Tidbits of Grand Forks - December 20, 2018

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Big savings Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 wickpub@yahoo.com for TIDBITS CELEBRATES Bigsafe savings drivers. See why for safe WINTER SOLSTICE See whytrust millions by Kathy Wolfe drivers. millions trust us for Home This year, the December Solstice will fall on for Home &usAuto. INTERESTDecember 21, and will be the Northern Hemi& Auto. FREE sphere’s shortest day of the year and the South-

December 20, 2018

Issue # 1,099


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ern Hemisphere’s longest day. It’s when the sun reaches its southern-most position as seen from the Earth, and the North Pole is tilted furthest CALL ME TODAY. O F G RAN D away F O RK S from • E ASTtheG Sun. RAN D FO RK S sharonopdahl.com Follow along as Tidbits its sights on that event and other happenPublished by Wicksets Publications ings that have occurred during this Solstice week over the years. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL • The word “solstice” has its origins in the Latin State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL language, translating “the Sun stands still.” At the moment of the solstice, the Sun does seem to stand still over the Tropic of Capricorn, then reverses its direction. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the solstice is used as the start of the winter season. North of the Arctic Circle, there is no direct sunlight whatsoever, while south of the Antarctic Circle, there are 24 hours of daylight. • On Christmas Eve, 1963, just 31 days after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, New York’s Idlewild Airport was renamed JFK Airport in his honor. Idlewild, which opened in 1948, was named for the Idlewild Beach Golf Course, previous tenant of the property. Today, JFK is the sixth-busiest airport in America, handling more than 59 million passengers last year. Turn the page for more! 1601529 1601529



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Quiz Bits

4. In the movie A Christmas Story, what was Ralphie’s little brother’s name? What 1. The United States’ 33rd presigift did Ralphie’s mom give dent died on December to his dad for Christmas? 26, 1972. Name him. 5. In A Charlie Brown Christmas 2. The Beatles “I Want to Hold which character plays the innYour Hand” was released in the keeper in the Christmas play? U.S. on December 26 of what 6. In the Frosty the Snowman TV year? special (1969), who brought 3. The only unelected president in Frosty back to life? U.S. history died on December TRIVIA 26, 2006. Who was he? SPONSORED BY:



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WINTER SOLSTICE (continued):

• Lots of folks were on pins and needles on December 21, 2012, waiting for the world to end. Some astronomers predicted the end of human civilization on that day based on the Mayan calendar. However, the Mayan calendar didn’t really end on that date, but rather it was the end of “Great Cycle of the Long Count,” a wheelshaped part of their calendar. After December 21, another “Long Count” began. Yet certain astronomers claimed that a galactic alignment of planets would produce a gravitational effect between the sun and a black hole at the center of the galaxy, possibly destroying Earth. • On December 21, 1968, three astronauts – Frank Borman, James Lovell, Jr., both 40 years old, and 35-year-old Williams Anders – entered the Apollo 8 spacecraft and launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. It was the first manned spacecraft to leave Earth’s orbit and reach the moon. Apollo 8 took 68 hours to cover the distance to the Moon, where it orbited ten times over the next 20 hours. The crew became the first humans to see the Earth as a whole planet and to view the dark side of the moon. On Christmas morning, the craft exited the Moon’s orbit and headed for Earth. On December 27, it splashed down in the Pacific Ocean south of Hawaii. • Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh suffered from mental illness and severe depression his entire life, and on December 23, 1888, he cut off a large portion of his left ear with a razor. He later painted Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear to record the event. Although revered today as the genius who created his famous sunflower series of paintings, along with Starry Night and Irises, Van Gogh lived much of his life in poverty and despair. He created about 2,100 works of art in just over ten years, yet during his short lifetime, he actually sold only one painting. Just 19 months after cutting off his ear, he took his own life at age 37. ...continued

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4. T or F: No NFL team has ever missed the playoffs with a 11-5 record. 1. Rhys Hoskins of the Philadelphia Phillies set a record 5. Between 2000-2018, three defensemen were selected in 2017 for hitting his first No. 1 overall in the NHL 10 major league home runs Entry Draft. Name two of faster than anyone in histhem. tory. How many games did 6. Through 2017, four NFL it take him? teams have had a play2. T or F: The Detroit Lions off drought of 8 or more have not won a playoff seasons. Name them. game on the road in over 7. Which NFL division has 60 years. 3. Which NFL coach has the the longest Super Bowl most career wins all-time? crown drought?

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WINTER SOLSTICE (continued):

• The world’s first successful kidney transplant took place at a Boston hospital on December 23, 1954, by a team headed by 35-year-old Dr. Joseph Murray, a surgeon and Harvard Medical School professor. Richard Herrick was 23 years old and had recently been discharged from the Coast Guard. He was welcomed home by his twin brother Ronald, who was told that Richard was dying of kidney disease. Because humans can live with just one kidney, Ronald donated a healthy kidney for this ground-breaking surgery. As a result, Richard lived eight more years. Over the next 20 years, about 10,000 kidney transplants were performed. Today, nearly 17,000 Americans undergo the procedure every year. The survival rate for the first year after surgery is more than 95%. Upwards of 80% are still alive five years later.





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• Just two days after Christmas, 1932, New York’s Radio City Music Hall opened its doors at Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan. The plot of land, located in a formerly run-down area of the city, was originally intended for a new Metropolitan Opera House. But because a new building was too pricey for the opera to fund by itself, billionaire John D. Rockefeller, Jr. stepped in, making the theater the cornerstone of his new Rockefeller Center complex. For 40 years, Radio City Music Hall functioned as a first-run movie theater and a site for large stage projections. It then adjusted to hosting concerts by famous musicians. With a capacity of nearly 6,000, Radio City is the world’s largest indoor theater, and has accommodated more than 300 million attendees since 1932. ...continued Wife texts husband on a cold winter morning: "Windows frozen; won't open." Husband texts back: "Pour some warm water over it and gently tap edges with hammer." Five minutes later, wife texts back: "Computer really messed up now."


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• On Dec. 29, 1170, Archbishop Thomas Becket is brutally murdered in Canterbury Cathedral by four knights of King Henry II of England, apparently on orders of the king. The Christian world was shocked, and in 1173 Becket was canonized a Catholic saint. • On Dec. 26, 1606, William Shakespeare's play "King Lear" is performed at the court of King James I of England. Lear was one of Shakespeare's later works. • On Dec. 30, 1853, the U.S. minister to Mexico and the president of Mexico sign the Gadsden Purchase in Mexico City. The treaty established the final boundaries of the southern United States. For $10 million, the U.S. acquired 30,000 square miles of land in what is now New Mexico and Arizona. • On Dec. 24, 1865, in Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the "Ku Klux Klan." The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government's progressive reconstruction activities. • On Dec. 27, 1927, Agnes Nixon, the creator of the long-running television soap operas "One Life to Live" and "All My Children," is born in Chicago. Nixon is credited with introducing social issues into soaps. • On Dec. 25, 1941, "White Christmas," written by composer and lyricist Irving Berlin, receives its world premiere on Bing Crosby's weekly NBC radio program, "The Kraft Music Hall." It went on to become one of the most commercially successful singles of all time. • On Dec. 28, 1975, ice hockey fans watch the Central Red Army team from the Soviet Union defeat the New York Rangers 7-3 at New York's Madison Square Garden. It marked the start of the first midseason exhibition games between Soviet and National Hockey League teams, held from 1975 to 1991. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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WINTER SOLSTICE (continued):

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• Christmas Eve, 1923 marked the lighting of the first outdoor national Christmas tree. President Calvin Coolidge lit the tree on the White House grounds, the first tree to be decorated with electric lights, 2,500 red, white, and green bulbs. The 48-foot-tall balsam fir had been sent from Coolidge’s home state of Vermont. The lighting was followed by caroling led by the Epiphany Church choir and a U.S. Marine Band quartet, and a concert by the full band.

• The history of baseball changed dramatically on December 26, 1919, when Boston Red Sox owner Harry Frazee sold Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees for an unprecedented $100,000. After five seasons with the Sox and the completion of the 1919 season, Ruth demanded a raise from $10,000 a year to $20,000, about $212,733 in today’s dollars. When Frazee refused, Ruth said he wouldn’t play until he got the raise. Frazee’s response was the sale. And so began the “Curse of the Bambino.” Up to that point, the Sox had been one of the most successful teams, with five World Series titles. After the sale, the Yankees won seven American League pennants and four World Series championships, while it took 86 years before the Sox were Series champions again. • Beginning in 1927, Time magazine has named a “Man of the Year,” renamed “Person of the Year” in 1999. However, on December 26, 1982, the magazine chose a non-human for the honor, with the cover reading “Machine of the Year.”

Q: Who does everybody listen to, but nobody believes? A: The weatherman

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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Food of the Week:


Either you love it or hate it! Tidbits serves up a slice of facts on fruitcake in honor of National Fruitcake Day on December 27.

• Fruitcakes are saturated with liqueurs or brandy, then covered in powdered sugar, both which serve to prevent mold. Storing them in brandy- or wine-soaked linens, then placing in an airtight container prolongs their life. Cakes aged 25 years and longer are not unusual, and can still be eaten. In fact, a 106-yearold fruitcake was discovered last year, dating from a Norwegian expedition to Antarctica in 1811. It was considered in “excellent condition” and “almost edible,” with just a very slight rancid butter smell.





• Fruitcake might be the butt of many jokes during this season, but it wasn’t always so. It was a delicacy to the ancient Romans, who made a mixture of barley, pomegranate seeds, pine nuts, and raisins. During the Middle Ages when dried fruits became available, these were added, along with honey and spices. The Crusad- • Two bakeries in the small town of Claxton, Georers carried fruitcake with them to get them through gia, population 2,400, produce more than 4 million their long journeys. pounds of fruitcake each year, leading the community to declare itself the “Fruitcake Capital of the • During the 1700s and 1800s, it became a tradition to World.” make fruitcakes for very special occasions, such as weddings and holidays. Fruitcake was always served • A pineapple fruitcake was part of the cargo on the at British teatime in the mid-1800s, and Queen VictoApollo 11 space mission. However, none of the asria served a plum fruitcake at her wedding to Prince tronauts partook of the treat, which is now the propAlbert. The tradition was repeated at the wedding of erty of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Princess Diana to Prince Charles. That particular fruitWashington, D.C. cake became famous when a slice was sold at an auction house in 2016 for $7,500. The 2011 wedding of • Johnny Carson was famous for ridiculing fruitcake, saying, “There is only one fruitcake in Kate Middleton and Prince William continued the the entire world and people keep fruitcake custom. Unmarried wedding guests passing it around.” The Urban Dicduring Victorian times placed a slice of the tionary defines fruitcake as “a gross wedding fruitcake under their pillow in orcake-like thing that consists of nasty der to dream of the person they would marry. spices, nuts, and dried fruit.” Another • Today’s fruitcakes are made with a high raclever line by Jon Ronson was, “Friends are the tio of fruit and nuts to batter, with just enough cake fruitcake of life – some nutty, some soaked in alcobatter to hold it together. The result is a very heavy, hol, some sweet.” dense, moist cake. A light fruitcake’s ingredients include light corn syrup, golden raisins, pineapple, and • Manitou Springs, Colorado, has been home to the Great Fruitcake Toss on the first Saturday of every apricots, while a dark fruitcake has darker ingredients January since 1995, which “encourages the use of – molasses, dark fruits like raisins, prunes, dates, and recycled fruitcakes.” The record for the longest toss cherries. Candied citron is a popular component, made is 1,420 feet, by a team of Boeing engineers who from thick peel of citrus fruit. It is placed in brine and used a mock artillery piece fueled by compressed air fermented for several weeks, boiled, then candied in a to launch their fruitcake. sugar solution.

Why Santa's Suit Is Red, and Other Christmas Trivia


of Washington, D.C., complained that he had to add 16 mailmen at Christmas to deal with cards alone. He wanted the number of cards a person could send limited by law. “I don't know what we'll do if this keeps on,” he wrote. • An average household in America will mail out 28 Christmas cards each year and get 28 cards in return. • According to a survey, 7 out of 10 dogs get Christmas gifts from their doting owners. • In 1836, Alabama was the first state to declare Christmas a legal holiday. • In 1907, Oklahoma became the last state to declare Christmas a legal holiday. • In 1947, Toys for Tots started making the holidays a little happier for children by organizing its first Christmas toy drive for needy youngsters. • According to Christian theology, the true Christmas season begins at sundown on Dec. 24 and lasts through sundown on Jan. 5. For that reason, this season is also known as the Twelve Days of Christmas. © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

KFWS 2018 Holiday Guide - CHRISTMAS

• The use of a Christmas wreath as a decoration on a front door, mantel or bay window symbolizes a sign of welcome and long life to all who enter. • Christmas caroling began as an old English custom called Wassailing — toasting neighbors to a long and healthy life. • The biggest selling Christmas song of all time is Bing Crosby's “White Christmas.” • All modern references of Santa coming down the chimney can be traced to the famous poem “A Visit From St. Nicholas,” written in 1822 by Clement C. Moore. In it he describes “And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof, the prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.” • Due to the time zones, Santa has 31 hours to deliver gifts. • The first printed reference to Christmas trees appeared in Germany in 1531. • Artificial Christmas trees have outsold real ones since 1991. • Candy canes began as straight white sticks of sugar candy used to decorate Christmas trees. A choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral decided have the ends bent to depict a shepherd's crook, and he would pass them out to the children to keep them quiet during services. It wasn't until about the 20th century that candy canes acquired their red stripes. • A traditional Christmas dinner in early England was the head of a pig prepared with mustard. • The Santa Claus suit was developed when the Coca-Cola Company hired American artist Haddon Sundblom in 1931 to redesign Santa Claus. Sundblom chose the official colors of Coca-Cola, red and white. • In America in 1822, the postmaster

1. From Matthew 1:18, when Mary became pregnant, she and Joseph were ... ? Married, Engaged, Just friends, Strangers 2. At the birth of Jesus, who was king of Judaea? Solomon, Herod, Balak, Belshazzar 3. What group received the angels' announcement of the birth of Jesus? Carpenters, Shepherds, Tentmakers, Masons 4. Who was Herod's information source as to where the Christ Child was to be born? Joseph, Reuben, Micah, Matthew 5. What was the home city of Mary and Joseph? Capernaum, Nazareth, Aphek, Shechem 6. From Matthew 1:20-21, who told Joseph (in a dream) that the baby's name was to be Jesus? Angel, Mary, Innkeeper, The Magi 7. Where was the young Jesus when the Magi came to visit him to present gifts? Manger, Under the stars, House, Temple 8. From Matthew 2, to what country did Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus flee? Jordan, Syria, Oman, Egypt ANSWERS: 1) Engaged; 2) Herod; 3) Shepherds; 4) Micah; 5) Nazareth; 6) Angel; 7) House; 8) Egypt © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.


King Features Weekly Service ©2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located further back)

December 10, 2018

• Hairspray spritzed on the end of a thread will stiffen it long enough to get it through a needle head. You also can thread your needle in front of a surface that’s an opposing color (i.e. a white piece of paper while threading a needle with black thread). • Here’s an interesting tip for getting Christmas tree resin or sap off your hands: Treat your hands liberally with hand sanitizer. If that doesn’t work, try cooking oil. • Want a fun way to clean road ice off the bottom of your car? If you catch a warm day, run a sprinkler under the car for a few minutes. • “Three small words: Nutella hot chocolate! It’s the best, and we love it at our house. Just stir a teaspoon of Nutella into your hot chocolate and get ready for heaven.” — T.F. in Missouri • Freshen your pillows in the dryer for 10-15 minutes. Change your pillowcase at least once a week, and try a silk or silk-style pillowcase; they are easier on your hair and skin. • “With four girls sharing one bathroom, we were stuck for space, and the vanity was always covered with bottles and jars of this and that! My dad installed a low shelf and gave each of us a bin for our things, and it helps to keep things organized. Now we can keep the vanity cleared off.” — Y.A. in Mississippi Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

by Samantha Weaver

• It was New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd who made the following sage observation: "The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for." • A law in Memphis, Tennessee, states that it is illegal for a woman to drive a car unless a man walks in front of it to warn approaching motorists and pedestrians. • Martha Stewart got her start in business by catering from her home. • It takes 40 gallons of maple sap to make one gallon of the maple syrup you put on your pancakes. • The Tom Thumb locomotive and Jell-O were invented by the same person. • Ancient Egyptians often were buried with opium, boats and artificial limbs for use in the afterlife. And it wasn't unusual to have a model of the deceased's home included, as well -- just in case shelter was needed. • England's Prince Philip was born on a kitchen table in Greece. • The word "widget" was coined by an American humorist in the 1930s and referred to an imaginary gadget or machine. In the 1990s, however, widgets moved out of the realm of fiction when the makers of beverage cans invented a device that releases carbon dioxide to make foam after a can has been opened -- and they named it a "widget." • In its entire lifetime -- four to six weeks -- a single worker bee produces a sum total of about 1.5 teaspoons of honey. • North Carolina once outlawed cats and dogs fighting with each other. *** Thought for the Day: "No matter what side of an argument you're on, you always find some people on your side that you wish were on the other side." -- Jascha Heifetz © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

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In commemoration of the first publication of “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” Tidbits studies up the facts on this beloved poem. • Clement Clarke Moore has long been purported to be the author of the poem, which was originally entitled “A Visit from St. Nicholas.” Moore was a professor of biblical and classical studies, especially ancient languages. In 1809, he published the lengthy two-volume Compendious Lexicon of the Hebrew Language. He composed several poems to his beloved wife Elizabeth, who died shortly after her 30th birthday, leaving Moore with seven children. • The classic poem was first published on December 23, 1823 in a New York newspaper, the Troy Sentinel, submitted to the paper anonymously. There are differing theories as to who gave it to the Sentinel, one that the Moore’s housekeeper sent it, and another that a daughter of a local reverend overheard the poem recited when visiting the family in 1822, copied it down and sent it to the paper. Some historians say that Moore didn’t claim the authorship at the time because he considered it a less-than-distinguished work for a theological professor. • Over the next several years, the poem reappeared a few times in newspapers, but then faded away. In 1837, 14 years after its first publication, Moore claimed ownership of the poem, admitting he had written it “not for publication, but to amuse my children,” and in 1844, he officially included it in an anthology of his work. • In 1899, the family of Henry Livingston stepped forward with claims that their farmer and parttime poet great-grandfather had in fact composed the poem. They maintained that, according to family recollections, their ancestors recalled their father reading the poem to them at Christmas time, 1808, and that he in fact was the author.


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• One Livingston relative claimed that several of Henry’s children had seen the original manuscript on his desk, with notations and edits. But the family couldn’t produce the manuscript, saying it had been lost in a house fire. • Several 21st-century literary professors analyzed the poem’s style, and compared Livingston’s with Moore’s. Some professors declared that there was no way Moore could have written the work, because the Christmas poem was completely unlike Moore’s usual structure and content. They argued that Livingston’s style and phraseology of his other works matched “A Visit from St. Nicholas” perfectly. Others contended that Moore was a grumpy and stodgy scholar of ancient Hebrew, who didn’t like children and couldn’t possibly have written a “light-hearted, child-friendly poem.” • Livingston’s Dutch heritage was also brought into the argument, because the original poem listed two of the reindeer names as “Dunder” and “Blixem,” the Dutch words for Thunder and Lightning. • However, the truth remains that the poem was published several times after 1823, and Henry Livingston did not step forward to claim authorship. There also remain four hand-written copies of the poem, signed by Clement Clarke Moore, including one that was sold for $280,000 in 2006. • And so the controversy continues, one family’s word against another’s, with Moore getting credit for the classic until Livingston’s family can prove otherwise. • The Chelsea District of Manhattan sits on an estate once owned by Moore’s father, an 18thcentury sea captain, who bought the land in 1750. Clement Moore donated the apple orchard to the Episcopal Diocese for a seminary, and developed the remainder of the estate into an upscale neighborhood.


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