Tidbits of Grand Forks - February 21, 2019

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Issue # 1,107 Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 wickpub@yahoo.com Big savings TIDBITS VISITS SOME for Different Name, Bigsafe savings Home Same Superior Service! drivers. for safe EXPENSIVE COLLEGES Home & Auto. by Kathy Wolfe From This drivers. & Auto.

February 21, 2019


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Sharon Opdahl, Agent 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite F Grand Forks, ND Agent 58201 Sharon Opdahl, Bus: Avenue 701-746-0495 2534 17th South, Suite F sharon@sharonopdahl.com Grand Forks, ND 58201 Bus: 701-746-0495 sharon@sharonopdahl.com

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• The oldest liberal arts college in America can be found in Oberlin, Ohio. Founded by two Presbyterian ministers, who also founded the town, Oberlin College opened in 1833. They named the institution after a minister whom they both admired. Oberlin was the first college to admit African-American students, men in 1835 and women in 1837. Annual tuition is about $71,500.

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• Established in Baltimore, Maryland in 1876, Johns Hopkins University came about through the gift of an American Quaker entrepreneur, abolitionist, and philanthropist, who bequeathed $7 million (about $141.2 million in today’s money) to build a university and research hospital. Total tuition and room and board at this prestigious institution will set you back about $71,000 a year. Turn the page for more!

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What is the common commercial name of the drug called diazepam? What is America’s oldest 6. How many future presidents university? of the United States signed the What university in New Declaration of Independence? Orleans costs $75,000 a year 7. Who played the president in to attend? the 1995 film “The American Woodrow Wilson, JFK, Brooke President”? Shields, and Lee Iacocca are 8. In what game is a shuttlecock graduates of what university? used? Name the song that contains this TRIVIA lyric “Jeremiah was a bullfrog”? SPONSORED BY:



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• In 1924, real estate mogul William Van Duzer Lawrence began efforts to found a junior college for women, focusing on arts and humanities. In 1928, Sarah Lawrence College, named for Williams’ wife, welcomed its first students to buildings built on part of Lawrence’s Yonkers, New York, estate on the banks of the Bronx River. The college has more than doubled its size since then, sitting on 44 wooded acres. Today, it is a co-educational college that uses the same approach to education as Oxford University, with a one-on-one student/faculty relationship. Students pursue degrees in writing, dance, theater, film, painting, economics, political science, philosophy, and a host of other areas. TV’s Barbara Walters graduated from there with a degree in English, and designer Vera Wang received a degree in art history. Full-time students can expect to pay about $72,500 per year to attend the school. • The primary campus of New York University is in Greenwich Village, with more than 100 buildings in Manhattan and several in Brooklyn. Founded in 1831, before long it became one of the nation’s largest universities. In 1917, its enrollment was more than 9,300. Today, that figure is nearing 26,500. NYU receives more applications than any other private college in the U.S., with 75,037 undergrad applications received for the 2018 term. The annual cost of NYU is about $72,000, with graduates’ average starting salary at $57,400. • You’ll need $70,000 a year to enroll at Pennsylvania’s Haverford College, an institution founded in 1833 by the Quakers. However, over 50% of students receive some type of financial aid from the college. It’s a small school, with its total enrollment below 300 for most of the 20th century. These days, enrollment is about 1,300. ...continued

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Which major league team was the first to win championships in three different divisions? 2. In 2018, Philadelphia’s Markelle Fultz became the youngest player (19 years, 317 days) in NBA history to record a triple-double. Who had been the youngest? (hint: 2017) 3. Which NBA coach has the most career losses?

4. How many times has tennis great Roger Federer finished a season in the top three of the ATP rankings? 5. Who is the only coach to win a title in both the NBA and NCAA? 6. Which coach has more NBA career victories: Pat Riley or Phil Jackson? Which of the two has more losses? 7. How many years did Larry Bird coach the Pacers?

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• Harvey Mudd College, located in Claremont, California, has less than 900 students and a student/faculty ratio of 9:1. It’s been rated the top undergraduate Engineering College in the U.S. The school is named after mining engineer Harvey Mudd, a graduate of Stanford and Columbia, and former president of Cyprus Mines. Mudd was involved in establishing the college, but died before the school opened in 1957. The average starting salary for graduates is about $93,000. However, to get to graduation, annual tuition is close to $77,000. About 70% of new students are eligible for financial aid. • The University of Chicago has produced 97 Nobel Prize laureates and numerous billionaires. It was founded in 1890 with donations from the American Baptist Education Society and oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. The nearly $79,000 a year cost helps take care of their 16,000 students and another 16,000 administrative staff members. • It costs close to $70,000 a year to attend the Julliard School for the performing arts in New York City. The school has had some interesting locations since its 1905 founding. It started out in a former mansion on Fifth Avenue. The school moved five years later onto a property purchased from an insane asylum. In 1924, the school purchased the Vanderbilt family guesthouse for its graduate school. (That guesthouse now houses CBS Studio offices.) It’s not easy to get into Julliard with its 8% acceptance rate of applications for admission. You’ll recognize the names of a few of its attendees – William Hurt, Barry Manilow, Wynton Marsalis, and Itzhak Perlman. Child prodigy pianist Marvin Hamlisch was accepted into the school’s pre-college division at age six. • When the University of Southern California was founded in 1880, tuition was $15 per term. That’s a far cry from the close to $60,000 a student can expect these days. ...continued

Chris Littlejohn Media Account Manager



Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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Chadwick Parkinson

• On Feb. 28, 1844, President John Tyler cruises the Potomac with 400 others aboard the U.S. Navy's new steam frigate USS Princeton. The Princeton carried a new 12-inch, 27,000-pound cannon called the Peacemaker. During a test firing, the cannon exploded, killing several aboard, including two members of Tyler's cabinet. • On March 3, 1875, the first indoor game of ice hockey is played in Quebec. Prior to the move indoors, ice hockey was a casual outdoor game, with no rules regarding the number of players per side. For the 1875 Montreal game, the ball was replaced with a wooden disc, now known as a puck. • On March 2, 1929, The Jones Act, the last gasp of the Prohibition, is passed by Congress. The act strengthened the federal penalties for bootlegging. • On Feb. 27, 1936, Shirley Temple receives a new contract from 20th Century Fox that will pay the 7-year-old star $50,000 per film, equal to $910,264.49 in today's dollars. The studio also altered her birth certificate, making it appear that she was a year younger. • On Feb. 26, 1949, from Carswell AFB in Texas, the Lucky Lady II, a B-50 Superfortress, takes off on the first nonstop round-the-world flight. The Lucky Lady II was refueled four times in the air and returned after 94 hours. • On Feb. 25, 1964, Cassius Clay shocks the odds-makers by dethroning world heavyweight boxing champ Sonny Liston in a seventh-round technical knockout. Later that year, Clay took the Muslim name of Muhammad Ali. • On March 1, 1971, a bomb explodes in the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., destroying a bathroom and barber shop but injuring no one. A group calling itself the "Weather Underground" claimed credit for the bombing, done in protest of the ongoing U.S.-supported Laos invasion. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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• It’s not an easy task to get into New York City’s Columbia University. Their acceptance rate is just 5.5%, one of the nation’s most selective colleges. Columbia is ranked the third best university in the United States behind Princeton and Harvard. Located in Upper Manhattan, the university was established in 1754, before the Revolutionary War. Three presidents, 10 Supreme Court justices, 96 Nobel Prize winners, 38 living billionaires, and 125 Pulitzer Prize winners are alumni of Columbia. Those planning to attend should expect to shell out over $74,000 a year. • Located in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, Bard College was founded in 1860 by the grandson of the founder of Columbia University’s medical school, who was also private physician to George Washington. The liberal arts college boasts that 98% of their classes have less than 25 students, a 10:1 ratio. It costs $72,400 a year for the privilege of attending this college.

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• The state of Massachusetts has at least 24 colleges that cost more than $60,000 a year to attend, with several upwards of $70,000. Boston College charges $69,293 a year for tuition and board. Seventy members of Congress have graduated from Williams College in Williamstown, a college that now has a cost of $70,000 annually. The women’s liberal arts Smith College, which opened in 1875, has a cost of over $72,000, while Tufts College’s price tag is $73,500. Amherst College was established as a men’s college in 1821, and remained so until 1975. Its annual rate is $77,000. That’s about the average rate at Harvard as well.

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• After training herself as a journalist, during the 1930s, Nancy worked for Hearst newspapers as a European correspondent. As Adolf Hitler continued to rise in power, she witnessed firsthand the cruelty of the Nazi gangs persecuting Jewish men and women in the streets. While working in Vienna and seeing the brutality, the seed was planted in her mind to make a difference. In her words, “…I would do anything to make things more difficult for their rotten party…My hatred of the Nazis was very, very deep.” • She married a wealthy French industrialist in 1939, and as the war raged in France with the German invasion, she became an ambulance driver. • In 1940, Nancy became part of the French Resistance as a courier. Her wealth and social standing were the perfect cover as she helped create an escape network for prisoners of war, officers, airmen, and refugees across the mountains into Spain, using money contributed by her husband Henri Fiocca. The Fiocca family chalet in the Alps served as a safe house during the journeys. • By the end of 1942, Nancy was the Gestapo’s most wanted person with a 5-million-franc reward offered for her capture. Having eluded the Gestapo scores of times, the German military called her “the white mouse.” Her phone had been tapped and all of her mail was intercepted.

• Shortly before D-Day, at age 31, Nancy parachuted into France to coordinate drops of weapons and ammunition in preparation. At one point, she had to rode a bicycle 250 miles in 72 hours to deliver a secret wireless code. • After the war ended, Nancy learned that, in 1943, shortly after her escape to England, her husband had been arrested, tortured, and executed by the Germans for refusing to betray her whereabouts, something for which she blamed herself for the remainder of her life. • She had saved the lives of hundreds of Allied soldiers and airmen and became the most decorated woman of World War II. She returned to London to work for the British Intelligence Department. In 1960, she married a former POW, and the couple moved to Australia, where she remained until 2001, where she resided until her death in 2011 at the age of 98.


• Nancy always seemed to be a brave girl, running away from her Sydney, Australia, home in 1928 at the age of 16, working as a nurse. With a few hundred dollars she had inherited from an aunt, she made her way to New York City, then on to London.


The name of Nancy Wake may have faded into history, but her remarkable accomplishments live on. Follow along as Tidbits brings you facts on this freelance journalist turned secret agent.

• It became apparent in 1943 that Nancy would have to flee France. Leaving her husband behind, she boarded a train, but was arrested in Toulouse. Within four days she had been released and was on her way to crossing into Spain. Once in England, she became a member of the British Special Operations Executive, working with the French Resistance. The group was instrumental in organizing attacks on bridges, railroads, and German convoy, as well as destroying one of the Gestapo headquarters.




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February 11, 2019

• “I store my extra sheets under the bed they go with in a storage box. On the lid of the box, I write the date when the mattress needs to be flipped. This way I never forget how long it has been.” — W.F in Arkansas • One way to de-pill a sweater is using a new scrubbie from kitchen. Just hold the sweater taut, and use the rough side of a kitchen sponge to lightly brush the fabric, letting it catch the pills and sweep them away. • “To get rid of brassy undertones in your hair, mix 10 drops of blue food coloring and 5 drops of red food coloring in 2.5 cups of vinegar, and apply as a rinse to hair. The purple cools the red tones, and banishes the brass. The vinegar smell does dissipate, and it leaves hair with a softened shine, too.” — I.W. in Louisiana • Did you squeeze out too much eye cream? Use it on your cuticles.” — A.S. in Florida • Here’s the secret to dealing with muddy shoe prints: Let them dry. Loosen dirt clumps and vacuum up as much as possible. Then come in with an appropriate carpet cleaner. Never add water to mud. • Set a standing appointment to check in with your budget and checkbook. If you don’t already have a budget set, now’s the time. Remember to factor in quarterly or yearly payments. You can divide them by the number of months they cover (say, six for car insurance) and pay that amount into your savings account each month. When the time comes to pay the bill, you’ll have the money ready. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


d Cities Gam n ra G by Samantha Weaver

• It was British Prime Minister Winston Churchill who made the following sage observation: "All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope." • In Washington state it once was illegal to carry a concealed weapon that was more than 6 feet in length. • Dominique Bouhours, a Frenchman who lived in the 17th century, was a priest, an essayist and a grammarian. The love of language may have been closest to his heart, though; it's been reported that the final words he uttered on his deathbed were, "I am about to -- or I am going to -- die; either expression is used." • You might be surprised to learn that Italians spend more time on social media that people of any other nationality. • England's virgin queen, Elizabeth I, went bald at the age of 29. Smallpox was the culprit. • According to a survey by the National Association of Convenience Stores, 11 percent of adult Americans have at some point in their lives worked at a convenience store or gas station. For 3 percent of adults, that was their first job. • Those who study such things claim that to get a truly random mix in a deck of playing cards, the deck must be shuffled seven times. • Chocolate lovers like myself may not believe it, but the most popular flavor of ice cream in the United States is actually vanilla. Chocolate comes in second place. • In 1875, a locust plague of epic proportions descended upon the Great Plains. Observers say it was 110 miles wide, and at 1,800 miles long, stretched from Canada all the way down to Texas. *** Thought for the Day: "We may not imagine how our lives could be more frustrating and complex -- but Congress can." -- Cullen Hightower © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

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There are some unusual observances in the world, and perhaps one of the strangest is Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day on February 23. It’s time for Tidbits readers to “bone” up on these facts about doggie treats! • Believe it or not, the history of dog biscuits dates back to the era of the Roman Empire. Dogs were given “bad bread,” that which was considered low quality and unfit for human consumption. Bread for dogs was called “parruna,” and was made from bran. This was the practice until the 1800s, when a dog food made of vegetables mixed with grain came onto the scene. • A Brit by the name of “Mr. Smith” sold dog-biscuit food in the area of Maidenhead in 1827. It consisted of oats, potatoes, carrots, and parsnips, and according to an 1828 publication, the factory was producing sales of five tons a week. • In 1860, an Ohio electrician traveled to London to sell his new invention, lightning rods. Upon landing in London, as James Spratt stood along the harbor, he observed several mongrel dogs eating discarded hardtack, the cheap, dry, tough biscuits that sailors ate while on long sea voyages. Spratt was inspired to develop a biscuit for dogs, before long he had patented his mixture of grains, beetroot, vegetables, and gelatinous beef parts and beef blood, and was marketing as “Spratt’s Meat Fibrine Dog Cakes.” • Others jumped on the bandwagon quickly, including Dr. A.C. Daniels’ Medicated Dog Bread, and in 1871, advertisements for Slater’s Meat Biscuit for Dogs bragged that this product contained “vegetable substances and 25% of prepared meat products.” They claimed that their biscuits would “give dogs endurance” and “keep them in fine working condition.” ...continued

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Woman has headband. 2. Sunglasses are different. 3. Boy's shirt has buttons. 4. Tree is wider. 5. Showman's "arms" are different. 6. Boy is taller. © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• Spratt’s product led the pack until 1907, when an American inventor, Carleton Ellis, who had invented Answer: Dell. a type of margarine, along with varnish and paint remover, developed a milkA VERY LARGE NUMBER based dog biscuit. It was a good recipe, but the •real Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 success came along when Ellis baked the he was asked to come up with a name for a biscuits in the shape of a bone. very large number: the numeral one, followed • Ellis’ was introduced in 1908 by the by a invention hundred zeros. He asked his two young nephews what name they would suggest. F H. Bennett Biscuit Company, produced in a on New York’s East Side. Each •bakery Nine-year-old Milton Lower suggested a name out of was the packaged funnies. Aindividually cartoon strip character biscuit to guarantee named Barney was very popular. Miltoncontent, chose freshness. Because of the high milk Barney’s last name for the number. the biscuits were named Maltoid Milk-Bones. •The Kasner announced theimmediate new namesuccess, for the big “bones” were an and number in his next book, altering the spelling. soon a number of different flavors were added. adsyears soonlater, touted notPage only and the Sergey great flavor, •The Sixty Larry Brin developed new and internet search engine. Other but cleaner ateeth better breath for dogs as search engines searched each webpage and well. ranked them according to how many times a • Bennett’s products dominated thebut industry for specific term appeared on them, Page and decades, and in 1931, the company was sold to Brin designed their search engine to search for Nabisco. In 1940, the line to the specific term Nabisco and then expanded find out how many include not only different links there weredifferent that led flavors back tobut that page, which a bettersizes, searchsmall, engine. sizes forresulted dogs ofinvarying medium, and large. • They decided they needed a name that reflectedthehow many websiteswasthethesearch • During 1950s, Milk-Bone sponengine was searching. They took of theRin name sor of television’s “The Adventures Tin of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only Tin,” the story ofitRusty, a young orphan being they misspelled slightly, so it ended up being raised by soldiers at Fort Apache, along with spelled exactly the same way the cartoon Rusty’s German character BarneyShepherd. spelled his last name. What’s it called? (Answer at bottom of page)Snacks in • Milk-Bone introduced their Flavor COMPUTER FACTS 1963, with six flavors – milk, meat, vegetable, liver – in“640 eachkb box. tar•cheese, In 1981bone, Bill and Gates said, of Their memory tar control came along in 1989. ought to berawhide enough strips for anybody.” newLaw innovations along in 2016 – •Two Moore’s states thatcame computer performance peanut butter and Pill an doubles everydog 18 biscuits, to 24 months, andPouches, ever since item designed helptrue. pets take their pills. 1971, this has to been • HP, Google, Microsoft, AppleCompany, were all • Now owned by the J.M. and Smucker started in garages. Milk-Bones are made exclusively in Buffalo, Answer: Google, from googol. New York.

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5. Valium 6. Two: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams 7. Michael Douglas 8. Badminton



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