Tidbits of Grand Forks - January 24, 2019

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

January 24, 2019

Published by: Wick Publications

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Issue # 1,103


This week, Tidbits seeks the answers to some of life’s greatest mysteries! Sharon Opdahl, Agent • Ever wonder why wedding rings are worn on Get a discount up to 50%. 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite F Sharon Opdahl, Agent GetGet aaa discount upup to to 50%. a discount Get discount Sharon Opdahl discount to 50%. 50%. help lower yourup premium Grand17th Forks, ND 58201 2534 Avenue South, Suite F I canGet I can help lower your premium the third finger of the left hand? Back in anto lower 50%. Agent Bus: 701-746-0495 I can your premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 I up canhelp help lower premium through Safe &&your Save throughDrive Drive Safe Save .. sharon@sharonopdahl.com Bus: 701-746-0495 through Drive Safe &&. Save through DriveState Safe Save .. to a abetter I tocan help lower sharon@sharonopdahl.com Get better State . your 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite FGetGet cient Egypt, it was believed there was a blood . to a better State Get to a better State State Get StateFarm. Farm.through premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 GetGet Get State Farm. State Farm. CALL ME TODAY. CALL ME TODAY. Drive Safe & Save . vein running from that finger directly to the CALLME METODAY. TODAY. 701-746-0495 CALL Get to a better sharonopdahl.com O FState G RAN. D Fheart. O RK S • E AST G RAN D F O RK S The vein was called “vena amoris,” the Get State Farm. CALL ME TODAY. vein of love, and rings, usually bone, ivory, or Published by Wick Publications leather, came to be worn on that finger. Rings, as a never-ending circle, symbolize the unbroken continuity of undying love. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL • Men’s fashion dictates that the bottom of a vest remains unbuttoned. This “unwritten rule” came into practice at the beginning of the 1800s. Up until that time, vests were worn buttoned from top to bottom. England’s heir to the throne at the time, the Prince of Wales, was a large man, and his girth at the waist restricted him from buttoning that final button. Because of his status, the Prince set many fashions for elite society, and all men began File your taxes & apply following his ritual. File your* taxes & apply for an Easy Advance for an Easy Advance* • Mosquito bites swell and itch because of File your taxes & apply for an Easy Advance the saliva of the female mosquito. Once she pierces your skin, she injects the saliva into the wound. The saliva dilutes the blood to enable the female to suck it up more easily. An allergic reaction is produced in the body, reFile your taxes & apply sulting the swelling and itching. Turn the page for more! for an Easy Advance 1301900

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What song was Michael Jackson performing when he introduced his “moonwalk” Who was the first person ever on a TV special in 1983? awarded a gold record? 6. Which 1980s movie featured What product was originally the tagline, “One man’s promoted with the slogan “You struggle to take it easy”? press the button - we do the rest”? 7. How long is a year on the What is the traditional food planet Mercury? served at Wimbledon each 8. What is the fastest bird in year? the world? How many teeth does a normal TRIVIA adult dog have? SPONSORED BY:




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Sherlock Holmes and Watson are camping. They spend the night talking around the campfire, talking, roasting marshmallows and enjoying themselves. Finally they crawl into the tent for a good night’s sleep. Sometime during the night, Holmes wakes Watson and says, “Watson, what do you see?” Watson looks up at the sky and says, “I see the vast mysteries of the universe. I see the future written in the stars, possibilities we can only dream of, I see worlds beyond our own comprehension, I see limitless possibilities.” Holmes looks at Watson sighs and says, “No, Watson, someone has stolen our tent!”

LIFE'S MYSTERIES (continued):

• It’s a no-brainer that macadamia nuts come from the macadamia tree, but what’s the origin of that name? This little nut was named after Dr. John MacAdam, a Scottish-Australian chemist, medical teacher, scientist, and politician. MacAdam promoted the cultivation of the nuts in Australia, and his friend, colleague, and Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Dr. Ferdinand Mueller, named the nut after him in 1857. Cultivation of the trees spread to Hawaii in the 1880s, the only area where the nuts are commercially successful.

• When and why did folks make the transition from pocket watches to wristwatches? In 1907, Brazilian aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont, a pioneer in the airship and dirigible industry, asked French jeweler Louis Cartier to design a watch for his wrist, to enable him to check his flying time in speed trials without having to continually reach into his pocket. The invention gained further popularity during World War I with soldiers serving in the trenches. • Why do chicken eggs vary in size? Generally, the older the chicken the bigger the egg. However, different breeds, such as the Leghorn, tend to lay larger eggs. The size – Jumbo, Extra Large, Large, Medium, etc. – is determined by the minimum weight per dozen. For example, a dozen Jumbo eggs must weigh at least 30 oz., while Extra Large dozens must weigh 27 oz., and Large, 24 oz. • Do you ever get lunar and solar eclipses confused? A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the moon and the sun and the Earth blocks out the moon. In a solar eclipse, the moon is between the Earth and sun, and the moon blocks out the sun. ...continued

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LIFE'S MYSTERIES (continued):

• Wine-lovers everywhere can be seen opening a bottle and letting it “breathe.” Did you know the practice only needs to done with red wines over ten years old? The bottle should be opened an hour before to allow any sediment to settle as well as to let the wine absorb oxygen. The procedure is useless for a one-year-old bottle of white wine. Letting red wine breathe improves the bouquet of some wines, releasing esters, ethers, and aldehydes, those compounds responsible for the fruity taste in wine.

• And why do some wine connoisseurs often sniff the cork from the wine bottle? There really is no need to smell a cork, it’s really the wine that needs to be smelled. The cork just needs to be checked for moistness, to ensure that the wine has been stored correctly, on its side. The cork needs to be wet in order to expand and thus prevent air from getting into the bottle. A dry cork indicates that air has very likely gotten into the wine, damaging it. • There are any number of reasons why people snore. Snoring is the sound of air rushing and vibrating through narrow upper air passages in the throat and nose. As the muscles in the upper airways relax, airflow is decreased, causing a turbulence in the airflow, producing a harsh noise. About 40% of adults snore, men more than women, more prevalent among those who sleep on their backs, and increasing as we age. Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that occurs when a person’s breathing is frequently interrupted during sleep. Losing weight helps with snoring, since overweight people have extra tissue in the back of their throat, which, when the body relaxes during sleep, drops down and blocks the airway. ...continued


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SPORTS QUIZ 1. T or F: In 1996, Todd Hundley became the first New York Met to hit at least 40 home runs in a season. 2. How many times did Hall of Famer Allen Iverson lead the NBA in points per game for a season? 3. Which original member of the ACC has never won the conference’s men’s basketball tournament?

4. When was the last time the U.S. men’s golf team won a Ryder Cup in Europe? 5. In 2018, Joey Logano won the NASCAR Cup Series championship while driving a Ford. Who was the last Ford driver before him to do it? 6. Which 3 NFL teams scored over 500 points in this year’s regular season? 7. Which 2 NFL teams allowed less than 300 points this season?


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• On Feb. 1, 1887, Harvey Wilcox officially registers "Hollywood" with the Los Angeles County recorder's office. Wilcox and his wife bought 160 acres of land in the foothills west of Los Angeles. They envisioned it as the perfect site for a utopian-like community for devout Christians, where they could live a highly moral life free of vices such as alcohol. • On Jan. 29, 1936, the Baseball Hall of Fame elects its first members in Cooperstown, New York: Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, Christy Matthewson and Walter Johnson. • On Jan. 31, 1950, President Harry Truman announces his decision to support development of the hydrogen bomb. On Nov. 1, 1952, the United States successfully detonated "Mike," the world's first hydrogen bomb, on the Elugelab Atoll in the Pacific Marshall Islands. • On Feb. 3, 1966, the Soviet Union makes the first controlled landing on the moon, when its unmanned spacecraft Lunik 9 touches down on the Ocean of Storms. After a soft landing, it began transmitting images back to Earth. • On Feb. 2, 1970, antiwar protestors file suit against the Dow Chemical Company in a Washington, D.C., court in an attempt to prove that it is still making napalm, a jelly-like gasoline used in bombs during the Vietnam War. Dow had lost its government contract to produce napalm in June 1969. • On Jan. 28, 1986, the space shuttle Challenger lifts off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, with seven crewmembers aboard. Seventy-three seconds later, the shuttle broke up in a forking plume of smoke and fire. There were no survivors. • On Jan. 30, 1994, American speed skater Dan Jansen sets a new world record of 35.76 at the World Sprint Championships in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Jansen would win Olympic gold three weeks later in final race of his career, the 1,000-meter event in Lillehammer, Norway. © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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LIFE'S MYSTERIES (continued):

• Most folks love the taste of a delicious pound cake for dessert. This tasty treat doesn’t weigh a pound – it takes its name from its ingredients, a pound of flour, a pound of sugar, and a pound of butter.

• Perhaps you’re curious as to why men’s voices are deeper than women’s. It’s all about those strings in the larynx called vocal cords. A voice is the result of the vibration of these cords by wind from the lungs. Men’s cords are longer and thicker, resulting in a deeper voice.

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• Do you how meat tenderizers work? It has to do with an enzyme found in the papaya, called papain. The enzyme breaks down the meat’s proteins, connective tissue, and muscle fibers. But it only continues working up to temperatures of about 175 degrees F. After that, the enzyme is destroyed by the heat.



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• Divers might wonder why they sometimes get decompression sickness, or the “bends.” It’s a painful ailment that is the result of nitrogen bubbles forming in the bloodstream and tissues. When a diver surfaces too quickly from deep waters, the air pressure surrounding the body is lowered very quickly, causing those bubbles to come out of the body’s fluids and enter the bloodstream. At first, it’s just a mild tingling, but it rapidly progresses to pain in the joints and chest. Bubbles in bones and muscles can cause paralysis, as well as blockage of veins and arteries, and in some cases, death. A slow ascent from the deep is the best prevention, with the recommended rate about 33 feet per minute.

Insured by NCUA *Immediate credit of your direct deposit to your SCU account up to two (2) business days early is based upon when we receive your payroll from your employer. SCU cannot assume any liability for not depositing these funds to your account early

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• Tetra-amelia syndrome is caused by a mutation in the WNT3 gene, the one involved in formation of limbs and other body systems. Mutations prevent cells from producing WNT3 protein, which leads to birth defects. There are seven known individuals on Earth living with this syndrome. • Nick was born with no arms, but with two very small, deformed feet, one of which he refers to as his “chicken drumstick” because of its shape. The toes of that foot were fused, and surgery was performed to separate the toes to enable him to use them as fingers that can grab objects, turn pages, and operate a cell phone, computer, and electric wheelchair. • At the tender age of 10, having been severely bullied, and feeling no purpose for his life, in the depths of struggling with depression, Nick attempted suicide. At age 17, he happened onto an article about a severely disabled man who refused to allow physical disabilities to rule his life. From that moment forward, Nick stopped looking at everything he lacked, focusing on what he could do with his life.

• At 23, Nick founded an international nonprofit organization called Life Without Limbs, focused on ministry and evangelism. Two years later, in 2007, he established his motivational speaking company Attitude is Altitude, through which he has traveled to more than 60 countries delivering inspirational lectures to more than six million people. • Nick hasn’t let his disability get him down – he enjoys hobbies of fishing, painting, and swimming. In 2010, he released his first book Life Without Limits, which has been translated into over 30 languages, and he has since written seven more, including Stand Strong and Love Without Limits. He’s an actor, having starred in the short film The Butterfly Circus in 2010, and received the Best Actor in a Short Film award at the Method Fest Independent Film Festival. He’s a musician, releasing a single and music video in 2011. • In 2012, Nick married Mexico native Kanae Miyahara, a young woman who had attended one of his speeches. They now have two sons and a set of identical twin daughters. • “If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart.” – Nick Vuicic


• In December of 1982, Nick was born to Serbian parents living in Australia, where they emigrated from Yugoslavia. Although there had been no abnormalities detected in three sonograms, Nick was born with tetraamelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence or deformity of all four limbs. At first, his mother refused to hold him or even look at him, but she and her husband eventually accepted Nick.


How does a person born with no limbs rise above such a disability? Nick Vujicic has done just that! Tidbits has the story on this remarkable individual.

• Trusting God with his life, Nick credits his victory over his lack of purpose, his depression, and loneliness to his faith in God. While enrolled in Australia’s Griffith University, at age 19 he had his first motivational speaking engagement. Two years later he graduated from the university with a Bachelor of Commerce, with a double major in accounting and financial planning.




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(Answers located further back)

January 14, 2019

• Create a spa-like soap dish by adding a handful of pebbles to a deep saucer. Place your bar soap on top of it so that the water (and associated goop) runs off. • “Add a solar-powered, motion-activated light to your patio, porch, garden, front door, etc., or anywhere you do not want animals to hang out at night. This has kept neighborhood cats from messing around in my garden during the summer, and because it’s solar powered, I moved it to near my back door for the winter months.” — I.C in Nebraska • “To ensure your dishwasher or clothes washer is doing the best possible job of cleaning, turn on a nearby hot water faucet. Run the water until it turns warm, then start the washer. It will start with hot water and do a better job of cleaning.” — D.C. in Minnesota • Here’s a tip for hamster owners out there: “If your dwarf hamster makes too much noise when running in its wheel (especially metal wheels), just lube it with a little olive oil. Just a drop or two will make the wheel turn so smoothly and silently, without posing any harm to the little ones in case they lick it.” — C., via email • How to hang a gallery wall: Arrange your frames on the ground on top of a large piece of gift wrap (the back, blank side) or other blank paper. When you get the arrangement you want, outline each frame on the paper with a thick marker. Also note where the nail must go in order to hang each frame. Then simply tape the paper to the wall and drive in the nails at the noted spots. Rip the paper off the wall (gift wrap tears easily) and hang the frames on the nails left behind. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


d Cities Gam n ra G by Samantha Weaver

• It was Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, communist revolutionary and the first leader of the Soviet Union, who made the following sage observation: "One fool can ask more questions in a minute than 12 wise men can answer in an hour." • Back in 1893, when the zipper was invented, the device was intended to be used for fastening shoes. • When the TV sitcom "The Addams Family" was being cast in the early 1960s, actor John Astin came in to audition for the role of Lurch, the cadaverous butler. He was immediately rejected for the part. As he was leaving the room, though, the producer spotted him, pulled him aside, and immediately offered him the role of Gomez -- the lead. All he had to do was grow a mustache. • What do the words "obscene," "tranquil," "mediate," "catastrophe," "dire," "critical," "vast" and "apostrophe" have in common? All of them appeared in print for the first time in the works of William Shakespeare. • As the Black Plague was sweeping Europe during the Middle Ages, some people, for reasons surpassing understanding, believed that plague victims could cure themselves by smelling human waste. • The United States isn't the only country that has an accolade to recognize excellence in the film industry. Here the awards are known as the Oscars, but other nations have their own names for the awards: In Canada they're known as Genies, in France they're Cesars, in Russia they're called Nikas, in Mexico they're Golden Ariels, in Spain they're known as Goyas, and in the United Kingdom they're called Orange British Academy Film Awards. *** Thought for the Day: "The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy." -- Florence Scovel Shin © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

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The legend of The Flying Dutchman has been around for centuries. Follow along as Tidbits looks into this mysterious ship. • Back in 1641, a Dutchman named Hendrick van der Decken was a captain employed by the Dutch East India Company, in charge of a trade ship bringing spices, silks, and dyes to Holland from the Far East. The journey required a passage around the Cape of Good Hope on the southern tip of Africa, often called the Cape of Storms, a dangerous trip filled with huge crashing waves and vicious howling winds. • A horrendous storm sprung up, and, against the urgings of his crew, van der Decken ordered the men to continue the journey. Because of his arrogant determination, the ship and all its crew was lost, and legend has it that as the ship was sinking, van der Decken screamed that he would sail around the Cape, even if it took until Doomsday to accomplish it. As a result, van der Decken was cursed, “condemned to sail the oceans for eternity with a ghostly crew of dead men, bringing death to all who sight your spectral ship and to never make port or know a moment’s peace.” • Van der Decken was given the name the Flying Dutchman, as he sailed his glowing, ghostly ship around the globe. Legend claims that the Dutchman has led ships astray for centuries, causing them to crash on rocks and reefs. Sailors have claimed that when a violent storm is threatening off the Cape of Good Hope, they’ve caught a glimpse of the Captain and his skeletal crew. However, gazing upon the Dutchman brings a promise of a grisly death. According to lore, the ghost ship appears suddenly, then vanishes. ...continued

Solution on Next Page


• It wasn’t until 1795 that the first written reference was made to a ghostly ship referred to by sailors as the Flying Dutchman. Answer: Dell.

• In 1843,AGerman composer Richard Wagner VERY LARGE NUMBER the legend music with his opera, The •put Edward Kasner to was a mathematician. In 1938 Flying Dutchman. In the opera, the Dutchhe was asked to come up with a name for a man to the sailnumeral the highone, seasfollowed until he verywas largecursed number: by a hundred zeros.who He asked two young could find a woman wouldhis love him until nephews what name they would suggest. death. Every seven years, the ship is cast upon shore, and the captainsuggested is given the •the Nine-year-old Milton a chance name ofhis thelove funnies. A released cartoon from strip character toout find and be the curse. named Barney was very popular. Milton chose

DIFFERENCES: 1. Boy's hat is different. 2. Bear is wearing mittens. 3. Boy's glove is black. 4. Mountains are snow-capped. 5. Boy's freckles are missing. 6. Bear has three toes. © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• Another declares Barney’sversion last nameofforThe the Dutchman number. that Davy Jones is the captain of the ghost • Kasner announced the new name for the big ship, a craft given himaltering by his the love, the sea number in his next to book, spelling. goddess Calypso. The goddess gave Jones the • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin task of guiding the souls of those who died at developed a new internet search engine. Other sea into engines the afterlife. Every years, Jones search searched eachtenwebpage and would be allowed to come ashore to look ranked them according to how many times a for Calypso. each time came specific term However, appeared on them, buthePage andto Brin designed their search engineAfter to search for shore, she couldn’t be found. several the specific term and then find out how many disappointments, legend has it that he carved links back ittointhat out histhere own were heartthat andled locked the page, Dead which resulted in a better search engine. Man’s Chest. He forsook his duty, and in•stead They unleashed decided his theyheartbreak needed aandname that bitterness reflected how many websites the search on sailors lost at sea, making them part of his engine was searching. They took the name crew for eternity, condemned never utter of Edward Kasner’s very largetonumber, onlya word again. they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being spelled exactly the same way • The Flying Dutchman makes its the first cartoon appearcharacter Barney spelled his last name. What’s ance in the Disney Pirates of the Caribbean it called? page)Chest. Pifilm series(Answer in 2006atinbottom Dead of Man’s COMPUTER rate Jack Sparrow’s crewFACTS is finally freed from •its In curse 1981 Bill Gates “640 kb ofDead memory in the fifthsaid, installment, Men ought to be enough for anybody.” Tell No Tales.


• Moore’s Law states that computer performance THANKS doubles everyFOR 18 toREADING 24 months, TIDBITS! and ever since 1971, this has been true. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol.


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Quiz Answers

1. Glenn Miller for Chattanooga ChooChoo. 2. The Kodak camera, in 1888 3. Strawberries and cream 4. 42 teeth

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