Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications
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REDHEADS by Kathy Wolfe
It’s time to honor redheads! Celebrated on November 5, National Love Your Red Hair Day was created in 2015 to urge redheads evRefinancing with us Sharon Opdahl, Agent Refinancing with us Get a discount upcould tocould 50%. Sharon Opdahl 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite F save you hundreds.* erywhere to love their hair. This week, Tidbits save you hundreds. * Agent I can help lower premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 Refinancing with your us could Bus: 701-746-0495 Before high car payments Before high car payments save you hundreds. *& Saveget. through Drive Safe sharon@sharonopdahl.com conveys the facts on some natural redheads and 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F you give an opportunity get down, you give us. an Get to high a down, better State Before caruspayments get help bring them down – with opportunity tous help bring them Grand Forks, ND 58201 to you down, give an opportunity Get State Farm. great rates and no closing costs some not-so-natural. down — with great rates and to helpME bring them down – with 701-746-0495 CALL TODAY. or nohidden closing costs or hidden great ratesfees. and no closing costs sharonopdahl.com GET TO A BETTER STATE. or hidden fees. fees. • Red is the rarest hair color in the world. Less CALL MEATODAY FORSTATE. GET GETTO TO ABETTER BETTER STATE. MORE INFORMATION. CALL ME TODAY FOR than 2% of the world’s population, about 140 CALL ME TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION. MORE INFORMATION. million people, are redheads. Scotland has the highest percentage with about 13% of the population, and Ireland has about 11%. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL • Not only is the color the rarest, redheads have the fewest hairs on their head than any other color. Brunettes average 140,000, blondes have 110,000, while redheads have Carpet Cleaning just 90,000. However, strands of red hair are www.elitecarpetsgf.com thicker than other colors, so they often appear Carpet Cleaning • Carpet to have more hair. Cleaning SPECIAL! • Red hair is caused by a mutation of the MC1R • Upholstery $89 gene on chromosome 16. This mutation blocks Cleaning Vehicle Carpet & production of dark brown and black pigments Seat Cleaning • Water 3rd row not included. Not valid with known as eumelanin, causing a build-up of Extraction any other offer. Expires 11-30-18 phaeomelanin, the red and blond pigments. Residential & Commercial Because it’s a recessive trait, a child must inherit the red hair gene from both parents. • The ancient Greeks thought redheads were 701-775-8500 vampires. As many as 45,000 female natural redheads were executed for alleged witchcraft from the 1400s through the 1700s. ™
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Quiz Bits
5. Which redhead appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine wearing American flag-printed pants? 6. Which Canadian province is the setting for the popular novel “Anne of Green Gables? Name the fictional city. 7. What was the name of the stunning redhead married to Roger Rabbit? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:
1. Name two Disney princesses with red hair. 2. What red-haired girl gained fame in a 1924 comic strip? 3. Name the red-headed family famous for their wizardry at Hogwarts. 4. What talk-show host earned the nickname “The Ginja Ninja”?
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REDHEADS (continued):
• Olympic champion snowboarder Shaun White’s red hair caused him to earn the nickname “the Flying Tomato.” No one would have expected White to become an outstanding athlete, considering that a congenital heart defect led to two open-heart surgeries before he’d reached his first birthday. The son of a waitress and a water department employee, White was on the ski slopes at an early age, switching to snowboarding at age six. By the time he was seven, he already had his first sponsorship with the snowboard manufacturer Burton. Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk discovered the 9-year-old White at a local skate park and began mentoring the boy. Shaun became a professional snowboarder at age 13 and a pro skateboarder at 17. At the age of 16, he was the youngest snowboarder ever to win the US Open. White now has three Olympic gold medals to his credit from the 2006, 2010, and 2018 Games in the snowboard halfpipe event. When not competing in boarding events, White plays guitar in a band and maintains a men’s clothing line at Macy’s. He is also active in the Make-AWish Foundation, having granted 17 wishes in the past 10 years. • Although we think of author Mark Twain as having had a wild mane of snow white hair, in his younger years, this author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn had red hair. In Twain’s words, “I was born red-headed – maybe that accounts for my passion for the gorgeous and ornamental.” • Fans of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables series of novels will remember that the title character detested her “plain red” hair. In the first novel, published in 1908, the precocious Anne longed to “imagine that red hair away,” claiming that with it, “I can’t be perfectly happy. Nobody could who had red hair.” ...continued
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. In the 1960s, three San Francisco Giants combined to win the National League home run title in seven seasons. Name two of them. 2. Patrick Kane set a record for the U.S. men’s hockey team at the Ice Hockey World Championships in 2018 for tallying the most points. How many was it? 3. How many World Series’ have the Red Sox won?
4. Name the last NBA team before the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2016 and 2017 to win their first seven playoff games in consecutive seasons. 5. In 1998, Jana Novotna became the oldest first-time winner of the Wimbledon women’s singles title in the Open Era. How old was she? 6. How many World Series’ have the Los Angeles Dodgers won?
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REDHEADS (continued):
• Four out of the first eight U.S. presidents had red hair – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Martin van Buren. We usually don’t think of Washington and Jefferson as redheads due to that era’s trend of wearing powdered wigs. Even when not wearing wigs, these gentlemen covered their hair in powder. Seventh president Andrew Jackson was a fiery redhead of Scottish and Irish descent; however his hair doesn’t look red on the twenty-dollar bill! Eighth president Martin Van Buren stood just 5’6” and was blessed with red hair and red sideburns, earning him the nickname “The Red Fox of Kinderhook.” Recent red-headed presidents include Dwight D. Eisenhower (before he was bald!) and 39th president, Jimmy Carter. ...continued
• We knew him first as Opie Taylor, then as Richie Cunningham, then as the director of many popular films. His first film role was at age four. Ron Howard landed the role of Opie on “The Andy Griffith Show” in 1960 at age five, a part he played for eight seasons. He was also appearing in movies at the same time, including 1962’s “The Music Man” and 1963’s “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father.” His teenage years brought “American Graffiti” and the TV sitcom “Happy Days.” “Happy Days,” which premiered in 1974, ran for seven years. At age 22, Howard made his directing debut with 1977’s “Grand Theft Auto,” the first of many box office hits, including “Splash,” “Cocoon,” “Apollo 13,” “The Da Vinci Code,” and “A Beautiful Mind,” which earned him an Oscar for Best Director. Acting runs in this redhead’s family, as his daughter Bryce Dallas Howard first gained fame as the vampire Victoria in “The Twilight Saga,” and has appeared in the two most recent “Jurassic Park” features.
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• On Nov. 8, 1847, Bram Stoker, author of the horror novel "Dracula," is born in Ireland. The concept of vampires didn't originate with Stoker. John William Polidori's 1819 short story "The Vampyre" is credited with kick-starting the vampire genre. • On Nov. 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th president of the United States over a deeply divided Democratic Party, becoming the first Republican to win the presidency. Lincoln received only 40 percent of the popular vote but handily defeated the three other candidates. • On Nov. 11, 1918, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, the Great War ends as Germany, faced with imminent invasion, signed an armistice agreement with the Allies. The First World War left 9 million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded. • On Nov. 9, 1965, the largest power failure in U.S. history occurs as all of New York state and portions of seven neighboring states and eastern Canada are plunged into darkness. All together, 30 million people were affected by the blackout. • On Nov. 10, 1975, the SS Edmund Fitzgerald sinks in a Lake Superior storm, taking all 29 crew members with her. The 729-foot-long freighter, once the largest and fastest ship on the Great Lakes, now lies under 530 feet of water. • On Nov. 7, 1980, actor Steve McQueen, the "King of Cool" who once was the world's highest-paid movie star, dies at age 50 in Mexico of cancer. His best-known films include "The Great Escape," "The Sand Pebbles," "Bullitt" and "Papillon." • On Nov. 5, 1994, George Foreman, age 45, becomes boxing's oldest heavyweight champion when he defeats Michael Moorer in the 10th round of their WBA fight in Las Vegas. Foreman retired in 1997 with a lifetime record of 76-5. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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REDHEADS (continued):
• In 1975, singer/songwriter Willie Nelson released the song “Red-Headed Stranger,” which firmly established his success in the music business. The blockbuster hit told the story of the Stranger killing a woman who had reached out to touch one of his horses, one that had belonged to his wife. The Stranger went free because “you can’t hang a man for killin’ a woman who’s tryin’ to steal your horse.” In 1986, a movie based on the album was released starring Nelson as the Stranger. In those days, Nelson wore his long red hair, which reached to his waist, in two braids covered by a bandanna. • Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill is another one that folks don’t think of as a redhead. When he was enrolled in the prestigious Harrow boarding school at age 13, he stuttered and lisped, and was on the receiving end of bullying, given the nickname “Copperknob” for his red hair. Before his political career, which spanned 60 years, Churchill was a war correspondent, and at age 25, was captured in South Africa, and put in a prison camp. He escaped soon after, making his way over 300 miles, walking, stealing rides on supply trains, and even holing up in a mine shaft for three days. In addition to politics, Churchill loved to paint, producing nearly 600 works of art over 48 years. When speaking of his painting, he said, “When I get to heaven I mean to spend a considerable portion of my first million years in painting. • How about everyone’s favorite red-headed doll? In 1918, Illinois writer/artist John Barton Gruelle published his book Raggedy Ann Stories, introducing the yarn-haired doll he had named by combining two poems, “The Raggedy Man” and “Little Orphant Annie.” Ann’s brother Andy made his debut two years later.
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Food of the Week:
Since November 3 is Sausage and Kraut Day, it’s time to load up on the facts about sauerkraut! • The word “sauerkraut” has its origins in the German language, translating “sour cabbage.” However, the food itself traces its roots to China, where cooks were pickling cabbage in rice wine as early as 200 B.C. It’s believed that Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan brought sauerkraut west during his invasions that conquered most of Eurasia around the year 1237. Fermented sauerkraut stayed fresh during long journeys. • Sauerkraut was brought to North America by German immigrants, and became a Pennsylvania Dutch specialty. Because the Pennsylvania Dutch believed the food brought good luck, a tradition was started there, eating sauerkraut on New Year’s Day to bring luck for the upcoming year. It’s first mentioned in American writings in 1776. • To make sauerkraut, cabbage is finely shredded and layered into stone jars, with salt placed between each layer. The amount of salt is equal to 2% of the cabbage’s weight. It is then tamped down with a wooden masher until the juice rises above the cabbage. If the cabbage is low in juice, water is added to the jar until it reaches the desired depth, with the cabbage fully covered. • The cabbage is then left to ferment at 60 degrees F for several weeks. The proper temperature is vital for the best quality product and to prevent mold and yeast from growing. As it ferments, acid-forming bacteria flourish and convert the cabbage’s sugars into acetic and lactic acids, which will act as preservatives. Refrigeration isn’t required during fermentation, although sometimes the stone jars must be immersed in a tub of cold water to maintain the temperature. Exposure to heat during the process will kill the bacteria that produce the fermentation.
• In many countries, sauerkraut is more than just cabbage. Poland, Russia, and Ukraine add shredded carrots to the brine, and might also include quartered apples or cranberries. Bell pepper and beets are also added ingredients. German cooks might flavor their sauerkraut with juniper berries or caraway seeds, adding white wine to the mix. In the Netherlands, sauerkraut is known as “zuurkool,” while the French call in “choucroute.” • Commercial manufacturers can or jar sauerkraut by using heat, and some use vinegar in the fermentation process. Unfortunately, much of the nutritional value is lost once the cabbage is cooked, and raw sauerkraut is a much more nutritious product. • Sauerkraut is filled with health benefits, including its ability to aid in digestion and increase blood circulation. During fermentation, beneficial probiotics that promote gastrointestinal health are produced. It’s also rich in Vitamins A, C, K, and B complex, along with minerals like iron, manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, as well as being a good source of fiber. It provides an increase in energy and metabolism levels and boosts the immune system. • However, even with all the healthy benefits, sauerkraut isn’t for everyone. Due to the salty brine, it’s very high in sodium, which can be a dangerous thing for those suffering from cardiovascular and renal diseases.
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If a red headed guy works at a bakery, does that make him a ginger bread man?
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(Answers located further back)
October 22, 2018
• Keep your cute collared shirt separate from your pullover sweater by adding a third layer in between. A tighter-fitting tank keeps the shirt in place and not bunching up, allowing the sweater to move freely. • “Use a black permanent marker (like a Sharpie) to fix a small bleach spot on a black cotton top. As long as you have the right color match, you could do the same with any color top. I sometimes get small bleach spots on a shirt from cleaning.” — J.J. in Florida • Working hard at your job but not really getting anywhere? If your work ethic is impeccable but your client list or productivity leaves something to be desired, you might be in the wrong career. Take stock of your personal and professional strengths, then check in with a career coach. Experts say it’s never too late to find the right fit. • “Keep old toothbrushes for cleaning and crafting (and makeup applications). But to make sure you know the difference between used and not, wrap the end with a small piece of duct tape.” — E.L. in Arizona • On a diet and quit soda? Here’s a fabulous use for it: Pour a can in the toilet and close the lid. Come back for a quick scrub 30 minutes later, and you may find that the cola has eaten away at the hard-water mineral buildup. It’ll change the way you look at soda! • This bears repeating now that the holiday season is approaching and we’ll all be out on the roads: Make sure your tires are properly inflated and your car’s air filter is clean. Both can drastically reduce your fuel efficiency. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
by Samantha Weaver
• It was early 20th-century Irish author Robert Wilson Lynd who made the following sage observation: "The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions." • If you're concerned about the rising cost of groceries, be grateful that you're not a starfish parent. A young starfish eats 10 times its own weight in food every day. • The first car to offer seat belts -- the Nash Rambler -- rolled off the assembly line in 1950. • You might be surprised to learn that the British are not the greatest tea drinkers in the world. That honor belongs to the Irish, who consume 1,200 cups per capita every year. • The final battle of the Napoleonic Wars took place in June 1815 in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, a site now in present-day Belgium. The Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon met his final defeat, was delayed because the French emperor -- and battle commander -couldn't mount his horse. According to historians, Napoleon was suffering from hemorrhoids and couldn't bear to sit in a saddle. • Sandpaper can sharpen a dull pair of scissors. Fold a piece of sandpaper in half, rough side out, and make repeated cuts until the blades are sharp again. • Fried lotus leaves are a popular snack in China. • You're probably aware that hot air is lighter than cold air, but did you know that hot water is heavier than cold water? • Those who study such things say that Spain has more wildlife than any other European nation. *** Thought for the Day: "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good." -- Samuel Johnson
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One of America’s favorite redheads wasn’t really a redhead at all! • We remember Lucille Ball as the madcap redhead in “I Love Lucy,” which aired from 1951 to 1957. Lucy got her start at age 18 as a model using the name Diane Belmont, modeling for New York City fashion entrepreneur Hattie Carnegie. Carnegie ordered Ball to dye her natural brunette hair blonde. It’s said that Lucy drove by New York’s Belmont Race Track and thought the name was “glamorous.” • When Lucy was three years old, her father contracted typhoid fever and died. There was just one thing she remembered from that day – a bird got trapped in the house – and from then on, throughout her life, Lucy was plagued with ornithophobia, the fear of birds. • Lucy spent part of her childhood with her stepgrandparents, a strict Swedish couple who banished all mirrors from the home, with the exception of one over the bathroom sink. When Lucy was caught admiring herself in that mirror, she was severely disciplined for her “vanity.”
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• At age 17, she was stricken with rheumatoid arthritis and was unable to work for two years. After appearing in several “B” movies, she auditioned for the part of Scarlett O’Hara in 1939’s “Gone with the Wind,” losing the role to Vivien Leigh. • MGM executives urged her to dye her hair red, and it became her signature color. In Lucy’s words, “I dyed my hair this crazy red to bid for attention. It has become a trademark, and I've got to keep it this way.” ...continued
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• Lucy met Cuban bandleader Desi Arnaz in 1940, and the two promptly eloped. Together they created Answer: Dell.“I Love Lucy,” portraying the life of Ricky and Lucy Ricardo, living next door to A VERY LARGE NUMBER Fred and Ethel Mertz. Her real-life pregnan• Edward Kasner wasthe a mathematician. In 1938 cy was written into series. The episode of he was asked to come up with a name for a “Little Ricky’s” birth aired on January 19, 1953 very large number: the numeral one, followed before million viewers, the same day that by a 44 hundred zeros. He asked his two young Lucy actually delivered her son, Desi, Jr. With nephews what name they would suggest. 71.7% of all American TV sets tuned in, the • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name viewership coverage Dwight out of thesurpassed funnies. Athecartoon stripofcharacter D.named Eisenhower’s inauguration as president the Barney was very popular. Milton chose following morning, which garnered a 67.7% Barney’s last name for the number. rating. Theannounced birth was the the new subject of TV • Kasner name for Guide’s the big very first issue. number in his next book, altering the spelling. • Lucille record mostBrin ap• Sixty Ball yearsholds later, the Larry Page for andthe Sergey developed newcover internet search engine. Other pearances onathe of TV Guide, appearing searchednamed each this webpage and 39search times. engines The magazine four-time ranked them according to how many times Emmy winner the “Greatest TV Star of Alla specific term appeared on them, but Page and Time.” Brin designed their search engine to search for • In the 1960, one day Lucy specific termafter and filming then find out and howDesi’s many final episode divorce links there together, were thatshe ledfiled back to thatpapers, page, whichher resulted in aDesi better search engine.annihicalling life with a “nightmare,” lating public image the Arnaz marriage • Theythedecided they that needed a name that was as idyllichow as “I Love Lucythe bought out reflected manyLucy.” websites search engine was of searching. They took theDesilu name Desi’s shares their television studio, of Edward and Kasner’s very large number, only Productions, she became the first woman to they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being run a major television studio, one that produced spelled exactly same way the“Mission: cartoon several popular TVthe series, including character Barney spelled his last name. What’s Impossible” and “Star Trek.” it called? (Answer at bottom of page) • Lucy went onCOMPUTER to star in six seasons FACTSof “The Lucy Show,” then on to her third sitcom, “Here’s • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory Lucy,” another She wrapped up oughtfor to be enoughsix foryears. anybody.” her regular sitcom career in 1974. • Moore’s Law states that computer performance • Lucy’s lastevery public was the since 1989 doubles 18 appearance to 24 months, andatever Academy Awards, four weeks before her 1971, this has beenjust true. death age 77 from a ruptured abdominal • HP, atGoogle, Microsoft, and Apple wereaorall ticstarted aneurysm. in garages. Answer: Google, from googol. TIDBITS! THANKS FOR READING
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Quiz Answers
1. Ariel (Little Mermaid) & Merida (Brave) 2. Little Orphan Annie 3. The Weasley family
4. Conan O’Brien 5. Shaun White 6. Prince Edward Island; Avonlea 7. Jessica Rabbit
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Sports Answers 1. Orlando Cepeda (‘61), Willie Mays (‘62, ‘64, ‘65), & Willie McCovey (‘63, ‘68,’69). 2. 20 points
3. Nine 4. Minneapolis Lakers in 1949. 5. She was 29 6. Six
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