Tidbits of Grand Forks - November 29, 2018

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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN November 29, 2018


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HANUKKAH by Kathy Wolfe


Sundown on December 2 marks the beginning of this year’s celebration of Hanukkah. How much do you know about this Jewish holiday? Sharon Opdahl, Agent insurance. Low rates. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Great rates. Great insurance. Low Get ainsurance. discount up 50%. Sharon Agent Sharon Opdahl aGreat discount upLow to to 50%. 2534 Opdahl, 17th Avenue South, Suite F Get 2534 Avenue South, Suite 2534 17th17th Avenue South, Suite F F This week, Tidbits enlightens you on the basics. Remodeling your home can rates. Grand Forks, ND 58201 Remodeling your home can Agent I can help lower your premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 I can help lower your premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 Bus: 701-746-0495 increase its Protect itit . it 701-746-0495 increase its value. value. Protect increase itsSafe value. Protect Bus:Bus: 701-746-0495 through Drive & Save Remodeling your home sharon@sharonopdahl.com . through Drive Safe & Save sharon@sharonopdahl.com by taking a new look at your 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F by taking a new look at .your sharon@sharonopdahl.com by taking a new at your • The dates of Hanukkah vary each year. It Get to aincrease better State can its.look value. Gethomeowners to a better State insurance policy. insurance policy. homeowners Grand Forks, ND 58201 homeowners Get State Farm. Protect itneighbor, by insurance taking policy. Like good GetLike State Farm. aa good neighbor, Like a good neighbor, 701-746-0495 begins on the 24th of the Hebrew month of CALL ME TODAY. State Farm is aState new look at your CALL ME TODAY. State Farm is there. there. is there. sharonopdahl.com CALL ME Farm TODAY. CALL ME TODAY. insurance homeowners CALL ME TODAY. Kislev, the ninth month of the Hebrew calenpolicy. Like a good neighbor, dar, which occurs in November-December of State Farm is there. our Gregorian calendar. This year, the eightCALL ME TODAY. day festival will conclude at sundown on December 10. 0901136.1 Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 StateState FarmFarm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL • The word Hanukkah is Hebrew for “dedication,” and is also known as the Festival of Lights. It’s the commemoration of the victory of a small group of Jews, led by Judah MacCarpet Cleaning cabee, over the Syrian Greek army. www.elitecarpetsgf.com • Around 162 B.C., an army of Syrian Greeks Carpet Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning SPECIAL! under the leadership of King Antiochus IV Upholstery descended on Jerusalem, killing thousands $129 •Cleaning of Jews. The king overturned all the Jewish 3 Rooms & Hallway • Water laws, forbade them to read from their holy Not valid with any other offer. Extraction Expires 12-31-18 books, and erected a statue of the Greek god Residential & Zeus in the Jewish temple in attempt to force Commercial them to worship pagan gods. • A Jewish priest near Jerusalem headed up the 701-775-8500 organization of an army to revolt against Antiochus’ oppression. The priest chose one of his sons, Judah Maccabeus to lead the army. Sharon Opdahl, Opdahl, Agent Agent Sharon 2534 17th 17th Avenue Avenue South, South, Suite Suite FF 2534 Grand Forks, Forks, ND ND 58201 58201 Grand Bus: 701-746-0495 Bus: 701-746-0495 sharon@sharonopdahl.com sharon@sharonopdahl.com



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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Which early American author wrote the “Scarlet Letter”? 6. What is the most abundant What is the meaning of the metal in the Earth’s crust? word “mitzvah”? 7. Which was the first movie What text is the primary source by Pixar to receive a rating of Jewish religious law and higher than G in the U.S.? theology? 8. In the movie Back to the FuWhat popular Hannukah treat ture, where does Doc Brown takes its name from the Yiddish get the plutonium to power word for “money”? his time machine? What are the four lobes of the TRIVIA cerebral cortex? SPONSORED BY:




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HANUKKAH (continued):

• The first army sent out by the Syrians was defeated by the Maccabees, as was a second expedition sent out. The king commissioned a third army of more than 40,000 men to come against the small group of Jewish rebels. Miraculously, the Syrians were defeated once again. After three years of fighting, the Greeks were driven out of the land. • The Jews cleansed their temple, ridding it of the pagan gods, and rededicated it to Israel’s God. An eight-day celebration followed the cleansing, with the ceremonial light of the holy candelabrum, the Menorah. The Menorah was lit with oil, not candles as are today’s lamps. • Only one vial of oil was found in the Temple, enough to keep the lamp burning for just one day out of the eight-day festival. The miracle of Hanukkah is that the Menorah continued to burn continuously for the entire eight days. • The Temple’s original menorah (stolen by the Syrians) was fashioned from a single piece of pure beaten gold weighing nearly 100 lbs., and stood approximately 5.25 feet tall. It had seven branches, with an oil lamp on top of each. The wicks of each lamp were made from the priests’ worn-out garments. Prior to the Syrian invasion, the High Priest lit the lamps, and they burned from evening until morning. Only pure, fresh olive oil was used. Three lamps were on the left side of the central one, representing the Spring feasts of the Jews – Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Feast of First Fruits. On the other side, were the symbols of the Fall feasts – Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles. ...continued


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HANUKKAH (continued):

• The correct term for the Hanukkah menorah is “chanukihah.” It has nine branches that hold the candles – one for each day of the Festival of Lights, and the “shamash,” the one that is used to light the other candles. The shamash is a little higher or lower than the other candles. The first candle is lit at sundown on the 24th day of Kislev, lighting an additional candle each night until all eight are lit. Nine candles, including the shamash, glow on the final night. No one blows out the candles, and they are allowed to extinguish naturally. Jewish law forbids Hanukkah candles to be used for any other purpose. • After candles are lit on the Hanukkah menorah, Maoz Tzur, a hymn of praise to God for deliverance from persecution, is sung. • According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world’s largest menorah is 32 feet tall, 28 feet wide, and weighs 4,000 lbs. Unveiled opposite New York City’s Central Park in December, 2005, the menorah’s design was based on the Jerusalem’s temple menorah. It is lighted nightly during Hanukkah with oil lamps with glass chimneys to protect the light from wind. • Traditional Hanukkah foods are deep-fried in oil, symbolizing the miracle of the oil that burned in the Temple. Especially popular are latkes, which are crispy potato pancakes, topped with applesauce. Jelly doughnuts might not have been around at the time of the Maccabees (the first known recipe was in a 1532 German cookbook), but these fried treats are a common ...continued food during Hanukkah.

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Although Hanukkah is perhaps the most well-known Jewish holiday, it isn’t the most important on the Jewish religious calendar. That honor belongs to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year, a day of fasting and repentance, when Jews abstain from food and drink for nearly 26 hours, spending the day in the synagogue, praying for forgiveness.

*Answer located further back in this issue.






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• On Dec. 8, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln offers his conciliatory plan for reunification of the United States with his Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction. It allowed for a full pardon for and restoration of property to all engaged in the rebellion with the exception of the highest Confederate officials and military leaders. • On Dec. 6, 1933, a federal judge rules that "Ulysses" by James Joyce is not obscene. The book had been banned in both the United States and England when it came out in 1922. Three years earlier, its serialization in an American review had been cut short by the U.S. Post Office. • On Dec. 5, 1941, John Steinbeck's nonfiction book "The Sea of Cortez" is published. The book reflects SteinbeckÕs serious study of marine biology. He would later use his knowledge of the sea and its creatures in creating Doc, the marine biologist in "Cannery Row" (1945). • On Dec. 4, 1952, heavy smog begins to hover over London. Smoke, soot and sulfur dioxide from the areaÕs industries and cars were trapped by a high-pressure air mass, leading to the deaths of at least 4,000 people, many of whom died in their sleep. • On Dec. 3, 1967, Lewis Washkansky, 53, receives the first human heart transplant, in Cape Town, South Africa. He was given drugs to keep his body from rejecting the heart, but died 18 days later. • On Dec. 7, 1982, the first execution by lethal injection takes place in Texas, when Charles Brooks Jr. receives a fatal dose of a barbiturate by intravenous injection. • On Dec. 9, 1992, nearly 2,000 U.S. Marines arrive in Mogadishu, Somalia, to spearhead a multinational force aimed at restoring order in the conflict-ridden country. In October 1993, rebels shot down two U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopters and killed 18 American soldiers.

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Name the two MLB teams that have won 116 games in a regular season. 2. LeBron James holds the record for most times on the All-NBA First Team (12). Who are the two players tied at 11? 3. When Tony Stewart won his last NASCAR season championship in 2011, how many of the final 10 races of the season did he capture?

4. Before she won her first French Open women’s singles title in 2018, how many times had Simona Halep lost in the finals of the tournament? 5. Name the only team in NFL history to score over 600 points in one regular season. 6. T or F: No pitcher has ever thrown a no-hitter in a World Series game. 7. T or F: A balk is considered a fault in badminton.

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HANUKKAH (continued):

• The Israeli version of doughnuts are known as “sufganiyah,” which translates “spongy” or “fried.” Israeli folklore states that when Adam and Eve were ejected from the Garden of Eden, God cheered them up with sufganiyot. The treats certainly cheer up today’s residents of Israel – they consume more than 18 million jelly doughnuts in the weeks around Hanukkah. • The game of dreidel is a popular one during Hanukkah. The Hebrew word for dreidel is “sevivon,” which translates “to turn around.” The game piece is a small, flat-sided top that spins on a stem. Each side is marked with a different Hebrew letter -- N, G, H, and S, which stand for Nun, Gadol, Haya, and Sham, meaning “A great miracle happened there.” Each player has tokens to be placed in or removed from the “pot.” A spin landing on “N,” which means “nothing,” denotes that the player does nothing. Players that spin a “G,” which translates “everything,” takes the entire pot. An “H,” or “half,” takes half the pot, while a spin of “S,” meaning “put in,” requires the player to add a token to the pot. • Members of the South Palm Beach community of Jewish people helped create the world’s most valuable dreidel, one valued at $14,000. In 2015, members donated precious and gems to fashion the dreidel, which has a diamond foundation and spins on the diamond’s point.

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• Hanukkah is the only Jewish festival not mentioned by name in the Hebrew Bible, although a “feast of dedication” is mentioned in the book of John, perhaps a reference to the celebration of Hanukkah. The story of Hanukkah is told in the books of Maccabees in the Catholic Bible.

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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Food of the Week:


This week, Tidbits takes a quick quest for quirky foods that begin with the letter “Q”.

• The 1871 poem “The Owl and the Pussy Cat” states that the pair dined “on mince, and slices of quince, which they ate with a runcible spoon.” What exactly is a quince? It’s a member of the same family as apples and pears, and ranges in size from an orange to a grapefruit. The fruit is golden yellow and native to the Middle East. It’s a symbol of love and happiness, and in ancient times was always served at wedding feasts. Quince must be cooked before eating, since when raw it’s hard, bitter, and tart. Its most common use is preserves and jellies, with a taste similar to apples and pears. Some believe a quince may have been the “forbidden fruit” eaten by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. • To a scientist, a quark is a group of subatomic particles that interact to become the components of matter. But in the food world, it’s a creamy type of cheese, with a taste and texture similar to a cross between cream cheese and ricotta. It’s especially popular in Germany, Eastern Europe, and Slavic countries. It’s produced by warming soured milk until it curdles, when lactic acid bacteria are added. When the quark becomes acidic, the proteins leak out, which are strained through a cheesecloth, leaving the firm but creamy cheese behind. It’s sometimes compared to Greek yogurt, but the nutritional value of quark is much better. Greek yogurt has 7 grams of protein per 100 gram serving – quark has double that amount.

• The word “quiche” has its origins in the French language around 1805, but the dish itself has been part of English, German, and Italian cuisine as well for centuries. It’s a pastry crust filled with eggs and cream, cheese, vegetables, and a choice of meat or seafood, such as bacon, ham, shrimp, or crab. The classic Quiche Lorraine, named for the Lorraine region of France, uses crisp bacon and Gruyere cheese. In 1997, a French chef put together 125 quarts of milk, 1,928 eggs, 156 lbs. of bacon, 134 lbs. of butter, and 140 lbs. of flour to make an enormous quiche that baked for 18 hours and fed 125 people. • The French are also fond of quenelles, dumplings made from minced fish, meat, or vegetables, which are rolled in bread crumbs and eggs, and poached. The dumplings are usually served with a crayfish sauce or a cream sauce. • Quinoa, pronounced KEEN-wa, is native to the Andes Mountains of South America. In fact, the best-tasting plants are grown above an elevation of 12,500 feet. It’s now a popular crop grown in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, where it was first sown in the 1980s. Over 200,000 lbs. are grown there each year. This herb plant is a member of the goosefoot family, and its seeds are very nutritious, containing eight amino acids, B vitamins, Vitamin A, phosphorus, iron, and calcium. It’s an especially popular choice for those who are gluten-intolerant.

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(Answers located further back)

November 19, 2018

• “We have a cookie-making party every year, and we serve a nice lunch before launching into the cookies. This year, we decided to be very festive and used cookie cutters for napkin rings. They were raved about!” — B.L. in New Jersey • “Keep a stack of blank notecards and a pen wherever you like to sit around, like the kitchen table or the end table in the living room. This will make it really easy for you and your kids to write notes to relatives or thank you notes for gifts. A text message or Facebook post is great, but everyone likes a handwritten note.” — T.R. in Ohio • Jazz up your cookie game with these add-ins: butterscotch morsels, coconut flakes, toasted pine nuts, sea salt, malted milk balls, caramel chunks, salted or honey-roasted peanuts, sour candies, hot chocolate mix, instant coffee granules, crushed cookies or graham crackers. • “World’s Best Mitten Tip: Here’s how my mom keeps us in mittens for more than five minutes during the winter. Measure a piece of string or yarn that is as long as your arms’ length — with arms stretched out to the sides, fingertip to fingertip, plus 12 inches or so. Secure a mitten to each end of the string — you might have to make a small hole if your mittens are not woven. Now thread them through the sleeves of your favorite coat so that the mittens hang from the arm holes. Secure the middle point of the string to the coat’s tag. Now, when you put your coat on, your mittens are there at your hands. If you don’t want to wear them, you can tuck them back up in the sleeve. You will not lose them and they stay together.” — M.R. in Minnesota • Bring back the life of a washable marker that’s been dried out. Run the tip under a slow stream of tap water for 60 seconds, then wrap the tip in plastic and cap it. Let sit for an hour. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

by Samantha Weaver

• It was way back in the 19th century that American author and philosopher Henry David Thoreau made the following sage observation: "Men have become the tools of their tools." • If you were asked to name the U.S. state that is geographically closest to the continent of Africa, you might be tempted to say Florida. You'd be wrong, though; the closest state is actually Maine. • In 1938, Time magazine featured Adolph Hitler on the cover as its Man of the Year. • If you're like most parents, at some point you've been shocked by how quickly your kids outgrow things -- especially shoes. What may be an annoyance in a developed country is a major problem in undeveloped areas of the world; Kenton Lee is working on changing that. As a volunteer in an orphanage in Kenya, he noticed that many children had the toes cut out of their shoes just so they could fit in their growing feet. After returning home, Lee developed an adjustable sandal that can grow with a child, increasing up to five sizes using a system of snaps. Although the shoe is only available to nonprofits that send them to organizations in need, domestic demand is increasing. If you're a parent sick of buying seemingly endless pairs of new shoes, you'll be glad to hear that Lee and his team are working on a commercial version. • It was beloved British author (and, of course, creator of Sherlock Holmes), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who introduced the sport of skiing to Switzerland, thereby transforming that snowy country into a premier tourist destination. *** Thought for the Day: "The reason that adulation is not displeasing is that, though untrue, it shows one to be of consequence enough, in one way or other, to induce people to lie." -- Lord Byron © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

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November 25 marks the anniversary of the introduction of Woody Woodpecker in 1940. Here are the facts about the history of this beloved cartoon character. • Woody was created by Walter Lantz and artist Bugs Hardaway, who had previously been involved in the creation of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck at Warner Brothers Studios in the 1930s. Woody was originally voiced by Mel Blanc, the “Man of 1,000 Voices,” who also voiced Bugs Bunny, Daffy, Porky Pig, Tweety Bird, Sylvester the Cat, Yosemite Sam, and scores of other characters. • While Lantz was on his honeymoon at a California cabin with his wife Grace, a noisy woodpecker hammered away outside, keeping them awake at night. A heavy rainstorm revealed that the bird had bored holes in the roof. Grace had the idea of building a cartoon around their experience. • Woody’s first cartoon short, “Knock, Knock” premiered on November 25, 1940, starring Woody, along with Andy Panda and Papa Panda. The little woodpecker became such a hit during World War II that his image was painted on the nose of US aircraft and on the walls of mess halls. A 1943 cartoon was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Short Subject. The cartoons were so popular, boys even cut their hair in the style of the red-headed bird. • Fans of Woody will know that his arch enemy was Wally Walrus, introduced in the cartoon short “The Beach Nut,” in 1944. Other enemies included Buzz Buzzard, Dirty McNasty, and Professor Grossenfibber. Woody’s love interest, Winnie Woodpecker, debuted in “Real Gone Woody” in 1954. Other friends included Chilly Willy, Sugarfoot, and Duffy Dog. Woody’s family included nephew Knothead, niece Splinter, and cousins Wilson, Richard, Jonathan, and Nick.


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• Although Mel Blanc was the first voice of Woody, the voice-over work was transferred to others Dell. when Blanc signed on full-time with Answer: Warner Brothers. was Blanc’s voice that gave A VERYItLARGE NUMBER Woody his famous distinctive laugh. One of • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 thehevoices, KenttoRogers, was killed during was asked come up with a name forina a World Warnumber: II plane the crash, and Woody’s artist very large numeral one, followed Bugs Hardaway took over. Beginning in 1950, by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young in nephews a Woodywhat Woodpecker feature “Destinaname they wouldfilm suggest. tion Moon,” the voice-over work was by • Nine-year-old Milton suggested adone name Walt wife Grace. When strip audition tapes out Lantz’s of the funnies. A cartoon character were being reviewed by Walt for aMilton chose named Barney was very popular. Barney’s name for the slipped number. new voice, last Grace secretly her own recording into a stack • Kasner announced the new name for the big of number the tapes, andnext Walt chose in his book, altering the spelling. her without knowing her • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin identity. developed a new internet search engine. Other search engines • Woody’s theme searched song waseach webpage and ranked them according introduced in 1947, a songtoin-how many times a specific term appeared on them, but Page and fused with Woody’s signature Brin designed their search engine to search for laugh. It wasterm one and of 1948’s the specific then find out how many biggest hit singles, and only from links there were that was led the back to song that page, anwhich animated shortintoa be nominated for an Oscar resulted better search engine. for Best Original Song. • They decided they needed a name that reflected how many websites the search • Woody Woodpecker made the transition into engine was searching. took the name television in 1957 when They ABC launched “The of Edward Kasner’s very large Woody Woodpecker Show.” It onlynumber, ran untilonly the they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being following year, but then went into syndication spelled exactly the same way the cartoon until 1966. It was revived by NBC in 1970 for character Barney spelled his last name. What’s another six-year run. “The New Woody Woodit called? (Answer at bottom of page) pecker Show” aired on the Fox Kids channel COMPUTER FACTS from 1999 to 2002. • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory • From 1982 1996, Macy’s Thanksgivought to beuntil enough forthe anybody.” ing Day parade featured a Woody • Moore’s Law states that computer Woodpecker performance balloon, of the and widest balloons doublesone every 18 totallest 24 months, and ever since ever to appear in the parade. This made it one of 1971, this has been true. the trickiest to fly, triggeringand several encounters • HP, Google, Microsoft, Apple were all with trees over the years, ripping his stomach, started in garages. legs, hands, and head in six separate incidents, Answer: Google, from googol. including a run-in with a lamppost.

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