Tidbits of Grand Forks - February 14, 2019

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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN February 14, 2019

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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by Janet Spencer

Come along with Tidbits as we discover how some popular foods were invented! NACHOS Sharon Opdahl, Agent pennies aa day. Just day. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Get a discount up toa to 50%. Just pennies day. Get a discount up 50%. Sharon Opdahl 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite F F 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite Just pennies a day. you know your landlord’s Did your landlord’s I can help lower your premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 Agent I can lower youryour premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 Didhelp your know • Ignacio Anaya was the maître d’ at a restaurant only covers the Bus:Bus: 701-746-0495 insurance only covers the . Did you know your 701-746-0495 through Drive Safe & Save through Drive Safe &landlord’s Save . landlord’s insurance sharon@sharonopdahl.com Protect your stuff. sharon@sharonopdahl.com Protect your stuff. 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite FGetbuilding? insurance only covers . to a better State . the Get to a better State onlyno covers the buildreason to take aa There’s reason to take called the Victory Club in a town called Piebuilding? Protect your stuff. Grand Forks, ND 58201 Getchance. State Farm. Get State Farm. Like aa good neighbor, ing? Protect your stuff. good neighbor, There’s no reason to take a CALL MEFarm TODAY. 701-746-0495 State is there. CALL ME TODAY. State Farm is there. There’s no reason to dras Negras, Mexico, in 1943. His nickname chance. Like a good neighbor, CALL ME sharonopdahl.com CALL MEFarm TODAY. State is there. take aTODAY. chance. CALL ME TODAY. was Nacho, short for Ignacio. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. • One day a group of ladies from the nearby CALL ME TODAY. U.S. military base Fort Duncan, Texas, came in wanting something to eat, but Ignacio could not find the chef. So, he went to the kitchen StateState FarmFarm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 1301900 StateState FarmFarm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL IL Indemnity Company, Bloomington, himself and threw together what he found available: tortilla chips, cheese, and jalapeno peppers. The ladies loved the treat and the dish Carpet Cleaning was named after Ignacio’s nickname, Nacho. www.elitecarpetsgf.com • Ignacio became the head chef at the restaurant, Carpet Cleaning • Carpet and later owned his own place, serving nachos Cleaning SPECIAL! regularly. They got a boost in popularity when • Upholstery Frank Liberato began serving them at Arling$129 Cleaning 3 Rooms & ton Stadium in Texas in 1977. When Monday Hallway • Water Night Football announcer Howard Cosell raved Not valid with any other offer. Extraction Expires 3-15-19 about them on the air, sales increased again. Residential & Commercial • Ignacio Anaya tried to trademark his invention, but failed. He never made much money off his invention. Ignacio died in 1975 but his 701-775-8500 son carries on his legacy, acting as a judge at the annual Nachos Competition held in Piedras Negras every October. Turn the page for more! SharonOpdahl, Opdahl, Agent Agent Sharon 253417th 17thAvenue Avenue South, South, Suite Suite F 2534 Sharon Opdahl, Agent Grand Forks, ND 58201 58201 Grand Forks, ND 2534Bus: 17th701-746-0495 Avenue South, Suite F Bus: 701-746-0495 Grand Forks, ND 58201 sharon@sharonopdahl.com sharon@sharonopdahl.com Bus: 701-746-0495 sharon@sharonopdahl.com

Issue # 1,106



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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Which animal is the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund? 6. What was the name of the girl What was the first fruit to ever gang in the movie “Grease”? be consumed on the Moon? 7. Which top college’s motto is Most wasabi is actually made “duty, honor country”? of what? 8. How wide is the Korean What fruit juice is one of the Demilitarized Zone? main ingredients in Mountain 9. Which artist wrote and reDew? corded “Affair of the Heart” Where did the Grinch live in 1983? in Dr. Seuss’ book “How the TRIVIA Grinch Stole Christmas!”? SPONSORED BY:



• John Harrison was a taste tester and flavor developer for Edy’s Grand Ice Cream Company in 1982. One day he wanted to snack on some vanilla ice cream during his break so he went to the company ice cream parlor to ask for a scoop. He noticed some cookies nearby and decided he would like to eat them as well. He was in a hurry to get back to work, so he crumbled the cookies over the top of the ice cream to save time. • With the first bite, he knew he was onto something. He took the idea to his bosses, but they dismissed it saying it was too much of a kid’s thing, and they were more interested in releasing their new Perfectly Peach flavor instead. • Then fate intervened: the winter of 1982 was harsh, and the peach crop was skimpy as a result. Perfectly Peach would have to wait. Harrison reminded his bosses of his idea, and they decided to give it a 90-day trial run, releasing it in 1983. Cookies ‘n Cream was an instant smash hit and remains one of the top selling flavors in the world.


• In Turin, Italy, Pietro Ferrero was a local chocolate maker in the 1940s. When World War II started, cocoa beans became expensive and hard to find. Meanwhile, the local production of hazel nuts overflowed warehouses because they could not be shipped out as usual.


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F. Nephi Grigg invented tater tots in 1953 while trying to figure out what to do with the shreds of potatoes left over after cutting potatoes into French fries. He had been selling them as cattle feed. Then he started chopping up the slivers, adding flour and seasoning, then pushing the mash through holes in a piece of plywood and slicing them off on the other side. Ore-Ida’s top selling product is the Golden Crinkles French Fries, and their second top-selling item is Tater Tots, which are the by-product of Golden Crinkles fries.

• Needing to stretch his limited supply of chocolate, Ferrero began to mix chocolate with a paste made from ground hazel nuts. • Originally it came in the form of a loaf, designed to be sliced like cheese. By 1949 he had revamped the recipe to make the product extra creamy, and it came in a jar instead of a loaf. In 1964 the confection was named Nutella. The company now purchases 25% of the world’s supply of hazel nuts. ...continued

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. For which MLB team did Francisco Rodriguez save a record 62 games in 2008? 2. Name the last team before the Minnesota Twins in 2016-17 to go from 100plus losses in one season to a winning record the next. 3. In how many seasons did Chicago’s Bobby Hull lead the NHL in goals scored? 4. In what year did “Monday Night Football” debut?

5. In 2018, Kansas City’s Travis Kelce became the second tight end in NFL history to have three consecutive seasons of 1,000 or more receiving yards. Who was the first to do it? 6. Name the last time before 2018 that Tiger Woods won a PGA event? 7. In the 2017-18 NBA reg. season only 2 teams held their opponents to less than 100 points per game average. Name them.

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• The Flakall Company in Beloit, Wisconsin, specialized in making corn-based livestock feed in the 1930s. Their automatic corn-grinding machine broke down hard kernels and turned them into flakes that were easily digested by rabbits, cattle, and pigs. • Because the machinery would heat up after several hours of use, workers would cool down the gears by pouring wet corn kernels into the hopper. These moistened kernels were extruded as long ribbons of puffy corn instead of the usual flakes. • One day a worker took some of these puffy corn ribbons home with him. His wife fried them and sprinkled them with salt. They both agreed they were delicious. After sharing them with neighbors, someone suggested they add cheese, since Wisconsin is a top cheese-producing state. The resulting snack was named the Korn Kurl. • In 1942 the Flakall Company patented a newlycreated machine designed to turn out cheeseflavored Korn Kurls, but World War II interfered with their plan to market the snack due to shortages. When the war ended, other companies started creating corn curls, particularly the Frito Company in Texas. They dubbed the snack Cheetos. Another company called them Cheese Doodles.



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• Monica Flin owned the El Charro Café in Tucson, Arizona, in 1922. One especially busy day she was working in the kitchen when she accidentally knocked a burrito into the deep fryer. She was about to shout out a swear word when she remembered there were children present, so instead she hollered out “Chimichanga!” which is the Mexican word meaning “thingamajig.” Not wanting to waste any food, she discovered that the deep-fried burrito was very tasty, and the chimichanga was born. ...continued



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Chadwick Parkinson

• On Feb. 24, 1836, Texan Col. William Travis sends a desperate plea for help when the Mexican army of 5,000 soldiers badly outnumber the several hundred defenders of the Alamo. His message ended with the famous last words, "Victory or Death." "Remember the Alamo" quickly became the rallying cry for the Texas revolution. • On Feb. 19, 1847, the first rescuers reach surviving members of the Donner Party, a group of California-bound emigrants stranded by snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Of the 89 original members of the Donner Party, only 45 reached California. • On Feb. 22, 1918, swept along by hysterical fears of German spies, the Montana legislature passes a Sedition Law that severely restricts freedom of speech and assembly. The law made it illegal to criticize the federal government or the armed forces during time of war. • On Feb. 18, 1930, Pluto is discovered at the Lowell Observatory in Arizona by astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh. He discovered the tiny, distant planet using a new astronomic technique of photographic plates combined with a blink microscope. • On Feb. 23, 1940, folksinger Woody Guthrie writes one of his best-known songs, "This Land is Your Land." Many of his songs reflected a strong commitment to the common working people. • On Feb. 20, 1986, France and Britain announce the Chunnel, a tunnel to be built under the English Channel. Construction began in late 1987 and the chunnel was finally completed in 1994. Attempts to dig a channel tunnel date back to 1883, and Napoleon drew blueprints for a tunnel in 1802. • On Feb. 21, 1994, CIA operative Aldrich Ames is arrested for selling secrets to the Soviet Union. At least 10 U.S. spies in Russia were killed after Ames revealed their identities, and more were sent to Russian gulags. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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• Starch is a carbohydrate extracted from agricultural raw materials. For many centuries starch came primarily from wheat and potatoes in a long, difficult, and time consuming process.

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• All that changed in the 1830 when Thomas Kingsford, who was both a baker and a chemist, got a job at a starch factory in New Jersey. The factory was making starch out of wheat, and Kingsford saw that the company was barely able to make ends meet. He asked his boss if he could experiment with making starch out of corn instead, and got laughed out of the office. • Undeterred, Kingsford started experimenting with corn anyway, on his own time at his own home. He tried one thing after another. One day he mixed corn mush with wood-ash lye. It failed, and he dumped the results into a garbage pail. Next he tried mixing the corn mush with a solution of lime, a calcium-rich mineral that comes from heating limestone. This failed too, and he dumped the glop on top of the previous failure in the garbage pail. • A few days later he was starting yet another experiment, but decided to empty the garbage pail first. And there at the very bottom of the pail was perfectly white pure corn starch, formed from the interaction of the lye with the lime. Corn yielded far more starch than wheat. In 1842 Kingsford started his own factory and became a rich man. By 1848 his company was turning out over a million pounds of corn starch a year, and by 1859 annual output was over 7 million pounds.

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• Starch was used for making glue, for whitening and stiffening clothing, and in cosmetics. It was so difficult to manufacture that Queen Elizabeth I ordered that starch could not be used for anything other than stiffening collars and powdering wigs.

*Answer located further back in this issue.



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• On the day of the race, her mother dropped her off at the starting line, where she hid in the bushes until the race began. Then she simply jumped into the middle of the men. Most runners around her shouted encouragement. Reporters noticed too, and began commenting on her progress. Crowds began cheering her on. • When she crossed the finish line, the governor shook her hand. She ran the 26-mile race in 3:21:40 and finished ahead of 290 of the event’s 415 starters. She was on the front page of the paper the next day, and the story was later picked up by “Sports Illustrated.” • Bobbi Gibb decided to run the race again in 1967, but this time she was joined by another runner named Katherine Switzer. Switzer had been running with her college’s all-male cross-country team. She sent in an application to run, signing her name as “K.V. Switzer” so race officials had no idea she was a woman until she showed up on race day and went to pick up her number. She was officially registered for the marathon under bib number 261.

• Switzer ran the rest of the race fearing she would be arrested at the finish line. Yet, she pressed on, saying, “I knew if I quit, nobody would ever believe that women had the capability to run 26-plus miles… My fear and humiliation turned to anger.” • Switzer finished the race well behind Bobbi Gibb, who had run without a number, without officially entering the race, and without being bothered by anyone along the route. • The Amateur Athletic Union responded to the controversy by banning women from competing in any race involving men. • In 1968, a number of women ran the Boston Marathon, and Bobbi Gibb was the first woman across the finish line. Women continued to run the Boston Marathon, whether registered or not, until 1972 when they were officially allowed to enter. • Switzer was later named “Female Runner of the Decade” by “Runner’s World Magazine.” She was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in 2011. In 2017, the Boston Marathon Association officially retired the number 261 in honor of Switzer’s work. • In 1996, the Boston Athletic Association officially recognized Bobbi Gibb’s three wins in 1966, 1967, and 1968, and awarded her a medal. In 2016, Gibb was the grand marshal of the Boston Marathon.


• At the time, women were not allowed to run in the Boston Marathon because it was thought they were “too fragile.” The longest sanctioned race where women were allowed to compete was 1.5 miles long. When she requested an application to run in the 1966 marathon, she received a rejection. Bobbi Gibb decided she would run the marathon with or without approval.


• While in college at Tufts University, Roberta “Bobbi” Gibb married a man who was a long-distance runner, and she started running with him. Then she got interested in the Boston Marathon and began training for it.

• Race officials tried to prevent Switzer from running. Race manager Jock Semple attempted to rip her bib number 261 off her chest as she ran, shouting, “Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers!” but was repelled by Switzer’s boyfriend and her coach. They pushed Semple to the ground while shouting at Switzer to “run like hell!” A photograph of that dramatic moment appeared in newspapers around the world.




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(Answers located further back)

February 4, 2019

• “Kids do love their sneakers, but sometimes when a kid loves his sneakers too much and wears them every day, those sneakers don’t love the family back. In short, they stink. We filled a pair of socks with a mix of the crystal kitty litter and the detergent-boosting beads that smell so good. At night, Junior takes his sneaks off and stuffs these mock socks inside. The litter absorbs moisture, and the beads leave them smelling pretty good.” — D.D. in Missouri • “For a clean look in our bathroom, we use clear pump bottles for shampoo, conditioner and body wash. I refill them as needed, and it’s so much nicer than having 10 different partially filled bottles in the bathtub.” — R.B. in North Carolina • It’s time to brush your shoes! Give white canvas shoes a makeover with a toothbrush and plain (not colored) toothpaste. Use the toothbrush to apply the toothpaste and scrub stained areas. Wait five minutes and wipe away with a damp white rag. You should see an improvement. • We ladies don’t always think to do it, but you should wipe down the exterior of your purse daily. • To get lift and body in your hair, use a volumizing spray at the roots, and then use your brush to lift the hair up while giving it a shot with a blow dryer. • “In cold winter months, keep your robe (and slippers or whatever else) under the covers with you when you sleep. Pull them next to or over you a few minutes before you get up. It’ll be toasty and will help make the transition into the cold a little less harsh.” — B.M. in New York Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

Short-Term Care & Rehabilitation • Recuperate • Get Strong • Get Back to Everyday Life We offer specialized services in: by Samantha Weaver

• It was Henry Brooks Adams, American historian and descendant of two U.S. presidents, who made the following sage observation: "They know enough who know how to learn." • Spanish explorers named California after a mythical island of Amazon women ruled by a warrior queen named Califa. • Though an electric eel is born with the ability to see, by the time it becomes an adult it is blind. This lack of sight is not a hindrance, though; the fish uses electricity to create an image of its surroundings in much the same way that we use radar. The electricity also is how the electric eel kills its prey, producing a 600-volt shock -- five times more powerful than the shock you might receive from a household outlet. • You might be surprised to learn that Philadelphia-brand cream cheese was originally made in New York. • With 1.45 million lightning strikes per year, Florida experiences more lightning than any other state in the country. Though it's not a tagline you'll see in any tourism brochures, Central Florida is unofficially known as the Lightning Capital of the World. • In 1811 and again in 1812, earthquakes caused the Mississippi River to temporarily reverse course. • If you're of a certain age and facing up to wrinkles, you might be interested to learn that, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, one of the top causes of skin wrinkles is your habitual sleeping position. Rounding out the top five contributing factors are sun exposure, gravity, smoking and facial expressions. • If you ever travel to China, keep in mind that the menu item known colorfully as phoenix talons are actually just chicken feet. *** Thought for the Day: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -- Albert Einstein © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE Swanson TV dinners once used a yellow dye on their packages of TV dinners that was derived from bananas, not realizing the dye and also the flavor of bananas would leach into the food. Turns out people didn’t like banana-flavored fried chicken, except for a single food chain in Florida whose customers ate every last one. All banana dinners were recalled and sent to Florida.


• In 1973, employees at United Canning in Ohio found that some cans of mushrooms looked swollen. This is never good news, and testing revealed that those canned mushrooms were contaminated with botulism, a disease that causes grave illness and often results in death. As per FDA regulations, the company issued a recall of the product. Then they had to track down other companies that had purchased the contaminated mushrooms for use in other products. And that led them to Mario Fabbrini. • Fabbrini had moved to Michigan from his native Italy after World War II ended. He and his wife began making pizzas, first in Detroit where they became one of the country’s first pizzarias to offer free delivery. After selling that business, he set up shop in Alpena, Michigan, where he began making and selling frozen pizzas. He supplied local bars with frozen pizzas and even included a small oven to cook them in. Business boomed and Papa Fabbrini’s Frozen Pizzas became very popular. • Then the Heinz Company approached Fabbrini, asking him to manufacture frozen pizza for distribution all over Michigan and Ohio. He set up a new, bigger factory in Ossineke, Michigan. • By the time he was told about the botulism-infected mushrooms, he was turning out 9,000 frozen pizzas every day, and employing 22 people at his factory. • The FDA requested a few samples of his mushroom pizzas and fed them to mice. The mice died. Fabbrini was instructed to recall and dispose of all of his mushroom pizzas. There were 44,000 of them. • Fabbrini did not do so quietly. Quite the contrary. ...continued

Solution on Next Page


DIFFERENCES: 1. Lady's hat is different. 2. Boy is smiling. 3 House window is different. 4. Stone wall has become a fence. 5. Mom's collar is different. 6. Mom's nose is changed. © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• He found a place to bury 44,000 pizzas on a farm nearby, and invited all of his friends, family, and Dell. neighbors to join him for a colossal Answer: pizza funeral, along with community leaders, A VERY LARGE NUMBER bank presidents, reporters, and members of the •Chamber Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 of Commerce. Even the Governor of he was asked to come up with a name a Michigan, William G. Milliken, attended,forand very large number: the numeral one, followed gave somber zeros. speech.HeA asked priest his led two the assemby aahundred young bled in prayer. nephews what name they would suggest. • •Three bulldozersMilton shoved 44,000 pizzas an Nine-year-old suggested a into name 18-foot hole and covered them with dirt. Maout of the funnies. A cartoon strip character rio Fabbrini then the grave: named Barney waslaid veryflowers popular.on Milton chose Barney’s last for the red gladioli toname represent thenumber. tomato sauce, and carnations for the •white Kasner announced the mozzarella new name cheese. for the The big entire cortege thenbook, salved their the sorrow with number in his next altering spelling. of (non-contaminated) pizza. An article •pieces Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin about the funeral appeared in the newspaper. developed a new internet search engine. Other search Cronkite engines mentioned searched each webpageonand Walter the disaster the ranked them according to how many times a CBS Evening News. specific term appeared on them, but Page and • Just a few weeks later, Fabbrini got the word Brin designed their search engine to search for that it had all been big find mistake: autopsies the specific term andathen out how many on the there dead mice of links were showed that ledthey backhad to not thatdied page, botulism after all. The pizzas had not been conwhich resulted in a better search engine. taminated. • They decided they needed a name that reflected many • The cost ofhow burying the websites pizzas hadtherunsearch about engine was searching. They took the name $30,000. Business was down because of the of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only ding to his reputation. Competitors had moved they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being into his territory. The business was on a downspelled exactly the same way the cartoon hill slide. character Barney spelled his last name. What’s • Fabbrini the all-American it called?did (Answer at bottom of thing: page) He sued the United Canning Company for $1 million. COMPUTER FACTS He won the case, but the judgement was for • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory only His for lawyer helped himself to ought$250,000. to be enough anybody.” $150,000 and that left Mario Fabbrini with • Moore’s Law states that computer performance $100,000 to make up for the misunderstanddoubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since ing. washas notbeen enough 1971,It this true.to rescue his business. In 1980 he sold the business and walked away • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all with justin$5,000 for his life’s work, retiring to started garages. San Diego, where he only made pizzas for himAnswer: self andGoogle, his wifefrom Olga.googol.


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Quiz Answers

1. Canned peaches 2. Horseradish, mustard and green dye. 3. Orange juice 4. Mount Crumpit 5. Giant panda

6. The Pink Ladies 7. U.S. Military Academy at West Point 8. 2.5 miles wide 9. Rick Springfield

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Sports Answers 1. L.A. Angels 6. 2013: WGCBridgestone 2. Seattle MariInvitational ners 2008-09 3. Seven, with a 7. Utah Jazz 99.8 PPG & high of 58 in San Antonio 1968-69. Spurs also 4. 1970 99.8 PPG. 5. Carolina’s Greg Olsen (2014-16).

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