Tidbits of Grand Forks - December 6, 2018

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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GLASS by Janet Spencer

The recipe for glass has remained the same for INTERESTcenturies: melt sand, add a dash of plant ash, FREE and throw in a few limestone pebbles. Heat to FINANCING 2,800 F, form into desired shape, and let cool. On select Come along with Tidbits as we make glass! Gas Fireplaces, Inserts and Stoves, IN THE BEGINNING O F G RAN D F O RK S • EFinancing AST G available RAN D F O RK S • Glass is made by melting silicon dioxide. Sili- to qualified buyers. Published by WickinPublications con dioxide is most commonly found the form of quartz, and quartz is most commonly found in the form of sand. Also known as silica, it’s one of the most abundant materials 1318 12th Ave. S. • Grand Forks • 701-775-5522 on Earth, and one of the most useful. It took many humans many centuries to harness its power. Here are some of their stories. • A typical drinking glass is made of 70% silica. Another 18% is sodium carbonate, also called soda ash, which comes from the ashes of plants and is used because it lowers the melting point. The remaining 12% is limestone which prevents weathering. If you make glass from just silica and soda ash, the resulting product is soluble in water. Adding limestone prevents this. • The earliest glass vessels were made in Mesopotamia around 1500 B.C. Glass-blowing was invented in Syria around the 1st century B.C. The Romans picked up the innovation and spread glass throughout their vast trade routes.


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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. In which of Stephen King’s novels does the Overlook Hotel appear? How many years will it take for 6. What 1980s TV game show feaa glass bottle to decompose in tured the dreaded “Whammies”? a landfill? 7. What was the name of Rosco How many times can glass be P. Coltrane’s dog on the TV recycled? show The Dukes of Hazzard? Why does some beer come in 8. Who played Lex Luthor in brown bottles instead of clear the original 1978 Superman ones? movie? Which U.S. state claims to be TRIVIA the “birthplace of aviation”? SPONSORED BY:



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GLASS FACTS (continued):

• Around the year 1204 A.D., Crusaders sacked Constantinople, so glassmakers fled Turkey and settled in Venice, Italy instead. They made glass objects that were traded around the world by Venetian merchants. However, glass-making requires furnaces, and Venice was built out of wood. • In the year 1291, after a few disastrous fires, the city leaders sent all of the glassmakers to the island of Murano a mile away. When the glassmakers found themselves gathered together on a small island, it created an environment that led to a burst of creativity and innovation. Murano became known as the Isle of Glass, and remains so today. • Glass tended to be colored due to mineral impurities in the silica. Around 1450, Angelo Barovier discovered that if you burn seaweed and add the ash to the molten glass, the result is glass as clear as ice. Now we know it’s because seaweed contains manganese oxide, which neutralizes iron oxide, which caused the discoloration. Barovier named it cristallo from the Latin crystallum meaning ice, and that gives us our word “crystal.” This is considered to be the birth of modern-day glass. • Next, glassmakers discovered that if you bend clear glass, different optical effects can be achieved. This resulted in the creation of eyeglass lenses. The word lens comes from the Latin word for lentils lentes because they have a similar shape. • When Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1440s, a domino effect occurred. Books became cheap, portable, and popular, spurring literacy rates to rise, causing people to notice that they had trouble reading books due to poor eyesight, causing an upsurge in the need for eyeglasses. Within a century of Gutenberg’s invention, thousands of craftsmen all over Europe were making eyeglasses. ...continued

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GLASS FACTS (continued):

• In 1590 in the Netherlands, father and son team Hans and Zacharias Janssen were making eyeglasses when they began experimenting, lining them up together. They found this magnified things greatly. They had invented the microscope. • About 70 years later, British scientist Robert Hooke improved the design of the microscope and used it to discover that matter was made up of little boxes which he called “cells.” In 1673, a Dutch lens maker named VanLeeuwenhoek made further improvements and discovered bacteria and red blood cells. Because of the microscope, there was a revelation in understanding viruses, bacteria, vaccines, and antibiotics. • Twenty years after inventing the microscope, Zacharias Janssen and a team of other Dutch lens-makers lined up lenses differently and invented the telescope. In 1610, Galileo heard about the new invention, improved the design, and used it to discover moons orbiting Jupiter, challenging the commonly held belief that all heavenly bodies circled the Earth. • Even though blown glass was mostly clear, there were plenty of cloudy imperfections in it. British glassmaker George Ravenscroft discovered that if lead was added to molten glass, the result would be glass that was perfectly clear with no cloudy spots. He had invented lead crystal glass, which he patented in 1674. Leaded glass is extremely refractive, and it improved the power of microscopes, telescopes, and spectacles.


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• Charles Vernon Boys was a British physicist. In 1887 he wanted to create an extremely thin and tiny piece of glass so that he could use it to take microscopic measurements by using it as the world’s tiniest balance arm. First he had to figure out how to make an extremely thin tiny piece of glass. ...continued

*Answer located further back in this issue.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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When iron is present in molten glass, it colors it green. Copper turns it light blue, while cobalt makes it dark blue. Manganese makes it purple, and lead-antimony oxide creates an opaque yellow, and gold turns it ruby red. This is what makes stained glass possible.

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• On Dec. 10, 1915, the one-millionth Model T car rolls off the assembly line at Ford's River Rouge plant in Detroit. Ford would go on to sell more than 15 million Model Ts, and toward the end of their run in 1927, had cut the price to just $300 (about $3,700 today). • On Dec. 14, 1939, the League of Nations, the international peacekeeping organization formed at the end of World War I, expels the Soviet Union in response to its invasion of Finland on Oct. 30. • On Dec. 15, 1944, legendary bandleader Glenn Miller's aircraft disappears over the English Channel while en route to France. Miller had set aside his music career at its peak in 1942 to serve his country as leader of the USAAF dance band. • On Dec. 12, 1963, a vinyl LP record, "John Fitzgerald Kennedy: A Memorial Album," sets a record for album sales. Some 4 million copies sold in the first six days of its release. The album included recordings of some of the late president's most memorable speeches. • On Dec. 16, 1977, "Saturday Night Fever," a movie that ignites the disco dance craze across America -- along with the movie career of its star, John Travolta -- opens in theaters. Travolta earned a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his performance as 19-year-old dancer Tony Manero. • On Dec. 11, 1981, Jamaican boxer Trevor Berbick beats former heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali in a unanimous 10-round decision in Nassau, the Bahamas. At the age of 39, Ali (born Cassius Clay) was attempting his second comeback from retirement. • On Dec. 13, 2000, Vice President Al Gore reluctantly concedes defeat to Texas Gov. George W. Bush in his bid for the presidency, following five weeks of complex legal battles over the recounting of votes in Florida. Gore narrowly lost the state. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved


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3. How many times did the Minnesota Vikings make the playoffs in the 1. Who was the last N.L. 10 seasons (1991-2001) player before the Marlins’ being coached by Dennis Giancarlo Stanton in 2017 Green? (59 home runs) to hit 50 4. How many games did the or more home runs in a Washington Capitals win season? in their inaugural NHL 2. Who was the last men’s season of 1974-75? basketball player before 5. Michael Jordan was the North Carolina’s Joel third overall pick in the Berry in 2016-17 to score 1984 NBA Draft. What at least 20 points in backother Hall of Famer was to-back NCAA championship games? (hint: UCLA) picked No. 1 overall?


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• One day Charles Boys attached a thin glass rod to an arrow using a glob of wax. He attached the arrow to his crossbow. Then he heated the glass rod until it softened, and shot the arrow out of his crossbow. The arrow streaked towards the target, trailing a thin string of glass 90 feet long. Though extremely thin, it was stronger than steel. Boys had accidentally invented fiberglass. • Subsequent experimentation by other people showed that fiberglass on its own is extremely versatile and useful, and when combined with plastics and other resins, it can be used for thousands more applications. By the time Charles Boys died in 1944, fiberglass was everywhere: insulation, clothing, helmets, circuit boards, sporting goods, soundproofing, vehicles, and more. Today it’s made by using high-pressure air to force molten glass through tiny holes. • In the 1970s, Corning Glass Works, located in Corning, New York, created glass that was so clear that a chunk of it half mile long was as transparent as a single glass pane. Intrigued, scientists at Bell Labs used fibers of this ultra-transparent glass in experiments with laser beams, shooting the laser light down the middle of the fibers. • The combination of super-concentrated light beams and ultra-clear glass resulted in the fiber optic revolution. Whereas the drinking glass in your kitchen is 70% silica, the glass in fiber optic cables is 100% silica. The internet age would not have been possible without fiber optics, and our information age revolves around glass. • Today you take a selfie through the glass lens on your cell phone; store that data on circuit boards made of quartz crystals and fiberglass; transmit it to friends via glass cables; and view it on computer screens made of glass, all thanks to many people working over the course of many centuries.

© 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.


GLASS FACTS (continued):

*Answer located further back in this issue.


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• Lapin worked with other tinkerers in order to design a tin can, pressurized with nitrous oxide, which would dispense real cream in the form of whipped cream using an aerosol nozzle. He fiddled with the design of the nozzle until he had a perfect and unique tip that would dispense only the whipped cream without allowing any of the nitrous oxide to escape. Then he improved it so it would dispense the whipped cream in flowery patterns. • He dubbed the new aerosol whipped cream ReddiWip. He released it in 1948, after World War II ended and rationing was lifted. He convinced dairies and milkmen all over the U.S. to add Reddi-Wip to their line of products. It caught on quickly. Within five years he was worth millions. • In 1949 he applied for a patent for his nozzle, which was granted in 1955. He invented pressurized shaving cream he called Reddi-Shave, but because he didn’t want to run a shaving cream company, he sold Schick and Barbasol on the idea and then sold them the nozzles. Next he invented spray foam insulation in a can, a company his son ran for him. Experiments with aerosolized ketchup, mayonnaise, shampoo, mustard, and iodine never panned out, although Lapin’s nozzle is now also used for canned cheese. • In 1954 Lapin sold Reddi-Wip to Beatrice Foods, and continued advising them until 1963. He died in 1999 at age 85 after seeing his invention become popular worldwide. At the time of his death, half of all aerosol whipped topping sold was Reddi-Wip.



• Aaron Lapin was born in 1914, and worked in his father’s clothing store in St. Louis as a young man. In 1941 he went to visit his brother-in-law Mark Lipsky, who owned a dairy in Chicago. • During World War II, rationing was common, and one of the items rationed was heavy cream. Therefore, whipped cream was unavailable. During his visit to his brother-in-law’s dairy, a salesman peddling a whipped cream substitute called Sta-Wip stopped by to give a sales pitch. • Mark Lipsky liked the product, and thought there would be a good market for it if he bought the company. He offered Aaron Lapin the job of peddling the product. Lapin was tired of selling clothing by then, and agreed. Lipsky bought the Sta-Wip company, and Lapin set out to make it work. • Whereas true whipped cream is made out of heavy cream, Sta-Wip was made out of light cream and vegetable oil. However, once the container was opened, it would spoil quickly. • Lipin invented a reusale aerosolized “gun” he called the Fount-Wip, created by putting a tight lid on the container that could be pumped up with pressure. When the trigger was pulled on the gun, pressure was released and whipped topping came out. • He sold the product to soda fountains, bakeries, and restaurants who used it on desserts. When retail clients complained that the product was still spoiling before it could be used up, Lapin invented smaller disposable whipped-topping guns. • Then a chemist at the University of Illinois discovered that when milk is pressurized using nitrous oxide in a closed container, the milk would turn into foam when the pressure was released. Pressurized cream would turn into whipped cream.



• A company called Crown Cork and Seal Company introduced the first canisters capable of being pressurized in 1946, calling them the Spra-tainer. Aaron Lapin camped out on their doorstep until they agreed to sell him the canisters on credit. Soon he was their biggest customer.


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1. Select a fresh tree. The needles should be moist and not break when bent with fingers. 2. Store your tree out of direct sunlight and away from drafts. 3. Immediately before the tree is brought inside, make a half-inch fresh cut from the trunk and place it in water. 4. Initially, put hot water in the tree holder to remove any sealing pitch. 5. Use a Christmas tree stand that holds a gallon of water. 6. Check the stand every day for water and keep it full. Never allow the reservoir to become dry. 7. Keep your tree away from a direct heat source. 8. Miniature light bulbs are better than large bulbs because they generate less heat. 9. Christmas trees should last inside safely at least a few weeks. When a tree ceases to "drink" water, it should be removed from the house. From the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

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King Features Weekly Service

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Tammy Erickson @

Superior Styles Haircuts - $15

(Answers located further back)

November 26, 2018

• Add a few drops of water to votive cups before adding a candle. The wax will float on the water, and when the candle burns down, it won’t get stuck in the votive glass. • Experts say: For every foot high your tree, you should plan for 9 feet of garland. So, a 7-foot tree would need about 63 feet of garland. • Dropped a glass ornament? They leave tiny shards, don’t they? To get the tiniest bits up, rely on a slice of white bread. Use it to sweep up after the large pieces have been cleared. The soft bread catches it all! • Got build-up on your battery terminal? Add two tablespoons of baking soda to a large mug of hot water, then stir vigorously. Pour over the corrosion to foam it away, then rinse, rinse, rinse. • Put on a bracelet with no help, with the aid of a paperclip! Unfold one end to create a long loop. Hook one end on the loop, and hold the other end of the paperclip in your hand, with the bracelet end on your wrist. You have only to loop the bracelet around and hook it. • Glass doors in the shower can be cleaned with a dryer sheet. Simply wet and rub. In fact, the texture almost gives a scrub. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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by Samantha Weaver

• It was Hungarian psychiatrist Thomas Stephen Szasz who made the following sage observation: "If you talk to God, you are praying. If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia." • You might be surprised to learn that David Duchovny, best known for his role as Agent Fox Mulder in "The X-Files," was just a dissertation away from being awarded a doctorate in English literature. • Did you know that the world's most popular fruit is the banana? It's true: In the United States, people consume more bananas than apples and oranges put together. • In 2009, a Saudi couple who had spent their honeymoon in Malaysia encountered difficulty on the return flight home. It seems that the groom felt the bride was taking too long in the airport restroom, so he boarded the flight back to Saudi Arabia before she did. When he allowed the plane to leave without her, she insisted on an immediate divorce. • Most people don't realize that in 1938, Time magazine featured Adolph Hitler on the cover as its Man of the Year. • Removing one's wedding ring is considered to be a no-no by many. However, one superstition holds that doing so is perfectly acceptable -- as long as the ring is being used to ward off a witch. • Ever wonder why magazine publisher Hugh Hefner chose a rabbit as the symbol of his Playboy magazine? Evidently, when the mogul was a small boy one of his treasured possessions was a blanket with bunnies all over it. *** Thought for the Day: "I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat." -- Rebecca West, author and journalist © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• The Cuyahoga River in Ohio is about 100 miles long, flowing through Akron and emptying into Lake Erie at Cleveland, draining 813 square miles and averaging 3 to 6 feet in depth. Its name comes from a Mohawk word meaning “crooked river.” • John D. Rockefeller built his first oil refinery on the shores of the river in 1856, followed by the B.F. Goodrich rubber factory, Republic Steel Mills, the Harshaw Chemical Company, and municipal sewage companies. All of these firms, and others, discharged their untreated effluent directly into the waters of the river. • The Cuyahoga River was one of the most polluted rivers in the U.S. throughout the 20th century. Between Akron and Cleveland the river was devoid of fish and the only sign of life was algae. It was covered with a brown oily film with large quantities of black heavy oil floating in slicks, sometimes several inches thick. Garbage was commonly caught in these slicks. The water moved sluggishly and sludge accumulated on the river bottom. Areas of the river were used as landfills. Factories discharging cooling water into the river raised the temperature up to 15°F. The color of the river varied from gray-brown to rusty red. • The Cuyahoga River caught on fire for the first time back in 1868. In the next century, it caught on fire 12 more times. The final fire, on June 22, 1969, caught the attention of the nation’s media by sheer fluke. • In 1967, Carl Stokes was elected mayor of Cleveland, becoming the nation’s first black mayor of a major metropolitan area. In 1968, his brother, Louis Stokes, became the first black congressman elected in the state of Ohio. Many media outlets stationed reporters in Cleveland to report on race riots, war protests, and other events.


DIFFERENCES: 1. Phone is missing. 2. Towel is shorter. 3. Blender is missing. 4. Beads are missing. 5. Apron is different. 6. Pan is missing. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• When the Cuyahoga River caught on fire for the 13th time in 1969, locals barely noticed. Sparks from a train Answer: Dell.landed in the oily water, where grease-soaked garbage hadNUMBER been trapped by A VERY LARGE bridge pilings. No one took pictures of the fire, • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 and wasasked put out an with hour. aNo one for dieda heitwas to within come up name and thelarge damage was listed at less than $50,000. very number: the numeral one, followed The fire rated a mention on page 11-C of theyoung local by a hundred zeros. He asked his two paper the following day. Butwould a reporter for Time nephews what name they suggest. magazine stationed in Cleveland mentioned the • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name event andATime ran with out to of his theeditor, funnies. cartoon strip it. character named Barney was very popular. Milton • Because no photos existed of the actualchose fire, Barney’s last name for the number. editors at Time used dramatic archival photos • Kasner announced the new for the big from a 1952 conflagration on name the river, which number in his next book, altering the spelling. did $1.3 million in damage, burning bridges, • Sixtyand years later, Larry Page Sergey Brin boats, buildings. When theand magazine was developed a new internet search engine. Other published in June of 1969, it described the river searched and as search being soengines saturated with oileach that itwebpage “oozes rathranked them according to how many times er than flows” and in which a person “does nota specific term appeared on them, but Page and drown but decays.” Brin designed their search engine to search for

• The of the “only thestory specific term andriver thenever find to outhave howburned many there were that Cleveland led back tointo thata page, to links the ground” turned symwhich resulted in a better search engine. bol of environmental degradation. Mayor Carl • They became decideddeeply they involved needed with a name that Stokes the issue, reflected how many websites the search holding a press conference at the site of the fire, engine was searching. They the name testifying before Congress, andtook working with of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only his brother U.S. Representative Louis Stokes to they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being urge federal involvement in pollution control. spelled exactly the same way the cartoon The Stokes Barney brothersspelled were not shy name. about What’s calling character his last outit politicians who promised to invest in called? (Answer at bottom of page) the environment but failed to dedicate any money for COMPUTER FACTS the purpose. • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory • The Stokes played a part in ought to bebrothers’ enough advocacy for anybody.” the creation of the EPA in 1970 and the passage • Moore’s Law states that computer performance of doubles the federal Clean Act of 1972. In spite of every 18 Water to 24 months, and ever since dire warnings from industry spokesmen that the 1971, this has been true. result would be lost jobs and higher prices, nei• HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all ther occurred. The river now flows clean, clear, started in garages. and uncluttered, boasting many species of fish. Answer: Google, from googol.

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Quiz Answers

1. More than 1 million years. 2. An infinite number of times 3. The amber tint reflects the most UV light and protects against spoilage.

4. Ohio 5. The Shining 6. Press Your Luck 7. Flash 8. Gene Hackman


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Sports Answers 1. Prince Fielder 3. Eight times (Brewers) hit 50 4. Only 8 wins 5. Hakeem HRs in 2007. Olajuwon 2. Bill Walton, in 1972-73

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