 9 teaspoons of sugar. Most colas are flavored with vanilla extract and lemon oil, with a bit of lime oil, orange oil, nutmeg oil, and other flavorings. Phosphoric acid gives the drink bite, alcohol dissolves the oils, caramel (burnt sugar) gives the coloring, glycerin makes it thicker, and caffeine adds pep.
• The first Coca-Cola syrup was concocted by pharmacist Dr. John Pemberton and sold by the glass in a drug store in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1886. Coca-Cola was advertised as being a “wonderful nerve and brain tonic.” Many people believe that Coke used to contain high levels of cocaine. However, even in the early days when coca leaves were used to flavor it, you would have had to drink a gallon and a half in order to get the slightest effect. • In 1905 when the Pure Food and Drug Act required all ingredients be listed on the label, Coke began to remove all traces of cocaine. Because of its connotations, they hated the nick-name “Coke” and tried for years to get people to ask for the product using the full name. Not until 1982 did the company give in, proclaiming, “Coke is it!”
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COKE FACTS (continued):
• They wanted the design of Coke bottles to be so distinctive that a bottle could be recognized in the dark, or if it was broken. In 1913 the prototype of the shapely bottle we still use was introduced. It had been patterned after a cola nut: bulging at the sides with ridges running the length of the bottle. • During World War II, Coca-Cola’s president declared that every soldier overseas should be able to buy a 5¢ Coke at any time. With that in mind, 64 bottling plants were shipped to war zones around the world. As a result, 95% of the soft drinks consumed overseas during the war were Cokes. When the war ended, the bottling plants remained, making the company the largest international soft drink company. Today Coke is the world’s largest manufacturer of carbonated soft drinks. It’s the most widely distributed product on the planet, and is the most recognized brand in the world.
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• The inventor of Pepsi-Cola was a druggist in North Carolina named Caleb Bradham. In 1893, he began selling “Brad’s Drink” at the soda fountain in his store. Later he renamed the drink Pepsi Cola because he believed that it helped to stave off dyspepsia. When the price of sugar increased during World War I, Bradham offered to sell his company to Coca-Cola, but was turned down three times.
d Cities Gam n ra G
• Charles Guth was the president of a chain of candy stores that sold Coca-Cola by the glass, and lots of it. In 1930 his stores dispensed over 30,000 gallons of Coke’s syrup. Because he dealt in such volume, he asked the people at Coke if he could have a discount. The answer was no. Guth was so angry that he bought the Pepsi Cola Company and started selling Pepsi instead. The rivalry has been fierce ever since. ...continued
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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE • On Oct. 6, 1683, encouraged by William Penn's offer of 5,000 acres of land in Pennsylvania and the freedom to practice their religion, the first Mennonites arrive in America. The group founded Germantown, now part of the city of Philadelphia. • On Oct. 1, 1864, Confederate spy Rose O'Neal Greenhow drowns off the North Carolina coast. Greenhow was carrying Confederate dispatches and $2,000 in gold when captured. Insisting that she be taken ashore, she boarded a small lifeboat that overturned in the rough surf. The weight of the gold pulled her under, and her body washed ashore the next morning. • On Oct. 5, 1919, Enzo Ferrari makes his debut as a race car driver. In the mid-1920s, Ferrari retired from racing cars to pursue his dream: building them. In 1947, the first Ferraris appeared on the market. In 1949, a Ferrari won the Le Mans 24-hour race. • On Oct. 3, 1932, with the admission of Iraq into the League of Nations, Britain terminates its mandate, making the Arab nation independent after 17 years of British rule and centuries of Ottoman rule. • On Oct. 4, 1944, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower distributes to his combat units a "shell shock" report by the U.S. Surgeon General that reveals the hazards of prolonged exposure to combat. U.S. commanders judged that the average soldier could last about 200 days in combat before suffering serious psychiatric damage. • On Oct. 7, 1955, poet Alan Ginsberg reads his poem "Howl" at a poetry reading in San Francisco. The poem's book publication led to the arrest of publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti for obscenity. He was later tried and acquitted. • On Oct. 2, 1968, St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Bob Gibson strikes out 17 Detroit Tigers in the first game of the World Series, breaking Sandy Koufax's record.
The term "soda" is from the word "sodium," because sodium salts were commonly added to carbonated water as flavoring. The drink was first called "pop" in 1812 and referred to the sound of a carbonated beverage being opened. People who worked at soda fountains were called soda jerks because of the classic jerking motion used to pump soda water from the dispenser on the counter.
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Between 2015-18, the AllStar Game Most Valuable Player also hit home run in the game. Name two of the four MVPs. 2. Who was the last NASCAR Cup driver to win 3 consecutive road races? 3. Pittsburgh’s Chris Boswell set an NFL record in 2017 for most field goals in a playoff game. How many was it?
4. Tampa Bay’s Nikita Kucherov set a franchise record for points (10) in a playoff series in 2018. How many of those points were goals, and how many were assists? 5. Tiger Woods won his 80th PGA tournament on Sept. 23rd (Tour Championship). His last win prior to that was 5 years earlier in 2013. Name that tournament he had last won.
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COLA FACTS (continued):
• Two researchers rigged a taste test at a mall. They asked people to choose between Coke and Pepsi, but some cups labeled Coke actually contained Pepsi, and some Pepsi cups held Coke. They found that it didn’t matter what was in the cups. People who said they preferred Coke tended to choose whatever soft drink was in the cup marked Coke. Likewise, those who favored Pepsi would choose whatever was in the Pepsi cup. • An independent firm using unbiased scientific methods found that 51.7% of people in a taste test preferred Pepsi; 41.7% preferred Coke; and 6.6% had no preference. Because of this survey, Coke changed their formula, making it taste just a little more like Pepsi. Everybody at Pepsi’s headquarters got the day off to celebrate when, on Coke’s 100th birthday in 1985, they announced they were changing the formula with “New Coke.” Three months later, they went back to their old recipe amid much controversy. • Coke and Pepsi are not always on opposite sides of the fence: They were accused of cooperating in Japan in an attempt to drive Japanese soft drink manufacturers out of business. The Japanese bottlers retaliated by passing out fliers accusing Coke and Pepsi of dissolving teeth. Japanese plant workers slashed tires on Coke delivery trucks. The issue was settled when Coke and Pepsi agreed to donate $700,000 to help Japanese bottlers become more competitive. • Pepsi’s popular slogan “Come alive with Pepsi” was translated into Chinese as “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave.”
© 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
• The United States represents 25% of the global soft drink market. If every drop of Coke ever made were placed in 8-ounce bottles and laid end to end, the bottles would reach the Moon and back over 2,000 times.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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Fabulous Food
• In 1869 in New Jersey, a fruit merchant named Joseph Campbell teamed up with an icebox manufacturer named Abraham Anderson to start up a new company. They manufactured canned vegetables, jellies, condiments, and minced meats.
• In 1898, a Campbell’s executive convinced the company to adopt a red and white color scheme on the label, because he was taken by the crisp red color of the Cornell University football team's uniforms. When the soup won awards at the Paris Exhibition in 1900, a gold medal was added to the design of the label.
• In 1876 Joseph Campbell bought out Abraham’s share • In 1914 John Dorrance became president of the company, and later bought out Joseph Cambell’s of the company, and subsequently reorganized and reshare of the firm. He served until 1930. A few years named the firm, naming it after himself: the Joseph A. later, the “Mm! M'm! Good!” jingle was introduced Campbell Preserve Company. When on the radio. Campbell retired, Arthur Dorrance became president of the company. In • Campbell Soup became one of the largest food 1897, Arthur hired his nephew, John companies in the world under the leadership of Dorrance. William Murphy who was elected executive vice president of Campbell Soup in 1949 and served as • John Dorrance was a gifted chemist President and CEO from 1953 to 1972. Murphy and a graduate of MIT. He was so took the corporation public and increased its brand eager to work for the company that he portfolio to include Pepperidge Farm's breads, agreed to work for the low salary of cookies, and crackers, Franco-American’s gravies $7.50 per week (equal to about $200/week today), and and pastas, V8 vegetable juices, Swanson broths, and volunteered to supply all his own equipment. Godiva’s chocolates. • While studying in Germany, Dorrance noted that Europeans frequently ate soup, but Americans didn’t • Campbell’s chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, and cream of mushroom soup are consistently among seem to favor it. The company did sell soups, but the top 10 food items sold in grocery stores each whereas they were cheap to make, they were expensive week. Chicken noodle is the most popular flavor of to ship. Dorrance wondered what would happen if you Campbell’s soup sold today in the U.S. with about could remove the heaviest ingredient from the soup: 200 million cans sold each year. Chicken noodle the water. soup was first put on the market in 1934, making it • After experimenting, he developed a method for one of America’s oldest products that still makes it to cutting the amount of water in half. This made the the bestseller’s list. All in all, Campbell’s sells about soups far cheaper to ship, allowing the company to 2.5 billion cans of soup annually in the U.S. undercut the prices of their competitors which made • Today Campbell’s products are sold in about 120 the product easier to sell. At the price of ten cents a countries. The company is one of the leading can, the convenient new product quickly caught on. consumer goods companies worldwide, based on By 1904 the company was selling 16 million cans of sales amounting to about $8 billion dollars annually, soup a year. Their very first soup was tomato, and each of which $1.29 billion consists of soups. can contained the equivalent of five pureed tomatoes.
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*Answer located on previous page.
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(Answers located further back)
September 17, 2018
• Add these to the list of items to eliminate the odor of cooking cabbage: a heel of bread, a whole walnut or a pinch of baking soda. • “When nailing into wood, drag your nail through some soap (bar soap is fine) before striking, and it will keep the wood from splitting. The soap helps the nail drive into the wood.” — P.K. in New Jersey • Grease spills on your fave shirt got you down? Start in the kitchen, and use dish soap to pretreat the stain. Simply wet and gently scrub with dish soap, most of which are designed to cut grease! • “I purchased a set of cork coasters from a discount store to use as floor protectors for a couple of heavy plant stands I keep inside the house. They were easy to attach with a small piece of double-sided tape, and I was able to use a few together, cut to fit exactly, for the largest ones.” — J.W. in Virginia • Here’s a saltshaker tip: If your salt clumps (too much moisture) or comes out too fast (too many or too-large holes), you can solve it with rice! Simply fill about a quarter of the jar with uncooked white rice, and the rest with salt. It both absorbs excess moisture and keeps the salt from pouring out of the shaker too fast. • Store plastic wrap in the fridge, as the cold helps it to be more manageable when you tear it off the roll. When you run out, consider glass containers, reusable and washable beeswax wraps, or wax paper to fill your needs rather than using more disposable plastic. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
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by Samantha Weaver
• It was 19th-century English naturalist and biologist Charles Darwin who made the following sage observation: "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." • In Nazi Germany it was illegal to name a horse Adolph. • If you grew up with the Girl Scouts decades ago (as I did), you might be surprised to learn about a new badge they're offering: cybersecurity. Yep, that's right. The national organization worked with a security company to come up with a curriculum, and now Girl Scouts everywhere can earn a badge for learning about cyberattacks, online safety and computer networks. • In 1950, 70 percent of all the cars, buses and trucks in the world could be found in the United States. • Statisticians claim that the more money a man makes, the more likely he is to cheat on his spouse. • On at least one early map of the New World you'll see the name "Codfish Country" on the area now known as the United States. • Between 1960 and 2006, the average American's production of solid waste -- including everything from paper packaging to lawn clippings -- increased by 150 percent to 4.5 pounds every day. • Those who study such things say that the tradition of a bride and groom exchanging wedding rings originated in the Middle East. • Farmers in Turkey marched on both the American and Soviet embassies in 1967, demanding reparations for crops that they lost to floods. Why were the Americans and Soviets to blame for floods in Turkey? The farmers claimed that the flights of spacecraft created "holes in the sky." *** Thought for the Day: "The first symptom of love in a young man is timidity; in a girl, boldness." -Victor Hugo © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• In 2003, two guys from Baltimore released the world’s first death-metal album featuring a parrot on lead vocals. The band is named Hatebeak, a pun on the Connecticut-based heavy metal band Hatebreed. • Blake Harrison and Mark Sloan work in the music industry and thought it would be fun to integrate the squawks of a Congo African grey parrot named Waldo into their music. Waldo was born in 1991 and reportedly always enjoys listening to heavy metal. With Waldo on vocals, Sloan on guitar, and Harrison on drums, their music has been described as “a jackhammer being ground in a compactor.” • Chris Okon is a cockatiel owner and Hatebeak fan who describes the group’s sound saying, “Hatebeak pecks your eyes out and assaults your ears in a flurry of pummeling riffs and grey feathers that leaves you lying in a pool of blood,” going on to appreciate the fact that “the artists seem to respect the ancient, raptor-reptilian roots of parrots.” • In an interview on the Howard Stern Show, Harrison said the band exists to “raise the bar, as far as extreme music goes.” It is truly extreme. There are no intelligible lyrics. The harsh vocals of the parrot’s death-squawking are “ground-breaking, nest-crushing, and egg-shattering” according to one review. • How do they do it? Harrison explains, “Waldo gets very hyper when we play music he likes and we record his outbursts following an extended listening period. We take the best parts and track them with the music.” • Their 2004 album “Beak of Putrefaction” is a nod to the Carcass classic, “Reek of Putrefaction.” The song “God of Empty Nest” is named after Morbid Angel’s “God of Emptiness.” The third song is a bonus track called “Seeds of Destruction.”
HATEBEAK (continued):
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• The album cover for Hatebeak’s first single was a blatant rip-off of Judas Priests’s “Screaming for Vengeance” which quickly earned a ceaseAnswer: Dell. and-desist order. It was reissued with Waldo VERY NUMBER obscuringAmost of LARGE the original picture. • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 • Inhe2005 released theirupsecond wasthey asked to come with aalbum name “Bird for a Seeds Vengeance” performed conjunction very of large number: the numeralinone, followed with band called whose by athehundred zeros.Caninus He asked his lead two vocals young are performed the they barking andsuggest. growling of nephews whatby name would pit bull terriers. This issuggested easily Waldo’s best •two Nine-year-old Milton a name work, featuring a mixture of hoots, and out of the funnies. A cartoon striphonks, character growls that show off the parrot’s vocal versatility. named Barney was very popular. Milton chose last name the number. • InBarney’s 2007 their third for album came out, called •“The Kasner announced the new name for theband big Thing That Should Not Beak.” The number in his next book, altering the spelling. split up in 2009 but recorded a reunion album •inSixty later, Larry Page Sergey 2015years called “Number of theand Beak.” AllBrin of developed a new internet search engine. Other their albums have been released on Reptilian search engines searched each webpage and Records and are available to purchase online ranked them according to how many times a and can also be heard on YouTube. specific term appeared on them, but Page and • Hatebeak does their not tour. don't play live Brin designed search“We engine to search for the specific term and then findtorture out howformany because it would be absolute the linksto there were that led back to that page, bird experience decibels at those levels,” which resulted explains Blake. in a better search engine. • They decided theyis needed name only, that • Therefore, Hatebeak a studio aproject reflected how many websites the search in the tradition of Steely Dan, except with unengine was searching. They took the name intelligible paint-peeling frantic of Edwardlyrics, Kasner’s very largeguitars, number, only drumming, and no melody, at three times the they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being volume. spelled exactly the same way the cartoon character Barney spelledof histhe lastband name. What’s • The two human members have now it called? (Answer at bottom of page) moved on to other endeavors. Blake Harrison FACTS and Mark sings in theCOMPUTER band Pig Destroyer, •Sloan In 1981 Bill Gates said,Index. “640 Waldo kb of memory performs with The the Parfor anybody.” rotought wenttoonbetoenough do album reviews for “Decibel” •magazine. Moore’s Law states that computer performance doubles 18 to 24 months, everwhissince • When he every isn't recording, Waldo and enjoys 1971, this has been true. tling “The Andy Griffith Show” theme song •and HP,mimicking Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all a ringing telephone. started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol.
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