Tidbits of Grand Forks - April 4, 2019

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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It’s time to sharpen up your word skills as Tidbits imparts some unusual facts about some unusual words! FURNACE • You might expect a dentiloquist to be an emREPLACEMENT ployee of your local dentist, but the term acSPECIAL tually refers to someone who speaks through $49/mo. financing* clenched teeth. on a High Efficient • Presidents have been vetoing legislation Furnace *O.A.C. passed by Congress since George Washingformerly ton, who issued the first veto in April of 1792. Article 1, section 7 of the U.S. Constitution 701-775-5522 Grand Forks, ND provides for the President’s authority to use a veto to prevent the passage of legislation. The word “veto” has its origins in the Latin language, translating “I forbid.” By the end of 2018, vetoes had been used 2,574 times, with ORGANIC SALON SPA 111 of them overridden. • Most of us know that a clairvoyant seems to Hair Loss Hospital have psychic or telepathic abilities,File butyour what taxes & apply • REPAIR • REFRESH * for an Easy Advance about a clairvoyee? This unusual word refers • RECLAIM to a window-like hole cut in a hedge. And Call to learn about speaking of psychics, there’s a fancy name for a palm reader … it’s chiromancer! Hair Loss Therapy! • How about a few unusual phobias? Those with 701-739-2403 a fear of trains suffer from siderodromophobia, 2600 DeMers Ave. while those with stenophobia are afraid of narGrand Forks, ND row places. There are those who fear men wearing beards … they are called pogonophobics.

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Quiz Bits

5. What was the name of the inn owned by Dick Louden on the TV series “Newhart”? 6. What kind of creature was the animated character Foghorn Leghorn? 7. T or F: The original name of Cheerios breakfast cereal was “Cheerioats”. 8. What is Saigon’s current name in Vietnam? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:


1. Where is the elite shopping district called Rodeo Drive located? 2. Which 1990s movie featured the line, “Keep the change, ya filthy animal”? 3. In which U.S. state was the first atomic bomb tested? 4. What is the capital city of the Yukon territory in Canada?

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• Circus lovers might refer to that person who walks along a thin wire high above the crowd as a tightrope walker. The official name of this performer is funambulist. The most famous funambulist was Charles Blondin, a French acrobat who crossed Niagara Falls on a rope for the first time on June 30, 1859. A rope less than an inch thick was attached to an oak tree on the American side of the falls and to a rock on the Canadian side. His walk from bank to bank took 23 minutes. Four days later, Blondin repeated the feat, with another one on July 15, during which he walked backwards to Canada and forward to the U.S. while pushing a wheelbarrow. His next achievement was to somersault and backflip the distance, followed by a trip carrying his manager on his back. The daredevil even carried a stove on one trip, started a fire, and cooked an omelet on the rope. His final Niagara Falls crossing took place in 1896 at age 62. By then, he had made the crossing 300 times. During his career, he logged more than 10,000 miles on his tightrope. His death in 1897 came not from a fall, as had been expected for decades, but from complications of diabetes. • Did you know that there’s a special word for that cloudlike streak left behind by jets? It’s known as a contrail, and it comes from the combination of two words – condensation and trail. And speaking of airplanes, you may not know that empennage refers to the craft’s entire tail assembly. It comes from a French word meaning “the feathers at the end of an arrow.” • You might call this person a shopaholic, but the official term for a person with an uncontrollable urge to buy things is oniomaniac. Some specialists call it Compulsive Buying Disorder, or CBD. ...continued

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Between 1980 and 1989, a member of the Boston Red Sox led the A.L. in walks for a season five times. Name either of the two Boston players to do it. 2. T or F: Slugger Jose Canseco had more strikeouts than hits during his majorleague career. 3. How many times have the Packers and Vikings met each other in the playoffs?

4. Who was the last driver to win the pole for Daytona 500, then capture the race itself? (hint: in 2000) 5. Who was the last teenager to win a women’s singles title at a Grand Slam tennis tournament? 6. T or F: In all of the games between the Green Bay Packers and Minnesota Vikings since 1961, Minnesota has only scored more than 40 points in a game one time.



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• Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz suffered from nostomania, a fancy word for overwhelming homesickness. After all, “there’s no place like home!” • If the mythical unicorn has one large pointed horn projecting from its forehead, what kind of creature is a bicorn? It’s not a creature at all, but rather a two-cornered hat that became popular in the late 1700s as the headgear of military officers. You’ll recognize a bicorn in portraits of Napoleon Bonaparte. • Many of us are changing out our regular light bulbs for LED bulbs since they are energy efficient, produce a brighter light, and have a long lifespan, sometimes more than 100,000 hours. In case you’re interested, LED stands for “LightEmitting Diode.” • There’s a difference between a bibliophile and a bibliopole. The –phile is a collector of rare books, but the –pole is a seller of rare books. • The words bovine, lupine, ovine, and porcine are all animal terms. Bovine refers to something that resembles a cow or an ox, while lupine indicates being wolf-like. Ovine represents sheeplike characteristics, and porcine refers to a pig or swine. • How about these strange words for those who are dimwits? Dizzard, gomeril, gudgeon, gump, and sumph are all relatively unknown terms for numbskulls and ninnies.




• A horse’s height is measured in “hands,” but just how much is a “hand”? One hand is equal to four inches. It’s sometimes called a “handsbreadth,” and was originally based on the breadth or span of the average man’s hand. A horse is considered a “pony” if it’s 14.2 hands or less. The animal is measured from ground up to the top of its withers, that ridge between its shoulder blades. ...cont'd


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Here for the Unexpected

• And speaking of “breadths,” if something is “just a hairbreadth away,” how far away is it? That would be 1/48th of an inch. • Criminals hauled into the police station have their mug shot taken, then their dactylograms are processed. These are the impressions left by the friction ridges of a human appendage. In other words, fingerprints! • The ZIP Code system was introduced in 1963 to speed up mail delivery. The first digit in the five-digit code represents one of the ten large geographic areas in the U.S. The second and third indicate metropolitan areas and sectional centers, while the fourth and fifth digits are local post offices. To the Post Office, ZIP means Zone Improvement Plan, but to a psychologist, those letters stand for Zero Intelligence Potential, and to a banker, it means Zero Interest Payment. • Australian Aborigines named the koala bear as such from their word meaning “no drink.” That’s because this pouched marsupial (which isn’t a bear at all) gets all of liquid intake from eating eucalyptus leaves.

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• You might not be familiar with the word trinitrotoluene, but surely you’ve heard its abbreviation, TNT. A German chemist first recognized the chemical compound’s explosive properties in 1891, and by 1902, the German military was using TNT as a filling for artillery shells. TNT is yellow in color and the skin of munition workers who handled it during World War I turned bright yellow, earning them the nickname “canaries.” In order for TNT to explode, it must be triggered from an explosive booster, unlike the much more volatile nitroglycerine, which can explode from mere physical shock, making it quite difficult to transport.

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

• On April 13, 1360, a hailstorm kills an estimated 1,000 of King Edward's III's English soldiers in France. The heavy losses were seen as a sign from God, convincing King Edward to negotiate peace with the French. • On April 10, 1866, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is founded in New York by philanthropist and diplomat Henry Bergh after he witnessed and later wrote about work horses beaten by their peasant drivers in Russia. • On April 12, 1914, the Mark Strand Theatre opens to the public in New York City, the first of the "dream palaces," known for their impressive size and luxuriously appointed interiors. The Strand seated some 3,000 people. • On April 11, 1945, the American Third Army liberates the Buchenwald concentration camp, near Weimar, Germany. Among those saved by the Americans was Elie Wiesel, who would go on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. • On April 9, 1962, President John F. Kennedy throws out the ceremonial first pitch in Washington D.C.'s new stadium, called simply "D.C. Stadium." He continued a tradition that began in 1910 when President William Taft threw out Major League Baseball's first opening-day pitch in old Griffith Stadium. • On April 8, 1974, Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hits his 715th career home run, breaking Babe Ruth's legendary record of 714 homers. Aaron would hit 40 more home runs for a career total of 755. • On April 14, 1986, the U.S. launches airstrikes against Libya in retaliation for its sponsorship of terrorism against American troops and citizens. The attacks were mounted by Navy attack jets in the Mediterranean and Air Force bombers from bases in England. France refused to allow the bombers to fly over its territory, forcing them to make a 3,000-mile detour. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• At 21 months, Joseph began to experience swelling of his lips and a bony lump on his forehead. By age five, it was obvious that his condition was serious. His skin became thick, lumpy, and rough, much like that of an elephant, even similar in color. As he continued to grow, his left and right arms were of different sizes, and his feet were considerably enlarged. • During the medically ignorant times of 19th-century England, the family believed that Joseph’s condition was the result of his mother having been knocked over and terrified by a circus elephant while she was pregnant. Mary Merrick felt that the emotionally frightening experience had a physical effect on her unborn child. • His mother died when he was 11, and at 13, Joseph was forced to quit school and take a job at a cigar factory. His father had quickly remarried, and Joseph’s home life rapidly declined. As his body continued to grow tumors, the deformity of his right hand was worsening, and by age 16, his hand could no longer function well enough to roll the cigars. • Joseph struggled to earn money, but when he was 17, his father beat him severely for not contributing enough to the household. After a brief time lodging with an uncle, he was forced to enter a workhouse. While there, in 1882, he underwent surgery to have a 9-inch growth on his mouth removed, as he was having difficulty eating and speaking.

• When the exhibit closed, Merrick joined a circus that was touring Europe. While in Belgium, his new manager robbed him of his life savings and abandoned him in Brussels. After miraculously making his way back to England, he was given a bed in the London Hospital. He was befriended by a surgeon named Frederick Treves and a close friendship blossomed. • When two new buildings were added to the hospital, the Prince and Princess of Wales came to the perform the dedication. Treves introduced Joseph to Princess Alexandra, who sent him a Christmas card every year for the remainder of his short life. • Joseph became adept at constructing elaborate models of buildings out of cardstock, including ornate cathedrals. • At age 27, Joseph Merrick died at the hospital. At least three books were written about his life, a Tony Award-winning play, a BBC documentary, and a 1980 film that was nominated for eight Oscars. • It was not until 1986 that physicians theorized that Joseph suffered from Proteus syndrome. It’s a very rare condition that had first been described by doctors in 1976. To date, about 200 cases have been verified worldwide, with about 120 people currently living with the disorder.


• Joseph was born in England in 1862 as a seemingly healthy baby with no symptoms of the severe deformities that would surface after the first few years of his life.


The name Joseph Merrick is most likely not a familiar one. You may know him as the “Elephant Man,” a gentleman whose life story was profiled on stage and screen. This week, Tidbits has the account of this remarkable man’s life.

• After four miserable years in the workhouse, Joseph decided to see if he could profit from his many deformities. After contacting a showman, he secured a spot in a “human oddities” show, advertised as “The Elephant Man, Half-Man, HalfElephant.” The show was quite successful, and soon Joseph was on the road traveling to several exhibits around Britain.




Remarkable People

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(Answers located further back)

March 25, 2019

• “I like to make cubed potatoes for breakfast. To keep it simple to cook in the morning, I boil a big batch on Sunday to use throughout the week. I keep them nice and white by adding a quarter cup of vinegar to the cooking water. You can’t taste it at all, and there’s no browning, even by Friday.” — J.D. in Florida • “Keep a small package of wet wipes in your car so that you can wipe off your hands after you pump gas. I feel like there’s always some residue, and the wipes are convenient for other things, too.” — T.A. in Nevada • When painting, use a wet travel-size bar of soap to coat the windows (glass only), smearing the soapy residue all over the glass. Let it dry. When you paint, any splatters will land on the soap, which can be easily wiped away when the paint is dry. • “If you get a new contact via your cellphone, make sure you write it down in a good old-fashioned paper address book. These days, we never dial someone, so we never learn their phone number. If something happened to your phone, you might lose the telephone numbers of people you want to stay in touch with, especially non-digitally inclined friends and relatives who might be older.” — E.U. in Indiana • Sink odor can be real problem, especially if you use a strainer in your sink. Sometimes, we forget to remove it and clean the drain underneath. Make it a point to clean and freshen your kitchen drains weekly by using this quick tip: Microwave several cups of water to boiling. Pour half down your drain, then dump in about 1/2 cup of baking soda. Follow up with a cup of fullstrength vinegar (it should bubble and sputter). Wait three minutes, and then add the rest of the hot water. All clean! Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

by Samantha Weaver

• It was 20th-century French air force brigadier general and geopolitician -- and bearer of the nickname "father of the French atom bomb" -Pierre Marie Gallois who made the following sage observation: "If you put tomfoolery into a computer, nothing comes out of it but tomfoolery. But this tomfoolery, having passed through a very expensive machine, is somehow ennobled and no one dares criticize it."

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• Fashion historians claim that England's Queen Elizabeth I owned 3,000 of the elaborate dresses popular during her time. • The Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt is so large that its base would cover 10 football fields.

• Human skin is about 70 percent water, and the human brain is 80 percent water. • At 140,000 square miles, the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, located (unsurprisingly) in Hawaii, is larger than all the other U.S. national parks put together. • Those who study such things say that the European starling is one of the world's great mimics. They have the ability to imitate a surprisingly wide variety of sounds, including a dog's bark, a cat's meow, a cow's moo, the songs of 50 other bird species, the drumming of a woodpecker and a ringing telephone.

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• Without a bottle opener, a drunk homeless man in Belgrade, Serbia, was at a loss as to how to open his beer. So he hit upon the bright idea of using a hand grenade to pop the top. A live hand grenade, as it turned out. He popped his own top as well, dying in the incident. It's not known how he got the grenade to begin with.

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The little black dress is an essential part of most women’s wardrobes. Tidbits is studying up on fashion this week with the facts on the timeless “LBD.” • Origins of this fashion necessity date back to 1926 when Vogue magazine published a picture of a straight, long-sleeved, drop-waist, calf-length black sheath dress of crepe de Chine, designed by 46-year-old French fashion designer Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel. It was accessorized with a string of pearls and became “the” trend for the 1920s flappers. • Prior to that time, since the Victorian era, black had been the color of mourning, with widows expected to wear black for four years. It was also the color of servitude occupations, such as maids. Chanel hoped to change black to the color of elegance. • Vogue called the dress “Chanel’s Ford,” likening it to Ford’s Model T, simple and accessible for all social classes. The magazine further stated that the dress would become “a sort of uniform for all women of taste,” describing it as “the frock that all the world will wear.”


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• With the Great Depression approaching, bringing with it the rationing of textiles, the little black dress provided affordable chic style. Chanel began producing LBD’s in wool or chenille for daytime wear, and sophisticated dresses in satin, crepe, and velvet for evening wear. She wanted all women to have a dress that could be “dressed up” or “dressed down,” depending on accessories. • During the 1940s, Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor, owned several LBD’s in varying styles, stating that, “When a little black dress is right, there is nothing else to wear in its place.” French singer Edith Piaf earned her nickname the “little black sparrow” from her habit of wearing a simple black sheath dress during her performances. ...cont'd

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• Christian Dior designed his dresses for Hollywood stars, adding further glamor to the image, creating Answer: Dell. for Rita Hayworth, Ava Gardner, and Marilyn Monroe. Hemlines, necklines, A VERY LARGE NUMBER and sleeve style changed many times over the •decades, Edward from Kasnerfull was a mathematician. 1938 poufy skirts and a In cinched he was asked to come up with a name for a waist to a narrow sheath, from long to the tinivery large number: the numeral one, followed est of mini-skirts. During the 1990s, little by a hundred zeros. He asked his twotheyoung black dresswhat wentname “grunge,” with suggest. some wearers nephews they would adding combat boots to the look. • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name

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out of the most funnies. A cartoon stripdress character • Perhaps famous little black of all named Barney was very popular.Hepburn Milton chose time is the one worn by Audrey in the Barney’s last name for the number.at Tiffany’s. 1961 romantic comedy Breakfast •Created Kasner by announced the new Hubert name for big French designer de the Givennumber in his next book, altering the spelling. chy, it was a black satin sleeveless floor-length at Larry the waist, thigh-high •gown, Sixty gathered years later, Pagewith and aSergey Brin developed new A internet engine. slit on one aside. pearl search necklace and Other black search engines searched each the webpage and elbow-length gloves completed ensemble. ranked them according to how many times a There were two copies of the dress, one of specific term appeared on them, but Page and which is in a film museum. The other dress was Brin designed their search engine to search for worn by actress Natalie Portman on the Nothe specific term and then find out how many vember, 2006were cover Harper’s and links there thatofled back toBazaar, that page, auctioned at Christie’s in search London the followwhich resulted in a better engine. ing month. An anonymous buyer purchased the • They decided they needed a name that dress by telephone, paying close to reflected how many websites the$925,000 search for the gown. The proceeds of the auction were engine was searching. They took the name given to the Kasner’s construction a school in a only povof Edward veryoflarge number, erty-stricken district of Calcutta, India.up being they misspelled it slightly, so it ended spelled exactly the asame way the cartoon • Givenchy was also favorite designer of character Barney spelled his last name. What’s Elizabeth Taylor, Princess Grace of Monaco, it called? (Answer at bottom of page) and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. A simple COMPUTER Givenchy black dress wasFACTS flown from France •for In Jackie 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 of memory for the funeral of herkb husband John ought to be enough for anybody.” F. Kennedy in 1963. • Moore’s Law states that computer performance • “Idoubles imposed black; it’s still going strong today, every 18 to 24 months, and ever since for black wipes out everything else around.” – 1971, this has been true. Coco Chanel • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. Answer: Google, fromREADING googol. TIDBITS! THANKS FOR


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