Tidbits of Grand Forks - December 13 Issue

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Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 wickpub@yahoo.com Big savings for Bigsafe savings TIDBITS VISITS SOME OF THE WORLD'S Home drivers. for safe LARGEST CITIES Home & Auto. by Kathy Wolfe drivers. & Auto. Smart A mega-city is defined as having a population INTERESTSmart & Easy. of at least 10 million people. In 1990, the world & Easy. FREE had 10 such cities, and today there are 31. This

December 13, 2018

Issue # 1,098


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week, Tidbits travels to a few of these urban areas to bring you up to date on the numbers. • About 23% of the world’s population lives in cities greater than a million, with 7% living in CALL ME TODAY. mega-cities. Population is generally computed on the metropolitan area, rather than just the legal bounds of the city itself. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL • China has seven mega-cities, including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL Shanghai, which is the world’s third-largest city. Beijing, also known as Peking, population 21.2 million, is home to the first Peking Duck restaurant, one that opened in the 1400s Carpet Cleaning and is still in operation. Chengdu (14.4 milwww.elitecarpetsgf.com lion), Chongqing (13.7 million), Guangzhou Carpet Cleaning • Carpet (13.5 million), Shenzhen (12.9 million), and Cleaning SPECIAL! Tianjin (12.8 million), all contribute to ChiUpholstery $199 •Cleaning na’s enormous population of 1,415,927,000 5 Rooms, Hallway people. China’s population is over 18.5% of & 1 Stairway • Water the total world population. Not valid with any other offer. Extraction Expires 1-11-19 • The city of Moscow, the world’s 22nd largest Residential & Commercial city, was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolguruky under the Russian name of Moskva. Their millionth citizen was born in 1897. The city is 701-775-8500 home to the largest number of billionaires, 84 billionaires with a combined wealth of $367 billion. (New York City is second with 62.) ™



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Quiz Bits

5. How many moons does the planet Venus have? 6. What is the only rock that floats? 7. What inland U.S. state has the longest freshwater coastline? 8. In what movie does Tom Hanks say, “There’s no crying in baseball!”? 9. What is the only Star Wars film in which Harrison Ford receives top billing? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:


1. What city of 14.3 million people was formerly known as Constantinople? 2. Name New York City’s five boroughs. 3. The world’s oldest polo club is located in India’s secondlargest city. Name it. 4. Germany’s largest city has 3.5 million people. Name it.


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LARGEST CITIES (continued):

• Visit Moscow’s Red Square and you’ll see the Kremlin, the world’s largest medieval fortress, containing five palaces and four cathedrals. Construction began in the 1320s. The world’s largest bell, the Tsar Bell, is at the Kremlin, a 445,166-lb. bell that has never rung after being broken during construction in 1737. The world’s largest cannon is also at the Kremlin. • About 100,000 of the city’s 12.3 million residents visit Moscow’s Gorky Park on a typical Saturday. Russia’s first McDonald’s restaurant opened in Moscow in 1990, and 30,000 people stood for hours to sample their first burger from the fast food chain. • New York City has been the United States’ largest city since 1790. It’s America’s most densely-populated city, and 1 in every 38 Americans live there, about 5.7% of the nation’s population. One out of every 21 residents is a millionaire. Close to 20 million people live in the metro area. Manhattan was purchased from the Native Americans in 1626 for about $1,000 in today’s money. A Dutch trading post was founded there in 1624, and was named New Amsterdam. When the city came under British control 40 years later, King Charles II of England gave the lands to his brother, the Duke of York, who renamed the city. (The Duke would later become King James II.) In 1789, when the population was 28,000, New York City became the first nation’s capital. George Washington took his oath of office on the balcony of the City Hall, but its capital status would endure just until 1790, when Philadelphia took over the status. ...continued

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4. How many consecutive men’s golf majors were won by Americans before 1. What was the last school Francesco Molinari won outside a current Power the British Open in 2018? Five conference to win a national championship in 5. Who was the only person in NBA history to be named college football? MVP, Coach of the Year 2. Beginning in 1991, Pittsand, Executive of the Year? burgh and Washington 6. The Russian men’s sochave met 11 times in the cer team won how many NHL playoffs. How many games in its World Cup times have the Penguins history (1994-2014) bewon the series? 3. What NFL player debuted fore its two-victory run in as a pro wrestler in 2004? the 2018 World Cup?



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LARGEST CITIES (continued):

• New York City is the most linguistically diverse city in the world, and about half of the population speaks a language other than English in the home. • Cairo, Egypt, the ninth most populous city, grew up around the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis, which is now contained within the modern city. The Giza Pyramid complex, which includes the three Great Pyramids and the Great Sphinx, is nearby. Modern Cairo was founded in the year 969, and is home to the world’s secondoldest university, Al-Azhar University, established in 970. • The world’s fifth largest city has more than 21 million people. Sao Paulo, Brazil, is the largest city in South America, and the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world. Jesuit priests founded the village as a mission on top of a plateau between two rivers in 1554, and named it after the Apostle Paul. The first church building was a hut covered with palm leaves. The village remained in extreme poverty until gold was discovered in the early 1700s. Today’s Sao Paulo has absolutely no billboards, due to their Clean City law passed in 2006 which bans any “visual pollution.”





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• Mexico City, at number seven in world population, was settled in 1325 by the Aztecs, who called the village Tenochititlan. In 1585, it became officially known as Ciudad de Mexico, or Mexico City. It’s the oldest capital and the largest city in the Americas. In 1900, the city’s population was just 500,000. In less than 120 years, it has grown to more than 21 million people. More than 4 million passengers ride the city’s Metro every day. Mexico City is a sinking city, sinking about 4 inches every year, and perhaps as much as 32.8 feet in the last 60 years. ...continued


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• On Dec. 18, 1620, the British ship Mayflower docks at modern-day Plymouth, Massachusetts, and its passengers prepare to begin their new settlement, Plymouth Colony. By spring, 50 of the original 102 Mayflower passengers were dead of illness and starvation. • On Dec. 22, 1900, the first car to be produced under the "Mercedes" name is delivered to its buyer: Emil Jellinek, the Austrian car racer. Jellinek was so confident it would win races that he bought 36 of them, and the company agreed to name its new machine after Jellinek's daughter, Mercedes. • On Dec. 19, 1917, the National Hockey League opens its first season with five franchises: the Canadiens and the Wanderers (both of Montreal), the Ottawa Senators, the Quebec Bulldogs and the Toronto Arenas. • On Dec. 17, 1944, Public Proclamation No. 21, declares that, effective Jan. 2, 1945, Japanese American "evacuees" from the West Coast could return to their homes from internment camps. • On Dec. 20, 1957, rock-and-roll star Elvis Presley receives his draft notice for the U.S. Army. Fans sent tens of thousands of letters asking that he be spared, but Elvis would have none of it. He was sworn in as an Army private in Memphis, Tennessee, on March 24, 1958. • On Dec. 23, 1968, the crew and captain of the U.S. intelligence-gathering ship Pueblo are released after 11 months' imprisonment by the government of North Korea. The Pueblo and its 83-man crew had been seized by North Korean warships and charged with intruding into North Korean waters. • On Dec. 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 from London to New York explodes in midair over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew members. A bomb hidden in an audio cassette player detonated in the cargo area when the plane was at 31,000 feet. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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• Tokyo, Japan is the world’s largest city, with 38.1 million people. It was first settled as a small fishing village named Edo. Around the year 1500, there were just a few thousand people, but by the early 1700s, Edo had its first one million residents. In 1868, when the Japanese imperial family moved there, it became the capital city, and was renamed Tokyo, which translates to “Eastern Capital.” Tokyo’s Shinjuku Station is the largest railway station in the world, with an average of 3.75 million passengers passing through every day. Tokyo can be an expensive place to visit. It has more top-rated restaurants than any other city in the world, and the mega-suite at the Ritz Carlton will set you back $20,000 per night. The city was the first to have a Disney park outside the U.S., a resort that employs 20,000 people. Even with its enormous population, Tokyo is a very safe city, with one of the lowest crime rates per capita of any major city. • Although Chicago has nearly 8.8 million people, it’s not classified as a mega-city. It ranks as the 38th largest city in the world. • Canada doesn’t have a single mega-city. Its largest city, Toronto, ranks 57th in the world, with close to 6 million inhabitants, the only Canadian city in the Top 150. Miami is right behind Toronto at #58 , with 5.8 million, and Dallas is at #61 with 5.7 million.

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• Delhi, India is the world’s second-largest urban area with close to 26.5 million people, and has been inhabited since at least 600 B.C. It’s estimated that 18 billionaires and 23,000 millionaires live in this city. Four years ago, the city was the most polluted city in the world, but improved in 2016 to the sixth-worst, with the deaths of 10,500 people every year attributed to air pollution. Of the world’s ten most polluted cities, nine are in India.

*Answer located further back in this issue.


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• Prior to 2013, there was no such thing as a Cronut. That’s when New York City pastry chef Dominique Ansel created this pastry that is a cross between a croissant and a doughnut. The dough is close to that of the croissant, then filled with flavored cream and fried in grapeseed oil. Within three days of Ansel’s first creation, it was a hit, and within nine days, he had filed for a trademark for the Cronut name. Don’t look for Cronuts in your local bakery – they’re only sold at Ansel’s bakeries in New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, and London. • Visit Prato, Italy, and you can try Brutti-boni, a concoction of finely-ground almonds and meringue. What’s unusual about these confections? Their name actually translates to “ugly but good”! • How about flies’ graveyard for dessert? This is the nickname for a United Kingdom sweet pastry filled with currants or raisins, which are the “flies” in the “graveyard.” A similarly-named confection is squashed fly cake, a small round flaky pastry, also filled with currants.

• Cream puffs are also known as profiteroles and choux a la crème. The pastry dough is piped through a pastry bag, then baked, forming a hollow puff. The puffs are then injected with whipped cream or custard before being decorated with chocolate sauce or powdered sugar. • The Austrians have also brought us Punschkrapfen, a pastry of cake crumbs, nougat chocolate, and apricot jam, which is then soaked in rum before baking. A rum sugar glaze tops it off drizzled with chocolate. This tasty delicacy dates back to its introduction in Vienna during the Middle Ages. • Not all pastries are sweet! A Bosnian pastry dish called Zeljanica layers filo with spinach, white cheese, and eggs, while Greece’s Bougatsa, a breakfast pastry, combines filo with custard, cheese, and minced meat. The Eastern Arabians make Borek by using paper-thin filo dough layered with minced lamb, carmelized onions, almonds, and raisins, and flavored with turmeric, parsley, nutmeg, and pomegranate juice for a bit of sweetness.


• How about a helping of strudel? It first gained popularity in the 1700s during the Habsburg Empire in the area that would eventually become Austria-Hungary. The word has its origins in the German word that means “whirlpool” or “eddy.” Strudel dough should be rolled very thin, so thin that, according to the Austrian Emperor’s cook from long ago, it should be “possible to read a love letter through it.” After the filling (usually apple) is spread on the dough, the dough is rolled up carefully and baked.


Indulge yourself in these delicious facts, as Tidbits observes National Pastry Day on December 9.



• The Turkish pastry baklava has many very thin layers of filo dough, along with a filling of chopped nuts and honey. Although created with several different variations in other areas, the original probably came from the royal kitchens of the Sultan’s palace in Istanbul centuries ago. The type of nuts varies by culture. Although customarily filled with walnuts or pistachios, some regions use hazelnuts or almonds. In Greece, traditional baklava contains 33 layers of dough, symbolic of the number of years of the life of Jesus Christ. Cinnamon and cloves are added in Armenia. Some soak the pastry with rosewater or orange flower water.


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King Features Weekly Service (Answers located further back)

December 3, 2018

• If you are serving hot rolls on a buffet, line the basket with aluminum foil before you line it with a towel. The foil will help reflect heat, keeping the rolls warmer longer. • Metal skewers are great for a barbecue, but the tip also can be used to create fancy designs on an iced cake, just like a pencil. • “If you get stuck in the snow, try using your car mats to get a little traction. Keep some kitty litter or sand in the trunk too just in case you run into trouble.” — D.C. in Michigan • “Running the heater is expensive, especially when there’s only one person in a house. I find that I can get by with a much cooler overall temperature by using my space heater for about 15 minutes in the bathroom and lounging on the couch and in bed with my electric blanket. Those two things cut down on the need to have the house toasty warm, and truly keep my heating bill in check.” — B.J. in Pennsylvania • A pot of mulling spices on the stovetop will both fill your house with a lovely holiday smell and add a respectable amount of humidity. Simply keep a watch on the kettle or pot, and add water as necessary. • “Here’s a clothing tip on a very cold day: Today’s running tights are fantastic under pants as a liner. They are warm, wicking and cut a flattering silhouette as well. Much better than old-fashioned thermals.” — M.E. in Montana Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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by Samantha Weaver

• It was Kurt Vonnegut, one of the most influential writers of the 20thÊcentury, who made the following sage observation: "There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope they are organized along the lines of the Mafia." • If you received all of the gifts in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas," you'd have 364 presents. • The period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is an apt time to consider the word "crapulous," which means "sick from excessive eating or drinking." • Ireland's Porterhouse Brewing Company has what might seem to be an unlikely hit on its hands: the Oyster Stout. During the brewing process, raw oysters are shucked directly into the conditioning tank. This unlikely combination is popular, though, selling out quickly whenever it's available. • Those who study such things say that while shaving, a person removes about as much skin as hair. • As the holidays approach and you're out shopping for gifts, you might want to keep this in mind: According to survey results, siblings are the worst holiday gift-givers, getting the lowest marks from 21 percent of respondents. However, they weren't far behind in-laws, who were rated the worst by 20 percent. • Unless you're from Central Florida, you've probably never heard of the small town of Ocoee. So you might be surprised to learn that during World War II, Ocoee earned the distinction of sending more men, per capita, to serve in the military than any other town in the United States. *** Thought for the Day: "Fame is very agreeable, but the bad thing is that it goes on 24 hours a day." -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Tidbits invites you to dip your toes into these quick facts on the world’s largest ocean. • Nearly one-third of the Earth’s total surface area is covered by the Pacific Ocean. That’s an area of 65,436,200 square miles, 15 times larger than the area of the United States and larger than the landmass of all the continents of the world put together! The Pacific accounts for 46% of all the Earth’s water surface. • It’s believed that the Spanish explorer Vasco de Balboa was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean in September of 1513, calling it Mar del Sur (Southern sea). Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, the first to circumnavigate the world, explored the Pacific from 1519 to 1522, and named the body of water Mar Pacifico, which translates “Peaceful Sea.” • The temperature of the Ocean varies from a low of about 30 degrees F to a high of 86 degrees F near the equator.

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• The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world. Found in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Queensland, Australia, the reef is 1,429 miles long, with about 2,900 individual reefs and more than 1,000 islands. It’s the largest living structure on the planet, the only one which can be seen from space. The reef was discovered in 1770 by English explorer Captain James Cook when his ship ran aground and became stuck on the reef. The reef is made up of 600 types of soft and hard corals, and is home to upwards of 100 species of jellyfish, 3,000 different mollusks, 1,625 varieties of fish, and 133 types of sharks and rays. More than 30 different species of whales and dolphins also live there.


• Fifty-five countries border on the Pacific Ocean, including Canada, the United States, China, Australia, Japan, and Mexico. IndoneAnswer: Dell. sia’s 17,508 islands make NUMBER up a large percentA VERY LARGE age of the Pacific Ocean’s 25,000+ islands. Ja• Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 pan 3,000. he has wasanother asked to come up with a name for a

DIFFERENCES: 1. Helmet is missing. 2. Drain is missing. 3. Tail is shorter. 4. Flower pot is missing. 5. License tag is missing. 6. Tongue is smaller. © 2018 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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veryaverage large number: one,Ocean followed • The depth the of numeral the Pacific is by a hundred He Mariana asked hisTrench, two young around 13,500 zeros. feet. The lonephews namePacific they would suggest. cated in thewhat western Ocean, is the deep•estNine-year-old Miltonoceans. suggested a name part of the world’s It’s a crescentout of the funnies. A cartoon strip character shaped trough in the Earth’s crust, measuring named Barney was very popular. chose 1,580 miles in length and about Milton 43 miles in Barney’s last name for the number. width, 120 times bigger than the Grand Can•yon. Kasner new for thenear big At announced the southerntheend of name the Trench number in his next book, altering the spelling. Guam is a valley in its floor known as the Chal•lenger Sixty Deep, years later, Larry Page andpoint Sergey the deepest known onBrin the developed a new internet search engine. Other planet. It reaches to a depth of 36,070 feet, a search searched eachthan webpage and depth thatengines is 1.2 miles greater the height ranked them according to how many times a of Mt. Everest. specific term appeared on them, but Page and • Four thesearch bottom of the Mariana Brindescents designed to their engine to search for Trench have been the first, a manned the specific term achieved, and then find out how many links there werefollowed that led by back to unmanned that page, descent in 1960, two which resulted in a better search engine. remotely-operated unmanned vehicles in 1996 •and They decided they needed that 2009, and a manned mission aby name film direcreflected how many websites the search tor James Cameron in 2012. engine was searching. They took the name • The Pacific Kasner’s Ocean contains 452number, volcanoes, of Edward very large only 75% the world’s total, which formupabeing ring theyof misspelled it slightly, so it ended around the Pacific Ocean basin which is called spelled exactly the same way the cartoon the “Ring of Fire.”spelled Volcanic activity character Barney his last name.contribWhat’s it called? (Answer at bottom utes to the area’s large numberofofpage) earthquakes, which can COMPUTER trigger gigantic tsunamis with FACTS speeds exceeding 500 mph. • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory ought60% to beof enough anybody.” • About all thefor fish caught in the world fromLaw the states Pacific Ocean. •come Moore’s that computer performance doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since THANKS TIDBITS! 1971, this hasFOR beenREADING true. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol.


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1. Istanbul, Turkey 2. Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island 3. Kolkata (Calcutta) pop. 15 million

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Berlin None Pumice Michigan A League of Their Own 9. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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