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February 28, 2019
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The old proto-Germanic word “twin” means “two together” or “doubled” and also gives us the word “twine” and “entwined.” Come along with Tidbits as we marvel over twins!
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Quiz Bits 1.
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5. In which post-apocalyptic 1980s movie did the singer Tina Turner appear? What is the greatest recorded 6. What was the name of the number of consecutive genhigh school in the TV sitcom erations in a single family that “Happy Days”? have had twins? 7. What year did the TV show T or F: Identical twins have “Dukes of Hazzard” debut? identical fingerprints. 8. The Contras guerrilla moveT or F: Twins are more likely ment was associated with to left-handed than non-twins. which country? T or F: The world’s tallest idenTRIVIA tical twins were 7ft. 3in. tall. SPONSORED BY:
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TWINS (continued)
• At nearly 4.5 for every 100 live births, Massachusetts has the highest rate of twin births, followed by Connecticut and New Jersey. Researchers theorize that the high rate of multiple births in this region is due to the fact that these areas have a higher concentration of wealthier women who have pursued careers, postponed childbearing until later, and subsequently sought reproductive assistance. The state with the lowest rate of twin births is New Mexico, with only 2.4 twins born out of every 100 births. New Mexico is followed by Arizona and Arkansas. • Research shows that conceiving twins is more common among older women (62% of twins are born to mothers over the age of 30), taller women, women who are overweight, and women who are breastfeeding at the time they get pregnant. • Twins are most commonly born to mothers between the age of 30 and 39, likely due to the fact that older women tend to release more than one egg per cycle. • According to a study published in “The Journal of Reproductive Medicine”, women who consume dairy products may increase their chances of conceiving twins. When researchers looked at the twin birth rates of vegans compared to non-vegans, they found that nonvegans were five times more likely to have twins. It may be due to the fact that the level of a certain protein called IGF (for “insulin-like growth factor”) is 13 times higher in women who consume dairy than in vegans. This protein increases the ovaries’ sensitivity to the follicle stimulating hormone which triggers ovulation. • Mothers of twins tend to live longer lives than moms of non-twins. ...continued
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Who held the major-league record for home runs by a rookie before Aaron Judge of the New York Yankees belted 52 in 2017? 2. What NFL team holds the record for most consecutive losses? 3. Pro Football Hall of Fame kicker Morten Anderson retired in 2008 as the leading scorer for two NFL franchises. Name them.
4. Grand Forks Central H.S. just won it’s third straight N.D. Boys Hockey state championship. What school was the last to win three straight? 5. When was the last time before 2018 that Clemson’s men’s basketball team reached the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Tournment—1997, 2003 or 2008? 6. UCLA has won the most NCAA Men’s Basketball titles (Div. 1). How many?
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TWINS (continued)
• The word “gemini” is the Latin word for twins. The constellation Gemini was named for mythological twins, Pollux and Castor, whose mother was Leda. Leda was seduced by Zeus (who took the form of a swan) and later that evening also shared a bed with her husband, Tyndareus, king of Sparta. As a result, she gave birth to fraternal twins with different fathers. Although this is all according to mythology, it is actually possible for this to happen in real life, since sperm can survive for up to five days. As the son of a god, Pollux was immortal, but as the son of a human, Castor was mortal. According to the myth, when Castor was mortally wounded in a fight, Pollux donated half of his immortality to his twin brother so they could both continue living. • The small Brazilian village of São Pedro consists of about 350 citizens, most of whom are immigrants of German descent. Doctors were perplexed to find that the birth rate of twins in the village was far higher than normal, reaching 10% of births, whereas throughout the rest of Brazil, only 1% of births are twins. Studies revealed that the women in the village shared a single “hyper-ovulation” gene making it far more likely that they would conceive twins. The issue was compounded by inbreeding among them. • Elvis Presley had an identical twin brother, Jessie Garon Presley, who was stillborn 35 minutes before Elvis was born on January 8, 1935. Elvis’s mother Gladys had such a difficult time with the home birth that she was taken to the hospital. She never had any more children. • William Shakespeare had fraternal twin children, born in 1585. His son Hamnet died at the age of 11, but his daughter Judith lived to the age of 77. ...continued
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TWINS (continued)
• Scarlett Johansson’s twin brother Hunter Johansson is nearly a foot taller than she is.
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• Kiefer Sutherland has a twin sister, Rachel, who lives in Toronto. • Ashton Kutcher’s fraternal twin brother, Michael, has cerebral palsy and is a spokesperson for the Reaching for the Stars Foundation. • Canadian songstress Alanis Morissette has a twin brother, Wade, who is 12 minutes older. • Jon Heder, who played the lead role in the film “Napoleon Dynamite” has an identical twin brother, Dan. • Jenna Bush and her fraternal twin sister Barbara Bush were 18 years old when their father, George W. Bush, was elected president of the United States. • Billy Leon McCrary and his identical twin brother Benny Loyd McCrary (born December 7, 1946) made their living as professional wrestlers. They worked under the stage name of The McGuire Twins which they adopted after finding that announcers had difficulty pronouncing the name “McCrary.” They are listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the World’s Heaviest Twins. They had a normal weight until a childhood bout with measles affected their pituitary glands. As adults, Billy weighed 723 lbs and Benny weighed 745 lbs. Billy died in 1979 following a motorcycle accident and Benny died in 2001 of heart failure. • The oldest male twins ever authenticated were Glen and Dale Moyer of Ohio, both of whom reached the age of 105. Born June 20, 1895, Dale was 20 minutes older than Glen. Glen Moyer passed away in April of 2001 at the age of 105 years. Dale died in 2004 at the age of 109.
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• On March 6, 1475, Michelangelo Buonarroti, the greatest of the Italian Renaissance artists, is born in Caprese. His most important early work was the Pieta (1498), a traditional type of devotional sculpture that showed the body of Christ in the lap of the Virgin Mary. • On March 5, 1815, Franz Anton Mesmer, a German physician who pioneered the medical field of hypnotic therapy, dies in obscurity in Meersburg, Swabia (now Germany). His process of mesmerism, as it came to be known, produced hypnotic states that had an extraordinary influence on his patients' physical illnesses. • On March 4, 1888, Knute Rockne is born in Voss, Norway. He would go on to become one of the most successful coaches in the history of college football, coaching Notre Dame during their golden era in the 1920s. Rockne won three national championships with the Fighting Irish. • On March 10, 1945, 300 American bombers continue to drop almost 2,000 tons of incendiaries on Tokyo for a second day. The attack destroyed large portions of the Japanese capital and killed 100,000 civilians. • On March 8, 1950, Volkswagen, maker of the Beetle automobile, expands its product offerings to include a microbus. The bus was a favorite mode of transportation for hippies in the U.S. during the 1960s and became an icon of the American counterculture movement. • On March 7, 1972, in the biggest air battle in Southeast Asia in three years, U.S. jets battle five North Vietnamese MiGs and shoot one down 170 miles north of the Demilitarized Zone. • On March 9, 1985, the first-ever Adopt-aHighway sign is erected in Texas. Highway 69 was adopted by the Tyler Civitan Club, which committed to picking up trash along a 2-mile stretch of the road. The program eventually spread across the U.S. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Remarkable People
• Chang and Eng bought property in North Carolina and built homes one mile apart, agreeing to a schedule where they spent three days at one house, and three days at the other. Whichever one owned the house where they were staying got to choose what to do. They adopted the American last name of Bunker after one of their friends. They raised crops, bought slaves, and became the first Asians to be declared naturalized American citizens.
• Chang and Eng were conjoined twins born in Siam (now called Thailand) in 1811. They were joined at the chest by a strip of skin and cartilage that measured about 5 inches long by 3 inches tall and 2 inches deep. Both Chang and Eng had otherwise normal bodies, but that strip kept them in a perpetual embrace for their entire lives. Early in their lives, they faced each other as if hugging, but as they grew, the bridge became • In 1843 Chang and Eng married fraternal twin sisters more elastic, allowing each of them to face forward. in a double wedding. Their firstborn children were born just six days apart, and they went on to father 21 • Their father died in an epidemic, and their mother children. They began touring again to earn money to kept them busy running a business raising and sellraise their families, and were even employed by P.T. ing ducks. But all that changed when they were spotBarnum for a while. The end of the Civil War brought ted by a Scottish boat captain, who paid their mother them financial troubles, not only because their for$500 for the privilege of bringing the boys to the U.S. tune was largely tied up in now-worthless Confederin 1829. They were just 17 years old and spoke no ate currency, but also because their slaves were set English when they were put on display for the first free. So they took to the road once again. time, touring the U.S., England and Europe. They astonished audiences with their physical feats of athleti- • Chang was a heavy drinker whereas Eng was not. In cism. 1870, Change suffered a stroke which left him par-
alyzed on the side he shared with his brother. Eng • After three years on the road, by which time they had nursed his brother back to health, though he was nevlearned English, they got tired of being exploited by er again robust. In 1874 Chang contracted bronchitis, managers. At the time it typically cost 25 cents for a and died in his sleep. When Eng saw that his brother ticket to see them, or about $6 in today’s money. They was dead, he cried out, “Then I am going too!” and raised about $1,000 per month ($26,000) in gate redied two hours later, likely due to blood loss because ceipts, yet were paid only $10 per month ($260) in his heart was pumping blood into both bodies, and salary. The final straw was a month-long ocean voyreceiving none in return. age where their managers booked first class berths for themselves, but put Chang and Eng into steerage. • An autopsy showed that the brothers shared a single fused liver. Today, it would have been simple to sepa• As young men, they struck out on their own. They rate them. Chang and Eng Bunker lived the longest amassed a sizable fortune and became extremely falifespan (62 years) of any conjoined twins in hismous before retiring from the road. The term “Siatory. Their wives outlived them. Even today, many mese twin” was coined to describe them, and remains of Chang and Eng Bunker’s descendants continue to in the common vernacular today, denoting conjoined live in the area. twins who are connected together.
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February 18, 2019
• Corral kids’ books in a traveling library by repurposing an old wagon. All you need to do is store the books spine side up for easy selection. This also makes it a snap to move it to just the right place to encourage reading, whether it’s the garden path or a blanket fort. If you don’t have a wagon to repurpose, installing some caster wheels on the bottom of a crate works, too. • Replace mascara frequently. But if you need to freshen a tube of dry mascara, just add a few drops of contact solution to the brush and bottle. • “Use mismatched socks as wiper blade covers when you are expecting inclement weather. It will keep your wipers from freezing to your windshield, and if they get all yucky, you can just pitch them.” — N.G. in Ohio • Make doctor’s appointments on or near a major holiday every year. That way you don’t end up forgetting when your last annual exam or dental cleaning was. • If you seriously need to remove a color polish from your nails, but ran out of remover, try this trick: Paint the nail generously with clear polish, then use a dry cotton ball to swipe it off. Repeat as needed. • “This tip is for gardeners who live in areas that don’t often freeze. I’m safe most of the year, but when temperatures do dip, I cover my vulnerable plants. In addition to the freeze cloth, I also add a string of twinkle lights, which can add a surprisingly margin of heat. And they look pretty as well.” — M.M. in Georgia Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
by Samantha Weaver
• It was French-German physician, philosopher and humanitarian Albert Schweitzer who made the following sage observation: "In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." • You might be surprised to learn that famed lover and heartbreaker Casanova eventually became a librarian. • In parts of Illinois, it was once illegal to put a cake in a cookie jar. • If you've ever yelled out a warning in panic -"Stop!," "Run!," "Don't!" -- you've used a monepic sentence; that is, one that is complete with just a single word. Of course, at the time you probably weren't concerned about the grammatical nature of your utterance. • If you're like the hypothetical average person, your mouth will create 10,000 gallons of saliva over the course of your lifetime. • It's been reported that the country's first pizza parlor was in New York City -- naturally. It opened in 1885, but barely got by. In 1895, it was sold for a mere $200 -- small change even in those times. • The bearded vulture is the only known animal whose diet is made up almost exclusively of bone. • It's a well-worn trope that men refuse to stop and ask for directions when they're lost. That point of view might seem to be supported by the results of a survey conducted by the American Automobile Association, which found that just 34 percent of male drivers admit to stopping to ask for directions. However, the same survey found that only 37 percent of women did the same. *** Thought for the Day: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -- Jiddu Krishnamurti © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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On September 11, 1952, the first artificial aortic valve was installed in a patient in Washington, D.C. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at the human heart!
HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a
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TIDBITS® BEATING by Janet Spencer
On September 11, 1952, the first artificial aortic valve was installed in a patient in Washington, D.C. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at the human heart!
HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a
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• Ralph and Sandra Fisher of LaGrange, Texas, run a business that revolves around tame animals, ranging from armadillos and buzzards to longhorn cattle, burros, ponies, and more. The animals appear at parties and barbeques, fundraising events, county fairs, parades, movies, and ads. But the star of their show was a Brahman bull named Chance. • Ralph purchased Chance at a livestock auction in 1984 when the bull was 7 years old. He was impressed because the bull was tame and affectionate. Chance soon became the star attraction of their show. He was so easy-going that he allowed even the smallest children to clamber atop his back for photos. Chance put in appearances at weddings, birthday parties, and corporate events. He was so trustworthy that he even appeared on TV talk shows including “Late Night with David Letterman.” He was photographed with innumerable celebrities, appeared in a Super Bowl half-time show, and even starred in a movie with Vince Vaughn. • When not on the road, Chance hung out in the Fisher’s front yard, looking for any opportunity to get a little affection. “He was like a big dog,” said Sandra of the oversize bull. Chance raised a lot of money for the Fishers, and they claimed he was “the most photographed bull in the world.” • In 1998, Ralph took Chance to the veterinary school at Texas A & M to have a mole removed. The school had been experimenting with cloning animals. Realizing that Chance was reaching the end of his lifespan, Ralph pestered the vets to try cloning the big friendly bull. They agreed. Many cloning experiments had been done by drawing DNA from young healthy animals, but they wanted to see if there were limits on cloning old animals. Chance was 19 years old, quite old for a bull.
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• A team of veterinarians took some of Chance’s skin cells to preserve them for future use. In the meantime, however, Chance died peacefully in Answer: Dell. his pasture at home. The Fishers were heartbroA VERY LARGE NUMBER ken at the loss of such a gentle friend, but hope•ful Edward was a mathematician. In 1938 that byKasner cloning him, they could resurrect his he was asked to come up with a name for a spirit. very large number: the numeral one, followed • Vets into young donor by ainjected hundred Chance’s zeros. He skin askedcells his two eggs that what had been of suggest. DNA. It took nephews namestripped they would 189 tries before a viable embryo began grow. • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a to name Itout wasofimplanted intoAacartoon surrogate mother, and the funnies. strip character innamed 1999,Barney Chance’s clone was born, and named was very popular. Milton chose Second Chance. Thefor entire Barney’s last name the operation number. was fundby theannounced Texas Coordinating Boardforofthe Higher •ed Kasner the new name big Education's Advanced Research Program. number in his next book, altering the spelling. • •The Fishers bring the young Sixty years were later, delighted Larry Pagetoand Sergey Brin Brahman bull home with them when he was developed a new internet search engine. Other weaned. Things went well at first. But then search engines searched each webpage and came fateful day. When Second Chance rankeda them according to how many times a specific4,term appeared on them, Pagetoand turned Ralph was leading himbutback the Brin when designed engine to search for barn, the their bull search suddenly became belligerthe specific term and then find out how many ent and difficult, knocking Ralph to the ground linksstomping there were led back to that to page, and him.that Ralph was rushed the which resulted in a better search engine. hospital. It took six weeks for his broken arm •and They decidedshoulder they needed dislocated to heal. a name that reflected how many websites the search • Still, he held out hope. “Chance was seven engine was searching. They took the name years old when I adopted him,number, and Second of Edward Kasner’s very large only Chance was only four, so I wanted give they misspelled it slightly, so it ended uptobeing Second second chance.” Butcartoon just 18 spelled Chance exactlya the same way the months later, Second Chance gored Ralph so character Barney spelled his last name. What’s badly in the leg that he required 80 stitches. it called? (Answer at bottom of page) Second Chance was turned out to pasture, and COMPUTER FACTS died a year later, at the age of 8, of an ailment • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory unrelated to cloning. ought to be enough for anybody.” • •Ralph continues to make appearances with his Moore’s Law states that computer performance large menagerie of animals, but has never again doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since found with the personality or tem1971, an thisanimal has been true. perament of Chance, the Ferdinand of bulls. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all “You caninclone an animal, but you can’t clone started garages. a personality.” Answer: Google, from googol.
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