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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN April 11, 2019
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Issue # 1,114
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CRYING by Janet Spencer
Crying is one of the very first things we do in our lives, and sometimes it is one of the last. Everybody cries, but how much do we really know about it? Come along with Tidbits as we shed a few tears!
• If you try to take a picture with a camera lens that’s warped, you won’t get a clear shot. If you’re looking through eyeglasses lenses that are lumpy, you won’t see clearly. The cornea of the eye has a bumpy surface. Tears smooth State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL the surface, allowing us to see clearly. Tears also provide lubrication, without which we’d be unable to move the eyes in their sockets. • The cornea is the only tissue in the human Carpet Cleaning body that doesn’t contain blood vessels. The www.elitecarpetsgf.com cornea must remain clear in order to refract Carpet Cleaning • Carpet light correctly. If blood vessels were present, Cleaning SPECIAL! they would interfere with sight. One of the Upholstery $129 •Cleaning main purposes of blood is to deliver oxygen to 3 Rooms & tissues, but the cornea absorbs oxygen directly Hallway • Water Not valid with any other offer. from the atmosphere. Extraction Expires 5-17-19 • The eyeball contains an entire plumbing Residential & Commercial system devoted to both producing and draining away tears. Tears serve several functions. They control infectious agents and detoxify the eye; 701-775-8500 they regulate the pH of the eyeball; and they promote chemical reactions, wash out irritants, and keep the cornea moist and nourished. State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) 1601487 State Farm Life InsuranceBloomington, IL licensed in MA, NY or WI) Company (Not State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) 1601487 Bloomington, IL
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Do we produce more basal tears or fewer as we age? 6. What is the most populated Who blinks more: men or country in Africa? women? 7. What European country is Who blinks more: babies or home to Transylvania? adults? 8. What is the name of the airHow many ounces of basal plane Buddy Holly died in? tears does an adult human 9. What is the only major musiproduce daily? cal scale that has no sharps or How many times will an flats? average baby cry by the time it TRIVIA turns two years of age? SPONSORED BY:
CRYING (continued)
• There are three different types of tears. First are basal tears, which constantly bathe the eyeballs in fluid, keeping them moist and lubricated. Second is the reflex or irritant tears, produced when cutting onions or encountering allergens. Third are psychic or emotional tears, triggered by emotional states. Each of the three types of tears contains different concentrations of hormones, proteins, and chemicals. • The basal tears that continuously bathe the eyes are made of three layers in a sort of “fluid sandwich” with a mucous-laden layer next to the cornea; a fluid middle layer; and an outer layer containing oils that prevent the tears from evaporating too quickly. The water layer is the thickest and contains electrolytes (such as sodium and potassium), proteins (mostly enzymes), glucose, and other substances. • Basal tears are produced by a series of about 20 small tear ducts called lacrimal glands. Another gland secretes a type of mucous called mucin that hugs the cornea. A set of 46 glands in the eyelids excrete oily lipids that prevent evaporation. Basal tears kill bacteria because they contain lysozyme, a fluid that can kill 90 to 95 percent of all bacteria. • The eye’s “drain pipe” is called the puncta, located in the corners of the eyes next to the nose, draining directly into the nasal cavity, which is why your nose runs when you cry. When tears are produced faster than they can be drained through the puncta, they spill over the eyelids and run down the cheeks. • When crying begins, blood flow increases to the eyeball, turning the eyes red. This causes the eye muscles to contract in order to protect the veins and arteries from increased pressure. The contracted muscles squeeze the tear ducts, forcing fluid out, which cools the overheated eyeballs down. ...continued
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. When was the last time before 2018 (Boston) that a major-league team won 105 or more games in a season? 2. In 2017, Minnesota’s Paul Molitor became the second Hall of Fame player to win a Manager of the Year award. Who was first? 3. What team owns the longest winning streak in NBA history? How many was it?
4. In 2017, the Jacksonville Jaguars became the third team to record 10 or more sacks in a game twice in a season. Name either of the first two teams to do it. 5. Patrick Kane set the mark for the Chicago Blackhawks in the 2018-19 season for most consecutive games with an assist (17). Who had held the record? 6. What year was Tiger Woods named the PGA Tour Rookie of the Year?
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CRYING (continued)
• So why do eyes get puffy after crying? Emotional tears are more watery and less salty than basic tears and the tissue in your eye. Through the process of osmosis, the water moves into the saltier ocular tissues, which makes them swell up. • Emotional weeping triggers the “fight or flight” response. Breathing accelerates and blood flow increases. The opening in the throat called the glottis, which allows air from the larynx to the lungs, opens wide to facilitate greater air flow and easier breathing. This is why you often feel as if you have a lump in your throat when you cry. Swallowing forces the glottis to close, fighting against the reflex that is trying to force the glottis open and straining the throat muscles, producing the feeling of a lump. • When you are crying due to irritations such as onion fumes, you’ll shed about 5 tear drops, equal to about 100 microliters. But during a good hard emotional cry, you’ll shed as much as an entire milliliter of tears, amounting to a third of a fluid ounce. • Not only are emotional tears far greater in volume, but they also have a 20% higher concentration of protein than irritant tears, as well as being loaded with hormones such as prolactin. In addition to being self-soothing, shedding emotional tears releases oxytocin and endorphins.
• Baby boys and baby girls cry at similar rates, but adult women cry more often than adult men. The gap widens beginning between the ages of 13 to 16. It’s been shown that women have up to 60% more of the hormone prolactin in their bloodstream, a hormone released from the pituitary gland in response to stress. Prolactin is also responsible for stimulating lactation of nursing mothers. Men, on the other hand, have lower levels of prolactin and higher levels of testosterone, which inhibits crying. ...cont'd
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Here for the Unexpected
• Women cry an average of around 2 to 4 times a month, while men might cry once every other month, with crying defined as anything from moist eyes to sobbing. • The average crying session lasts six minutes for a woman, versus two to four minutes for a man. Crying turns into sobbing in 65% of cases for women, but just 6% for men. • When women cry, tears run down their cheeks about 50% of the time, but when men cry, tears run down the cheeks only 29% of the time, and the rest of the time the eyes just get watery. This is due to the fact that the male puncta, the tear drainage pipe, is larger than the female’s. • A newborn will cry without producing tears. Babies do not produce tears until they are around six weeks old. A typical baby cries between 30 minutes and 3 hours per day. • In one study, scientists videotaped 60 people as they watched sad movies. Of those 60 people, 28 cried during the screening, and 32 did not. The researchers found that directly after the movie, those who cried felt sadder than those who didn’t. However, 90 minutes later, those who had let their feelings out felt better than their dry-eyed counterparts. More importantly, they also felt better than they did before watching the movie.
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• The average person blinks 12 times per minute or about 10,000 blinks per day. You blink on average 4.2 million times a year. • We blink more when we talk but less when we’re reading. Your eyes become tired when you read or stare at a computer because you blink less often and you are not relaxing the eye muscles. • The muscles that control the eyes are the fastest-moving muscles in the body and are also the most active muscles in the body.
© 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
CRYING (continued)
*Answer located further back in this issue.
• On April 15, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln dies from an assassin's bullet. Shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington the night before, Lincoln lived for nine hours before succumbing to the severe head wound he sustained. • On April 19, 1876, a Wichita, Kansas, commission votes not to rehire policeman Wyatt Earp after he beats up a candidate for county sheriff. Earp often worked in law enforcement, but his own allegiance to the rule of law was conditional at best. Wyatt was one of the Earp brothers, who gained fame in the shootout at the O.K. Corral in 1881. • On April 20, 1926, inventor Lee de Forest demonstrates Phonofilm (music recorded on motion picture film) to movie studios, but they were not interested in "talking pictures," believing sound was a novelty. • On April 16, 1943, researcher Albert Hofmann, a Swiss chemist, hallucinates after accidentally consuming LSD-25, a synthetic drug he had created. LSD was made illegal in the U.S. in 1965. • On April 21, 1967, General Motors celebrates the manufacture of its 100 millionth Americanmade car. At the time, GM was the world's largest automaker. • On April 17, 1970, Apollo 13, the U.S. lunar spacecraft that suffered a severe malfunction on its journey to the moon, safely returns to Earth. Disaster struck 200,000 miles from Earth when an oxygen tank blew up in the spacecraft, disrupting the supply of electricity, light, oxygen and water. Astronaut John Swigert reported to mission control on Earth, "Houston, we've had a problem here." • On April 18, 1983, American runner Joan Benoit wins her second Boston Marathon in the women's division with a time of 2:22:43. The following year, she won the first-ever women's marathon at the Summer Games in Los Angeles, becoming the first person to win Boston as well as Olympic gold. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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• One day Bausch found a discarded piece of Vulcanite rubber. Experimenting, he discovered he could make eyeglass frames from the material. At that time, eyeglasses were made from gold, tortoise shell, or horn. The Vulcanized rubber was far easier to work with and much stronger than any of those materials. It was also cheaper. When the Civil War started in the U.S., the price of gold and horn rose, and the demand for Bausch’s Vulcanite glasses skyrocketed. • In 1870 Bausch invented the first machine to produce spectacles. As scientific research gained momentum, Bausch and Lomb produced microscopes, telescopes, and camera lenses. • Bausch’s son William revolutionized the industry by inventing a new process of making lenses by casting them out of molten glass. Previously, the glass parts for the lenses had to be separated, ground, and polished by hand in a complicated and time-consuming process.
• Because pilots suffered from high-altitude glare, the company produced sunglasses that used a polarized filter to absorb light. They had a large oval frame to shield an aviator’s eyes which needed to repeatedly glance down toward the instrument panel. These glasses were dubbed “Ray Bans” because they ban sun rays. They became enormously popular and are still sold today. • After World War II ended, the cinema industry grew by leaps and bounds, and the company began producing lenses for movie cameras and theater projectors, eventually inventing the process that allowed theaters to double the size of their movie screens. • Although Lomb died in 1908 at the age of 79, Bausch led the company until his death in 1926 at the age of 95. His son took over the helm at that time. • In the 1970s they began selling contact lenses and are now one of the world’s biggest suppliers of contact lenses, as well as lens care products, glasses, ocular lenses, and eye surgery items. The firm became a Fortune 500 company in 1975. • Today Bausch & Lomb is one of the oldest continually operating companies in the U.S. The company employs about 12,000 people in 36 countries.
• His friend Henry Lomb made a $60 financial investment in the business (worth about $1800 today) and they became partners. Lomb handled sales and finance, while Bausch focused on manufacturing of monocles, spectacles, binoculars, magnifying lenses, and opera glasses.
• During the two World Wars, the company was asked to provide troops with gunsights, periscopes, telescopes, target finders, and searchlight mirrors. The U.S. government became their biggest customer and the company grew very quickly. By the 1940s, military products represented 70% of their total production.
• John Bausch was 18 in 1848 when he got a job in an optical shop in Switzerland, grinding lenses for cameras. The following year he moved to Rochester, New York, and opened his own optical shop. At the time, he sold products imported from Europe. Then he decided it would be better if he could manufacture his own lenses. All he needed was a little capital to get started.
• Another of Bausch’s sons, Edward, revolutionized photography by inventing a camera lens patterned after the human iris.
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(Answers located further back)
April 1, 2019
• If you’re forgetful, experts say to “speak up” when completing a task. Not sure you turned off the oven? When you take the pan out, say, “I’m shutting off the oven!” You’re more likely to remember if you’ve given yourself a verbal reminder. • Lock your device! Just as you wouldn’t leave your door unlocked, so too should you not leave your phone unlocked, particularly if you have applications on your smartphone which can be easily accessed. Lock it up, and be smart. • “Cut the bitterness in a cup of coffee by adding a pinch of salt. Enhance the flavor of sweets with a pinch of salt. Salt is my secret weapon!” — F.L. in Alabama • Cut cotton pads in half to double your supply. They are typically big enough for two uses, and you can always use two halves if you need a whole. • “Use correction fluid to mask a scratch in a white cabinet. If the cabinet has a gloss on it, you can try painting over the correction fluid (after it has dried, of course) with clear nail polish. It won’t cover a big gash or anything, but it’s good for little nicks.” — J.B. in New Mexico • “When you need to change your password monthly, like for work, you might benefit from this motivational tip: Choose a phrase to focus on for the month. For example: “Listening does more than talking” can be translated to “listening>TALK1ng” for a strong, but motivational password that you’ll have to think about each time you log in.” — T.B. in Florida Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
by Samantha Weaver
• It was 20th-century American writer, publisher, artist and philosopher Elbert Hubbard who made the following sage observation: "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." • According to historical reports, in 1877 snakes fell from the sky in Memphis, Tennessee. • When the bubonic plague, more commonly known as the Black Death, was at its peak in Europe in the 14th century, a wide variety of remedies was prescribed, including smoking tobacco, bringing spiders into the household, inhaling the stench from a latrine, sitting between two large fires, drinking red wine in which new steel had been cooled, and bathing in goat urine. • Successful inventor and businessman Thomas Alva Edison received only three months of formal education, at a public school in Michigan. • The first photograph of a United States citizen was taken in 1839. The subject was Samuel F.B. Morse, a painter who also happened to be the inventor of a single-wire telegraph system and developer of the Morse Code. • You probably are aware of the fact that slugger Babe Ruth held the record for the most home runs; you might not know, though, that he also held the record for the most strike-outs.
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• Eyes are the second most complex organ after the brain. • The only cells that survive from the time you are born until death are in your eyes. • One of the first recorded uses of the word “eyeball” was in William Shakespeare’s play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” • Doctors have yet to find a way to transplant an eyeball. The optic nerve that connects the eye to the brain contains over a million fibers, far too delicate and complex to connect. • About half of our brain is involved in the vision process. • On a dark night, a human eye can see a lit candle or a single match 30 miles away. • A fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics, but the human retina has 256 identifying characteristics, which is why retina scans are increasingly being used for security purposes. • Only 1/6th of the eyeball is exposed to the outside world. The rest is hidden behind the protection of the eye sockets. • Eyelashes have an average life span of 5 months. The entire length of all the eyelashes shed by a human in their life is over 98 feet. • Ophthalmologists are graduates of a medical school, whereas optometrists are not. • Cataract formation is a normal aging phenomenon, and most animals with corneas get cataracts if they live long enough. • The gel inside the eyeball is called vitreous humor. It’s a liquid in the center of the eye, and jelly-like towards the edges. It always bounces back into shape when compressed. • If the human eye was a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels. ...cont'd
Solution on Next Page
EYE FACTS (cont.)
• Theodore Roosevelt lost an eye while in office, during an impromptu sparring match with a boxing partner. Answer: Dell.
DIFFERENCES: 1. Apron is missing. 2. Boy's cap is turned forward. 3. Shorts are longer. 4. Items are missing from shelf. 5. There are more wall bricks. 6. Pipe is lower on wall. © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
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• Possibly A because was kicked in the head by a VERY he LARGE NUMBER horse as a child, Abraham Lincoln’s often • Edward Kasner was a mathematician.eyes In 1938 pointed two to different directions, especially he was in asked come up with a name for a when he was tired or excited. He suffered douvery large number: the numeral one, followed ble at times, andHehisasked left eyelid tended byvision a hundred zeros. his two youngto droop due what to nerve damage. nephews name they would suggest. Nine-year-old Milton suggested nameto • •Your eyeballs stay the same size froma birth out ofBabies the funnies. A cartoon strip character death. look especially cute because their named Barney was very popular. Milton chose eyes are so large in proportion to the rest of Barney’s their face. last name for the number. Kasner name for the big • •All babiesannounced have bluethe eyesnew in the womb because number in his next book, altering the spelling. the dark pigment called melanin takes some •time Sixtytoyears later,Many Larry babies Page and Sergey develop. born withBrin blue developed a new internet search engine. Other eyes will develop brown eyes over time, but the search engines searched each webpage and reverse is never true. ranked them according to how many times a • Brown the most common eyebut color worldspecificisterm appeared on them, Page and Brin designed search searchtofor wide, though ittheir varies muchengine from to region rethe specific term and then find out how many gion. In Northern Europe, there are far more links therepeople were that back to blue-eyed thanled brown; butthat in page, South which resulted a better search engine. America, Asia, inand Africa, nearly everyone •has They decided theyleast needed a name thatis brown eyes. The common eye color reflected how many websites the search green. engine was searching. They took the name • Brown is theKasner’s default eye the human of Edward very color large for number, only species. Blue eyes are the result of a mutation they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being tospelled a singleexactly gene that in the gethehappened same way thehuman cartoon nome about 10,000 years ago. That means evcharacter Barney spelled his last name. What’s eryone with blue eyes shares of a common it called? (Answer at bottom page) ancestor dating back to that time. COMPUTER FACTS • •All are Gates color blind at birth. blindIn babies 1981 Bill said, “640 kb Color of memory ness common in men than women. oughtis tomore be enough for anybody.” can see but are red/green color •Dogs Moore’s Lawsome statescolor that computer performance blind. doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since 1971, this has • The human eyebeen can true. distinguish between about •500 HP,shades Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all of grey. started in garages. • Newborn babies can see objects about 8-15 Answer: Google, from googol. inches away most clearly.
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