Tidbits of Grand Forks - October 25 Issue

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Happy Halloween!


FREE! Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

Big savings Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 wickpub@yahoo.com for TIDBITS MARVELS AT Bigsafe savings drivers. See why for safe P.T. BARNUM See whytrust millions by Janet Spencer drivers. millions trust us for Home Phineas Taylor Barnum is remembered best tofor Home &usAuto. INTERESTday for the circus that carried his name: Barnum & Auto. FREE & Bailey. A showman extraordinaire, Barnum

October 25, 2018

Issue # 1,091


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got rich because, as he stated, “There's a sucker born every minute.”


• Phineas Taylor Barnum was born in Connecticut in 1810. As a young man, following a series of business failures, Barnum joined up with Aaron Turner, the owner of a traveling circus. One night Turner told the townfolk that Barnum was a preacher who had just been acquitted of murder. The people were getting ready to ride him out of town on a rail when Turner finally stepped up and revealed that he had been joking. When Barnum asked him why he had pulled this hoax, Turner replied, “Remember, all we need to insure success is notoriety. Our pavilion will be crammed tomorrow night.” And it was. Barnum learned a lesson of showmanship. • Next Barnum bought an old run-down museum in New York City and transformed it into a flashy attention-getting show. To gather crowds outside his museum, Barnum hired a band of musicians to play lively music. To make sure the masses then came into the museum instead of hanging around outside, Barnum hired only the worst musicians and made Turn the page for more! sure they played off-key.


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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Which of the world’s oceans has the most islands? 6. Which state on the Pacific What passed for a unicorn Coast was the first to be adin Barnum’s museum? mitted into the Union? Name the only book that outsold 7. What was the name of the faBarnum’s 1854 autobiography ther lion in “The Lion King”? “The Life of P.T. Barnum”? 8. Name the capital of Connecticut. At his New York City museum, 9. What is the easternmost place Barnum installed the first one mentioned in the song “This of these found in the U.S. Land Is Your Land”? How old was Barnum when he TRIVIA entered the circus business? SPONSORED BY:



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• Barnum discovered that the world loves to ogle human freaks. He made a tradition out of exhibiting the bearded lady, the fat boy, giants, midgets, Siamese twins, albinos, and the Wild Men of Borneo (who were really Hiram and Barney Davis from Long Island, New York). The tattooed man was advertised as having been punished in China for rebellion against the king by being tattooed over his entire body. The man had actually been tattooed in New York tattoo parlors. Barnum was not above humbug and used it often. • Once a customer sued Barnum claiming fraud, insisting the bearded lady was really a man. The trial was a public spectacle as the bearded lady, her husband, and a doctor testified as to her femininity. Thousands flocked to the museum to judge for themselves. Afterwards it came out that Barnum had hired the man to sue him solely to drum up free publicity. • Europe's greatest singer was Swedish soprano Jenny Lind. Barnum offered her $150,000 for 150 American concerts. This is equal to about $300,000 for each performance in today’s dollars. She insisted on being paid in advance, and Barnum had to sell or mortgage everything he had and secure loans from friends. Barnum decided to auction the tickets to Jenny's first American concert. He advised a friend of his to buy the first ticket, no matter what the price was. His friend was a hat maker, and Barnum assured him that the publicity he would get in the papers would be the beginning of his fortune. Thousands paid a quarter apiece just to get into the auction. The hat maker bought the first ticket for an astonishing $225 ($6500 today) and Barnum was correct in predicting that the publicity would bring people flocking to his hat shop. Jenny Lind's first concert raised nearly $18,000 ($500,000). By the time the tour was over, Barnum had made a net profit equivalent to $15 million in today’s dollars. ...continued FOR STATE SENATE




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1. The Minnesota Twins have had five players who were named A.L. MVP. Name 4. 2. How long is the racetrack where the Kentucky Derby takes place? 3. What are the three events that must be completed in an Iron Man Triathlon competition? 4. How many Gold Glove awards did Kirby Puckett win during his 12-yr. career?


5. The last time the U.S. tennis team played in consecutive Fed Cup finals before 2017-18 was in 2009-10, when it lost to the same country both years. Name the opponent. 6. Who was the last NASCAR Rookie of the Year to go on to win a season championship later in his career? 7. What is the fewest games won by the MN Vikings in the 16-game-season era?

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• In 1842 Barnum purchased a so-called mermaid. It was actually a taxidermied monkey and a large fish skillfully sewn together and preserved. Barnum deliberately set out to stage a hoax. First he sent press releases to newspapers all over the country stating that British naturalist Dr. Griffin had discovered a new species of animal in the Fiji Islands. Next he hired a friend of his to pose as the British Dr. Griffin and give lectures about the mermaid. Barnum invited members of the press to examine the mermaid, and more articles and free publicity appeared in the papers. Pamphlets about the strange new animal (written by Barnum) were circulated. • Then Barnum announced that Dr. Griffin had refused to let the public see the animal. With the public aroused, Barnum announced one week later that Dr. Griffin had decided he would exhibit the mermaid at Barnum's Museum. In the first month of the exhibit, attendance tripled. The result of this elaborate fraud was that people all over the country believed that a species of mermaid existed in the Fiji Islands. When the hoax was found out, many people critisized Barnum saying that exaggeration could go too far. Barnum seemed to have realized that he had gone over the line. He refused to discuss the mermaid episode ever again. • When the founder of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals complained about making horses jump through flaming hoops, Barnum responded by jumping through a flaming hoop himself, followed by half of the circus crew. When the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children complained about the use of six acrobatic children in the bicycle-riding act, Barnum walked up to the superintendent of the organization and offered him $200 a week to exhibit himself as the man who wanted to take the bread out of children's mouths. ...continued


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• On Oct. 31, 1517, priest and scholar Martin Luther nails his 95 revolutionary opinions to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. In his theses, Luther condemned the excesses and corruption of the Roman Catholic Church, especially the papal practice of asking for payment -- called "indulgences" -- for the forgiveness of sins. • On Oct. 29, 1929, Black Tuesday hits Wall Street as investors trade 16,410,030 shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. Billions of dollars were lost, wiping out thousands of investors. The industrialized world spiraled downward into the Great Depression. • On Nov. 1, 1952, the United States detonates the world's first thermonuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb, on Eniwetok atoll in the Pacific, giving the U.S. a brief advantage in the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union. • On Nov. 3, 1964, residents of the District of Columbia cast their ballots in a presidential election for the first time. Passage of the 23rd Amendment in 1961 gave citizens of the nation's capital the right to vote for president and vice president. • On Oct. 30, 1974, 32-year-old Muhammad Ali becomes the heavyweight champion of the world for the second time when he knocks out champion George Foreman. Seven years earlier, Ali had lost his title for draft-dodging during the Vietnam War. • On Nov. 2, 1986, Norwegian distance runner Grete Waitz wins her eighth New York City marathon, finishing the 26-mile course in 2:28.6, more than a mile ahead of next women's finisher. • On Nov. 4, 2001, just two outs away from their fourth straight championship, the New York Yankees lose to the Arizona Diamondbacks in the seventh game of the World Series. The Series began later than usual and was extended into November due to the Sept. 11 attacks. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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• Barnum discovered that elephants were a big draw so he bought several, including the famous Jumbo. When Barnum paid a fortune sight-unseen for an elephant billed as a rare white elephant, he found upon receiving it that it was light grey instead of white. Barnum had it painted white before shows. One elephant was sent to a farm. Barnum hired a farmer to dress in Oriental clothes and keep the elephant busy plowing fields. The keeper was given a railroad schedule so the elephant was hard at work in the fields whenever a passenger train went by, resulting in much publicity. • It was an elephant that led to Barnum teaming up with Bailey. James Bailey owned a circus, and one of the elephants became the mother of the first baby elephant ever born in captivity. Barnum couldn't stand to see someone else get more publicity than himself, so he offered to buy the two elephants for an exorbitant sum. Bailey simply used Barnum's offer to get more publicity for himself. Barnum recognized a person who, like himself, was a master of publicity. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, thought Barnum, and a deal was struck whereby the two teamed up to put the Greatest Show on Earth on the road: the Barnum & Bailey Circus. When their first show was scheduled to open in Madison Square Gardens, Barnum paid for 100 top newspaper reporters from all over the country to come review the circus. The publicity he got ensured the success of the new circus. • By the mid 1880s, the Barnum and Bailey Circus was earning a million dollars a year. Barnum invented the concept of the three-ring circus, and coined the phrase, “The Greatest Show On Earth.” Barnum died in 1891 at the age of 82. Several years later, the Ringling Brothers bought the Barnum & Bailey circus. The combined circus became the largest travelling show on the planet, truly the “greatest show on earth.”

© 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

Relax and Earn


*Answer located further back in this issue.



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Fabulous Food:

• During World War II metals became so scarce that the blades for slicing bread were no longer available, and bread slicing was suspended for a while. • In 1921 a bakery in Indianapolis was getting ready to release their newest product and they needed a name. • Because the bread was made from refined wheat flour, The product was a 1.5 pound loaf of bread, in an era it was stripped of all natural B vitamins. Synthetic B where virtually all loaves weighed one pound. vitamins were first manufactured in 1936, and in 1941


• Elmer Cline was vice-president of the company and he attended the International Balloon Race at the Indianapolis Speedway. He was awe-struck by the sight of hundreds of balloons filling the sky. That experience inspired both the name of the bread and the logo: Wonder Bread.

Wonder Bread became the first to participate in a government-sponsored movement to enrich white bread with eight essential vitamins and minerals to improve nutrition even among the poorest people. This simple measure nearly eliminated diseases such as beriberi and pellagra caused by a vitamin B deficiency.

• The company advertised widely that “a new wonder” • Later the company invented a new way of baking bread that eliminated holes, making every loaf perwas coming on the market prior to the release of the fect and identical, which was especially popular new product. When it was released, delivery drivers among children. Wonder was also the first national handed out helium-filled balloons to children on their bread brand to feature “best by” dating as well as route. Each balloon came with a letter to their mother printing nutrition information on its packaging. touting the benefits of Wonder Bread. Wonder Bread quickly became the best-selling bread on the market. • The company sponsored the Howdy Doody TV show, with host Buffalo Bob Smith telling the audience, • In the 1930s the popular loaf underwent an amazing “Wonder Bread builds strong bodies 8 ways.” By the transformation when it became the world’s first pre1960s, Wonder Bread was advertising with the slogan sliced bread. Because the bread was so soft, it was “Helps build strong bodies 12 ways” referring to the difficult to slice at home without squashing the whole number of added nutrients in each loaf. loaf. Sales of pre-sliced bread were slow at first because customers worried that sliced bread would dry • During the late 1950s and early 1960s, Americans ate out. Convenience overcame apprehension and soon a lot of white bread, consuming an average of a pound the bread was on tables from coast to coast, inspirand a half of white bread per person, per week. Until ing the phrase “the best thing since sliced bread.” The the late 1960s, Americans got up to 30% of their daily bakery saw a 2,000 percent increase in sales following calories from white bread, more than from any other the introduction of uniformly sliced bread. single item in their diet. • In 1890, about 90% of bread was baked at home, but • The company that owns Hostess bought Wonder by 1930, 90% of bread was purchased in a store. The Bread in 1995. Sales and consumption of white bread widespread popularity of Wonder Bread was made increased every year up until 1963, when it began a possible due to recent innovations including the use slow decline. In 2012, whole wheat bread outsold of delivery trucks, as well as the automated breadwhite bread for the first time in history. wrapping machine.





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Benefitfor for Benefit DavidHysjulien Hysjulien David Heart Transplant Recipient

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InInlate Clinic diagnosed diagnosedDavid David latesummer summer2018, 2018, Mayo Mayo Clinic Hysjulien dilatedcardiomyopathy cardiomyopathy Hysjulienwith withnonischemic nonischemic dilated and heart transplant. transplant.InIn andwas wastold toldhe heneeded needed a heart mid-September,David David received received his mid-September, hisnew newdonor donorheart. heart. David,24, 24,isisthe theson son of of Tim and David, and Susan SusanHysjulien Hysjulienofof GrandForks. Forks. He He is is aa 2013 2013 graduate Grand graduateof ofCentral CentralHigh High School,and andaa2017 2017 graduate graduate of School, of UND UNDwith withaaMusic Music Educationdegree. degree. He He recently recently accepted Education acceptedaamusic music teachingposition position with with Midway Midway K-12 School(Fall (Fall2018), 2018), teaching K-12School just north of Grand Forks. David worked at Rhombus just north of Grand Forks. David worked at Rhombus Pizza for many years. He also teaches guitar lessons Pizza for many years. He also teaches guitar lessons at Arioso Music Academy, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, at Arioso Music Academy, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, and Augustana Lutheran Church. In addition, he and Augustana Lutheran Church. In addition, he coached basketball and track at Valley Middle School, coached basketball andLeague track atsoftball, Valley Middle plays Grand Forks City and is aSchool, plays Grand Forks Free City Lutheran League softball, is awith member of Trinity Church. and Along member Trinity Free Lutheran Church. Along with being a of wonderful young man, David is an outstanding being a wonderful youngsuccess man, David an outstanding example of a hometown storyistirelessly example of a hometown success story tirelessly contributing and supporting his local community. contributing and supporting his local community.

Muddy Rivers at the Muddy Rivers at the TownHouse Hotel TownHouse Hotel

raised willsupport go to support Funds Funds raised will go to David’s ongoing medical expenses David’s ongoing medical expenses as assisting with other care as wellas aswell assisting with other care expenses for he his family. expenses for he and his and family.

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 Gift Baskets and Other  Gift Baskets and Other Donations for Silent and Donations for Silent and Quarter Auctions. Phone Quarter Auctions. Phone at 701-330-8477 your quarters or purchase on site) RobinRobin at 701-330-8477 or email Michele at or email Michele at mpetersonplus5@gmail.com !!!Plus, live music, UND Cheerleaders, mpetersonplus5@gmail.com !!!Plus, live music, UND Cheerleaders,

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Solution on Next Page


King Features Weekly Service ©2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

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(Answers located further back)

October 15, 2018

• Stretch shoes with a zipper-top baggie! Insert a plastic bag into the shoe, where your feet go. Then add water just to fill. Put them in the freezer until solid. The ice expands as it freezes, which stretches the shoe. • If you’re replacing a hinge to re-hang a door and you need to use the same holes, add grip by placing a matchstick or toothpick in the hole before rescrewing the attachments. Just break it off flush with the door jamb. It will add some security to the hole so it won’t be so loose. • “Got kids? Take a tip from a furniture salesman: Get a couch that has a patterned fabric. Patterns hide stains and discoloration. The smaller the pattern, the more forgiving.” — W.S. in Idaho • “Stick a dryer sheet in the bottom of your trash can. It will give off a bit of fresh smell whenever something lands in the bag.” — R. in Pennsylvania • Sometimes old tricks are the best tricks: Use a cut half of a lemon liberally sprinkled with salt to scrub a wood cutting board clean. The salt acts as an abrasive while the acids in the lemon neutralize odors and bacteria. Rinse and dry. • When defrosting meats in the fridge (never on the counter, right?), make sure they are sitting in a tray or plate with a lip. If the plastic leaks, you don’t want meat dripping on your other groceries. Defrost meats on the bottom shelf, just in case. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

GATE WAY MANOR by Samantha Weaver

• It was American author and futurist Alvin Toffler who made the following sage observation: "Profits, like sausages, are esteemed most by those who know least about what goes into them." • A leech can consume 10 times its own weight in its victims' blood. • King James VI of Scotland also was, after the crowns of England and Scotland were united in 1603, King James I of England. He may have been doubly noble, but those who study such things say his personal habits would not have been out of place in a commoner of the time. He reportedly never bathed, claiming that baths were an unhealthy practice, and he would wear the same clothes for months on end. • A newly married couple sued the upscale resort in Chile where they spent their honeymoon after a swim in the pool turned the bride's waistlength blond hair green. • If you remember the early-1960s TV series "Route 66," you might be surprised to learn that the show was actually shot in Florida and Oregon, nowhere near the fabled highway. • Those who live in the state of Minnesota might want to keep in mind that in that state it's against the law to sleep with no clothes on. • Those of you who need your daily java fix probably won't be surprised to learn that coffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide and is one of the most traded agricultural commodities. Due to limitations in cultivation, however, Hawaii is the only state in the U.S. that produces the beans. *** Thought for the Day: "Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm, but the harm does not interest them." -- T.S. Eliot © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• Today the word “jumbo” is applied to anything that is extra large. Most people don’t realize that the word originated with an extra large elephant. • In 1861 an elephant calf was captured in Sudan, Africa after his mother was killed. The baby elephant was sold to a Paris zoo. He was given the Swahili name Jumbo which came from either “jambo” meaning “hello” or “jumbe” meaning “chief.” In 1865 he was sent to the London zoo in exchange for a rhino. • The elephant grew extraordinarily large, reaching six tons in weight and over ten feet in height. Most people had never seen an elephant, and Jumbo was a very large one. • Meanwhile, circus owners Phineas Barnum and James Bailey needed a star attraction for their new Barnum & Bailey Circus. Barnum offered to buy the elephant for $10,000 ($284,000 today). • The sale was made despite enormous protest across Britain. Over 100,000 schoolchildren wrote to Queen Victoria asking her not to sell Jumbo because he was considered a national treasure. Despite lawsuits and protests, Jumbo was sold. • Next, Barnum spent $20,000 ($567,000 today) transporting the elephant by ship to New York City. The elephant arrived on Easter Sunday in 1882, heralded by bands and crowds. His arrival marked the start of “Jumbomania” in the United States. People turned out to Barnum’s circus in droves and bought Jumbo postcards, Jumbo hats, and other souvenirs. • It took only three weeks of exhibiting Jumbo at Madison Square Garden in New York City for Barnum to earn back every penny he had spent on Jumbo. • During Jumbo’s first year, he earned $1.5 million for Barnum, and toured for the circus for four years. ...continued

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• Soon after the Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883, rumors began to spread that it was structurally Answer:unsound Dell. and might collapse. Barnum offered to pay the owners of the bridge $5,000 A VERY LARGE NUMBER if they would let him parade all of his circus • Edwardincluding Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 animals, Jumbo, across the bridge in he was asked to come up with a name for a order to prove its structural integrity. He was very large number: the numeral one, followed turned cold. by adown hundred zeros. He asked his two young • Justnephews a few days Maywould 30, 1883, a woman whatlater, nameonthey suggest. tripped and fell while the bridge was • Nine-year-old Milton suggested acrowded name with Her fall woman outsightseers. of the funnies. A caused cartoona nearby strip character to named scream,Barney whichwas caused some people race very popular. Miltontochose Barney’s namewoman for the while number. towards thelast fallen other rushed away. In the commotion, the rumor the • Kasner announced the new name for that the big number his next book, altering thereaction spelling.of bridge wasincollapsing caused a chain panic. In the crush, 12 people died by trampling • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin anddeveloped suffocation, including woman who had a new internet the search engine. Other each firstsearch fallen.engines Anothersearched 35 people werewebpage injured. and them according to how times a • Theranked bridge’s owners changed theirmany minds about specific term appeared on them, but Page and having Barnum’s menagerie cross the bridge. On Brin designed their search engine to search for May 1884,term Barnum marched Jumbo 20 the17, specific and then find out howand many other elephants along with 17 camels across the links there were that led back to that page, bridge. publicity was priceless for Barnum whichThe resulted in a better search engine. and there was no further concern about the that sta• They decided they needed a name bility of the bridge. reflected how many websites the search was searching. the name • In engine 1885 while Jumbo wasThey beingtook boarded on a of Edward very large number, only circus train, anKasner’s unscheduled express train came they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being roaring through the station, struck the elephant, spelled exactly the same way the cartoon and killed him. character Barney spelled his last name. What’s • Barnum parlayed tragedyof into it called? (Answerthis at bottom page)enormous publicity. A taxidermist stuffed the remains and COMPUTER FACTS the elephant was soon back on the road. Barnum • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 from kb of the memory even bought a female elephant same ought to be enough for anybody.” London Zoo where he had gotten Jumbo from, • Moore’s states performance and put herLaw on tour asthat the computer grieving widow. doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since • Eventually elephant was donated to 1971, thisthe hasstuffed been true. Tufts University and displayed until 1975, when • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all thestarted building burned down. Some of his ashes in garages. were saved and now reside in an empty peanut Answer: Google, from googol. butter jar.



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